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Task: Assignment – Talking about

what I am studying.
Task: Assignment – Talking about what I am

Hi, Cindy. I’m fine. Thank you.

Hi George! How are you?

Excuse me, can you

tell me what the task
assignment for this
week is about? Sure! “You must recorda 3-minute-
video to talk about what you are
studying, your goals and
I’ll show you a ambitions using want and would
sample task. like to together with the
Ok, I understand. vocabulary of this unit.

With your group, think of your college major and write a list of important skills
you need using it is important, would like to, and want to.

For example, if you are an engineering student, your list may be like this:


I need technical and interpersonal I would like to work in a
skills. construction company.

It is important to be methodical I want to have my own business.

According to your group list, create a conversation talking about your studies,
skills and ambitions. Make questions to get further information. Remember to
talk about the plans of all the members of the group.

Keep in mind the following:
• Use correct volume of voice, pronunciation, intonation, vocalization, as well
as a quiet place to record your video.
• Show yourselves to the camera in a close-up or medium shot, without
covering your faces.
• Avoid recording yourselves in the shadows or giving your back to the light.
• Greet your audience and introduce yourselves at the beginning of the video.
• Finish the video by saying goodbye.
• Double-check your video before submitting it.
STEP 4: Once you and your team have created and practiced the conversation
enough, record yourselves.

STUDENT A: Hey friend! What are you doing?

STUDENT B: Hello there! I’m designing a plan to finish all my activities
for the weekend. It is important to be methodical to
STUDENT A: You are right, especially when you are a civil engineer. You
also need technical and interpersonal skills.
STUDENT B: Yes. After I graduate, I would like to work in a construction
STUDENT A: What company would you like to work for?
Task: Assignment – Talking about what I am
studying What else should I know?

You must deliver your video in Canvas.

I see. Anything else?

Also, include the grammar tenses and

vocabulary studied this week.

When can I upload the task to Canvas until?

You can upload the task to Canvas from

April 24th to April 30th, 23:59.
Thank you so much for
your help.

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