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Speaker 1:
Turn your speakers up. This is the biggest online event of the century, hosted by a living legend, the
epitome of the American dream. From the humblest of beginnings in tiny Levittown, New York. He
earned a master's degree in Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at
Harvard University. He quickly rose to prominence and prosperity, becoming the most powerful man in
the history of television. He hosted the highest rated TV show for 16 straight years, won multiple Emmy
Awards. He's written 15 number one bestsellers, and his newest can be yours free just for watching

Speaker 1:
You'll know him from Inside Edition, The No Spin Zone and The O'Reilly Factor. I am who I am, he says.
An Irish Catholic kid, working class from Long Island and I made it big. He's here to tell you today you can
too. In fact, you can make so much money that you'll be able to live out the retirement of your dreams.
Folks, here's your host, Bill O'Reilly.

Bill O'Reily:
Hey, Bill O'Reilly here. Welcome to The Great American Wealth Project. I'm here today to talk to you
about achieving the American dream. That is something I talked about for decades, but what exactly is
the American dream? Well, to me, it's about living where you want to live, doing what you want to do
and when you want to do it. It's often been said that the best things in life are free and that's true, but
it's not the whole story. You cannot reach your potential or live life to the fullest if you spend your days
worrying about money. Money liberates you from want, from work that's miserable, from relationships
that can find you

Bill O'Reily:
No one is truly free, who is a slave to his job, his creditors his circumstance or his bills. Wealth is the
great equalizer in the world. Wealth is freedom, security, peace of mind. It allows you to do and be what
you want, to support worthy causes to help those and this is important, closest to you. It enables you to
follow your dreams to spend your life the way you choose to spend it. All of that is money. Money gives
you dignity. It's not an evil. It gives you choices.

Bill O'Reily:
That's why every man and woman should strive to achieve some level of financial freedom. Today, one
of the nation's top financial minds and I are going to talk about how to make Americans rich again, and
not in a theoretical way. I'm talking about greatly increasing your wealth beginning today. Here's a
shocking stat. American mints 1,917 newfound millionaires every day, 365 days a year, yet millions of
other Americans are not doing so well. We want to change that.

Bill O'Reily:
Joining me on this mission is a man who's responsible for showing hundreds of thousands of Americans
just how to achieve their financial goals. He is a four time New York Times bestselling author. He's been
a guest on The Factor. And I've quoted him on the air over the years because I respect his views. In fact, I
pay for his views. I've been following his work for more than 15 years. His writing and research are
direct, concise, straight to the point even I can understand that.

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Bill O'Reily:
Many have begun to call him the millionaire maker, because he's taught so many regular investors, how
to create a seven figure net worth. He is Alexander Green, chief investment strategist of the Oxford
Club, America's oldest financial think tank. You'll hear directly from some of the millionaires Alex has
helped create today. These are everyday Americans who have gone from worrying about their bills and
their futures to becoming freshly minted millionaires. Alex should be commended for what he's done to
help the folks.

Bill O'Reily:
As I said earlier, I've personally been following Alex's work for more than 15 years. He's helped me make
a ton of money. I'll admit it, and I'm going to tell you how he did that in just a few minutes. Alex is going
to tell you about his number one stock in America right now. I'll bring in Alex in just a moment, but first,
I want to mention as a thank you for watching today, you'll get a chance to claim a free copy of my
upcoming new book, The United States of Trump.

Bill O'Reily:
It could be the big seller of the year. We're running off about 750,000 copies, which is unheard of in
today's world and I think it's my best piece of history writing. Five interviews with the President. No
anonymous sources in the book. People are happily paying me a lot of money for the Collector's Edition,
but you can get the hardcover free. Just stick with us during this program, and I'll explain how to get
your copy.

Bill O'Reily:
That's not all you're going to receive. The book will be part of a much larger, great American wealth
blueprint, which contains all the key items to begin supercharging your wealth. It will include all the
details on Alex's number one stock in America right now. Plus, there'll be details on his proven three
step system to achieve a seven figure net worth. So let's get started. Let me introduce you to Alexander
Green. Come on in here, Alex. Expensive suit, notice that. Nice to see you. Have a seat.

Bill O'Reily:
Okay, Alex, we got a lot to get to today. I've got some tough questions about what it will take to help the
folks, and that includes me. I'm one of the folks here. I'm not an expert in finance. So, what it's going to
take to get you to achieve a seven figure portfolio.

Alex Green:
Sure Bill. Fire away.

Bill O'Reily:
A brief introduction to Alex, first for those who may not know him. Oxford Club's chief investment
strategist. You may have seen him profiled in the Wall Street Journal for beating the markets, which he
did for 16 straight years. He's famous for predicting the success of some of the biggest stock winners in
history. Apple, Intuitive Surgical, Netflix, Celgene and Amazon, and he's one of the most respected stock
pickers on the planet. In fact, in preparation for this event, we went back and looked at his track record
and here's what we found.

