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Fertilizer for tomatoes

In this opportunity I will make an organic fertilizer to stimulate the growing and the production in
the tomato plant, by obvious reasons this product will be made with organic compounds that you
probably can get easily.

First we will make perfect compost rich in micro and macro nutrients that will care our plants and
will stimulate the process of growing.

The first step is to do the “Gallinaza” and the “Porquinaza” which are a colloquial terms used to
refer to the excrement of some birds (specially chickens) and pigs, both mixtures are perfect
compost for our crops but specially the “porquinaza” improve the structure of the soil.

The process for making poultry manure is relatively simple. First, poultry droppings are collected
and mixed with dry materials such as straw or dry leaves in appropriate proportions to obtain a
uniform and well-balanced mixture in terms of nutrient content. It is important that the mixture is
kept moist for proper decomposition to occur. The mixture is then placed in an insulated and
ventilated area for a natural decomposition process to occur. During this process, bacteria and
other microorganisms present in the mixture break down the organic materials, releasing the
nutrients and turning the mixture into a rich compost and fertilizer. It is important to keep in mind
that the process of making poultry manure may vary depending on the region or method used. It is
also essential to take into account the safety and hygiene measures necessary to handle and store
poultry manure properly, as it may contain microorganisms that are potentially harmful to human
Now, the organic composition of this two elements can change depending in some factors such as
the alimentation of the animals, the management of the excrement and the presence of other
organic materials in the mixture. Now, are presented the common components that are in the
poultry manure.

