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Da ta theft i ncl udes :

a) unauthorized attempts to bypass the security mechanisms ot an informationsystem

) us e of i nforma ti on a nd txjmmuni ca tjon technol ogi es to s upport hos ti l e beha vi our

c) form Of fra ud or chea ti ng of a nother pers ons ' i denti ty

2. a re a ttempts by i ndi vi dua l s to obta i n confi denti a l i nforma ti on from you to fa l s i fyi
ei r i denti ty.

a)Computer viruses

(c) Phi s hi ng tri ps

d)Spyware scams

3. perscrl is being harassed repeåiedlyby being fåilowed caliéd or be wriftunto a

rget of
a) Bullying

c)l denfi ty theft


4, Hacking means:

) us e of i nforma ti on a nd communi ca ti on technol ogi es to s upport del i bera te, repea ted a nd
tile behavior

c) a form of fra ud or chea ti ng of a nother pers ons ' i denti ty i n vå l i ch s omeone pretends to
meone el s e by a s s umi ng tha t pers on's i denti ty.

d) without the permission of the owner to download computer data.

5. hic of 101owing is not one bycyber criminals?

) Unauthorized account access

) Ma s s a tta ck us i ng Troja ns a s botnets
) Ema i l s poofi ng a nd s pa mmi ng

6. are attempts by individuals to Obtain confidential informationfrom you to falsifying
ei r i denti ty.

Computer viruses

Phlshing trips
D. Spyware scams

are often delivered to a PC through an email attachment and are often designed to

. Email

hiéhseciiånOCitAct was "ålidåted

a) Section66F
(b) Section 66B
c) Section660

9. followingis not å'ype cyber-crir+ié?

Da ma ge to da ta syste

r.laws are incorporat fb/båhishing all criminals only.

11. ich of the fol owing is not an example of a computeras weapon cyber-crirre?

Credit fraudule

IPR Violati
) Pornography

13. ich Of the Ollowng is not done by cyber crimnals?

uthor account
Mass attack using Trojans botne
Emai spoofing sparnnun

14. use of the Internet or electronic means to s or harass an individual,a group

di vi dua l s . or a n orga ni za ti on i s termed:

) Cyberspace—
) Pornogra*ly d) None ot these
y hacking web server taking cont on a person's we e ca ed as web

) Spoofing

) Spamming
) None of these.

ng acqure rmat•onsu as usernames passwor s, a cr ca

ils by masquerading as a trustworthyentity is called

) ema i l bombi ng
) Spamming
) Cyber stalking

17. he pra cti ce of ma ki ng a tra ns mi s s i on a ppea rs to come from a n a uthori zed us er,

) Hacking

) Spamming
) Spamdexing
18. e practice of forging a return address on an e-mail so that the recipient is fooled in
ealir,g private information[s termed?

) hacking
) cracking
) dumps ter di vi ng

tityth is e crime obtaining e persona orfinan a i ationo a person

use their identity to commit fraud, such as making unauthorized transactions
cha s es ". thi s s ta tement i s :


20, iruses are programs that attach themselves to a computer or a file and then circulate
msetves to other files and to other computers on a network. They usually affect the da
a computer. either by altering or deleting it: this statement is:

) False

21. hich is the landmark judgment of Cyber bully r@harassment in India?

) Shreyas Slnghal v. I-JOI
) State of Bihar v. Shreya Singhal

) 001 v, Shreya Singhal

Ba ndwi dth Theft refers to:
) process of 'befriending' a young person online •to facilitateonline sexual contact and/or
physical meeting with them with the goal of committing sexual abuse

) a cyber-crimein which a target is contactedthroughelectronicmeans by sorreone

Ing as a legitimateinstitutionto lure ndividuals in to provxling sensitive data such as
sonally identifiableinformation. banking and credit card details, passwords etc
) none of the options

23. age of offence of child abuse is mentioned as years under IT Act, 2000.

) 14 years
) 16 years

) 21 years
24. o change. or change someoneor someihing,from one thiåg to anotheris
l i ed?

) Groomng
) Phishing
) Obscenity
wa res , ng are es
) Cyber Terronsm
) Cyber Warfare
) Phishing
26, yber stalking involves following a person's movements across the Internetby postir,g
essages (sometimes threatening)on the bulletin boards frequented by the victim, This
tatement is:

) False

ignature etc. Punishment is three years imprisonment or fine of one lakh rupees or both
is offence is a form of?

) Hacking
) Cyber Stalkig
) Denial o' Service Attack.
20¯- ntellectualpropertyUP) referså"reåiiåris as:

) Inventions
) l i tera ry a nd a rti s ti c works
) designs: and symbols, names and images used in commerce

20. is IP pr6iécted by law?

