Development of Biometric Door Security System Project Report

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I, Yahya Mubarak hereby declare that this project work and its content is an original work

done by me and has never been presented elsewhere for the award of a degree. All information

gotten from published or unpublished work of authors has been duly acknowledged through


I hereby relinquish the copyright of this project work to Federal University of Technology,


Yahya Mubarak
2016/1/60474EE Signature and Date


This is to certify that this project work titled “Developemt of biometric door security

system” was carried out by I, Y A H Y A M U B A with the matric number 2016/1/

60474EE meets the requirement for the award of a Bachelor of Engineering (B.ENG)

Degrees in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Federal University

of Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.

Engr. Dr. A. S. Ahmad

Project Supervisor Signature and Date


I dedicate this project to ALLAH (S.W.T) by whose favor I was able to successfully

complete this project.


All praises and thanks to Almighty God for granting me the strength, courage and hope to

successfully complete this project.

My heartfelt appreciation goes to my supervisor, Engr. Prof. J.G Kolo, for his invaluable

support, guidance and encouragement throughout the duration of this project despite his

numerous commitments, his expertise and insight were instrumental in helping me complete

this project successfully. I also appreciate my technical supervisor, Engr. Kudu Bagudu, my

HOD and all staffs in the department of Electrical Electronic Engineering for their support.

I’m deeply grateful to my father mallam. Yahaya idris Adamu and for his unconditional love,

unwavering support, and affectionate moments during my undergraduate studies. Your prayers

and well wishes sustained me throughout this journey. To my wonderful siblings, Jamila

yahya, Halimah yahya I am eternally grateful for your love support and guidance. You have

been a pivotal measuring element in determining my punctuality and progress.

I want to thank my friends, Engr. Umar Aaze Usman, Ibrahim Usman Isah, Hassan Ishaq,

Ahmad Yaman and other concerned colleagues for their words of encouragement and

significant contributions.

Finally, I extend my special appreciation to those who support, encouraged and prayed for me,

even not mentioned here. May Almighty God reward you and grant you all your heart desire.


As society progresses, the need for enhanced security measures has become increasingly
important. The idea of this project is aimed at curbing the challenges of security regarding
unauthorized persons gaining access into restricted premises. The old fashioned or traditional
locking systems which include keys, passwords and RFID cards have proven to be less
effective. Biometric systems incorporating fingerprints have hence been developed to improve
security level. The evolutional trend in fingerprint security systems have shown that most
projects have been restricted to a single user in addition to providing a single layer of
authentication which have proven to be less secure as spoofing attack on fingerprint
authentication systems are becoming a possibility this days. In this project, a two-step
authentication was implemented. The system employs major components such as the Arduino
Uno, fingerprint sensor, keypad, and electric lock. The fingerprint sensor captures and stores
the fingerprint data of authorized users, which is processed by the microcontroller unit for
authentication purposes. Upon a successful verification, a password is required to complete the
unlocking process. The successful implementation of this system demonstrated the advantages
of the developed system in terms of accuracy and reliability. The system is able to provide
security at low cost making it a suitable solution for various applications such as homes, offices
and high security areas.


1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Problem statement 3
1.3 Aim and Objectives 3
1.4 Scope of study 4
1.5 Justification of the study 4
1.6 Limitation of the project 4
1.7 Outline of the project 5
Preamble 6
2.1 History of Fingerprint Recognition 6
2.2 Fingerprint Recognition 7
2.3 Description of Components 8
2.3.1 Arduino Uno 9
2.3.2 Fingerprint sensor 9
2.3.3 Keypad module 10
2.3.4 LCD 11
2.3.5 Solenoid lock 12
2.4 Review of Related works 12
2.5 Summary of Literature Review 19
3.1 Introduction 24
3.2 Design of the system 25
3.2.1 The hardware components 25
3.2.2 Software components 27
3.3 Implementing the design 31
3.3.1 Interfacing keypad with Arduino 31
3.3.2 Interfacing fingerprint module with Arduino 31
3.3.3 Interfacing LCD with Arduino 32
Preamble 35
4.1 Testing 35
4.1.1 Storing mode test 35
4.1.2 Verification mode test 35
4.2 Discussion of results 36
5.1 Conclusion 38
5.2 Recommendation 38

Figure 2. 1: Fingerprint pattern, [11]. 7

Figure 2. 2: Fingerprint characteristics (minutiae) [11]. 8

Figure 2. 3: Arduino uno microcontroller. 9

Figure 2. 4: Fingerprint sensor 10

Figure 2. 5: Keypad module 11

Figure 2.6: LCD. 11

Figure 2. 7: Solenoid lock 12

Figure 3. 1: Stepwise methodology of design 24

Figure 3. 2: Block diagram of hardware component integration 26

Figure 3. 3: Circuit diagram of the developed system 28

Figure 3. 4: Flowchat of the system 30


Plate I: Interfacing keypad with Arduino 31

Plate II: Interfacing Fingerprint module with Arduino 32

Plate III: Interfacing LCD to Arduino 32

Plate IV: Interfacing all units to Arduino 33

Plate V: Front view of the Implemented system 34


Table 4. 1: Storing test result 35

Table 4. 2: Verification test result 36

1.1 Background of the Study
From the beginning of human history, there has been a great concern with regards to security

of properties and intrusion into private spaces. We are all seeking practical solutions and ideas

that could prevent burglars and unauthorized persons from getting access to our possession and

personal information. From ancient times till present, security locks have often included

mechanical parts consisting of forged metal, such as lock and bolt, the door padlock, chain, pin

tumbler lock, jam lock[1]. Using keys to lock or open doors is a well-known and tried method,

but it has drawbacks. For a lock, there can only be one special key. There are several keys for

various locks. The difficulty of carrying many keys raises the risk of theft, loss, or

misplacement of keys[2]. Since thieves and con artists can fabricate keys or create master keys

that can be used to break into homes or offices, people and corporate bodies are becoming

more aware of the risks associated with relying on keys and parameter fencing to provide

security to exclusive areas of their residences and organizations[2].

