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This is to certify that this research on “Design And Implementation Of A Web-

Based Library Management System”, to the best of my knowledge, is an

original work carried out by WADA GIFT with the registration number

16/185145041TR of the Department of Computer Science under my supervision,

and has met the regulations governing the award of a Bachelor of science (B.Sc.)

Degree in Computer Science of the university of Calabar, Calabar.

Sign: ……………….......... Date: ……………………

Department Of Computer Science
University of Calabar, Calabar – Nigeria

Sign: ……………………………… Date: ……………………

Head of Department
Computer Science
University of Calabar, Calabar – Nigeria

Sign: ……………………………… Date: ……………………

External Supervisor

I hereby declare that the project titled “Design And Implementation Of A Web-

Based Library Management System” was duly carried out by Wada Gift With

the registration number 16/185145041TR, in the Department of Computer Science,

Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Calabar, under the supervision of DR

E.E ESSIEN. All sources of information are duly acknowledged by reference.

Sign: ……………………… Date: ………………………

Computer Science
University of Calabar, Calabar – Nigeria

I humbly dedicate this work to God who is the source of all inspiration, wisdom,

and creativity for giving me the strength during moment of doubt, and for the faith

that sustains me though every chapter of my journey.


I wish to express my profound thanks and appreciation to God Almighty for His

guidance and protection throughout this program. I acknowledge my supervisor,

Dr. E.E. Essien, who carefully read this work in detail. His kindness and

encouragement were indispensable; without them, this study would not have been

a success. May God reward and bless his family generously.

My gratitude also goes to the Head of the Department and the lecturers who

imparted knowledge to me, directly and indirectly. May God reward you all


I cannot fail to acknowledge my pastor and lecturer, Dr. S.I. Ele.

Sincere thanks to my parents, Mr. & Mrs. Simon Wada, whose sacrifices,

understanding, and support encouraged me throughout this journey and ensured its

success. God bless you both.

To my beloved sister and her supportive husband, Mr. & Mrs. ThankGod, my

supportive siblings Mr. Stephen and Mr. Christian, and to all my friends who

supported me throughout this period: words cannot express my sincere gratitude

and appreciation. Thanks, and God bless you all.


The continual evolution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT),

catalyzed by the advent of the internet and related telecommunication
infrastructure, is profoundly influencing diverse aspects of human activities. This
surge in developments, research, and discoveries has led to a proliferation of
publications and library materials, consequently heightening the complexity of
library systems and their operations. In response to these challenges, this research
endeavors to introduce a Web-based Library Management System designed
specifically for the University of Calabar, utilizing HTML, CSS, and PHP
technologies. The proposed system is conceived as a multi-functional web
content information management platform founded on a robust relational
database structure. Employing Agile Design Methodology, the aim is to create a
stable, user-friendly software accessible to both staff and students. This study
underscores the significance and practicality of the envisioned Library
Management System in fostering improved knowledge acquisition within the
context of university education. The research outcomes reveal that the
implementation of the Web-based Library Management System not only
enhances the usability of the university library but also significantly influences
library engagement through seamless web access. This project represents a
pivotal step towards modernizing and streamlining library services, contributing
to a more efficient and technologically advanced educational environment.

CERTIFICATION - - - - - - - - I
DECLARATION - - - - - - - - II
DEDICATION - - - - - - - - III
ACKNOWLEDEMENT - - - - - - - - IV
ABSTRACT - - - - - - - - V
TABLE OF CONTENTS - - - - - - - - VII
LIST OF TABLES - - - - - - - - IX
LIST OF FIGURES - - - - - - - - X

1.1 Background of the Study - - - - - - - 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem - - - - - - - 3
1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study - - - - - 4
1.4 Scope of the Study - - - - - - - - 5
1.5 Limitation of the Study - - - - - - - 5
1.6 Definitions of Terms - - - - - - - 6
1.7 Chapters Layout


2.1 Chapter Overview - - - - - - - - 8
2.2 Overview of Digital Library system - - - - - 8
2.2.1 Functional Components of a Digital Library - - - - 8

2.3 Review of Related Works - - - - - 11

2.4 Origin of Library - - - - - - - 25
2.4.1 Evolution of Education with Libraries - - - - 26
2. 4.2 Types of Libraries - - - - - - - - 26
2.4.3 Comparison Between physical Libraries with E-libraries - - 27


3.1 Chapter Overview - - - - - - - 32
3.2 Analysis of the existing system - - - - - 32
3.2.1 Problems Of The Existing System- - - - - - 32
3.3 Analysis Of The Proposed System -- - - - - - 33
3.3.2 Advantages of the Proposed System - - - - - 34
3.4 Methodology Adopted - - - - - - - 35
3.4.1 Advantages of Agile Methodology- - - - - - 36
3.4.2 Logical Design - - - - - - - - 37
3.4.3 Use case Diagram - - - - - - - - 38
3.4.4 Activity Diagram - - - - - - - - 43
3.4.5 Physical Design - - - - - - - - 44
3.4.6 Database design - - - - - - - - 46
3.4.7 Input Design - - - - - - - - - 48


4.1 Chapter Overview - - - - - - - 50
4.2 Features and Choice of Implementation - - - - 50
4.3 System Testing Strategies - - - - - - 54
4.3.1 Unit Test -- - - - - - - - - 54

4.3.2 Integration Test - - - - - - - 54

4.4 Target Computer System Requirements - - - - - 55
4.5 Results - - - - - - - - - 56
4.5.1 Home Page - - - - - - - - - 56
4.5.2 User Login - - - - - - - - - - 57
4.5.3 Search Section - - - - - - - - 58
4.5.4 Refer Book to User Section - - - - - - 59
4.5.5 Admin Login Page - - - - - - - - 60
4.5.6 Add User - - - - - - - - - - 62
4.5.7 Book Upload Page - - - - - - - - 62


