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Essay On The Elephant

Writing an essay on the topic of elephants may seem deceptively simple at first glance. After all,
elephants are fascinating creatures with a wealth of information available. However, the challenge
lies not in the scarcity of material but rather in the need to distill this vast information into a coherent
and engaging essay.

One of the difficulties arises from the vastness of the subject itself. Elephants are complex beings
with intricate behaviors, ecological significance, and cultural importance. Deciding what aspects to
focus on can be a daunting task. Should one delve into the biological aspects, such as their anatomy
and physiology, or explore their social behaviors and intelligence? Balancing these elements while
maintaining a clear and concise narrative is a delicate act.

Moreover, the extensive research required to present a well-rounded essay poses another challenge.
Sorting through various sources, ranging from scientific articles to conservation reports and cultural
references, demands time and discernment. The risk of information overload is ever-present, making
it crucial to sift through the material judiciously to include only the most relevant and compelling

Crafting an engaging introduction that captures the reader's attention, followed by a well-structured
body that seamlessly transitions between different aspects of the topic, is a demanding task. Striking
the right balance between depth and accessibility is essential, ensuring that the essay appeals to both
experts and those with a casual interest in the subject.

In addition to these challenges, maintaining a coherent and persuasive argument throughout the
essay requires careful attention to detail. Each paragraph must contribute to the overall narrative,
supporting the thesis while providing new insights. The conclusion, too, must tie everything together,
leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

Despite the difficulties, conquering the challenge of writing an essay on elephants is undoubtedly
rewarding. The process allows for a deep exploration of a captivating subject, honing research and
writing skills in the process. With perseverance, dedication, and a keen eye for detail, one can
navigate the complexities of the topic and produce an essay that does justice to the magnificence of

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, a resource like can provide valuable support. Skilled writers and researchers can help simplify the
process, offering expertly crafted essays on a variety of topics.
Essay On The Elephant Essay On The Elephant
The Leadership Role Of The Supervisory Staff Directing And...
When looking to the leadership role of the supervisory staff directing and training the
Millennials activity is an important part of the traits that empower them. Millennials are
motivated and need to be challenged. The aspect of the daily route will quickly produce
a mundane feeling and the production of these individual will diminish. Looking beyond
the daily routine and providing different avenues to increase their knowledge base is
essential. Only providing what is required by your agency to these individuals will not
suffice. Get them involved with in house training beyond the agency group training.
Areas that will quickly promote growth such as squad level training in which they
provide the research and information to their squad... Show more content on ...
Most Millennials believe that no one is inherently bad, and that criminal do not commit
crime because they want to, it s because they are forced into it because of their situation.
Their conception of the police officer

Sharon Levesque is that they are sent to the source of a problem, they make sure that
all involved are safe, interview all involved, and sent everyone away happier, and after
the report is done their involvement is over. Report would read joe smith grew up
poor, has no family, so therefore he became a criminal (Gage, 03/20/2016, Volume 13).
The Millennial is not insensitive to feeling, but they come real close. This is a group
that has grown up with the in your face violent act of 9/11, school shooting, and
worldwide terrorism as a common everyday occurrence on the internet and other media
sources (Hsu, H, 01/25/2016). This is why when viewing the performance of these
individuals they show no urgency in what they would conceded a simple verbal domestic
dispute, they look no further then what is in front of them. To change this aspect or
behavior pattern that is basically know in the training environment as they are living a
video game a well defined interactive training program. When structuring a training
program for the Millennial you need to understand that you are dealing with individuals
Trophy Persuasive Speech
Jessica Colon
Post University

Persuasive Speech
Topic: Trophy Culture, in youth sports sign up and you re guaranteed a trophy!
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that giving a child a trophy just for signing
up for the sport will give that child a false sense of hope later on in life.

Thesis: In youth sports, Should you get a trophy just for showing up?
Attention Getter: Show up or don t show up no worries you ll get a trophy.
Reason to Listen: In youth sports organization you pay to play. Every child receives a
trophy that s on the rooster. You win, you get a trophy, you lose, you get a trophy, you
never show up to a game you get a trophy. Wow what kind of message are we sending
our kids.
Thesis: In youth sports, Should you get ... Show more content on ...
My kids play four sports, baseball, football, basketball and lacrosse. Preview of Main
Points: First, I ll discuss youth sports and its philosophy on awarding children with a
trophy just for signing up. According to Brian Sanders from I9 Sports, his philosophy
is every child gets an All Star trophy. They believe by giving a trophy to every child it
would make them feel special, by participating, being part of a team and complete the
season. Every child should receive an award it will build up their self esteem and would
encourage them to play again. I m ambivalent when it comes to the younger kids age 4
and age 5. This happens in all in house youth sports organization.

