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4 Dragons

• Reading comprehension – Can understand the main themes of a simplified story.
• Reading development – Can follow a simple series of written instructions to carry out a task.

• Listening comprehension – Can identify the main points in short talks on familiar topics, if delivered
slowly and clearly.
• Response to spoken prompts – Can identify simple information in a short video, provided that the
visual supports this information and the delivery is slow and clear.

• Spoken production – Can talk about a past event or activity in a very basic way.
• Spoken production – Can describe a picture showing a familiar scene or activity using simple language,
if prompted by questions.

• Written production – Can write short, descriptive texts (4–6 sentences) on familiar personal topics
(e.g., family, animals, possessions), given a model.
• Written production – Can write a story, linking simple sentences together in a sequence.

Key vocabulary Phonics STEAM Grammar Culture

brave The sounds /bl/, air resistance The dragon was flying. coral reef
burn /cl/, /fl/, /gl/, /pl/, bi-plane It wasn’t burning a village. eco house
and /sl/ Guna Yala
dangerous engine The dragons were sleeping.
east blanket jet plane They weren’t eating. island
flew blue lift lunar eclipse
Was the dragon swimming?
north clean propeller Yes, it was. Moon
slept clocks pull Were the dragons eating? Panama
strong flies push No, they weren’t.
village flowers streamlined What were you doing when
glass the fire started?
west weight
places wheels I was swimming in the pool,
plates when the fire started.
sleeps I wasn’t eating when the fire
wings started.


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Students will find out about fantasy animals in stories from their country, then invent their fantasy animal
and make a story outline. Next, they will invent a story in groups and draw their fantasy animal, and then
tell their story using their notes and drawing to the class.
Materials: pencils, notebooks, pictures of fantasy animals, coloring pencils, white paper or card


Students will learn about how airplanes stay in the air and then how to make and test different shaped
paper airplanes.
Materials: pencils, notebooks, white paper, rulers

Pearson English Portal digital resources

Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on “Resources” for more teaching resources, including videos
and games.


• Students will learn to understand and perform simple functions.
• Students will learn to understand and perform simple event actions and reactions.

Students will learn how to problem-solve using measurements in kilometers and liters.


Students will learn how to work together and be the best they can in order to achieve their goals.


Students learn about the Guna people in Panama.

Create your own dragon.
Students draw and label a dragon.

Make your own picture dictionary.

This feature occurs in each Vocabulary lesson
and encourages students to process new
vocabulary through drawing and writing.

Imagine you went with Emilia and complete. flew

An imaginary activity for students to practice
using the past progressive.

Draw the map and write labels. Ask and answer with friends.
Students draw and label a map. They ask and answer questions using past progressive.

Act out the story in groups.

This feature occurs in each Story lab lesson and will help students revisit and produce core language
learned so far in the unit, as well as collaborate with other students in a fun context.


M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 111 29/09/2020 18:35

How can I invent a story about a fantasy animal?

4 Dragons
How can I invent a story about a fantasy animal?
2 028

Listen and complete. Not all words are used.

N ew Y e a r D r a g o n s
colorful dragons flew through the streets for
the New Year celebration. People
with sticks made the dragons move in the air.
In Chinese culture, dragons bring
luck. They are brave and strong. And they are
and to people.

3 Work with a partner. Think of two

stories with dragons.


4 Act out the dragon CODE CRACKER

routine with three

Step forwards Lift arms

Step backwards Lower arms
Step to the left Move arms to the left
Step to the right Move arms to the right

Dancer 1 Dancer 2 Dancer 3 Dancer 4

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5

1 What do you know about dragons? Are they real? Step 6

56 fifty-six fifty-seven 57

Lesson flow

Warm up Critical Lesson Presentation Practice Production Code Cracker Objective

thinking objective Production review

• Draw a Venn diagram on the board with three

circles and label the circles farm animals, wild
I will learn about dragons. animals, and pets. Then ask a few students to
come to the board and write animal words in the
KEY LANGUAGE Venn diagram, e.g., cow in farm animals, rabbit
in the overlap of wild animals and pets, and
brave strong elephant in wild animals. Have students work in
flew groups to create their own Venn diagrams.
• Extra Have students sit in a circle. Start by saying
Warm up I was in the forest and I saw a rabbit. Then throw
• Ask students What animal words do you know? a ball to a student and have them continue the
and elicit some examples, e.g., cow, rabbit, sentence, adding an animal (I was in the forest and
elephant. Have students work with a partner and I saw a rabbit and a fox.). Each student continues
make a list of any animal words they know. adding something to the sentence until someone
forgets an item or everyone has made a sentence.

M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 112 29/09/2020 18:35

• Ask students How can I invent a story about a Production
fantasy animal? Explain that they will invent 3 Work with a partner. Think of two stories with
a story about a fantasy animal as their final dragons.
project. Ask what they will need to think about
• Have students discuss in pairs stories they know
for their project. Write ideas on the board
with dragons. Remind them that the stories could
(fantasy animals, what makes an animal a
be from books, movies, word of mouth, etc.
fantasy, inventing stories, etc.).
• Assist Provide students with some well-known
• Involve Ask students to think about what they examples of stories with dragons, e.g., the
will learn so that they can complete the project in movie How to Train Your Dragon, the book The
English (vocabulary for fantasy animals, how to Hobbit, the animation Spirited Away.
invent a story, how to talk about events in the past, • Challenge Ask students to share the titles
etc.). Ask them to discuss ideas with their partner. of their stories. Write the titles on the board.
• Assist Go around the class and ask each student Have students work in small groups, with each
to share one idea. Write the ideas on the board. student choosing a story to tell the rest of their
Encourage students to use English, but also accept group about. Encourage students to choose
ideas in L1 and provide the English translation. different stories to ensure variety.

Lesson objective
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will Production CODE CRACKER
learn about dragons. 4 Act out the dragon routine with three friends.
• Coding syllabus: Students will learn to
• Involve Students will learn to recall and identify
understand and perform simple functions.
what they already know about dragons and learn
some new language to be able to discuss those • Students will learn how to use a picture code
ideas in English. by understanding what it means and how to
make the movements with their bodies.
CRITICAL THINKING • Have students look at the movements and
Presentation the color and direction of the arrows for each.
Explain that they will use them to understand
1 What do you know about dragons? Are they
how to perform the routine in the chart.
• Assist Go through each movement as a class.
• Ask students to look at the picture and discuss
Have students read the movement out loud,
their ideas with a partner. Encourage them to
then do the action all together.
make full sentences using words they know, like
objects, activities, places, and people. • Have each group of students practice
individually before bringing them
• Ask Are dragons real? Have a show of hands,
together to act out in front of the class.
then talk about the Komodo dragon in
Encourage students to provide support and
encouragement for each other.
• Differentiation Point at the picture and ask
• Differentiation Put students in groups of the
What can you see? (I can see children and a
same ability and have less confident groups
model dragon.) What are they doing? (They are
make up their own routine using the movements
celebrating and walking/holding a dragon.).
and arrows in the book to create a different
Then have students ask and answer with a
routine. More confident groups can add more
partner. Less confident pairs can ask these
movements with arrows pointing in different
questions, while more confident pairs can try to
directions and then make up their own routine.
think of other questions to ask, too.
Then have students come together to act out
their routines in front of the class.
2 028 Listen and complete. Not all words Objective review
are used.
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know about
(Answers: Colorful, Chinese, good, kind, helpful) dragons.
• Tell students to listen and complete the text using • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
five of the words. Play audio 028. know by eliciting full sentences using the new
• Introduce the new vocabulary (flew, brave, strong) vocabulary.
and encourage students to say the words out loud.

M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 113 29/09/2020 18:35

Dragons around the world

Dragons around the world I will learn

describe dr rds to 3 Create your own dragon.

1 029
Listen and complete. Sing the song. east north west Actions:

TIME Dragons in many lands
Play Snap!

Long, long ago there were dragons in many lands.

My dragon can make fire.
5 Make your own picture
dictionary. Draw and write the
Yellow dragon
Some dragons were good. Other dragons were bad.
words in two groups: Actions
The dragon from the east was strong and brave.
Actions: swim, fly, walk, and Qualities.
He flew in the sky and he made it rain.
make rain
Qualities: brave, strong,
The dragon from the west was dangerous and bad. good
He burned all the villages in the land. Origin:
The dragon from the north slept in a cave.
flew swam
He was dangerous and lazy and he wasn’t very brave.

