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City sicker? A meta-­analysis of wildlife health and

Maureen H Murray1*†, Cecilia A Sánchez2,3†, Daniel J Becker3,4,5, Kaylee A Byers6,7,8, Katherine EL Worsley-Tonks9, and
Meggan E Craft9

Urban development can alter resource availability, land use, and community composition, which, in turn, influences wildlife
health. Generalizable relationships between wildlife health and urbanization have yet to be quantified and could vary across differ-
ent measures of health and among species. We present a phylogenetic meta-­analysis of 516 comparisons of the toxicant loads,
parasitism, body condition, or stress of urban and non-­urban wildlife populations reported in 106 studies spanning 81 species in
30 countries. We found a small but significant negative relationship between urbanization and wildlife health, driven by consider-
ably higher toxicant loads and greater parasite abundance, greater parasite diversity, and/or greater likelihood of infection by
parasites transmitted through close contact. Invertebrates and amphibians were particularly affected, with urban populations
having higher toxicant loads and greater physiological stress than their non-­urban counterparts. We also found strong geographic
and taxonomic bias in research effort, highlighting future research needs. Our results suggest that some types of health risks are
more pronounced for wildlife in urban areas, which could have important implications for conservation.

Front Ecol Environ 2019; doi:10.1002/fee.2126

U rban areas are rapidly expanding worldwide, and this

growth has widespread consequences for wildlife. Urban
wildlife species must cope with different conditions than their
counterparts in non-­urban areas; these include altered resource
availability, warmer temperatures, habitat fragmentation, and
pollution (Figure 1; Grimm et al. 2008). As compared with
non-­urban areas, cities are associated with increased popula-
tion densities of wildlife species (Šalek et al. 2014); greater
In a nutshell: ­frequency and intensity of human disturbance (Strasser and
• We examined the relationships between urbanization and Heath 2013); and altered community assemblages including
four aspects of wildlife health: exposure to toxic substances, humans and invasive, introduced, and domestic species (Kapil
parasite infection, body condition, and stress and Yeary 2011). These differences affect wildlife physiology,
• Our analysis of multiple studies found that, overall, ur- behavior, and health (Birnie-­Gauvin et al. 2016).
banization is harmful to wildlife health Wildlife in cities can suffer ill effects from exposure to toxi-
• Urban wildlife species are exposed to more toxic substances cants (eg pesticides, heavy metals, persistent organic pollut-
and are at greater risk of direct transmission of parasites ants); for example, fish exposed to municipal and industrial
as compared with non-urban wildlife wastewater in China had poorer body condition (Xie et al.
• Only a small number of urban wildlife studies focus on 2010). Toxicants can also increase susceptibility to infection
amphibians, reptiles, or invertebrates, or in locations out- (Serieys et al. 2018). Human-­induced landscape changes, such
side of Europe and North America as habitat fragmentation and patchy food distribution, can
• Future research should focus on less represented wildlife promote animal aggregation by limiting dispersal or attracting
species and locations, should measure several aspects of animals to shared food sources. This aggregation may increase
health, and aim to identify the consequences to wildlife the spread of parasites transmitted through close contact
health of exposure to toxic substances (Becker and Hall 2014); parasite deposition on soil, water, or
artificial feeders (Galbraith et al. 2017); and stress through
Davee Center for Epidemiology and Endocrinology and Urban Wildlife inter-­and intraspecific competition (Ruiz et al. 2002). Urban
Institute, Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, IL *(; populations can also exhibit greater chronic stress due to dis-
Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA; 3Center for turbances associated with urban development (Powell et al.
the Ecology of Infectious Diseases, University of Georgia, Athens, GA; 2013).
Department of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN; Yet some species can thrive in urban areas. Reliable food in
Environmental Resilience Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN; urban habitats can improve body condition (Soto-­Calderón
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of British Columbia,
et al. 2016), and some urban populations exhibit lower base-
Vancouver, Canada; 7Biodiversity Research Centre, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; 8Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative,
line stress levels than rural conspecifics, in part due to higher
Animal Health Centre, Abbotsford, Canada; 9Department of Veterinary resource availability (French et al. 2008). Changes in behavior
Population Medicine, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN; †these and community composition associated with urbanization can
authors contributed equally to this work also lead to lower parasite prevalence. For instance, urban car-

© The Ecological Society of America Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2126

2   RE V IE WS MH Murray et al.

strating poorer health outcomes in more urban

areas, we also analyzed publication bias. Finally,
we identified future research directions and
potential effects of urbanization on biodiversity
and conservation.