5.1 Summary - - - - - - - - 64

5.2 Conclusion - - - - - - - - 64
5.3 Recommendations - - - - - - - - 64
Appendix A: Program Codes Listing

Appendix B: Sample Outputs/Screen Shots


Figure 1 KOHA Library Management System homepage - - 12

Figure 2 World Digital Library - - - - - - 17
Figure 3 University of London online library Home page - - 19
Figure 4 Screenshot of internet Archieve - - - - - 21
Figure 5 Academix home page - - - - - - 25
Figure 6 Use case diagram for students - - - - 39
Figure 7 Use case diagram for Administrator - - - - 40
Figure 8 Use case diagram for university staff - - - - 41
Figure 9 Activity diagram - - - - - - - 45
Figure 10 Add Book Page - - - - - - 49
Figure 11 Search Book Page - - - - - - 49
Figure 12 Homepage - - - - - - - - 57
Figure 13 User Login - - - - - - - - 58
Figure 14 Search Books - - - - - - 59
Figure 15 Referring Books - - - - - - 60
Figure 16 Books Upload Page -- - - - - 61
Figure 17 Add Liberian Page - - - - - - - 62
Figure 18 Books Categories Page - - - - - 63
Figure 19 Admin Database - - - - - - - 68
Figure 20 Books Database - - - - - - 69
Figure 21 Student Database - - - - - - - 70


Table 1 Liberian Table - - - - - - - 47

Table 2 Book Table - - - - - - - - 47
Table 3 Student Table - - - - - - - 48



1.1 The concept of a library system

A library system, at its core, can be described as a space or structure where an

extensive collection of books is not only housed but also systematically managed

and made accessible to the public. This dynamic environment serves as a reservoir

of knowledge, encompassing a wide array of literary resources. Within its walls,

one can find a rich assortment of materials, including reference and general books,

technical reports, periodicals, journals, conference proceedings, and more.

Consequently, the library stands as a repository where truth and knowledge can be

both discovered and acquired through the diverse range of resources it offers

(Revez, 2018). These resources may be documented using various media such as

microfilms, audiotapes, microchips, and other traditional formats, all meticulously

curated by the library. The library system is vested with the responsibility of

procuring, categorizing, preserving, and efficiently disseminating books and other

materials to its patrons (Ternenge et al.,2019).

The various sections of a library, namely acquisition, cataloging, bindery, and

circulation, play distinct roles in the lifecycle of a book or library material. The

acquisition section is charged with the task of obtaining new additions to the

library's collection. Once a book is acquired, it is assigned an accession number to

track its presence in the library. Subsequently, the book proceeds to the cataloging


Where it undergoes a thorough examination and is assigned a unique catalogue

number. Only after this meticulous cataloging process is the book forwarded to the

circulation section, which is responsible for the distribution of books among library

users. This section also ensures that consulted books are correctly re-shelved,

maintaining the library's organization.

Beyond these core sections, libraries often house specialized divisions. The

reference section, for instance, serves as a vital resource for patrons seeking

answers to specific questions or requiring bibliographic assistance. Additionally,

the serial section houses periodicals, journals, and related materials, offering a

comprehensive resource for current information. Special collections, too, find a

home within the library, further enriching its offerings. Finally, the library system

operates a circulation control system, facilitating the lending of books to users. In

essence, a library is a dynamic hub of multifaceted activities centered on the

efficient management of literary resources (Mylapilli, et al. 2023).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In various fields of human endeavor, the continuous influx of research,

developments, and discoveries has led to a proliferation of publications and library

materials. Consequently, this has ushered in a growing complexity within library

systems and their associated operations.

These complexities have given rise to a range of challenges faced by library

systems, which encompass:

i. Prolonged delays in library processes.

ii. Escalating expenses related to staff recruitment and maintenance.

iii. Prone to errors in operations and processes.

iv. Inefficiencies in library operations.

v. Excessive reliance on paperwork and redundant data duplication

across multiple documents.

vi. The inadequacy of card catalog systems in ensuring reliability.

1.3 Aim and objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is to develop a web based library management system that

will serve as a repository where study materials and books are available in softcopy

format for easy accessibility for students and staff of the institution. The system

developed in this research also monitors the operations going on in various

sections of the library such as book lending, returning of the borrowed books,

registration of users and other related activities in Library management system.

In this study therefore, the objectives of this study include:

i. To design a better way of searching for books in the library so as to solve the

problem of delay in locating books.

ii. TO implement the system using PHP and MYSQL so as to achieve high

efficiency in the library service and give users (student and staff) access to

the library information at their own convenient time of the day.

iii. To deploy the system on desktops, laptops, IPad and android phones using a

web browser on a local host for timely and easy access to library resources

and services.

1.4 Scope of the study

This project focuses on facilitating convenient access to digital books, references,

and study materials for both students and staff of university of Calabar.

1.5 Limitation of the study

The study is limited in its examination of only three sections of the library:

Acquisition, Cataloging, and Circulation. Other sections and activities within the

library, such as pre-classification reading of books and technical processes like

ownership stamping, are not within the scope of this study.

1.6 Definition of terms

The User: The user here refers to the library staff or the students who make use of

the library. It also refers to the person who uses the program (e.g. library staff).

ISBN: International Standard Book Number. The ISBN is a unique machine-

readable identification number, which marks any book unmistakably.

Automation: It is a process of making a system to carry out its processes on its

own without much help from man.

PDF: A PDF (Portable Document Format) refers to a type of document. It is a

universal file format developed by Adobe that preserves all the fonts, formatting,

graphics, and color of any source document, regardless of the application and

platform used to create it.

E-Books: An eBook is a non-editable, reflowable book that is converted to a

digital format to be read on any digital device such as computer screens or mobile


Bibliography: A list of resources used in writing a research paper or other

document that appears at the end of the document. See also: Citation, Reference.

Journals or Journal Articles: A journal is a collection of articles (like magazine)

that is published regularly throughout the year. Journals represent the most recent

research, and journal articles are written by experts, for experts. Journals may be

published in print or online formats or both.

Library Catalogue: A library catalogue or library catalogue is a register of all

bibliographic items found in a library or group of libraries, such as a network of

libraries at several locations.

1.7 Chapter Layout

This research work is organized into five chapters, each chapter gives the

exposition of the fundamental concepts, procedures, ad implementation of the


Chapter one introduces the background of the study with the statement of the

problem, objectives of the project, its significance, scope and constraints while

previous literature in the understudied topic were reviewed in chapter two. Chapter

three focuses on system investigation, system analysis and design. It details with

detailed investigation and analysis of the existing system and problem


It also proposes the new system. Chapter four covers the system implementation,

results and system integration test. Finally the chapter five discuss the summary,

recommendation and the conclusion of the project.



2.1 Chapter Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the research work. This review intends to

provide a good knowledge of up to date information on web-based e-library

systems. The comparative study on the adoption of E-library systems will help

come up with a system that is user friendly and well secured. Web-based library

system is a technology through which many libraries have adopted; the technology

helps various libraries in managing the operations in the physical/manual library.