Passwords based authentication system have proven to provide a more advance level of

security beyond the limitation of key locks. By providing a "secret" password that they had

either invented or were given, users are required by these schemes to verify their identity.

These systems are vulnerable to hacking, either as a result of an attempt to guess the password

or because of passwords that were not particularly strong [3].

The authentication by RFID card was the next stage of technological advancement for security.

With the help of this technology, security was strengthened. Only those users whose RFID

code corresponds to the permitted code are allowed access. The duplication of RFID cards in

this system is another drawback because anyone in possession of a duplicate card can open

doors [3].

Due to the numerous limitations of previous security systems, there arise the need for a more

sophisticated and robust security system. This has driven further research and development in

the field of biometrics. Security solutions based on biometrics have grown in popularity and

received a lot of attention over the past few decades. However, the usefulness of human

biometric characteristics began in recent years.[4]

The term "biometrics" refers to a technology that makes use of physiological and behavioral

traits of humans for a variety of functions which includes identification, verification, access

control, user authorization, data protection, and security management [5]. Biometric

characteristics are significantly more difficult to fake, reproduce, share, lose, or guess[6]. The

individual being authenticated must be present during the authentication process using a

biometric system making it more reliable than old fashioned systems such as key's, passwords,

card's etc. [6]

Currently, there are six main biometric technologies in the market. They are: Facial

recognition, Voice recognition, Hand geometry recognition, fingerprint recognition, Iris and

Retina recognition. The most widely applied of these recognition technologies are facial

recognition, fingerprint recognition, and iris recognition[7]

When compared to other biometric systems, fingerprint recognition systems are fairly

affordable, and user acceptance is very high. The versatility of fingerprint identification makes

it effective in a wide range of settings. Additionally, it is a tried-and-true core technology, and

the capability of registering many fingers can significantly improve system accuracy and

adaptability [8]. Strong security systems are currently in demand in both homes and

organizations. In order to prevent unauthorized access, the need of developing and

implementing a biometric security system incorporating fingerprint technology cannot be


1.2 Problem statement

Today's society faces significant security challenges such that if valuables or sensitive data

falls into the wrong hands, it could result in serious consequences. Passwords, access cards,

PIN codes, credit cards, keys, and tokens are few of the conventional security measures used

to protect assets and confidential data. However, because they are so portable and easy to

obtain by anyone seeking unauthorized access to valuables and information, these methods are

not very secure [6]. Biometric based systems easily curtailed all the challenges posed by

traditional security systems. Nonetheless, the choice of selecting the biometric system that

offers complete security becomes a challenge as no single system is without a limitation.

Factors such as cost, performance, acceptability, circumvention, permanence and versatility

have increased the preference of one biometric system over another. Hence the choice of

fingerprint recognition system for this project.

Previous systems incorporating fingerprint have been developed. However, most systems have

been limited to single user, single step authentication with no alarm or alerting system. This

are some of the gaps that will be addressed in this project.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The aim of this project is to develop a biometric fingerprint based door security system. The

following objectives are set to be achieved:

i. To design a security system using fingerprint and password based technology.

ii. To implement the security system design in (I).

iii. To evaluate performance and functionality of the developed system.

1.4 Scope of study

The method used to implement this design involves the use of a fingerprint scanner that’s

interfaced with microcontroller to operate the locking and unlocking process of a door. A

keypad is incorporated to serve as additional means of verification and to add more prints if

required. Using this system, a user is required to place finger on the fingerprint scanner. After

scanning the print, the system runs its database for verification. If a match is found, user is

further prompted to enter a unique password. If the password correspond to the saved

password, the microcontroller sends signal to the electronic controlling unit which operates the

lock. The LCD displays "access granted" and thus the door gets unlocked. "Access denied" is

displayed for any unrecognized print and the door does not open. Alarm system is incorporated

to discourage continuous attempt by unauthorized persons. Authorized persons can enroll more

prints by simply entering the (*) key on the keypad after successfully entering the password.

1.5 Justification of the study

As a result of the disadvantages present in conventional security systems, it is imperative to

design a more robust system capable of offering high degree of security and access.

1.6 Limitation of the project

Due to the abstract nature of Human variables and the cost of getting cutting edge technology,

in addition to time required to achieve the design. The following are the limitations of the


i. The design does not include GSM alert notification

ii. Power supply failure will make the system inoperative

iii. Verification is difficult if Factors such as sweaty, painted or injured finger is present.

1.7 Outline of the project

The project comprises of five chapters. Chapter one gives a brief introduction of the project

topic, problem statement, aim and objectives, scope of the project, justification and limitations.

Chapter two include the history of fingerprint recognition, overview of fingerprint recognition

system, components description and finally review of literature in the field of interest. Chapter

three shows detailed process of how the project was carried out. It contain the design flow

process, block diagram of the developed system, flowchart and circuit diagram respectively.

Chapter four presents and discusses the result of the design. Chapter five wraps up the project

with conclusion and recommendation for further research and improvement of the developed


This chapter will discuss the history of fingerprint recognition system, fingerprint recognition

system, description of major components and finally a general review of related works in the

field of interest.

2.1 History of Fingerprint Recognition

With a history that dates back to at least 6000 B.C.[9] , finger-print recognition is the oldest

form of biometric identification. The Assyrians, Babylonians, Japanese, and Chinese were the

first civilizations to employ fingerprints to sign legal documents, according to historical

records. The usage of fingerprints on clay tablets for business transactions dates back to ancient

Babylon. According to explorer Joao de Barros, fingerprinting was practiced in China. He said

that Chinese merchants used ink to stamp children's footprints and palm prints to differentiate

one youngster from another.

