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Essays Against Abortion

Writing an essay on the topic "Essays Against Abortion" can be a challenging task, as it involves
navigating through a sensitive and controversial subject. Crafting a compelling argument against
abortion requires a thorough understanding of the ethical, moral, and legal dimensions surrounding
the issue. The writer must delve into the complex web of perspectives, considering both pro-life and
pro-choice arguments, and present a well-reasoned counterpoint.

Expressing opinions on such a polarizing topic demands a delicate balance between empathy and
conviction. The writer must address the emotional aspects associated with the subject without losing
sight of the need for a logical and coherent argument. Additionally, research becomes crucial, as a
solid foundation of facts and statistics is essential to support the essay's claims.

Navigating the potential backlash from readers who may hold strong opinions on either side of the
abortion debate adds an extra layer of difficulty. Striking a tone that is respectful yet firm, and
presenting arguments in a way that encourages critical thinking rather than alienation, requires
careful consideration.

Moreover, it is important to acknowledge the diverse perspectives on abortion and present a nuanced
view that respects the complexity of the issue. Balancing personal beliefs with a fair representation
of opposing viewpoints is a delicate task that requires finesse and rhetorical skill.

In conclusion, writing an essay against abortion involves treading on challenging terrain that
demands a deep understanding of the subject, empathy, research, and effective communication skills.
It's a task that requires careful navigation through a complex and sensitive issue to present a well-
articulated and persuasive argument.

For assistance with similar essays and more, you can explore , where a variety of
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Essays Against Abortion Essays Against Abortion
Why Is Caribou Disappearing
The caribou are the most endangered species in the 48 lower states. The Caribou that
are still living can be found in the Selkirk Mountains near Canadian Border, Idaho, and
northeast Washington. The biggest reason for the disappearing of the Caribou is
predation. Since the Caribou are disappearing they are also known as the gray ghost.
The Selkirk herd of caribou can be found in the snowy old forest in Idaho, and in the
northeast part of Washington, but they spend most of their time in Southern Canada. The
Selkirk herd is not the only group that is disappearing, you also have the mountain
caribou. The Mountain Caribou are located in southern British Columbia. There are also
Tundra Caribou that are located in the polar region, but move across the Artic. The tundra
caribou has adaptations that help them climb mountains on top of many feet of snow
where there are no predators.... Show more content on ...
Predation is the biggest reason that the caribou are disappearing. According to the
article, ten years ago there were thousands of caribou in the Selkirk Mountains, but
today the large decline of caribou is because of the wolves. The threat was so serious
that the Canadian government began killing the wolves. The Canadian government has
killed entire wolf packs to keep the caribou from going extinct. On top of killing to
wolves the government has also started maternity penning . Maternity penning is when
they take pregnant caribou and move then to a protected area, then when the calves are
old enough they release
Basque Society, Language and Culture
There are many groups of people throughout the world, who have either managed to
keep their system of values and traditions relevant or have been forced to conform to the
modern ways of the region they inhabit. The Basque people are a group of indigenous
that claim the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains around the Bay of Biscay in northern
Spainand southern France for thousands of years. Indigenous people are originating or
occurring naturally in a particular place; native. By analyzing and interpreting their
language, communication, religion, transition to modernity, differences between french
and spanish borders, and their history we will be able to better understand them.
Throughout the years, advances in international thinking and action has been significant
on indigenous rights and issues including the adoption to the UN declaration on rights of
indigenous people in 2007.
There are several Basque provinces along the french and spanish border. Northern
provinces include Labourd, Basse Navarre, and Soule are in france, while the southern
provinces are Navarra, Alava, Vizcaya, and Guipuzcoa which lie in spain (Ott 5).
During the later half of the nineteenth century the Basque population was well over
1,000 people but currently consists of 376 people. Most people of this indigenous group
like their forefathers are pastoralist and cultivate small farmlands scattered across the
valley. . Although much of this tribes history is unverified it is said that they are
A Lawsuit Over Plagiarism in H. Bruce Millers Life is Not...
In Life is Not Measured by Grade Point Averages by H. Bruce Miller, Miller announces
that a young lady named Gabrielle Napolitano was suing the University for accusing her
of plagiarism in her paper. Napolitano hired a lawyer and built the case stating that the
so called plagiarism was just a, quote technical error (Miller, par.2). Miller announces
this problem but doesn t get his true argument out until the last few paragraphs of his
paper, stating that students need to stop worrying about their grades or grade point
averages and need to start enjoying the process of learning, to embrace the knowledge
and use it without the fear of lack of money in the back of their minds. Miller uses strong
terminology throughout his paper and... Show more content on ...
Miller does not take in account that Napolitano might have been suing for what was
right, suing the University because she was having her life delayed for a mistake.