) IFR i s es s enti a l for better i denti fi ca ti a rul i ng, commerci a l i za ti on, renderi ng, a r•d
e pres erva ti on of i nventi ons or crea ti vi ty.

) to protect the investment. time, money. and effort invested by the inventor/creator Of the

) IPR affects the economic development Of a country by promoting healthy competition

uragng industrialgrowth and economic growfr

30. cl us ve ri ght gra nted for a n i nventi on i s ca l l ed

) Copynqht
) Geogra phi ca l Indi ca ti on

) Trademark

atent gran

) 10 years

) 15 years
) Li fe ti me

32. ha t ca nnot be pa tented?

) Discovery of a Scientific Principle

) Discovery al any living thing or Discovery of non—livingsubstance occurring in nature
) Mere discovery of any new property or use tor a known substance etc.

33. f6i16WiiWßGÅ6iGQéhiedi8&G1fringementof pateht?

) Injuncti on
) Damages

) Accounts of profi t

34. e s et of excl us i ve ri ghts gra nted to the a uthor or crea tor of a n ori gi na l work, i ncl udi ng the
t to copy, dl s tnbute a nd a da pt the work i s ca l l ed

) Trademark

) Indus tna l des i gn

) Patent

35. ri ght i s not a va i l a bl e to whi ch of the fol l owi ng work?

) Original Literary Work

) Original Dramatic work

) Ci nema togra phy fi l ms

36. Distinctive symbols. signs. logos that help consumer to distinguish between competing
or services is called

) Patent

) Copyright
) Cyber cri me

37. i ch of the fol l owi ng i s a functi on of tra dema rk?

) It i denti fi esthe goods I or s ervi ces a nd i ts ori gi n

) It gua ra ntees uncha nged qua l i ty
) It a dverti s es the goods /s ervzes

38. ny i ndi ca ti ons whi ch defi ne the goods a s ori gi na ti ng i n the terri tory of a country or a regi on
l oca l i ty i n tha t terri tory, provi ded a gi ven qua l i ty reputa tm or other cha ra cteri s ti cs of
duct a re a ttri buta bl eto i ts geogra phi ca l ori gi n i s ca l l ed:

) Trademark
) Pa tents
) Indus tri a l des i gn
39. Design protectiondeals with the outer appearance of an article, including decoration, lines,
rs, shape, textureand materials

) False

eograp to

) Kadri Pak

) Bangalore Pak
) None of theoptions

youto transistors. r uitry elements a inclu es wres connecting such

ements and expressed in any manner in a semiconductor integratedcircuit is called as

) Industrial design
) Tw04mensional design

) Trademark

42. Intellectual Property Rights (PR) protect the use of informationand ideas that are
a) Ethical value
b) Moral value
c) Social value

a) is represented graphically

c) may includeshapes of goods or combinationof colors

d) All of the options

44. Which of the following Ware included Geographical indications of Goods?

a. Handicraft
b. Foodstuff
c. Manufactured

45. Patentis a formof:

a) Tangible Property
b) Intellectual Property
c) Industrialprcuerty

46. In the following case the Hon'ble Supreme Court struck down Section 66 A of LT.

a. Kartar Singh vis State of Punjab

b. Maneka Gandhi v's I-JOI
c. K, A Abbasvis 001

47. rime in any form adversely affects

) All the members of the society
) Does not affect anyone

) None of the options

48, e objective of the InformationTec nology Act 2000 is to
) To provide legal recognition tor transactions carned out by means of electronic data
) Interchange and other of electronic communication
) To encourage alternatives to paper-based methods of communication

49. hat does not fall under the ambit of Identity Theft?
) Illegally obtaining the personal or financial informationof another person
) Fraudulent actions

) Making unauthorized transactions and purchases

Pursuing stealthily refers to
) IdentJty theft
) Phishing

) None of theoptJons

By proper planning you can

a) Avoid all risks

b) Avoid Most of the risks
c) Avoid minimumrisks
) None of the above

By what is one of the following ways can you help to reduce safety risks for
our organization's activities?

