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ESOL exam-type tasks are graded in accordance with exam guidelines, whether they be in

tests, mini-tests, assignments, etc.:

Use of English FCE level CAE level

Part 1 1 pt each correct answer

Part 2 Spelling mistakes render the answer incorrect, and NO point is

Part 3

Part 4 Up to 2 pts each correct sentence; 1pt each correct “half/sentence

section” (keeping in mind that “halves” are established)

Spelling mistakes render the answer incorrect, and NO point is


Reading FCE level CAE level

Part 5 2 pts each correct answer

Part 6

Part 7 1 pt each correct answer 2 pts each correct answer

Part 8 —------ 1 pt each correct answer

Listening FCE level CAE level

Part 1 1 pt each correct answer

Part 2 1 pt each correct answer

Spelling mistakes render the answer incorrect, and NO point is

awarded (yet, for Precert stds, we make allowances and award them
half a point if the word is ok yet spelling is not, but only until June)

Part 3 1 pt each correct answer

Part 4 1 pt each correct answer

Writing We use Rubrics (in ESOL 2023 - Providencia)

Speaking We use Rubrics (in ESOL 2023 - Providencia)

When testing grammar and vocabulary tasks (which do not follow “exam formats”), each
correct answer is awarded 1 pt, making allowances (half points) in the following cases:
- In a vocabulary task, word was chosen correctly, but tense/form is not: for example,
rather than PUTTING UP WITH, a std wrote puts up with.
- In a grammar task, tense/form is ok, but there are spelling mistakes
Additionally, stds need to get used to writing their answers in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS
(except for Writing, of course), as that is an exam requirement; aside from that, handwriting
ought to be clear, legible and tidy.

Tests / Mini-Tests / Assignments / Exam Tasks, Writing and Speaking parts (NOT MID-
and END-OF-YEAR exams) are graded as follows:

- A score is written, considering how many pts the Std got and how many there were in
the chosen assessment format; for instance: 18/55 (meaning the std only obtained 18
out of 55 possible points)
- Tch transforms that score into a percentage, which is NOT written in the assessment;
for instance: (18/55 equals) 32.7%.
- The percentage is then turned into a mark 1-10 that is written in the assessment, and
then recorded by the teacher & uploaded to the platform; for instance: (32.7%) turns
into 3.50 (three fifty)

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