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Account Management | 1

The following changes will be introduced from Portal Version v2.55 (XCore version v5.70.0).

The Margin and Risk Functionality is handled within the “Accounts” module of the XCore.

In this module, the system offers powerful controls for A-Book and B-Book exposure which perform pre-trade
margin checks and can impose limits to automatically hedge exposure to liquidity providers.

The XCore offers the ability to control margin on a per-connector or trading account basis by prohibiting
trades that would result in exceeding the allowed used margin.

As well as this, accounts can be defined for your Liquidity Providers to control flow and keep track of

Major Changes
• Account mappings:
- Restructure of Account component into 3 different components: Account, Account Group and Account
Group Setting.
- Each Connector Account must now be linked with both a margin and a risk account under the Connector
Account component. If not already mapped, new MARGIN_POSITION and RISK_POSITION Accounts will be
created and mapped during the migration.
- Each Provider must now be linked with a margin account under the Provider component. If not already
mapped, a new MARGIN_POSITION Account will be created and mapped during the migration.
• Account Wallet Re-structure:
- Account Wallet component has been replaced by Account Profile Wallet and Account Profile Wallet Setting
• Positions:
- Positions on Risk accounts and Margin Accounts linked to Providers will be booked in Reverse.


Account Group

Account Profiles



The Account Component displays the XCore accounts defined in the system along with their settings. This
component also allows defining and deleting accounts.

The Account must be linked with an Account Group, which contains and is configured by the different
Account Profiles (Leverage, Limit, Swap, Pl, Dividends, etc.).

From the Account component, parameters such as stopout, exp_limit, and warn levels can be configured.
Account Management | 2

Based on the account group type, specific rules can be defined by setting up their individual profiles.
Additionally, you can define the deposit currency and margin alert notification levels for each account group.

Free margin on XCore Accounts can be synced with an MT4 coverage account using the MT4-XCore API:
Margin Sync Tool.

Note: The XCore will process B_Book orders only if an Account Group of type RISK
is configured and enabled in the system, otherwise, it will expire the B_Book orders and report a rejection.

Technical Specifications

The Account component has the following attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

default attribute
field name required editable description
settings type

id Y – INT read only The ID of the account

The name of the account

name Y – STRING read only Note: the account is known throughout the
system via its name

The Account Group to which the XCore

Account is linked.
The Account Group contains different account
restart profiles assigned on the account group such as
Group Y – STRING
required Leverage Profile, Limit Profile, Swap Profile,
etc. This determines how the XCore account
will behave depending on the configuration
assigned under different profiles.

Represents the percentage limit of the margin

utilization of the account, at which point the
system will trigger a stopout operation
Stopout level can be set between 50% to 500%
stopout level C -1 INT and is executed based on the “stop all logic”
Note: Stopout can only be set for Accounts of
For more information regarding the stop out
functionality in XCore, please click here
Account Management | 3

default attribute
field name required editable description
settings type

Represents the XTrader connector account

under the connectors of type XTrader against
which stopouts will be executed when the
system triggers a stopout operation
Note: Stopout Connector Account can only be
one defined under a Connector of type
restart For more information regarding the stop out
connector C n/a STRING
required functionality in XCore, please click here
Note: When the stopout is triggered it
automatically switches the exp_limit value to
0, which mean the account will be on Close
Only mode and therefore the user must switch
the exp_limit back to -1 manually for the next
stopout to be triggered correctly which can be
done from the Real-Time Config component.

Represents a configurable global exposure

limit for the account, expressed in the
account’s base currency
Note: if exp_limit is set to -1, the system will
not have any exposure limit restrictions set on
the account
Note: if exp_limit is set to 0, the system will
not allow the exposure of the account to be
further increased
exp_limit C -1 DOUBLE real time
Note: When a stopout functionality is used in
the XCore and the stopout is triggered the
exp_limit is switched to 0 automatically, which
mean the account will be on Close Only mode
and must be switched back to -1 by the XCore
owner in order for the next stopout to be
triggered successfully. This change can be
done in spot from the Real-Time Config