) Properly plan by thoroughly thinking through events and activities

b) Do nothingso that no one will get hurt
c) Have everyone sit down during the event so that no one is likely to get hurt by
d) Don't host events. Just send emails to let everyone know how passionate you
are about your organization

hich of the following is NOT a component of e-waste

a) Nature Centric
b) Human Centric
c) Bio Centric
) All of the options

aims to maximize good consequences for human beings

a) Utilitarianism
b) Environmentalism
c) Pollution control
d) Aestheticism

hat does e-waste stand for?

a) Environmental waste
b) Equipment waste
c) Electronic waste
) Engineeringwaste

ethics ensures worth of all living beings and organisms

a) Nature Centric
b) Human Centric
c) Bio Centric
d) All of the options
wo approaches to environmental ethics are:

a) Nature Centric and Human Centric

b) Nature Centric and IndustryCentric
c) Human Centric and Eco Centric
d) Human Centric and EnvironmentCentric
In the current scenario, caring for the environment has become a:
a) Necessity for our survival otherwise the environment will deteriorate
b) Not necessity for our survival
c) To effectively co-ordinate with other departments
d) To maintain the balance caring is not required.
he phenomenon which refers to some form of friction, or discord arising
ithin a group when the beliefs or actions of one or more members of the
group are either resisted by or unacceptable to one or more members of
another group

a) Struggle
b) Moonlighting
c) IndustrialEspionage
) Price Fixing

hich of the following is an appropriate general principle with regard for


) The Engineer shall regard his duty to the public welfare as paramount to all
ther obligations.

b) The Engineer shall regard his duty to the objectives of the company as
paramount to all other obligations

c) The Engineer shall regard his duty to the profession of engineering as

paramount to other obligations.

) The Engineer shall regard his duty to his excellence as paramountto other

written statement of policies and principles that guides the behavior of all
mployees is called:

a) Word of Ethics
b) Company's Code
c) Code of Ethics
) Ethics and Behavior code

situation in which an engineer's loyalty and obligations may be

compromised because of self-interests or other loyalties and obligations

a) Conflict of interest
b) Conceptual issue
c) Concern of interest
) Interaction rules

hich of the following is not usually the objective of a code of ethics?

a) to create an ethical workplace

b) to evaluate the ethical components of the proposed actions of the employees
c) to improve the public image of the company
) to enhance the profits of the business continuously.
hich of the following statements in the profession's code of ethics is the
most accurate?

a) A code of ethics makes sure that all the members of a profession act ethically
at all times
b) A code of ethics communicatesthe principlesand expected behaviorof a
profession 's members
c) A code of ethics always includes standard of conduct
)A code of ethics is a book notfollowedstrictly.
Promoting what is good for oneself without caring societal relationships
can be termed

a) Ethical Egoism
b) Self control
c) Self Esteem
) Moral Authority
hat does risk assessment tell you?

a) How to report accidents at the workplace

b) The working hours of the organization
c) It mentions the list of doctors and the number of First Aid boxes in the
) How to do the job safely at the workplace.
hree major characteristics of a profession are:

) Advanced knowledge,Self-Regulation, Public Good

b) Efficiency, Economic growth, Code of ethics
c) Public Good, legal correctness, Personal efficiency
d) Self care, Technical skill, Norms of behavior
Ethics is a — —science.
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Normative
) Theoretical
hy should regular inspections of the workplace take place?

a) To check whether the working environment is safe

b) To check everyone is doing theirjob
c) To prepare for a visit from concerned employer.
) To check that all staff are present and correct.

In order to determine the risk, which of the following criterion should have

a) Knowledgeof Risk
b) Uncertainties in Design
c) Testing for Safety
) All the options.
n activity of a business firm which promotes philanthropic concerns is
identifies as part of their:

a) CorporateSocial Responsibility
b) Marketing plan
c) Profitenhancingplan
) Employee welfare plan.
- refers to the act of organization members, disclosing
informationon illegal and unethical practices within the organization

a) Oxymoron
b) Reporting
c) Whistleblowing
) Quickening
Corporate Social Responsibility is equally importantto:

a) Community
b) Company
c) Community and Country
) Community and society
Ethics —

a) Are moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an

b) Any occupation/job/vocationthat requires advanced expertise, self-regulation an
concemed service to the public good. It brings a high status socially and economically
c) Is a the state or quality of being immoral.
d) Is a system of rules which a particularcountryor communityrecognizes a
regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition o
hich of the following is true with respect to the scope of engineering?

i. Ethics of the workplacewhich involves the co-workers and employees in

an organization.
ii. Ethics related to the product or work which involves the transportation,
warehousing, and use, besides the safety of the end product and
the environment outside the factory.

a) Onlyi
b) Only ii
c) Both I and ii
) Neither ( nor ii
Which of the following is a reason for unethical behavior amongst employe
and employees?

a) Opportunity
b) Resource crunch
c) Attitude
All the options
hich of the following is not a reason for poor attitude amongst employees?

