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My Role Model Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of a "Role Model" can be both a rewarding and challenging task. On
one hand, you have the opportunity to delve into personal experiences, values, and the impact
someone has had on your life. On the other hand, capturing the essence of a role model and
expressing it coherently can be a formidable challenge.

To begin with, identifying a suitable role model requires introspection and reflection. The choice
often extends beyond mere admiration for achievements; it delves into the characteristics, values, and
actions that make that individual a source of inspiration. Once the role model is selected, the
challenge lies in articulating the influence they have had on your life in a way that is both meaningful
and engaging for the reader.

Balancing the personal and the universal aspects of a role model essay is another difficulty. It's crucial
to connect the personal experiences with broader themes that others can relate to, making the essay
not just a narrative of your admiration but a piece that resonates with a wider audience.

Moreover, maintaining a coherent structure can be challenging. The essay needs a strong introduction
to set the tone, a well-developed body to explore various aspects of your role model, and a
conclusion that ties everything together. Ensuring a smooth flow while transitioning between these
sections can be tricky.

Additionally, avoiding clichés and generic statements is essential to make your essay stand out.
Describing the unique qualities and experiences that make your role model significant to you requires
careful consideration of language and detail.

In summary, writing a compelling "My Role Model" essay demands introspection, thoughtful
reflection, and effective communication skills. It's a challenging task that requires a balance of
personal connection and universality to engage the reader fully.

