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Spinor-helicity representations of
(A)dS4 particles of any mass

Thomas Basilea Euihun Joungb Karapet Mkrtchyanc Matin Mojaza1d

Service de Physique de l’Univers, Champs et Gravitation, Université de Mons, 20 place du Parc,
arXiv:2401.02007v1 [hep-th] 4 Jan 2024

7000 Mons, Belgium

Department of Physics, College of Science, Kyung Hee University, Seoul 02447, Republic of Korea
Theoretical Physics Group, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ, UK
Albert-Einstein-Institut, Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, 14476 Potsdam, Germany


Abstract: The spinor-helicity representations of massive and (partially-)massless par-

ticles in four dimensional (Anti-) de Sitter spacetime are studied within the framework of
the dual pair correspondence. We show that the dual groups (aka “little groups”) of the
AdS and dS groups are respectively O(2N ) and O ∗ (2N ). For N = 1, the generator of the
dual algebra so(2) ∼ = so∗ (2) ∼
= u(1) corresponds to the helicity operator, and the spinor-
helicity representation describes massless particles in (A)dS4 . For N = 2, the dual algebra
is composed of two ideals, s and mΛ . The former ideal s ∼ = so(3) fixes the spin of the par-
ticle, while the mass is determined by the latter ideal mΛ , which is isomorphic to so(2, 1),
iso(2) or so(3) depending on the cosmological constant being positive, zero or negative. In
the case of a positive cosmological constant, namely dS4 , the spinor-helicity representation
contains all massive particles corresponding to the principal series representations and the
partially-massless particles corresponding to the discrete series representations leaving out
only the light massive particles corresponding to the complementary series representations.
The zero and negative cosmological constant cases, which had been addressed in earlier
references, are also discussed briefly. Finally, we consider the multilinear form of helicity
spinors invariant under (A)dS group, which can be served for the (A)dS counterpart of the
scattering amplitude, and discuss technical differences and difficulties of the (A)dS cases
compared to the flat spacetime case.

Matin Mojaza contributed to this work while working at AEI Potsdam until September 2022.

1 Introduction 1

2 Spinor-helicity Representations of (A)dS fields 2

3 Preliminary analysis 3
3.1 N = 1 4
3.2 N = 2 4

4 Dual pair correspondence 9

4.1 dS4 10
4.2 AdS4 13
4.3 Conformal group 13
4.4 Other dimensions 14

5 Multilinear invariants 15
5.1 Generalities 15
5.2 Translational invariance 16
5.3 Mass condition 18

A UIRs of dS4 group and Casimirs 20

B Quaternion realization of dS4 group 21

1 Introduction

The massless spinor-helicity (SH) representation in flat spacetime (Mink4 ) has proven very
effective in expressing and determining scattering amplitudes (see e.g. [1–4] for reviews)
and their massive counterpart is also prevalent in recent time (see [5, 6] and [7, 8], and
more). Moreover, several attempts to generalize it to (Anti)-de Sitter spaces ((A)dS4 ) were
undertaken in the literature (see e.g. [9–11] for dS4 and [12–14] for AdS4 ). In the latter
series of references [12–14], the Mink4 SH representation is deformed to (A)dS4 ones with
a term in translation generators proportional to the cosmological constant. Despite this
deformation, the main salient structure of the scattering amplitude remains the same, while
only the momentum conservation delta function is modified to a Λ-dependent function.
In this paper, we generalize the (A)dS4 SH representation used in [9, 10, 12–14] to
include massive and partially-massless cases and carefully analyze their irreducible repre-
sentation (irrep) content. Our analysis is systematic, using the reductive dual pair corre-
spondence [15, 16] (see [17–19] for physics-oriented reviews, and [20–23] for mathematics-
oriented ones), the adequate mathematical framework responsible for most of the technical
successes, yet always behind the curtain in the physicists’ treatments of the subject.

We show that the dual groups of the AdS4 and dS4 groups are respectively O(2N ) and
O∗ (2N ). For the N = 1 case, the generator of the dual algebra so(2) ∼ = so∗ (2) ∼
= u(1) cor-
responds to the standard helicity operator of the SH formalism, and the SH representation
describes massless fields1 in (A)dS4 . For the N = 2 case, the dual algebra is composed of
two ideals, s and mΛ . The former ideal s ∼ = so(3) fixes the spin of the (A)dS field, while
the mass of the field is determined by the latter ideal mΛ , which is isomorphic to so(1, 2),
iso(2) or so(3) depending on the cosmological constant being positive, zero, or negative.
In the case of positive cosmological constant, namely dS4 , the SH representation contains
all massive fields corresponding to the principal series representations of so(1, 4) and the
partially-massless fields corresponding to the discrete series representations of so(1, 4). The
only irreps left out are the light massive fields corresponding to the complementary series
representations of so(1, 4). We also comment on the Mink4 and the AdS4 case, analyzed in
earlier literature. The Mink4 case was analyzed in details in the earlier work [6] of the two
of the authors. See also more widely known later work [7]. The AdS4 case was analyzed
in [19] in terms of creation/annihilation operators. We also briefly comment on the dual
pairs responsible for the SH representations of (A)dS particles in other dimensions.
Remark that the dual group is also known as “little group”. This terminology is
misleading because the dual group differs from the little group of the induced representation
à la Wigner: the actual little group is a subgroup of Lorentz, while the dual group commutes
with the Lorentz. See the Appendix of [6] for the explicit comparison between the little
group and dual group in the case of Poincaré algebra.
Finally, we consider the multilinear form of helicity spinors invariant under (A)dS4
group, which can be used for the (A)dS counterpart of the scattering amplitude. Despite
the similarity with the Mink4 case, we find a few technical differences and difficulties in
the (A)dS4 cases. We discuss these points and propose potential resolutions.

2 Spinor-helicity Representations of (A)dS fields

The SH representation of massive Mink4 fields [6, 7] and that of massless (A)dS4 fields
[9, 12–14] admit a common and simple generalization,
∂ ∂
Paḃ = λI a λ̃I ḃ + Λ , (2.1)
∂λI a ∂ λ̃I ḃ
∂ ∂
Lab = 2 i λI (a , L̃ȧḃ = 2 i λ̃I(ȧ
, (2.2)
∂λI b) ∂ λ̃I ḃ)
where I = 1, . . . , N , and the N = 1 case corresponds to the massless case and the Λ = 0
limit corresponds to Mink4 case. Here, λ̃I ȧ is the complex-conjugate of λI a for real “mo-
menta”. Round brackets indicate symmetrization with weight one. Both of the indices
a, b and ȧ, ḃ are raised and lowered by the two-dimensional Levi–Civita tensor.2 We shall
The SH representations describe single-particle states, but we will use the term “field” and “particle”
interchangeably, as the most relevant context is scattering amplitudes in quantum field theory.
We follow notations and conventions of [6] with
(σ µ )aḃ = (1, ~σ)aḃ , (σ̄ µ )ȧb = ǫȧd ǫbc (σ µ )cd˙ = (1, −~σ )ȧb , (2.3)

denote this (A)dS4 isometry algebra as symΛ . It is straightforward to check that the
commutators of the above operators satisfy the Lie brackets of the (A)dS4 algebra with
cosmological constant Λ: the generators Lab and L̃ȧḃ = Lab † form standard Lorentz subal-
gebra so(1, 3) ∼
= sl(2, C) with [Lab , L̃ċd˙] = 0 and