1. Nitrogen: Is an essential macronutrient for plant growth, is used to synthesize proteins,

chlorophyll and other important compounds, promotes the development of green leaves,
vegetative growth and protein formation. Poultry manure generally contains a significant amount
of nitrogen, which can vary between 1% and 4% by weight. Nitrogen in poultry manure is present
in the form of organic compounds and ammonium which is a chemical compound that is created
from nitrogen combined with hydrogen. When plants take up ammonium through their roots, they
convert it to nitrate. In addition to being a direct source of nitrogen for plants, ammonium can also
help plants grow in other ways. For example, some studies have shown that ammonium can
improve the ability of plants to tolerate stresses, such as drought or soil salinity. It has also been
shown that ammonium can improve the uptake of other nutrients, such as calcium and
magnesium, and increase the efficiency of water use by plants. Using poultry manure as a fertilizer
helps to increase nitrogen levels in the soil, thus improving plant growth and productivity, "Poultry
manure" slowly releases nitrogen as it breaks down, which prevents leaching (the process by
which soil nutrients, such as nitrogen, dissolve in water and move down through the soil profile,
out of reach of plant roots. This can occur when there is too much water in the soil or when
fertilizers are over-applied, which can result in a loss of valuable nutrients and reduce fertilizer use
efficiency) and volatilization (the process in which nutrients, such as nitrogen, evaporate as gases
into the atmosphere. This can occur when fertilizers are surface applied without incorporation into
the soil, especially in hot, dry climates). Nitrogen volatilization can be particularly problematic, as
up to 50% of this important nutrient can be lost. In addition, the use of poultry manure as an
organic fertilizer can help improve soil health and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers.
2. Phosphorus: Is another essential macronutrient for plants; in particular, phosphorus is
important for the development of strong, healthy roots, as it helps promote cell division and
elongation of root cells. It is also a key component in flower and fruit formation, as it helps
regulate energy production and use in plants. In addition, phosphorus is essential for energy
transfer in plants. It is a key component in the structure of nucleotides, which are the building
blocks of nucleic acids that carry genetic information. These nucleotides are also involved in the
production of ATP, the molecule that transports energy in cells. Therefore, phosphorus is
important for energy production in plants and its transfer from the roots to the leaves and other
parts of the plant. Poultry manure also contains phosphorus, with concentrations that can vary
between 1% and 5% by weight. Phosphorus in poultry manure is mainly in the form of organic and
inorganic phosphates Phosphates are chemical compounds containing the element phosphorus
and are present in many forms in nature. In the context of fertilization, two main types of
phosphates can be distinguished: organic and inorganic phosphates. Organic phosphates are those
that are present in organic matter, such as poultry manure, manure and food waste. These
compounds are generally less soluble than inorganic phosphates and break down slowly in the
soil, gradually releasing phosphorus as they mineralize. The slow release of phosphorus from
organic phosphates means that these compounds are a valuable and sustainable source of
phosphorus for plants and have a long-term fertilizing effect on the soil. Inorganic phosphates, on
the other hand, are chemical compounds that have been industrially synthesized from phosphate
minerals and are widely used as chemical fertilizers. These compounds are generally more soluble
than organic phosphates and, therefore, release phosphorus more rapidly into the soil. Inorganic
phosphates include compounds such as superphosphate, diammonium phosphate and
monoammonium phosphate, which are widely used in agriculture and gardening. In general,
organic and inorganic phosphates have different characteristics and effects on soil and plants.
Organic phosphates are a sustainable, long-term source of phosphorus that improves soil quality
and has a gradual fertilizing effect on plants. Inorganic phosphates, on the other hand, can provide
a more rapid release of phosphorus and can be useful in situations where an immediate increase
in soil phosphorus levels is needed. By using poultry manure as a fertilizer, plants are provided
with an additional supply of phosphorus, improving crop quality and stimulating healthy growth.
3. Potassium: An essential macronutrient for plants that plays a vital role in regulating the water
balance in plant cells as they need to maintain a proper water balance to function properly and
potassium is essential to achieve this balance. Potassium acts as a regulator of the opening and
closing of stomata which are small structures present in the epidermis of young leaves and stems
of plants that regulate the exchange of gases between the plant and the environment. Each stoma
is formed by two specialized cells, called guard cells, which are placed side by side to form an
opening on the leaf surface. Stomata play a crucial role in plant photosynthesis and transpiration.
During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air through stomata and use it to
produce sugars and oxygen. Transpiration is the process by which plants lose water as vapor
through stomata. The opening and closing of stomata are controlled by several factors, including
light, temperature, air humidity, and the availability of water and nutrients. Stomata are also
important for the regulation of water balance in plants. When plants have sufficient water,
stomata open to allow carbon dioxide in for photosynthesis and oxygen and water vapor out.
However, when plants experience a drought, the stomata close to prevent excessive water loss.
When plants have sufficient water, the stomata open to allow carbon dioxide in for photosynthesis
and oxygen and water vapor out. Another important role of potassium is its involvement in protein
and carbohydrate synthesis. Potassium acts as an activator of key enzymes that are involved in the
synthesis of these essential molecules. In addition, potassium is also necessary for the
translocation of carbohydrates from the leaves to other parts of the plant, such as roots and fruits.
Poultry manure also contains potassium, with concentrations generally ranging from 1% to 3% by
weight. Potassium in poultry manure is found in the form of organic and inorganic compounds. By
using poultry manure as a fertilizer, additional potassium is supplied to plants, which promotes
overall health, disease resistance, flower and fruit development, and improved crop quality.
Now you have the knowledge of what nutrients will be on your compost, because it is made up
with excrement of animals, by obvious reasons it has a LOT of bacteria’s that can be dangerous to
our crops, but don’t worry because here I will teach you how to kill them.

The first way is using Quicklime, quicklime is an inorganic chemical compound, also known as
calcium oxide (CaO). It is a white, crystalline, highly alkaline powder obtained by calcining
limestone at very high temperatures (above 900°C). During this process, carbon dioxide (CO2) is
released and calcium oxide is obtained in its pure form. Quicklime is a very versatile product that
has many applications in industry, agriculture, construction, mining and other areas. In agriculture,
it is mainly used as a soil amendment to increase the pH and improve soil quality. It is also used as
a disinfectant to treat chicken manure and other organic wastes. In addition, quicklime is used as a
water treatment agent, as an ingredient in the manufacture of cement, steel and other materials,
and in many other industrial applications.

Quicklime is capable of eliminating bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms that may be
present in the manure, which reduces the risk of disease in plants and humans handling the

To disinfect poultry manure with quicklime, the following steps can be followed:

Obtain the appropriate amount of powdered quicklime. It is recommended to use about 500
grams of powdered quicklime per kilogram of poultry manure.

Moisten the poultry manure with water until it is slightly damp.

