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Original Essay Topics

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Original Essay Topics" poses a unique set of challenges that may
not be immediately apparent. The difficulty lies in the paradoxical nature of the task – how does one
generate originality while addressing the very topic of originality? It's a bit like attempting to capture
the wind; just when you think you've grasped it, it slips away, leaving you grappling with

To begin with, the concept of originality demands a departure from the beaten path, an exploration
of uncharted intellectual territories. This requires a delicate balance between creativity and scholarly
rigor. Striking this balance is akin to walking a tightrope; too much creativity may compromise the
essay's academic integrity, while too much scholarly rigor might render it mundane and devoid of
original thought.

Furthermore, the challenge extends to the research process. Unearthing truly original topics demands
a thorough examination of existing literature and an acute awareness of current conversations within
various disciplines. Yet, the risk of inadvertently replicating ideas prevails, requiring a discerning eye
to sift through the vast expanse of academic discourse.

The writing process itself becomes a test of one's ability to articulate novel perspectives without
succumbing to clichés or falling prey to the allure of the familiar. It's an intellectual dance where each
step must be a departure from convention, a commitment to carving out a space for fresh insights.

Despite the inherent challenges, the quest for originality in essay writing is a rewarding endeavor. It
prompts deep introspection and forces the writer to confront preconceived notions and challenge
established paradigms. However, the paradox remains – in the pursuit of originality, the writer must
grapple with the irony that even the quest for uniqueness has become a somewhat clichéd endeavor
in itself.

In conclusion, navigating the intricate landscape of "Original Essay Topics" requires finesse,
creativity, and a keen intellect. It's a cerebral challenge that demands more than just research and
writing skills; it demands an ability to think outside the proverbial box while recognizing that even
the box itself may need reinventing.

For those seeking assistance in this intellectual journey, similar essays and more can be explored and
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Original Essay TopicsOriginal Essay Topics
Human Intelligence Can Be Increased Due At Exercise
The beginning and an end. The start and the finish. Once something begins, it will
eventually come to an end. But, that true, does everything in the universe actually end?
Numbers; a start with no finish. Numbers, something so simple, yet so complex. An
infinite creation of the human mind subdued by our unmeasurable human intelligence.
This is all capable due to the human brain. The brain is the most complex and unique
organ in the human body. Some even considerable it a muscle. Similar to muscles, your
brain can be trained and worked for better functionality. But, did you that there s a direct
connection between exercising and increased intelligence in humans? In this paper I will
be backing up my statement that human intelligence can be increased due to exercise. I
will also give a view on the opposite side, using research that hypothetically disproves
the idea that human intelligence can be gained through exercise. Then, I will be
evaluating my claim, backing up my point by applying reason, utilizing the four tests of
an argument and taking advantage of my critical thinking skills to validate my claim.
Lastly, I will be concluding and synthesizing my argument. According to a couple studies
exercise and intelligence have no connection. Some even suggest that exercise has
negative effects on human intelligence. The first study was done by Kaycee M. Sink,
M.D., M.A.S., of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and her colleagues, evaluated
whether a 24 month physical activity
Marketing Strategies Of Bmw Benz
Marketing Strategies:
Whose is better, BMW or Mercedes Benz?