[Lab , Lcd ] = −i (ǫac Lbd + ǫbc Lad + ǫad Lbc + ǫbd Lac ) . (2.6)

The translation generators Paḃ carry a vector representation of so(1, 3), that is a bifunda-
mental representation of sl(2, C),

[Lab , Pcd˙] = i (ǫca Pbd˙ + ǫcb Pad˙) , [L̃ȧḃ , Pcd˙] = i (ǫd˙ȧ Pcḃ + ǫd˙ḃ Pcȧ ) . (2.7)

With the cosmological constant Λ, the translation generators no longer commute but satisfy

[Paḃ , Pcd˙] = i Λ (ǫac L̃ḃd˙ + ǫḃd˙ Lac ) . (2.8)

Hence, we find symΛ ≃ so(1, 4) for Λ > 0 and symΛ ≃ so(2, 3) for Λ < 0 .3
The (A)dS4 algebra symΛ is a subalgebra of sp(8N, R) generated by all bilinears in λIa ,
∂ (N )
and their complex conjugates. The dual algebra, denoted by dualΛ , is the stabiliser
of symΛ within sp(8N, R), and is generated by
∂ ∂
K I J = λI a − λ̃J ȧ , (2.9a)
∂λJ a ∂ λ̃I ȧ
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
M IJ = λI a λJa − Λ , M̃IJ = λ̃I ȧ λ̃J ȧ − Λ . (2.9b)

∂ λ̃I ∂ λ̃J ȧ ∂λ ∂λJ a
I a

The SH representation of symΛ is reducible and its decomposition into irreps can be carried
(N ) (N )
out on the side of dualΛ . In the following, we shall identify the dual algebra dualΛ and
(N )
explain the intimate relation between symΛ and dualΛ , first through a preliminary analysis
on the eigenvalues of Casimir operators, then using the more solid and powerful method of
the dual pair correspondence.

3 Preliminary analysis
(N )
In this section, we identify the dual algebra dualΛ for N = 1, 2, and establish its relation
to symΛ at the level of Casimir operators. By comparing the eigenvalues of the Casimir
(N )
operators of symΛ and dualΛ , we provide a preliminary assessment of the correspondence
(N )
between the irreps of symΛ and dualΛ .
where σ i , i = 1, 2, 3, are the usual Pauli matrices, which verify (σ µ )aȧ (σµ )bḃ = −2 ǫaȧ ǫbḃ , and
1 µ ν 1
(σ µν )a b = (σ σ̄ − σ ν σ̄ µ )a b , (σ̄ µν )ȧ ḃ = − (σ̄ µ σ ν − σ̄ ν σ µ )ȧ ḃ . (2.4)
4 4
Indices are raised and lowered via

ψa = ǫab ψ b , ψ a = ǫab ψb , ǫac ǫcb = δba , (2.5)

and similarly for dotted indices.

Note here that Λ is related to the actual cosmological constant Λcc by Λcc = 3 Λ.

3.1 N =1
In the N = 1 case, considered in [12–14], the dual algebra dualΛ is simply isomorphic to
u(1) generated by
∂ ∂
K = λa − λ̃ȧ , (3.1)
∂λa ∂ λ̃ȧ
which is nothing but the standard helicity operator. The K = s state describes massless
helicity s representations in Mink4 , AdS4 and dS4 . This universal description is due to the
conformal symmetry they enjoy: the SH representations of symΛ can be lifted to a sin-
gle irreducible representation, typically referred to as ‘singleton’, of the four-dimensional
conformal group so(2, 4) [24–27] (see also [28–30] for the oscillator realization, where some-
times the representation is referred to as ‘doubleton’ for a historical reason). This special
property of singleton can be easily understood in terms of the dual pair correspondence,
as it was shown in [19]. We shall come back to this point in Section 4.3.

3.2 N =2
The N = 2 case will turn out to be sufficient to describe all massive spin representations
in four dimensions. The generators M = M 12 and M̃ = M̃12 commute with the subalgebra
so(3) ≃ su(2) ⊂ u(2) generated by KI J = K I J − 12 δJI K K K while the u(1) part K = K I I
[M, M̃ ] = −Λ K, [K, M ] = 2 M , [K, M̃ ] = −2 M̃ . (3.2)
Taking into account that M † = M̃ and K † = K,4 it is easy to show that the Hermitian
generators 12 K, 21 (M + M̃ ) and 2i (M − M̃ ) form so(2, 1) for Λ > 0, so(3) for Λ < 0 and
iso(2) for Λ = 0. The last case corresponds to the massive Mink4 SH formulation [6, 7].
To summarize, we find that for N = 2, the dual algebra is the direct sum,
dualΛ ≃ s ⊕ mΛ , (3.3)

where the two ideals s and mΛ are

so(2, 1)
 [Λ > 0]
s = so(3) , mΛ = so(3) [Λ < 0] . (3.4)

iso(2) [Λ = 0]

Below, we will show that the common ideal s for any Λ is responsible for the spin label of
the symΛ irreps, whereas the other subalgebra mΛ determines the mass. In order to see
this identification, let us first exploit the relations between Casimir operators of symΛ and
dualΛ .
Since symΛ is a rank two Lie algebra so(1, 4) or so(2, 3) for Λ 6= 0, there are two
independent Casimir operators: the quadratic and quartic ones, whose expressions in vector
Note that the Hermitian conjugation † is defined with respect to the L2 (C2N ) norm, and hence λI a † =

(λ a )∗ = λ̃I ȧ and (∂/∂λI a )† = −∂/∂ λ̃I ȧ .


notation read
C2 (symΛ ) = − J A1 A2 J A2 A1 , (3.5a)
1 1
C4 (symΛ ) = WA W A , WA = ǫABCDE J BC J DE , (3.5b)
2 2
where the capital indices take the values A, B, · · · = 0, 1, . . . , 4 and JAB = −JBA are
the generators of symΛ . Splitting JAB into Lorentz and translation generators as J4µ =
Pµ / |Λ| and Jµν = Lµν , the two Casimirs are
1 2 1 2
C2 (symΛ ) = − P + (L + L̃2 ) , (3.6a)
2Λ 4
1 aȧ bḃ 1
C4 (symΛ ) = P P Lab L̃ȧḃ + P 2 (L2 + L̃2 )
4Λ 16 Λ
1 1
− (L2 + L̃2 ) − (L2 − L̃2 )2 . (3.6b)
4 64
Here, P 2 = Paḃ P aḃ = −2 Pµ P µ , L2 = Lab Lab and Lµν Lµν = 12 (L2 + L̃2 ), where we use
the mostly-plus signature for ηµν . Note that Λ C2 (symΛ ) and Λ C4 (symΛ ) reproduce the
familiar quadratic Casimir and the Pauli–Lubański vector squared in the Λ → 0 limit.
On the other hand, the dual algebra is composed of two rank-one ideals, so we have
one Casimir operator for each:
1 I J
C2 (s) = K K , (3.7)
2 J I
1 1
C2 (mΛ ) = − {M, M̃ } + K 2 . (3.8)
2Λ 4
The SH representation of symΛ (2.1) and (2.2) and that of dualΛ (2.9a) and (2.9b) relate
these Casimir operators as