Represents the name of a parent account to

which this account can be linked to
Note: if an account is linked to another parent
account, then all the operations occurring on
restart the child account will also occur on the parent
parent C n/a STRING
required account
Note: only accounts of the same type can be
linked together in child-parent relationships
Note: only accounts of type MARGIN or NOP
can be configured in child-parent relationships

description C n/a STRING Free text for the description of the account

enable C n/a TINYINT Specifies if the account is enabled or disabled


When a new trade request is received, the system will check the relevant settings, defined under the
profiles, to identify if any set limits are already surpassed (pre trade) or will be surpassed if the received
trade request would be executed (post trade); in such case, the trade or portions of the trade request
will be flagged, and the system will take relevant actions, based on the account type:
for accounts of type MARGIN and NOP, the system will reject the entire trade request if any
Account Management | 4

portion of the trade was flagged

for accounts of type RISK, the system will send only the flagged portion of the trade request to a-
book, and will record this portion as overflow a-book position

An account can be configured to keep track of trade requests received on one or more connectors and
connector accounts defined in the system (see Connector Account component for linking rules).
the MARGIN and NOP accounts will take all trades into account
the RISK accounts will only consider b-book trades and a-book trades placed by the broker for the
purpose of moving risk in or out of the internal book (for the latter, a specific connector trading
account must be linked to the risk account, in mode BROKER)

The system will reduce the recorded overflow a-book positions only when all the relevant account
parameters are lower than a defined percentage of the set limits (specified in underflow setting on the

Account Group

Account Group

The Account Group component displays the XCore accounts defined in the system and their settings and is also
used to create and delete account groups.

This component allows for a faster setup of new accounts as all the profile settings are already populated in
various account groups.

The Account Group component must be linked with a specific XCore account through the Account component,
and is used to select Account Profiles and additional configurations of the XCore accounts such as Warn,
Underflow, and Description.

Once the Account Group is configured through the wizard, all the settings are populated accordingly under the
Account Group Settings component.

Each account group has a type that determines its purpose and behavior. Specific rules can be defined based
on the account type by setting up their individual profiles. Additionally, the deposit currency and margin alert
notification levels can be defined for each account. The available account types are:

MARGIN – keeps track of trades and rejects any trade that would increase the exposure above the
account equity
NOP – keeps track of trades on a daily basis and rejects any trade that would increase the daily
exposure above the account equity
RISK – keeps track of b book trades and when the exposure exceeds the account equity it starts routing
trades to the Liquidity Provider

Free margin on XCore Accounts can be synced with an MT4 coverage account using the MT4-XCore API:
Margin Sync Tool.

Note: The XCore will process B_Book orders only if an Account of type RISK is configured and enabled in the
system, otherwise it will expire the B_Book orders and report a rejection.
Account Management | 5

Technical Specifications

The Account Group component has the following attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

field name required attribute type editable description
The name of the Account Group that can
restart be used in the Account component in
Name Y – VARCHAR(64)
required order to link the Account with the
Account Group.
restart Free text to be used to easily understand
Description – – VARCHAR(128)
required that content of the Account Group.

Account Group Wizard

default attribute
field name required editable description
settings type
The name of the account group
Name Y – STRING read only Note: the account is known throughout the
system via its name
The type of the account available types are:
Type Y – STRING read only
Account Management | 6

default attribute
field name required editable description
settings type
The deposit currency of the account
Note: all operations on the account, and
calculations on its positions will be converted
into the deposit currency of the account
To reduce confusion about the CCY setting on
Currency Y – STRING read only account_group level, this setting now will be
renamed to DEFAULT_CCY. If ‘ccy’ in
account_profile_settlement_setting is set to “n/a”
it will use the DEFAULT_CCY on group level
instead. DEFAULT_CCY on group level has to be
set to a valid currency
The name of the leverage symbol profile which
Profile will be assigned to the account group
Leverage Y – STRING Note: For more information regarding the
Sym calculation please refer to the How is account
exposure calculated per symbol.
Profile Limit restart The name of the limit symbol profile which will
Sym required be assigned to the account group
The name of the leverage currency profile which
Profile will be assigned to the account group
Leverage Y – STRING Note: For more information regarding the
Ccy calculation please refer to the How is account
exposure calculated per currency
The name of the limit currency profile which will
Profile Limit restart be assigned to the account group
Ccy required Note: the limit currency profile only applies to
currency positions formed from netting symbols
The name of the wallet profile which will be
Profile restart assigned to the account group
Wallet required Note: required mandatory to set a profile wallet
when creating account group
The name of the swap profile which will be
restart assigned to the account group
Profile Swap C n/a STRING
required Note: required if a settlement profile is assigned
to an account group
The name of the settlement profile which will be
Profile Swap restart assigned to the account group
Settlement required Note: required if a swap profile is assigned to an
account group
The name of the PL profile which will be
assigned to the account group
restart Note: when pl profile is assigned on XCore
Profile PL C n/a STRING
required Account Group it will also populate the Account
Wallet component with an indication of PL
Profile selected
The name of the settlement profile which will be
Profile PL restart assigned to the account group
Settlement required Note: required if a pl profile or swap profile or
dividend is assigned to an account group
Account Management | 7