In general, vehicles can represent their owner s status. Therefore many people spend their
money on buying a car which indicates their tastes and lifestyle. Car manufacturers, from
the cheapest to the most expensive, use many eye catching marketing strategies to attract
customers, especially for premium car brands. BMW and Mercedes Benz are two of the
most well known brands in the world. Coming from the same origin, Germany, they
compete with each other in selling their products. The purpose of this essay is to identify
which company has the better marketing strategies when comparing between BMW and
Mercedes Benz, by analyzing four strategies: product, promotion, SWOT analysis, and
market share. The paper is organized as follows. The second section discusses the
products, and is separated into three parts: the variety of products, car prices, and after
sales service. The third section presents the promotion strategies which will show the
companies budgets, advertising on television, and other distribution channels. The fourth
section reports the discussion of the SWOT analysis for each company along with their
current market share. The fifth section provides the conclusion. The discussions of
prices, advertisements on TV, and other distribution channels refer to examples from
Thailand, the United States, the United Kingdom, and China respectively.
There are many models of
The Thing That End Essay
Why it is important to keep sensitive items accountability at all times. Sensitive Items is a
range of items which varies from those which are essential to the mission to those which
contain information which is sensitive in nature (i.e. giving access to secure
communication, movement of troops, their equipment, support lines or the general idea
of the mission.) There are many reasons these items need to be secure and accountability
maintained for them. Some of these reasons include the potential to pose a threat to
mission success if fallen into the wrong hands, the ability to complete the mission if not
maintained by the troops themselves, the security of those around you if not maintained,
and the ease and flow with which the... Show more content on ...
Things happen, we ve all lost something before, hell I had lost $100 cash before. When
I woke up the next day and couldn t find it, I was so pissed, but it happened and there
was nothing I could do about it, just had to take it as a loss. I’m only human, and
this will not be the last mistake I ever make. However, I wont make the same mistake
over and over again. I am certain that the corrective training I am doing sucks just
enough if not more to make me want to ensure to maintain firm awareness of the
location of my ID card at all times from now on, which I m sure was the intention of
this corrective training or essay writing. Don t get me wrong a lot of bad things have
the potential to occur if my ID were to fall into the wrong hands. Being accountable
means being dependable arriving to work and appointments on time, meeting deadlines,
being in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing at the right time, and
making sure you have your i.d. card at all times. Morning formation is the most
important formation of the day. It is made to get accountability of everyone and put out
any information that there needs to be dealt with. Without having accountability there
is no knowing of where everybody is or what s going on. I have realized that is an
important asset always showing up on time By not being accounted for I have let my
unit down and failed in the missions that needed to be completed. I have not set a good
Interview On Interview Plan Of Sergeant First Class John...
Interview plan of Sergeant First Class John Smith
Michael J Smith
American Military University
INTL 408

Pre Interview plan.

In order to fully maximize the interview of SFC John Smith, there must be background
information to establish information on his nuances, behavior as well as past
experiences and life. For this situation with SFC Smith there should be a police
background check, as well as credit checks and other legal checks in order to see what
the life of SFC Smith is in regards to legal reasons. For the main reason of the checks,
is to see if there have been any instances where SFC Smith may have encountered any
trouble in the US or abroad or if he had done anything that could lead to being
blackmailed. For the Credit Check, ... Show more content on ...
Does SFC Smith have a mental disorder? Or does the individual have any sort of issues
with depression? Any sort of personal crisis may very well be a indicator of possible
instance of espionage. While not necessarily specifying that if SFC Smith has a
mental disorder, he will become a spy or elicit information for country X, but in the
past, many who have experience personal crisis, have conducted espionage for FISS.
Being able to find this information beforehand would also be helpful in order to
determine his demeanor, especially with information from co workers or anyone else in
his chain of command. With the information from these people, we can determine will
he be receptive, is he an angry person, is he friendly etc. With this we can have an idea
as how to shape the conversation before the interview begins.
Chronological Interviewing Plan SFC Smith is a Service Member that is returning from
a Eastern Bloc country, and was part of a training team while one ground. In order to
determine whether he divulged information while in country, the Chronological Plan will
be most helpful in order to maintain the sense of routine and friendly questioning. Going
over the trip through chronological detail will help recall the information on SFC
Smiths part as well as determine if he had been elicited or if he had potentially given
information freely. For the interview site, the less formal the better but
Social Performance of Organizations Essay
Assignment 1: Social Performance of Organizations
Janet Jackson
Strayer University
May 1, 2014

