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Disability Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of disabilities can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. The
intricacy lies not only in the need for extensive research to grasp the multifaceted nature of
disabilities but also in the delicate balance required to approach the subject with empathy and
sensitivity. Addressing the diverse range of disabilities, from physical to cognitive, demands a
nuanced understanding of the experiences and challenges faced by individuals within these

Moreover, the writer must navigate through the complexities of societal attitudes towards disabilities,
exploring the historical context and the evolving perspectives that shape perceptions today. The
inclusion of statistical data, real-life stories, and scholarly perspectives adds layers of depth to the
essay, requiring meticulous attention to detail and accuracy.

One of the primary challenges is striking the right tone – one that is informative, respectful, and
compassionate. The essay should foster awareness and understanding without unintentionally
reinforcing stereotypes or perpetuating stigmas. Balancing facts with personal narratives can be
particularly challenging, as it requires a delicate interplay between the objective analysis of data and
the subjective experiences of individuals with disabilities.

Furthermore, the writer must be vigilant in avoiding a paternalistic or condescending tone,

acknowledging the agency and resilience of individuals with disabilities. The goal is not only to
educate but also to promote inclusivity and challenge preconceived notions.

In conclusion, tackling the subject of disabilities in an essay demands a blend of research, empathy,
and careful communication. It requires a writer's dedication to portraying the nuances of the topic
accurately while advocating for a more inclusive and understanding society.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic endeavors, various resources are
available. Platforms like provide opportunities to access a wealth of knowledge
and expertise, offering professionally crafted essays on a variety of topics, including those related to
Disability Essay Disability Essay
Killings By Andre Dubus Analysis
The way the plot of Killings by Andre Dubus is arranged changes how the reader sees
the characters in the story. This plot starts out in the present, then goes into the past, then
back to the present. There are two main characters, and three secondary characters in this
story. The way the reader views all of these characters is affected by the plot
arrangement. The two primary characters who are most important to the plot, and also
most affected by the plot arrangement, are Matt Fowler and Richard Strout. Because the
first thing the reader reads in the exposition of the story is On the August morning when
Matt Fowler buried his youngest son, Frank, who had lived for twenty one years, eight
months, and four days... pg 93, and not Richard Strout s backstory and reasoning for his
actions, they are immediately persuaded by the author to feel sympathy towards Matt.
The author needs the reader to feel this sympathy so that when Matt kills Strout at the
climax of the plot, Matt is not viewed as the antagonistof the story, but rather as the
protagonist. The author needs the reader to view Strout as the antagonist so that the
reader does not dislike Matt, and so that the story is one of justified revenge and not just
another murder. If the reader had been presented with the plot in chronological order,
with Strout s backstory and reasoning for killing Frank first, then the reader might almost
feel bad for Strout. If seen like this, one might conclude that, while he did not take
John Howard Research Paper
Biography John Howard Student Name: Elliana Tandy Date Due: 25/5/2018
Introduction John howard is a former Australian politician who was the 5th most
recent Prime Minister of Australia. John Howard turns 78 this year, and is worth
around 15.9 million dollars. He is a big follower on cricket, although he cannot play
because he s absolutely hopeless he definitely enjoys watching it. He likes to play
tennis and golf. He tries to stay fit as he by takes a power walk every morning. I chose
John Howard because, my dad brings him up when say we are in the car and I ask him
about politics. He says that John Howard was a great prime minister. But unfortunately
he stopped running for prime minister the year I was born. When I heard that we were...
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They stood by each other a lot. Also they went to university together. He entered
political life at the age of 18. He served as Prime Minister from 1996 to 2007. Only one
other Prime Minister has served longer, who is Sir Robert Menzies. Howard lead the
Liberal Party from 1985 to 1989 then was re elected in the year 1995, replacing
Alexander Downer, then stopped in 2007. He was Prime Minister for 11 years. He
stood first in office in the year 1968. When John Winston Howard became prime
minister, he brought with him alot of political experience, leading the opposition
against the other parties in power. As in many nations, like Australia, with a
parliamentary form of government, the party with the majority of people on their
side, runs the country. As leader of the minority Liberal Party, Howard was often the
voice for the less powered people and a critic of the majority Labor Party. In the March
1996 national elections, Howard s Liberal Party, in an alliance with another minority
faction, the National Party, succeeded in removing the Labor Party from power. Later
on, Howard became the political leader of the nation and has characterized himself as