Sir Francis Galton published a thorough examination of fingerprints in the late 19th century

and proposed a new classification scheme that made use of the prints from all 10 fingers.

Galton calculated that the probability of two distinct fingerprints being identical was one in 64

billion. The traits used to identify fingerprints today (minutia) were first identified by Galton.

Galton's Details [10] is a term used frequently to describe this minutiae classification. The first

systematic use of fingerprints to identify convicts in the United States occurred in 1903 with

the New York State Prison System. During the next 25 years, increasing numbers of law

enforcement agencies joined in the use of fingerprints as a means of personal identification


The State of California started requesting fingerprints as part of its driving license application

process in the middle of the 1980s [10].The International Biometrics Association (IBA), the

first industrial association for biometrics, was established between 1986 and 1987[10]. After

the beginning of the 20th century, many biometric techniques were being employed by people

in their daily lives.

2.2 Fingerprint Recognition

The skin on the surface of a fingertip consists of raised folds of skin, known as ridges, and

these ridges are separated by valleys. The pattern of ridges and valleys on a fingertip represents

a fingerprint, which is what is used in biometric recognition. The three major fingerprint

features used for pattern recognition are arches, loops and whorls, one of which is found on a

given fingerprint. Two other major features may also be used for recognition, i.e. the core and

delta. The core is the Centre point of a particular fingerprint pattern and the delta is a point

from which three patterns deviate. The core and the delta can be used as landmarks to orient

two fingerprints for matching; however, it should be noted that these features are not found on

all fingerprints [11]. This is visible from the image in figure 2.1.

Figure 2. 1: Fingerprint pattern, [11].

The minor features used in fingerprint recognition are known as minutiae (see figure 2.2) –

hence, the process is known as minutiae matching. Minutiae are discontinuities that disrupt the

flow of fingerprint ridges and there are two main types, i.e. endings and bifurcations. An ending

is where a ridge stops and a bifurcation is where a ridge splits in two [11].

Figure 2. 2: Fingerprint characteristics (minutiae) [11].

Both pattern and minutiae matching include the same fundamental procedures in the

recognition of a fingerprint. One of the three available sensor types optical, silicon

(capacitance), or ultrasound is used to first capture a high-quality image. With an optical

sensor, the user places their finger on the sensor surface (platen), and a laser illuminates the

fingerprint. The ridges on the fingerprint reflect this light, which is then transformed into a

digital signal[11].

2.3 Description of Components

To achieve the desired design, it is necessary to make use of some materials. These materials

were selected in line with the requirement of the design specification and also the cost

effectiveness and durability of the materials. The subsequent section gives a summarized

description of the major hardware components used in the design.

2.3.1 Arduino Uno

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega 328(data sheet). It consist

of a 16MHZ crystal oscillator, 6 analog inputs, 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be

used as PMW outputs) a USB port, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button.

Everything required to support the microcontroller is included in it. In this system the Arduino

serves as the main processor or brain of the entire system. It is responsible for receiving all the

input data, processing the data’s according to the program stored on it and executing the

commands as required. Figure 2.3 shows the arduino Uno microcontroller.

Figure 2. 3: Arduino uno microcontroller.

Source: Adapted from [12]

2.3.2 Fingerprint sensor

A fingerprint sensor (Figure 2.4) is an electronic device used to capture a digital image of the

finger print pattern. The captured image is referred to as live scan. This live scan is digitally

processed to create a biometric template (a collection of extracted features) which is stored and

used for matching. The fingerprint scanner used in this design is the optical scanner (R305)

which is capable of storing up to 162 templates of captured prints. It is used for enrollment and

verification purpose.

Figure 2. 4: Fingerprint sensor

Source: Adapted from [13]
2.3.3 Keypad module
A keypad module (Figure 2.5) is a set of button that are arranged in a block or pad and consist

of digits, symbols or alphabetical letters. A numeric keypad is a pad that primarily has numbers

on it. The 4*4 matrix keypad is utilized in this project as the input means. There are exactly

the same input values because there are a total of 16 keys. It has an adhesive base for simple

mounting in a range of application. It’s incredibly thin, and is simple to interface with any

microcontroller. Its function here is mainly for password verification and initiating fingerprint

enrollment decisions.

Figure 2. 5: Keypad module
Source: Adapted from [14]
2.3.4 LCD
The liquid crystal display (LCD) just as the name suggest is an electronic device that is used

to display text and other ASCII symbols to users. The LCD screen designed exclusively for

the Arduino typically has a 16*2 display. In other words, there are a maximum of 16 characters

in width and 2 characters in height. 32 characters altogether, made up of 16 columns and 2

rows of letters, numbers and symbols. 40 pixels are used for each character. The total number

of pixels for 32 character is (32*40) 1280 pixels. The use of the LCD here is to provide visuals

for users during interaction with the system. Figure 2.6 shows the image of the LCD.

Figure 2.6: LCD.

Source: Adapted from [12]

2.3.5 Solenoid lock
An electronic solenoid (Figure 2.7) is a device that functions essentially as an electromagnet.

It is made of a large coil of copper wire with an armature (slug of metal) in the center. When

the coil is energized, the slug is drawn or pulled into the center of the coil. This allows the

solenoid to move to one end, de-energizing the coil will cause the slug to return to its original

position. This feature of solenoid is what is utilized in this design to operate the locking and

unlocking process. It operates on a 12vdc supply.

Figure 2. 7: Solenoid lock

Source: Adapted from [15]
2.4 Review of Related works
Raghu and his colleague [16] proposed a locker system that employs RFID, fingerprint,

password and GSM. In this system, RFID module reads the ID number from passive tag and

sends it to the LPC2148 microcontroller. A valid ID will activate the fingerprint sensor else,

the process is terminated. If the scanned fingerprint matches, the microcontroller sends a

password to the registered phone number. The authenticated user enters the password and the

locker gets unlocked. Security is enhanced using this multi-step authentication. However, the

system application is restricted to areas requiring high security like vaults, ATM and safes but

not suitable for use in residential homes. No provision is made to register more prints.