Green dragon 6 030

Listen and number. Then say.
Red dragon Actions: fly, swim, sleep
Qualities: lazy, My dragon
Actions: fly, walk, make fire, a b c
burn villages dangerous, bad 1 It flies with the
Origin: clouds in the blue,
Qualities: dangerous, strong, bad
blue sky.
2 It sleeps on the

2 Read and complete.

floor on a blanket
of flowers.

1 The dragon could swim. 2 The dragon was 3 It cleans clocks and
He wasn’t brave. dangerous. He couldn’t swim. glass plates in dark
3 The dragon could walk. 4 The dragon was strong.

He wasn’t dangerous.
The dragon could swim. 6
He couldn’t swim.
The dragon was
7 Choose. Say it again as quickly as you can.
He wasn’t lazy. dangerous. He couldn’t walk.

58 fifty-eight fifty-nine 59

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Song Practice Production Production Picture Presentation Practice Objective
objective dictionary review

Warm up
• Ask students What words do you know to
I will learn words to describe dragons. describe animals? and elicit some examples:
friendly, lazy, noisy. Then ask What animals
KEY LANGUAGE can you describe using those words? Elicit a few
examples: friendly – dogs, dolphins, rabbits;
Key vocabulary Phonics
lazy – cats, bats; noisy – chickens, etc.
brave north The sounds /bl/, /cl/,
/fl/, /gl/, /pl/, and /sl/ • Assist Ask students if they know any words to
burn slept
blanket floor describe dragons and elicit brave and strong.
dangerous strong
blue flowers Encourage students to share any other words
east village
they know and write them on the board.
flew west clean glass
clocks places • Then have students work with a partner and
clouds plates make sentences to describe animals, e.g., The
flies sleeps fox is lazy.


M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 114 29/09/2020 18:35

• Extra Have students sit in two lines. Tell the first
student in each line to make a sentence and
whisper it to the next student, e.g., The dragon is Production
brave and strong. Students continue to whisper 4 Play Snap!
the sentence to each other until the last student in • Have one student and make a sentence about the
the line. The last student has to tell the class what dragon they created in Activity 3, e.g., My dragon
they think they heard. can make fire. All the students who created a
dragon with the same quality say Snap! Choose
Lesson objective one of those students to make the next sentence.
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
learn words to describe dragons. CREATIVITY

• Involve Students will learn new words to describe Picture dictionary

dragons that relate to their lives. They will practice 5 Make your own picture dictionary. Draw and
identifying and making sentences about them. write the words in two groups: Actions and
• Ask students to add to the picture dictionary they
1 029 Listen and complete. Sing the song. started in Unit 1 – see page 13 for reference.
(Answers: yellow dragon: east, red dragon: west, • Ask students to close their Student’s Books
green dragon: north) and encourage them to use their imagination
• Play audio 029. Have students listen to the song to draw the new words and write them neatly
and write the origin of each of the dragons. under the pictures they draw.
• Assist Point at each of the new words in the song • Differentiation See TE pages 17–18 for ideas.
and check understanding by asking questions, e.g.,
Which way is north? What’s the past tense of fly? PHONICS
• Play the audio again. Have students listen and Presentation
sing along using the lyrics on the page.
6 030 Listen and number. Then say.
• Extra Divide the class into four groups to sing the
(Answers: 1 c, 2 b, 3 a)
song. The first group sings the chorus, and the
other three groups each sing a verse. Then they • Students will learn the sounds /bl/, /cl/, /fl/, /gl/,
swap, so each group sings the different lines. /pl/, and /sl/ as in blue /bluː/, cloud /klaʊd/, fly
/flaɪ/, glass /ɡlæs/, plate /pleɪt/, and sleep /sliːp/.
• Play audio 030. Have students listen and read
Practice along quietly, then number the pictures.
2 Read and complete. • Play the audio again for students to say the
(Answers: 1 green, 2 red, 3 yellow, 4 red, sentences in time to the audio. Encourage them
5 yellow, 6 green) to emphasize the /bl/, /cl/, /fl/, /gl/, /pl/, and /sl/
• Students read and complete the sentences
by looking at the actions and qualities of the • Assist Play the Phonics Pronunciation videos. Ask
dragons in Activity 1. They use a process of students to sit and watch quietly. Play them again
elimination to decide which sentences describe and ask students to copy what they see and hear.
which dragon. Check answers as a class.
• Challenge Have students write a paragraph PHONICS
describing a dragon using the actions and Practice
qualities in Activity 1. Encourage them to add 7 Choose. Say it again as quickly as you can.
extra information, e.g., The yellow dragon helps
people. He makes it rain so that food can grow. • Have students work with a partner to choose
a sentence and say it as fast as they can.

Objective review
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can use
3 Create your own dragon. words to describe dragons.
• Students imagine their own dragon and decide • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
on a name, color, actions, and qualities before know by eliciting full sentences using the new
drawing it. They can look at Activity 1 for ideas. vocabulary and having them identify those words
in pictures.

M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 115 29/09/2020 18:35

Language lab

Language lab I will learn

to talk ab
ac tivities in out 3 Write sentences about the dragons. Ask and answer with partner.
What were the dragons doing at night?
1 The blue dragon .

1 Watch the video.

The green dragon
The dragons
The dragon was flying.
It wasn’t burning a village.
The dragons were sleeping.
4 Imagine you went with Emilia and complete.
They weren’t eating.
morning afternoon evening night
Was the dragon swimming? Yes, it was.
Were the dragons eating? No, they weren’t. Time: Place: What were you doing?

5 Play the Find a time game. CODE CRACKER

2 Read and color the arrows.
afternoon afternoon 1 Ask a classmate, “What time do you have?”
2 If you have the same time, sit down. If you have a different time,
Sunday morning
ask another classmate.
In the morning, … 3 How many classmates are left?

… the blue dragon was swimming in the river. morning

Make your own rule and play.
… the green dragon was flying over
the forest.
In the afternoon, … 6 Draw the map and write labels. Ask and answer with friends.

… the green dragon was burning a village. In the morning

Where were you?
… the blue dragon was flying over
the mountain. At the beach.
In the evening, …
… both dragons were sleeping. What were
you doing?
The blue dragon was sleeping in the sea. Diego was
I was
The green dragon was sleeping on the beach. swimming at Ana and Edu were
evening swimming. the beach. eating breakfast.

Emilia looks for dragons. She

evening follows clues from an old map.

60 sixty sixty-one 61

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Video Presentation Practice Practice Production Code Cracker Production Objective
objective Production review

Warm up
• Put the flashcards for words to describe dragons
I will learn to talk about activities in the past. on the board. Elicit the words for each picture
and ask students to make a sentence with them,
KEY LANGUAGE e.g., Yesterday, the dragon flew west.

The dragon was flying. • Write the words for the flashcards on the board
one at a time and have individual students match
It wasn’t burning a village.
them to the flashcards and say the words.
The dragons were sleeping.
• Extra Write words to describe dragons on the
They weren’t eating.
board in scrambled letters, e.g., b v e a r (brave).
Was the dragon swimming? Yes, it was.
Have students work in pairs to solve the puzzles,
Were the dragons eating? No, they weren’t. then check answers as a class and have students
spell out the words.