If you find yourself struggling with such an essay or any other writing assignment, there are
resources available to assist you. Professional writing services like offer support in
crafting essays on various topics, providing a helping hand when you need it most.
My Role Model Essay My Role Model Essay
Carlos Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development
Presenting the Case
Carlos Sanchez is a 15 year old Puerto Rican male. He presents to my office today for a
visit after a referral from his school counselor. Mr. Sanchez s performance at school has
been declining post a fight in which he was involved in at school. According to the
school, four White students engaged Mr. Sanchez in a physical altercation, during which
racial slurs were used. Mr. Sanchez s mother reports behavioral changes; including loss
of appetite, lack of sleep, physical decline, isolation, jumpiness, and stress after the fight.
Theoretical Framework
Psychosocial Theory
Erik Erikson believed that the social environment plays an important role in personality
development, and thus he developed the theory of psychosocial development. Erikson
believed that that personality development occurs throughout our lifespan, and
highlighted the influence of family system, society, and culture in our development.
Erikson accepted Freud s basic psychosexual framework and he expanded on the
development at each stage and expanded the stages to cover the lifespan. Erikson
believed that at each stage we gain attitudes and skills that make us active and
contributing members of society.
Per Erikson, our ego identity is constantly changing due to new experiences and
information that we acquire throughout our daily interactions with others. In addition to
ego identity, Erikson also believed that a sense of competence also motivates behaviors
and actions, and that each
William McKinley Essay
William McKinley 25th President of the United States. William McKinley was born
on January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio, a town of about 300 people. He was the 7th child
born to William and Nancy Alison McKinley His family moved to Poland, Ohio when
he was nine years old so that the children could go to a private school called the Poland
Academy. In school William liked to read, debate, and he was the president of the
school s first debate club. When he was 16 he went to Allegheny College in Meadville,
Pennsylvania, for a while before he got sick and had to return home .he did not go back
to Meadville, because the family had no money. Instead, he worked as a postal clerk for
awhile. When the Civil War started on April 12, 1861, he taught at... Show more content
on ...
He was rarely seen, while serving as congressman and governor, without his trademark
carnation. McKinley served 7 terms in Congress from 1877 1891, except for a 9
months in 1884 1885. The House ruled that his opponent, lawyer Jonathan Wallace,
had received the most votes in the 1882 election, so Wallace took McKinley s seat for
the rest of the term. McKinley easily got back to the office in the 1884 election.
McKinley consistently won re election even though the districts he represented were
heavily Democratic. As a congressman, he focused his energies on the tariff problem
and became known as a protectionist and as a persuasive speaker. He was usually
associated with being on the side of big business, but he also worked hard for labor
and later, as governor of Ohio, he encouraged employees to join labor unions and to
criticize employers who refused workers the right to organized. Also as congressman
he supported gold over silver as the backbone of America s money system. In 1889,
Thomas Reed of Maine defeated him in the position of Speaker of the House.
McKinley lost his next bid for Congress and returned to Canton in 1891. As governor,
a position he held for two terms from 1891 1895, he proposed laws to protect railroad
workers and address the issue of child labor, and a state board of arbitration was
established to deal with labor and business problems. During this time as governor he
became friends with millionaire industrialist Mark Hanna
The City Of Heavenly Fire Essay
The City of Heavenly Fire by Casandra Clare is the sixth book in The Mortal
Instruments series. First, the story takes place at Los Angeles institute where they are
attacked by Sebastian and his changed shadowhunters and tries changing all of them
into darkened ones. Next, the gang tries to find a way to cure all the changed one s
and defeat Sebastian once and for all. And last the shadowhunters finally defeat
Sebastian and Clary meets a women named Tessa gray who tells her about the
Herondales, the real family Jace is from. In my upper left hand corner of my
quadrants, I have chosen characterization to display. The main character of my
quadrant is a girl named Clary short for Clarissa Fray, I have chosen her because I find
her as a strong and creative young women. Her history in this book has fascinated me
by her working hard to protect her friends and family. Clary I want you to meet Tessa
gray The second character in this book is a young man named Jace life is changing he
contains a power called the heavenly fire that could destroy anyone or anything; his
love for clary has grown stronger every day for him to protect and love. He would burn
the whole world down till he could dig you out of the ashes The third character I chose is
Clary s older and... Show more content on ...
I used words and quotes from this one because I couldn t express what the book was
really about through pictures, so I decided to use quotes and a rhyme from the book to
show that it has a shocking reaction and hatred, death, love, lust, and more. So I could
only help you picture it this way through words. They technically help you imagine what
the world was in this book for Mundanes and Nephilim for them, beginning, middle, and
ending of this story. For example, ... she kissed him, mouth hot and dry, his skin burning
against her hands... trust me she whispered against his lips feeling char and blood on his
mouth and wondered if he tasted the
Hunger Artist Essay
Considering the ways in which the movie, Brazil, reflects and deviates from A Hunger
Artist and Panopticism exposes the ways in which the Ministry s systems of surveillance
and authority manipulate and damage the human mind in order to maintain order and
control of the public.
Through the pressure of surveillance, the Ministry severely limits the public s freedom
and privacy in order to maintain control of their behavior. The hunger artist allows
readers to realize how a desire to escape such pressures of surveillance can inflict damage
to the human mind. Examining the hunger artist s self destruction that results from his
delusions of the importance of being in the public eye can reveal that Sam Lowry s
gradual descent into insanity that ... Show more content on ...
This is reinforced by Sam as his dreams slowly intensify from occurring only when he
is asleep to fusing with a reality to such a point that even the audience is unsure of the
difference between reality and his fantasies. At one point, Jill even remarks that Sam
has no sense of reality (Gilliam, Brazil). This comes with the consequence of Sam s
self destruction, which we are able to realize is such through the similarities it bears to
the hunger artist s own self destruction. At the end of the movie, Sam is seen in a state
of blissful insanity sitting in the torture chair. It may not be clear whether this is a
result of the torture that has been inflicted upon him or of his loss of touch with
reality. Either way, it is safe to say that the reason Sam goes insane is ultimately due to
his own error, whether the error is in committing crimes or in his naivety in allowing
himself to get tangled in a confusing web of reality and fantasy. This is just as it is not
the public s fault that the hunger artist grows obsessed with his fantasy of fame and
does not have it satisfied, it is not directly the Ministry s fault that Sam grows obsessed
with his own fantasies that are not satisfied in reality. The public in A Hunger Artist and
the Ministry in Brazil are the sources of their problems but ultimately the hunger artist
and Sam Lowry themselves are the only ones who have
Essay On Age Related Macular Degeneration
The human eye is a remarkable feature that receives light, allowing a viewed object to
be transmitted as messages to the brain so that we understand what we see. It can detect
something as small as a candle flame from up to 15 miles away (under optimum
conditions) as well as focus on fine details. A pity, then, when this window to the soul is
allowed to degenerate.