C2 (symΛ ) = C2 (mΛ ) + C2 (s) − 2 , (3.9a)

C4 (symΛ ) = − C2 (mΛ ) C2 (s) . (3.9b)

From the above relations, we can read off the Casimir eigenvalues of the unitary irreps of
symΛ by fixing an irrep of dualΛ ≃ s⊕mΛ . For the ideal s ≃ so(3), the (2s+1)-dimensional
irreps with
C2 (s) = s(s + 1) , (3.10)
account for all unitary irreps. About the ideal mΛ , the quadratic Casimir operator can be
parameterized as
C2 (mΛ ) = µ(µ + 1) , (3.11)
which is invariant under
µ → −1 − µ, (3.12)
and we have the following options:

• For Λ > 0, apart from the trivial irrep with µ(µ + 1) = 0, we have three series of
unitary irreps for so(2, 1) :

– The principal series irreps Cµ± with complex µ satisfying

µ(µ + 1) < − , (3.13)
which is spanned by eigenstates of K with even/odd integer eigenvalues, related
to the label +/− respectively. We can parametrize irreps in this series via µ =
− 21 + i ρ with ρ ∈ R. In this case, the map (3.12), ρ → −ρ, is an isomorphism,
and hence we may restrict to the case ρ > 0.
– The complementary series irrep Cµ with −1 < µ < 0 satisfying

− ≤ µ(µ + 1) < 0 , (3.14)
spanned by all even K-eigenstates. The map (3.12) is again an isomorphism.
– The positive/negative discrete series irrep D2µ+2 with

µ = − 21 , 0, 12 , 1, 32 , . . . , (3.15)

spanned by the K-eigenstates with eigenvalues ±2(µ + 1), ±2(µ + 2), etc. These
are lowest/highest weight irreps.

• For Λ → 0 , the “bosonic/fermionic” irrep of iso(2) with |µ| → ∞ while keeping finite
m = −Λ µ2 , (3.16)

which is spanned by K-eigenstates with even/odd eigenvalues. These irreps can be

thought of as the counterpart of the massive scalar and spinor representations of the
Poincaré group (depending on the parity of the K-eigenstates).
The trivial representation, with m = 0, and which can be thought of as the counter-
part of the zero-momentum irrep of the Poincaré group.

• For Λ < 0, the (2µ + 1)-dimensional irrep of so(3) with

µ = 0, 21 , 1, 32 , . . . , (3.17)

with basis composed of K-eigenstates with eigenvalues −2µ, −2µ + 2, . . . , +2µ.

These irreps of dualΛ are in one-to-one correspondence with the irreps of symΛ with

C2 (symΛ ) = µ(µ + 1) + s(s + 1) − 2 , (3.18a)

C4 (symΛ ) = −µ(µ + 1) s(s + 1) , (3.18b)

and we can compare these values with those of known irreps of symΛ .

To begin with, let us consider the Poincaré case with Λ = 0 which has been treated in
[5, 7]. The quadratic Casimir,

lim Λ C2 (mΛ ) = −M M̃ , (3.19)


of the dual algebra m0 determines the mass:

M M̃ = −Pµ P µ = m2 , (3.20)

while the ‘spin s’ representation of the dual algebra s corresponds to the spin, thus defining
a Poincaré representation of mass m and spin s . In fact, in all cases of symΛ , the irrep
label s of the dual algebra s simply corresponds to the spin of the four-dimensional field.

The unitary irreps of dS4 Lie algebra, namely so(1, 4), were first classified in [31] where
the eigenvalues of the Casimir operators are also given: see Appendix A for a summary,
and [32] for the physical interpretations of these irreps. More recent treatments of dS
representations can be found e.g. in [33–38].
Comparing the result (3.18b) with the Casimir eigenvalues identified in [31], we find
that the irrep label µ of the dual algebra mΛ parameterizes the mass squared as5

m2 = Λ [−µ(µ + 1) + s(s − 1)] . (3.21)

Depending on the spin s, different ranges of mass are allowed for the unitarity of the symΛ

• For the scalar case with s = 0, the allowed µ are

– The complex values of µ with (3.13) corresponding to the principal series rep-
resentations of so(1, 4), with the isomorphism (3.12).
– The real values of −2 < µ < 1 with
− ≤ µ(µ + 1) < 2 , (3.22)
Here, we define the mass m2 of a field ϕ of spin s in (A)dSd+1 via the wave equation
2 Λcc 
∇2 + (s − 2)(s + d − 2) − s − m2 ϕ = 0 .

d(d − 1)
Parameterizing the eigenvalue of the quadratic Casimir operator of the irrep associated with ϕ as

C2 = ∆(∆ − d) + s(s + d − 2) ,

we can write the mass squared as

2 Λcc
m2 = (∆ + s − 2)(s + d − 2 − ∆) ,
d(d − 1)
which reproduces the formula (3.21) upon using µ = ∆ − 2 (or µ = −∆ + 1) for d = 3. (See for instance
[39] for an extended discussion of the dS4 case, and [40, 41] including also the AdS4 case.)

corresponding to the complementary series representations of so(1, 4), with the
isomorphism (3.12). The µ = 0 case (or equivalently, the µ = −1 case) corre-
sponds to the conformally coupled scalar.
– The positive integer values of µ corresponding to the discrete series representa-
tions of so(1, 4). The µ = 1 case corresponds to the minimally coupled massless
scalar, whereas µ = 2, 3, . . . correspond to tachyonic scalars.

The unitarity of these symΛ irreps includes not only all the mΛ unitary regions (3.13),
(3.14) and the integer part of (3.15), but also the complementary series region 0 <
µ(µ + 1) < 2 not allowed for the unitarity of mΛ .

• For integral spins s = 1, 2, . . ., the allowed µ are

– The complex values with (3.13) corresponding to the principal series represen-
tations of so(1, 4), with the isomorphism (3.12).
– The real values of −1 < µ < 0 with (3.14) corresponding to the complementary
series representations of so(1, 4), with the isomorphism (3.12).
– The integer values µ = 0, 1, . . . , s − 1. These integer values correspond to the
partially-massless fields of depth s − µ, where the depth 1 corresponds to the
massless field.

The unitarity of these symΛ irreps includes the mΛ unitary regions (3.13) and (3.14),
but restrict (3.15): any integers greater than s − 1 are excluded together with the
half-integer values.

• For half-integral spins s = 12 , 23 , . . ., the allowed µ are

– The complex values of µ with (3.13) corresponding to the principal series rep-
resentation of so(1, 4), with the isomorphism (3.12).
– The half integer values µ = − 12 , 12 , . . . , s − 1 corresponding to the discrete series
representations of so(1, 4). The positive half-integer values correspond to the
partially-massless fields of depth s − µ.6 Note that µ = − 12 corresponds to the
end point of the continuous spectrum of massive fields, which we may refer to as
the lightest massive fermions. For s = 21 , it simply corresponds to the massless

The unitarity of these symΛ irreps includes the mΛ principal series (3.13) but entirely
excludes the complementary series (3.14), and restrict the discrete series (3.15): any
half-integers greater than s − 1 are excluded together with the integer values.

