Canterbury Tales Essays

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Canterbury Tales Essays

Crafting an essay on the "Canterbury Tales" presents a unique set of challenges, requiring a delicate
balance of literary analysis, historical context, and a deep understanding of Chaucer's intricate
narratives. The task involves delving into the complex web of characters, their interactions, and the
underlying themes woven throughout the tales.

One obstacle lies in deciphering Middle English, the language Chaucer employed, which adds an
additional layer of complexity to the analysis. This linguistic hurdle demands a meticulous
examination of the text, often requiring reference to annotated editions or scholarly resources to
ensure accurate interpretation.

Moreover, exploring the socio-cultural backdrop of the medieval period is essential for providing a
nuanced understanding of the tales. This necessitates extensive research into the historical context,
societal norms, and Chaucer's own influences, adding depth to the essay.

The diversity of genres within the tales, including romance, fabliau, and allegory, further complicates
the writing process. Balancing the exploration of each genre while maintaining a cohesive and
focused argument requires careful planning and organization.

Additionally, addressing the critical perspectives and interpretations of various scholars adds a layer
of complexity. The essay must navigate through the myriad of scholarly opinions, offering a
comprehensive analysis while establishing a unique perspective.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the "Canterbury Tales" demands a blend of literary acumen,
historical awareness, and analytical prowess. It is a task that requires dedication, thorough research,
and the ability to synthesize information coherently. The intricate nature of Chaucer's work ensures
that tackling this subject necessitates both patience and a profound appreciation for medieval

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or academic writing challenges, a resource like may provide valuable support. Professional services can offer guidance, research
assistance, and custom-written essays to aid students in navigating the complexities of literary
analysis and academic writing.
Canterbury Tales EssaysCanterbury Tales Essays
Identity In Sandra Cisneros s The House On Mango Street
The House On Mango Street
Though Sandra Cisneros The House on Mango Street brings up several aspects of
young Esperanza s internal conflict, her discovering what comprises her identity is the
most prominent point throughout the story. While the reader watches a young girl grow
up, they also watch her question all of her observations that shape her perception of
herself. As she deals with life s harsh reality in her low income neighborhood, the
hardships she faces make her question who she really is, and what defines her.

One of the reasons that it can be complicated for Esperanza to find out who she is, is that
gender roles are being forced upon her future constantly. From her own family, to her
friends abusive fathers, she is shown that her culture ...[doesn t] like their women
strong (Cisneros 10). In the Vignette titled My Name , Esperanza explains the
struggles that she has with the personal meaning she has put behind it. She explains
how her grandma was like her, a wild horse of a woman (Cisneros 11) and that she was
forced into a sad married life. This causes confusion with her identity, because she doesn
t want to inherit her [grandmother s lonely] place by the window. (Cisneros 11)
However, she does want to be her own, strong self. Esperanza learning how this
influences her identity as the book continues will teach her to ignore gender roles and
pay attention to what she feels is most important to her.

