Descriptive Essay Sample About A Place

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Descriptive Essay Sample About A Place

Creating a descriptive essay about a place might initially seem like a straightforward task, but the
difficulty lies in capturing the essence of the location in a way that engages the reader's senses and
imagination. The challenge is to go beyond a mere recitation of facts and details, transforming them
into a vivid and immersive experience for the reader.

To achieve this, one must delve into meticulous observation and introspection. The writer must not
only describe the physical attributes of the place but also convey its atmosphere, emotions, and
significance. Selecting the right words and employing effective imagery becomes crucial in painting
a compelling picture that resonates with the audience.

Moreover, striking a balance between providing enough detail to evoke a sense of place and avoiding
overwhelming the reader requires finesse. The writer needs to make thoughtful choices regarding
what to include and what to omit, ensuring that the essay remains focused and engaging.

Crafting a narrative that flows seamlessly from one description to another, creating a cohesive and
immersive experience, is another layer of complexity. Transitions should feel natural, allowing the
reader to journey through the essay effortlessly.

Additionally, maintaining originality poses a challenge. Describing a common place can be

challenging because the writer must find a unique angle or perspective to prevent the essay from
becoming mundane or predictable.

In conclusion, while writing a descriptive essay about a place may appear deceptively simple, the
process demands a combination of keen observation, thoughtful selection of details, effective use of
language, and creativity. It is the synthesis of these elements that transforms a mere description into
a captivating and memorable essay.

If you find yourself struggling with such tasks or if you are pressed for time, you might consider
seeking assistance. Similar essays and more can be ordered on , providing a
convenient option for those in need of additional support in their academic endeavors.
Descriptive Essay Sample About A PlaceDescriptive Essay Sample About A Place
Barcelona Essay
1.0 Introduction to FC Barcelona Football club Barcelona, also known as Barça,
Blaugrana, Azulgrana or simply FCB is a famous professional club of football that is
centred in the heart of Barcelona, Catalan, Spain. The man who was responsible for
the existence of the club was the late Joan Gamper, a Swiss man that introduced the
football game to Barcelona. Officially founded on 29th of November 1899, it has grew
from having only 12 members at the beginning to a club that is known worldwide for
its magnitude of influence in football. Unlike many other football clubs in the world, no
specific organization or company that runs or own FC Barcelona. The club itself is
owned by the public, the supporters of FC Barcelona also known as socios through...
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The free of sponsors jersey was one of the things that FC Barcelona was proud of
because it symbolises their strong stand for their Catalan roots. The club also in the
earlier days was the only football club to say no to any corporate cash as the club s
revenue came from the members of the club. As time goes by, however, the debts of
the club was getting higher plus there were various company that wanted to sponsor
the football club (Dudley, 20114). Finally, FC Barcelona took the initiative to receive
official sponsors from some of the biggest brands in the world to balance the debt and
multiplying the revenues. Today, we can see that FC Barcelona is expanding its name
and brand by taking in sponsors like Nike, signing with the company for shirt
sponsorship with estimated revenue around 150 to 155 million euros for the new 2016
/17 season (Noble, 2016). Moreover, FC Barcelona has recently renewed its sponsorship
deal for another year with one of the club s big sponsor, Qatar Sports Investments (QSI)
which estimated to bring around 44 million euros to the club (Long,
Traditional Medicine And Complementary And Alternative...
The World Health Organization has defined three types of health systems to describe the
degree to which traditional medicine/complementary and alternative medicine is an
officially recognized element of health care. In an integrative system, TM/CAM
[traditional medicine/complementary and alternative medicine] is officially recognized
and incorporated into all areas of health care provision.... An inclusive system recognizes
TM/CAM, but has not yet fully integrated it into all aspects of health care, be this health
care delivery, education and training, or regulation.... With a tolerant system, the national
health care system is based entirely on allopathic medicine, but some TM/CAM practices
are tolerated by law. ... Show more content on ...
While Western medicine has a strong scientific basis, Traditional Chinese Medicine
developed gradually through China s long history, and is very strongly influenced by
Taoist beliefs. For example, in TCM there are twelve major organs, six yin and six
yang . Each of these organs are then associated with one of the Five Elements, water,
wood, fire, earth, and metal. For a Chinese medicinal practitioner, a disease would be
caused by an imbalance of these twelve organs, and would say something like, too much
Fire in the Lungs as a problem of imbalance. Straightforward interactions between doctor
and patient would thus be more common in TCM in order to identify where the
imbalance arose through life choices and the environment. The doctor is not limited to
treating only physical illnesses, but also illnesses of the mind. The symptoms and
differentiating the issue would arise during this step of communication with the patient,
which is bolstered by examining the patient s qi. A fundamental of TCM is qi , which
includes Yin and Yang, as qi is believed to be spiritual energy and is a part of all
movement, such like the flow of the cosmos (Kaptchuk). Qi itself can be divided into
many different categories, with Meridian qi being the most important for medicine.
TCM views the body as a collective whole where qi flows through body, with an
imbalance of qi leading to the disease in question. The more fixed or chronic the
condition, the more
Are Genetically Modified Organisms
When genetic engineering is done on an organism, it introduces new characteristics on
the organism. Organisms, that is plants and animal gene configuration can be changed
using modern biotechnology. When the genes in an organism are changed this basically
called genetic modification. There are some terms we need to know when we talk about
genetic modification. What is a genetically modified organism? This is a plant or animal
which through new biotechnology techniques, its genetic configuration has been
changed. This has made changes in the ways organisms grow in a tremendous way. Other
names which can be used to mean the same as genetic modification are genetic
engineering (GE) and genetic manipulation (GM). Genes are manipulated ... Show more
content on ...
We can argue that, while not all genetically manipulated foods are safe, there are some
which are safe to use. Food and Drug Administration (2013) genetically modified food
substances developers must ensure that their product conform to some regulations on
their safety. Some genetically manipulated foods are very safe as they meet the safety
requirements which are similar to those of foods which are bred traditionally.(Hillstrom,