default attribute
field name required editable description
settings type
The name of the dividend profile which will be
assigned to the account group
Profile restart Note: when dividend profile is assigned on
Dividend required XCore Account Group it will also populate the
Account Wallet component with an indication of
Dividend Profile selected
The name of the settlement profile which will be
restart assigned to the account group
Dividend C n/a STRING
required Note: required if a dividend profile is assigned
to an account group
Represents a list of percentage levels of the
account’s global exposure, at which point a high
restart utilization warning alert will be generated by the
Warn Y 50,70,90 STRING
required system
Note: default exposure utilization warning levels
are 50%, 70% and 90%
Possible values:
• 0 – false (Unticked box)
• 1 – true (Ticked box)
Represents the behavior when the system will
start reducing overflow opened with the LP, as a
result of the Risk Account Group limits being
• 0 (FALSE) – represents the case in which
b_book exposure will be closed first and XCore
restart will allow the b_book positions to be opened in
Underflow C 0 TINYINT required the opposite direction as long as it is not
violating the limits. Overflow will be affected
only if the b-book limit is reached.
• 1 (TRUE) – means that the overflow will be
closed first, followed by b_book and finally the
XCore will allow b_book positions to be opened
in the opposite direction.
Note: The underflow parameter is only
supported for b-book orders under accounts
group of type RISK
Y = Tick Box enabled
N = Tick Box disabled
If it’s disabled then during stopout trigger, the
Disable exposure limit column remains as it is and will
Trading on C 0 TINYINT not be switched automatically to 0
Stopout If it’s enabled the during stopout trigger, the
exposure limit column will be switched
automatically to 0 making the account set to
close only mode.
restart Free text for the description of the
Description C n/a STRING
required account group
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Account Group Setting

The Account Group Settings component is a read only component which contains all the configurations that
were made through the Account Group when assigning different Account Profiles on the Account Group.
Specific XCore accounts can be filtered in order to check their configurations.

Technical Specifications

field default
required attribute type editable description
name settings
Group Y – SMALLINT(6) read only The name of the Account Group.
Specific configuration definitions of the
Key Y – VARCHAR(32) read only
Account Group wizard.
Defined values of the Account Group which
Value Y – VARCHAR(32) read only
were made from the Account Group wizard.

When a new trade request is received, the system will check the relevant settings, defined under the
profiles, to identify if any set limits are already surpassed (pre trade) or will be surpassed if the received
trade request would be executed (post trade); in such case, the trade or portions of the trade request
will be flagged, and the system will take relevant actions, based on the account type:
for accounts of type MARGIN and NOP, the system will reject the entire trade request if any
portion of the trade was flagged
for accounts of type RISK, the system will send only the flagged portion of the trade request to a-
book, and will record this portion as overflow a-book position

An account can be configured to keep track of trade requests received on one or more connectors and
connector accounts defined in the system (see Connectors Account component for linking rules).
the MARGIN and NOP accounts will take all trades into account
the RISK accounts will only consider b-book trades and a-book trades placed by the broker for the
purpose of moving risk in or out of the internal book (for the latter, a specific connector trading
account must be linked to the risk account, in mode BROKER)

The system will reduce the recorded overflow a-book positions only when all the relevant account
parameters are lower than a defined percentage of the set limits (specified in underflow setting on the
Exposures set to NONE means those accounts will not perform any balance or equity based margin
checks. Limit profiles like limit_sym and limit_ccy will still work. Generally accounts assigned to
providers would have Exposure set to NONE and no other profiles assigned, in this case they would
simply track positions for those providers.
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Account Profiles

Account Profiles

Account profiles are linked and used by the Account group component. Profiles can be set up and used for
different purposes. The profiles are covered in greater detail in the following chapters.

Leverage Currency Profile

Profile Leverage Currency

A Leverage Currency Profile contains leverage settings per currency.

The leverage profiles defined in this component can be linked to one or several XCore account groups defined
in the system, and influence the margin calculation and hence the account exposure calculation.