Add the appropriate amount of powdered quicklime to the wet poultry manure. It is important to
do this in a well-ventilated place with personal protection, as the reaction of quicklime with water
produces heat and toxic gases.

Mix the quicklime well with the poultry manure, making sure that the quicklime covers the entire
surface of the poultry manure.

Let the mixture of poultry manure and quicklime stand for at least two weeks, stirring periodically
to make sure it is mixed evenly. Check the pH of the quicklime-treated poultry manure. It should
be between 6 and 8. If the pH is below 6, more quicklime can be added and mixed well. If it is
above 8, water should be added and mixed well to reduce the pH.

It is important to keep in mind that quicklime is a very corrosive and toxic substance, and the
necessary safety measures must be taken to handle it properly, including gloves, goggles and a
mask to protect against toxic gases. It is also important to follow the instructions for use and the
recommended doses to avoid damaging the poultry manure or the soil where the fertilizer will be
Using that material is a little bit complicated if you don’t have que necessary instruments so the
other option is with efficient microorganisms.

Efficient microorganisms are a combination of beneficial microorganisms that are used to improve
soil quality, agricultural production and the environment. These beneficial microorganisms include
bacteria, fungi and yeasts that act together to produce a number of positive effects on soil and
plants. Efficient microorganisms are characterized by their ability to break down organic matter, fix
nitrogen and other nutrients in the soil, control pathogens and improve the plant's ability to resist
environmental stress. In addition, they are also able to improve soil structure and increase its
capacity to retain water. Efficient microorganisms can be obtained from commercial solutions or
prepared at home with ingredients such as brown rice, molasses and water. Once applied to the
soil or plant, efficient microorganisms can help improve soil quality and agricultural production,
contributing to environmental sustainability.

Disinfection with efficient microorganisms is a natural and environmentally friendly process that
uses beneficial microorganisms to degrade and control pathogens and other harmful
microorganisms in poultry manure. Efficient microorganisms are a combination of beneficial
microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi and yeasts, which are used to control the microbial
environment in poultry manure and improve its quality.

To disinfect poultry manure with efficient microorganisms, the following steps can be followed:

Preparation of the solution of efficient microorganisms: a commercial solution of efficient

microorganisms can be purchased or prepared at home with ingredients such as brown rice,
molasses and water.

Application of the solution: The solution of efficient microorganisms can be applied to the poultry
manure by irrigation or spraying. It is recommended to apply the solution evenly to ensure a
homogeneous distribution of the microorganisms.

Fermentation: after application of the solution, the manure should be left in a protected place at a
stable temperature to ferment. During fermentation, efficient microorganisms multiply and
decompose the organic matter in the manure, reducing the amount of pathogens and bad odors.

Storage: Once fermentation is complete, manure disinfected with efficient microorganisms can be
stored for use as organic fertilizer.

Disinfection with efficient microorganisms is an environmentally friendly and sustainable

alternative to traditional chemical disinfection methods, as it does not produce toxic residues or
pollute the environment. In addition, efficient microorganisms contribute to improving soil quality
and increasing crop productivity.

We need to measure the pH of the soil, depending in the results this steep become opcional since
this is to regulate the pH of the soil, probably you will need to do this if your plant is a tomato
because the adequate pH for it is from 6.2 to 6.5 and normally, so to get a higher pH you will use
Dolomite lime.

Dolomite lime is a type of limestone that contains both calcium carbonate and magnesium
carbonate. In chemical terms, it is known as a double carbonate of calcium and magnesium. When
applied to the soil, dolomite lime has several beneficial effects on plant growth. First, calcium
carbonate and magnesium carbonate increase soil pH, which can help reduce soil acidity and
improve nutrient availability to plants. In addition, the magnesium present in dolomite lime is an
essential plant nutrient. Magnesium is a key component of chlorophyll, the pigment that gives
leaves their green color, and is also necessary for protein synthesis and energy production in
plants. The amount of dolomite lime needed to correct pH and provide magnesium will depend on
the acidity and texture of the soil, as well as the specific needs of the plant being grown. It is
generally recommended that a soil pH test be done prior to applying dolomite lime to determine
the amount of dolomite lime needed.

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