We identified 7541 published studies on urban
wildlife health using a systematic search (Moher
et al. 2009; WebFigure 1). Of these, 106 met our
previously defined inclusion criteria by being field
studies of sufficient sample size (n > 4) that
compared body condition, physiological stress
levels, parasitism, or tissue toxicant concentrations
between urban and non-­urban populations of the
same wildlife species. We considered including
Figure 1. Urban wildlife species may be more likely to be exposed to toxicants via foraging immune function but ultimately did not do so
in polluted environments; here, an American white ibis (Eudocimus albus) forages in an
due to variations in methodology among the
urban pond containing litter.
For each comparison of the same measure of
nivores like red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) can have smaller num- health between urban and non-­urban populations of the same
bers of endoparasites, such as the tapeworm Echinococcus species, which we defined as an individual record, we extracted
multilocularis, due to a switch in diet from intermediate rodent and documented the host species, health metric assessed (body
hosts to anthropogenic food (Hegglin et al. 2007). Ectoparasites condition, stress, parasitism, or toxicants), and study location
such as ticks can also be less prevalent among urban wildlife, (study coordinates if provided, or centroid of a named loca-
potentially due to changes in habitat and exposure (Gregoire tion). We also extracted test statistics (odds ratios, R2, χ2, F),
et al. 2002). directionality of the association between urbanization and
Because urbanization can generate positive and negative health, P value, and sample size. We converted test statistics
health effects that may be host-­, parasite-­, or region-­specific, into the correlation-­based r as our standardized effect size
predicting the overall effect of urbanization on wildlife health is (Wolf 1986). If statistics were not reported, we calculated odds
challenging. Although a growing body of literature has docu- ratios, Cohen’s d, or used the P value and sample size to obtain
mented the changes in wildlife health that occur with urbaniza- r (Becker et al. 2018). We assigned negative values to r when
tion (Hassell et al. 2016), analyses of the overall effects of health was lower for urban wildlife (poorer body condition,
urbanization on wildlife health and how these differ across greater parasitism, higher baseline stress, lower induced stress
taxonomic groups and health metrics are lacking. Differences response, higher toxicant concentrations; Table 1) and con-
in scale between studies may also obscure patterns; for exam- verted r into Fisher’s Z (Zr) as a normalizing transformation
ple, some mechanisms act at local scales (resource availability), using the R package metafor (Borenstein et al. 2009;
whereas others extend beyond city limits (noise and light pollu- Viechtbauer 2010). Studies not reporting sample size or effect
tion). Understanding net effects across studies could facilitate direction and studies pooling multiple species were excluded.
predictions about where conservation concerns could arise and For descriptive purposes, we defined effect sizes as signifi-
where management of wildlife or habitats will be needed. cantly different from zero if their back-­transformed 95% confi-
To address this knowledge gap, we performed a phyloge- dence intervals (CIs) did not cross zero.
netic meta-­analysis (ie accounting for phylogenetic relation-
ships; Adams 2008) of 516 wildlife health records from 106
Health metric methodology
studies comparing health metrics between urban and non-­
urban populations. We chose four metrics to broadly represent We further divided health metrics based on original study
health: two direct health outcomes (body condition and para- methodology (Table 1). We classified whether body condition
sitism) and two physiological changes linked to health conse- was measured using qualitative scores, raw quantitative meas-
quences (stress and toxicant loads in tissues). Because we were ures, or size-­adjusted quantitative measures (Sánchez et al. 2018).
interested both in the overall effect of urbanization on wildlife We categorized stress measures as glucocorticoid concentrations,
health and in drivers of variability, we considered how host heterophil-­to-­lymphocyte ratios (baseline or in response to a
and parasite traits, study location and methodology, and stressor), or other measures (eg oxidative damage, blood glu-
degree of anthropogenic development influence observed out- cose). We recorded whether the parasitism measure was infection
comes. Because we anticipated bias toward studies demon- status (binary variable), infection intensity (parasite load), or

Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2126 © The Ecological Society of America