M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 116 29/09/2020 18:35

Lesson objective CREATIVITY
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will Production
learn to talk about activities in the past. 4 Imagine you went with Emilia and complete.
• Have students choose and write a time, place,
• Involve Students will learn to talk about activities
and one or two activities. Explain that they will
in the past. They will practice using statements, and
use the information in Activity 4. Encourage them
short questions and answers in different contexts.
to include different items from their partner.
1 Watch the video.
• Play the Unit 4 video. Ask students to sit and
watch quietly. 5 Play the Find a time game.
• Assist Play the video again and ask questions to • Coding syllabus: Students will learn to
check understanding. Pause after each correct understand and perform simple event actions
answer and ask What are the missing words? and reactions.
(yellow, dragon, flying, castle) What’s the full • Students will learn how to find key information
sentence? by asking questions and when receiving
negative answers, finding other friends to ask.
• Explain that students will ask and answer
• Point at the grammar box and read the examples.
using the information they completed in
• Assist Ask students if the sentences refer to the Activity 4. They follow the instructions, and
past, present, or future (past). Ask when we use was when all students are sitting down or can’t find
and were (with the dragon/it, the dragons/they). someone, count how many students are left.
• Ask students for an example of the question Was • Have students make their own rules and play
the dragon (burning a village)? Elicit different again. For example, they can change the question
answers (Yes, it was./No, it wasn’t. It was burning to Where were you? or they can find two students
a boat.). Next, ask students if they know any other with the same answer and then sit down.
question words we can use to talk about activities
in the past, e.g., What were you doing? CREATIVITY COMMUNICATION
• Remind students that they have a Grammar
Reference on page 149 of their Student’s Books.
6 Draw the map and write labels. Ask and
• Differentiation Have students look at pages 56–57
answer with friends.
and make sentences about the picture in the past,
e.g., The dragon wasn’t real! More confident • Have students copy the map and add labels
students can try to include items not in the picture, about what they were doing. They can use the
e.g., The dragon was flying outside. information from Activity 5 or their imaginations.
• Ask two students to read the speech bubbles.
Practice Then have students ask and answer with
2 Read and color the arrows. friends. They add labels to their maps to say
(Answers: Students color morning arrow to river what each friend was doing.
blue, morning arrow to forest green, afternoon • Challenge Ask a student to say something their
arrow to mountain blue, afternoon arrow to friend was doing, e.g., In the morning, Diego
village green, evening arrow to sea blue, evening was swimming at the beach. The friend they
arrow to beach green.) describe continues and adds to the sentence (In
• Tell students to look at the picture of the map and the morning, Diego was swimming at the beach
then read and color the arrows. and Ana and Edu were eating breakfast.). Each
student continues adding something to the
COMMUNICATION sentence until someone forgets an action or
everyone has made a sentence.
3 Write sentences about the dragons. Ask and
Objective review
answer with a partner.
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can talk
(Model answers: 1 was eating, 2 wasn’t
about activities in the past.
sleeping, 3 weren’t sleeping)
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students can
• Ask students to imagine what the dragons were do by asking questions about activities in the past
doing at night and write sentences. and eliciting answers using I was (playing a game).

M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 117 29/09/2020 18:35

Story lab

Story lab I will read

about good
a story
READING bad dragon d At the bottom of the sea, a water
s. 3
dragon was sleeping. The noise
from the beach woke it up.
1 Look at the pictures. Is it 2 031
Read and listen.
4 The water dragon swam out of
a true story? the water and flew to the island.
It saw the people on the beach. They
were making the noise. Then it saw the
A tale of It’s a fire dragon!
Run to the beach! village. All the houses were burning.

5 The water dragon made rain from the

1 Once upon a time, there was an island
clouds to put out the fires. Then it flew
in the sea. One day, people were
after the fire dragon. At the top of
working in the fields. The sun was shining and
the mountain, the water dragon pushed
there was one cloud in the sky. The cloud was
the fire dragon into a cave
a strange shape and it was moving towards
and made a door with
the island. Soon, the cloud was very big.
a big rock.
Then a small boy looked up.

The fire dragon flew over the 6 The people of the village still remember the fire dragon. They
2 can see its smoke at the top of the mountain. And when the fire
island. Soon, the trees in the
dragon is angry, burning rocks come out of the top of the mountain.
forest were burning. Then the fire
dragon flew towards the beach.
A young girl shouted, “Go away!” She
stamped her feet on the ground. 4 What was the story about? Read and check .
Fantasy stories
The fire dragon flew nearer. The people 1 It is a story about technology in the future. are adventures with
in the village were screaming, but the 2 It is a story about real events. magical animals
girl stamped her feet again. Then a and people in a
3 It is a story with fantasy events. strange world.
friend joined her. Soon, all the children
in the village were shouting and
stamping their feet. 5 Read the sentences and write real or fantasy.

1 Rain clouds put out fires.

2 There are water dragons at the bottom of the sea.
Be the best you can. The girl was brave because 3 Fire burns trees.
Values she shouted at the dragon.
4 There are dragons inside mountains.

3 Use the words to describe the characters. 5 Some mountains have smoke coming out the top.
6 Dragons can change the weather.
bad brave dangerous good lazy scared strong
6 Act out the story in groups.

62 sixty-two sixty-three 63

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Pre-reading Reading Values Comprehension Comprehension Act out Objective
objective Comprehension review

• Ask students What do we know about volcanoes?

Elicit answers and write ideas on the board, e.g.,
I will read a story about good and bad dragons. volcanoes look like mountains, sometimes smoke
comes out of volcanoes. Encourage students to
Warm up think about what they learned in Level 2, Unit 8,
• Ask students what words they know to describe Are you up in a tree?, e.g., Tectonic plates make
places and things in the wild, e.g., island, forest, mountains, hills, and volcanoes.
ocean, mountain. Have students work in pairs and • Then ask students if they know any stories about
make a list of all the words they know. volcanoes. If they do, have them tell the class
• Then have students take turns to slowly draw what the story is about.
a picture of a place or thing in the wild. Their
partner tries to guess what it is before they finish Lesson objective
their picture. • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
read a story about good and bad dragons.


M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 118 29/09/2020 18:35

• Involve Students will listen to and read a story Comprehension
about good and bad dragons. They will use 4 What was the story about? Read and check .
the information from the pictures and words to
(Answer: 3)
understand the story.
• Have students read the story again and choose
Pre-reading what they think the story was about.
1 Look at the pictures. Is it a true story? • Show students the tip box and read the sentence
• Ask students to look at the pictures and think about with them. Ask What fantasy stories do you know?
whether the story is true and give reasons why or Have students discuss with their partner.
why not. Write their ideas on the board. • Assist Provide students with some well-known
examples of fantasy stories, e.g., the movie Wall-E,
the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the
2 031 Read and listen. animation The Incredibles.
• Play audio 031 and have students listen and
follow the story in their Student’s Books. CRITICAL THINKING
• Monitor Ask questions to check understanding. Comprehension
Point at the main characters in the story and ask 5 Read the sentences and write real or fantasy.
Who are they? (the fire dragon and the water (Answers: 1 real, 2 fantasy, 3 real, 4 fantasy,
dragon). Point at frame 2 and ask What were the 5 real, 6 fantasy)
people doing? (They were screaming.). Point at
frame 5 and ask How did the water dragon put • Have students read the sentences and decide if
out the fires? (It made rain from the clouds.). they are about real or fantasy events. Discuss
any similarities and differences.
• Read the story as a class with students reading
out loud a sentence each. Ask a student to read a
sentence, then have the student next to them read CREATIVITY COLLABORATION
the next sentence, and so on. This activity encourages Collaboration. For further
• Challenge Have students read the story as a class support download our Collaboration checklist.
again, but every time they see a verb in the simple
Act out
past, they clap instead of saying the word.
6 Act out the story in groups.
Values • Put students in groups of four and explain
Comprehension that they will take turns in being the narrator,
while the others do the actions of the different
3 Use the words to describe the characters.
characters. Explain that as narrators, students
(Model answer: The people were scared because need to use the expression in their voice and their
the trees in the forest were burning. The water body movements to make the story come to life.
dragon was strong because he pushed the rock.
• Have each group of students practice
The water dragon was lazy because he was
individually before bringing them together
sleeping. The fire dragon was dangerous/bad
to act out in front of the rest of the class.
because he burned the village. The water dragon
Encourage students to support each other.
was brave/good because he saved the village.)
After each group has acted out the story, have
• Students will learn the value of how to work them clap or say Good job!
together and be the best they can. • Differentiation Put students in groups of
• Have one student read the speech bubble, then the same ability. Have less confident groups
ask students to discuss in pairs. Remind students practice acting out the story as it is, while
to give reasons why they chose those words to more confident groups can make changes. For
describe the characters. example, they can change the ending, change
• Extra Have students write a paragraph what happens, or extend the story.
describing a character using the words in
Activity 3. Encourage them to add extra Objective review
information showing how the character uses
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can read
their qualities or why they do those actions,
a story about good and bad dragons.
e.g., The girl was brave because she shouted
at the dragon. She stamped her feet to scare • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
the dragon. can do by asking them to give you a summary of
the story, then read a sentence out loud.