Second, I ll discuss why this can potentially hurt the child in the long run. This
culturally is changing our children. This is hurting our children. Giving trophies to
every child just for participating will not want them to improve. It gives them a false
sense of hope and entitlement. A trophy will make the child believe that their good
enough. When their confronted with a first time of difficulty there more like to quit.
According to Ashley Merryman, losing is good for you. Kids need to improve to
become a winner. When children mistakes we should help them through it and teach
them to recognize the mistakes and improve and work for it. Also you should teach
them to graciously congratulate the winner and the loss as a lesson to improve your
skills. Give my example with my
Multilingualism and European Commission
About 250 million years ago, Pangæa the supercontinent was split up and eventually
settled on the current continental configuration. As civilization flourished, the
inhabitants developed their own language and culture on each continent. However,
trading and getting along with the neighboring communities forced many groups to learn
more than their mother tongue. This pragmatic use of multilingualism is especially
evident in Sub Saharan Africa. Today, the benefits of mastering more than one language
has influenced other continents such as Europeto incorporate multilingualism into its
society. Consequently, in the world s population, multilingual speakers outnumber
monolingual spealers. Despite being so close to Quebec and Mexico,... Show more
content on ...
Consequently, multilingualism can unlock the full potential of the single market in terms
of better jobs and prosperity (European Commission). Given the appropriate environment,
people tend to pick up a new language easily at a young age. Multilingualism doesn t
require complete fluency in another language, or the ability to speak two unrelated
languages. The benefits of multilingualism are so stupendous that they extend outside the
area of language. Children and elders learning a foreign language have been
demonstrated to be consistently better able to deal with distractions, like holding two
languages concurrently without allowing words and grammar slip from one to another
(Bialystok). Multilingual speakers also develop a greater vocabulary size over time
(Kosmidis), a markedly better language proficiency in, sensitivity to, and understanding
of their mother tongue (Johnson), and have a better ear for listening and sharper
memories (Lapkin, Ratte). Furthermore, evidence has shown that skill in several
languages fosters creativity and innovation: multilingual people are aware that problems
can be tackled in different ways according to different linguistic and cultural backgrounds
(European Commission). They can use this ability to find new solutions. Ultimately,
United States needs to acknowledge that the social,
Flash Memory
12 Flash INC. CASE ANALYSIS Comparative Financial Analysis Author Assuming
the company does not invest in the new product line; prepare forecasted income
statements and balance sheets at year end 2010, 2011, and 2012. Based on these
forecasts, estimate Flash s required external financing: in this case all required external
financing takes the form of additional notes payable from its commercial bank, for the
same period. Using the assumptions given in the case, all elements of income statement
and balance sheet can be projected for next three years 2010, 2011 and 2012. Sales
cycle of the products of the company is such that sales of a particular product increases
initially for few years and then starts to decline as the new technology... Show more
content on ...
Thus, final free cash flows for the project come out to be $ 3.750 million, $0.889
million, $2,563 million, $5,719 million and $2,388 million for years 2011, 2012,
2013, 2014 and 2015 years respectively. Calculate the NPV, IRR and Payback period
for the project. For the purpose of calculating the net present value of the project, an
appropriate cost of capital has to be calculated at which free cash flows of the project
should be discounted. Since the project will be solely financed by selling new shares,
cost of equity will be used as the discount rate. Beta for the company can be assumed to
be equal to average of the betas of the competitors of the company. This average beta
value comes out to be 1.2. Risk free rate is 0.17% while risk premium has been
estimated to be 6%. Thus by putting these values in CAPM formula, we can find the
cost of equity for the company which is 7.39%. Free cash flows of the project for next
five years can be calculated by adding depreciation values and subtracting changes in
working capital from net income. In 2010, there will be a cash outflow of $2.2 million
as capital expenditure. In 2011, there will be an additional one time cash outflow of
$300,000 as an advertising expense. Using net free cash flow values for next five years
and discount rate for discounting, NPV for the project comes out to be $2907, 100. The
rate of return at which net present value becomes zero i.e.
Jack And Lord Of The Flies Essay
My Chinese Literature teacher told me, Everyone is special as they born in this world,
but people may have similar personalities and thoughts when they are in a similar
situation. This kind of saying is just like the environments affect the similarities of