Crystalynne etal [17] developed a microcontroller based biometric locker system with short

message service. ATMEGA 644 was used to interface the input and output hardware devices.

The input devices include the fingerprint sensor for biometric recognition, keypad for the

encoding of passcode and real time clock for displaying current date and time. The output

devices include includes GSM module for sending SMS that contains the passcode, solenoid

lock, 16*2 LCD for display of the lockers operation. The system was able to scan and match

fingerprints with saved patterns and unlock the locker. GSM module was able to send text

message containing auto-generated passcode of the locker when an unrecognized fingerprint

was entered. The system was able to function as designed. However, fingerprint enrolment can

only be done using a third party software rather than keypad directly. Also level of

authentication is single-step.

Kundu and his colleagues [18] In their work, “high security door lock system: A solution for

smart home”. Proposed a system that offers multi-step security check using RFID, finger print

and password. In this system, user has to first enter the conFigured password of the system. If

password is matched, it then ask user to scan RFID tag. If the card id is valid, the finger print

scanner is then activated else it terminates the process. A recognized finger print initiate the

microcontroller action granting access to the door. Remote access using mobile phone is also

achievable without the need to go through the other verification steps. User can simply send a

message containing a preset password to the GSM module of the system via registered phone

number and the LCD displays access granted via GSM. The system is capable of providing

reliable security. However, fingerprints are pre-stored limiting access to just a single user. Also

when there is poor network coverage, it makes access difficult using the GSM option.

Umar etal [19] developed a fingerprint door access control system which incorporates D.C

motor, LED, microcontroller and fingerprint sensor as major components. The design was

made into sub-circuits comprising of input and output sub-systems. The input subsystems

include the fingerprint sensor and keypad buttons while the output subsystems is interfaced on

the output port of the microcontroller unit. This includes the 12v relay, dc motor, LED display

and buzzer alarm. The system works by authorizing registered prints to unlock the door and

denying access to unauthorized persons in addition to setting off an alarm. The system was

able to function as intended. However, it employs single step authentication in its approach.

Enalume and his colleague [20] developed a biometric door lock system. The method

employed in accomplishing this involves the use of a fingerprint scanner R305 interfaced with

ATMEGA 328 Arduino microcontroller to actuate the locking and unlocking operation of a

door. The door slides open and closes after five seconds once a registered fingerprint is placed

on the sensor granting access to the user. The 16*2 liquid crystal display (LCD) shows the

person’s name who entered their fingerprint during this process. Access is denied if a

fingerprint that has not been registered is detected. The developed system was tested and found

to function in accordance with the desired objectives. Alas, it doesn’t make provision for

adding more prints if required. In addition to that, it adopts a single step authentication which

is open to spoofing attack.

Avinash et al [21] proposed a multi-level security system using QR code, biometrics and

password for ATM’s. User is required to scan their QR code using a webcam, next is the iris

scan still using webcam, then the fingerprint and finally the password of user. A successful

verification permits user to complete transaction. System security is utmost using this system.

However, it is too complex for use on an ATM.

A home automation system secured by a biometric system is developed by Swati and his

colleague [22]. Home appliances are simply controlled remotely using Bluetooth technology

through an android app installed on the smart phone. The finger print based biometric system

is also employed for providing robust security to the home as well as access to the automation

circuitry. The system is cost ineffective.

Okeimute and his colleagues [23] Developed a system using biometric finger print. User is

required to scan finger for authentication, if a matching finger is obtained, access is granted.

Access is denied for an unauthorized person and the buzzer is activated to alert the user of an

intrusion. There is no provision of adding more fingerprints using this system.

Divya et al [24] Implemented a system based on RFID, finger print, password and GSM. Using

this system, user is required to first scan their card for validity. If the card is authorized, a

message is sent to the users registered phone number showing card authorized. Next user enters

their finger print for verification, a matching finger print grants access to the door. GSM will

notify user when an unauthorized card is used. An OTP option is also provided and using this

option, the password is sent to authorized users phone and can be entered to unlock the door.

This option is specially incorporated to allow visitors or persons with permission access. The

limitation of this system is the risk of losing RFID card. Furthermore, the constant SMS one

receives whenever an attempt is made to access door can be quite disturbing.

Komol et al [25] Developed a two-step verification system using RFID and finger print sensor

to access a door. In this system, user is first required to scan their RFID card. If a valid id is

matched, the finger print scanner is then activated further prompting the user to scan their

finger. If the right match is obtained, the microcontroller which operates the motor connected

to the door latch opens the door. Security is raised using two-step verification. The system

however has its limitations in the sense that, it creates the necessity of carrying RFID card. The

system is also incapable of adding more users.

Ahmad and his team [26] in their work “security lock with effective verification traits”,

implemented a five step verification security system. The five levels of security includes

entering of password on interactive GUI, thumbprint, facial recognition, speech pattern

recognition, and vein pattern recognition. The traits used involves checking, training and

verifying processes with application of machine learning operations. Security verification is

optimal in this system. However the implementation cost of this system is high.

A system designed by Rajesh and colleagues [27] using finger print to control the opening of

vehicle door. The microcontroller stores the data equivalent of fingerprint of the master user.

The control circuitry sends appropriate signals to the motor relays operating the door of the

vehicle. The system is able to provide security. However Alarm system is absent in the design.