Wildlife health and urbanization REV IE WS    3

Table 1. Description of health metric methodology used by studies in the meta-­analysis and how directions of health effects were assessed
Direction of association between urbanization
Health metric Methods of measurement and health (health effect)
Toxicants • Metal concentrations (eg lead, copper, zinc) Positive for decreased measures; negative for increased
• Non-metal concentrations (eg organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls) measures
Parasitism • Infection status (ie infected or uninfected) Positive for decreased measures; negative for increased
• Infection intensity (ie number of parasites per infected individual) measures
• Parasite richness (number of parasite species)
Body condition • Qualitative scores (eg subjective fat score) Positive for increased measures; negative for decreased
• Raw quantitative measure (eg body mass, length) measures
• Size-adjusted quantitative measure (eg residuals of mass ~ length regression)
Stress • Glucocorticoid concentrations (higher levels indicate more stress) Positive for decreased baseline measures; negative for
• Heterophil-to-lymphocyte ratios (baseline values or in response to a stressor) decreased induced measures (ie in response to a stressor)
• Other measure

parasite richness (number of parasite species). Finally, we grouped urbanization) and subtracted the GHF score of the most
toxicants into metals (eg cadmium, lead, mercury) or non-­ urbanized sites from the least urbanized sites (difference in
metals (eg pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls). urbanization) for each study. The GHF score is available for
1993 and 2009; we used the GHF value closest to the study
Wildlife and parasite traits year. We subtracted the average score at study sites in 1993
We classified wildlife species into five taxonomic groups: from the score in 2009 as a measure of change in GHF over
herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles), birds, fish, inverte- time (change in urbanization). We recorded gross domestic
brates, and mammals. We delineated whether a species’ life product (GDP) and average GHF score of the study country
history is primarily terrestrial or aquatic using the primary to account for differences in environmental policies in high-­
literature or Animal Diversity Web (http://anima​ ldive​
rsity. versus low-­income countries. Using QGIS, we also measured
org). For parasites, we recorded parasite type as micropar- the inter-­site distance between urban and non-­urban study
asites (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa) or macroparasites sites to test whether health differences were stronger with
(helminths and ectoparasites); we created two categories greater distance between study populations.
because of low group sample sizes. We used the Global
Mammal Parasite Database to classify parasite transmission Statistical analysis
route as close contact (transmitted directly from one indi- We used a hierarchical random-­effects model (REM) account-
vidual to another), non-­ close contact (eg environmental ing for phylogenetic dependence of individual species relat-
contamination), vector transmission (eg insect vectors), inter- edness and multiple records within each study to estimate
mediate hosts (eg consuming infected prey), or via multiple the size and strength of the overall relationship between
routes (each as a binary covariate; Stephens et al. 2017). urbanization and wildlife health (Becker et al. 2018). To
first identify the primary predictors of effect size across our
Spatial analysis full dataset (n = 516 records), we fit a set of mixed-­effect
We estimated urban development surrounding study sites models (MEMs) considering taxonomic group, health metric,
using global terrestrial human footprint (GHF) maps in QGIS species life history, and all two-­way interactions.
(Venter et al. 2016; QGIS Development Team 2018). The Given the results of this analysis (see below), we stratified
GHF dataset combines population density and anthropogenic our data by health metric. We used an MEM to test whether
development into a standardized score (0–50), with scores effect size differed among the health metrics (toxicant concen-
>10 indicating built environments. We extracted GHF values trations, n = 189; body condition, n = 60; parasitism, n = 194;
in raster cells surrounding urban and non-­urban study sites, stress, n = 73). We fit sets of MEMs separately to each health
at either the study coordinates or the centroid of a named metric dataset to assess whether urbanization–wildlife-­health
location. We calculated the average GHF value within 1-­km relationships vary by wildlife species traits (taxonomic group,
and 10-­km buffers to measure urbanization at the local scale life history), parasite traits (parasite type, transmission route),
and account for landscape context surrounding the site. If a health metric methodology, and study country metrics (mean
study was performed along an urbanization gradient, we used country GHF, log GDP).
the GHF values at the most and least urban sites; if a study In a third analysis applied to data where site location was
had multiple urban and non-­urban replicates, we used the provided (n = 302 records, 81% of studies), we fit a set of
average GHF values. Using these scores, we calculated the MEMs with metrics of urbanization intensity (mean urbaniza-
mean GHF score across the urban and non-­urban sites (mean tion and difference in urbanization across sites, change in

