The Awakening Essay

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The Awakening Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of "The Awakening" can be both a challenging and rewarding
endeavor. This particular topic delves into the complexities of Kate Chopin's novel, exploring the
protagonist's journey of self-discovery, societal expectations, and the constraints placed upon women
in the late 19th century. To successfully navigate this literary terrain, one must possess a keen
understanding of the novel's historical and cultural context, as well as an ability to analyze the
characters' motivations and the author's stylistic choices.

The Awakening Essay requires a thoughtful interpretation of Edna Pontellier's awakening and the
myriad factors that contribute to her transformation. Engaging with critical analyses and scholarly
perspectives becomes crucial, as it adds depth to the essay and enables the writer to present a
nuanced argument. The challenge lies in balancing personal interpretation with established literary
criticism, creating a cohesive narrative that not only explores the central themes but also showcases a
mastery of the subject matter.

Moreover, addressing the societal norms and gender roles prevalent during the novel's setting
demands careful consideration. It requires the ability to draw connections between the characters'
experiences and the broader cultural milieu. Developing a coherent thesis statement that encapsulates
the essence of the essay and guides the reader through the analysis adds another layer of complexity.

Furthermore, maintaining a fluid and articulate writing style is paramount. This includes the skillful
use of language to convey ideas with clarity and precision. The essay should seamlessly integrate
quotes from the text to support arguments while avoiding a mere recitation of facts.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on "The Awakening" necessitates a comprehensive understanding of

the novel, critical thinking skills, and the ability to articulate nuanced ideas effectively. Despite its
challenges, the process of unraveling the layers of this literary masterpiece can be intellectually
enriching and rewarding.

For those seeking assistance or inspiration, similar essays and more can be explored or ordered
through , where expert writers are available to provide guidance on a wide range
of literary topics.
The Awakening EssayThe Awakening Essay
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Throughout history and daily life, many figures become labeled as great. Alexander
the Great stands the test of time to be a common example of being titled great .
Alexander the Great receives his title of Alexander the Great from his progression and
achievements he made, such as becoming king at the age of twenty. Gatsby fits into the
role of being great in Nick s standards due to the fact he does align with the definition of
great, which states, of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or
average (The Oxford American College Dictionary). Gatsby shows that he remains more
than an average person, may this be his jump into luxury, the presentation of himself or
his image, and the change Gatsby brought to the people around him. Among all of his
flaws, Gatsby proves himself to be great in many different aspects and circumstances of
While Jay Gatsby s life does not form immediately upon success, Gatsby forms himself
into an influential man living in luxury. The identity of Jay Gatsby replaces James
Gatz at the slight hope and incessant need to be an icon. Gatsby regains life after Dan
Cody treats him well, Nick citing that He took him to Duluth and bought him a blue
coat, six pairs of white duck trousers, and a yachting cap and was from Cody that
he inherited money a legacy of twenty five thousand dollars (Fitzgerald 107 108).
Gatsby also gains his money from the drug store business, a less than admirable way to
proceed with gaining
Sound Waves Affecting The Brain s Perception Of Sound
The normal range that humans are able to hear from is 20 hz to 20kHz. The average
human can hear up to 20 hertz, After using the resources provided in Physics class I
discovered I can hear between 19hz and 20hz. I could sometimes hear the 20hz but
sometimes I could not. I am about average for the highest frequencyI could hear. Soundis
made of pressure waves which when they travel oscillate or vibrate. Each wave travels
at a certain frequency based on how much the sound moves. Sound is created when air
molecules are pushed in a certain direction causing them to vibrate. This creates sound
waves. Sound moves by vibrations and are caused by compression or some form of
pressure. The higher frequency at which the wave oscillates the higher the... Show more
content on ...
Based on the second resource in Physics, I could not district between frequencies as
well as I should. My issue was could tell there was a difference in pitch I just could not
tell if it was higher or lower once they got super similar to one another. The biology
behind it is that once a pitch has traveled through the ear and the cochlea has transferred
it to the brain, the arcuate fasciculus produces the process of distinguishing which pitch
is higher or lower than another. Some people can do this better than others based on the
way their brain works. But it is all pitch recognition in your brain. Tiny sound waves
inside your ear help you tune the pitch and pick up sound waves. They take the sound
waves and turn them into nerve signals causing the brain to interpret sound. The enter
form the outer ear and travel through the passage of the ear canal. It then reaches the
eardrum where the vibrations translate into the sound we hear. It then goes to the
cochlea, a snail shaped structure that contains fluid in the ear. The sound causes the
liquid inside to ripple. The wave goes across to the basilar

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