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Native Son Essays

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Native Son" presents its own set of challenges and complexities.
Firstly, one must delve into the intricacies of Richard Wright's seminal work, examining its themes,
characters, and socio-political implications. This novel, a powerful exploration of race, poverty, and
systemic oppression, demands a deep understanding to do justice in an essay.

Analyzing "Native Son" requires a keen literary analysis skill set. Writers need to dissect the
characters, like Bigger Thomas, and their motivations, addressing the psychological dimensions of
their actions. Moreover, the intricate narrative structure and the author's use of symbolism and
allegory require careful examination to unearth hidden meanings.

Beyond the literary aspects, an essay on "Native Son" necessitates a solid grasp of historical context.
Wright's novel is embedded in the socio-political landscape of 20th-century America, and a
comprehensive essay should weave together the literary analysis with a historical understanding to
provide a nuanced perspective.

Additionally, addressing the contemporary relevance of the novel adds another layer of complexity.
Connecting the themes of "Native Son" to modern-day issues requires a thoughtful and critical
approach, demanding a writer's ability to draw parallels and highlight the enduring impact of the

In conclusion, tackling an essay on "Native Son" is a challenging endeavor that demands a synthesis
of literary analysis, historical contextualization, and an understanding of current societal issues.
Successfully navigating these complexities will result in a comprehensive and insightful essay that
captures the richness of Richard Wright's work.

For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of such an assignment or are short on
time, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and a wide range of academic
writing services can be ordered on platforms like , providing support and guidance
for students facing the challenges of essay writing.
Native Son Essays Native Son Essays
Online Learning Vs. Traditional Learning
The topic I have chosen to focus on for my final project is Online Learning vs
Traditional Learning Nowadays, education becomes one of the important things in
human life. Most people are aware of the necessity of a higher education. In this present
day with the technology there are more options to obtain education. Besides attending
traditional schools, people can get an online education. Although there is a similarity
between online education and traditional education, the differences between them are
more noteworthy. To summarize, the topic presented in this article is about online
courses which are widely used in colleges providing easy access to course materials,
classroom discussions, and feedback to instructors. The course materials and activities
may be accessed from any computer, whether it is from the University or from the
comfort of your own home. The premise or premises for the argument is/are teaching
students 30 at a time is expensive and becoming relatively more expensive. The
productivity of teaching, measured in, say, kilobytes transmitted from teacher to student
per unit of time, hasn t increased much. Thus, the opportunity cost of teaching has
increased, an example of what s known as Baumol s cost disease. Teaching has remained
economic only because the value of each kilobyte transmitted has increased due to
discoveries in (some) other fields. Online education, however, dramatically increases the
productivity of teaching This topic is relevant and being
Oxidation-Reduction Reaction Lab
Introduction An oxidation reaction is one of the basic reactions in chemistry, this
reaction involves the movement of electrons between two different compounds.
Oxidation specifically is when a compound loses an electron, in turn the other
compound in the reaction would gain the electron thus it is reduced, the whole
interaction is called oxidation reduction reactions. A basic oxidation reduction reaction
would go as shown in figure 1.0 below. This reaction has CO2 being reduced while the
H2 is being oxidized. Figure 1.0 Example oxidation reduction reaction involving CO2
and H2 [1] In the lab, the oxidation is from a primary alcohol into an aldehyde.
Specifically, 4 nitrobenzyl alcohol is being oxidized and Pyridinium chlorochromate
(PCC)... Show more content on ...
The PCC was the oxidant, it was added along with anhydrous sodium acetate and
molecular sieve. The purpose of the anhydrous sodium acetate was to remove water
from the reaction, this was because there was a possibility water would react with the
PCC and become oxidized instead of reaction with the 4 nitrobenzyl alcohol.
Molecular sieve was also used to remove water from the reaction. The oxidant was
dissolved in DCM and 4 nitrobenzyl alcohol was to get the reaction started. In order
for the oxidation reduction reaction to occur the reaction had to be mixed well to
ensure all of the 4 nitrobenzyl alcohol had reacted. To make sure the reaction was fully
reacted a TLC was performed. This confirmed whether or not the reaction was
completed because when comparing each column there should be difference between
the 3. In an ideal scenario, the starting material would have a dot at a low point, the
mixture of starting and reaction material should have 2 dots one low and one high dot,
and the reaction material itself should only have 1 dot which is high on the paper.
However, when the experiment was performed this was not the case. The mixture of
starting material and reaction material looked the same as the dot of just the reaction
material, what this meant is that in the reaction material there is still some unreacted
materials. Thus, the reaction was allowed to stir for another 5 minutes so that everything
was fully reacted. Florisil was added to help purify the reaction, florisils polarity is that
similar to silica which means it is polar. The polar impurities within the reaction mixture
would cling onto the florisil while nonpolar substances would be unreacted [3]. The
reaction was further filtered to remove the oxidant waste, and washed with DCM due to
the product being not soluble within it. Column chromatography was performed as
another step to the purification
The Sweet Hereafter Analysis
Sometimes there is a situation that one is dragged into, such as some type of accident.
For example, Mitchell Stephens is one of the narrators in The Sweet Hereafter by
Russell Banks. In his side of the story, he is a lawyer from New York who heard about a
bus accident in Sam Dent where ten children died in a bus crash. Mitchell is also the one
lawyer representing Risa Walker and her husband in a negligence suit that financially
compensated them for the loss of their son Sean. Mitchell is not only just a lawyer like
many others, but also had more experience. He sympathizes with the parents who lost
their children in the accident because, like these parents who lost their children, he
also has a daughter Zoe, who is he can consider dead due to her drug problem. To this
reason, Mitchell Stephen has the most to gain by telling his tale to the reader because
he seeks to relieve himself from his grief and to help future children riding to school
who do not have to come to the same fate as others in the accident.
One reason why Mitchell is trying to gain something by telling his tale is that he is
trying to help the people who lost their children in the accident. Mitchell might a
lawyer but he did not come to San Dent just because there was a good case like the bus
accident and he it was good pay, no, not Mitchell, he even said it himself that he did not
come for the money as Mitchell said people immediately assume we re greedy, that it s
money we re after, people call us
The Washington State Offender Needs Assessment
After reviewing Bill Smith s case file, making a step by step guideline, and completing
the Washington State Offender Needs Assessment, I have been able to develop a three
month case management plan for him. I will go over four main sections that complete
the three month plan. These four sections are the type of counseling modality I will use,
the treatment referrals that I will make, a detailed plan for each of the twelve weekly
meetings, and a plan for evaluating Smith s progress. Once this plan is in motion, I m
confident that Smith will have a good transition into the community.
Counseling Modality

