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Problem Solution Essay Topics For College

Crafting an essay on "Problem Solution Essay Topics for College" can present its own set of
challenges. First and foremost, selecting an appropriate and compelling topic requires careful
consideration. Identifying a problem that is not only relevant to college students but also offers room
for effective solutions adds an extra layer of difficulty. The research process can be time-consuming,
as finding credible sources to support your arguments is crucial.

Once the topic is chosen and research is gathered, organizing thoughts in a coherent and logical
manner becomes paramount. Developing a clear thesis statement that addresses both the problem and
proposed solutions requires thoughtful analysis. Balancing the essay structure between problem
presentation, analysis, and solution proposal can be intricate, demanding a careful weaving of
information to maintain reader engagement.

Furthermore, articulating well-supported solutions that are practical and feasible adds another layer
of complexity. Striking a balance between creativity and practicality is essential in ensuring that the
proposed solutions are both innovative and realistic. Careful attention to detail is necessary to avoid
overlooking any crucial aspects of the issue at hand.

Editing and refining the essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and conciseness is another challenge.
Striving for a polished and professional final product demands multiple revisions, proofreading, and
perhaps seeking feedback from peers or instructors.

In conclusion, tackling a "Problem Solution Essay Topics for College" is a multifaceted task that
involves careful topic selection, thorough research, strategic organization, and effective
communication of ideas. Despite its challenges, the process of addressing and solving problems
through the written word is a valuable skill for college students to cultivate.

For those seeking assistance with essays or similar assignments, various resources are available.
Professional writing services, like , offer support in generating well-researched and
well-structured essays on a variety of topics, ensuring that students can submit high-quality work
while managing the demands of academic life.
Problem Solution Essay Topics For CollegeProblem Solution Essay Topics For College
Young Offenders Case Study
Evidence has shown that young offenders from certain ethnic backgrounds, including
Torres Strait Islander people, Aboriginal people and those from Pacific Island
backgrounds, receive harsher penalties than young offenders from Anglo Australian
backgrounds. The manner in which the justice system deals with the young people who
break the law has been changing. In 1997, the Young Offenders Act was introduced by
the NSW government. The Young Offenders Act sates that young people who commit
offences are given cautions, warnings or attend youth justice conferences with the
victims of their crimes instead of going to court. Other issues that the Commission is
looking at include: bail the role of a specialised Children s Court naming young
Nuclear Power In Australia
Everyone should be aware that coal fuelled power stations are bad for the environment,
yet no one seems to be aware of any adequate replacement for this form energy
production. Burning Oil is expensive, gas isn t efficient enough to be a solution, and
renewable sources are too unreliable. So what other options are there? Australia is a
lucky country, we have a very small amount of seismic activity, we have masses of
uninhabited land, and we have some of the largest deposits of uraniumon earth. So this
begs the question, why isn t anyone seriously talking about nuclear power? In Australia
the government is throwing millions of dollars into reducing greenhouse emissions, yet
all of our power comes from the burning of coal. This is only due to lack of knowledge
about radiation and nuclear power as well as over dramatization by the media. By
utilizing the energy from the nucleus of uranium Australia would unlock the door to
cheaper energy, less pollution, new jobs, and a future of unlimited energy.

