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Cell Phone Argumentative Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of cell phones from an argumentative perspective can be quite
challenging due to the multifaceted nature of the subject. On one hand, cell phones have
undoubtedly revolutionized communication, providing unprecedented connectivity and convenience.
On the other hand, concerns about their impact on personal relationships, health, and societal
behavior have sparked numerous debates.

Navigating through this complex landscape requires a thorough understanding of both the positive
and negative aspects of cell phone usage. Researching relevant studies, statistics, and expert opinions
is essential to present a well-informed argument. Addressing the diverse perspectives on the topic,
including cultural, generational, and socio-economic factors, adds an additional layer of complexity.

Crafting a compelling argumentative essay also demands the ability to synthesize information and
present a coherent line of reasoning. Balancing the exploration of different viewpoints while
maintaining a clear and persuasive stance is crucial. Additionally, acknowledging potential
counterarguments and effectively refuting them contributes to the overall strength of the essay.

Moreover, addressing the dynamic nature of technology and its continuous evolution requires staying
updated with the latest research and trends. The fast-paced nature of advancements in cell phone
technology adds an extra challenge to keeping the information current and relevant.

In conclusion, writing an argumentative essay on the topic of cell phones demands a comprehensive
understanding of the subject, adept research skills, and the ability to navigate through a myriad of
perspectives. It is an intricate task that requires careful consideration of various factors to present a
well-rounded and persuasive argument.

For assistance with similar essays and more, you may explore resources such .
They offer a range of writing services that can provide support and guidance in tackling complex
essay topics.
Cell Phone Argumentative Essay Cell Phone Argumentative Essay
The Father of Gothicism
I grew, day by day, more moody, more irritable, more regardless of the feelings of
others. I suffered myself to use intemperate language to my wife. At length, I even
offered her personal violence. This line comes from the story The Black Cat written
by Edgar Allan Poe. Poe has been proclaimed the Father of Gothicism by many due to
his grotesque short stories and poems. Gothic writers had their characters be more
prone to sin and self destruction than any other movement had experienced (Poets 2).
This mysterious style of writing lasted until the 19th century, and other popular gothic
writers and characters include Bram Stokers Dracula, and Mary Shelly s Frankenstein.
Poe along with all gothic writers used disturbing, morbid words as well as supernatural
story outlines to catch the reader s attention, as he was one of the first to introduce the
harming of females to the literature world. Gothicism style of writing always keeps
the reader shocked throughout the entire story trying to guess what s next. Edgar Poe
was born in Boston to Elizabeth Arnold Poe and David Poe Jr. on January 18, 1809
and experienced an extremely dark childhood. Poe unfortunately never got to build a
relationship with his father because he abandoned the family by 1811. Poe s life
changed dramatically after his mother s death on December 8, 1811 and his father s
passing a few short days after by tuberculosis, which caused his family filled with two
siblings to be split up into different homes.
Lord Of The Flies Savagery Analysis
Daniel Le
Mrs. Corradi
21 November, 2017
Man s Inheritance of Savagery Lord of the Flies is a novel written by William
Golding, a former member of the Royal Navy. His naval career allowed him to observe
human nature which led him to write the novel. Lord of the Flies takes place in the
midst of a raging war. A plane evacuating a group of British schoolboys is shot down
over a deserted tropical island. As the boys try to cope with their situation, they descend
into chaos. The novel conveys Golding s belief that man has a savage nature. In William
Golding s novel Lord of the Flies, three major symbols that all work to evoke the theme
of savagery are Castle Rock, the scar, and the lord of the flies . Castle Rock is a
location in the novel in which Jack and is tribe of savages dwell. The place becomes a
more prominent and significant place as savagery descends on the island. The events
that transpire at Castle Rock symbolizes that the island is descending into savagery. As
Ralph confronts Jack about returning Piggy s glasses, Ralph pushed up his hair and
gazed at the green and black mask before him trying to remember what Jack looked like
(178). This demonstrates that civilization is slipping away and the boys are reverting to
a more primitive nature. Earlier in the novel, rational thought is present and rules are
established which are initially followed by everyone, including Jack. Ralph now finds it
difficult to think of him as the boy he once knew. Now that
Essay on Cycles of Violence in The Battler
Cycles of Violence in The Battler

Ernest Hemingway s The Battler provides a continued account of Nick Adams dangerous
and violent life. Previous stories compiled in The Short Stories edition of Hemingway s
work documents some of the tribulations of Nick Adams, one of Hemingway s
protagonists. Apparently, Nick has been plagued by moments of sheer humility, terror,
and immutable violence. In the Hemingway short story Indian Camp, Nick is a young
boy who witnesses a dreadfully difficult birth by a Native American woman, enduring all
the while the hubris of his surgeon father, who is contestibly insensitive to Nick s
innocence. Once the birth has ended, the husband of the woman is found with a freshly
slit throat, again ... Show more content on ...

