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Buy Essay Writing

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Buy Essay Writing" presents a unique set of challenges that delve
into ethical, academic, and practical considerations. The very essence of this topic implies a paradox
– writing about purchasing essays can raise questions about the integrity of academic pursuits and the
potential consequences of seeking external help.

Addressing the ethical dimension, one must navigate the fine line between discussing the market for
essay writing services and promoting or discouraging their use. The act of purchasing essays raises
concerns about plagiarism, academic dishonesty, and the erosion of personal learning experiences. It
demands a careful examination of the motives behind resorting to such services and the impact on
one's educational journey.

On an academic level, tackling the subject requires a deep understanding of the diverse reasons
students may opt for buying essays. It may stem from time constraints, overwhelming workloads,
language barriers, or even a lack of confidence in one's writing abilities. Analyzing these underlying
issues while maintaining an unbiased perspective is crucial for a comprehensive exploration of the

From a practical standpoint, detailing the process of buying essays involves delving into the
mechanics of essay writing services – the platforms, the writers, and the varied approaches to
meeting clients' needs. Discussing the reliability, credibility, and potential legal implications of these
services adds another layer of complexity to the essay.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the subject of "Buy Essay Writing" requires a delicate balance
between addressing the ethical concerns, understanding the academic motivations, and dissecting the
practical aspects of this controversial practice. It demands a nuanced approach to foster a thorough
understanding of the topic without explicitly promoting or condemning it.

For those seeking further insights into this topic or assistance with similar essays, various resources
are available. Services like offer a platform where one can explore diverse
perspectives and even order essays on a wide range of subjects. The landscape of essay writing
services is multifaceted, and delving deeper into it can provide a more comprehensive understanding
of the challenges and opportunities it presents.
Buy Essay Writing Buy Essay Writing
The Total Contribution Cost Ratio
A.Breakeven point (BEP) is where the total contribution cost equals to fixed cost. To
calculate this, you do fixed cost divided by the contribution per unit. To calculate the
contribution per unit you do the selling price minus the variable costs.
Racquets £225
Producing 6000 units
Labour 27000 hours
Materials £44 X 6000 = £264,000
Labour £12 X (4.5 hours x 6000) = £324,000
Variable overheads production 10 x 4.5 = 45 x 6000 = £270,000
Total Expenses £858,000 + 161,000 + 126,000 = 1,145,000
BEP £225 x 6000 = 1,350,000
£1,350,000 £858,000 = 492,000 divides by 6000 = 82 contribution per unit
£161,000 + £126,000 = £287,000 Fixed costs
£287,000 divides by 82 = 3500 units to hit BEP

B.3500 units X 225 selling price = £787,500

C.The margin of safety is calculated by doing Profit divided by the contribution per unit
= Sale Units (No. Of) To find out the percentage you do sale units divided by the No of
units sold X 100 = %
£1,350,000 £1, 145000 = £205000 Profit
£205000 divides 6000 = 34.17 Profit per unit
£205000 divide 82 = 2500 units, margin of safety
2500 divide 6000 x 100 = 41.7% margin of safety

D.The Margin of safety is the difference between Sales and Break Even Point it indicates
by how much sales may decrease before the business will suffer a loss. The margin of
safety is defined by the I.C.M.A. terminology as the excess of normal or actual sales over
sales at the breakeven point. It may be expressed as a percentage of either normal sales or
The Verge Of A Silver Lining
On the Verge of a Silver Lining Every raincloud has a silver lining. This saying has
been a part of the English idiom collection and overall the English culture ever since
1634 when author John Milton wrote the story Comus: A Mask Presented at Ludlow
Castle. And yet, many people have no belief in the phrase. In his work, Milton states,
Was I deceiv d, or did a sable cloud turn forth her silver lining on the night? (Milton).
This quote was the first to give meaning to the phrase. What we have come to
understand from this saying is that with everything bad, there is some aspect to it that
is good and well, no matter how small it may be, hence, a silver lining found in the
darkness. The quote from Milton is speaking of how a woman s bad night was turned
into something better; a situation directly related to the theme that good will follow
the bad. In 2012, David O. Russell, a film director, released a film based off of a book
of the same name that pertains to this common saying. Silver Linings Playbook is a
sort of quirky romance movie that follows the struggles and the twining of two lost
souls, Pat and Tiffany, played by Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. Both suffer
from personal demons, and in times of hardship for the both of them, they find each
other to combat the struggles. They would go on to find solace in each other and maybe
find some silver in their own darkness. Silver Linings Playbook explores the reality
behind the idea of having a silver lining through
Breastfeeding Obstacles
Breastfeeding even under the best of circumstances can present challenges, as both
mother and baby are learning what to do. Yet, breastfeeding is well worth the effort it
takes to overcome hurdles you encounter. Your baby receives important nutritional,
immunological, and developmental benefits, and both of you get to enjoy the special
closeness of a nursing mother and baby. Following are the breastfeedingissue that usually
females face:

Poor latch: The most common breastfeeding obstacle is improper latch on. A baby
who does not take the breast correctly will not get as much milk and will probably give
his mother sore nipples. What a mother can do to avoid this obstacle is to first position
herself correctly. Milk flows better from a relaxed ... Show more content on ...
Be sure your baby s tongue is between his lower gum and your breast. Cracked nipples
are usually caused by improper latch on. When your baby doesn t get enough breast
tissue into his mouth, all the sucking pressure is concentrated on the nipple. Try
feeding Baby first on the side that is the least sore. Usually the most uncomfortable part
of a feeding is the minute or two of sucking it takes to trigger your milk ejection reflex.
Once the milk is flowing freely, nursing will probably be more comfortable. Mothers
with sore nipples are often tempted to nurse less frequently, but this aggravates the
problem, since your breast can become engorged, making it more difficult for Baby to
latch on.

Biting by the Baby:Babies eventually sprout teeth, with the first ones arriving around six
months of age, and when they get them, they experiment with them. To pry your nipple
out of your child s mouth without any further damage, wedge a finger in between his
gums and hook it around your nipple. If he bites down again before the nipple is out of
his mouth, your finger will protect your tender
Theme of Death in William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily Essay
Theme of Death in William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily

William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily is a tragic tale of a Southern aristocrat, Miss
Emily Grierson, who is the subject of a town s obsession. The narrator, a member of the
town, tells the story of what transpires in a decaying old Southern house that is always
under the watchful eye of the townspeople. They witness Miss Emily s life, her father s
death, her turn to insanity and the death of both her and her lover. The theme of death
runs throughout this tale, which is understandable considering the events that take place
in the story. Faulkner uses foreshadowing to foretell events that will transpire later in the
story. Because of this foreshadowing, a reader ... Show more content on
This description of Emily s hair is important, because one of Emily s hairs will be
found next to Homer s body, and it also shows how Emily is decaying like the house
and items inside. Early in the story Emily writes a letter on stationary of an archaic
shape and with fading ink . The references here are to the way she is always described
growing older and decaying. Even Emily s house shares her short squat characteristic and
coquettish decay .