2.2 Overview of Digital Library System

E-library or Digital Library (both terms often used interchangeably) can be seen as

a collection of digital objects such as text, visuals, videos, audio, etc. stored as

standardized and customized electronic media formats (as opposed to print,

microform, or other media), along with means for organizing, storing, and

retrieving the contents at existing access points or on own devices.

2.2.1 Functional Components of a Digital Library

In the contemporary landscape of digital libraries, various types and

implementations exist, yet most share several fundamental functional components.

A comprehensive understanding of these key components is essential for the

development and management of digital libraries. This section outlines these

critical functional components and their roles in creating and maintaining a digital


i. Selection and Acquisition

Selection and Acquisition component is pivotal in the development of a digital

library. This stage encompasses processes such as identifying and selecting

documents to be included in the digital collection. Additionally, it involves the

crucial steps of digitization and/or conversion, where physical documents are

transformed into appropriate digital formats suitable for online access. Digitization

techniques range from scanning printed materials to encoding multimedia content.

ii. Organization

The Organization component is responsible for structuring the digital library's

content in a way that facilitates efficient access and retrieval. A fundamental aspect

of this process is the assignment of metadata to each document within the

collection. Metadata, including bibliographic information, allows users to search,

browse, and locate specific documents based on various criteria, such as title,

author, subject, and publication date.

iii. Indexing and Storage

Within the Indexing and Storage component, documents and their associated

metadata are indexed and stored systematically. Indexing involves the creation of

searchable data structures that enable rapid and accurate information retrieval.

Proper storage solutions ensure data durability and accessibility over time,

preventing data loss or degradation. Effective indexing and storage mechanisms

are fundamental for users to locate and access resources efficiently.

iv. Repository

The Repository serves as the user-facing front-end of the digital library. It provides

the interface through which end-users can browse, search, retrieve, and view the

contents of the digital collection. Typically presented as an HTML-based web

page, the repository offers a user-friendly environment for exploring the library's

resources, offering advanced search functionalities and intuitive navigation.

v. Digital Library Website

The Digital Library Website comprises the server infrastructure that hosts the

digital library collection. It presents the collection to users as a website homepage,

acting as a gateway to the repository and its resources. Users access the digital

library's content by selecting links on this homepage, initiating search and retrieval

operations. In many cases, the digital library's homepage may integrate seamlessly

with an overarching library website through hypertext links, creating a cohesive

user experience.
vi. Network Connectivity

Network Connectivity plays a vital role in ensuring online access to the digital

library's resources. To enable online access, the digital library website's server

computer must maintain dedicated connections to the intranet and/or the internet,

depending on the intended user community. Access may be restricted to an

organization's intranet (local area network, LAN) or extended to external users

through the internet, depending on access policies and security measures.

2.3 Review of Related works

i. KOHA Library Management System.

KOHA library management system was the first library management system. Since

the original implementation in 1999, KOHA functionality has been adopted by

thousands of libraries worldwide, each adding features and functions, deepening

the capability of the system. With the 3.0 release in 2005, and the integration of the

powerful Zebra indexing engine, KOHA became a viable, scalable solution for

libraries of all kinds. KOHA was built on this foundation with its advanced set of

features, KOHA is an open source Integrated Library System. Neelakadan,

Duraisekar, Balasubramani, and Srinivasa (2010) in their study developed a system

using KOHA open source software to develop an updated database of books and

other resources of the school of Chemistry Library, KOHA is being sad to be an

integrated software system with all the required models for small to very large

libraries (Neelakandan et al., 2010). The outcome of the system they developed

had: Chemistry library collections that are in single database, it gave full control

over the library collections and operations, faculty members could search for books

and research scholars can check the required books by OPAC modules, research

scholars and faculty members can check the status of their borrowed books, they

can get the complete details about the books for their further reading and research,

data entry of the books could be done through the downloading of bibliographic

details from the library of congress and other catalogues and the library system

developed can share their data with various library and other department in the

libraries. (

Fig1: KOHA Library Management System homepage

ii. Evergreen Library System

Evergreen is a prominent open-source Integrated Library System (ILS) initially

developed by the Georgia Public Library Service for the Public Information

Network for Electronic Services (PINES) Breeding (2018).. This statewide

resource-sharing consortium boasts a membership of over 270 libraries.

Evergreen's versatility and robust features have led to its widespread adoption,

with approximately 1,800 libraries worldwide implementing the system. It is also

used to power several statewide consortia catalogs, highlighting its scalability and


Key Features of Evergreen ILS

Evergreen ILS offers a comprehensive set of features designed to enhance library

operations and improve the user experience. Some of its noteworthy features


a. Circulation: Evergreen's circulation module facilitates the efficient check-in

and check-out of library items by staff, streamlining the lending and borrowing

processes. This component ensures that library patrons can easily access the

materials they require.

b. Cataloging: The cataloging module empowers libraries to expand their

collections by adding items seamlessly. It provides tools for inputting detailed

information about library resources, including classification and indexing. This

functionality ensures that library materials are organized, searchable, and easily

discoverable by users.

c. Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC): Evergreen offers a user-friendly

OPAC, often referred to as a public catalog or discovery interface. This interface is

accessible to library patrons and serves as a vital tool for discovering and

requesting books, accessing account information, and saving book lists or

information using Evergreen's book bag feature. OPACs powered by Evergreen

enhance the user experience, making it easier for patrons to explore the library's


iii. World Digital Library (WDL)

The World Digital Library (WDL) is a groundbreaking initiative driven by the

U.S. Library of Congress and carried out with the support of the United Nations

Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (Wilson 2019). This project

collaborates with libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions, and

international organizations worldwide. The core mission of the WDL is to provide

global access to a rich collection of primary materials from diverse countries and

cultures via the internet, free of charge and in multiple languages.

Objectives of the WDL

The WDL is guided by several key objectives, which underscore its significance in

the digital realm:

a. Promote International and Intercultural Understanding: One of the primary

goals of the WDL is to foster international and intercultural understanding. By

making materials from various cultures accessible to a global audience, it

facilitates cross-cultural appreciation and knowledge sharing.

b. Expand Cultural Content on the Internet: The WDL aims to enrich the

volume and variety of cultural content available on the internet. It serves as a

digital repository for cultural heritage materials, including books, manuscripts,

maps, newspapers, journals, prints, photographs, sound recordings, and films.

c. Provide Resources for Education and Scholarship: The WDL serves as a

valuable resource for educators, scholars, and the general public. It offers a wealth

of primary source materials that support research, learning, and cultural


d. Narrow the Digital Divide: In line with UNESCO's mission, the WDL seeks to

build the capacity of partner institutions worldwide. This capacity-building effort

aims to reduce the digital divide both within and between countries, ensuring

equitable access to digital resources and knowledge.