His state of affairs does not improve, however. Nick happens upon a camp of tow men,
one of whom is an ex prizefighter, Ad Francis. Upon arrival, Nick calls out, Hello, and
is greeted by Ad with Where d you get that shiner? (p. 130) Not a typical response, but
Nick is about to learn he is not in a set of typical circumstances. Ad Francis face is
described queerly formed and mutilated...putty in color, with a sunken nose, slitted
eyes and with only one ear. (p. 131) Clearly, the implication is that Ad Francis has seen
some beatings in his day. This is confirmed by the man himself: They all bust their
hands on me...they couldn t hurt me. (p. 132) The extreme physical toll taken by Ad
has affected him mentally. Listen, he tells Nick, I m not quite right. (p. 132) Like
Nick, Ad is a man who has encountered violence and humiliation all of his life.
Countless blows have found their mark on his now deformed face. In a way, Ad is a
physical representation of Nick s fortitude and perserverance, a fellow sufferer whose
pain has surfaced in a more tangible way, who takes immediate notice of things like black

Soon after Nick s introduction to Ad, another man approaches the fire. Nick is
introduced to Bugs as Ad s pal...he s crazy too. (p. 133) Physically, Bugs is a stark
contrast to Ad s figure: tall, black, low voiced and calm. Bugs begins to cook a dinner
of ham and eggs over the campfire that the
Analyzing Brayden s Psycho-Social Development
When I asked Brayden questions to gauge his Psycho Social development his
responded in ways that promote pro social ideas, relating to children his age. I asked
What makes a kid your age happy? His response was ice cream, and friends. Brayden s
answer correlated with my observation of friendships being important to him. I also
asked, How do you know a kid is happy? His response was if they are smirking,
smiling, or laughing. How do you know a kid is sad? He stated, if they are frowning or
crying. Erikson s theory focuses on psychosocial development and states that we go thru
eight stages of psycho social development in our lives. When one stage is not
accomplished it can influence our social and emotional development throughout
Dispute and Cost Control in the Provision for Variations -...
Dispute and Cost Control in the provision for Variations a Comparative Analysis of

A. Variations (cost control)

B. Dispute Resolution

A. Cost Control in Variations

Generally, cost control in the provision of Variations under most of the building contracts
are stated in different steps. Hence, the steps can be generally divided into 3 stages which
are variation notification, quotation submission and valuation based on rate, quantity or
daywork. The comparison on the Variations was done under NEC and PSSCOC.

Clause 60 of NEC, defines the variations in Compensation Events base on the PM

instruction on the changing of work information which is unreasonable to him.

Clause 19.1 of PSSCOC, defines the variations as any ... Show more content on ...
Lts v A S Watson Group (HK) Ltd 1

B. Dispute Settlement

Dispute always happen when several parties are not able to agree on a common ground.
Thus, there are several ways in resolving the dispute such as negotiation, mediation,
arbitration or adjudication. The comparison on the procedure of dispute settlement was
done under NEC and PSSCOC.

By subclause W1 W2 of NEC, the dispute resolution procedures can be raised under 2

W1 less time conscious
W2 more time conscious (time counts exclude Christmas, Good Friday and Bank

Under clause 35.1 of PSSCOC, dispute between Employer/ SO/ SO representative and
Contractor can be happen during work execution, after completion and before or after the
termination of contract.

Figure 3a Dispute Resolution Procedures in NEC Option W1

Figure 3b Dispute Resolution Procedures in NEC Option W2

Figure 4 Dispute Resolution Procedures in PSSCOC

PSSOC seems to cite the employer as we interpret from the variations clauses compare
with NEC which likely to be on the fair side. The methods of valuation in PSSCOC are
more comprehensive compare with NEC which is simple and straight forward. The
valuation of compensation event by the PM in NEC seems to be fair to all the parties
and induces lesser time. Generally, the procedures in resolving the dispute in NEC are
likely to be more efficient and cost saving than PSSCOC. On the other hand, there is a
special feature in
3HRC Understanding Organisations and the Role of Human...

Organisations and the role of Human Resources
Emma Lobb

A new manager is starting in the organization shortly. You have been asked to provide a
written briefing note for this new starter, so that they can gain some understanding of the
organization in preparation for their start.

Unit: 3HRC
Understanding Organisations and the Role of Human Resources
Haldex Brake Products Ltd
1. Understand the purpose of an Organisation and its operating environment.
1.1. The purpose and goals of Haldex.
The purpose of Haldex is to, design develop and provide reliable and innovative solutions
that improve safety, vehicle dynamics and environmental sustainability in the global
commercial vehicle ... Show more content on ...
Appendix 1 shows the different departments at this facility.
Mechanical Design This is made up of designer who take the product specifications,
design and produce technical drawing to enable production to build the products. This
department also re design when a product has failed or faults have been found.
Mechanical Development This team test the products designed by mechanical design,
they test every component for each product to ensure that they work and will not fail
when in use.
H S / Materials Works closely with mechanical development to ensure that testing is done
correctly and to safe working practices.
Materials application This department produces the documentation to support the
products, it also takes care of the marketing for the products for the UK only.
Software Homologation This team ensure that the products have adequate software to
support them out in the field. They produce the software to assist with testing,
maintenance and diagnostics. Homologation ensure that all licenses and legislation is
adhered to with regards to the software and programming.
Vehicle Test This team test the products on vehicles in our test facilities, they make sure
that the products work properly and efficiently before they can begin to be manufactured.
Electronics This department take the designs and build the electronics that make them
Administration This department

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