Miller doesn t include Napolitano s side of the story but he also does not relate to his
audiences beliefs and includes fallacies in his writing. Throughout the paper there was no
emotional statements or statements showing understanding for the students of the
Nation, Miller automatically assumes that everyone is just worried about grades and not
actually there to learn for the fun and joy of it. There are several occasions where Miller
uses the faulty causality fallacy, for example; Miller states Students get a lower grade in
a course than they think they deserve; they sue. Students graduate and fail to get a job,
or as good a job as they expected; they sue (Miller, par.3). At this point he is using the
faulty causality fallacy by making that the assumption that negative outcomes would
automatically lead to suing, for example Jacob got a bad grade on his school work so he
sued the school .

Even though Miller makes assumptions in his writing, he does keep the reader s
attention with a face paced tone and long sentences with similes. For example, when
Miller says The notion that the principal, or only, purpose of going to college is to win a
ticket of admission to the great upper middle
Drew Mingione. Ms. Speirs. English 10H A4. April 27, 2017.
Drew Mingione
Ms. Speirs
English 10H A4
April 27, 2017
The Continuous Cycle of War Ever since the days of Mesopotamia from the agricultural
revolution, war has been a constant and important part of human life. Over time though,
humans have evolved and gotten stronger and smarter which lead to more competition.
War from its beginning, has consistently stemmed from the innate sense of evolutionary
survival and subsequent competition, thus securing it s inevitable perpetuation. The only
thing that every person has in common is that they want to survive. Humans are always
fighting. This shows how even though the monster had not done anything inherently
wrong, they are afraid because they just want to survive and the monster looks ... Show
more content on ...
Religions differing has caused many conflicts throughout history. The feeling of
attachment to tribalism and fake patriotism under the umbrella of religion is stronger and
more apparent than respect for human rights and pluralism (Mhamed 2). When people
are tied so greatly to their religion, they will be willing to throw away their morals and
do whatever they deem is right for their beliefs, leading to constant wars. different
tribal and so called patriotic groups resort to religion to gain legacy and popularity
(Mhamad 2). Religion is even just a way to unite people to war such as saying they are
doing something in the name of their deity Both survival and competition, consequently
have caused continuous wars throughout human history. Humans are always fighting
since the beginning of time. Wherever there is an enemy, animate or inanimate, there
must be a victory. You must prevail at the front, no matter how high the cost at home
(Wilson 1). There will always be war for these reasons. Nationalism is one of the key
examples coming from this quote and it is said for a very good reason. group versus
group competition was a principal driving force that made us what we are. In prehistory,
group selection lifted the hominids that became territorial carnivores to heights of
solidarity, to genius, to enterprise and to fear (Wilson 1). Competition was necessary and
it will until the end of humans. It has caused war but it
Relational Database Management System ( Rdbms )
Relational database management system (RDBMS) have used for many decades.
However, these databases are facing several challenges with the requirements of many
organizations like high scalability and availability. They cannot deal with huge amount
of data and requests efficiently. As a result, famous organizations such as Google and
Amazon shift from RDBMS to NoSQL databases. NoSQL databases have several
features that overcome issues. This paper explains features, principles, and data models
of NoSQL databases. However, the main focus of this paper is to compare and evaluate
two of the most popular NoSQL databases which are MongoDB and Cassandra.
RDBMS, NoSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra
In recent years with the new breed of ... Show more content on ...
If you change your application, you have to change your database schema as well. This
fixed schema used by RDBMS make them impossible to quickly incorporate new types
of data. Also, it is a poor fit for unstructured and semi structured data [14, 17].
Since queries require attributes from more than one table result in a join operation, join
decreases the performance of RDBMS. Joins and locks have a negative impact on
performance of RDBMS [4].
RDBMS provide limited replication techniques. In fact, these databases are based on
consistency instead of availability [14].
In order to understand NoSQL databases, chapter two will describe the most
significant features of NoSQL databases for solving the above mentioned requirements.
Since the relational data model is not suitable for some use cases, chapter three will
explain structure and flexibility of different data models offered by NoSQL databases.
Chapter four will compare two of the widely used NoSQL databases which are
MongoDB and Cassandra.
Both RDBMS and NoSQL databases use principles that are derived from CAP theorem.
According to this theorem, following guarantees can be defined [8,12, 20]:
Consistency. All the users see the same data at any time.
Availability. When certain nodes fail, the other nodes in the system are able to continue
and operate.
Use of Cell Phones While Driving
If you are driving at 55mph for 5 seconds in that amount of time you could cross a
football field. People don t understand how dangerous distracted driving really is. All
