Custom Written Essays

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Custom Written Essays

Writing an essay on the subject of "Custom Written Essays" can prove to be a challenging endeavor,
requiring a delicate balance between personal insights, critical analysis, and adherence to academic
conventions. The difficulty arises from the multifaceted nature of the topic, demanding a thorough
understanding of various aspects such as the ethical considerations surrounding custom writing
services, the impact on academic integrity, and the broader implications for students and educational

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Custom Written Essays Custom Written Essays
Jimmy Cross Character Analysis Essay
In this short story by Tim O Brien, Lieutenant Jimmy cross leads a platoon of men in the
Vietnam War. Unable to keep his thoughts from his unrequited love interested, Martha,
Cross allowed his platoon to become lax in their duties and mentally removed from the
war. The conflict arises when one of his men, Ted Lavender, is killed on a mission. The
conflict is resolved when LieutenantCross abandons his youthful fantasy world for the
reality of the war he is living in. Cross finds new purpose in the vigilant leadership of
his men. O Brien carefully listed and weighted items, both physical and mental, that
individual soldiers carried, which served as a link in developing his character s
personality traits. Henry Dobbins is a machine... Show more content on ...
Norman Bowker, otherwise a very gentle person (9), carried a diary and a human
thumb that Mitchel Sanders gifted to him. The diary is representative of his gentle or
even compassionate nature. Whereas, the severed finger of the sixteen year old boy
represents his need to toughen up in the reality he was living in where innocent looking
sixteen year old kids carry rifles and ammunition. Rat Kiley is the medic and carried
comic books, brandy, and a medical supply satchel with morphine, plasma, malaria
tablets, surgical tape and M Ms. Kiley s youth is captured in his desire for comic books
and candy. Kiowa is an American Indian steeped in tradition. A devout Baptist, Kiowa
carried an illustrated New Testament from his father, a feathered hunting hatchet from his
grandfather, moccasins, and his grandmother s distrust of white men. Lee Strunk s
slingshot and tanning lotion are representative of an outdoorsy, adventurous boy. This is
further shown when he comes out of the dreaded tunnel grinning (8). Finally, protagonist
Jimmy Cross is the platoon leader and carried a compass, maps, code books, binoculars,
a .45 caliber pistol that weighs almost three pounds, strobe light, two photographs of
Martha, a good luck pebble, and the responsibility for the lives of his men. Jimmy Cross
is sentimental and his love for Martha, whom he hoped was a virgin, represented Cross
youthful innocence. The themes of The
Maltese Falcon Greed Quotes
The Maltese Falcon, released in 1929, was a detective story/novel written by Dashiell
Hammett. It was published in the magazine Black Mask in the September issue in
1929. The narrative has been made into films several different times for the cinema. A
common theme in The Maltese Falcon is greed. Many, if not all, of the characters in
The Maltese Falcon are viewed as greedy and selfish. There are numerous instances of
greed and selfishness in The Maltese Falcon. It seems that the most possessive and
greedy characters in the novel are Brigid O Shaughnessy and Caspar Gutman. About
halfway through the novel, Brigid informs Spade that she was employed by Gutman to
retrieve the falcon from the keeper General Kemidov. Brigid, although, has come to the
conclusion that she will keep the falcon instead of giving it to Gutman. Towards the end
she recovers ownership of the statuette in San Francisco and has agreed to return it to
Gutman but she still cannot part ways with the falcon (but gives it to Jacobi to give to
Spade). In the last chapter of the novel, the viewer learns that Brigid killed Miles Archer
to disconnect herself with Floyd Thursby and to not need to share the falcon with him....
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It is his greed that puts the entire narrative in motion as Gutman is the only person that
originally acquires knowledge about the past and actual value of falcon. At one point
he discovers he has received a false version of the falcon but he figures he will continue
his adventure to acquire the actual bird. For seventeen years I have wanted that little
item and have been trying to get it. If I must spend another year on the quest well, sir
that will be an additional expenditure in time of only his lips moved silently as he
calculated five and fifteen seventeenths per cent.
Depression And Its Effects On Depression
Depression is a broad area because it has to do with the emotional state of a person. It
can either make you stronger or break you down to nothing. Many people don t notice
they re depressed because they re either in denial or can function regularly with the
condition. What is depression? Depression is a state of mind along with feelings of
loneliness, hopelessness, and or uncertainty in life. Depression can trigger in so many
areas in life such as: losing a child, employment, home or even just a sudden change in
one s life (Depression 2015). Thousands millions of individuals claim relief from
antidepressant treatment, and virtually any psychiatrist will swear that antidepressants
really have helped many of his or her depressed patients (Depression 2015). Meanwhile,
there are also many patients, equally depressed, who obtain little or no benefit from
antidepressants, and a large number of carefully conducted studies that find little benefit
in the active ingredients of these pills, once placebo effects are factored out.
(Depression, 2015). Placebo effect is improvement in the condition of a patient that
occurs in response to treatment but can t be considered due to the specific treatment
used. Some doctors prescribe antidepressants to help minimize or cure a clinically
depress person. Many therapist study that antidepressant aren t a cure for depression.
They believe if a person change their habits along with mindset, they can overcome the
many emotions
Baseball Production Process Essay
Individual Project I
1)The product that is being produced is the Major League Baseball, which is made by a
sports equipment manufacturing company called Rawlings.