Several food substances in our supermarkets are as a result of genetic recombination.
Maize is a good example of those genetically engineered foods. When we take meat and
milk, both are constituent of genetic modification. This is true because feeding of this
livestock uses genetically modified feeds to improve the productivity of the animals.
Poultry and poultry products also form part of the genetically modified foods in the
market. In the United States of America, all genetically modified foods in the market
have been approved by the food and drug Administration. This protects consumers from
harmful and toxic genetically manipulated food. In terms of fruits, some include apples,
mangoes and other fruits. (Hawkes,
Apostle Paul Essay
Introduction The disciples of Jesus Christ were faithful to record the words and actions
of the Lord. Through His actions and character, Jesus Christ influenced history. Jesus
Christ was crucified, died, and resurrected, which changed world history as we know it.
He told his disciples He would die and on the third day he would be resurrected. Jesus
died to pay the sin debt of the world. The Lord led a sinless life, but was the one who
took on the sins of the world. There is no other person who has had as much of an
impact in history as Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul, who once rejected Jesus Christ, later
became one of the greatest men of God. In the history of the Christian church, he was the
most significant missionary. He was... Show more content on ...
Before getting into Paul as a missionary, it is important to understand his background.
Who was Paul and how did his work have an impact on Christianity? Understanding the
background of Paul will help us understand the words that he wrote. If you have your
Bibles, please turn with me to Acts, chapter 22. Verse 3 gives six facts in one sentence
outlining the background of Paul. I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up
in this city, educated under Gamaliel, strictly according to the law of our fathers, being
zealous for God just as you all are today. Tarsus was in the southeastern part of Asia
Minor and the major city in Cilicia. Paul was born in Tarsus and a citizen of this no
ordinary city (Acts 21:39). Paul said he was brought up in this city which suggests he
came from Tarsus to Jerusalem and received his education there at an early age. Tarsus
was a privileged and prosperous city. More importantly, Paul was a citizen of Rome. It
was a privilege to be a citizen of the Roman Empire. In fact, only a small percentage of
the population who lived within the Roman Empire had received Roman citizenship.
Paul proclaimed, I was actually born a citizen (Acts 22:28). The text does not say how
Paul became a Roman citizen. It is possible that Paul s father or other family member
completed some important service for the Roman Empire. Paul s Roman Citizenship was
pivotal for his capacity serving as a missionary to the Roman Empire.
Essay on Blabla
Away In Airdrie

Away in Airdrie Is a short story by James Kelman. It´s situated in Scotland and deals with
football. In the story we meet three characters. Danny, Uncle Archie, and Betty, Danny s
mother. In this short story, Danny is the narrator and we are reading the story from his
point of view.