states should have some sort of legal parameters of what happens when you get caught
using your cell phone while driving. People should get a stronger/ harsher punishment
for the use of a cellular device while driving. People are way more impaired when you
are distracted and driving than you are drinking and driving. The problem with this is
that so many people do it and it is so unbearable hearing so many stories of how many
people die every year because they make the mistake. So many people drive and use
some kind of cellular device. In 2009 distracted driving caused... Show more content on ...
Drinking while driving laws are much, much harsher than distracted driving. The
Arizona state laws sates if you are under the age of 21 any trace of alcohol, illegal
drugs or drugs that impair your ability to drive safely will result in stiff penalties and
your license will be suspended for two years. As you can see the laws have bigger
consequences. In 2008 there was a girl named Amanda and she was in a very tragic
accident and amazingly survived! Amanda was buried by a tractor trailer and she is
still alive and well. After having 20 surgeries, facial reconstruction and the loss of an
eye she was very happy to be alive. Even though she looks different then what she used
to look like, she realized that she was a very lucky girl to be alive. After what
happened to her, she wanted to try to prevent other from making the same mistake that
she did. In 2009 a lawyer Joel Feldman lost his 21year old daughter to a mistake of
distracted driving. Ever since the accident he has been trying to educate others about
the dangers of distracted driving. One day he happened to appear at the Massachusetts
State House the day after a school bus had been in an accident with children and
parents from PA. The bus had be driving and had hit an overpass that the bus was to low
to go through. Apparently the bus driver was distracted by a GPS. On October 10 of
2010 a 5 year old boy named Xzavier was crossing the street when he got hit by someone
who was on their cellphone. Xzavier was
Wikipedia is an Evolving, Online Encyclopedia Website
The online encyclopedia website, Wikipedia, provides general information varying from
movies, television shows, theories, concepts and much more information to users
comprising of individuals twenty years old or younger, known as digital natives
(Prensky, 2001). Authorship, meaning to be the originator or writer of an idea (Oxford
Dictionaries, 2014) is valued by literate man (McCluhan,1969) compared to that of a
digitalnative . Controversy is created concerning the use of Wikipediasince literate man
value authorship much more than a digital native . In order for Wikipedia to acquire
legitimacy from literate man Wikipedia must explicitly give credit to the authors of its
articles and indicate their credentials within the text. Marshall McLuhandefines literate
man to value visual linear systems indicating literate man prefer concepts to be
explained in a less complex and diverse way (McLuhan, 1969). Since literate man
breaks down complex concepts into visual forms he is more involved in McLuhan s
hot media. Hot media refers to a medium that is individual based and relies on one
sense (McLuhan, 1969). In this case, the hot media would be a physical book or
encyclopedia which is an individual medium since only one person can use a book at a
time and only use one sense, being the individual s eyes. Using a book is a literate man
value because any complex ideas that come from the book can be broken down into
visual parts through the sentence. Literate man prefer
Plessy V Ferguson Civil Rights Movement
Truly, the Civil Rights Movement was a period amid the 1950 s and 60 s to wipe out
isolation and increase parallel rights. Thinking back on every one of the occasions, and
element figures it created, this depiction is extremely obscure. Keeping in mind the end
goal to completely comprehend the Civil Rights Movement, you need to do a reversal to
its beginning. The vast majority trust that Rosa Parks started the entire social liberties
development. She did in actuality drive the Civil Rights Movement to uncommon
statures at the same time, its starting point started in 1954 with Brown versus leading
group of Education of Topeka. Chestnut versus leading group of Education of Topeka
was the foundation for change in American History in general. Indeed,... Show more
content on ...
This time is regularly alluded to as the Nadir of American Race Relations, which just put
implies that prejudice was best case scenario amid the day and age of the Civil Rights
Movement. Pulling together for uniformity turned out to be a tiresome assignment for
Americans. Keeping in mind the end goal to move into the future, one must relinquish
the past, and numerous individuals were not willing to forsake the convictions that had
been engrained in them since birth. Racial separation was available across the nation
however the over the top brutality of African Americans in southern states got to be
knows as Jim Crow Laws. Jim Crow Laws made it inconceivable for African Americans
to be equivalents. It precluded Blacks from wedding Caucasians, owning eateries that
served individuals of different races, drinking out of a similar drinking fountain as
whites, for all intents and purposes isolating races on each comprehensible plane.
These laws added layers to the weakening of Society making once race feel second rate
compared to another. The entire reason for the Civil Rights Movement was to desert
along these lines of deduction and takes an excursion into the obscure, which was
solidarity. Albeit generally Jim Crow Laws were canceled in the 1970 s for good, the
thoughts, occasions, and emotions that rose up out of this out of line routine of this law

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