Paul et al [28] in their work ‘smart door lock using finger print sensor’ implemented a system

using finger print and GSM technology. In this system, user will enter fingerprint in the

fingerprint scanner which is connected to the door latch through the microcontroller. After

scanning the print, the system runs its database and looks for a match. If match is found, the

latch opens and thus the door gets unlocked. If a wrong finger print is entered, the system beeps

the buzzer showing ‘try again’ on the LCD display. If five consecutive attempt is made, the

system enters a secured mode where it rings the alarm showing ‘panic mode’ on the LCD

screen. A message gets delivered to the owner notifying that there has been an attempt to break

in. The project was a success. However more prints cannot be added if required.

Alghamdi [29] Proposed a security lock system which incorporates the keypad, fingerprint,

face ID and user phone. Additional features such as camera and motion sensor is also included

for monitoring purposes. The use of mobile is to allow for remote control and giving multiple

users privileges such as remote unlocking, granting authority to other users, and knowing the

situation at the door using the established monitoring systems. The system adopts modern

technological components. ZigBee receives and send signals to the STM32 microcontroller

which is connected to every other components, TFT touch screen is used to provide LCD

display. The system is capable of providing robust security. However, cost of components is


Sarma et al [30]Proposed a system based on fingerprint, GSM technology with the

incorporation of a camera to capture images of unauthorized persons. The system is capable of

capturing the finger print image of unauthorized person in addition to sending notification

message to registered phone number. However, Power failure will make the system


Ipilakyaa et al [31] Designed a security system based on finger print and GSM technology.

The first step is the enrollment of user. The keypad is used to enroll a new fingerprint. After

the finger has been successfully registered, user now has access. Once a finger is placed on the

sensor, the microcontroller tries to verify the print by matching it with the one stored in its

memory. Once a match is found, access is granted with a welcome message on the LCD screen.

However, if there is no matching print, the SIM card module automatically sends a notification

message to the registered number notifying of a break in attempt. The system is able to provide

reliable security at low cost. Nonetheless power failure will make the system inaccessible.

Mahjabeen and his colleague [32] implemented a door lock system using fingerprint,

microcontroller, LCD and motor for locking and unlocking of a door. The system works by

taking the fingerprint of a user and matching it against its stored templates. If the entered

fingerprint matches, the microcontroller sends two signals, one to the LCD and another to the

motor operating the locking and unlocking process. The system was able to function as

designed. However, no provision for adding more prints was made.

A system designed by chandhru and his colleagues [33] using a mobile application and

Bluetooth wireless module. Here user must first connect their phone to the system and log into

the application. An OTP will be sent to their registered mobile number as a further means of

verification. Next user is required to enter finger print scanner on their mobile to unlock the

door. User also can view and remove any person who have logged in the system by using fire

base. Security at minimal cost is achieved in this system. Short range of Bluetooth however

can make establishing connection difficult in addition to creating the necessity of carrying the

phone. A necessity similar to traditional systems.

Okoduwa and his colleague [34] developed a fingerprint based biometric access control system

which employs microcontroller, fingerprint module, LCD, H-bridge motor, control buttons and

signal LEDs. Using a controlled 5v, the supply unit supplies power to the LCD, fingerprint

sensor, and microcontroller. The system database is used to check a fingerprint image with

previously stored image scans. Upon recognition, the microcontroller enables the H-bridge

motor to control the automated sliding door opening. The control buttons were used for

administrative purposes to add or remove users as required. Overall, the projects performance

was evaluated and was determined to be adequate. Nonetheless, it adopts a single step

authentication approach in its operation.

2.5 Summary of Literature Review

Author/year Title Methodology Achievement(s) Limitation(s)

Raghu and locker opening The system The system is i) Its scope of
Subhramanya and closing employs RFID, capable of application is
2013. system using fingerprint, providing multi- limited.
RFID, password and layer of security ii) no provision
Fingerprint, GSM. LPC2148 for adding prints
Password and microcontroller
GSM is used to
interface all the
Crystalynne et Development of ATMEGA 644 The developed i) cannot add
al., 2016 Microcontroller- was used to system was able more prints
Based Biometric interface the to provide directly
Locker System input and output security ii) single step
with Short hardware verification
Message Service devices. The
input devices
include the
sensor and
keypad. The
output devices
include LCD,
solenoid lock
and GSM
Kundu et al., High Security The system It provides No provision for
2016 door lock system involves a multi- multiple access adding more
step security options prints
check using
RFID, finger
print and

M. Avinash et Multi-level The system Utmost degree Process is too

al., 2017 Security Using incorporates QR of security is complex for use
QR Code, code, biometrics guaranteed on an ATM
Biometric and (iris and
Password for fingerprint) and
Security password for
Systems verification and

Enalume et al, property security The method Provides i) Alarm system
2018 using a employed security in is absent
biometric based involves the use addition to ii) single step
door lock system of a fingerprint displaying the authentication
scanner R305 name of
interfaced with individuals who
ATMEGA 328 entered their
Arduino prints
to actuate the
locking and
operation of a

Swati & R. Implementation Home The system is The system is

Gupta, 2018 of Biometric appliances are able to provide cost ineffective
Security in a simply robust security
Smartphone controlled to both home
based Domotics remotely using and automation
Bluetooth circuitry
through an
android app
installed on the
smart phone.
The automation
circuitry is
secured using
Okeimute & property security The system Alarm system is No provision for
Okeoghene, using a employs present to alert adding more
2018 biometric based biometric the user of prints if required
door system fingerprint unauthorized
authentication attempt

Divya & Roa, Centralized System It’s capable of Risk of losing
2018 Authentication Implementation sending RFID card.
Smart Locking is based on notification Bulky SMS
System using RFID, finger messages to resulting from
RFID, Finger print, password authorized user. accessing the
print, password and GSM It has provision door
and GSM module for granting
other persons

Komol et al., RFID and Finger The system uses Two step i) Requirement
2018 print based dual RFID tag and verification is of RFID card.
security system fingerprint for able to Improve ii)cannot add
authentication security more prints
Ahmad et al., security lock The system Security level is Cost of
2019 with effective involves the use optimal implementation
verification traits of password on is high
interactive GUI, iii) alarm is
thumbprint, absent in the
facial design
speech pattern
recognition, and
vein pattern