Danny is going to Airdrie along with his uncle Archie to watch Glasgow Rangers play at
Broomfield Park. Danny is ashamed of uncle Archie, who is an alcoholic football fan.
Even though he is irresponsible he is also really generous to Danny. The point of no
return is where Danny accepts to go to the café by himself, meanwhile Uncle Archie
decides to go drink some beers with his fellows at a pub. Archie forgets about Danny and
... Show more content on ...
3. Describe the conflict of the story. How is the conflict solves?
The conflict in the story starts the moment Uncle Archie decides to give nephew Danny
tips to buy cup of chocolate at a café, in the mean time Archie goes to a pub to get some
beers. Archie drinks, beer after beer and forgets all about time and Danny. Danny waits
outside the pub and hopes that Archie will come out, but it never happens, that s when
Danny finally decides to head home. Danny successfully get´s on the right train, sadly it
That´s the conflict and the way it got solved. Obviously this conflict isn t solved in the
way it should be, uncle Archie should definitely have had more self control. What Danny
did was really mature, but maybe he should have had tried calling his mom.

4. Is there a message in the story?

The message in the story is to always think of family above everything else, nothing
should come between a family and definitely not alcoholics. When an adult get´s a
responsibility (A kid in this case) they should be more likely to understand that there
would be nothing more important than the responsibility. Uncle Archie forgets all about
that when he goes to the pub to get something
AIM: To extract codeine and paracetamol from its tablet by solvent extraction and
tentatively identify in comparison to standards using Thin Layer Chromatography.
Codeine or methyl morphine, an alkaloid, was first isolated in 1832 from raw opium. It
concentration ranges from 0.2% to 0.8%. Mostly used for its analgesic, anti tussive and
anti diarrheal capabilities (Tremlett, Anderson and Wolf, 2010). Paracetamol also known
as acetaminophen (n acetyl p aminophenol, APAP) on the other hand, is a useful non
steroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAID). It is commonly ... Show more content on ...
On a thin chromatography plate, five spots were placed ( as shown in table 2) and the
plate was developed using chloroform/methanol. This was later visualized with
dragendorff s reagent under the UV light. All separated components were observed,
identified and recorded.
Table of observed pH
SOLUTIONInitial pHFinal pH
Basified sample1012 TABLE 1
Table of Retention factor (RF value)
Rf = Distance travelled by the substance (cm) Distance travelled by the solvent (cm)
SUBSTANCEDistance travelled by substance (cm)Distance travelled by Solvent
(cm)Retention factor value (Rf)
Chloroform extract3.04.00.75
Codeine positive control3.04.00.75
Paracetamol positive control4.04.01.00
Chloroform (negative control)
Diluted sample4.04.01.00 TABLE 2

Fig 3: The Developed Chromatographic Plate.

Running the chloroform extracts and diluted sample together with two positive controls
and a negative control on a single chromatographic plate simultaneously, the retention
factor(Rf) of five different samples were determined. The RF value of the chloroform
extract(0.75) tallied with that of the codeine positive control and that of diluted
sample(1.00) with the paracetamol positive control.
Funeral Service Workers And Funeral Services
A mortician, also known as a undertaker, is a professional involved in the business of
funeral rites. These tasks often are the dressing and burial or cremation of the dead, as
well as the planning and arrangement of the actual funeral ceremony. Together with the
family, funeralservice workers establish the locations, dates, and times of the visitations
(wakes), funerals or memorial services, burials, and cremations. They handle other details
as well, such as determining whether the body should be buried, entombed, or cremated.
This decision is critical because funeral practices vary among cultures and religions.
Most funeral service workers deal with paperwork pertaining to the person s death,
including submitting papers to state officials to receive a death certificate. Some help
resolve insurance claims or apply for veterans funeral benefits on behalf of the family.
They also may notify the Social Security Administration of the death.
A growing number of funeral service workers collaborate with clients who wish to plan
their own funerals in advance to ensure that their needs are met.
Increasingly, funeral service workers also help individuals adapt to changes in their lives
following a death with support groups.
Funeral service managers oversee the general operations of a

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