© The Ecological Society of America Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2126

4   RE V IE WS MH Murray et al.

urbanization between time periods) and inter-­site distance as countries on all six continents containing cities (Figure 2),
moderators of effect size. We also included interaction terms with more than one-­third of studies being conducted in the
between these urbanization metrics and taxonomic group and US (n = 38, 36%). GHF scores varied across urban sites
health metric. All models in these three analyses included the (minimum GHF = 0.7, maximum GHF = 24.9). The para-
same random effects (each record was nested within its associ- sitism and toxicant datasets each comprised about one-­third
ated study and similarity between closely related species was of all records (37.6% and 36.6%, respectively), while the stress
accounted for by structuring species within a phylogenetic and body condition datasets were less well represented (14.1%
correlation matrix) and included weighting by sampling vari- and 11.6%, respectively) (Figure 3). The predominant health
ance using the metafor package. metrics used differed by taxonomic group (χ2 = 274.49, P
We tested for evidence of publication bias, which includes < 0.001), with parasitism dominated by mammals (72%),
preferential publication of significant over non-­significant results stress and body condition by birds (64% and 45%, respec-
or studies with a small effect size (Rosenthal 1979). We generated tively), and toxicants by fish (37%), birds (29%), and mammals
funnel plots of effect sizes against standard errors to visualize (27%) (Figure 3). Our search identified no fish/parasitism
potential bias for the full dataset and each health metric subset; records, mammal/stress records, or invertebrate/body condi-
low bias is expected when effects with high precision remain tion records.
close to the mean and effects with low precision are spread sym- Research effort for toxicants and parasitism showed greater
metrically from the mean (Egger et al. 1997). For each of the growth over time than for body condition and stress (χ2 =
funnel plots, we tested for asymmetry using rank correlation tests 21.46, P < 0.001; WebFigure 2; WebTable 1), and research
(Sterne and Egger 2005). We then used the trim-­and-­fill method effort for birds, fish, and mammals showed greater growth
with an R0+ estimator, which estimates the number of missing over time than for herpetofauna and invertebrates (χ2 = 24.98,
records based on the spread of effect sizes relative to the overall P < 0.001; WebFigure 2; WebTable 1).
mean, to test whether the number of records missing due to pub-
lication bias differed from zero (Duval and Tweedie 2000). We Relationships between urbanization and wildlife health
adjusted P values from these two tests with the Benjamini and Across all records, 60% (n = 311) reported a negative relation-
Hochberg correction to adjust for multiple comparisons ship between urbanization and health (r < 0), 37% (n = 190)
(Benjamini and Hochberg 1995). Statistical analyses are ex­plained reported a positive relationship (r > 0), and 3% (n = 15) reported
in greater detail in WebPanel 1. true null effects (r = 0). The toxicant dataset was dominated
by records reporting negative relationships, while the other
health datasets had high variation in effect direction (Figure 3).
Results Within records reporting a negative urbanization–health rela-
tionship, the proportions of significant (ie 95% CIs per effect
Dataset description
size do not cross zero) and non-­significant records were approx-
Our dataset included 516 records from 106 published studies imately equal (48% significant, 52% non-­ significant). Within
quantifying wildlife health (Dryad repository: https​://doi. records reporting a positive relationship, a larger proportion
org/10.5061/dryad.b74d971). Studies were conducted in 30 was non-­significant (46% significant, 54% non-­significant).

(a) (b)

Figure 2. The (a) global and (b) European distribution of 106 studies comparing the health of urban and non-­urban wildlife populations in 30 countries. For
clarity, each study is represented once as the centroid of all within-­study locations. Study locations are colored based on wildlife taxa (herpetofauna = red
stars, birds = green triangles, fish = blue squares, invertebrates = purple circles, mammals = orange diamonds). Base map shows the 2009 global terres-
trial human footprint map, in which darker areas indicate more urban development.

Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2126 © The Ecological Society of America

Wildlife health and urbanization REV IE WS    5

Our REM identified significant heterogeneity

in effect sizes across the entire dataset (I2 =
98.06, Q515 = 12644, P < 0.001), and an overall
small but significant negative correlation
between urbanization and wildlife health (r =
–0.16, z = 2.09, P = 0.04). Comparison among
alternative models showed that the interaction
between taxonomic group and health metric
best predicted effect size (wi = 1, R2 = 0.29,
WebTable 2; Q16 = 71.43, P < 0.001; Figure 3).
Adjusting for multiple comparisons, this model
showed strong negative relationships between
urbanization and health for toxicants in herpeto-
fauna (r = –0.82, 95% CI = –0.94 to –0.53), toxi-
cants in birds (r = –0.36, 95% CI = –0.55 to
–0.14), toxicants in invertebrates (r = –0.92, 95%
CI = –0.97 to –0.80), and stress in invertebrates
(r = –0.88, 95% CI = –0.96 to –0.71).

Moderators of effect size per health metric

Because health metrics had greater predictive
power than taxonomic group (WebTable 2), we
stratified our data by health metric for more
detailed model comparisons. Within this analysis,
parasite transmission route and animal taxonomic
group were the top predictors of how urbani-
zation correlates with health (WebTable 2). For
the parasitism dataset, the most parsimonious Figure 3. Range and grand means from random-­effects models (REMs) for the correlations
MEM contained whether parasites were trans- between wildlife health and urbanization. The columns represent results stratified by health
metric, while the rows represent results stratified by animal taxonomic group. Thin lines repre-
mitted through close contact or another route
sent 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for effect sizes of individual records; thick circles and lines
(ΔAICc = 0.80, wi = 0.11, Q1 = 11.9, P < 0.001). (at the bottom of each panel) represent REM estimates (uncorrected for publication bias). CIs
Effect sizes were most negative for parasites spread for individual records that cross the dashed line (r = 0, no relationship between health and
through close contact (β = –0.3, z = 3.45, P < urbanization) are partially transparent.
0.001, R2 = 0.25; Figure 4).
For toxicant and stress datasets, both top
MEMs mirrored our first set of analyses, with the best model variation in effect size for studies providing study locations
containing taxonomic group (wi = 0.68 and wi = 0.78, respec- (1 km: wi = 0.62, R2 = 37%; Q7 = 35.86, P < 0.0001; WebTable
tively); no other models were competitive (WebTable 2). For the 2). Post-­hoc analysis showed this association was significant
toxicant dataset, this MEM explained 21% of effect size varia- only for parasitism; more urban regions showed more positive
tion, and predicted effect size to be most negative for herpeto- effect sizes for parasitism (β = 0.05, P < 0.001) (WebFigure
fauna and invertebrates (Q4 = 9.22, P = 0.06; Figure 4). For the 3). A model with inter-­site distance and its interaction with
stress dataset, this MEM explained 55% of variation and pre- health metrics received marginal support (ΔAICc = 4.05, wi
dicted the most negative correlations for invertebrates (Q3 = = 0.08, R2 = 0.29; Q7 = 21.86, P < 0.01). As distance between
35.68, P < 0.001; Figure 4). No covariates were more competitive contrasting sites increased, effect size became more negative
than an intercept-­only model for the body condition dataset for toxicant outcomes (β = –0.02), whereas all other health
(WebTable 2). A MEM with life history suggested terrestrial metrics showed non-­ significant positive relationships with
wildlife show slightly more positive body condition relation- distance (WebFigure 3).
ships with urbanization than aquatic wildlife (ΔAICc = 1.81,
wi = 0.11), but this was not statistically significant (Q1 = 1.27, P = Publication bias
0.26; Figure 4). We found evidence of publication bias depending on health
metric (WebFigure 4). Funnel plots suggested bias in effect
Does intensity of urbanization predict effect size? size reporting, which rank correlation tests confirmed for
The mean urbanization score (GHF) within 1 km per study the full dataset (toward negative correlations: z = –4.79, P
and its interactions with health metrics explained the most < 0.001) and body condition dataset (toward positive

© The Ecological Society of America Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2126