K. Rajesh et al., smart door The system Its capable of Alarm system is
2019 unlock system employs providing absent
using fingerprint fingerprint, security
and motor relay
Paul et al., 2019 smart door lock The system uses Its capable of Provision for
using fingerprint fingerprint, sending adding more
sensor GSM module, notification prints is not
microcontroller, message in case made.
buzzer and LCD of unauthorized
Alghamdi, 2020 Security lock The system Remote control Components
system incorporates option is cost is high
keypad, available
fingerprint, face
ID, mobile

phone(app), Security is also
camera, motion robust using this
sensor, system
and TFT touch
Sarma et al., Fingerprint The system uses The system is Power failure
2020 Based Door Fingerprint, able to capture will make the
Access System camera and unauthorized system
Using Arduino GSM technology users print inoperative
In addition to
notification to

Ipilakyaa et al., design, The system It is able to Power failure

2020 construction and employs provide security will make the
performance fingerprint at a low cost in system
evaluation of an scanner GSM addition More inaccessible
automated door module, keypad, users can be
lock using microcontroller enrolled.
biometric and LCD GSM
security system Notification
with phone text helps to alert
alert notification user
Mahjabeen and Unique The system uses Performance No provision for
Tarafder, 2021. Authentication fingerprint, was according to adding more
for door lock microcontroller, design prints
system through LCD and motor
bio scanning- for locking and
fingerprint unlocking of a
security sysem door
Chandhru et mulitilevel The system uses Access control Short range of
al., 2021 Security mobile can be Bluetooth can
Biometric application, monitored in make
Authentication Bluetooth addition to establishing
Locking system module and providing connection
using Arduino microcontroller. security at low difficult.
UNO cost
Esekhaigbe and Design and
Okoduwa 2022. implementation Employs Authentication is Single step
of a fingerprint- microcontroller, seamless authentication is
based biometric fingerprint employed
access control module, LCD,
system. H-bridge motor,
control buttons

and signal

The works reviewed in this chapter are related to the proposed project. The following are

however the limitations that are associated with the vast majority of these projects.

i. Single step authentication employing just fingerprint was used

ii. Most systems did not include alarm system in their design

iii. The provision to add more fingerprints is lacking in most designs

iv. Power failure challenge was not addressed in most designs

v. GSM module for alert notification is not included in some designs

This proposed project however will limit its scope to providing solutions to the limitations

highlighted in I II, III with a little improvement to IV

3.1 Introduction
This chapter shows the procedures and methods used in developing the proposed system. It

includes a general overview of the system, design process, flowchart and circuit design. The

design process is shown in Figure 3.1




Figure 3. 1: Stepwise methodology of design

The design methodology used in this project is the use of an optical fingerprint sensor to

capture the print of user. The keypad is integrated to serve the dual purpose of password

verification and print enrollment. A solenoid lock is used to operate the opening and closing

of the door as required. The method employed allows scanning of fingerprint and matching the

print against previously stored templates. The microcontroller was programmed using C

language in the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment). The circuit design,

analysis and simulation was carried out using the proteus simulation software. This was to

ensure the proper accuracy, effectiveness and efficiency of the intended design. The

implemented project is incorporated into a modelled house specially designed for testing and

working of the developed system.

3.2 Design of the system
The system design is carried out in two phases. The hardware phase and the software phase.

The hardware consist of all the physical components that makes up the design prototype. Refer

to section 2.3. The software part on the other hand comprises of the design and simulation tool

in addition to the programs that are uploaded to the processing unit of the system to help

achieve the desired function of the developed system.

3.2.1 The hardware components

The hardware components is divided into sub-functional units which includes:

1. The power unit

2. The display unit

3. The sensing and input unit

4. The processing unit

5. The switching unit

6. The locking unit

7. The alarm unit

The interconnection of these units is shown in the block diagram of the system Figure 3.2






Figure 3. 2: Block diagram of hardware component integration

The power unit which comprises of 3 lithium-ion batteries with ratings 3.7v, 1200mAH each

powers the Arduino and solenoid lock independently. This is achieved by connecting the

batteries in series. The output from the batteries is then fed to the LM7085 voltage regulator.

From this, a stable +5v DC required by the Arduino in made available. Tapings were made

from the outputs of the batteries. This was done to make recharging of the batteries possible in

order to mitigate the challenge of power supply to the system. The solenoid lock which operates

on 12v is powered directly from the battery. The display unit which consist of 16*2 LCD acts

as the visual means of communication between the system and the user. The sensing unit which

is made up of the optical sensor is used to scan the print of persons operating the system.

Incorporated also is the input unit which is mainly the keypad used to enter numeric data in

form of password. The processing unit which serves as the brain of the entire system is the

Arduino microcontroller which sits at the center of the design. All program instructions are fed

to this unit and it controls the operation of the entire system. Each component connected to the

Arduino either serve as input to it or output from the Arduino. The inputs include the optical

sensor, keypad and the power supply. The outputs includes the LCD, transistor, buzzer and

solenoid lock as shown in the block diagram. The switching unit which comprises the BT136

transistor (Traic) is responsible for switching action. It takes power from the Arduino and

triggers the opening of solenoid lock. The locking unit which comprise of the solenoid lock

that either open or closes accordingly based on the instruction it receives from the

microcontroller through the switching action of the transistor. Finally the alarm unit which

consist of a buzzer that provide audio signal when the condition necessary for its activation is


3.2.2 Software components

The software components of the design are the tools used to simulate and program the hardware

in order to make it function as required. These tools are basically:

1. Proteus software

2. Arduino IDE( Integrated Development Environment)

The Proteus software is a CAD (Computer Aided Design) that is used for design and simulation

of circuits. The circuit design and simulation for this system was obtained using the Proteus

software. This was to ensure the correctness of the system operation during physical

implementation. The circuit diagram in Figure 3.3 shows the circuit implementation of the

developed system.

