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Date 3o/0L/24

Expt. No. Page No. 09

Expeiment - 02

Aim: lo shudy tte VI ehaxactexis ics d Gnn Diode

Appaatu Required'
" Gunn OscillatoY SWR metex
" Pin Modulato Matehed locd
MieYoNCwe test beneh BNC Coble

Gumn diode henegahve xCsistamee deviee

devices whieh ae normmally
Theoxy Locs paaeh cseilatey The

baic struchure a humn diode is e n: type GaAs

eunent wtl inareae
valkage vottage Alts #he dinde vdtage exeeeds a

entain teslaold value (Va), a bigh eleehree fredi

(Ve), a
produced te. octive zeglen he electrens get
eneitedRem losen valley to a
heeome te xate
vixtually Inmabile. urent tsufe
vey high, the wit deerecse wit
Nelkage, rautiug ian qpivalent

Gunn6eillaos : Oseilato te Guun dicdeis kept

Telon aMt The oseillation is

determimed by cavih dimeusian than by dicde ' isey

be anmplihude - modulatedwit& ehe bies

volBuqe have depenate PIN medeatey thYo ugh

PIN dicde modulatn
Teacher's Signature
Metal (Au) Contact (amode)
’n Sulbstrate

nt- loye
Metad Au) stud (cothode)

tig 2.! Constructional detoils ond elechieal
euivlunt eireuit Gun Diode

Expt. No. Page No. 10

Procedure- we

Dnitialy set vaç able attemuatoy tox maximum attenuaiom

2. Contol knobs the Guon Poceer uppy
[uppy is. set belo
" Meter Switeh-'OFE " Pin blay knob - Fuu AC fuy
*Gumn bias lench fuly Aew Pin Mod freg, - Any posihon
3 Cenhel knobs V9WR meter helau'
Meter Switeh -Normal " Range JB Suith - 40dB
" Tnput Swit - Low Tmpedenee Chaln Conbro enob - Fuley kW
mieYo metes Cunn Oseillator fer equined teqney
5. we swlth ON e Gunn Poua Supply, VSwR
VSwR metes k

Obserya tom?

Voltage (v Cunent (m Votuge (v) Guneut aA VoltgeC)Cunewt CuA Vottuge Cnot (

G6 3-8 l14 S.2

O.2 4 3.4 (12

20 4.] 96
2 2.2 43 4.2
31 2-4 4.3 72 S.9
2.6 102 4.5 6.0
O.8 41 2.8 73 6-25 49
0.9 46 3.0 4. 75 630 99
1.0 SI 3.2 44 675 48
12 46 48
1:22 3.4 S.0
13 62 3.6 ||3 40

Teacher's Signature


fig 2.2 VI ehazateristies Guunn Oseillaey


Expt. No. Page No.

Conelusion: Ne
We have obscve d te VÊ chaadtesisties e
Gumm diode and cndestood the reallzehon
nCistanee wigit.
Pre aaution:
de detedtox tlhold nat be esposed to
2. VSwR neadisgs and fequuty adjuatments hould be
dene clemeuts
3. AU pxcpety abauld be prapealy tune

Teacher's Signature

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