being in touch with the a true Australian. Yet many people considers he took on the job
of the prime minister exceedingly well. But a bit before prime minister John Howard
got married on the 4th of April 1971 at St Peter s Church at Watsons Bay, Sydney. Being
Prime Minister did effect some of their marriage in a few different way but that never
stopped them from staying together, as she is also in
Taylor Swift Blank Space
Ironically addressed to the numerous rumors that have risen over Taylor Swift s
career, Blank Space, is a clear painting of the artist as a hopeless romantic with an
addiction to erratic relationships. Swift uses the song as an outlet to make light of the
gossip in an exaggerated portrayal of the characteristics she is most often associated
with, by way of her beautifully choreographed music video to accompany the song.
Swift arranges for her personal experiences to severe her as a guide, to write music in
which her admirers can personalize. An event that most individuals can relate to is going
through a heartbreaking relationship, in which case, Swift is an expert on making public.
Identifying with millions of fans, who go through the fantasy of love, Taylor Swift
portrays the cycles of a relationship in her song and video Blank Space; the elements
represented are romance, jealousy and disillusionment.... Show more content on ...
Initially, the viewer is introduced to a magical world of mansions, classic cars, and
gallant men surrounded by pearl white horses in a style replicating that of F. Scott
Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby. Her lyrics play Cherry lips, crystal skies; I could show
you incredible things, in suggestion of the typical allurements of romance repeatedly
often seen in fairy tales. Expectations are set overly high with forever, as it is stated in
the lyrics, with the illusion that the current relationship will be a committed one. She
emphasizes this idea by creating a portrait of her lover and carving his names on tree,
while destroying the portraits and memories of past mates, demonstrating that her
previous relationships have only been fantasies. However, maintaining the standards for
the current relationship as a fable as she sings You re the king baby I m your
The Pros And Cons Of Foreign Aid
To Aid or Not to Aid
Foreign aid has played an enormous role in the United States government policy,
especially since the mid twentieth century, following World War II. At that time, the U.S.
began providing financial aid, through the Marshall Plan, to help rebuild Europe
(Williams, 2015). Today, foreign aid has evolved to mean a variety of things. Foreign aid
is not strictly financial assistance. According to Williams in the Encyclopedia Britannica
(2015), foreign assistance can include military assistance or equipment, medical
assistance or equipment, or technical assistance and training. However, the most common
foreign aid is official development assistance, which is organized through international
organizations such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund or UNICEF and used
to address poverty and promote development (Williams 2015). Many people feel in the
United States feel that it is necessary to provide foreign assistance to the world. It is
thought that helping less developed economies improves the market for everyone.
Others feel that many people are in need here in the United States and that it does not
make sense to send aid to other countries when people need right in their own city, state,
or country. Most people think that a large portion of the U.S. budget is devoted to
foreign aid. In contrast, according to Rutsch (2015), the U.S. spends less than 1 percent
of the federal budget on foreign aid . With the state of the world today,
Comparing Thucydides And Plato s View Of Human Nature
Human nature, by its very definition, is the way people naturally act, think, and desire. It
is the core essence of what makes us human, and thus is related to every aspect of our
lives. There are many ideas on what human nature is, and both Thucydides and Plato had
differing ideas on the subject. With these different views on human nature, they both
come with different political implications as well. In a comparison between the two
sides, I will argue that Plato s view of humannature and its political implications are
superior to that of Thucydides based on their respective ideas and my own opinions
on human nature. Derived from Thucydides History of The Peloponnesian War, we
can grasp a sense of how he viewed human nature. Coined as the father of political
realism, we can gather the idea that his view would most likely be dark and cynical.
Thucydides views humans as self interested, selfish, and violent; without the
restrictions of the nomoi (laws, values), human beings will do anything to survive and
prosper. We are able to see this view in some key events found in his history. First, we
can examine the stasis (civil war) in Corcyra in which the social order fell and chaos
ensued. Family members killed each other, religious temples were desecrated, and all
traditional values were broken. Thucydides goes on to state that in times of... Show more
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As one of their main arguments, they state that the Spartans shouldn t begrudge Athens
for acquiring an empire following the Persian Wars, for they only did what was natural.
...the common practice of mankind...the pressure of three of the strongest motives, fear,
honor, and interest. From this excerpt we see that humans are naturally driven by self
preservation, reward, and self interest, and Athens argues they should not be punished for
doing what is human

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