In the AdS4 case with Λ < 0, the irrep label µ of the dual algebra mΛ parameterizes the
mass squared again as (3.21). The allowed µ for the unitarity of the lowest-energy irreps
The partially-massless fermion irreps are unitary only in dS4 [42].

of symΛ are µ = s − 1, s, s + 1, . . . for spin s = 0, 21 1, . . .. The µ = s − 1 case corresponds
to the massless spin s field, and higher µ cases correspond to massive fields. The reason
that we have a discrete mass spectrum is due to the fact that µ is an eigenvalue of the
generator of the compact subgroup SO(2) associated with rotations in the plane of temporal
directions, and hence is quantized. These representations can be interpreted as the irreps
of 3d conformal group: ∆ = µ + 2 and s correspond to the conformal weight and spin
of the conformal primaries, respectively. In the scalar case, the µ = −1 and µ = 0 cases
mapped by (3.12) are distinct irreps and correspond to different modes of the conformal
scalar in AdS4 . Note that, moving to a covering group of SO(1, 4), the point µ = − 32 can
be included for s = 0, and it corresponds to the conformal scalar in 3d.
The unitarity of the lowest energy irreps of symΛ ∼ = so(2, 3) excludes the lower µ values
with µ < s − 1 from (3.17), corresponding to partially-massless fields, together with all
integer/half-integer values of µ for half-integral/integral spin.
Let us note that there are a few other types of symΛ irreps with unbounded energy.
These irreps would cover different ranges of C2 (symΛ ) and C4 (symΛ ) .

4 Dual pair correspondence

In the previous section we have identified the correspondences between the irreps of symΛ
and those of dualΛ through the Casimir eigenvalues. We have observed that the region of
µ allowed by the symΛ unitarity does not match the region allowed by the mΛ unitarity.
This mismatch does not lead to a contradiction, because the SH representations cover only
a part of unitary irreps of symΛ ⊕ dualΛ . In other words, the SH Fock space contains only
a part of unitary irreps of symΛ ⊕ dualΛ . In order to identify the actual content of the
unitary irreps that the Fock space contains, we need a more rigorous analysis using the
dual pair correspondence.
(N ) (N )
For general N , the dual algebras (2.9) are dualΛ>0 ≃ so∗ (2N ) and dualΛ<0 ≃ so(2N ),
respectively. The interplay between the isometry and the dual algebras can be understood
within the general framework of the dual pair correspondence, aka Howe duality, which
amounts to the following: when a Sp(2N , R) group contains a pair of reductive subgroups
(G, G̃) which are mutual stabilisers, there exists a one-to-one correspondence between the
irreps of G and G̃ appearing in the decomposition of the oscillator (or metaplectic) rep-
resentation of Sp(2N , R) (see e.g. [19] for more details). In our context, the oscillator
representation is simply the representation realized by the helicity spinors, or simply SH
representation. Hence, the (A)dS4 groups SymΛ>0 = Sp(1, 1) and SymΛ<0 = Sp(4, R) and
(N ) (N )
their respective dual groups DualΛ>0 = O ∗ (2N ) and DualΛ<0 = O(2N ) realized by helicity
spinors as (2.8) and (2.9) form reductive dual pairs in Sp(8N, R), the group generated by
all quadratic operators in helicity spinors and their derivatives. Note that Sp(1, 1) and
Sp(4, R) are isomorphic to the double covers of SO ↑ (1, 4) and SO ↑ (2, 3), respectively. In
fact, the flat space case with Λ = 0 can be viewed as the Inönü–Wigner contraction of the
reductive dual pair Sp(1, 1), O ∗ (2N ) or Sp(4, R), O(2N ) .
Let us remark once again that the dual group ought not to be confused with the
standard little group of the induced representation à la Wigner: the former commutes

with the isometry whereas the latter is a part of the isometry by definition. In the Λ = 0
case, the SU (2) subgroup of the dual group and the little group are explicitly shown to be
distinguished (see the appendix of [6]) as they represent respectively left and right actions
on SU (2) which parameterizes a momentum eigenstate.
The dual pair correspondence assures that the irreps of the (A)dS4 group, that is
Sp(1, 1) and Sp(4, R), realized by helicity spinors are in one-to-one correspondence with
the irreps of the dual group O ∗ (2N ) or O(2N ). In other words, by singling out an irrep
of the dual group, the reducible SH representation of the (A)dS4 group (2.8) is restricted
to an irrep. Then, the remaining task is to establish the dictionary between such irreps of
the (A)dS4 group and its dual group O ∗ (2N ) (or O(2N )). For that, we once again focus
on the cases of N = 1 and 2.

4.1 dS4
Let us consider first the case with Λ > 0. Our aim is to obtain a dictionary between the
irreps of Sp(1, 1) and O ∗ (2N ) appearing in the decomposition of the SH representation.
For N = 1, the dual pair correspondence between Sp(1, 1) and O ∗ (2) has been explicitly
established in [19]. Here, we just quote the result. Since O∗ (2) is isomorphic to U (1), it
has only one-dimensional irreps, each labelled by an integer. This integer corresponds
to twice the helicity of a Sp(1, 1) massless representation. The analysis is based on the
decomposition of the Sp(1, 1) irrep into its maximal subgroup Sp(1) × Sp(1), and the SH
representation restricted by the O∗ (2) irrep condition is shown to have the structure of the
massless spin s irrep of Sp(1, 1) demonstrated e.g. in [31].
For the N = 2 case, we need to begin with identifying irreps of the dual group O ∗ (4).
Thanks to the isomorphism O∗ (4) ∼ = [SU (2) × SL(2, R)]/Z2 (here, SU (2) and SL(2, R) are
simply the Lie groups associated with s = so(3) and mΛ>0 = so(2, 1)), we know everything
about the unitary irreps of O∗ (4): the irreps of SU (2) are all given by (2s + 1)-dimensional
representation, which will be denoted by [2s] henceforth, while SL(2, R) has three classes
± ±
of unitary irreps, namely Cµ=− 1
+i ρ
(3.13), Cµ (3.14) and D2µ+2 (3.15). We will denote
these O∗ (4) irreps as π̃s,µ .
In the previous section, we have seen that not all O∗ (4) irreps correspond to irreps
of Sp(1, 1) based on the match of Casimir operators. We shall see below how they are

restricted. For that, we first consider the dual pair Sp(1), O ∗ (4) ⊂ Sp(8, R), whose
representations are explicitly identified in [19, Sec. 5.4]: Since Sp(1) ∼ = SU (2) the Sp(1)
irreps are again given by [m] with non-negative integer m, and they correspond to the
O∗ (4) irreps [m] ⊗ Dm+2 . Note that only discrete series representations appear in the
SL(2, R) side, with the highest/lowest weight m + 2 tied with the dimension m + 1 of the
SU (2) irrep (which is a consequence of the fact that the Howe dual is a compact group,
namely Sp(1)). Whether the irrep Dm+2 is a highest/lowest weight one is conventional at
this stage, and only one sign is chosen depending on the convention of SL(2, R).
Now we move on to the dS4 group Sp(1, 1) and consider its maximal compact subgroup,
which is Sp(1) × Sp(1). This subgroup forms its own dual pair in the same SH space (that
is, in Sp(16, R)) with O ∗ (4) × O∗ (4). The latter contains the original dual group O ∗ (4) as