How nuclear energy works

Nuclear energy is created by splitting the nucleus of a uranium atom by firing a neutron
into the atom s nucleus, this in turn splits the Uranium into 2 different substances. Whilst
splitting the atom it creates enormous amounts of heat energy which we use to boil
water. Once the water reaches its ... Show more content on ...
In a world with an ever growing need for more power, and an ever growing threat of
global warming, the coal power stations are not going to sufficiently meet our needs as
a country. Nuclear energy is clean, safer than ever before, cheaper, the only feasible way
to generate electricity. Also with the possibility of nuclear reactors to convert the waste
product of normal reactors into more energy, nuclear energy is the clear choice. Once the
public stops being misled by the government and the media about nuclear power, we will
put our uranium deposits into use for
Greys Anatomy Summary
As season 12 of Greys Anatomy is nearing the winter finale, the twist and turn are
coming from every department and twist no one saw coming. Episode one is an hour
packed show full of new things such as, new life for Meredith after the death of Derek
and new chief of surgery for Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Meredith moves back into
her childhood home with her three children, half sister, Maggie and Derek s sister,
Amelia. Bailey is named the new chief of surgery after an intense battle with an
outside candidate. Season two begins to reveal a steamy relationship between Amelia
and Owen Hunt. Also, the new responsibilities make Bailey s head the size of the
Seattle famous ferry boat. Bailey overwhelms Meredith as passes all of her prior
responsibilities onto her already full plate. Plus, April and Jackson s marriage is
continuing to dwindle away as he moves out of their apartment. Meredith was promoted
to head of general surgery.... Show more content on ...
Later in the episode, Jo explains that she actually is not pregnant, but worries if Alex
wants to eventually start a family with her. In the early seasons of Grey s Anatomy Alex
froze he sperm with hope to have a child with then wife Izzy. By the end of the episode
all is solved. In season four, the audience finally learns a little background to one of the
favorite resident, Stephanie. Stephanie was one of the first children in a sickle cell
treatment. During this treatment, her mom pushed her to stay in the treatment even
when Stephanie wanted to leave. Stephanie got off a cause because she would not push
her patient to go through an experience she did not want to do, like she was. She
confides in Jo, but Jo did not believe her story and turned to Amelia. After the scandal
unfolded, the relationship between Amelia and Stephanie got stronger, but Jo and
Stephanie s were on the
The Role Of Women In Aristophanes s Lysistrata
Aristophanes s play Lysistrata is about a sex strike and describes women working
around their inferior status in society to fulfill their primary duty to their country by
putting other duties to the side to persuade men to end the war. This illustrates the duties
of both women and men with an emphasis on the duties of the woman while also
detailing a few key differences between genders. While these duties and differences are
described throughout the entirety of the play, the interactions of Lysistrata, Myrrhine, and
Kinesias in scene five illustrate them with clearer detail. This implies that while women
may be inferior citizens in a society, they have loyalties and responsibilities, and they
prove to be intellectual, rational equals to male citizens. Lysistrata describes each genders
basic community obligations through dialogue between characters. Because the play is
primarily written as sympathetic to the women s cause, it puts more of an emphasis on
the woman s duties, but it does reference the men s duties as well.
The primary duties of women can be simplified to a few topics: honor, country,
household, husband, and children. The primary obligations, however, seem to rest
firmly in honor and country as shown by Myrrhine s repeated mention of her oath
when her husband tries to persuade her to sleep with him (page 88, lines 900 20). The
oath that Myrrhine refers to was formed in scene one, when she agreed with other
women to go on a sex strike in order to stop the war
Turbulant History of the Troubled Island of Haiti Essay
In September of 1994, elements of the XVIII Airborne Corps, 10th Mountain Division
(Light), Special Operations Forces (SOF), and 25th Infantry Division, were organized
into a U.S. led Multi National Force (MNF). These forces were assembled and deployed
in support of Operation Uphold Democracy in the Republic of Haiti to reinstate ousted
President Jean Bertrand Aristide and return the country to a democratic state. We will go
over a brief portion of the very turbulent history that has brought these forces to this
troubled island. We will continue into a little of the planning and the difficulties they
faced in a constantly changing environment, even a little of who it involved. The next
item of business will be moving into ... Show more content on ...
President Aristide took office in January of 1991 and was ousted in September of the
same year by his hand picked, chief of staff of the army Lieutenant General Raoul
Cedras and forced to flee the country. International outrage, fueled in large part by the
well publicized flotilla of boat people bound for Florida¸ put Haiti abruptly in the
international spotlight.3 These events set the stage for U.S. involvement in the Haitian
crisis. In 1993, the United Nations (UN) attempted to negotiate for a peaceful
resolution with Gen. Cedras, which proved unsuccessful. Gen. Cedras would agree to
different stipulations, to include stepping down to get the embargo lifted, and each time
he would fail to honor his end. In one such incident, with few rounds fired, thugs in his
employ forcibly prevented an American ship, the USS Harlan County, from off loading
UN troops intended to retrain the Haitian Army and police force.4 The UN reestablished
the embargo, a naval blockade and passed UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR)
940, authorizing the application of all necessary means to restore democracy in Haiti .5
This set the planning assets in motion for forcible entry into Haiti.

Planning and Preparation In January 1994, the deadline for Lieutenant General Cedras to
step down passed. He did not relinquish power and international pressure increased for
stronger sanctions on Haiti.
Salmonellosis Research Paper
Salmonellosis is one of the most common causes of food borne disease in the United
States. Increasing antimicrobial resistance and corresponding increases in virulence
present serious challenges. Currently, empirical therapy for invasive Salmonella enterica
infection includes either ceftriaxone or ciprofloxacin (E. L. Hohmann, Clin. Infect. Dis.
32:263 269, 2001). The blaCMY 2 gene confers resistance to ceftriaxone, the
antimicrobial of choice for pediatric patients with invasive Salmonellaenterica infections,
making these infections especially dangerous (J. M. Whichard et al., Emerg. Infect. Dis.
11:1464 1466, 2005). We hypothesized that blaCMY 2 positive Salmonella enterica
would exhibit increased MICs to multiple antimicrobial agents and

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