Activity 1

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Ismael Rodríguez Pérez

Activities ud.1

Activity 1

What is the hydrometer not suitable for?

For LPG.

What is the measuring principle of a digital density meter?

Oscillating U-tube.
A hollow glass tube vibrates at a certain frequency. This frequency changes when the
tube is filled with the sample: the higher the mass of the sample, the lower the
frequency measurement and becomes the density. A built-in Peltier thermostat
precisely controls the temperature of the benchtop instrument (no thermostatic bath
What do air bubbles or impurities do?
It can cause a huge difference in density and so can impurities (errors in the reading).

Can viscosity influence density readings?

It can influence the density determination depending on the method used.
Measurements using:
Pycnometer: no influence, but sampling and cleaning are tedious. Also, temperature
stabilisation when done with a thermostatic bath is slow.
Hydrometer: no influence, but sampling, value reading and cleaning are
Digital densimeter: has an influence, as the sample dampens the oscillation
frequency of the vibrating U-tube.

What is bulk density?

Bulk density is a property of divided solids, such as powdery substances and
granules, and is often used in the mining, food and chemical industries. By definition,
bulk density is the ratio of mass to volume, but it corresponds to weight in air.

What should be taken into account when measuring density in a suspension?

Avoid sedimentation of solid material or the formation of a concentration gradient.

Ismael Rodríguez Pérez
Activities ud.1

Shake well before taking a sample. Make sure that no air bubbles have been
introduced during shaking.
If you cannot homogenise the sample completely, repeat the measurement several
times and calculate the mean.

Indicates some industrial applications involving density determination.

Purity verification
Alcohol measurements

Activity 2
In what units can viscosity be measured?
Square metre per second (m2 /s), Pascal second (Pa-s), Poises (P), Stokes (St),
seconds (s), Saybolt seconds (SS), Krebs units (KU), among others.

Search for equipment used to measure viscosity in the industry.

Rotary Viscometer
Capillary Tube Viscometer
Ball-in-Tube Viscometer

Find an example of viscosity measurement in industrial processes.

Paint manufacturing

Activity 3:
Investigate the solution offered by the company Air liquide for pH control.
It uses an inert to regulate the pH control, it reacts co2 with h2 producing water plus
the products we want to control.

Activity 4:
By which principal/s can conductivity be measured?
Conductive and inductive

How is the measurement carried out?

● Conductivity Meter
● Resistance Measurement

Ismael Rodríguez Pérez
Activities ud.1

● Electrode techniques
● Impedance Spectroscopy
● Geophysical Methods:
● Laboratory

What is this parameter useful for in industry?

To measure corrosion

Activity 6:
Investigate what the equipment that performs the measurement of this
parameter looks like. Find an example of industrial use and explain it.
This device is widely used due to its ability to measure temperature without contact,
which makes it particularly suitable for industrial applications where the temperature
of objects or substances needs to be measured at a distance or in hazardous
The infrared thermometer works by emitting an infrared laser beam towards the
object to be measured. The infrared radiation emitted by the object is collected by the
thermometer, and its temperature is calculated based on the amount of infrared
radiation absorbed. The reading is displayed on a digital display and can be recorded
or transmitted to a control or monitoring system.

Industrial Use Example: Temperature Control in a Food Production Line

Imagine a food factory that produces frozen products, such as frozen pizzas. It is
essential that the temperature of the products is accurately controlled to ensure
quality and food safety. In this application, an infrared thermometer can be used in
the following way:

1. A worker points the infrared thermometer at the product on the production line,
which moves through a freezing oven.
2. The infrared thermometer measures the surface temperature of the product
without the need for physical contact.
3. The temperature reading is displayed on the thermometer screen, and the
worker can verify that the temperature is within the specified limits.

Ismael Rodríguez Pérez
Activities ud.1

4. If the temperature is too high or too low, the worker can take immediate action,
such as adjusting the oven speed or making changes to settings to ensure
that products meet quality and safety standards.

Activity 7:
What is the Saybolt scale and what is it used for?
The Saybolt scale is a viscosity measurement used to measure the fluidity of liquids,
especially oils and petroleum products. It is used in the industry to evaluate the
quality and consistency of these liquids, being a reference in viscosity

Activity 8:
Investigate the importance of moisture control in the paper industry.
Moisture control in the paper industry is essential to control moisture loss after drying.
Once produced and rolled, paper can be exposed to ambient conditions at the end of
the paper machine for considerable periods of time.

Activity 9:
What is Big Data?
Big data consists of larger and more complex data sets, especially from new data
sources. These data sets are so voluminous that conventional data processing
software simply cannot handle them.
How does it relate to Industry 4.0?
The relationship of Big Data to Industry 4.0 is to provide information and assistance
on how technology, including artificial intelligence, plays an important role in its
development and application. Industry 4.0 involves the digitisation and
interconnection of production and manufacturing systems, and artificial intelligence is
central to autonomous decision-making, process optimisation and data management
in this area.

Activity 10:
What is an analyser hut?
An analyser house is a gas analyser system which, due to its dimensions, is installed
on the site where it will be operated. It is a complete piece of equipment that can be

Ismael Rodríguez Pérez
Activities ud.1

used outdoors without any problems. It is often found in chemical plants and in
factories where in-line processes are carried out.

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