6   RE V IE WS MH Murray et al.

taxonomic group. Our findings highlight the

complexity of urbanization’s effects on wildlife
Across all wildlife taxa, toxicant loads were
significantly higher in urban animals than in
their non-­urban conspecifics. Although it is not
surprising that urban wildlife species are sub-
ject to greater exposure to heavy metals, organic
compounds, and pesticides associated with
industrial and anthropogenic features, such as
roads and managed lawns (Rashed and Soltan
2005), our results demonstrate that this expo-
sure results in uptake into wildlife tissue. For
instance, urban predators like bobcats (Lynx
rufus) can be exposed to anticoagulant rodenti-
cides from consuming contaminated prey
(Serieys et al. 2015). Toxic metals like cad-
mium, lead, and mercury can bioaccumulate in
tissues through food consumption and are
more abundant in urban populations, as seen in
common blackbirds (Turdus merula; Meillère
et al. 2016) and common perch (Perca fluvi-
atilis; Olsson et al. 1999). Although toxicant
exposure can have downstream effects on wild-
Figure 4. Most supported predictors (ΔAICc = 0) of effect size for each health metric dataset life health, including abnormal development,
(clockwise from top left: toxicants, body condition, stress, parasitism). Squares show the pre- reproduction, and immune function (Hawley
dicted means and 95% CIs from the respective mixed-­effects models, and circles show indi- et al. 2009; Serieys et al. 2018), the biological
vidual records scaled by their sample size. The dashed line shows no relationship between relevance of relatively higher toxicant concen-
health and urbanization (r = 0). trations is less clear, especially across species.
We observed a higher likelihood of infec-
correlations: z = 3.89, P < 0.001). We did not find signif- tion by parasites transmitted through close contact, along
icant publication bias for toxicant, parasitism, or stress effect with greater parasite abundance and diversity, in urban as
sizes (toxicants: z = 1.71, P = 0.12; parasitism: z = –1.62, compared to non-­urban populations, perhaps because some
P = 0.12; stress: z = –1.54, P = 0.12). Trim-­and-­fill analyses urban-­adapted hosts live at higher local densities due to
suggested the number of missing studies did not differ from abundant and patchily distributed food resources. For
zero for most datasets; for stress data, this analysis suggested instance, urban raccoon populations can reach high densi-
that six (± 6) effect sizes greater than the mean were missing ties, potentially promoting rabies transmission (Reynolds
(P = 0.04). et al. 2015). Conversely, parasite transmission by routes
other than close contact (ie transmitted via vectors, trophic
transmission, or environmental contamination) was lower in
Discussion urban areas, perhaps due to shifts in habitat availability or
host community structure. For instance, the prevalence of
Does urbanization pose health risks for wildlife?
Campylobacter spp in house crows (Corvus splendens) in
Identifying contexts in which urbanization influences wildlife Tanzania was higher in rural villages, where infections are
health is critical for understanding urban adaptation, human– more common in poultry than in urban villages (Mdegela
wildlife conflict, and biodiversity conservation in cities. Our et al. 2006). Predicting any changes in parasitism associated
meta-­ analysis suggests an overall negative relationship with urbanization could therefore depend on parasite life
between urbanization and wildlife health, mainly driven by history.
considerably higher toxicant loads and greater parasite abun- Our data showed no consistent differences in wildlife body
dance, greater parasite diversity, and/or greater likelihood condition with urbanization. Increased access to resources
of infection by parasites transmitted through close contact. could buffer populations from negative effects of urbaniza-
We found no significant difference in body condition and tion. For example, white-­footed tamarins (Saguinus leucopus;
stress levels with urbanization. For all health metrics, the Soto-­Calderón et al. 2016) in urban areas had higher size-­
direction and magnitude of effect sizes varied greatly by adjusted mass than their rural counterparts but also had

Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2126 © The Ecological Society of America