Not all eye diseases are caused by negligence but a large percentage is. Strain, an
unbalanced diet, a poor lifestyle, lack of awareness and bad habits can contribute to
diminishing the wonders our eyes offer.

Certain eye conditions are common, some developed through the natural process of
aging and others caused by disease, injury and exposure to chemicals. Let s see what they
... Show more content on ...
It s usually resolved through surgery which can restore a large percentage of vision
unlike with glaucoma.

AMD: Age related macular degeneration is primarily caused by old age. Where glaucoma
affects the peripheral vision, AMD targets the central vision. As such, blindness is rarely
caused although vision impairment is naturally present and may progress without

Treatment typically involves laser surgery, implanting a telescopic lens and increasing
vitamin intake.

AMD presents itself in one of two forms dry and wet. Dry AMD sees the macula (an
area near the retina) thinning to affect central vision. It s the more common form and
progresses slowly. In wet AMD, blood vessels behind the retina begin to grow under the
macula to lead to leakage of blood and fluid as well as scarring which further diminishes
central vision.

Diabetic retinopathy: A common complication in diabetic patients, diabetic retinopathy

occurs due to damage to the retinal blood vessels. Proper diabetes management through
control of blood sugar, blood pressure and other necessary symptoms can see the
condition brought to a halt and even reversed to an extent.
The Characters Of Douglas Stone And Lady Sannox Essay
The Characters of Douglas Stone and Lady Sannox in The Case of Lady Sannox are
of prime importance as Conan Doyle introduces them to the reader before anything
else. The exposition introduces the characters of Lady Sannox and Douglas Stone
describing the Notorious Lady Sannox (p1) in the first sentence of the exposition
indicating that this is an important statement that should provide the foundations for
the reader s interaction with her. Lady Sannox is presented to the reader as a
promiscuous woman who was gracious to most men who wooed her and to whom
Douglas Stone was not the only one (p2). Lady Sannox, who, until she married Lord
Sannox, had previously been just Miss Marion Dawes. In this previous incarnation she
was just an actress, a frivolous profession that was often thought of as on a par with
prostitutes. The affair between Lady Sannox and Douglas Stone was very well known
(p1) by their peers and there was not an attempt on either side to conceal their relations
(p2) showing that they were anything but discreet about the liaison and hinting at a
cruel streak to Lady Sannox nature, continuing the affair, apparently unconcerned by the
effect this may have on her husband. There is an inference that Lady Sannox may have
married more for money and status than love as, the narrator remarks, when they wed
she recieved his hand, his title and the third of a county (p2) Douglas Stone is presented
to the reader as a remarkable man who was born to be
Essay on Bench Press
Bench Press

For lifters looking to create the classic He Man physique, the single most important
upper body workout is the bench press. The bench press builds the upper arm, chest, and
shoulders. The muscles here have a great impact on making it look like you posses great
strength, which is an important factor for many lifters. This workout is also one of the
easiest lifts, since you are lying down on a static bench that prevents most unnecessary

To perform the bench press, lie face up on the bench with your eyes directly under the
weight bar. Whether you rest your feet on the floor or on the bench makes no difference.
For the traditional workout, grab the bar with your hands ... Show more content on ...
Stand with the weight bar directly in front of your feet and get a good, steady stance.
Pick the bar up and let it hang down in front of your body with your arms fully
extended. From there, slowly bend only your elbows and swing the weight upward until
it touches your chest. Lower the weight by merely reversing the previous motion. Let
the weight fall back down into its starting position with your arms locked, where you
will be ready for another rep.

Keep your back completely steady when lifting the weights up and lock your elbows
after every rep. It is common for lifters doing curls to rock backward without fully
extending their arms, but doing so risks injury and doesn t give a full bicep workout.


Squats are the single most important workout for the lower body. This workout alone
will exercise over sixty percent of your body s muscle. This is because the squat works
your buttocks, thighs, hamstrings, and more. As you can see, your legs have the highest
concentration of muscle in your body. For a well rounded routine, then, it is essential to
do the squat lift.

At the squat rack, duck under the bar and straighten your back to press your shoulders
against the stationary bar. Once the bar is comfortable on your back, lift the weight off
the pegs and step back so that you have enough room to drop your body down. Open
your legs

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