M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 119 29/09/2020 18:35

Experiment lab

Experiment lab I will learn

how to
4 Read and answer. 5
make a pa
per airpla
ne. MATH Answer the
ZONE questions. Discuss with
Imagine a jet plane is flying at 12 kilometers above a partner.
ground. It uses about 4 liters of fuel every second.
1 Look, read, and write bi-plane Watch a video about bi-planes. 1 How much fuel does it use in an hour?
An airplane uses more fuel
when it is nearer the ground.
or jet plane.
Now imagine it is flying at 9 kilometers above Does the
The first airplane with an engine flew at the start of the propeller Does the air
ground. It uses about 4.5 liters of fuel every second. weight of
20th century. Now, there are lots of different types of airplanes. resistance
2 How much fuel does it use in an hour? the airplane change?
1 This airplane has a propeller. change?
2 This airplane has lots of windows. bi-plane
3 This airplane has two wings on each side.
4 This airplane has two engines.
EXPERIMENT TIME B Basic airplane = B
5 This airplane has wheels under the wings.
6 This airplane has two wheels. jet plane What model of airplane flies best?
Dar t airplane = D
2 032
Read, listen, and complete. To make a Basic airplane, follow the
push lift weight pull instructions labeled B. To make a Dart D
How does an airplane stay in the air? airplane, follow the instructions labeled D.

2 1 Fold a piece of paper in half and open it again. B D 1 2

1 3 4
2 Fold the top corners to the center line. B D
3 Fold the paper in half. B
4 Fold the edges up. B D
5 Fold the corner edges to the center line. D
The engine pushes The air moves over The air pulls the The weight of
the airplane the wings and lifts airplane backwards. the airplane pulls 6 Fold the wings back. D
forward. the airplane up. This is called air it towards the
1 Throw your airplanes three times. 3 4
resistance. ground.
2 Record the results.
When an airplane is flying, the push is equal
Basic airplane Dart airplane
to the pull and the lift is equal to the weight.
Distance 1 1
2 2
3 Look and read. Discuss with a partner. 3 3
5 6
Airplanes have a special shape to make a small 1 2 Time in air 1 1
amount of air resistance. We call it a streamlined 2 2
shape. Which airplane is streamlined? 3

64 sixty-four sixty-five 65

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Video Pre-reading Reading Reading Practice Math Production Experiment Objective
objective Production time review

Warm up
• Ask students What do you know about airplanes?
I will learn how to make a paper airplane. Elicit answers and write ideas on the board.
Encourage students to think about what airplanes
KEY LANGUAGE are used for and what features they have.

air resistance propeller weight • Ask students to find out about two different types
of planes and their features. In small groups, have
bi-plane pull wheels
students make a spidergram with headings of the
engine push windows
type of airplanes and lines leading out to their
jet plane streamlined wings features, shape, and number.
• Extra Have students work individually to draw
and label an airplane of their choice. They can use
books or the internet to find out more information.
Encourage them to add labels for any information
they find, e.g., the number of windows, or wings.

M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 120 29/09/2020 18:36

Lesson objective Production
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will 4 Read and answer.
learn how to make a paper airplane. (Answers: 1 14,400 liters, 2 16,200 liters)
• Students will learn how to problem-solve using
• Involve Students will learn about different airplanes
measurements in kilometers and liters.
and their features, and what keeps them flying in the
air, then they will make two different paper airplanes • Have students read the problems and figure out
and test them to see which flies best. the sums on their own.
• Assist Go through the first question with
Video students. Ask How many seconds in an hour?
Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on (3,600) How many liters of fuel does it use every
“Resources” for more teaching resources about this second? (4) What’s 3,600 x 4? (14,400).
topic, including a video on flying machines. • Challenge Have students repeat the activity,
Pre-reading but with different heights and different
amounts of fuel, e.g., 15 km above ground and
• Point at the pictures of airplanes on page 64 and 3.5 liters of fuel.
ask What are they used for? What features do they
have? Then ask students What makes airplanes fly?
(the engine and wings, the shape of the airplane).
Write ideas on the board. Once you’ve read the Production
texts on page 64, you can compare these ideas and 5 Answer the questions. Discuss with a partner.
discuss why there are similarities or differences. (Answers: The weight is the same. The air
resistance is greater nearer the ground.)
1 Look, read, and write bi-plane or jet plane. • Have students read the text and discuss the
questions in pairs. Then check answers with the
(Answers: 1 bi-plane, 2 jet plane, 3 bi-plane,
class and discuss similarities and differences.
4 jet plane, 5 jet plane, 6 bi-plane)
• This is an exam preparation type activity for the COLLABORATION
Cambridge Young Learners English Exam: Movers,
Reading and Writing task, Part 1. This activity encourages Collaboration. For further
support download our Collaboration checklist.
• Have students read the text and statements
silently and write the name of the airplane. Then Experiment time
read as a class and check answers.
What model of airplane flies best?
Reading • Materials: (per pair or group) pencils,
2 032 Read, listen, and complete. notebooks, white paper, rulers
(Answers: 1 push, 2 lift, 3 pull, 4 weight) • Assist Check understanding by asking What do
you need? (two pieces of paper) How can you
• Play audio 032 and have students listen and follow
do the experiment? (fold a piece of paper, etc.).
in their Student’s Books.
• Go through an example. Fold a piece of paper in
• Have students read the text and label the arrows.
half and open it again, then fold the top corners
Then read the text as a class and check answers.
to the center line and ask What do we do next to
• Assist Show pictures of other airplanes and ask make a Basic airplane? (Fold the paper up.) And
students to identify what is causing the lift, push, the final step? (Fold the edges in half).
pull, and weight, and where it is happening.
• Students work with a partner and make one
COMMUNICATION airplane each: a Basic and a Dart airplane.
Then they practice throwing their airplanes and
Practice measuring the time and distance.
3 Look and read. Discuss with a partner.
(Answer: Picture 1) Objective review
• Have students read the text and discuss the • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know how
question in pairs. Remind them to discuss what to make a paper airplane.
makes a streamlined shape. Check answers and • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
discuss any similarities and differences. know by showing them pictures of airplanes and
asking What features does this airplane have?
(It has wings, a propeller, and an engine.)

M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 121 29/09/2020 18:36

Events in the past

Events in the past I will ask an

d answer
events in th about Writing lab I will learn
witness sta write a
e past. tement.

STOLEN 1 Read and complete.

What were you doing when the
There was a fire at a fire started? brave matches morning statue swimming talking
party. Someone stole a
I was swimming in the pool when
dragon statue. the fire started. The local police interviewed all the witnesses from the party.

I wasn’t eating when the fire started.

1 Read and number. WITNESS STATEMENT

When the fire started, … Crime: Stolen dragon statue Date of crime: April 17th Witness Name: Edu Lopes
1 … some people were sitting down.
2 … a man was swimming in the pool.
3 … some children were flying paper I arrived at the house at 9 in the . I was to my friend
airplanes. when the fire started. I saw some near the . I’m
4 … a woman was eating a sandwich. not very . I ran away from the fire. When the police arrived, I was
in the pool.
5 … a woman was burning leaves.
6 … a man was painting a wall. Signature: Edu Lopes

2 Imagine you were at

the party. Choose an activity 2 Read and number the sentences in 1.
from 1. Interview your friends
1 Did you see anything strange? 2 When did you arrive at the party?
and take notes.
What were you doing 3 What were you doing when the police arrived? 4 What were you doing when the
When the fire started, what were when the fire started? I was swimming. fire started?
5 What did you do when you saw the fire?
you doing?

Witness 1 Name:
I wasn’t
swimming. I was 3 Look at your notes from page 66 Activity 2. Then write a witness statement.
flying an airplane.
4 033
Who stole the dragon? Discuss in groups then listen and check .
Witness 2 Name:
The man swimming. The man painting.
Witness 3 Name: The woman eating a sandwich. The woman burning leaves.
So was I! We were
flying airplanes.
Witness 4 Name: A witness statement is like a journal. Remember
I was eating a sandwich. to write facts and write a lot of detail.