Technical Specifications

The Profile Leverage Currency component has the below attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

Important Note:

Netting will be enabled on the Account while using the Profile Leverage Currency.
Netting will be disabled if the Profile Leverage Symbol is used (either alone or together with the Profile
Leverage Currency).
Specific symbol lines can be deleted from the Profile Leverage Symbol in case netting needs to be
enabled while using both Symbol and Currency Profiles.
If both Profile Currency and Profile Leverage Symbol are assigned on the the group then most specific
will be used which is Profile Leverage Symbol and the positions will not be netted.

attribute required attribute type editable description

the name of the leverage currency

restart profile
name Y – STRING
required Note: the leverage currency profile will
be referred to via its name

free text for the description of the

description C n/a STRING real time
leverage currency profile

Note: The settings of a leverage currency profile can be configured in the Leverage Profile currency
Account Management | 10

Setting component.

Profile Leverage Currency Setting

Technical Specifications

The Profile Leverage Currency Setting component has the below attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

attribute required attribute type editable description

profile Y – INT read-only the ID of the leverage currency profile

the currency or currencies to which the defined

leverage setting will be applied to
currency Y – STRING read-only
Note: all currencies of the symbols in the system
must be specified as part of the leverage profile

the leverage to be associated with the

currencies specified as part of this setting
Note: the leverage is specified as a number (e.g:
100 denotes leverage of 1:100, etc.)
leverage Y 100 DOUBLE real-time
Note: the higher the leverage parameter, the
greater open positions a client can take with less
impact on the used margin and margin

Leverage Symbol Profile

Profile Leverage Symbol

A Leverage Symbol Profile contains leverage settings per Symbol.

The leverage profiles defined in this component can be linked to one or several XCore account groups defined
in the system, and influence the margin calculation and hence the account exposure calculation.

Important Note:

Netting will be enabled on the Account while using the Profile Leverage Currency.
Netting will be disabled if the Profile Leverage Symbol is used (either alone or together with the Profile
Leverage Currency).
Specific symbol lines can be deleted from the Profile Leverage Symbol in case netting needs to be
enabled while using both Symbol and Currency Profiles.
If both Profile Currency and Profile Leverage Symbol are assigned on the the group then most specific
will be used which is Profile Leverage Symbol and the positions will not be netted.
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Technical Specifications

The Profile Leverage Symbol component has the below attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

attribute required attribute type editable description

the name of the leverage symbol

name Y – STRING restart required
Note: the leverage symbol profile will
be referred to via its name

free text for the description of the

description C n/a STRING real-time
leverage symbol profile

Note: The settings of a leverage symbol profile can be configured in the Leverage Profile Symbol
Setting component.

Profile Leverage Symbol Setting

Technical Specifications

The Profile Leverage Symbol Setting component has the below attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

Important Note: When Profile Leverage Symbol is assigned then the positions will not be netted.

attribute required attribute type editable description

profile Y – INT read-only the ID of the leverage symbol profile

the symbol or symbols to which the defined

leverage setting will be applied to
symbol Y – STRING read-only Note: all currencies of the symbols in the
system must be specified as part of the
leverage profile
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attribute required attribute type editable description

the leverage to be associated with the symbol

specified as part of this setting
Note: the leverage is specified as a number
(e.g: 100 denotes leverage of 1:100, etc.)
leverage Y 100 DOUBLE real-time
Note: the higher the leverage parameter, the
greater open positions a client can take with
less impact on the used margin and margin

Limit Currency Profile

Profile Limit Currency

A Limit Currency Profile contains limit settings per currency.

The limit profiles defined in this component can be linked to one or several XCore account groups defined in
the system, and influence the margin calculation and hence the account exposure calculation.

Technical Specifications

A Currency Profile component has the following attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

attribute required attribute type editable description

the name of the limit profile

name Y – STRING restart required Note: the symbol limit profile will be
referred to via its name

free text for the description of the

description C n/a STRING real time
limit profile

Note: The settings of a limit currency profile can be configured in the Profile Currency Setting component.

Profile Limit Currency Setting

The Currency Profile Setting Component contains the settings of each currency profile defined in the system.

The position limits can be customized on a per currency basis.
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Technical Specifications

A Currency Profile Setting component has the below attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

default attribute
attribute required editable description
settings type

Yes (XCore
profile Y – INT Pending the name of the limit profile

the currency to which the defined setting will be

Yes (XCore
applied to
currency Y – STRING Pending
Note: all currencies of the symbols defined in the
system must be specified