Contents and Features of the WDL

The WDL hosts a diverse range of primary materials, including but not limited to

books, manuscripts, maps, newspapers, journals, prints and photographs, sound

recordings, and films. These materials can be explored using various navigation


 Browse by: Users can browse materials by place, time, topic, type of item,

language, and contributing institution, facilitating targeted exploration.

 Search: The search feature enables users to query all metadata, descriptions,

and even the full text of printed books on the site, ensuring comprehensive


 Multilingual Support: The WDL strives for inclusivity by providing

navigation tools, bibliographic information (metadata), and content

descriptions in seven languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French,

Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. While books, manuscripts, maps, and

other primary materials remain in their original languages, this multilingual

approach ensures global accessibility.

The World Digital Library not only serves as a repository of cultural heritage but

also incorporates advanced features such as image viewing, timelines, interactive

maps, and thematic sections on selected topics. With representation of more than

100 languages, including lesser-known and endangered languages, the WDL

stands as a testament to the power of digital technology in preserving and sharing

the world's cultural wealth.

Fig 2: World Digital Library

iv. Online Library of the University of London

The Online Library of the University of London offers a comprehensive suite of

services aimed at supporting the individual information needs of its students and

users. Each academic program within the university has its dedicated gateway,

ensuring that users can efficiently access resources relevant to their courses, thus

optimizing their research and study experience. This commitment to tailored access

saves users valuable time and effort Jato et all. (2019).

Services and Support Provided:

a. Information Skills Resources: The Online Library features a dedicated section

focused on information skills. Within this section, students and users can access a

wide array of guides and tutorials. These resources are designed to assist students

in effectively utilizing available resources and developing essential information

skills. This support empowers users to navigate the digital library landscape with

confidence and competence.

b. Virtual Library Tour: To facilitate user orientation and familiarity with the

library's resources and layout, the Online Library offers a Virtual Library Tour.

This tour serves as a valuable resource for students, providing an interactive guide

to help them navigate and explore the library's physical and digital spaces.

Navigational aids like this tour can enhance the user experience and ensure that

users can find the materials they need efficiently.

c. Quick Start Guides for Databases: The Online Library extends its support by

providing Quick Start Guides for each of the databases to which it subscribes.

These guides offer concise and user-friendly instructions on how to make the most

of these resources. They serve as valuable tools for users who wish to efficiently

harness the power of databases for research and academic pursuits.

Fig 3: University of London online library Home page

v. Internet Archive: A Digital Library of Internet and Cultural Artifacts

The Internet Archive stands as a prominent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

with a unique mission: to construct a digital library comprising internet sites and

various cultural artifacts in digital format. Functioning akin to a traditional paper

library, the Internet Archive offers open and free access to a broad audience,

including researchers, historians, scholars, individuals with print disabilities, and

the general public. The core mission of the Internet Archive can be summarized as

"Universal Access to All Knowledge."

Historical Origins and Growth

The Internet Archive traces its roots back to 1996 when it embarked on the

ambitious endeavor of archiving the internet itself. At the time, the internet was in
its nascent stages of growth, and digital content published online was ephemeral—

unlike traditional newspapers, there were no mechanisms in place for its

preservation. The Internet Archive recognized this need and embarked on a

mission to capture and archive web content.

Over the years, the Internet Archive's scope expanded considerably. It introduced

the Wayback Machine, a tool that enables users to access archived web pages

spanning more than 20 years of internet history. Collaborating with over 450

library and institutional partners through its Archive-It program, the Internet

Archive diligently identifies and preserves important web pages and digital


Scope of the Internet Archive

The Internet Archive's collection has evolved significantly, and today it

encompasses a diverse array of digital assets, including:

a. Web Pages: The Internet Archive houses an astonishing 330 billion web pages,

capturing the ever-changing landscape of the internet.

b. Books and Texts: The archive features over 20 million books and texts, making

it a valuable resource for literary and academic research.

c. Audio Recordings: With 4.5 million audio recordings, including 180,000 live

concerts, the Internet Archive is a treasure trove of audio content spanning various


d. Videos: The collection comprises 4 million videos, including 1.6 million

television news programs, offering a rich visual repository.

e. Images: The Internet Archive hosts 3 million images, encompassing a wide

range of visual materials.

f. Software Programs: A repository of 200,000 software programs serves as a

valuable resource for developers and enthusiasts alike.

User Contributions: The Internet Archive operates as a collaborative platform,

allowing individuals with free accounts to contribute and upload media to the

archive, fostering a sense of community engagement.

Fig 4: Screenshot of internet Archieve

vi. Academix: An African-Focused Digital Library

Academix stands as a significant African-focused digital library, providing access

to a vast repository of multidisciplinary learning resources. It not only offers access

to a rich pool of over 100,000 Africa-focused resources but also acts as a gateway

to a staggering collection of over 30 million research items through its

international partnerships. Academix caters to a diverse audience, including

students, researchers, universities, governments, and businesses, offering distinct

benefits to each group.

Benefits to Different Stakeholders:

1. Students:

 Research Topic Inspiration: Academix serves as a valuable resource for

students seeking inspiration and ideas for potential research topics.

 Access to Knowledgebase: It provides students with access to an extensive

online research knowledgebase, facilitating their academic pursuits.

 Speed of Access: Students can swiftly access the resources they need,

accelerating their research and learning processes.

2. Researchers:

 Increased Visibility: Researchers can enhance the visibility of their work

and research interests by having their research indexed on Academix.

 Collaboration Opportunities: Academix fosters collaboration

opportunities by enabling researchers to discover the work of their peers

across diverse institutions and explore avenues for mutually beneficial

research collaborations.

3. Universities:

 Promotion of Research Focus: Universities can leverage Academix to

promote their areas of research focus, showcasing their expertise to a global


 Enhanced Collaboration: The platform offers universities enhanced

opportunities to collaborate with other institutions on research initiatives.

4. Governments:

 Policy Formulation: Governments can utilize Academix to inform policy

formulation by accessing relevant research and data.

 Access to Knowledgebase: It provides governments with access to an

extensive online research knowledgebase.

 Speed of Access: Government officials can swiftly access research

materials, expediting their decision-making processes.