– 10 –
the diagonal subgroup. The situation is conveniently depicted by the “seesaw” diagram,

Sp(1, 1) O ∗ (4) × O ∗ (4)

∪ ∪ (4.1)

Sp(1) × Sp(1) O ∗ (4)

where the arrows indicate the respective dual pairs. Any irrep of Sp(1, 1), say πσ with
some label σ, can be decomposed into irreps of Sp(1) × Sp(1) as
πσ = Nσm,n [m] ⊗ [n] , (4.2)

where Nσm,n are the multiplicities of [m] ⊗ [n], and each of [m] ⊗ [n] correspond to the
O∗ (4) × O ∗ (4) irrep,    
− +
[m] ⊗ Dm+2 ⊗ [n] ⊗ Dn+2 . (4.3)

Here, we used the correspondence between the irreps of Sp(1) and O∗ (4) that we introduced
earlier. Note that the first SL(2, R) irrep is a lowest-weight irrep, while the second is a
heighest-weight irrep. This is because the Sp(1) × Sp(1) is embedded in the opposite
signature parts of Sp(1, 1). The irrep (4.3) of O∗ (4) × O∗ (4) can be decomposed as well
into the diagonal subgroup O∗ (4) :
− + s,µ
[m] ⊗ Dm+2 ⊗ [n] ⊗ Dn+2 = Ñm,n π̃s,µ , (4.4)

where Ñm,n are the multiplicities of the O∗ (4) irrep π̃s,µ that we have introduced before.
The crucial point assured by the seesaw duality (see [20–22] and also [19, Sec. 2.3]) is the
equality between two multiplicities: for any [m] ⊗ [n],
m,n s,µ
Nσ(s,µ) = Ñm,n . (4.5)

Here, σ(s, µ) is the label of the Sp(1, 1) irrep dual to the O ∗ (4) irrep π̃s,µ .
Now let us identify the multiplicities Ñm,n . The decomposition (4.4) comes in two
parts: the decomposition of the SU (2) irreps,

[m] ⊗ [n] = [|m − n|] ⊕ [|m − n| + 2] ⊕ · · · ⊕ [m + n] , (4.6)

and the decomposition of the SL(2, R) irreps [43] (see also [44]),
Z ∞ M
− + (−1)m+n sgn(m−n)
Dm+2 ⊗ Dn+2 = dρ C− 1 +i ρ ⊕ D|m−n|−2k . (4.7)
0 2
0≤k< 2

We see that the multiplicities are either 1 or 0. Hence, for a fixed π̃s,µ the above decom-
position simply restricts the possible [m] ⊗ [n] which appear in the decomposition (4.2)
of πσ(s,µ) . Moreover, we find that certain π̃s,µ ’s do not admit any [m] ⊗ [n] implying that
such irreps cannot correspond to any (even trivial) Sp(1, 1) irrep. In other words, they are

– 11 –
simply not contained in the SH representation. Let us see the details now. By choosing
the SU (2) irrep as [2s], m and n are restricted as

|m − n| ≤ 2s ≤ m + n , m + n − 2s ∈ 2 Z . (4.8)
For the SL(2, R) irreps with label µ, we have three choices, the principal series Cµ=− 1
+i ρ
the complementary series Cµ and the discrete series D2µ+2 . We notice already that the
complementary series is not available since it does not appear in the content of the tensor
product decomposition, that is, in the RHS of (4.7).
If we select a principal series representation C− 1 +i ρ , we do not have further restric-
tions on possible values of m and n. Therefore, we find
πσ(s,− 1 +i ρ) = [m] ⊗ [n] . (4.9)

These correspond to the spin s principal series representations of Sp(1, 1), describing mas-
sive spin s fields.
If we select a discrete representation D2µ+2 , we find a further restriction on the space
and obtain M
πσ(s,µ) = [m] ⊗ [n] . (4.10)

The additional bound on m and n restricts also possible values of µ. For integer s, we
find µ = 0, 1, . . . , s − 1, and for half-integer s, we find µ = − 12 , 12 , . . . , s − 1. These irreps
correspond to the spin s discrete series representation of Sp(1, 1) describing partially-
massless spin s fields and the lightest massive fermions. One can also see that they always
come with two chiralities or helicities ±.
To summarize, we find that the SH representations contain exactly all the unitary
representations of Sp(1, 1) except for the complementary series ones: the Sp(1, 1) (not
SL(2, R)) complementary series representation correspond to the interval − 21 ≤ µ < 1 for
s = 0 and − 21 ≤ µ < 0 for s = 1, 2, . . . respectively, while fermions do not appear in the com-

plementary series. Interestingly, the SH representation with the dual pair Sp(1, 1), O∗ (4)

contains also the massless spin s fields which can be realized by the Sp(1, 1), O ∗ (2) dual
pair. The conformal scalar with µ = 0 (equivalently µ = −1) is in the field content of
Vasiliev’s higher spin gravity, together with all integer spin massless fields. This conformal
scalar in dS4 can be realized only by the latter dual pair. For more formal treatment of

the Sp(1, 1), O∗ (4) dual pair, one may consult with [45, 46].

– 12 –
4.2 AdS4
The Λ < 0 case is more straightforward, and it is recently discussed in [19]. We use the
seesaw diagram,
Sp(4, R) U (2N )

∪ ∪ (4.11)

U (2) O(2N )
relating the reductive dual pairs Sp(4, R), O(2N ) and U (2), U (2N ) in Sp(8N, R).
For N = 1, the irreps of O(2) are [2s]O(2) with 2s ∈ N and [1, 1]O(2) . The one-
dimensional irreps [0]O(2) and [1, 1]O(2) corresponds to the scalar irreps of Sp(4, R), whereas
[2s]O(2) correspond to the massless spin s irreps of Sp(4, R). The latter irreps are two
dimensional, composed of the helicity ±s irreps, which are related by the Z2 part of O(2) ∼ =
Z2 ⋉ SO(2), so they assemble into a single irrep for O(2).
For N = 2, the dual representation of [µ + s, µ − s]O(4) = [s]O(3) ⊗ [µ]O(3) is the discrete
series representation DSp(4,R) (µ + 2, s) with the lowest energy µ + 2 = s + 2, s + 3, . . .. Note
that in this case the SH representation contains all the massive fields while excludes the

massless fields, which can be realised by the Sp(4, R), O(2) dual pair.
Above, we had mentioned that Sp(4, R) contains many representations other than
the discrete series ones. These irreps would correspond to rather exotic fields such as
tachyon, continuous spin [47–49] and even the ones living in bitemporal counterpart of
AdS4 (see [50] for related discussions). These irreps might be also realized using proper SH
representations, namely dual pairs with different dual groups O(1, 1), O(2, 1), O(3, 1) and
O(2, 2). In the simplest O(1) case, the dual pair describes the conformal scalar and spinor
fields in 3d. Let us remark also that this different signature variety is not available for dS4
with Sp(1, 1) since O ∗ (2N ) does not allow any signature variations and 2N must be even.

