Global Warming Opinion Essay

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Global Warming Opinion Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of global warming presents a formidable challenge, as it requires a
nuanced understanding of the complex issues surrounding climate change. The difficulty lies not
only in researching and comprehending the scientific aspects but also in articulating a well-informed
and persuasive opinion. The topic demands a delicate balance between presenting factual information
and expressing a unique viewpoint, which adds an extra layer of intricacy to the writing process.

To create a compelling global warming opinion essay, one must delve into the scientific literature,
environmental policies, and socio-economic impacts associated with climate change. This task
necessitates extensive research, critical analysis, and the ability to synthesize diverse sources to form
a coherent argument. Moreover, the writer must navigate through the controversies and debates
surrounding global warming, carefully weighing evidence to construct a well-supported perspective.

Expressing a personal opinion on such a consequential issue requires a thoughtful examination of

ethical considerations, potential solutions, and the broader implications for humanity. This process
demands not only a solid grasp of the subject matter but also the ability to communicate complex
ideas in a clear and engaging manner.

In conclusion, writing a global warming opinion essay is a challenging endeavor that involves
thorough research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. It is a task that requires a
deep understanding of the scientific, social, and political aspects of climate change, coupled with the
ability to present a well-reasoned and persuasive argument.

For assistance with essays, including topics like global warming, individuals may explore resources
like , where similar essays and a variety of writing services are available for those
seeking support in their academic endeavors.
Global Warming Opinion EssayGlobal Warming Opinion Essay
Fraud Is A Global Problem
Fraud is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain. Fraud is both a civil
wrong (i.e., a fraud victim may sue the fraud perpetrator to avoid the fraud and/or recover
monetary compensation) and a criminal wrong (i.e., a fraud perpetrator may be
prosecuted and imprisoned by governmental authorities).
Fraud is not prejudice; culture, ethnicity, and religion, are not factors in determining who
will commit fraud. Finding fraud can be difficult. We re constantly reminded at every
client consultation, audit, fraud and accounting conference we attend that fraud is
inherently hidden. Deception, alteration, fabrication and the destruction of documents
seems to be the norm for all fraudsters, yet qualified anti fraud professionals can ... Show
more content on ...
These policies and procedures should include, a written fraud management program,
ongoing fraud risk exposure review, prevention techniques, detection techniques, fraud
brainstorming, and a reporting process that involves all employees .

II.Business Challenge
Our clients by their very nature are entrepreneurial. Through drive, will, and
determination they developed and grew their organizations. The traits that made them
successful, such as drive and a focus on growth, are reasons for their success. An area
where many entrepreneurs lack the skill set or time to address is the creation of the
policies and procedures that many large firms have in place. In many cases this is one of
the reasons they hired CFO Strategic Partners. Unfortunately, the lack of strict policies
and procedures can make them most susceptible to fraudulent activities.
From being overcharged for supplies to time cards that inflate hours worked, over
97% of companies with fewer than 100 employees have experienced some sort of
fraud within the last year. The ACFE s 2014 report describes that, on average,
companies with fewer than 100 employees suffer an average loss of $154,000 compared
to entities with 1000 9999 employees with an average loss of $100,000 due to the
differing levels of occupational fraud existing in the organizations. Occupational fraud
costs the typical organization 5% of revenues annually. Occupational
Case Study Of Swagen Emissions Scandal
Chapter 4: Case Studies

The best way to understand the numerous problems that have come as a consequence of
corporate misconduct in this modern world is through understanding and studying about
the various cases of high profile corporate misconduct that have occurred in recent times.
In this project, the researcher shall focus on the Satyam scandal, Volkswagen emissions
scandal and the ENRON scandal.
Satyam scandal:
The Satyam scam occurred as a result of fraudulent auditing practices and poor
corporate governance regimes eventually resulting in corporate misconduct and one of
the biggest scams India has ever seen. The company misrepresented its accounts both to
its board, stock exchanges, regulators, investors and all other stakeholders. It was a case
of fraud that misled the market and various other stakeholders by lying about the
company s financial health. Even basic facts such as revenues, operating profits, interest
liabilities and cash balances were grossly ... Show more content on ...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that many VW cars being sold in
America had a defeat device or software in diesel engines that could detect when they
were being tested, changing the performance accordingly to improve results. The German
car giant has since admitted cheating emissions tests in the US.
VW has had a major push to sell diesel cars in the US, backed by a huge marketing
campaign trumpeting its cars low emissions. The EPA s findings cover 482,000 cars in
the US only, including the VW manufactured Audi A3, and the VW models Jetta, Beetle,
Golf and Passat. But VW has admitted that about 11 million cars worldwide, including
eight million in Europe, are fitted with the so called defeat device .
The company has also been accused by the EPA of modifying software on the 3 litre
diesel engines fitted to some Porsche and Audi as well as VW models. VW has denied
the claims, which affect at least 10,000

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