Yes (XCore
this parameter allows for the limit to be expressed
Ccy Y – STRING Pending
in a currency of choice

defines the maximum allowed open position for

the specified currency
• In Margin mode, when the limit is reached, the
system will not accept any new trades which
would increase the position above the set limit,
and thus will reject those trades with one of the
below rejection reasons:
limit C -1 DOUBLE real time • In Risk mode, when the limit is reached, the
system will send to a-book any b-book trades (or
portion of a b-book trade) that would increase the
position above the set limit, and register these
trades in the system as Overflow.
Note: if limit = -1, then the system will not apply
any currency limit restrictions
Note: in margin mode, if limit = 0 the system will
only allow trades which would reduce the
| 13
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default attribute
attribute required editable description
settings type

represents a percentage limit with respect to the

overall exposure (equity) of an account, at which
point certain actions are triggered by the system,
depending on the mode of the account.
In Margin mode, this defines the percentage limit
(currency exposure/equity) at which point
the system will reject any additional trade
requests that would further increase currency
exposure (used margin) above the limit; the
following rejection reasons will be logged in the
In Risk mode, this defines the percentage limit
(currency exposure/equity) at which point
the system will send b-book orders, that would
further increase the currency exposure (used
margin) above the limit, to a-book
Note: If % = 0, then the system will only allow
trades that would reduce exposure in Margin
mode. Whereas for Risk, it will send the overflow
to a-book
Note: if % = -1, then there is no limit set, and
Overflow exposure, will only be closed after the
entire b-book exposure is closed.

Limit Symbol Profile

Profile Limit Symbol

A Limit Symbol Profile contains limit settings per Symbol.

The limit profiles defined in this component can be linked to one or several XCore account groups defined in
the system, and influence the margin calculation and hence the account exposure calculation.

Technical Specifications

A Symbol Profile for Symbol Position Limits has the following basic attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

attribute required attribute type editable description

the name of the limit profile

name Y – STRING restart required Note: the symbol limit profile will be
referred to via its name

free text for the description of the

description C n/a STRING restart required
limit profile
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Note: The settings of a limit symbol profile can be configured in the Symbol Profile Setting component.

Profile Limit Symbol Settings

The Symbol Profile Setting Component contains the settings of each symbol profile defined in the system.

The position limits can be customized on a per symbol basis.

Technical Specifications

A Symbol Profile Setting component has the below attributes:

Note: All the changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

default attribute
attribute required editable description
settings type

Yes (XCore
profile Y – INT Pending the name of the limit profile

the symbol to which the defined limit setting will

be applied to
Yes (XCore
Note: all symbols defined in the system must be
symbol Y – STRING Pending
Note: the symbol must be part of the security

Yes (XCore
this parameter allows for the limit to be
Ccy Y – STRING Pending
expressed in a currency of choice

defines the overall maximum position exposure

allowed on a per symbol level(in
the base currency of the symbol)
Note: trade requests that would increase the limit
above the set limit value will be rejected (even if
there is still an available free margin in the
• In Margin mode, when the limit is reached, the
system will not accept any new orders which
would increase the exposure above the set
limit, and thus will reject those orders with one of
limit C -1 DOUBLE real time the below rejection reason:
• In Risk mode, when the limit is reached, the
system will send to a-book any b-book orders (or
part of a b-book order) that would increase the
exposure above the set limit, and register these
orders in the system as Overflow.
Note: if limit = -1, then the system will not apply
any symbol limit restrictions
Note: in margin mode, if limit = 0 the system will
only allow trades which would reduce the
| 15
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default attribute
attribute required editable description
settings type

represents a percentage limit with respect to the

overall equity of an account, at which point
certain actions are triggered by the system,
depending on the mode of the account.
In Margin mode, this defines the percentage
limit (symbol exposure/equity) at which point
the system will reject any additional trade
requests that would further increase symbol
exposure (used margin) above the limit; the
following rejection reasons will be logged in the
% C -1 DOUBLE real time
In Risk mode, this defines the percentage limit
(symbol exposure/equity) at which point
the system will send b-book orders, that would
further increase the symbol exposure (used
margin) above the limit, to a-book
Note: If % = 0, then the system will only allow
trades that would reduce exposure in Margin
mode. Whereas for Risk, it will send the overflow
to a-book
Note: If % = -1, then there is no limit set, and
Overflow exposure, will only be closed after the
entire b-book exposure is closed.

Dividend Profile

Account Profile Dividend

The Account Profile Dividend component displays the dividend profiles defined in the system.

The Account Profile Dividend contains dividend amounts to be distributed per symbol. Once the Dividend
Profile is configured from the Account Profile Dividend Settings component, it must be linked with a specific
XCore Account Group.