4.3 Conformal group

As we had commented above, the four-dimensional conformal group so(2, 4) [24–27] has a
special representation called ‘singleton’ which reduces to the massless irreps of (A)dS4 with
multiplicity one.7 This can be easily seen from the dual pair correspondence [19, Sec. 8.2].
First, within the SH representation, the conformal symmetry SU (2, 2) that the massless
fields enjoy is enhanced to U (2, 2) with the dual group U (1). The dS4 group reduction can
be understood from the dual pairs,

U (2, 2) O∗ (2)

∪ ∪ (4.12)

Sp(1, 1) U (1)

where the reduction of O∗ (2) ∼

= U (1) to U (1) is trivial, thereby explaining the singleton
property of the massless Sp(1, 1) irrep. Similarly, the AdS4 group reduction follows the
In fact, the scalar irrep of so(2, 4) reduces into two irreps of so(2, 3) which can be interpreted as the
two possible boundary conditions of the AdS4 scalar field.

– 13 –
dual pairs,
U (2, 2) O(2)

∪ ∪ (4.13)

Sp(4, R) U (1)

where again O(2) ∼

= U (1) ⋊ Z2 reduces to U (1) trivially except for the scalar case, and
hence the same mechanism works for the massless Sp(4, R) irreps.

4.4 Other dimensions

The SH formalism for massless fields in Mink4 can be extended to 3d [51], 5d [52], 6d [53]
and 10d [54]. In case of 3 and 6 dimensions, such SH representations can be uplifted to
g↑ (2, 3) ∼
the irreps of conformal groups SO g↑ (2, 6) ∼
= Sp(4, R) and SO = O∗ (8). Together with
g↑ (2, 4) ∼
the four-dimensional one SO = SU (2, 2), the conformal groups can be regarded as
symplectic groups Sp(4, F) over F = R, C and H,

Sp(4, R) = Sp(4, R) , Sp(4, C) ∼

= U (2, 2) , Sp(4, H) ∼
= O∗ (8) . (4.14)

These groups naturally include as subgroups the 3, 4 and 6 dimensional Lorentz groups
isomorphic to SL(2, R), SL(2, C) and SL(2, H), respectively.
For the SH representations of (A)dS fields, the (A)dS groups in the spinor representa-
tion need to contain the Lorentz group in the spinor representation. In 4 dimensions, this
was possible thanks to the embedding of the Lorentz group Sp(2, C) into Sp(4, R) as well
as Sp(1, 1). We can summarize the situation by the following diagram where the middle
column corresponds to the Lorentz group and its dual, while the left and right columns
correspond to the AdS4 and dS4 groups and their duals, respectively.

Sp(4, R) ⊃ Sp(2, C) ⊂ Sp(1, 1)

O(2n) ⊂ O(2n, C) ⊃ O ∗ (2n)

In 3 dimensions, we find an analogous structure which ensures the SH representations of

(A)dS3 fields. The relevant diagram is the following.

Sp(2, R) × Sp(2, R) ⊃ Sp(2, R) ⊂ Sp(2, C)

O(n) × O(n) ⊂ O(2n) ⊃ O(n, C)
Here, the symplectic group Sp(4, F) is defined as the matrices A ∈ GL(4, F) satisfying A† Ω(4) A = Ω(4)
where † is the conjugation with respect to F and Ω(4) is the four-dimensional symplectic matrix [55]. This
definition differs from the standard definition of symplectic groups.

– 14 –
In five dimensions, we find the following structure (SU ∗ (4) ∼ g↑ (1, 5) is the dS5 group).
= SO

U (2, 2) ⊃ Sp(1, 1) ⊂ U ∗ (4)

U (2n) ⊂ O ∗ (4n) ⊃ U ∗ (2n)

Note that the flat limit of the above should agree with the 5d SH representations con-
structed in [52].

5 Multilinear invariants

5.1 Generalities
The (A)dS4 SH representation can be utilized in physical observables like scattering am-
plitudes in flat space. Of course, n-particle scattering amplitudes in (A)dS4 would not
make a literal sense, and one should regard them rather as boundary n-point correlation
functions. See e.g. [56–60] for the recent application of SH formalism to CFT correlators.
At the technical level, they are nothing but the functions of n helicity spinors invariant
under SymΛ , which is essentially the branching rule under the restriction Sym×n
Λ ↓ SymΛ .
This leads to the dual pair
(N1 ,...,Nn )
SymΛ × · · · × SymΛ DualΛ
∪ ∪ (5.1)
(N1 ) (Nn )
SymΛ DualΛ × · · · × DualΛ

(N1 ,...,Nn )
where DualΛ is given by
(N ,...,Nn )
DualΛ>0 = O∗ (2(N1 + · · · + Nn )) ,
1 (N ,...,Nn )
DualΛ<0 = O(2(N1 + · · · + Np ), 2(Np+1 + · · · + Nn )) , (5.2)

where p and n − p are respectively the number of incoming and outgoing particles. Note
that in dS4 case, there is no distinction between incoming and outgoing particles as the
energy of a particle is not a conserved quantity.
(N ) (N )
In (5.1), we require that the down-right factor DualΛ 1 × · · · × DualΛ n carry an irrep
correspondingly to the particle species entering the scattering, and the down-left SymΛ
carry the trivial representation, that is invariance under (A)dS4 symmetry. The translation
invariance condition is deformed by the derivative part in Paḃ (2.8), and becomes more
involved to solve, while the Lorentz invariance can be easily achieved, like in the flat space
case, by assuming that the amplitude is a function of the contracted variables,

hiI jJi = λiI a λjJ a , [iI jJ] = λ̃iI ȧ λ̃jJ ȧ . (5.3)

Here, iI, jJ are collective indices in which i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n label the particles entering to
the scattering, whereas I = 1, 2, . . . , Ni and J = 1, 2, . . . , Nj are the dual group indices

– 15 –
(N )
for each particle. The DualΛ irrep condition depends on N , and it is sufficient for us to
consider N = 1 and N = 2. For N = 1, it is the usual helicity condition. For N = 2 with
dualΛ = s ⊕ mΛ , the irrep condition of s can be imposed like in the flat space case as in
[5, 7], and we need to impose the irrep condition of mΛ which becomes involved due to the
derivative parts of M and M̃ given in (2.9).
As a side remark, let us point out that the complex positive Grassmannian structure of
scattering amplitudes of n massless fields [61–63] naturally appears within the framework
of the dual pair correspondence, as explained in [19, Sec. 7]. When the scattering particles
are all massless, that is N1 = · · · = Nn = 1, the spacetime symmetry SymΛ is enhanced to
U (2, 2), while the dual group DualΛ becomes the indefinite unitary group U (p, n − p)
in the dual pairs (5.1). In this enhanced setting, we do not require the full invariance
under U (2, 2) but only under the subgroup SymΛ , which contains the Lorentz subgroup
SL(2, C). Together with the diagonal subgroup C× generated by the total helicity and the
dilation operator, the Lorentz SL(2, C) can be uplifted to GL(2, C), which has GL(n, C) as
its dual group. The situation can be again summarized by the following seesaw diagram.