66 sixty-six sixty-seven 67

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Practice Production Objective

objective review

Warm up
• Ask students to imagine that they went to the
I will ask and answer about events in the past. beach last weekend. Ask them questions, e.g.,
Where did you go? (I went to the beach.) What
KEY LANGUAGE were you doing in the morning? (I was swimming.)
What were you doing in the afternoon? (I was
What were you doing when the fire started?
eating ice cream.).
I was swimming in the pool when the fire started.
• Have students ask and answer with their partner.
I wasn’t eating when the fire started.
Remind them to use different questions and to use
the correct form of the verbs when talking about
something they did and something they were doing.


M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 122 29/09/2020 18:36

• Extra Explain to students that they have to ask • Differentiation Have students work with a partner
you a question and then you will silently act out and ask and answer questions about the picture,
the answer for them to guess, e.g., What were e.g., What was the man with red hair doing when
you doing yesterday morning? You silently act the fire started? (He was painting a wall.). Less
out eating your breakfast and elicit from students confident pairs can ask these questions, while
You were eating your breakfast! The student who more confident pairs can try to think of other
guesses the correct answer can take the next turn. questions to ask, too, e.g., What color was the
paint? (It was orange.).
Lesson objective
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
ask and answer about events in the past. Production
2 Imagine you were at the party. Choose an
• Involve Students will learn how to ask and answer activity from 1. Interview your friends and
about events in the past. They will gain confidence take notes.
using the new language through real-life • Have students work in groups of four. Each
conversations. student chooses an activity from Activity 1 on
Presentation their own. Then they ask and answer with the
other students in their group and take notes.
• Show students the grammar box and read the Encourage all the students to take turns to ask
examples. Ask students to repeat. the question.
• Assist Ask students What’s the difference between • Monitor Monitor and provide support if
the first and second action word in the sentence? needed. Ask individual students questions and
(the use of +ing and +ed) Explain that if we use listen to their answers, then have them ask you
when to join two parts of a sentence in the past, questions. Take notes on any general issues
the action words take on these different endings, with pronunciation and intonation.
e.g., The bell was ringing when I arrived at school.
• Digital literacy Use the internet to find three
• Assist Explain that when can be used at the different, child-friendly police interviews with
beginning or in the middle of the sentence, e.g., witnesses about robberies. These could be from
we can also say When I arrived at school, the bell television shows or movies. Show students that
was ringing. you are using reliable websites or sources. Then
• Remind students that they have a Grammar have students watch the videos and discuss the
Reference on page 149 of their Student’s Books. similarities and differences. Have students make
• Extra Give students a question, e.g., What were a note of when the robbery happened, what
you doing when the teacher arrived in class this was stolen, the questions the police asked, and
morning? Have them write two answers using what information the witness gave the police.
was and wasn’t, e.g., I was putting my bag away. • Challenge Have students work in groups
I wasn’t doing my homework. and choose a situation from one of the
following: a book disappeared from the library,
a lunchbox disappeared from the classroom,
1 Read and number. or a bike disappeared from the bike park. Then
(Answers: (from left to right) 6, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3) have them set up their own police interview,
• Have students look at the picture of the dragon with one police officer and three witnesses
statue and caption and read the text as a class. or suspects. Remind them to think about the
Then have students read the text silently and questions they need to ask and the information
number the picture. they need to get from the witnesses.

• Monitor Ask questions to check understanding.

Point at the dragon statue and ask What happened Objective review
to the dragon statue? (Someone stole it.). Then • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can ask and
point at the picture and ask When the fire started, answer about events in the past.
what were the children doing? (They were flying • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
paper airplanes.) Was anyone swimming? (Yes, can do by asking questions about what activities
a man was swimming in the pool.). they were doing when an event happened in
• Check answers with the class and discuss any the past.
similarities and differences.


M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 123 29/09/2020 18:36

Writing lab

Events in the past I will ask an

d answer
events in th about Writing lab I will learn
witness sta write a
e past. tement.

STOLEN 1 Read and complete.

What were you doing when the
There was a fire at a fire started? brave matches morning statue swimming talking
party. Someone stole a
I was swimming in the pool when
dragon statue. the fire started. The local police interviewed all the witnesses from the party.

I wasn’t eating when the fire started.

1 Read and number. WITNESS STATEMENT

When the fire started, … Crime: Stolen dragon statue Date of crime: April 17th Witness Name: Edu Lopes
1 … some people were sitting down.
2 … a man was swimming in the pool.
3 … some children were flying paper I arrived at the house at 9 in the . I was to my friend
airplanes. when the fire started. I saw some near the . I’m
4 … a woman was eating a sandwich. not very . I ran away from the fire. When the police arrived, I was
in the pool.
5 … a woman was burning leaves.
6 … a man was painting a wall. Signature: Edu Lopes

2 Imagine you were at

the party. Choose an activity 2 Read and number the sentences in 1.
from 1. Interview your friends
1 Did you see anything strange? 2 When did you arrive at the party?
and take notes.
What were you doing 3 What were you doing when the police arrived? 4 What were you doing when the
When the fire started, what were when the fire started? I was swimming. fire started?
5 What did you do when you saw the fire?
you doing?

Witness 1 Name:
I wasn’t
swimming. I was 3 Look at your notes from page 66 Activity 2. Then write a witness statement.
flying an airplane.
4 033
Who stole the dragon? Discuss in groups then listen and check .
Witness 2 Name:
The man swimming. The man painting.
Witness 3 Name: The woman eating a sandwich. The woman burning leaves.
So was I! We were
flying airplanes.
Witness 4 Name: A witness statement is like a journal. Remember
I was eating a sandwich. to write facts and write a lot of detail.

66 sixty-six sixty-seven 67

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Practice Practice Production Production Objective

objective review

• Extra Have students sit in a circle. Throw a ball

to a student and ask What were you doing when
I will learn to write a witness statement. I arrived in class? The student answers using a
full sentence (I was sitting at my desk.), then
Warm up throws the ball to another student and asks them
• Ask students to discuss what they remember about the same question. The next student answers the
the party in the Communication lesson in pairs. question, then says what the first student was
Have them make notes about what was stolen, doing (I was doing my homework. Emma was
who was there, and what they were doing. sitting at her desk.). Continue around the circle
with each student asking the question and making
• Ask a student to make a sentence about the party,
two sentences.
e.g., When the fire started, a woman was swimming.
Student’s answer True! or False! If a student answers
False!, they make the correct sentence, e.g., When
the fire started, a man was swimming. The student
who answers correctly takes the next turn.

M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 124 29/09/2020 18:36

Lesson objective • Challenge Have students work in groups and
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will choose a situation from one of the following:
learn to write a witness statement. a famous painting goes missing from an art
gallery, ancient gold jewelry goes missing from
• Involve Students will learn to write a witness a museum, lots of money is stolen from a bank.
statement. They will gain confidence through Then have them set up their own scene with
scaffolded writing tasks, to enable them to write two witnesses and two police officers discussing
their own witness statement. the crime. Remind them to think about the
questions they need to ask and the information
Practice they need to give.
1 Read and complete.
(Answers: morning, talking, matches, statue, Production
brave, swimming) 3 Look at your notes from page 66 Activity 2. Then
• This is an exam preparation type activity for write a witness statement.
the Pearson Test of English for Young Learners: • Students use the notes they made from page 66
Breakthrough, Reading, Task 5. Activity 2 to write a witness statement. Remind
• Explain to students that a witness is someone them to look back at the witness statement in
who sees an event take place, like a crime Activity 1 for the format and ideas.
or an accident, and a witness statement is a • Involve Have students swap their finished
report the police make about what the witness witness statements with their partner. They can
saw. Witness statements help police find and catch read it and give points for spelling and content,
the right people. making comments about any information they
• Have students read the witness statement, then didn’t include from the interview that could be
complete it with the words in the box. important. They can write the number of points
and good job or good try on the article. Then they
• Assist Remind them that they can look back at the
return it so that their partner can try to improve it.
information about the party on page 66 if they
cannot remember the details. • Differentiation Have students look back at the
story A tale of two dragons on page 62 and
• Monitor Monitor and provide support if
write a witness statement about the event. Less
needed. Take notes on any general issues with
confident students can write about it from the
understanding the content of the statement.
view of one of the people in the village. More
COMMUNICATION confident students can try to write about it from
the view of one of the dragons.
2 Read and number the sentences in 1. COMMUNICATION
(Answers: 2, 4, 1, 5, 3) Production
• Have students read the questions and then 4 033 Who stole the dragon? Discuss in
find the answers in Activity 1 and number the groups then listen and check .
boxes. Explain that the boxes come before the (Answers: The man painting.)
sentences that answer the questions.
• Students discuss in groups who they think stole
• Check answers with the class and have students the dragon. Encourage them to give reasons for
read out loud the sentences that answer the their answers.
• Play audio 033 and have students listen quietly
• Digital literacy Use the internet to find three and check who stole the dragon. Then check
different, child-friendly scenes with a witness answers with the class.
talking to a police officer about a crime they
saw. These could be from television shows
Objective review
or movies. Show students that you are using
reliable websites or sources. Then have students • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can write
watch the videos and discuss the similarities a witness statement.
and differences. Have students make a note • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
of what the witness saw, what the crime was, can do by having them show you and read their
the questions the police officer asks, and the witness statement out loud.
information the witness gives.