Technical Specifications

An Account Profile Dividend has the below attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

attribute required attribute type editable description
The name of the dividend profile.
name Y – STRING restart required Note: The dividend profile will be
referred to via its name.
free text for the description of the
description C – STRING restart required
dividend profile
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Account Profile Dividend Setting

The Account Profile Dividend Setting component contains the settings of the symbols to which the dividends
will apply, when the Account Profile Dividend is linked with a specific XCore account group, and there are
open positions under the XCore account.

The dividend amount is charged in the CCY of the instrument and will be applied to the open positions of the
symbols for which the dividend settings have been configured according to the time frame defined in the

The dividends are booked accordingly as cash to the balance of the XCore account.

Dividend in CCY = position base * short/long values in CCY * conv from dividend_CCY to account ccy

Dividend Value is denominated in Quote of Instrument

Note: A Settlement Profile needs to be configured separately, which would apply to the dividend profile setup
specifying the timeframe of the application on the positions

Technical Specifications

An Account Profile Dividend Setting component has the below attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

attribute required attribute type editable description
restart The name of the dividend profile as it has been
Profile Y – SMALLINT(5)
required configured in the Account Profile Dividend.
restart The name of the symbol as it is configured in the
Symbol Y – VARCHAR(32)
required XCore system on which the dividends will apply.
Paying taxable dividend on Long positions of the
Long Y 0 DOUBLE symbol, which can be only positive.
Defined in Quote currency.
Paying taxable dividend on Short positions of
Short Y 0 DOUBLE the symbol, which can be only positive.
Defined in Quote currency.
Charging Tax field allows you to enter a
restart percentage value to be deducted from a
required payment, can be only positive values between
These markups are configured as percentages
restart not as points.
Markup Y 0 DOUBLE
required Commission Value, can be only positive numbers
from 0-100.
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attribute required attribute type editable description
A pattern that is used to show in the Account
Report in the Comment section to indicate the
symbol, long/short value, and tax that was
Accepted values that can be used in the
comment section to generate the correct
indications in the reports are:
#SYM# – symbol name
#VALUE# – long/short value
#TAX# – tax value
#CONV# – conv rate which was used between
Comment – – VARCHAR(64) Instrument Quote CCY and Dividend_CCY.
In order to have the comment with the
indication of Dividend of Symbol, long or short
value, tax value, and conv in the Report, need to
specify a pattern accordingly to the settings and
conversion rate if needed:
Note: If anything else is added besides the
above patterns, the comment section in the
Account Report will be populated as free text
exactly as it is written in the Account Profile
Dividend Setting in the comment column.
Comment restart
– – VARCHAR(64) Comment
2 required
Tick box indication which is marked once the
Done C False TINYINT(4) read only dividends have been charged accordingly with
the settings and time frame defined.

Note: Please note that the dividends do not apply to the symbols of security type FX.

How dividends are configured and applied in the XCore

In order to use the dividends in the XCore, an account profile dividend must be created by providing a name
and a description from the Pending Config component.

Once the dividend profile is created, the values of the symbols we need to apply dividends on must be set up,
as well as the time frame when they should apply/be charged.
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The Account Profile Dividend and Profile Dividend Settlement must be linked with an Account through
the Account Group component.

The Account Group needs to be linked with a specific XCore Account in the Pending Config under the
Account field.

When the specified timeframe applies, according to the configuration under the Account Profile Dividend
Setting component, the dividends will be charged accordingly on the symbols configured to the open positions
in the XCore of the Connector linked with the XCore Account.
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Upload dividend settings using .CSV file

You can upload a list of the dividend setting into the XCore in case you have already configured them on excel.

1. Open Account Profile Dividend Setting field under the Pending Config component.
2. Press the Upload Settings button to open pop up window.
3. Press the Browse button to find the file that you have already prepared and saved locally on your PC.
4. Press the Upload after you have selected the file from your local PC to upload the settings.
5. Once the changes have uploaded successfully on the XCore they are still pending, therefore you need to
proceed with an Apply&Restart
1. Note that you can proceed with the same process through Real-Time where the changes can be
applied live to avoid the process of Apply&Restart of the XCore which results to small downtime
of the system.

PL Profile

Account Profile PL

The Account Profile PL Component displays the PL profiles defined in the system. A PL profile contains
realized PL settings per symbol.

The PL profiles defined here can be linked to the XCore account groups currently defined in the system, and
influence the time when realized PL actions are performed.

Technical Specifications

An Account PL Profile has the below attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component
| 20
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attribute required attribute type editable description

The name of the pl profile.

name Y – STRING restart required Note: The pl profile will be referred
to via its name

free text for the description of the pl

description C n/a STRING restart required

Account Profile PL Setting

The PL Profile Setting component contains the settings of each pl profile defined in the system.