5. Businesses:

 Product Development: Businesses can leverage Academix's vast

knowledge platform to translate research into relevant products for both

existing and new markets.

 Access to Knowledgebase: Like other stakeholders, businesses benefit from

access to the online research knowledgebase.

 Speed of Access: Rapid access to research materials can expedite business


 Discounted Corporate Subscriptions: Academix offers businesses the

opportunity to access the research knowledgebase at discounted corporate

subscription rates.

Fig 5: Academix home page

2.4 Origin of Library

The origin of the first libraries can be traced to human efforts in the document

collection. Favorite topics would depend on accessibility, acquisition, identifying

the tools for arrangement in appropriate order, the trade in books, getting hold of

materials, their physical properties, their language and its distribution, the part they
play in education, the level of literacy and the finances. Other factors would

include the areas of staffing, targeting special audiences, its inseparable role in the

development of the cultural heritage of the country involved, not to speak of the

involvement of private sponsorship, the Church or the government in its affairs.

Digitization and computerization started playing a major role since its advent in the

1960s. The earliest library records could be traced to cuneiform script 2600 BC

clay tablets, the papyrus temple records from ancient Egypt, the Nippur libraries of

1900BC and the thirty thousand clay tablets from 700 BC in a classified library

system in Nineveh, highlighting the scrupulous work on religion, administration

and literary skills of the Mesopotamian scholars that will mesmerize the modern

enthusiasts. Among these tablets was also “Enuma Elish" or the “Epic of Creation"

that presents the Babylonian concept of the “Epic of Gilgamesh."

2.4.1 Evolution of Education with Libraries

The inseparable relationship between the libraries and education started way back

in the Byzantium or Constantinople (the ancient city of Thrace in modern Turkey’s

Istanbul that, the Greeks founded in the seventh century). Monks wrote incessantly

in Scriptoriums (Rooms in monasteries earmarked for manuscript writing), to

preserve and accumulate the results of their Hellenistic thoughts on what became

large libraries that were solely devoted to the monks’ education in spiritual

advancement Enamudu et all., (2021). Throughout Europe’s dark ages, most of the

Greco-Roman classics were preserved by these monastery scriptoriums, reviving in

its wake, the tradition of orthodox libraries and education models that, in turn,

were instrumental in the progressive development of libraries and intellectual

culture and learning that were inevitable with the vast resources at hand. 18th

century history,

educational materials and Buddhist scriptures, stored in “Pitakataik" a library that

founded by King Mindon Min during the pre-colonial era as one of the eight

structures that were established in honor of naming Mandalay as his capital),

further reinforced the destinies of libraries with education. Library and education

thus became symbiotically and inexorably dependent on one another. Over the

years, we have learned that the library; education, literacy and national

development always went hand in hand and have influenced everyone from the

primary school students to the highest levels of education, not to speak of the

informal medium of adult literacy.

2. 4.2 Types of Libraries

According to the mode of services rendered to the readers; libraries are broadly

divided into four types:

1. Academic Library,

2. Special Library,

3. Public Library, and

4. National Library.

1. Academic Library:

Academic library is the library which is attached to academic institutions like

schools, colleges and universities. An academic library serves more specifically the

students, research scholars, teachers and staff of the academic institution. Main

objective of an academic library is to give maximum learning materials to its

clientele so that they may be fully educated in their respective level. Academic

libraries are categorized into school libraries, college libraries and university


a) School Library: A school library is a learning laboratory, providing a variety of

instructional media, essential for optimum support of the education programme.

The purpose of the school library is to attain the objectives of the educational

programme. It concerns with the development of effective methods of thinking,

inculcation of social attitudes, acquisition of important information and promoting

growth and development among the children. The function of the school library is

to help the students in the process of their self-discovery, to adopt high ideals in

life, improve scholastic efficiency through self-study and to develop the capacity

for critical thinking.

b) College Library: College performs an important function in educational

process. A college without a library is like a tree with no roots. The status of every

college is measured through the position of the library that it maintains. Hence

every college

library should become a teaching instrument in itself. A college library is expected

to support the objectives of the college. Thus, the basic function of a college

library is to assist its parent body to carry out its programmes.

c) University Library: A library is more important in a University, because a

library can do without a University where as a university cannot function without a

library. A university library is an integral part of the institution. It is primarily

maintained for the benefit of students, officers, faculty members and for those who

are engaged in research work. It plays a very important role in the national life of

the community by acquiring material for educational use for the benefit of students

and teaching departments.

2. Special Library

A special library has information on a particular group of subjects, and caters

exclusively to the resource requirements of a specific organization, company or a

department of the government. One of its principal aims is to save the time of the

staff members and researchers of such institutions. Libraries that are very special,

like those pertaining to business Administration, for example, must cater to

information on statistics, accountancy, economics, and banking.

3. The Public Library

The Public or Professional libraries, also sometimes called a “People’s University,"

plays the role of a nodal point in assimilating informal or formal information of


learning content and co-relating it to knowledge and information from global

resources Vrana(2019). Public libraries, therefore, will wear the mantle of an

important constituent in the future of the lifelong continuous learning process and

education by donning their contemporary thinking cap on how to improve evolving

tasks, demands and working environments. They will also have to bring about

change in the perception of the responsibilities of the librarian in pursuit of a more

useful library system in tune with the new demands of the users. The public

libraries and their expert librarians offer not only wide access to information from

a global network, thanks to the development of the networks as a result of the

advancement in technology and communication, but also offer their expertise in

areas of information sourcing and their quality rating. In other words, a public

library is an indispensable pillar of democratic knowledge.

4. National Library: A national library is a library specifically established by the

government of a country to serve as the preeminent repository of information for

that country. Unlike public libraries, these rarely allow citizens to borrow books.

Often, they include numerous rare, valuable, or significant works. A National

Library is that library which has the duty of collecting and preserving the literature

of the nation within and outside the country, Thus, National Library are those

libraries whose community is the nation at large.

