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Graduating From High School Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Graduating From High School" poses a unique set of challenges.
The difficulty lies not only in presenting a personal perspective but also in capturing the broader
significance of this transitional phase in one's life. The task demands a delicate balance between
introspection and broader reflections on the educational journey.

Firstly, there's the challenge of weaving a narrative that is both engaging and reflective. Telling a
personal story requires a careful selection of anecdotes and experiences that not only showcase
individual growth but also resonate with a broader audience. It's about finding that delicate
equilibrium between self-expression and relatability.

Then, there's the pressure of encapsulating the myriad emotions associated with high school
graduation. One must navigate through a plethora of sentiments – from nostalgia for the bygone
days to anticipation for the future. Conveying these emotions in a way that is authentic and
evocative without becoming overly sentimental or clichéd is indeed a formidable task.

Furthermore, the essay needs to transcend the personal realm and connect with universal themes.
Discussing the broader implications of completing high school requires a thoughtful exploration of
the societal, educational, and personal impacts. Balancing the microcosm of personal experience with
the macrocosm of societal expectations can be intellectually demanding.

In addition, the temptation to fall into trite clichés and generic phrases looms large. The challenge is
to articulate insights that are fresh, original, and genuinely reflective of one's unique journey.
Avoiding the pitfalls of predictability and banality demands a keen awareness of language and

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the theme of graduating from high school is no small feat. It
involves navigating the intricate terrain of personal narrative, universal significance, and linguistic
nuance. The difficulty lies not just in recounting personal experiences but in distilling the essence of a
transformative moment into words that resonate with a diverse audience.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or any other writing endeavors, a variety of resources
are available. Similar essays and a plethora of writing services can be explored on platforms like , where professional assistance is just a click away.
Graduating From High School Essay Graduating From High School Essay
William Mckinley, A Influential Leader For Making The...
William McKinley, creditable for being a prominent leader for making the United States
a better place and changing the life for American people. He is noted for his success in
moving the country forward through the tariffs that he had put in place, the
establishment of the gold standard, the victory of the Spanish American war, and
importance of foreign policy.
William McKinley was born in Niles, Ohio with his dad, William Sr. McKinley, his
mom, Nancy McKinley, and 7 siblings. William was enrolled in the Poland Academy. He
attended Allegheny College, but didn t complete because of financial issues. A good
student, though not a brilliant one, he succeeded by dint of hard work and exceptional
retention. Later on two of his children had ... Show more content on ...
Once he had assumed the responsibilities of office, McKinley immediately turned his
attention to measures for assuring economic recovery and called a special session of
Congress in order to raise customs duties, an effort he believed would reduce other taxes
and encourage the growth of domestic industry and employment for American workers.
From his position he managed to maneuver the passage was the Dingley Tariff Act which
he concentrated his energies on.
It is the highest protective tariff in American history. McKinley s support for the Dingley
Tariff strengthened his position with organized labor, lower rates, was the greatest
source of income, and opened up the idea of reciprocity. Deferring action on the money
question, he called Congress into special session to enact the highest tariff in history. The
tariff was, in his view, a key measure for achieving national order and tranquility to
eliminate the corruption, such as, trusts and monopolies, going on in that time period.
This has helped him undergone considerable revision for his reputation as a president due
to the improvement he has caused.
The Sherman Silver Purchase Act, passed the same year as McKinley s tariff
legislation, had been inadequate to meet the demand for better prices or for an increase
in the stock of money. Once again the segments of society that stood to gain from higher
prices, especially the farmers of the West
Doublethink In Order To Live
Found in a fictional story, the term doublethink is something Yeonmi Park finds solace
in. From the George Orwell novel Nineteen Eighty Four , the word describes a mindset
of simultaneous contradictory statements. When Yeonmi Park uses the term doublethink
in her book In Order to Live , it is easy to relate its contradictory conditions to hypocrisy.
However, doublethink serves its purpose as an abuse narrative. The term itself shows
how lying is a means of survival, even if that lying is to oneself. Doublethink is not a
synonym for hypocrisy, but is in reality a coping mechanism for abuse.
Living in the doublethink state of mind is not a conscious decision, but rather is
conditioned into you. The way Yeonmi relates to the term doublethink is through her
experience watching North Koreans live walking contradictions every day. She notices
how North Koreans will give undying praise to the regime and truly mean it and later in
their day go on to engage in practices that go directly against what the dictatorship stands
for. She compares ... Show more content on ...
Before even learning of a word to describe this condition, Yeonmi used the same
principles to cope with her life growing up in North Korea. By following this
conflicting thought process of believing two mutually exclusive ideas simultaneously,
it is actually a way for her own subconscious to adapt to the stressful environment. Not
only is it difficult to admit everything you have been taught was a lie, but it is
dangerous to doubt what you have been told when living in an abusive environment.
Not to mention, in North Korea, this danger is only greater and doubts can raise
suspicion. However, coping can be maladaptive as well, such as in the case of her self
harm during her time in the Resettlement Center (219). Doublethink is a survival tactic
for North Koreans, and a direct result of their life of abuse by the

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