The insanity of Miss Emily is also foretold in A Rose for Emily. When the body of
Homer is found in her bed, the reader can understand that Emily killed him, because
her mental stability had been questioned a number of times. The narrator begins these
allusions to her mental state when he tells how the mayor, Colonel Sartoris, bestows a
special tax exemption upon Miss Emily. Colonel Sartoris makes up a story so
unbelievable that it is described as so outlandish that only a woman could have believed
it . Later, the townspeople talk about her great aunt, the lady Wyatt, who had gone
completely crazy. They wonder about poor Emily with the insanity in her family. Her
mental state comes into question again when the town removes the body of her father.
She is said to have broke down and finally let them in to take and bury the body. This is
an obvious analogy to her having a mental breakdown. This is followed with the
statement that the townspeople did
How Did Shakespeare Influence The Renaissance
In Italy, for 30 years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed,
but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In
Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace and
what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.
Orson Welles (Brainy Quote)
1)This quote simply states that with all of the gruesome warfare and murders within
many parts of the world, The Renaissance still seemed to establish memorable artists.
According to Welles, The Renaissance took place when the Borgias were attacking Italy.
However, during this horrific time era, The Renaissance still rose to the top.
2)During this astonishing movement, The Tudor Dynasty dominated the Renaissance
(Swain). The Tudors ruled England from 1485 until 1603 during one of the most
exciting periods of English history. It begun with King Henry VII, born January 28,
1457(TudorHistory). During his reign, Mr. Tudor s main problems were trying to restore
faith and ... Show more content on ...
Shakespeare s life was a mystery because majority of his life was never documented.
However, church records indicates that he was born April 23, 1564(Bardweb).
William was born of John Shakespeare, a Glover and leather merchant, and Mary
Arden, a landed local heiress. He was third out of eight children, in which three of them
died before reaching their adolescents years. Scholars surmise that he attended a
grammar school in Stratford(Biography). In 1582, William was only 18 when he
encountered marriage. Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway and they birthed three
children named Susanna, Judith, and Hamnet(Bardweb). Hamnet was first to die at age
11. Seven years after the birth of his twins, Shakespeare disappeared from all records.
This period in history in known has The Lost Years . After living a successful life,
Shakespeare died April
Fury Road Essay
In an ideal future, most people would expect to see a world devoid of sickness,
disabilities, violence, and terror; but what if the more realistic future holds all of these
things to be the norm? What culture would then arise from the ashes of this new
wasteland society, where people survive off the misfortune of others and the humanbody
is a degenerate vessel for lost souls? Mad Max: Fury Road encapsulates every aspect of
this future with all of the explosions and car chases of a classy action filmand then some;
for many, it stands as a masterly produced action thriller, but for me, the cultural
implications, disabled heroes, and purposeful desexualization of female characters in the
film prove that Fury Road is about so much more than simply... Show more content on ...
The fantasy/sci fi film was directed by George Miller and received praise from many
critics, and has been nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Picture and Best Director.
The basic plot revolves around two characters, Furiosa (Charlize Theron) and Max
(Tom Hardy), who join forces to help five women escape from the tyrant, Immortan
Joe. Along the way, Furiosa and Max not only have to keep the girls alive, but also
each other and outrace the army that follows them in order to make it to the Green
Place, a haven of sorts where Furiosa was born. However, when the group finally
reaches the Green Place, there is nothing but ruin to be found and so begins the epic
climactic battle between the escapees and Immortan Joe s army. There are so many
unique aspects to the plot alone that detach this film from most of the action film
genre, but what adds to the significance of Fury Road is the overwhelming presence of
disabilities, and how these disabilities are treated within the context of the film. The
world itself projects a new culture where everyone is disabled and everyone is enslaved
in some way. Yet, despite what our society would deem of these circumstances, this new
culture is not a despairing one for no character falls victim to their disability, and those
who would be expected to resign to abuse are the very heroes of their own
Symptoms And Treatment Of Cervical Spine Trauma
As a physical therapist working in an outpatient facility, majority of the patients that I
manage suffer from neck injuries sustained from motor vehicular accidents or a fall
incident. Handling patient with cervical spine injury is challenging as it is vulnerable to
further injury should it not be rehabilitated with extreme caution. It is essential that the
clinician should not rely solely on diagnostic reports and should perform significant
detailed assessments that include ligamentous stability tests with individuals that had
cervical spine trauma (Mckinnis, 2014 p. 159). It should be noted that in any motor
vehicular accident it is important to identify injurypatterns and trauma protocols should
be applied. Injuries brought about by motor vehicle accidents are not always apparent.
For instance, during evaluation there is no evidence of any soft tissue damage or any
manifestation of fractures, but one can still end up with long term disability due to back
or neck pain. With that, an exhaustive physical examination coupled with an appropriate
diagnostic procedure will give more information about the patient s condition and guide
treatment decisions. This is truly vital because there are times reports that was initially
identified as normal but later progressed into something fatal that might bring about
disability or worse death. For this reason, it is indispensable for medical personnel to
have sufficient knowledge about radiologic findings. Therapists should be

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