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Is War Ever Justified Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of whether war is ever justified is a challenging endeavor that
demands a nuanced exploration of historical events, ethical considerations, and political complexities.
The difficulty arises from the multifaceted nature of the subject, which requires a deep
understanding of international relations, moral philosophy, and the intricate interplay of power
dynamics on a global scale.

To embark on this writing journey, one must navigate through a myriad of perspectives, ranging from
pacifism to just war theory, and grapple with the intricate balance between diplomacy and armed
conflict. Addressing the historical context of specific wars, analyzing the motivations behind military
actions, and evaluating the consequences of such engagements further add layers of complexity to
the essay.

Moreover, the emotional aspect of war, encompassing the human toll and the ethical dilemmas faced
by individuals in positions of power, adds another dimension to the challenge. Balancing objectivity
with empathy becomes crucial in presenting a comprehensive and thoughtful analysis.

Additionally, the ever-evolving nature of global politics and the ongoing conflicts around the world
necessitate a continuous update of information and perspectives. Staying abreast of current events
and scholarly discourse is essential to provide a relevant and informed perspective.

In conclusion, writing an essay on whether war is ever justified demands a rigorous examination of
historical, ethical, and contemporary factors. It requires a delicate balance between various
viewpoints, a deep understanding of geopolitical realities, and a commitment to presenting a well-
reasoned and thoroughly researched argument. Engaging in such a discourse requires intellectual
curiosity, analytical prowess, and the ability to navigate the complexities inherent in the topic. For
those seeking assistance, similar essays and more comprehensive support can be sourced from
platforms like .
Is War Ever Justified Essay Is War Ever Justified Essay
Breaching Social Norm Experiment
For my breaching social norm experiment I was determined to do something I would
never do even if it was a dare, especially since my ability to interact with strangers is
not the best. So, I decided to make people feel uncomfortable by holding their hand.
What I would do is walk up to the person from behind and slowly make my way to their
handto make them feel even more uncomfortable. People normally hold hands with
their significant other, or with someone they know like a friend or family member, so
to be holding hands with a stranger is out of the ordinary and awkward. In preparation
to starting our experiment it took my confidant Carla and I about an hour to finally
initiate the first move. Before even holding hands with strangers my mind was
swirling with multiple questions and thoughts, like Why am I even doing this? , I
don t appreciate making people feel uncomfortable. , Why is Mrs.Henry torturing me!
, Can I just not do it? , and so on. In addition to my thoughts and questions, I felt myself
sweating and my stomach felt as if it was in a twisted knot. While I approached my
first victim I felt the temperature of my body raise up to boiling point and the color of
my skin turn from snow white to lava red in a split second. To make things worse once I
held onto the lady s hand she was gripping onto mine and was holding on tight, and my
reaction was to laugh because when you are in an uncomfortable situation you honestly
don t know how to react.
Similarities Between The Holocaust And Salem Witch Trials
Enduring hardships and mass hysteria, is not the only things the Holocaust and the
Salem Witch Trials have in common. During the devastating Holocaust in Germany and
the tragic Salem Witch Trials, innocent people were brutally killed causing an uproar
among the people. Both just wanted to purify society but in the wrong way. Throughout
history, millions of people have been unjustly persecuted.

In the 1940s, the Holocaust became one of most famous genocides to this day. Also, the
witch hangings in 1600s Salem was another case of people being wrongfully accused
and killed. The amount of similarities of the two are apaling. (A Comparison of the
Holocaust and the Salem Witch Trials. 2008) Both leaders in these incidents, had
enormous control
Humans And Apes Have An Ape-Like Ancestor
The complete history of human evolution is a long standing mystery scientists have yet
to fully figure out. The topic typically focuses on the evolutionary trajectory of primates,
which over the course of millions of years, has lead to the appearance of anatomically
modern humans. As you can imagine, piecing together beyond ancient history, involves
the combined prowess of many scientific disciplines, and once in a while, a curveball
may confuse even the most methodical anthropologists. Other times, a rare ah ha!
moment is encountered, which can shed light on the complex timeline of Homo Sapiens.

Take, for example, the recent discovery of shoulder blades belonging to two early human
Australopithecus species [], which
researchers believe provide us with further evidence that humans and apes do indeed
share an ape like ancestor. ... Show more content on ...
Hasn t that already been established? Well, yes and no. It s true that humans are most
closely related to the great apes of Africa, as the Washington Post points out [http:/
/ of science/wp/2015/09/09/ancient shoulders
show signs of humanitys ape like past/]. However, after splitting from our closest
African ape relative six to seven million years ago, humans seemed to have veered off in
a separate direction.