Figure 3. 3: Circuit diagram of the developed system

The Arduino IDE is an open-source software program that allows users to write and upload

code within a real time work environment. It enables the Arduino board to be programmed and

modified as required. All codes for the developed system were written and uploaded to the uno

board. The codes are written in C language syntax. The codes for this system is obtainable in

the appendix section.

The software design includes the flowchat which shows the step by step process involved in

the operation of the system. At the start of operation, user is first required to add print. This is

done with the aid of the keypad. A default password is required to proceed with the print

enrollment. The microcontroller compares the entered password with the default password of

the system. An incorrect password will return user to the enter password command. With the

fifth unsuccessful password attempt, the buzzer is activated. On the other hand, a correct

password will prompt user to place finger on the scanner. This is in two stages, the first is the

extraction of minutiae and second is the storing of print enrolled. The LCD shows “print added

successfully”. User now have access to the system.

During authentication, user is required to place finger on the scanner for matching. The

microcontroller runs its database for a matching template. If any template matches the captured

print, user will then be required to provide a password. Otherwise, the system instructs user to

place finger again. A correct password shows “access granted” on the LCD and the door gets

unlocked. The system is set to delay for about 8 seconds before locking. In the same fashion,

an unregistered print or wrong password at the authentication phase will display “access

denied”. The number of attempt is set to five trials in each case and a fifth unsuccessful trial

will trigger the alarm. Figure 3.4 shows the flowchat representation of the system.




Password No
5 attempts

New User

finger (ID1
& ID2)


Is finger



Finger No
5 attempts

Yes Activate

Password No
5 attempts
door lock


Figure 3. 4: Flowchat of the system

3.3 Implementing the design
This section shows the implementation of the proposed system. The stages and processes

involved in integrating both the hardware and software features.

3.3.1 Interfacing keypad with Arduino

The keypad used in this design consist of eight I/O pins. It is divided into rows and columns.

The first four pins of the keypad controls the columns while the following four controls the

rows. The connection of this pins to the I/O pins of the Arduino is shown in the circuit diagram.

The codes for this section of the design is obtainable in the appendix section (see keypad

section, page-A).

Plate I: Interfacing keypad with Arduino

3.3.2 Interfacing fingerprint module with Arduino

The fingerprint module consist of four pins only. The red and green pins were connected to the

5v and pin 12 of the Arduino. While the white and black pins were connected to pin 13 and

GND of the Arduino respectively. The Adafruit library contains the codes for fingerprint

module. Refer to appendix (Fingerprint section, page-B).

Plate II: Interfacing Fingerprint module with Arduino

3.3.3 Interfacing LCD with Arduino

The LCD consist of 4 pins which were connected to the Arduino pins as shown in the circuit

diagram of the design. The codes for various displays can be found in the appendix section

(see LCD Section, page-B).

Plate III: Interfacing LCD to Arduino

3.3.4 Interfacing all units to Arduino

After all units have been separately configured to Arduino. The final step is then the connection

of all units to the Arduino. All units have been programmed to communicate with the Arduino

(see codes in appendix, page-C-I). Plate IV shows the interfacing of these units to the Arduino.

Plate IV: Interfacing all units to Arduino

Plate V: Front view of the Implemented system

This chapter presents the result of the various tests and evaluation obtained. It also discusses

the result that have been obtained from testing the system.

4.1 Testing
Different tests were executed on the developed system to test its accuracy and functionality

and to ensure that it satisfies the aim for which it was designed. The subsequent sections

shows the various test carried out.

4.1.1 Storing mode test

To carry out this test, seven persons were allowed to operate the system. The idea is to

measure the accuracy and effectiveness when storing fingerprints. Each person made a total

of 10 trials to store their fingerprints. The results are shown in Table 4.1

Table 4. 1: Storing test result

No of Attempts Stored Not Average Response Percentage

persons stored time accuracy
1 10 9 1 1s 90
2 10 10 0 1s 100
3 10 8 2 2s 80
4 10 9 1 1s 90
5 10 9 1 1s 90
6 10 10 0 1s 100
7 10 10 0 1s 100

4.1.2 Verification mode test

To achieve this, seven persons tested the system making a total of 10 trials each. This persons

were ensured to have previously stored their fingerprints on the system. The idea was to test

the systems effectiveness and responsiveness when it comes to verification of prints. The

results obtained are recorded in table 2

Table 4. 2: Verification test result

No of Attempts Stored Not Average Response Percentage

persons stored time accuracy
1 10 9 1 1s 90
2 10 8 2 2s 80
3 10 10 0 1s 100
4 10 9 1 2s 90
5 10 10 0 1s 100
6 10 10 0 1s 100
7 10 8 2 2s 80

4.2 Discussion of results

The result obtained from table 4.1 shows that the system is effective in storing fingerprints.

The average response time for storing ranges between 1-2seconds. The storing accuracy is

quite high using this system. When storing finger, user has to place finger twice in succession

in order to store the better image. This will explain the reason why not all fingers were stored

for all the attempts made as the fingers applied must be exactly the same while storing.

Therefore inconsistent or partial finger placement accounts for the failure of the system in

storing all prints.

The result obtained from the verification test in table 4.2 shows that the system is responsive

in verifying the prints of users whose prints have been previously stored. The response time is

quick and the accuracy is quite high. When verifying fingerprints, user has to place finger on

the sensor and wait for the system to match the print against previously stored template. This

will explain why verification failed in some attempts. The reasons for this include sweaty

finger, dirt covering the fingerprint sensor, partial finger placement and failure due to

fingerprints not properly stored.