The De Beers Company is one of the wealthiest companies in the world. De Beers leads
and dominates the diamond industry in diamond mining, diamond trading, and industrial
diamond manufacturing. In 1871 a South African man named Cecil Rhodes created De
Beers. Rhodes rented water pumps to miners then invested his profits by buying up
small mining operations. In 2011 the De Beers Group sold their remaining stake to
Anglo American for $5.1 billion in cash. (DeMarco, 2011). Before the sale the diamond
company was owned by the Oppenheimer family. Now Anglo American own 85 percent
of De Beers making them the primary ... Show more content on ...
These stockholders do a great job planning on how to keep the company making big
profits. This gives these stockholders lots of control. De Beers has done a great job
expanding their markets and making sure those places have high demand for their
product. In an article on, Josephine Moulds states De Beer s sales in
the Middle East, India and Asia drove pre tax profits up 74% to $1 billion in the first half
(Moulds, 2011).
The governments in the diamond industry have a lot of control what the companies can
do. When mining diamonds many of land and resources are used. Governments have to
take the interest of their people and also take into account what impact the diamond
industry has on the local environment. In the country of Angola diamond mining has had
a huge impact. states irresponsible diamond mining has caused soil
erosion, led to deforestation, and forced local populations to relocate (Brilliant Earth,
n.d.). Governments also have to regulate labor laws for their country. In some countries
diamonds are mined by small children in unsafe conditions. These responsibilities fall
under the local government to protect the land from these mining companies. Local
governments can write laws and regulations require diamond mining companies to take
extra precautions in order to operate. This could require the diamond company to decide
is it worth it to follow these regulations or find a cheaper place to mind
Outdoor Recreation With The Whole Family
Outdoor recreation with the whole family doesn t have to break your budget. Here are
some tips for a great outdoor adventure in the Ozarks. Bring your tent, some supplies,
and the whole family for a back to nature getaway. Places to Camp in the Ozarks: Lake
of the Ozarks State Park, Kaiser, Missouri. This place is packed with fun for the
outdoor adventurer. Activities include spectacular cave tours (special fee) for all ages,
trail rides (special fee), swimming, 12 hikingtrails, fishing, and boating. Reserve one of
their 230 campsites, ranging from primitive sites to those with electricity. Lake of the
OzarksState Park offers many amenities such as a camp store, modern restrooms, an
amphitheatre, and an on site laundry center. Open... Show more content on ...
If you like rugged mountain views, you ll love Devil s Den State Park. Surrounded by
the Ozark National Forest, this park offers hiking, backpacking, mountain bike trails,
swimming, cave exploration, horse trails (bring your own horse), interpretive
programs, special exhibits, boat rentals (canoes, kayaks, pedal boats, and water bikes),
backpack rentals, and a park cafe. The swimming pool is open from May 27 to
September 7. The café is open from May 22 to September 7 and operates Wednesdays
through Sundays. Choose from a wide variety of campsites (including handicap
accessible) ranging in price from $10 to $27. Contact the park for information and
reservations at (479) 761 3325 or visit them online at http:/
/ Daytime Camping Activities: Science Trek.
Get a rocks and minerals and/or plant identification guidebook from your local library.
Go for a group hike, bring the guidebook, and take pocket sized notebooks and pencils
for everyone. As you hike, try to identify rocks and plants. Have everyone write down
the name of the object and a short description that includes where you found it, it s
shape, size, and color. At the end of the hike, take turns describing your favorite finds!
Bird Watching. Check out a bird identification guide from your local library. Go for a
walk with your guidebook in hand and try to identify the birds you see. Take
The Piano Sonata Op.35 No.2, By Johann Sebastian Bach Essay
Macdonald believes in the individuality of the keys. Moreover, in the history of the
keyboard music, the work developed by Johann Sebastian Bach during the Baroque
period entitled, The Well Tempered Clavier, is harmonically and musically substantial
since he uses a pedagogical way to state the individuality of each key signature; he
demonstrates a preference for sharps rather than flats. He chooses F sharp in both books
of preludes and fugue. In the second movement of the Piano Sonata Op.35 No.2, the
Scherzo is written in the key of E flat minor. However, Chopin ends this movement in the
relative keywith a G flat major chord. The key of G flat is closely related to the Key of
B flat minor as the relative key of E flat minor, which is the subdominant of B flat
minor. Musical Analysis and Performance Chopin wrote three piano sonatas: Sonata
Op. 4 No. 1 in C minor, Sonata Op. 35 No. 2 in B flat minor, and Sonata Op. 58 No. 3
in B minor. Scholars agree with the idea that Chopin had a sort of appreciation for
minor keys in this type of work. Also, these sonatas are examples of Chopin s interest
in the older tradition of the large forms. Chopin demonstrated acceptance of the
traditional concepts of the sonata form. For instance, he uses double bars and repeats
marks at the close of the exposition. The Sonata Op.35, No. 2 in B flat minor was
composed in 1839 in France but, the third movement of this sonata was composed and
played separately in 1837. This sonata

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