The pl settings can be customized on a per symbol basis.

Technical Specifications

A PL Profile Settlement component has the below attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

attribute required attribute type editable description

Profile Y – INT read only The name of the pl profile

The symbol on which the defined pl

settings will be applied.
Note: All symbols defined in the system
Symbol Y – STRING read only
must be specified.
Note: The symbol must be part of the
security specified.

A markup value for the pl conversion

Markups are added on mid market rate for
converting closed pl.
Markup Y 0 STRING Note: The markup is used in case the
XCore account currency does not match to
the quote of position and therefore need to
be configured as it is on the Liquidity
| 21
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attribute required attribute type editable description

Comment can be used as free text or

a pattern that is used in order to show in
the Account Report in the Comment
section to indicate the symbol, conversion
and markup value that was charged.
Accepted values that can be used in the
comment section in order to generate the
correct indications in the reports are:
#SYM# – symbol name
#CONV# – prints the conversion rate
used to convert the the swap from symbol
quote to swap CCY currency
#MARKUP# – print the markup value for
Comment N – STRING pl conversion.
In order to have the comment with the
indication of Symbol and Swap Type in the
Report need to specify a pattern
accordingly to the type of swaps that is
configured and conversion rate if needed:
• sym: #SYM#; conv: #CONV#; markup:
Note: In case anything else is added
beside the above patterns then the
comment section in the Account Report
will be populated as free text exactly as it
is written in Account Profile PL Setting in
the comment column.

Comment 2 – – VARCHAR(64) Comment

Settlement Profile

Profile Settlement

The Account Profile Settlement Component displays the settlement profiles defined in the system. A settlement
profile contains settlement settings per symbol.

The settlement profiles defined here can be linked to the XCore account groups currently defined in the
system, and influence the time when settlement actions (such as swap charges and NOP position
settlement) are performed.

Technical Specifications

A Settlement Profile has the below attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component
| 22
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attribute required attribute type editable description

the name of the settlement profile

name Y – STRING restart required Note: the settlement profile will be
referred to via its name

free text for the description of

description C n/a STRING restart required
the settlement profile

Note: Settlement Profiles must be assigned to accounts of type NOP, as well as any account linked to a Swap

The settings of a settlement profile can be configured in the Settlement Profile Setting component.

Profile Settlement Setting

The Settlement Profile Setting component contains the settings of each settlement profile defined in the

The settlement settings can be customized on a per symbol basis.

Technical Specifications

A Settlement Profile Settlement component has the below attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

attribute required attribute type editable description

profile Y – INT read only the name of the settlement profile

The symbol to which the defined settlement

settings will be applied to.
Note: all symbols defined in the system must
symbol Y – VARCHAR read only
be specified.
Note: the symbol must be part of the
security specified.
| 23
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attribute required attribute type editable description

The settlement time for the specified symbol.

Note: The settlement time is specified in the
US EST timezone.
Note: The default time that is set is 17:00:00
US time, so if the time is set tp 17:00:00 and
the interval is set to 60, then the action
should be triggered the next day at 17:00:00
time Y 17:00:00 VARCHAR US time and will keep repeating every 60
if you set the time to 00:00:00 and add time
interval then action will start to trigger at the
same day.
Don’t forget the change must be active on
the XCore after an Apply&Restart.

The time interval when the settlement should

apply on the XCore account group.
Note: The time interval values is measured
in minutes.
interval Y 1440 SMALLINT Default value of 1440 minutes equal to 24
Example: If the time is set 17:00:00 and the
interval is set to 60 then it will apply every
60 minutes or 1 hour.

The CCY setting defines in which currency

ccy Y USD VARCHAR settlement operations for swaps, dividends,
and PL would be booked into wallets.

Swap Profile

Profile Swap

The Account Profile Swap Component displays the Swap Profiles defined in the system. A Swap Profile
contains swap settings per symbol.

The Swap Profiles defined here can be linked to the XCore account groups currently defined in the system, and
apply charges on positions held overnight.

Technical Specifications

A Swap Profile has the below attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component
| 24
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attribute name required attribute type editable description

the name of the swaps profile

name Y – STRING restart required Note: the swaps profile will be
referred to via its name

free text for the description of

description C n/a STRING restart required
the swaps profile

The settings of a swap profile can be configured in the Swap Profile Setting component.

Profile Swap Settings

The Swap Profile Setting Component contains the settings of each swap profile defined in the system.

The swap settings can be customized on a per symbol basis.