human being. The novel, Lord of the Flies, author uses the innocent children to develop
the theme of the evil and savage inside the human, and in the painting from Goya
Francisco, Saturn Devouring His Son, expressed the inhumanity of the people obtain the
power by hurting kinsfolk. Nevertheless, the main characters in the novel like Jack and
Ralph have a variety of similarities with Saturn and his son, Jupiter in the painting.
Furthermore, the author and painter also have something in common.
In the book, Jack was described as a boy who likes hunting. He represents the
characteristic of evil, it is correspond to the character, Saturn, who is eating his son in
the painting. In the Lord of the Flies, Jack is brutal, evil and ... Show more content on ...
For Ralph, he was fighting single handedly after Jack made its own team. Ralph is a
positive character in Lord of the Flies, at first, he was the leader of all the boys that
went through the plane crash. Everyone listened to him but until Jack got his first boar
arrogantly, each boy were appealed by the deliciousness of the meat. More boys
joined in Jack s hunting team. Afterwards, Ralph s only 2 closest friends, Piggy and
Simon died. Remembering the scene of the big fire that made by Jack, Ralph did not
ever give up the chance of survival and surrender. He was brave when he worked
alone. Fortunately, Ralph got saved. A naval officer stood on the sand, looking down at
Ralph in wary astonishment. (Golding 253)The officer was astonished by the
appearance of Ralph that must be very dirty. Ralph was saved by the adults which
means he will back to a disciplined and peaceful
Community College Vs University Essay
Comparing and Contrasting University and Community Colleges
People have many different views about going to either a university or a community
college. There are many similarities and differences between universities and community
colleges in ways such as lower tuition rates, student population, academic programs,
degrees, Greek organization, academic clubs, sports, commuters, residents, and credit
A community college is different from a university because it has a lower tuition rates.
Tuition at East Mississippi Community College usually ranges from about 1,000 to
2,000 dollars, where at The University of Alabama College the tuition rate is about
3,000 to about 8,000 dollars. East Mississippi Community College is also different by ...
Show more content on ...
At East Mississippi Community College people can only get into academic clubs and
organization like Delta Epsilon Chi, Phi Theta Kappa, Sigma Phi Sigma, and Phi
Beta Lambda. The University of Alabama is also different because of their academic
clubs and organization like Greek life. The University of Alabama Greek life usually
consists of frats and sororities like Kappa Alpha Psi, Alpha Kappa Alpha, and Omega
Psi Phi. Academic club at The University of Alabama are French club, college
republicans, and young democrats. Sports at a university and community college are
also different. At East Mississippi Community College the only sports that they offer
are basketball, baseball, and football. The University of Alabama sports usually consist
of golf, soccer, lacrosse, gymnastics, and wrestling team. University colleges are always
a good choice because of the different academic programs, more sports to play, and
different college activities. University and Community colleges are similar because they
both have academic programs, academic clubs, and sports.
In comparing and contrasting a university and a community college, people can learn that
they are alike by having residents, commuters, and transferring credits. People can also
learn that they are different by the tuition rates, population, academic programs, and
degrees people can
Confucius s A Perfect Government
A perfect government does not exist in this world, but a just one is always welcomed.
The literary work Analects by Confucius shows the perspective of a philosopher and his
version of an ideal China. Confucius is a philosopher that wrote his philosophy based on
the world that surrounds him, and influence from the Zhou dynasty. One of the major
subjects Confucianism addresses is Chinas politics and government during Confucius s
time. Confucius tries to offer solutions through his philosophy to better China and its
people. Confucius s Analects is a critique of the dire rulers and China s government, and
tries to provide solutions to better China.
Confucius lived in China during the Spring and Autumn period, which is 571 449 BCE.
During this period China s government and its rulers were corrupt, and because of this
Confucius s philosophy heavily revolves at trying to fix the current problem his society
faces by trying to issue solutions within his philosophy. One of the major themes that
Confucius always goes back to when talking about how China can become better is to go
back to tradition. Tradition to Confucius meant not following mystical entities or abstract
ideas, but to follow a simple system like the times of early China. Confucius thinks that
the emperors such as Yao and Shun are examples of great leaders of the past, and the
current government should follow their example (Christian Violatti, cited in Ancient
History Encyclopedia 2013). These rulers ruled without

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