Another notable test that was carried out was the angle placement test. A finger was slowly

placed on the fingerprint sensor at various angles with the intention of validating or storing its

print. It was discovered that there is no correlation between how the user positions their finger

on the fingerprint sensor and the verification or storing operations. In other words, how the

user places their finger on the fingerprint sensor has no bearing on the outcome. The systems

matching algorithm provides an explanation for this. As explained in section 2.2, the system

takes the details from the fingerprint pattern during feature extraction and uses these details to

carry out the matching process.

Also it is worth noting that not once during verification is the error due to false acceptance or

rejection recorded. This error usually occurs when the system recognizes a print that wasn’t

stored or fail to recognize a registered print.

5.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, the fingerprint door security system is an innovative and efficient technology

that provides a high level of security for homes, offices, and other private or public buildings.

Through the development and testing of this system, it has been fully demonstrated that

fingerprint recognition is a reliable and accurate method of authentication with a very low

probability of false acceptance and rejection. Additionally, the system is user friendly and easy

to operate, requiring minimal training and maintenance. Overall, this project has shown that

its implementation can significantly enhance the security of a building, reduce the risk of

unauthorized access, and provide greater convenience for authorized users. The system is able

to provide two step authentication in addition to adding more users if required. As technology

continues to advance, we can expect even greater improvements in the accuracy, reliability,

and convenience of fingerprint recognition systems.

5.2 Recommendation
Looking towards the future, the prospects for fingerprint recognition technology is bright. With

this, the following are some improvements that can be made to this project.

 The use of high capacitive scanner to capture fingerprints under conditions of sweaty

or oily finger

 Provision of backup power and a system for recharging batteries so as to mitigate the

challenge that comes with power outage or failure.

 Provision of an optional and secure means of authentication to ease user’s interactions

with the system.

 Incorporation of GSM module and monitoring system to maximize security state.

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int l=0,i=0,j=0,o=0,b=0,m=0,s=0;

int num =0;

String password ="";

String tempPassword ="";

String tempPassword1 ="";

#define Solenoid 4

#define buzzer 5

#include <EEPROM.h>

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display


#include <Keypad.h>

#define lcdLight A0

String numbertodial ="";

int fingerNumber=0;

const byte ROWS =4;

const byte COLS =3;

char keyMap[ROWS][COLS] = {






byte rowPins[ROWS] = {12,11,10,9};

byte colPins[COLS] = {8,7,6};

Keypad keypad = Keypad(makeKeymap(keyMap), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS);


#include <Adafruit_Fingerprint.h>

#if (defined(__AVR__) || defined(ESP8266)) && !defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)

SoftwareSerial mySerial(3, 2);


#define mySerial Serial1


Adafruit_Fingerprint finger = Adafruit_Fingerprint(&mySerial);

uint8_t id=1;


void setup() {

pinMode (lcdLight, OUTPUT);


digitalWrite (lcdLight, HIGH);


pinMode (Solenoid, OUTPUT);

pinMode (buzzer, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite (Solenoid, LOW);

lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd

// Print a message to the LCD.









String retrievedString = readStringFromEEPROM(0);


Serial.print("The String we read from EEPROM: ");


password = retrievedString;




void loop() {


lcd.print("Place Finger ");


char keypressed = keypad.getKey();

if (keypressed == '*'){


else if (keypressed == '#'){





void setPassword(){

password= "";


lcd.print("Set Password:6");



lcd.print(" ");

int n=0;


char keyP =keypad.getKey();


if (keyP){

password = password + keyP;


lcd.setCursor (n+5,1);



writeStringToEEPROM(0, password);


void enrollPassword(){



lcd.print("Input curpassword:");

while (i<6){ //to input password before enrolling finger


char keypressed = keypad.getKey();

if (keypressed != NO_KEY && keypressed != '*' && keypressed != '#'){




tempPassword = tempPassword + keypressed;

delay (10);

else if (keypressed == '*'){


lcd.print("Wrong keypressed");

else if (keypressed == '#'){


if (tempPassword == password){


else if (tempPassword != password && i>=6)


void accessGranted(){




lcd.print(" ACCESS GRANTED ");



lcd.print(" Door Unlocked ");

digitalWrite(Solenoid, HIGH);


// lcd.setCursor(0,0);

// lcd.print(" Locking... ");

// delay(1000);

// lcd.setCursor(0,1);

// lcd.print(" Door Locked ");

void enrollFinger(){


lcd.print(" SUCCESS ");




while (! getFingerprintEnroll() );

uint8_t getFingerprintEnroll() {


lcd.print("Put enrol finger");


int p = -1;

while (p != FINGERPRINT_OK) {

p = finger.getImage();

switch (p) {


Serial.println("Image taken");


Serial.print("ID "); Serial.println(id);

p = finger.storeModel(id);

if (p == FINGERPRINT_OK) {



lcd.print("Finger has been");


lcd.print("saved successfully");


// Serial.print("Found ID #"); Serial.print(finger.fingerID);

// Serial.print(" with confidence of "); Serial.println(finger.confidence);


lcd.print("Found, id: #");





return finger.fingerID;

void load(){

lcd.setCursor (0, 0);

lcd.print(" WELCOME");

delay (2000);


lcd.print(" ");






lcd.print(" DOOR ");



lcd.print("DONE BY: ");



lcd.print(" MUBARAK ");



lcd.print(" ");



void inputPassword(){


while (s<6){


lcd.print("Input Password ");

char keypressed = keypad.getKey();

if (keypressed != NO_KEY && keypressed != '*' && keypressed != '#' && keypressed != '0' && i<6){


tempPassword = tempPassword + keypressed;




if (tempPassword == password){


else if (tempPassword != password && i>5)



if (m>5){


digitalWrite (buzzer, HIGH);


digitalWrite (buzzer, LOW);

else if (keypressed == '0'){



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