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Good Argumentative Essay Examples

Crafting an essay on the topic "Good Argumentative Essay Examples" poses a formidable challenge,
primarily because it requires a delicate balance between providing insightful examples and
maintaining a persuasive argumentative tone. The difficulty arises from the need to meticulously
select examples that not only support the thesis but also resonate with a diverse audience.

Firstly, the process demands extensive research to uncover a variety of compelling examples that
span different subjects and fields. This requires sifting through vast amounts of information and
critically evaluating sources to ensure credibility. It becomes a meticulous task to identify examples
that are not only relevant but also capable of engaging readers and reinforcing the central argument.

Moreover, the task of weaving these examples into a coherent and compelling narrative adds another
layer of complexity. Striking the right balance between presenting evidence and maintaining a
persuasive tone challenges the writer to articulate thoughts clearly and logically. The challenge lies in
seamlessly integrating diverse examples while avoiding redundancy and maintaining a smooth flow.

Furthermore, the need for a strong thesis statement and a well-structured outline becomes paramount.
This demands a keen understanding of the topic and a strategic approach to organizing ideas.
Crafting a compelling introduction that hooks the reader and a conclusion that leaves a lasting
impression adds to the intricacy of the task.

In addition, the challenge extends to ensuring that the essay adheres to academic standards and
guidelines. This includes proper citation of sources, avoiding plagiarism, and maintaining a consistent
and appropriate writing style. Meeting these standards while keeping the content engaging is no
small feat.

In conclusion, tackling an essay on "Good Argumentative Essay Examples" is a formidable task that
requires a combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. It involves
navigating through a sea of information, selecting the most pertinent examples, and weaving them
into a cohesive and persuasive narrative. Despite the challenges, a well-crafted essay on this topic has
the potential to serve as a valuable resource for readers seeking guidance in the art of argumentative

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing tasks, a platform like can provide the necessary support and expertise. Professional writers can offer
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Good Argumentative Essay Examples Good Argumentative Essay Examples
The Leading Causes Of Heart Failure
Heart failure is a condition that weakens the heart muscles and makes it very hard for
the body to circulate blood. It affects over five million Americans and is one of the
leading causes of death. Out of the five million, five hundred thousand die each year.
Only 5,000 out of the millions of cases actually receive a hearttransplant, which is the
best way to treat the disease. This means that most people with heart failure never
receive the treatment they truly need. Now, doctors in Texas have found a treatment that
doesn t rely on a transplant, which are few and far between. I chose this article because
when I grow up, I want to become a doctor. Most of the time, I choose to learn about the
brain and central nervous system. Recently though, I ve decided to start learning about
other body systems to increase my understanding of medicine. I ve been finding
cardiothoracic surgery and cardiology an interesting specialty recently, especially after I
did my report and presentation on Dr.... Show more content on ...
Instead, it replaces any ruined parts of the heart with scar tissue, which isn t able to help
pump blood to other organs. If enough scar tissue builds up in the heart, it will
eventually stop working. This happens because of biological pathways, which are
occurrences in different molecules in a cell that cause a change. In this case, the cell
loses its ability to function properly and instead becomes useless scar tissue. The
biological pathway that causes this is called a Hippo pathway.

The biological pathway is not named after the animal hippo, but after a protein, Hpo.
This protein is what signals the cell to turn into scar tissue. Doctors at Baylor University
in Texas have figured out a way to silence the Hippo pathway. First, the doctors tested
this on mice with heart failure. After a month and a half of a silenced pathway, the mices
heart function had become healthy
Ge Healthcare Case Analysis
Dion Giannoukos
Monica Chartier
Khushboo Thakkar
Jaya Singhal
2/17/16 GE Health Case Analysis