a) Low morale of the employees because of dissatisfaction and downsizing

b) Absence of grievance redressal mechanism
c) Absence of recognition and reward system
) Good working environments
Choose the incorrect statement in relation to moral dilemma.

a) Dilemmas are situations in which moral reasons come into conflict.

b) When in a dilemma,one is not clear of the immediatechoice or solutionof th
c) Moral dilemma makes the decision making very easy.
) When in a dilemma, one is unable to distinguish between good and bad
hich of the following is a complexity leading to a moral dilemma?

a) The problem of certainty

b) The problem of conflicting reasons
c) The problem of agreement
) All the options
Pick the odd step out in solving a dilemma.

a) Identificationof the moral factors and reasons. Identifythe relevant moral value
from among duties, rights, goods and obligations. Professional code of ethics may b

b) Collection of all information,data, and facts relevant to the situation.

c)Rank the moral options i.e., priority in application through value system.

) Not discuss with colleagues and obtain their perspectives, priorities, a

uggestions on various alternatives.
Moralautonomy is defined as —

a) Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.

b) The status of a professional which implies certain attitudes or typical qualities tha
re expected of a professional.
c) The situations in which moral reasons come into conflict.
) Decisions and actions exercised on the basis of moral concern for other peopl
nd recognitionof good moral reasons.

Moralautonomy is also referred to as-

a) self-determinant
b) Dependent
c) Conflicted
) Confused
hich of the following is not a skill associated with moral autonomy?

a) Proficiency in recognizing moral problems in engineering and ability to distinguis

problems in law, economics, and religion
b) Skill in comprehending, clarifying, and critically-assessing arguments on differen
aspects of moral issues.
c) Ability to form inconsistent and incomprehensive viewpoints based on facts.
) Awareness of alternate responses to the issues and creative solutions.
hich of the following is a characteristic feature of professionalism?

a) Oligopoly
b) No autonomy in the work place
c) Expertise and knowledge
) Mediocre training

t international level, the organizations are expected to adopt the minimu

levels of:

a) values, such as mutual support, loyalty, and reciprocity,

b) the negative duty of refraining from harmful actions such as violence and fraud,
c) basic fairness andjustice in case of conflicts.
) All the options

Environmentalethics is concerned with which of the following issues?

a) Ensure protection of the environment.

b) Promote the degradation of environment.
c) Speed up the exploitation of the natural resources, so that the future generation
cant survive.
) Destroy the wildlife and increase man-animal conflict.
Which ofthe following describes E-commerce?

a) Doing businesselectronically
b) Doing business
c) Sale ofgoods
d) All of the options

Which of the following is part of the four main types for e-commerce?

a) B2B
b) B2C
c) C2B
d) All of the options

Which type of e-commerce focuses on consumers dealing with each other?

a) B2B
b) B2C
c) C2B

Which is a function of E-commerce?

a) marketing
b) advertising
c) supplying
d) all of the options

Most individuals are familiar with which form of E-commerce.

a) B2B
b) B2C

Which of the followi ng are advantages normally associated with B2B e-commerce?

a) Shorter cycletimes
b) Reduction incosts
c) Reaches wideraudiences
d) all of the options

Which of the following is not related to security mechan ism?

a) encryption
b) decryption
c) e-cash
d) all theoptions

What is the name given to an interactive business providing a centralized market where many buyers
and suppliers can come together for e-commerce or commerce-related activities ?

a) Direct marketplace
b) B2B
c) B2C
d) Electronic marketplace
E-Contract is an agreementwith

a) Lawful consideration
b) Free consent
c) Withouthidden motive
d) All of the options

Which is not a type of E-Contract?

a) Click wrap
b) Bubble wrap
c) Shrink wrap
d) Browse wrap

E-Contracts are referredas:

a) Cyber Contract
b) Online Contract
c) Digital Contract
d) All of the options

contracts are license agreements or other terms and conditions which can only be
read and accepted by the consumer after opening the product.

a) Browse wrap
b) Shrink wrap
c) Click wrap
d) Bubble wrap

Which one of the following elements is not necessary for a contract?

a) Competent parties
b) Reasonable terms and conditions
c) Free consent
d) Lawful consideration

Which of the following section gives the essentials to a contract?

a) Section 10 of Indian Contract Act

b) Section IOA of IT Act
c) Section 10 of Civil Procedure Act
d) Section 10 of Transfer of Property Act

Which of the following section gives validity to e-contracts?

a) Section 10 of Indian Contract Act

b) Section IOA of IT Act
c) Section 10 of Civil Procedure Act
d) Section 10 of Transfer of Property Act

Which of the following is not a feature of e-commerce?

a) Technology Mediated
b) Universality
c) Intercommunication
d) Non- delivery of Information

Which of the following is not a feature of e-commerce?

a) Delivery of Information
b) Electronic Completionof Business Processes
c) Virtual Communities
d) Physical limitation
Ubiquity of e-commerce refers to:

a) removal of traditional limitation of geographical location for commerce

b) removal of age restrictionfor commerce
c) removal of legal system for commerce
d) all of the options

Which of the following is not related to security mechan ism?

a) encryption
b) decryption
c) e-cash
d) all the options

Which of the following is not a feature of e-commerce?

a) Informationdensity
b) Ubiquity
c) Customization
d) Physical location limitation

The diagram denotes which model of e-commerce?