U (2, 2) × · · · × U (2, 2) GL(n, C)

∪ ∪
U (2, 2) U (p, n − p) (5.4)
∪ ∪
GL(2, C) U (1) × · · · × U (1)

The Lorentz invariance is equivalent to the condition that under restriction to GL(2, C),
the amplitudes carry a one-dimensional representation, wherein SL(2, C) acts trivially, and
GL(1, C) ∼= C× acts diagonally. The corresponding GL(n, C) representation is a degenerate
principal series representation (see e.g. [64]), which is realized as the space of functions on
the complex positive Grassmannian manifold Gr2,n (C).
Coming back to the picture (5.1), the only non-trivial part of the conditions are the
translational invariance condition, and the irrep condition of mΛ for N = 2. When Λ = 0,
both of these conditions are algebraic and could be solved by imposing the helicity spinors
to be constrained on the shell of the momentum conservation and constant mass-squared.
When Λ 6= 0, both of these conditions become differential equations.

5.2 Translational invariance

Let us consider first the condition of translation invariance,
I ∂ ∂
Paḃ A = λ a λ̃I ḃ + Λ I a A = 0, (5.5)
∂λ ∂ λ̃I ḃ

where I = iI, J = jJ denote the collective indices. In the Mink4 case, the solution is
nothing but the momentum conservation delta distribution δ4 (p) with

paḃ = λI a λ̃I ḃ , (5.6)

– 16 –
and hence we expect a similar kind of distributional property for the Λ 6= 0 solution. For
the massless 3pt case, this equation has been analyzed in detail in [13, App. E], where
the authors made an ansatz as a function of h12i[12], h23i[23] and h31i[31] and derived a
system of four PDEs. Instead of solving these equations directly, they checked that the
amplitudes obtained from field theoretical approach (that is, spacetime integral of three
AdS plane wave solutions) solve the equations. The solution is spanned by four independent
distributions of h12i [12] + h23i [23] + h31i [31] = 21 paḃ paḃ .
Let us revisit the problem slightly differently for the general case (massive or massless
n-pt). Since A should involve the momentum conservation delta function in the flat limit,
we consider the ansatz A = A(paḃ , hIJ i, [IJ ]) .9 Then the condition (5.5) sets up the
differential equation,
∂ ∂ ∂ J ∂ ∂
paḃ + Λ pcḋ + H + λ λ̃
a Kḃ A = 0, (5.7)
∂pad˙ ∂pcḃ ∂paḃ ∂hIJ i ∂[IK]
with the number operator H,
1 ∂ 1 ∂
H=N + hIJ i + [IJ ] , (5.8)
2 ∂hIJ i 2 ∂[IJ ]
where N = ni=1 Ni is the sum of the ranks of the dual groups for all n particles, and
the factor 1/2 has been introduced to take the antisymmetry of IJ into account. The
last term of the differential equation (5.7) is problematic since it is not expressed in terms
of the variables paḃ , hIJ i and [IJ ] only. We can bypass the problem by focusing on the
“longitudinal part” of the equation: contracting (5.7) with paḃ , we find
aḃ aḃ cḋ ∂ ∂ aḃ ∂
p paḃ + Λ p p +Hp + 2R A = 0, (5.9)
∂pad˙ ∂pcḃ ∂paḃ
where R is a differential operator acting on the Lorentz invariant variables as
1 ∂ ∂
R= hIJ i [IK] . (5.10)
2 ∂hJ Li ∂[KL]
Viewing Λ as a deformation parameter, our aim is to find the deformation of the delta
distribution solution of the Λ = 0 case. We can better control the situation by going to the
Fourier space q aḃ where the constant solution corresponds to the correct delta distribution
in the Λ = 0 case. Since the constant solution is isotropic, we assume that à is a function of
t = 21 q aḃ qaḃ , and this reduces the equation to the simple second order differential equation
in the t variable,
∂ ∂
t +2 (1 − Λ t) + Λ (H − 4) − Λ R Ã = 0 . (5.11)
∂t ∂t
We can use the separation of variables,

R Ãr = r Ãr , (5.12)

Note that the variables paḃ are not independent from hIJ i and [IJ ], as they are related by paḃ paḃ =
hIJ i[IJ ]. Therefore, whenever the latter combination appears, we have to regard them as a function of
paḃ to avoid the related ambiguities.

– 17 –
to decompose the PDE (5.11) into hypergeometric differential equations with two types of
solutions, the first one being,
Ãr = 2 F1 a+ , a− , 2 ; Λ t fr , (5.13)

where a± are
1 p 
a± = 6 − H ± (H − 2)2 − r , (5.14)
and fr is an arbitrary function of hIJ i and [IJ ]. The second solution of the hypergeometric
differential equation takes the form,
1 (a+ − 1)n+1 (a− − 1)n+1  
+Λ ln(Λ t) (Λ t)n + cn (Λ t)n+1 , (5.15)
t n=0
(n + 1)! n!

X 1 1 1 1
cn = + − − . (5.16)
a+ + m a− + m m + 2 m + 1
The hypergeometric function 2 F1 (a+ , a− , 2; Λ t) reduces to 1 for Λ = r = 0, while the
second solution (5.15) to 1/t. Since the constant solution corresponds to the desired delta
distribution, we retain only the hypergeometric function. Remark that for r = 0, the
hypergeometric function gets simplified to give

Ã0 = (1 − Λ t)H−4 f0 . (5.17)

This is consistent with the expressions obtained in [12–14] for massless 3pt. Remark also
that the hypergeometric function (5.13) has a branch point at Λ t = 1,10 which might be
interpreted as the cosmological horizon and related to the alpha vacua.11 Eventually, the
most general invariant will be linear combinations of Ar with different r values.

5.3 Mass condition

Let us move on to the irrep condition of mΛ for each of the n particles, fixing their masses.
For the discrete series irreps of dualΛ>0 in the dS4 case and the finite-dimensional irreps
of dualΛ<0 in the AdS4 case, we can impose the highest weight condition Mi A = 0 or the
lowest weight condition M̃i A = 0 , on the Ki eigenstate with

Ki f = ∓2 (µi + 1) f , (5.18)

for dS4 and

Ki f = ±2µi f , (5.19)
for AdS4 . Here, the Ki , upon acting on f , reduces to the differential operator,
∂ ∂
Ki f = hiI J i − [iI J ] f, (5.20)
∂hiI J i ∂[iI J ]
In [12–14], the qaḃ variables carry a spacetime coordinate interpretation, and the branch point corre-
sponds to the boundary of the coordinate chart.
In de Sitter space, there is a one-parameter family of dS invariant vacuum states [65]. This vacuum
ambiguity would lead to an analogous ambiguity in n-point correlation functions.