The counseling modality I plan to use for Bill Smith is directive counseling. I chose
directive counseling because it allows the ... Show more content on ...
Having that control in the beginning will allow me to help Smith with his problems
right away so that he can learn how to carry out his own decisions. Doing this will
maximize Smith s potential because we will be able to identify his problems and
resolve them earlier. Then, as he starts to have less things to deal with, he can focus on
bettering his life in the community. I also chose this modality because Smith has
shown that he has failed to solve problems by himself, due to his recidivism. This
modality allows the counselor to be responsible for the counseling process. Being in
control will allow me to help Smith from going back to his old ways. Since he has
shown some motivation, I think that over time he won t need me to take charge of his
change. But, for now he needs it. I know there are several criticisms of this modality,
such as the counselor acting like a cop, the counselor not being able to gain trust with
the offender, and the offender struggling with making their own decisions because the
counselor tells them what to do. I will not act like a cop when using this modality. I
plan on being open with Smith when using this approach by telling him why I thought
this modality was best for him, so he understands. I will encourage him to talk to me
about his issues and what he thinks he needs, doing this will allow me to incorporate his
ideas when I think they are appropriate. As for building trust, I will not judge him when
he tells me about his problems.
Organizational behavior
Organizational Behavior: An Analysis of Helm Fire and Rescue Company
Organizational Behavior is referred to as the study of individuals and their relative
behavior subject to the existing organizational environment. The concept applies in a
diverse workplace setting in different ways and had diverse impacts to the organization.
Organizational behavior field includes communication, sociology, psychology, and
management. The concept is subject to both internal and external factors affecting the
organization. The formula for success in business as noted by Millstein et al. (1998, p.7)
requires two elements including the external environment and the individual. Major
scholars have also noted that removing one of these values is ... Show more content on ...
The findings provided from the analysis indicated that a Helm fire and rescue service was
an effective organization though in some of the departments, it required improvements.
Francis and Fred (2009, p.69 76) was of the view that management must continuously be
the main element palpating the pulse of the specific organization and at all times know
their opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses. They noted that four cardinal
contributors to a success within an organization are the way in which that particular
organization is governed, the way it attains and establishes its goals and objectives, its
strategies to promote ethics, and if the strategic maintenance of aspects that reflect a
healthy organization. To effect change and allow for full operations to take place at Helm
fire and rescue services management has been the key element of consideration. Helm
fire and Rescue Company has its mission as being effectively saving property, lives and
the environment. The strategies implemented to accomplish this mission, and the
identified values are subject to management (Millstein et al 1998, p.7). These aspects
drive the organization, and management is facing a herculean challenge (Robert 2009,
p.297 299). However, the company has thrived in operation with the management
facilitating periodic evaluation of diverse components of the organization including
success and failure in the year s operations, communication between departments and

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