Business Organization

Sup i s Order

Customer Website

a) B2C
b) B2B

The diagram denotes which model of e-commerce?

Business Organization

Suppl i s



a) B2C
b) B2B
c) C2B
The diagram denotes which model of e-commerce?


Processes Order Places money for

particular service

receives products

Business Organization Customer

Receives money

a) B2C
b) B2B
c) C2B

The diagram denotes which model of e-commerce?

Places advertisement


Want to sell products Want to buy products

receives products

Customer 1 Customer 2
Receives money

a) B2C
b) B2B
c) C2B
d) C2C

What are the remedies available for breach of a contract?

a) Damages;
b) specific performance of the contract; and
c) injunction
d) All of the options

Which of the following is not a remedy available for breach of a contract?

a) Damages;
b) specific performance of the contract; and
c) injunction
d) Criminal prosecution

Specific Performance of the contract is dealt under:

a) Specific Relief Act

b) Indian Contract Act
c) IT Act
d)Civil Procedure Code
Electronic signature is defined under:

a) Sec 2(ta) of IT Act

b) Sec 28(ta) of IT Act
c) Sec 2(ta) of Indian Contract Act
d) none of the options

PKI is certified by

a) Certificate Authority
b) PKI Authority
c) Central Government
d) ISP

What are the conditions for validation of a e-contract under Section IOA of IT Act?

a) Must fulfilthe conditions of Sec 10 of Indian Contract Act

b) Must be done on a electronic medium
c) all the stages of a formationof a contract must be completed
d) all of the options

Consider the following statements:

l) Every promise is an agreement.

Il) Every agreement is a contract.
Ill) A contract which cease to be enforceable by law becomes void.
IV) A minor who is supplied necessaries is personally liable to pay for

Which of the statements given above are correct?

a) A and C only.
b) A and B only.
c) A, B and C.
d) B, C and D.

How the transactions occur in e-commerce?

a) Using e-medias
b) Using computers only
c) Using mobilephones only
d) None of the options

Which is not a function of E-commerce?

a) marketing
b) advertising
c) warehousing
d) None of the options
Which of the following is a disadvantage of E-Commerce?

a) Privacy of e-transactions is not guaranteed

b) Expensive for small businesses
c) Security of internetis not very good
d) All of the above

"The technology reaches Commerce is enabled across cultural and across nationa
boundaries, around the earth. National boundaries seamlessly and without modification"
The above statement is:

a) True
b) False
c) Somewhat True
d) None of the above

contracts are web-based contracts that require the user's consent or consent
through the "1Accept," or "OK" button.

a) Shrink wrap
b) Click wrap
c) Browsing wrap
d) None of the above

Online Contracts can be formed by:

a) E-mails
b) Website forms
d) All of the above

"Authentication of any electronic record by a subscriber by means of the electronic techniqu

specified in the schedule and includes digital signature."

a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth

are digital fort-natcertificate to prove identity in the digital world.

a) E-mail ID Certificate
b) Website Certificate
c) Digital Signature Certificate
d) None of the above

PKI stands for:

a) Public Knowledge Interface

b) Private Knowledge Interface
c) Private Key Infrastructure
d) Public Key Infrastructure
Public Key Infrastructure Certificates are used for:

a) Providing a recovery key for an encrypted hard drive

b) Securing internalcommunications with database servers
c) Signing documents
d) All the above

Which of the following is not a disadvantage of E-Commerce?

a) E-commerce de-personalizes shopping

b) Hackers attemptingto steal customer informationor disrupt the site
c) A server containing customer informationis stolen.
d) The technology reaches Commerce is enabled across cultural and across national boundaries,
around the earth.

In a C2C Business model, the website

a) wants to sell the product

b) wants to buy the product
c) places advertisements
d) receives products

Which of the following is not an advantage of E-Commerce?

a) Shopping can take place anywhere

b) Customer Convenience is enhanced
c) Customer money can be stolen
d) Shopping costs are reduced

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