Another way that Esperanza has trouble with her identity is the fact that she ascotiates
living on Mango Street directly with who she is. Throughout the book, she struggles
with her house not being a home to her, and that it isn t the place she thought it would
be. When she says that she needs a house she can point to. But this isn t it. (Cisneros 5)
in the first vignette House on Mango Street , you can feel her embarrasment in the
where she lives. Esperanza is the type of person who feels as if certain items reflect
who you are. For example, when the reader hears about her expectations of a house with
three washrooms...[with] trees around it, a great big yard and grass growing without a
fence. (Cisneros 4), she later explains how she is ashamed of her current living situation
compared to
Chlorophyll Essay
New algorithms for estimating chlorophyll a in the Spanish waters of the Western
Mediterranean Sea from multiplatform imagery
This manuscript proposes a set of multi sensor chlorophyll a empirical algorithms for
improving current estimates of chlorophyll a concentration in two distinct regions in the
Mediterranean Sea. Overall, manuscript is technically sound and fairly well written;
however, it can be improved significantly with more attention on typos, grammar, and
sentence structure. Methodology section is a bit confusing at some places and needs to
be improved. I have the following major/minor comments about this work,
Major comments:
1. In figure 1, field observation of Chlorophyll a concentration includes both ... Show
more content on ...
In general practice the dataset should be split in to train and test dataset. Train dataset is
used to develop model and test data set is used to assess the performance of model on
completely new dataset (test set). With sufficient dataset, author can also use
bootstrapping for each SMED model to obtain better estimations of slop and intercept
along with uncertainty (or prediction error) in the models. Application of bootstrap in
algorithm development and validation can be found in the following paper,
Joshi et al. (2017). Turbidity in Apalachicola Bay, Florida from Landsat 5 TM and field
data: Seasonal Patterns and responses to extreme events, Remote Sensing, 9, pp.367.
3. I would strongly recommend including satellite maps of chl a for various sensors (any
single matchup day) in section 3.4 along with figure 11 and 12.
4. All proposed MBR and chl relationships are power law relationships [Chl a=A X
(Blue/Green)B] and I suggest that their original form should be shown with a linear scale
rather than logarithmic scale (same applies to validation analysis).
Minor comments/suggestions:
Line 20: I would suggest avoiding supporting information to the abstract (e.g., 99%).
Line22: A set of new algorithms is instead of are .
Line23: It should be surface chlorophyll a concentration in our study area. instead of in
situ surface chlorophyll a for the whole range of concentrations normally registered in the
1. (TCO A) The relationship between speed of innovation and product obsolescence is
(Points : 5) direct (as innovation speed increases, products become obsolete more
quickly). inverse (as innovation speed increases, products become obsolete more slowly).
indirect (there is an effect, but it cannot be directly determined). nonexistent (there is no
relationship at all).

Question 2.2. (TCO A) Which of the following products would be considered novel?
(Points : 5) A detergent advertises that it can remove spots. A company announces it has
produced a recreational hovercraft for sale in toy stores. A cell phone company
announces that it now offers text messaging. A college ... Show more content on ...
Question 11.11. (TCO F) If a firm invests in continuous innovation and willingly
cannibalizes its existing products with more advanced products, the firm can (Points : 5)
lose a significant number of customers. introduce the next generation product while
continuing to reap profits from the current product. prevent competitors from achieving a
significant technological gap. just use deployment as a mechanism to earn revenues from
its innovations.

Question 12.12. (TCO F) Which of the following is an advantage of making a new

generation of technology backward compatible? (Points : 5) Consumers will have to buy
completely new complements. Consumer switching costs may be lower because they
anticipate using their existing complements. Competitors will be unable to imitate the
company s strategy of making the technology backward compatible. It is typically less
expensive to make a new generation of technology backward compatible than to not
make it backward compatible.

1. (TCO A) In the opening case, Honda was developing both hybrid electric vehicles and
hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Which do you think would take longer to diffuse through the
market and why? (Points : 40)
A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a type of hybrid vehicle and electric vehicle which
combines a conventional internal combustion engine(ICE) propulsion system with an
electric propulsion system (hybrid vehicle drivetrain). The presence
Sandwich Blitz Scenario
The Sandwich Blitz scenario, new local health codes require that trash dumpsters be a
minimum of thirty feet from the rear entrance of the building. The new laws also
include that all out buildings be a minimum of six feet from the property line; Thus
Sandwich Blitz is in violation of these laws. The enclosure that houses the trash
dumpster is five feet from the property line. The local government inspector told the
location manager that he is willing to overlook this violation in exchange for free food
for his department s holiday party. Dalman was informed of this information by the
location manager because he felt uncomfortable. The administrator at this area is my
opinion showed good character by making the best choice on reporting the issue as
opposed to tolerating the offer to influence the investigator he is satisfying his
commitment of right activity. This supervisor could have took the offer presumably
spare himself a... Show more content on ...
He must think what would best and beneficial to Sandwich Blitz in the long run. If he
was to accept the bribe from the health inspector what will happen to Sandwich blitz if
a new inspector comes. For instance, just because this inspector will offer a bribe to
overlook the violation doesn t mean the new inspector will. Therefore, Dalman still has
the same problem. The new inspector might require Dalman to move the enclosures that
house the dumpster to compile with the new laws. Instead of going around the problem
by accepting the bribe Dalman should find a situation for the problem. That way this
type of issue will not occur again. Also, who is to say the inspector will hold his end of
the offer. What if he takes the free food and still violates them. Respecting others. I
believe that Dalman should respect the fact the location manager did the right thing by
informing him of the bribe instead of accepting when considering what decision he will

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