2)The production process of a Major League baseball is the process of placing three
layers of material; rubber, fabric, and cowhide, around a rubber sphere about the size of a
cherry. These materials are placed around the small sphere in a specific way and order;
first the rubber is molded, then the fabric is wound, and lastly the cowhide is sewn.

3)Raw materials are defined as the basic materials from which a product is made. A
baseball has three basic parts: the round cushioned cork pill at it s core, the wool and
poly cotton windings in the middle, and the cowhide covering ... Show more content on ...
The direct labor used in the manufacturing of the baseballs is the employees of
Rawlings. There are different responsibilities that the employees could have; they could
work the sewing machine, work the weaving machine, or work the stamping machine.
Also they could package all the baseballs so they can be shipped.

7)Indirect labor is any employee or worker that does not directly produce the goods or
services, but they make the production possible or more efficient.The indirect labor in
the making of MLB baseballs would be the manufacturing supervisor who watches all
of the employees and who is in charge of making sure the baseballs are up to
regulations, the Rawlings executive in charge of the creation of the baseball who is in
charge of keeping track of where the baseballs go and how many go to a specific place,
and finally the employees of each team that is in charge of getting the baseballs to the
Case Analysis Of Pfizer
Pfizer, Inc. is a research based, global biopharmaceutical company, which was
incorporated on June 2, 1942. The company was founded by Charles Pfizer Sr. and
Charles Erhart in 1849 with its headquarters in New York, NY. It is engaged in the
manufacture of vaccines and injectable biologic medicines and operates through the
following business segments: Global Innovative Pharmaceutical, Global Vaccines,
Oncology and Consumer Healthcare, and Global Established Pharmaceutical.

The Global Innovative Pharmaceutical segment focuses on developing, registering and

commercializing novel, value creating medicines that significantly improve patients lives.

Pfizer is committed to providing a work environment that protects colleague health and
safety. This commitment recognizes an integral part of broader environment and
workforce sustainability strategy that ... Show more content on ...
It integrates environment, health, and safety (EHS) into how they run their business.
Their governance framework and effective management systems enable them to ensure
that management of risk and regulatory compliance are overseen at the highest levels of
the company. With their EHS Policy Statement as the foundation, implementation of
Pfizer s EHS Standards and Audit programs are the guideposts for colleagues around the

These laws are important so that the organisation will have necessary appropriate steps to
take to prevent the reoccurrence of injuries or incidents. This should be done through
thorough investigation, action plan completion and sharing information with other
locations. Most of their facilities implement various local initiatives to reach their goal of
Injury Free along their journey of different routes to be taken, which most of their leaders
engage and demonstrate their commitment to Incident and Injury culture at

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