Technical Specifications

A Swap Profile Setting component has the below attributes:

Note: All changes that require XCore restart should be done from the Pending Config component

attribute required attribute type editable description

profile Y – INT read only the ID of the swaps profile

the symbol to which the defined swaps

settings will be applied to
Note: all symbols defined in the system must
symbol Y – STRING read only
be specified
Note: the symbol must be part of the security

the type of the swaps charge to be applied to

the specified symbol available options are:
• Points – swaps are charged the number of
points specified in the short and long
type Y POINTS STRING - Position Base Size x Swap Value = Swaps
in Position Quote Currency
• Percentage – swaps are charged as a
percentage as follows:
- Position Base Size x (Swap Value/ 100 /
360) = Swaps in Position Quote Currency
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attribute required attribute type editable description

the overnight swap charge amount for a held

long position
Note: the value specified here is going to be
charged based on the type attribute
Note: the long positionswaps are
defined in decimal values.
long C 0 DOUBLE real time
Note: Negative decimal values
on long positionswaps will result
in reducing the balance of the Account
Note: Positive decimal values
on long positionswaps will result
in increasing the balance of the Account

the overnight swap charge amount for a held

short position
Note: the value specified here is going to be
charged based on the type attribute
Note: the short positionsswaps are
defined in decimal values.
short C 0 DOUBLE real time
Note: Positive decimal values
on short positionswaps will result
in reducing the balance of the Account
Note: Negative decimal values
on short positionswaps will result
in increasing the balance of the Account

These markups are configured as percentages

restart not as points.
Markup Y 0 DOUBLE
required The value can be only positive numbers from

A pattern that is used in order to show in the

Account Report in the Comment section to
indicate the symbol and type of swap value
that was charged.
Accepted values that can be used in the
comment section in order to generate the
correct indications in the reports are:
#SYM# – symbol name
#POINT# – swap value
#CONV# – prints the conversion rate used to
convert the the swap from symbol quote to
restart swap CCY currency
comment – – VARCHAR
required In order to have the comment with the
indication of Symbol and Swap Type in the
Report need to specify a pattern accordingly
to the type of swaps that is configured and
conversion rate if needed:
• swap: #SYM#|#POINT#
• swap: #SYM#|#POINT#|#CONV#
Note: In case anything else is added beside
the above patterns then the comment section
in the Account Report will be populated as
free text exactly as it is written in Account
Profile Swaps Setting in the comment column.

Comment 2 – – VARCHAR(64) Comment
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Related Posts

How to upload swaps using a CSV File

How are swap calculated in the XCore
How to check the swap charges that were applied

Account Profile Wallet

Account Profile Wallet

The Account Profile Wallet component displays the wallet profiles defined in the system. An account profile
wallet is a mandatory profile that must be assigned on an Account Group.

Technical Specifications

An Account Profile Wallet has the below attributes:

attribute required attribute type editable description
The name of the Account Profile Wallet, also
Name Y – SMALLINT Y used in the Account Group wizard to assign the
wallet with account group.
Free text that can be added for the description
Description N – VARCHAR Y
of the Account Profile Wallet.

Account Profile Wallet Setting

The account Profile Wallet Setting displays the settings of the account profile wallet indicating the Account
profile wallet name, the name and the description as well as indicating if Swap profile, Pl profile, Dividend
profile is assigned on the Account Group.

Technical Specifications

An Account Profile Wallet Settings has the below attributes:

attribute required editable description
Profile Y – read only The name of the Account Profile Wallet
restart The name as it is presented during Operations in the
Name Y –
required Account Dashboard and Specific Reports columns.
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attribute required editable description
Description C n/a free text as a description.
The box is ticked accordingly in case the swap profile is
assigned on an Account Group.
Note: When the box is ticked, then you have the option in
Swap C – read only
the Account Dashboard to perform a balance operation
selecting this account wallet for adding manually swap
charges or corrections if needed.
The box is ticked accordingly in case the pl profile is
assigned on an Account Group.
Note: When the box is ticked, then you have the option in
PL C – read only
the Account Dashboard to perform balance operation
selecting this account wallet for adding manually pl
charges or corrections if needed.
The box is ticked accordingly in case the dividend profile
is assigned on an Account Group.
Note: When the box is ticked, then you have the option in
Dividend C – read only
the Account Dashboard to perform balance operation
selecting this account wallet for adding manually dividend
charges or corrections if needed.
The box is ticked accordingly in case the dividend tax is
Dividend Tax C – read only
configured on the dividend profile
| 28

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