– 18 –
where the repeated indices J and I are summed over except for the particle label i. The
highest weight condition M A = 0 can be translated as well into the differential equations,
∂ ∂ ∂
Mi f = hi1 i2i + Λ 2 + [J K] f = 0,
∂[i1 i2] ∂[i1 J ] ∂[i2 K]

where the repeated indices J , K include i’th particle’s values iI, and the lowest weight
condition is simply given by the complex conjugate of the above.
Note that the K eigenstate conditions (5.18) and (5.19) become singular in the flat
limit where µ is sent to infinity while µ |Λ| held fixed. Moreover, the principal series irreps
of dS4 have neither a highest nor a lowest weight state. Therefore, the above conditions are
inapplicable in that case. We may consider to use the K eigenstate with eigenvalue 0 or ±1
to avoid this problem, but in that case we cannot use any more the simple condition M = 0
(or M̃ = 0). Instead we need to use the Casimir condition involving the anticommutator
{M, M̃ } resulting in a fourth-order differential equation instead of (5.21).
In fact, for the principal series irreps, it is more natural to impose

(Mi − M̃i ) f = 2 Λ µi f , (5.21a)

(Mi + M̃i − Λ Ki ) f = 0 , (5.21b)

which has also a well-defined flat limit, and can be expressed as second order differential
equations in hIJ i and [IJ ]. Solving these conditions is beyond the scope of the current
work. Instead, let us make a few remarks on the change of basis where the O∗ (4) actions
become more natural.
For the change of basis, we fix the convention as a, b, ȧ, ḃ = +, − and ǫ−+ = ǫ+− = 1
and perform Fourier transform with respect to λI− and its complex conjugate as
λI − √ ∂ λ̃I− √ ∂ ∂ ∂ I
√ , Λ I , √ , Λ −→ i , ζI , , ζ̃ . (5.22)
Λ ∂λ − Λ ∂ λ̃I− ∂ζI ∂ ζ̃ I

Then, the dual algebra generators read

∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
K I J = λI
− ζJ − λ̃J + ζ̃ I , (5.23a)
∂λ ∂ζI ∂ λ̃I ∂ ζ̃ J
M IJ I ∂ J ∂ I ∂ J ∂
√ =i λ −λ + ζ̃ − ζ̃ , (5.23b)
Λ ∂ζJ ∂ζI ∂ λ̃J ∂ λ̃I

where we used λI = λI+ and λ̃I = λ̃I+ . In this basis, the o∗ (2N ) generators become
first order differential operators, and hence can be easily integrated to a Lie group. This
basis admits in fact a natural realization in terms of quaternions: see Appendix B for the
details. While the new basis (5.23a) and (5.23b) renders the dual algebra as simple first-
order differential operators, the Lorentz algebra becomes second-order instead. In other
words, in the basis where the dual algebra is linearly realized, the dS4 algebra is not. And
vice-versa: we can go to another basis where the dS4 algebra is realized linearly, but then
the dual algebra is not.

– 19 –
For N = 2, we can consider a different Fourier transformation,
λ2 a √ ∂ λ̃2ȧ √ ∂ ∂ a ∂ ˜ ȧ
√ , Λ 2 , √ , Λ −→ i ,ξ , ,ξ , (5.24)
Λ ∂λ a Λ ∂ λ̃2ȧ ∂ξ a ∂ ξ̃ ȧ

where only the I = 2 variables are transformed. Upon a further change of basis,

ξ a − i λ1a ξ a + i λ1a ξ̃ ȧ + i λ̃1 ȧ ξ̃ ȧ − i λ̃1 ȧ

za = , wa = , z̃ ȧ = , w̃ȧ = , (5.25)
2 2 2 2
the conditions (5.21a) and (5.21b) become simple:

M − M̃ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
√ = z a a + z̃ ȧ ȧ − wa a
− w̃ȧ , (5.26a)
Λ ∂z ∂ z̃ ∂w ∂ w̃ȧ
M + M̃ a ∂ ȧ ∂
√ −K =2 z − z̃ . (5.26b)
Λ ∂wa ∂ w̃ȧ

The condition (5.21b) can be solved by an arbitrary function of z a , z̃ ȧ , and z a w̃ḃ + wa z̃ ḃ .

Furthermore, the condition (5.21a), which fixes the principal series label, becomes a simple
homogeneity condition with respect to the number operator (5.26a). The variables z√ a w̃ ḃ +
a ḃ
w z̃ have weight zero and hence are not constrained, while the homogeneity of |z| = z a z̃ ȧ
is restricted to µ. The spin condition further restricts the variables z a w̃ḃ +wa z̃ ḃ and z a /|z|.
In the end, the remaining freedom corresponds to the massive irrep of Sp(1, 1). However,
in this basis, the spin part s of the dual algebra, that is generated by K I J , is realized by
second-order differentials.
Therefore, the dS4 invariance condition and the O∗ (4) irrep condition for each of the
particles cannot be solved within a single basis, but by employing muliple bases that are
related by Fourier transformations. These conditions may be solved for concrete examples
of interest. We leave this to future investigations.


We are grateful to Eduardo Conde for agreeable communications. The work of T.B. was
supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under
the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101034383. E. J. was supported by the
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government
(MSIT) (No. 2022R1F1A1074977). K. M. was supported by the European Union’s Horizon
2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant No.
844265, and STFC Consolidated Grants ST/T000791/1 and ST/X000575/1.

A UIRs of dS4 group and Casimirs

Unitary and irreducible representations of the dS4 isometry group were first classified by
J. Dixmier in [31]. In this appendix, we recall this classification and the eigenvalues of the
quadratic and quartic Casimir operators.

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± : [p = 1 , 1, 3 , . . . ; q = p, p − 1, . . . , 1 or 1 ] with
• πp,q 2 2 2

C2 = −p(p + 1) − (q − 1)q + 2 = −p(p + 1) − (q + 1)(q − 2) ,

C4 = −p(p + 1)(q − 1)q , (A.1)

corresponding to the discrete series.

• πp,0 : [p = 1, 2, . . .] with the quadratic and quartic Casimir operators taking the values

C2 = p(p + 1) − 2 ,
C4 = 0 . (A.2)

These UIRs form the discrete series.

• νp,σ : [p = 0 ; σ > −2] and [p = 1, 2, . . . ; σ > 0] and [p = 12 , 32 , . . . ; σ > 14 ] with

C2 = p(p + 1) − σ − 2 ,
C4 = −p(p + 1) σ , (A.3)

corresponding to the principal and complementary series.

B Quaternion realization of dS4 group

The dual pair Sp(M, M ), O∗ (2N ) can be naturally realized in terms of quaternions. The
oscillator representation is the space of functions on HM N , where O∗ (2N ) acts on a function
Φ by right multiplication,

Q UO∗ (2N ) (A) Φ = Q A Φ , (B.1)

where Q is an M ×N quaternionic matrix and A is an N ×N quaternionic matrix satisfying12

A† j A = j , (B.2)

thereby representing an arbitrary element of O∗ (2N ). For M = 1, each of the quaternionic

elements of Q = (qI ), seen as a 2×2 complex matrix, can be parameterized by two complex
numbers as !
λI + i ζ I ζ I + i λI
qI = . (B.3)
−ζ̃ I + i λ̃I λ̃I − i ζ̃ I
Note that we recover the expressions (5.23a) and (5.23b) from the above parameterization
of qI .
For even N = 2L, the Sp(M, M ) action can also be represented by the left multiplica-
tion of a quaternionic matrix,
Q1 Q1
USp(M,M ) (B) Φ = Bt Φ , (B.4)
P2 P2
Here, j denotes the basis element of quarternions that can be represented by the Pauli matrix i σ2 .

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where B is an element of Sp(M, M ), and hence a 2M × 2M quaternionic matrix satisfying
! !
0 I M 0 I M
B† B= . (B.5)
IM 0 IM 0

The sub-matrices Q1 and P2 are M × L quaternionic matrices, and P2 is the Fourier

conjugate of Q2 where Q1 and Q2 form the M × 2L matrix Q = (Q1 Q2 ).

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