Nathan Young, a researcher behind the study published recently in the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences,, highlights this fact in a news release in a news release.
We have features that clearly link us with African apes, but we also have features that
appear more primitive, leading to uncertainty about what our common ancestor looked

Based on this assertion, some scientists have suggested that our common ancestor may
have actually been more similar to a
A Clean Well-Lighted Dark Place By Ernest Hemingway
Amaan Maredia
English 1302.50
Mrs. Hays
7 March 2016
Essay 2
A Clean Well Lighted Dark Place A Clean, Well Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway is
a story that paints powerful images of desperation, light and darkness, and
nothingness. The author primarily about an old deaf man who is drunk late at night
and gets more alcohol, preferably brandy at a nearby well lighted café. In this cafe a
young waiter and an old waiter are running the place. They are having a conversation
about the man who is a regular customer at the cafe, and he comes in every night to
drink and kill time. The young waiter, who is rude to the old man, is impatient and
wants to go home to his wife while the older waiter can relate to the old man s sensitivity
because of ... Show more content on ...
The cafe is a Clean, Well Lighted Place. According to the short story, the old waiter said,
Each night I am reluctant to close up because there may be someone who needs the
cafe. The old man spends every evening at the same cafe until it closes. Because of
this, the waiter realizes that his cafe is more than just a place to eat and drink. It is a
refuge from the darkness of the night outside. It s has given the old man the
opportunity to temporarily steer away from the dark side and into the light side.
Darkness is a symbol of fear and loneliness whereas the light symbolizes comfort and
the company of others. There is hopelessness in the dark while the light renders a sense
of comfort. The setting gives the reader an understanding of why he was always lonely
and the comfort that he received from the café. Unfortunately for the old man, this light
is an artificial one, and its peace is both brief and
Analysis Of Stephen A. Brighton s Article
Purpose: Stephen A. Brighton s article is primarily a portrayal of the steps that today s
archeologists are working to implement. According to the article, it is explained how
archeology have changed horizons compared to previous years. The case discussed in
this article focuses on the fact that in order for archeology to have greater impact in
communities and in general, it should deviate a bit from its merely scholar course to a
more socially oriented pathway, ruled by community collaboration and committed
service to the underserved members of the community. It states that former ways of
archeology were not particularly focused on social that is why occasionally the most
oppressed members of the society were excluded and deprived of their rights. This
flaw is now being improved. Therefore, this article is aimed to expose the way modern
archeology works to empower the people to stand for their heritage and fight for social
justice in spite of political policies without neglecting the ethical guidelines of the
profession. Population of Study: Brighton s article explores the field of study of public
archeology on the area of the Town of Texas in the region of Baltimore County in
Maryland. The project focuses on a specific ethnic group: the earliest settlers of the area
who were mainly emigrants from Ireland that populated the area from the last half of the
19th century to the 20th century. The Irish population migrated as a result of land tenure
difficulties and lack of
The Heat Is On The Greenhouse Effect And The Earth s Future
Article #1:
Owen, Oliver S. The heat is on; the greenhouse effect and the earth s future. The
Futurist Sept. Oct. 1989: 34+. Academic OneFile. Web. 30 Nov. 2015.

Summary: Oliver S. Owen who is a professor of biology at the University of Wisconsin

wrote an article on the impact of global warming and how the greenhouse gasses effect
the warming of the globe. This article mainly focuses on the greenhouse gas, carbon
dioxide and how it is produced and can be eliminated from society.
Carbon dioxide is released when organic material is broken down whether it is from
burning or if it is from decay. The main ways carbon is released is from the burning of
fossil fuels and the burning of tropical forests in the use of new farmland and grazing
land for cattle. By itself, fossilfuel consumption is responsible for the annual release of
5 billion metric tons of carbon into the air fossil fuels produce the most carbon dioxide
that pollutes our atmosphere by far. The main reason we need to worry about the
carbon dioxide increase is because Owen predicts this increase will hike up the global
thermostat about 4 [degrees] C (7 [degrees] F). Many well respected scientists also
disagree with these findings because most of the information is not considered hard
information and does not take all variables into consideration. The increase of Carbon
dioxide will not have a negative impact on everyone on earth, people who live near the
poles will have increased growing seasons in some
Analysis Of Orange Is The New Black
The artifact I have chosen to analyze is the following scene from the show Orange is the
New Black ( This scene displays
an interaction between two prisoners and friends, Poussey and Taystee. Poussey is
furious with Taystee for ending up back in prison after being released. Taystee attempts
to explain herself by claiming that prisonis easier than attempting to live a normal life
after prison. Poussey smacks Taystee and angrily states that her mom passed away
while she was in prison and she wasn t there to say goodbye so Taystee has no reason
for walking back into prison because freedom was inconvenient. To this Taystee
responds by sincerely claiming that life after prison is some kind of joke ; in the real
world she doesn t have anywhere to stay, she owes the prison money that she doesn t
have, and everyone she knows is poor, in jail, or gone . At least in prison she knows
where to be and what rules to follow , has a bed, and gets dinners. I argue that this scene
portrays the many ways in which America s criminal justicesystem negatively affects the
average African American significantly more than it does the average white person.
The first reason I argue that this scene portrays how America s criminal justice system is
worse for African Americans than for Whites regards Taystee s inability to resume a
normal life because of her poverty and that of the neighborhood she returns to. Taystee
recalls that outside of prison

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