M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 125 29/09/2020 18:36

Project and Review


Invent and tell a story about a fantasy animal Create Show and tell

Step 2 Invent a story with your friends. Tell your story to your friends.

Step 1 Plan Work in groups. Use your outline. Use the story outline and your
Write the name of your fantasy drawing.
Research animal at the top of your paper. Add details and tell your story.
Invent your fantasy animal
and make a story outline. Fold the paper over the writing.
Find out about fantasy animals Pass the paper to your left.
in stories from your country. Invent details about your fantasy Write who your fantasy
animal and take notes—its animal met.
Research fantasy animals. name, where it lived, and what it
Continue to fold and pass the
Choose one of the animals. was like.
paper after you answer each
Make a list of its qualities Then write a story outline using question.
and actions. the example words below.
Open the paper. Use the notes
Find a picture. Then fold the piece of paper in and draw an illustration for
six strips. the story.
The Cipactli was very strong.
Cipactli It lived in the north by a river.
One day, the Cipactli met the
Chupacabras. It was eating supper
when it saw the Chupacabras.

at / in .

It was .
Now I can …
Cipactli What was your fantasy animal doing … use words to
It was . when it met a friend? describe dragons.
Qualities: hungry, dangerous, bad
What was the friend doing?
Actions: swim, fly Then they . … talk about
What did they do next? activities in the past.
Origin: Mexico
… ask and answer
about events in
the past.

… write a witness
Show your family the illustration statement.
and tell them the story.
68 sixty-eight sixty-nine 69

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 At home Now I can Objective
objective review

• Have students work with a partner and create

a Venn diagram with two circles to show the
I will invent and tell a story about a fantasy animal. features bi-planes have and those jet planes have.
Remind them to write the features that both have
Warm up in the space where the circles overlap.
• Ask students to look at their picture dictionary and
review the new words from the unit. Have them Lesson objective
work with a partner and make sentences using • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
the words (e.g., The yellow dragon is strong and invent and tell a story about a fantasy animal.
• Ask students to imagine that they saw a dragon • Involve Students will learn how to invent and tell
yesterday. Have them ask and answer in pairs a story about a fantasy animal. They will use the
about what they were doing, what the dragon language learned from the unit to understand
was doing, and what their reaction was when they how to complete their project and tell their story
saw the dragon. to the rest of the class.

M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 126 29/09/2020 18:36

Step 4
• Students work in small groups. Ask students to find
Show and tell
out about fantasy animals in stories from their
country. Have them take notes in their notebooks. • Have students tell their stories and show their
Remind them they can use the internet to help them. pictures to their groups. Remind them they can
add details to their story.
• Students then choose one of the fantasy animals
they found out about. They make a list of its • Students can then give suggestions to each other
qualities and actions, and find a picture of the to make their stories more interesting. They
animal. Encourage students to use language can also ask questions to help students identify
learned from the unit. where their story needs more clarity or detail.
• Monitor Take time to check students’ work. Add
any words they can’t spell or don’t know in English At home
to the board. Take notes on any general issues Show your family the illustration and tell them the
with spelling. story.

Step 2 • Ask students to show their picture to their family

and tell them their story. They can add more detail
to their story and use props if they want to.
• Students work on their own to invent a fantasy
• Differentiation Have students record themselves
animal. They give it a name and make notes about
on video at home telling their family the story (and
where it lives, and its qualities and actions.
if possible, share the recordings with the class).
• Assist Encourage students to think about an
animal that doesn’t exist, and one that is different Now I can …
from anything they can imagine. They can use • Show students the Now I can … box and read
features of real animals to invent their fantasy the examples. Have students repeat, then ask
animals, e.g., an animal with an elephant’s trunk, questions to check understanding, e.g., Can you
a parrot’s wings, and a kangaroo’s legs! name three words to describe dragons? (brave,
• Students then create a story outline on a piece dangerous, strong).
of paper. They draw six lines and copy the • Involve Ask students to consider how they feel
information in the plan. Then they fold the piece about these statements. Explain that if they
of paper so that after someone writes on the line, feel confident about a statement, then they can
they can fold the paper and hide the words. stick on the light bulb sticker. If they do not feel
confident about a statement, tell them that they
Step 3
can come back to that statement and stick on the
Create sticker when they do feel confident.
• Materials: (per group) pencils, notebooks, pictures • Monitor Go around the class and have students
of fantasy animals, coloring pencils, white paper choose and say the statement they are the most
or card confident about. Make notes of the statements
• Ensure each group of students has the space, that the fewest students choose and make sure to
tools, and materials needed to make their story review the content in the future.
outline and invent their story.
Objective review
• Students use the story outline they made in
the plan and work in groups. They follow the • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can invent
instructions in the Student’s Books until each part and tell a story about a fantasy animal.
of the story outline is complete. • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
• Students find and use the story outline they can do by having them show you their picture and
started to invent a story and draw a picture of asking them questions about their story.
their fantasy animal. Pearson English Portal games
• Challenge Have students look on the internet and Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on
in magazines and newspapers to find stories about “Resources” for a class game.
fantasy animals. Then have them choose three
stories and compare how interesting and exciting Assessment Pack
the stories and fantasy animals are. They can give • For grammar and vocabulary assessment, have
scores out of 10 for each story. They can also use students complete the Practice and Unit Tests in
ideas from this for their project. the Assessment Pack.


M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 127 29/09/2020 18:36

2 Checkpoint

2 Checkpoint UNITS 3 AND 4

1 034
Listen and write Z in the
3 Complete the
squares on the
board. Then write
= actions
= objects and
a sentence.
G G A = times
yesterday visited was using will sleep Zoe

A A 4 Write about yourself.

last year two days ago
I .
I .

2 Read and check

A A I .
didn’t fly won’t use flew tomorrow the true
sentences. I .
G = George

A = Antonio 5 Imagine you are at the space
station. Ask and answer with
next week wasn’t using in the afternoon wasn’t playing
a partner.
Did you visit the
village last year?
No, I didn’t.
played in the morning
Were you playing with a
screen in the morning? No, I wasn’t.

A A Antonio George Will you fly

will use slept next year won’t play north tomorrow? Yes, I will!
1 George played in the space station
yesterday. Where will you
I will sleep in the
2 He wasn’t playing with the control sleep next week?
space station!
will fly didn’t sleep will play
3 He won’t fly north next week. Test your
4 Antonio slept in the village two with English
days ago. Benchmark
Young Learners
G 5 He wasn’t using the radio.
6 He won’t play with the screen

70 seventy seventy-one 71

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Listening Reading Writing Writing Speaking Objective

objective review

• Extra Have students reread the stories from Units 3

and 4 quietly, then have them close their Student’s
I will review Units 3 and 4. Books. In pairs, one student retells the first part of
the story of their choice in their own words. Then
Warm up their partner finishes the story in their own words.
• Ask students to look at their picture dictionary and • Challenge Write five statements on the board using
review the new words from Units 3 and 4. Have the words and pictures on page 70, e.g., I will fly
them work with a partner and make sentences to the space station tomorrow. Students write one
with them. question for each statement (e.g., What will you do
• Then have students make one sentence using the tomorrow?). Remind them there is more than one
simple past and one using the future with will. possible question for each statement.
You can help them by asking What did you do
yesterday after school? Imagine the school was on Lesson objective
the Moon, what will you do? • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
review Units 3 and 4.