Wildlife health and urbanization REV IE WS    7

higher cholesterol levels, presumably from food provisioning cities in North America and Europe (Figure 2). However,
with cholesterol-­rich anthropogenic food. In contrast, rufous-­ many rapidly urbanizing areas are in low-­and middle-­income
collared sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis) had lower body mass countries near global biodiversity hotspots (Seto et al. 2012),
in urban areas, possibly due to higher intraspecific competi- where relationships between wildlife health and urbanization
tion (Ruiz et al. 2002). Given that no model performed better could vary with climatic, ecological, and socioeconomic dif-
than the null, there appear to be contrasting effects of urbani- ferences. Research in South America, Africa, Asia, Australia,
zation on wildlife body condition. and countries with intense urban development (eg India;
As with body condition, we did not find significant differ- Figure 2) would improve global inferences. Although the stud-
ences in stress levels between urban and non-­urban popula- ies in our meta-­analysis were conducted at sites that ranged
tions. Cities may not present additional stressors beyond those widely in their degree of human development (ie human foot-
experienced in rural settings; alternatively, variation in stress print values), it remains unclear whether urban wildlife stud-
outcomes could reflect difficulty in interpreting stress ies to date reflect an unbiased representation of global urbani-
responses across methods (eg heterophil-­to-­lymphocyte ratios zation intensity, and how other types of land use (eg
or glucocorticoid concentrations) or sampling times (eg time agriculture) affect wildlife health relative to urbanization.
of day, reproductive season). Furthermore, chronically Furthermore, we recognize the potential for spatial error and
stressed individuals may not show increased stress measures, change over time when using point locations to estimate local
which complicates interpretation of results (Cyr and Romero human footprint from a global dataset (Kennedy et al. 2019).
2007). For instance, urban ornate tree lizards (Urosaurus When we accounted for the degree of urban development, we
ornatus) had lower stress responses relative to their non-­urban found that habitats with greater urban development were asso-
counterparts (French et al. 2008), suggesting chronic stress. ciated with lower parasitism (with all transmission modes
Despite an overall negative relationship between urbaniza- combined due to smaller sample size), suggesting that the
tion and wildlife health, we also found ample support for transmission of some types of parasites may be interrupted in
positive health effects. Positive (albeit non-­significant) effects highly urban areas.
were found for four health metric–taxonomic group pairs: Finally, our meta-­ analysis revealed taxonomic biases for
body condition and mammals, parasitism and mammals, each health metric; for example, most toxicant studies focused
parasitism and birds, and stress and herpetofauna. Given the on fish, whereas most parasitism studies focused on mammals.
bias toward negative correlations in the dataset, the benefits These patterns could be driven by their relevance to human
of urbanization for wildlife deserve careful consideration. health; aquatic systems receive wastewater outputs from human
activity, and most urban wild mammals share parasites with
Future directions people and domestic animals (Daszak 2000). Our results may
Our results cannot tease apart the causal mechanisms for be biased in terms of wildlife species representation; species
observed relationships between urbanization and health, but that experience severe health threats in cities may be rare and
they do suggest several ways in which future studies could therefore less present to be sampled. Even in populations that
adopt more mechanistic approaches. First, we recommend have persisted in urban settings, negative effects could be
that studies examine multiple health metrics simultaneously; masked; for instance, stress responses might dull in response to
<20% of studies in our analysis did so. This would identify sustained threats (Partecke et al. 2006). When assessing impacts
mechanisms by which toxicant exposure impairs health, such of urbanization, researchers should attempt to sample a broad
as through altered immune function, gene expression, or suite of species and consider whether any species lack rep-
organ function. Second, studies of urban wildlife health should resentation because they are rare or are excluded from urban
quantify urbanization using landscape metrics relevant to areas.
the focal wildlife population (McDonnell and Pickett 1990).
For instance, the degree of urbanization can be classified Implications for conservation and policy
according to land cover, human population density, or a Urban living appears to pose several health threats for wild-
combination of several metrics (Moll et al. 2019). Providing life, especially through increased exposure to toxicants like
details of study location coordinates and how urbanization heavy metals and pesticides. Invertebrates and herpetofauna
was quantified will also facilitate cross-­study comparisons seem especially vulnerable to toxicant exposure in urban
in towns and cities of different sizes. Finally, researchers areas, which has implications for conservation. For example,
should consider how species traits (eg generalist versus spe- many amphibian and reptile populations are already in decline
cialist diet, social system, life span) could influence health due to fungal diseases, such as chytridiomycosis (Kilpatrick
outcomes. Previous studies have attempted to predict traits et al. 2010) and snake fungal disease (Lorch et al. 2016).
associated with urban adaptation (Kark et al. 2007), which Observational studies have linked greater loads of heavy
could aid in predicting health outcomes in urban areas. metals and pesticides with increased susceptibility to infection
Echoing previous work (Magle et al. 2012), we found that in toads and frogs (Linzey et al. 2003), highlighting the threat
most published urban wildlife research has been conducted in posed by higher toxicant loads to urban wildlife.

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8   RE V IE WS MH Murray et al.

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