A physical library consists of Physical Books, Magazines, Newspapers,

Monographs, reports, etc., whereas, an e-library consists of digital content

like e-books, emagazine, e-newspapers, e-reports, video, audio, rich media,

animations, etc.

i. A physical library has Limited Space and thus is difficult to expand,

whereas, an e-library has limited (limited till scalability of underlying IT

infrastructure) but large space and thus makes it easier to expand.

ii. An object in a physical library could be accessed via Issue and borrow

system limited to number if available quantities, whereas, an object of an e-

library could be accessed any number of times by any number of users.

iii. A physical can be created on a physical space, whereas, an e-library is

created on virtual space viz. data centers, cloud, servers.

iv. A physical library follows rack-based search and indexing, whereas, an e-

library provides Web/ Interface based search and indexing.

v. The major demerit of physical library is material degradation, mutilation

and loss over time, whereas, an e-library provides digital preservation and

longtime archival of the contents



3.1 Chapter Overview

In the pursuit of modernizing the traditional library experience and making

knowledge more accessible in today's digital age, the "Design and Implementation

of a Web-Based Library" project embarks on a crucial phase of its journey.

Chapter Three delves into the intricacies of system analysis, design, and

methodology, offering a comprehensive view of how this web-based library is

meticulously crafted to serve the needs of its users effectively.

3.2 Analysis of the existing system

The current library management system relies heavily on cumbersome paperwork.

All user information is recorded using a manual, paper-based approach. When a

library patron wishes to borrow a book, their information is manually documented,

and they sign for the book's return upon completion.

3.2.1 Problems of the existing system

After a thorough examination of the current system, several issues have been


i. Data Loss: The system's heavy reliance on paper records makes it susceptible to

data loss. Managing the records of borrowed books for registered users necessitates

extensive paperwork.

ii. Time Inefficiency: Users often experience time wastage as they search for

books that have been borrowed by individuals whose records are not easily

traceable within the paper-based records.

iii. Error-Prone: The manual nature of the existing system makes it prone to

errors. The risk of inaccuracies in recording and maintaining data is high.

iv. Tedious Processes: The current system is labor-intensive and repetitive, which

can be exhausting for those involved.

v. Slow Processing Speed: The processing speed of the system is notably slow,

resulting in a decreased overall output and efficiency.

3.3 Analysis of the proposed system

The proposed library management system is a web based application designed to

streamline record-keeping for library administrators (Librarians). It offers the

following key features:

i. User Registration: The administrator can register applicants by capturing their

first and last names, matriculation numbers, department, and other relevant

information. Additionally, the system suggests a username for the user and


a login password. This username and password will be used by the registered user

to access the system.

ii. User Login: Registered applicants can log into the system using their provided

names and the generated password assigned during registration.

iii. User Details Viewing: The administrator can access a user's details by

navigating to the report section, enabling them to view specific user information.

3.3.1 Advantages of the Proposed System

Several advantages are associated with the proposed system, enhancing its design

and functionality:

i. Prevents Unauthorized Access: The system eliminates the presence of

unauthorized individuals who may attempt to gain access or share information with

friends, enhancing data security.

ii. Fairness and Impartiality: The system ensures all users are treated equally and

fairly, eliminating biases in book lending or other library services.

iii. Immediate Responses: Users can receive immediate responses and access to

library resources, improving the efficiency of library services.

iv. Enhanced Learning: The system facilitates an easier and more efficient

learning experience by providing quick and convenient access to library resources,

benefiting both administrators and users.

3.4 Methodology Adopted

In the development of the web-based Library Management System, I have chosen

the Agile Software Development Model as the preferred methodology. This

decision is driven by the agility of Agile in addressing the limitations of traditional

waterfall methodologies. Unlike a rigid sequential design process, Agile embraces

an incremental approach, fostering flexibility and adaptability throughout the

system's development lifecycle.

Agile, in contrast to the inflexibility of the Waterfall model, allows for revisiting

and adapting previous stages even after the initial planning. The methodology

involves breaking down the project into manageable components, such as design,

coding, and testing, and assembling them as needed. Agile practices emphasize

incremental development with small, frequent releases—typically every two or

three weeks. This frequent release cycle enables rapid feedback from end-users,

facilitating the incorporation of changing requirements in real-time.

Reasons for Choosing the Agile Methodology

The selection of the Agile Software Development Model for the design and

implementation of the Web-Based Library Management System is based on

several key reasons:

1. Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile's incremental approach allows for

flexibility and adaptability throughout the development lifecycle, crucial in

addressing the evolving needs and requirements of the library system.

2. Active User Involvement: The active involvement of end-users in the

development process aligns with the dynamic nature of library operations,

ensuring that the system is tailored to the specific operational requirements

of the library.

3. Iterative Development: The iterative nature of Agile enables developers to

receive early and continuous feedback from users, guiding ongoing

adjustments and improvements, and accommodating changes even after the

initial stages of development.

3.4.1 Advantages of the Agile Methodology

The Agile Software Development Model offers several advantages for the design

and implementation of Web-Based Library Management System:

1. Rapid Response to Changing Requirements: Agile's incremental and

iterative approach allows for quick adjustments to changing requirements,

ensuring that the system remains responsive to the evolving needs of library


2. Early and Frequent User Feedback: By involving end-users throughout

the development process, Agile facilitates early and frequent feedback,

allowing developers to address user concerns promptly and improve the

system iteratively.

3. Reduced Documentation Overhead: Agile minimizes the need for

extensive documentation, emphasizing informal communication. This

streamlines the development process, allowing teams to focus on delivering

functional components efficiently.

4. Improved Collaboration: The collaborative nature of Agile promotes

effective communication and collaboration among development teams and

stakeholders, fostering a shared understanding of project goals and priorities.

5. Continuous Improvement: Agile's iterative cycles support continuous

improvement, enabling developers to refine the system based on user input

and emerging requirements, leading to a more robust and user-centric final


3.4.2 Logical design

Logical design is a critical phase in developing your web-based library system. It

focuses on defining the structure and functionality of the system without getting

into the specifics of implementation.

3.4.3 Use case diagram

Use case diagrams play a pivotal role in software and system engineering,

providing a visual representation of a system's functionalities from an external

observer's perspective. These diagrams are essential for illustrating the interactions

between different system users and the system itself.

In the following depiction, you will find a meticulously crafted use case diagram

for the web-based library management system for the University of Calabar. This

diagram serves as a visual guide to understanding the dynamic interactions and

functionalities of the system, focusing on the key stakeholders involved: library

staff, students, faculty, and administrative processes.

Fig 6: Use case diagram for students

Fig 7: Use case diagram for Administrator

Fig 8: Use case diagram for university staff

From the given diagram, the key actors in the web-based library management

system are the Student, Admin, and University Staff.

1. Student: Primary user accessing the library resources through the web-

based system.

Roles and Responsibilities:

 Utilizes the Student Login for secure access.

 Manages the Student Account via the dedicated portal.

 Explores books in various departments through the portal.