M04 English Code TB4 AmE_23251.indd 128 29/09/2020 18:36

• Involve Students will review all the language • Assist The yellow squares are for action words
learned in Units 3 and 4. They will consolidate their (verbs), the blue squares are for objects (nouns),
knowledge in a series of activities to test all four skills. and the gray squares are for times (phrases with
adverbs of time).
• Differentiation Fast finishers can write true and
1 034 Listen and write Z in the squares. false sentences about Zoe, using the information
(Answers: yesterday, visited, space station, in the in the squares, in their notebooks and give it to
morning, was using, radio, wasn’t using, oxygen, their partner to check the true sentences.
didn’t fly, planet, flew, east, north, tomorrow, will
sleep, village, will use, control panel, won’t use, Writing
engine) 4 Write about yourself.
• Ask students to look at the pictures and words on • Students write sentences about themselves using
page 70 and listen carefully. Explain that they will the key to guide them. Encourage them to use the
hear information about Zoe and they need to find empty squares they completed from Activity 3.
and write her initial Z on the lines in the squares • Monitor Monitor and provide support if
that show the information. needed. Take notes on any general issues with
• Play audio 034. Students listen carefully and write Z understanding and applying sentence structure.
in the squares.
• Assist Play audio 034 and pause after the first
sentence. Ask In which squares do I write Z? Speaking
(in yesterday, visited, picture of a space station). 5 Imagine you are at the space station. Ask and
• Monitor Check answers with the class. Play the answer with a partner.
audio again if needed. You could pause the audio • Ask two students to read the examples in the
after each sentence to ensure students find all the speech bubbles. Then explain to students that
squares. they can ask and answer using any of the
• Challenge In groups of three: one student makes squares on page 70.
sentences using a yellow, a blue, and a gray box. • Monitor Monitor and provide support if
The second student points at the squares. The third needed. Ask individual students questions and
student corrects any mistakes in the language used. listen to their answers, then have them ask you
Repeat so students take turns playing each role. questions. Take notes on any general issues
with pronunciation and intonation.
• Extra Have students ask and answer about the
2 Read and check the true sentences. pictures on pages 42–43 and 56–57. Encourage
(Answers: 1, 2, 4, and 6) confident students to use words they don’t know
• Students read the sentences, find the squares with in English and look them up in a dictionary.
G or A, and check the true sentences. The true
sentences are those which have G (George) or Objective review
A (Antonio) in the corresponding squares. • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know
• Assist Read the first sentence with students. Units 3 and 4.
Ask Do the squares played, space station, and • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
yesterday have a letter G next to them? (Yes). know by eliciting the new language from Units 3
• Differentiation Fast finishers can correct the false and 4 and ask and answer about the pictures on
sentences about George and Antonio in their page 70.
notebooks. • Have students go to the Progress Chart in their
Workbooks and stick on their Now I can stickers.
3 Complete the squares on the board. Then write Assessment Pack
a sentence. • For grammar and vocabulary assessment, have
• Show students the key and ask them to complete students complete the Checkpoint Test in the
the empty squares on the board with their own Assessment Pack.
ideas. Explain that they need to draw or write an • For skills assessment and GSE, have students
action in the yellow squares, an object or place complete the Progression Test in the Assessment
in the blue square, and a time in the gray square. Pack.
Then have them write a sentence about Zoe,
• For a general progress test, have students complete
e.g., Zoe didn’t fly south last week.
the English Benchmark for Young Learners.


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Guna Yala

Guna Yala
4 Read and complete the meanings of the symbols.
Panama The Guna people make “molas” for their clothes. Many molas have pictures from
1 Read. How many islands in Panama is the most southern
nature like fish or birds. Guna people fill the empty spaces in the molas with
symbols. The triangles are huts. The
Guna Yala don’t have houses? country in Central America. In bars are rays of sunlight. The zig-zags
Panama, people speak Spanish. are dangerous teeth. The maze is
a trap for dangerous animals.
Visit the Guna Yala archipelago
The Guna Yala archipelago has triangle =
more than 300 islands. It is in the
Caribbean sea, 90 kilometers north bar =
of the coast of Panama. The Guna zig-zags =
people live on 40 of the islands maze =
Guna Yala coral reef eco house
and speak their own language.

Fun Fact!
2 035
Read, listen, and match. There are over 1500
islands off the coast
In every Guna village there is a community hall where people My Culture
meet and listen to traditional stories and songs. Guna people of Panama.
care for their environment and there are special rules for visitors. 5 What do the symbols mean? 6 Make a paper mola.
Visitors will stay … … plastic bags on the island of Digir. What symbols do you have in your
They won’t stay … … in big hotels. culture? Discuss with a partner.
Visitors won’t use … … in beach huts.
Visitors won’t see … … computers.
Visitors will see … … beautiful beaches and coral reefs.

The Grandchildren of the

Set following story text in a separate block.

3 Read and complete. One night, a dragon

over Guna Yala. Most
sleeping, but one boy
bigger dangerous collecting branches. The sun was for his
I think the turtle
skin. When the boy saw the dragon, it was means strong.
flew flying
towards the moon! Soon it was eating the moon. The
moon shouted
moon was getting smaller and it shining. In Chinese
was wasn’t were The boy and shot arrows at the dragon. culture, a panda
The dragon stopped, and the moon got means friendship.
again. In modern times, when there is a lunar eclipse,
there is a special ceremony for the Guna people with
white skin and hair.
72 seventy-two seventy-three 73

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Reading Listening Comprehension Comprehension Production Production Objective
objective review

Warm up
• Show students where Panama is on a map or
I will learn about culture in Panama. a globe. Ask them questions to find out what they
know about the country, e.g., Which countries have
KEY LANGUAGE borders with Panama? (Costa Rica, Colombia) How
many people live there? (around 4 million).
coral reef lunar eclipse
• Then have students work in small groups and
eco house Moon
make a fact file about Panama. They need to find
Guna Yala Panama
out information to include in the fact file and can
island include things like languages spoken, population,
area of land, capital city, president, major
mountain ranges, major rivers, and native animals.


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• Challenge Have students write a paragraph about • Check answers as a class by having students read
Panama using their fact files. Encourage them the text with the missing sentences in place.
to work on their own, then swap and read each • Monitor Ask questions to check understanding,
other’s paragraph. e.g., How does the story explain an eclipse of the
Moon? (By a dragon eating the Moon. Then the
Lesson objective boy shooting arrows at the dragon.) When is the
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will ceremony for the Grandchildren of the Moon in
learn about culture in Panama. modern times? (when there is a lunar eclipse).

• Involve Students will learn about culture in Comprehension

Panama and make a paper mola. They will have 4 Read and complete the meanings of the symbols.
an insight into Panama and can compare the (Answers: triangle = huts, bar = sunlight,
similarities and differences with their own culture. zig-zags = dangerous teeth, maze = a trap)
Presentation • Have students read the text and complete the
meanings of the symbols. Check answers as a class.
• Have students look at the pictures and then ask
them to quietly read the introduction text about • Assist Have students read the text as a class.
Panama. Ask What do you know about Panama? They could read out loud at the same time or read
Elicit answers from the pictures and text. a sentence each. Ask students if there are any
words they don’t understand and then have other
CRITICAL THINKING students try to answer the questions.
1 Read. How many islands in Guna Yala don’t
(Answers: more than 260 islands) Production
• Have students read the text and answer the 5 What do the symbols mean? What symbols
question. do you have in your culture? Discuss with a
• Assist Explain that the islands where people partner.
don’t live don’t have houses on them. So, they • Have students look at the symbols and think
need to take the number of islands people live about what they mean to them. Then have
on away from the number of islands. Explain that them think about symbols in their own culture.
the text doesn’t give the exact number of islands, • Have two students read the speech bubbles, then
so the answer won’t be an exact number. ask students to discuss in pairs. Remind students
• Monitor Ask questions to check understanding. that they could mean different things and that
Point at the picture of Guna Yala and ask How far different cultures have different symbols.
from the coast of Panama is it? (It’s 90 km away.)
Which sea is it in? (It’s in the Caribbean Sea.). CREATIVITY
6 Make a paper mola.
2 035 Read, listen, and match.
• Students make a paper mola with three colors of
(Answers: Visitors will stay in beach huts., They
paper, a piece of black paper, scissors, and glue.
won’t stay in big hotels., Visitors won’t use
computers., Visitors won’t see plastic bags on the • Students cut out shapes of colored paper, each
island of Digir., Visitors will see beautiful beaches slightly bigger than the next. Then they stick
and coral reefs.) them on a black piece of paper to make the
colors stand out. They can use the photo in
• Have students read the text. Then play audio 035 Activity 4 for ideas and can make lots of different
and have students listen and match the sentences. shapes, e.g., fish, triangles, zig-zags, circles.
3 Read and complete. Objective review

