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Comparative Essay Sample

Crafting a comparative essay sample can be quite challenging, as it necessitates a thorough

understanding of the subjects being compared, as well as the ability to discern meaningful
similarities and differences between them. The process involves conducting extensive research to
gather relevant information, critically analyzing the material, and formulating a coherent argument
that effectively compares the chosen subjects. Additionally, ensuring proper structure, clarity of
expression, and adherence to academic conventions adds another layer of complexity to the task.

Moreover, writing a comparative essay requires a nuanced approach to presenting the similarities and
differences between the subjects in a balanced and insightful manner. It demands careful attention to
detail to avoid oversimplification or superficial analysis, as well as the ability to synthesize complex
ideas into a cohesive narrative.

Furthermore, maintaining objectivity while evaluating the merits of each subject and avoiding bias
toward one over the other is essential for producing a credible and persuasive essay. This often
involves considering multiple perspectives and supporting arguments with evidence from reputable

In conclusion, while writing a comparative essay sample can be demanding, it is also a rewarding
opportunity to engage critically with diverse perspectives and deepen one's understanding of the
subjects under examination.

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Compare And Contrast Egypt And Mesopotamia
Egypt and Mesopotamia were the two greatest civilizations in ancient times because of
the sophisticated way of living, but most importantly the way the kings rule over the
people. These civilizations had aspects of their daily lives that were similar, and others
in which they are different. Mesopotamians had an idea of expansion in mind, while
Egyptians had an idea of internal ruling and making the people s daily life peaceful and
harmonic. In Ancient Mesopotamiathe most readily available material for writing was
clay. When writing on clay first arose, Mesopotamians would try to make an artistic
representation of what they were referring to. The process was technical and when you
are describing a rock next to a deer, you would draw the rock first and then add the deer
to the picture. Pictograms were the earliest stage in writing. The Mesopotamian drove an
urban social change and that is when cuneiform was found.
Cuneiform was one of the first writings to be found, it began in Mesopotamia around
3500 BCE. When cuneiform began they were writings with symbols (Woods 129). They
were just pictures that represented words like water that was two squiggly lines then it
became three sticks with arrows that each pointed a certain way. Sumerians were
involved with pictograms, cuneiform and phonetic writing. Each style of writing
elaborated on as different writing systems. Cuneiform writing consists of edge molded
characters utilized written on a dirt tablet. The Sumerians at first
Analysis of Brower vs. Dominy argument in Encounters with...
In the third section of John McPhee s Encounters with the Archdruid, the author observes
the discourse between conservationist David Brower and Commissioner of the Bureau of
Reclamation, Floyd Dominy, on the merits of dams in the southwestern United States.
Brower hates all dams, large and small, while Dominy sees dams as essential to our
civilization. The Glen Canyon Damand Lake Powell, which Dominy created, are the
main issue of debate between the two men.

Floyd Dominy graduated from the University of Wyoming in 1932 and, after an
unsuccessful stint as a teacher, became a county agricultural agent for the federal
government in Wyoming s Gillette County. This was the time of the Great Depression
and also a great drought in the ... Show more content on ...
Brower viewed nature as a sacred place, a place that must be earned. He hated the idea
of people developing wilderness areas. He felt that cities should have strict
boundaries, and people should stay there. Brower and Dominy have conflicting views
in this situation. Brower is disgusted by the development around Lake Powell and the
destruction of the wilderness that is now beneath it. Lake Powell is a drag strip for
power boats. It s for people who won t do things except the easy way. The magic of Glen
Canyon is dead. It has been vulgarized. (240)

Dominy, on the other hand, is proud that he has created such a beautiful lake and has
made it accessible to the masses. Dominy is tired of trying to satisfy a noisy minority
while trying to bring water, power, and recreation to the people. I m a greater
conservationist that you are, by far. I do things. I make things available to man.
Unregulated, the Colorado River wouldn t be worth a good God damn to anybody...Do
you want to keep this country the way it is for a handful of people? (240)

Beside these arguments, there is also a more quantitative side to the debate. The
ecological detriments of the Glen Canyon Dam have been well documented. Extensive
changes were brought about in the Colorado River ecosystem by the construction of the
Glen Canyon Dam. Most of these alterations negatively affected the functioning of the
system and the native aquatic species of the river. The reduced supply and transport of

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