 Utilizes the Search Bar for efficient book discovery.

 Provides suggestions and comments for system improvement.

 Logs out securely using the User Logout feature.

 Contributes to the system by suggesting books to other users.

2. Admin: Central actor with overarching responsibilities for system

management and operations.

Roles and Responsibilities:

 Administers major operations such as adding, deleting, and updating

various system elements.

 Manages the registration process for students and University Staff.

 Determines access permissions and system workflow for students and

University Staff.

 Initiates and oversees key system tasks, including adding users, authors,

and books.

 Manages categories for efficient organization.

 Conducts searches within the system for effective management.

 Logs out securely using the Admin Logout feature.

3. University Staff: Represents staff associated with the University who

interacts with the web-based library system.

Roles and Responsibilities:

 Accesses quick links for streamlined navigation.

 Logs into the system through a secure login.

 Manages their account portal for personalized access.

 Views and reads books available in various departments through the


 Engages with the Search Bar for efficient book discovery.

 Offers suggestions and comments for system improvement.

 Logs out securely using the Logout feature.

 Contributes to the system by suggesting books to other users.

3.4.4 Activity Diagram

The activity diagram describe the sequential flow of activities and actions within a

system or process. It is a powerful tool for modelling and analyzing complex

workflow and can be used to depict both high level processes and detailed low-

level activities.

Below is the activity diagram of the system

Fig 9: Activity diagram

3.4.5 Physical Design

In the physical design for this system, the logical specifications are transformed

into a detailed description of the system in terms of both hardware and software

components. This phase also encompasses the mapping of the logical data structure

to the physical architecture, involving the creation of database structures.

3.4.6 Database design

The database was designed using MySQL database system. MYSQL was chosen

since it is very fast in information retrieval, advanced features from

authentication/authorization to storage through the database management

information system and its ability to easily access and be accessed by network

facility using windows operating system.

Table 1: Librarian table of the database


1 Librarian_id Int(11) Primary key for librarian
2 Libraian_name Varchar(25) Name of the librarian
3 Librarian_no Int(12) Phone number of the librarian
4 Librarian_gender Varchar(2) Gender of the librarian
5 Librarian_add Varchar(25) Address of the librarian
6 Librarian_email Varchar E-mail of the librarian
7 Librarian_image Blob Image of the librarian
8 Librarian_pwd Varchar(10) Password of the librarian

Table 2: Book table of the database


1 Book_id Int(10) Primary key for book

2 Book_code Varchar(15) Code of book

3 Book_name Varchar(25) Name of book

4 Book_desc Varchar(25) Description of book

Table 3: Student table of the database


1 Stu-id Int(12) Primary key for student

2 Stu_name Varchar(25) Name of student

3 Stu_MatNo Varchar(10) Matric number of student

4 Stu_email Varchar(20) E-mail of student

5 Stu_dept Varchar(15) Department of student

6 Stu_sex Varchar(2) Gender of student

7 Stu_phoneNo Int(12) Phone number of student

8 Stu_pwd Varchar(10) Password of student

9 Stu_img Blob Image of student

10 Stu_acct_stat Varchar(12) Account status of student

3.4.7 Input design

There are two major inputs in this system, the add book input design, and the

search catalogue input design. The format applies to all the categories of book

addition in the library.

Fig 10: Add Book Page

Fig 11: Search Book Page



4.1 Chapter overview

This chapter showcases the process of implementing the web based library

management system. Designing and executing a web based library management

system encompasses several aspects that aim to address issues commonly found in

library systems. It outlines the tools employed during the development and

implementation phases of the system. These tools played a crucial role in designing

and bringing to life the core functionalities required to fulfill the system's defined


The chapter also elaborates on various functionalities within each module,

detailing their respective outcomes. The overarching concept is that of a system, a

collection of components working harmoniously to form an interconnected

mechanism. This system comprises various interacting and interdependent

elements that collectively contribute to its overall effectiveness.

4.2 Features and Choice of Implementation

In the development of the web-based library management system, careful

consideration was given to the selection of technologies and languages, aiming to

deliver a robust and user-friendly solution. This section provides an extensive

overview of the features and the rationale behind the choice of implementation


Programming Languages and Technologies:

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): HTML serves as the cornerstone of the

library management system, responsible for structuring the content and presenting

it in a web-based format. It defines the layout, headings, paragraphs, forms, and

hyperlinks that make up the user interface. HTML is ideal for creating a consistent

and easily accessible library catalog that users can navigate intuitively.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS plays a pivotal role in enhancing the visual

appeal and user experience of the system. By controlling the style and layout, CSS

ensures that the library's web interface is not only functional but aesthetically

pleasing. It enables the customization of fonts, colors, spacing, and responsiveness,

making the system accessible on various devices and screen sizes.

JavaScript: JavaScript is the dynamic element of the system, adding interactivity

and responsiveness. It empowers the web pages with features such as real-time

search, user validation, and dynamic content loading. JavaScript ensures that users

can seamlessly interact with the library catalog, improving user engagement and


PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor): PHP is the server-side scripting language chosen

for this implementation. It excels in processing user requests, managing data from

the front-end, and interfacing with the MySQL database. PHP is essential for

implementing user authentication, handling book reservations, processing fines,

and generating dynamic content based on user interactions. Its versatility and

efficiency make it a crucial component in ensuring smooth system operations.

MySQL (Structured Query Language): MySQL serves as the relational database

management system (RDBMS) for the library management system. It is a robust

and widely adopted choice for storing and managing data efficiently. MySQL

stores critical information, including book records, user details, transaction history,

and more. Its ability to handle complex queries, ensure data integrity, and scale

with the library's growing collection makes it an ideal choice for data storage.

Advantages of the Chosen Technologies:

1. User-Centric Interface: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript collaborate to create a

user-centric interface. HTML structures content, CSS beautifies it, and

JavaScript adds functionality, resulting in a highly engaging and user-

friendly library catalog.

2. Efficient Server-Side Processing: PHP handles server-side tasks

seamlessly, including user registration, authentication, and database

interactions. It ensures that data remains secure and is processed efficiently,

providing users with a responsive experience.

3. Reliable Data Management: MySQL's reliability and scalability make it

the perfect choice for storing and managing extensive book catalogs, user

data, and transaction records. It ensures data integrity and quick retrieval,

even as the library's collection grows.

4. Interactivity and Real-Time Updates: JavaScript enriches the system with

dynamic features, such as real-time search, interactive forms, and content

loading without page refreshes. This interactivity enhances user engagement

and simplifies the catalog browsing experience.