(Answers: Moon, flew, were, was, dangerous, • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know about
flying, wasn’t, shouted, bigger) culture in Panama.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
• Explain that this is a traditional story from Guna
can do by asking them to give you a summary of
Yala. Help them first to complete the title (The
what they know about culture in Panama, and
Grandchildren of the Moon). Then students read
then read a paragraph from the text out loud.
and complete the story with the words in the box.

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Workbook answer key and notes

1 Read and answer. Story lab

(Answers: 1 They are celebrating the Chinese New 1 Read and answer.
Year., 2 The children are holding sticks under the (Answers: 1 They were working in the fields.,
dragon to make it move.) 2 It was sunny., 3 It came from the sky., 4 Because
2 017 Listen and take notes. it was burning the forest., 5 Because the people
were making a noise., 6 The water dragon was
(Answers: mountains, strong and helpful, brave,
stronger because it put the fire dragon in a cave.)
green wings and yellow body)
2 Find words in the story that …
3 Look, read, and complete.
(Answers: 1 Once upon a time …, 2 Soon, the
• In this coding activity, students learn to use variables
trees in the forest were burning., 3 The water
to make sentences about their favorite dragon.
dragon made rain from the clouds …, 4 They can
4 Make a dragon mask. see its smoke at the top of the mountain.)
Dragons around the world 3 Find the words in the story and complete the
1 Choose and write. Then write the words in the past. sentences.
(Answers: 1 swim, swam, 2 fly, flew, 3 burn, (Answers: 1 Fire, 2 shouting, 3 noise, 4 woke up,
burned, 4 sleep, slept, 5 walk, walked) 5 village, 6 put out)
2 018 Listen and number. Then choose and 4 Cross the events that do not answer the
describe. question. Then number the events in order.
(Answers: a 3, b 1, c 2, Model answer: This (Answers: Students cross A, B, C, and F, and
dragon was strong and brave. It wasn’t number D 5, E 2, G 4, H 3, I 1.)
dangerous. It slept in the North. It didn’t sleep in • In this coding activity, students remove the events
the West.) that do not answer the questions, and then
3 Write the words in bold next to the meanings. number the events in order.
(Answers: 1 taught, 2 greedy, 3 wise, 4 guarded) 5 Complete the story review.
• New vocabulary is presented and practiced in this (Answers: A tale of two dragons, Fantasy, fire
activity (greedy, guarded, taught, wise). dragon and water dragon, an island, 1 They are
working in the fields., 2 A fire dragon burns the
Language lab forest., 3 They wake up a water dragon.)
1 019 Listen and complete the times. 6 Write your opinion of the story.
(Answers: yellow dragon 6:30, 8:30, 4:00, 5:30, • Give students some example adjectives to help
red dragon 7:00, 9:30, 3:30, 5:00) them decide how they feel about the story, e.g.,
2 Look at 1. Read and complete. exciting, happy, boring, interesting, scary, etc.
Remind them to think about what they liked and
(Answers: 1 was burning the forest, swimming
didn’t like in the story.
in the lake, 2 was burning the forest, wasn’t
swimming in the lake, 3 was swimming in the lake, Experiment lab
wasn’t burning the forest, 4 was swimming in the
1 Read, choose, and write.
lake, wasn’t burning the forest, 5 were burning
the forest, weren’t swimming in the lake) (Answers: 1 Passengers, 2 Price, 3 In-flight
entertainment, 4 Space)
3 Look at 1. Color the clocks and write the minutes.
2 Look at 1. Read, choose, and write.
(Answers: 1 120, 2 150, 3 90, 4 90)
(Answers: 1 2015, 2 1923, 3 1965, 4 1987)
• In this math activity, students learn to use fractions
of a circle to calculate time in minutes. 3 Write about a journey in an airplane.
4 Choose a dragon and complete the times. 4 Imagine you were on a long flight last weekend.
Do the quiz.
5 Use the times to ask and answer with a partner.
Complete their times in 4. • In this values activity, students learn to think about
and understand their fears.
6 Imagine you were with the dragons. Read and


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Experiment time 6 Read and check the true sentences. Correct
1 Complete the sentences. the false sentences.
• Discuss with students the importance of recording (Answers: 1, 4, and 5. 2 Melek wasn’t swimming
results during experiments. Then have students in the lake when the fire started., 3 Yanyu wasn’t
complete the sentences with information about reading a book when a dragon flew overhead.,
their experiment and the results. 5 Yanyu was walking in the forest when the fire
started., 6 Luis was swimming in the lake when a
2 Read and circle. Then discuss with a partner.
dragon flew overhead.)
How difficult was the experiment?
7 Choose an activity for each event in 5 and write
Events in the past your name. Then describe your day.
1 020 Listen and match. • Students choose an activity for each event and
(Answers: 1 Jack was swimming in the lake when write their name, then describe their day using the
the police arrived., 2 Bill and Mary were playing new grammar structures from the unit.
a game when the airplane landed., 3 Saskia was 8 Look at 5 and 7. Ask and answer with a partner.
eating an apple when the music started., 4 Mary
• Students ask and answer about the activities and
and Saskia were swimming in the lake when the
events in Activities 5 and 7 with their partner, using
airplane landed., 5 Jack was playing a game when
the new grammar structures from the unit.
the music started., 6 Bill was eating an apple
when the police arrived.) CHECKPOINT 2
2 Imagine you were at the party. Read and 1 022 Listen and draw lines for Ana. Listen
answer. again for Luis. Then complete the sentences.
3 Ask and answer with a partner. Take notes. (Answers: Students draw a blue line for Ana to
slept in zero gravity, looking at a screen, the screen
Writing lab turned black, check the control panel, and a green
1 Read and answer. line for Luis to made a model dragon, walking
2 Choose an event and write questions to ask a to the village, the dragon’s head fell off, put the
partner. head back on., 1 space, 2 dragon)
3 Ask a partner the questions from 2. 2 Read and write true, false, or don’t know.
• Students use the questions they wrote in Activity 2 (Answers: 1 true, 2 true, 3 false, 4 don’t know,
and take notes to use in Activity 4. 5 don’t know, 6 false)
4 Complete a witness statement for your partner. 3 Imagine what your life will be like in the future.
• Students write a witness statement for their Write a paragraph.
partner using their notes from Activity 3. 4 Ask a partner what their life will be like in the
1 Make a sock puppet of your fantasy animal. GUNA YALA
• Students think about the project they completed in 1 What can we call Panama? Read and check .
their Student’s Books and make a sock puppet. (Answer: 2)
2 Complete the description. 2 Read and number in order.
3 Answer the questions about the story. (Answers: 2, 4, 1, 5, 3)
4 Complete the sentences and answer. 3 Look at 2. Read again and add the missing
5 021 Listen and write the names. sentences.
a dragon flew the fire the village (Answers: 2 b, 4 c, 1 d, 5 a, 3 e)
overhead started burned 4 Complete the sentences with will or won’t.
swimming Luis Carol Yanyu (Answers: 1 will, 2 won’t, 3 won’t, 4 will, 5 will)
in the lake 5 Imagine you are a Guna child. Is it better to live in
walking in Melek Yanyu the city or on the islands? Discuss with a partner.
the forest 6 Write a summary of a traditional story.
sleeping Luis Carol 7 Make a bookmark.
reading a Melek


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