The Omega Ultrasound System would be the best choice to green light for the
Healthymagination initiative. After assessing all the potential products, we determined
that the lack of concrete metrics, difficulty or uncertainty in measuring outcomes, or
clinical relevance to the Healthymagination goal rendered the TEEMax, UltraLipo, and
HepEcho unfit for launch. We ve outlined justification for this decision in (Figure 1.), but
we believe the Omega system provides the greatest opportunity for meeting
Healthymagination standards with the best chance of obtaining definitive evidence to
support the certification.
The midwives in Indonesia ... Show more content on ...
The three focal criteria for Healthymagination is on 15% improvements in cost, access,
or quality. After looking at the other options, we found it would be either A. Uncertain
we could achieve that level of improvement in any of those three areas or B. that we
wouldn t be able to definitively correlate the improvement to the device. The Omega
system posed the possibility of improvement in all three of these areas.
Cost: This would be the most difficult to measure, and since GE would have no control
in setting price for service, it is unclear if there would even be an impact in this. That
being said, however, if the Omega device grants the ability of midwives to perform
diagnostics that would otherwise require a hospital, we can say the cost savings of
using a midwife vs. going to a hospital were related to the use of the Omega system.
Quality: As we mentioned before, Indonesia ranks poorly on infant mortality with a need
for better options and equipment for midwives to change that. Thus, if we were to launch
the Omega system in Indonesia, and follow up data suggests a decrease in child mortality,
it could support the notion that the Omega system was responsible for the increase in
quality of
Annotations In The Second Coming
In William Yeats poem, The Second Coming, Yeats makes some observations about what
has happened before and attempts to parallel the past with the future in order to justify
his prediction of the Second Coming of Christ. Though interesting and appealing, these
predictions and observations doesn t make Yeats a Nostradamus like figure who predicts
specific, unlikely and unusual events leading up to the fulfillment of an ultimate
prophecy, but rather makes similar to a conspiracy theorist spouting off events that are
no better at predicting an event as an astrology constellation can predict that way you
behave the statements are all common and vague on purpose so they can be applied to
anyone. Conversely, Yeats connects past to future which may give his argument of a
Second Coming more validity due to the statistical likelihood of past events repeating
themselves based on the... Show more content on ...
Illustrating a state of turmoil, Yeats explains that, Mere anarchy is loosed upon the
world. Though interesting and romantic, this statement assumes that the world was once
not in the state of anarchy and madness. This revelation would have been more effective
if it were news but, unfortunately, it s not. The world is in a constant state of turmoil and
anarchy because the most primal nature of humans is to prove dominance to earn
breeding rights and ensure your bloodline the societies humans live in are a reflection;
both nature and the construct of a society work in tandem and breed the need to be
dominant. Further, Yeats states, The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of
passionate intensity, highlighting the counterintuitive symptom of war: good intentions,
bad outcomes, and the philosophical debate of necessary evils. In brief, Yeat s
predictions are applicable today because their applicability is
Essay about The Gospel of Thomas
Discovered in the twentieth century, The Gospel of Thomas was founded by peasants
that were digging for fertilizer close to the village of Nag Hammadi, Egypt. The peasants
revealed a container containing thirteen leather bound manuscripts that were buried in
the fourteenth century. The container contained fifty two tractates that represented
heretical writings of Gnostic Christians. Dated back to 200 A.D., there was not much
known about the Gospelof Thomas besides that there were only three small fragments
from Oxyrynchus. The Gospel of Thomas is a collection of literary works that contains
114 opaque sayings of Jesusthat were collected and written down by St. Didymus Jude
Thomas, but nobody knows if St. Didymus Jude Thomas wrote the... Show more content
on ...
For example, the Gospel of Thomas includes salvation by secret knowledge, polytheism,
disregard for the bodily appetites, and the thought of a blissful teaching Christ who is not
necessarily human. It is likely related to Sethian Gnosticism. However, Gnosticism is
largely an umbrella term for the beliefs of several movements in the post Apostolic era
that sought out special knowledge. Gnosticism is a term that is used for spiritual
practices and religious beliefs. This term was very common for early Christians, as
well as Zoroastrianism, Hellenistic Judaism, and Neoplatonism. The discovery of this
Gospel, which was founded in 1945, along with the rest of the Nag Hamaddi library is
very revealing of certain gnostic groups that we previously had less knowledge of. We
knew of Gnosticism from other texts and witnesses to them (Irenaeus) before.
However, now there are many more source texts. There is also a difference between
Gnostics and Orthodox Christianity. The Old Testament prophecies were described as
fulfilled by Jesus. That is that Jesus was explained in the canonical Gospels as the
Messiah. The Canonical Gospels are highly Jewish in their language and references.
They were written by Hebrews. The Gnostic Gospels seem to be ignorant of the fact of
the Jewish nature of Christ. They basically use His name but attach it

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