Use Cases:

The choice of these technologies enables the library management system to fulfill a

myriad of use cases:

1. User-Friendly Catalog: The HTML and CSS combination ensures an

intuitive and visually appealing catalog interface for users to search, explore,

and access library resources effortlessly.

2. Seamless User Management: PHP facilitates user registration, login, and

profile management, ensuring a smooth experience for library patrons.

3. Efficient Inventory Management: The combination of PHP and MySQL

supports the efficient addition, editing, and removal of books from the

library's collection, along with real-time availability updates.

4. Transaction Handling: PHP handles borrowing, returning, and fine

calculation, guaranteeing accurate and reliable transactions.

5. Dynamic Content: JavaScript brings dynamic features like real-time search,

auto-suggestions, and interactive forms, making the library catalog an

engaging and interactive platform for users.

4.3 System Testing

Prior to deploying the new system into operations, a comprehensive testing phase

was undertaken to ensure its success.

4.3.1 Unit Test

The initial testing stage involved meticulous planning and the use of predefined

test data. Various tests were conducted to validate the code's execution paths. For

each test, a list of conditions, the test data utilized, and the expected results were

documented. This testing phase covered all the system's forms in alignment with

the test plan and conditions.

4.3.2 Integration Test

In this phase, the focus shifted to testing the interfaces between programs within

the same functional area. Programs were interconnected to assess their interactions,

and this process adhered to a specific sequence and response time criteria.


testing scrutinized the effectiveness of the interfaces between programs created in

Dreamweaver and the database built in MySQL, ensuring their seamless


4.4 Target Computer System Requirements

For the successful operation of this project, specific hardware and software

prerequisites are essential. These requirements encompass:


The following hardware components are required for the developing and

implementing the system. Some of these requirements are as follows.

1. System running: Pentium or Intel.

2. Random access memory (RAM): A minimum of 512MB RAM and above.

3. Hard disk: 1.0GB and above

4. Internet Connectivity: Access to 3G/EDGE/Wi-Fi internet connectivity is


5. Compatible Devices: The software should run on personal computers

(PCs), smartphones, and other web-compatible devices.

Software details

The following software components are required for the development and

implementation of the system:

1. Windows xp, windows 7 and above

2. MYSQL database

3. XAMPP server

4. Google chrome or updated Mozilla Firefox web browser

4.5 Results

The design and implementation of the web based Library management system for

University of Calabar, yielded several significant results and outputs that will

positively impact the library operation. Below are present a summary of these


4.5.1 Home Page

The Home Page serves as the initial interface loaded into the web browser upon

entering the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) in the address bar. It functions as

the foundational page through which both users and administrators can access the

library system. In Fig 11 a screenshot of the system's Home Page is depicted.

The Home Page of the developed system comprises sections such as About, User

Login, Admin Login, Contacts and books categories.

Upon logging into the system as a user (either a student or staff member),

individuals gain access to their respective accounts. Within the user account, there

are quick links enabling easy navigation throughout the system.

Fig 12: Homepage

4.5.2 User Login

Within the user login feature, individuals must be registered by the administrator to

obtain the necessary credentials (username and password) for accessing the library.

Registration of library users is exclusively handled by the administrator.

Fig 13: User Login

4.5.3 Search Section

This section serves as the search interface for the E-Library. Users can utilize this

feature to search the library catalog and retrieve a list of available resources based

on their search queries.

Fig 14: Search Books

4.5.4 Refer Book to User Section

In this section, users have the option to recommend a book to another user by

entering the book category, book title, author and book description. This facilitates

the sharing of reading recommendations among users.

Fig 15: Referring Books

4.5.5 Admin Login Page

This section features the admin login form, allowing administrators to log in and

access the system for viewing and making modifications. Admin privileges include

the ability to add or remove resources from the system, as well as manage user

accounts by adding or removing users.

Fig 16: Admin login page

4.5.6 Add User

In this section, administrators have the capability to add a new user to the library

system by registering essential information. The required details include the user's

name, address, email, phone number, matriculation number.The administrator

collects this information from the user for registration as a library user.

Once added as a user, the individual is provided with login credentials, including a

username and password, enabling access to the library system.

Fig 17: Add Users Page

4.5.7 Book Upload Page

Within the book upload page, administrators can input book information and

upload e-books. This section allows the admin to add details about a book and

upload the corresponding electronic files.

Fig 16: Books Upload Page



5.1 Summary

The landscape of information and its accessibility has been transformed by

technology, significantly impacting the Educational sector, including the

University of Calabar. Recognizing the need to adapt to these technological

advancements, a Web-Based E-Library system has been developed to enhance user

experience and align with the evolving technology trends.

5.2 Conclusion

After thorough analysis of the designed system, it is conclusive that the system

stands as an efficient and reliable E-Library platform. The system functions

effectively, catering to the specific needs and expectations it was designed to

address. Its design prioritizes convenience for both librarians and users.

5.3 Recommendation

This software is highly recommended for adoption by the University of Calabar,

serving as a secure, user-friendly, and efficient means of library access. The

following recommendations are proposed:

i. Implementation at University of Calabar: Given the increasing demand for

technology and the benefits offered by E-Libraries, it is strongly recommended that

the University of Calabar implement the Web-Based E-Library system on its

campus. This will greatly enhance accessibility to library resources for students

and staff.

ii. Orientation Program: Conduct orientation programs for both staff and students

to familiarize them with the functionalities of the Web-Based E-Library and

general computer usage.

iii. Library Multimedia Support: Enhance the capabilities of the university

library to support multimedia resources such as audio, video, and diagrams,

enriching the learning experience for users.

iv. Improvement of Wireless Internet Facilities: Upgrade the university's

wireless internet infrastructure to ensure seamless access to the Web-Based E-

Library from various locations on campus, facilitating comprehensive utilization of

the system.

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Fig 17: Add Liberian page

Fig 18: Book categories page

Fig 19: Admin database

Fig 20: Books database

Fig 21: student database

<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="zxx">

<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
<title>web based library</title>
<meta name="description" content="">
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<p>Most popular book categories to get your learning started</p>
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<!--Show Book Categories-->
//Fetch all book categories
$ret = "SELECT * FROM iL_BookCategories";
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($ret);
$stmt->execute(); //ok
$res = $stmt->get_result();
while ($row = $res->fetch_object()) {

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<?php echo $row->bc_name; ?>
<?php } ?>
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