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Bill O'Reily:
By following Alex's recommendations at the Oxford Club from the time he took over as chief investment
strategist in 2001, to today, you could have turned $150,000 into 1,082,000. By comparison, if you put
that same money in the S&P 500 over the same period, you'd have made just $406,000. It's complete
outperformance, there's no other way to state. One is a millionaire's portfolio, the other not even close
and as you'll see in today's program, even if you're starting with a much smaller amount, as most of us
will, Alex has a proven track record of helping people retire rich.

Bill O'Reily:
Here's what I love most about Alex. He doesn't just give money making recommendations. He puts his
money where his mouth is. The guy is a prolific investor himself, and some of his personal wins will blow
you away. You'll see some of his personal investment coming up. Okay, Alex, a select number of
Americans are getting wealthier in the booming Trump economy. Thousands are becoming millionaires
as we stated every single week, but many more get left behind. Let me ask you first about the wealthy.
Why is it that the USA is creating so many new millionaires?

Alex Green:
Well, Bill you would know this by listening to the mainstream media but we live in the most prosperous
time in American history. Household income and net worths are both at record highs. We have a record
number of Americans with a million dollar more net worth and everyday people, teachers, nurses,
construction workers who invest in booming stocks are also getting richer. So take a look at a company
like Square. You've almost certainly paid for something using your little Square technology attached to
an iPod or an iPhone and if you've been to a farmers market or a coffee shop in the last few years,
you've probably seen this. Thousands of small businesses use Square to take credit card payments, and
this company has a phenomenal leadership team.

Alex Green:
It's CEO has been referred to as a genius. The CEO and President Trump have held meetings together
since the election, and the company's stock shot up eight fold since Trump was voted in. You could have
turned every $1,0000 into about $8,500 and every $10,000 of course into 85,000. No matter whether
you're young or old, rich or poor, man or woman, if you own shares on a stock like Square you can get
rich fast. Let's look at another company Restoration Hardware. It creates top of the line home

Alex Green:
Restoration's stock was trading for about $30 this year when Trump was elected. As the economy and
the real estate market began to soar into Trump, so did restoration. From $30, it topped $160 a share
within the first 16 months of the Trump presidency. Now smart investors who recognize stocks like
these are making out like bandits quite frankly.

Bill O'Reily:
So who exactly got rich?

Alex Green:

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Well, one person is Restoration CEO Gary Friedman. He grew up without a dad, went to a community
college, started out as a stock boy at the gap but always had a passion to get rich. Now he runs
Restoration Hardware. That's America for you. In fact, he believes so much in this economy that he's
pouring his own money into shares of Restoration. Friedman purchased 33,000 shares at 27 bucks back
in July, of 2016 and he just kept on buying along the way. He bought 4,600 more shares when the stock
hit 70, he bought 25,000 more shares at 71. He bought 10,000 more when the stock hit 97. He's sitting
on more than $5 million in profit in just a couple of years on the single stock alone.

Bill O'Reily:
What about the average guy though? He doesn't have that kind of cash to throw around.

Alex Green:
Well, that's the thing. Anyone investing alongside a guy like Friedman can get rich too. That's the beauty
of the stock market. You can get the exact same returns as Friedman, or Amazon Chairman, Jeff Bezos or
Microsoft founder Bill Gates. If you own their stock, you'll get the same return as the world's richest
men. Sure, they may own a few more shares than you do, but the percentage returns are exactly the
same and they're available to anyone, but too often regular investors just don't know what to do.

Bill O'Reily:
Why not? Why don't they know what to do? What's keeping the regular folks from becoming wealthy?

Alex Green:
Well, one reason is just a basic lack of financial literacy. Schools don't teach it and most parents don't
know enough to instruct their kids either. The number one reason is that the media is failing at its job to
inform the public about the incredible wealth building opportunities available right now. The media
scares the hell out of people to the point where they're afraid to put their money in the markets, and
the average bank currently pays just 0.5% on deposits. At that rate Bill, your savings will double in just
144,000 years.

Alex Green:
Clearly, no one is getting rich that way. So as a result, there are three major problems facing most
Americans. One, people aren't prepared for retirement. Two, they may be saving but they aren't
investing, and three, the few who are not doing it the right way. Surveys show that fewer people are
currently invested in stocks now than before the financial crisis back in 2008.

Bill O'Reily:
That's because you're afraid. It's sad but true. We've been in the greatest bull market in history, yet half
of Americans are still sitting on the sidelines. The few war investing constantly shoot themselves in the
foot though. Recent Dalbar study shows the average investor getting pummeled by the S&P, and
according to Forbes, over the past 30 years, investors have only made 1.9% per year. It's not even
keeping up with inflation.

Alex Green:
That's why people constantly tell me their number one concern is running out of money in retirement.

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Bill O'Reily:
Stats show that. 78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck right now. 36% say they haven't even
begun to start saving for retirement. 25% say they plan to never retire because they won't have any
money, and it gets even worse. The average Social Security payout just $18,000 a year. You had millions
of seniors relies solely on social security for nearly all of their retirement income. That's scary because
the Social Security Administration issued a recent report showing the cost exceeding income in the
program next year, and the system will be insolvent in 16 years. That's a real threat.

Alex Green:
Yeah, and of course, Americans are also living longer than ever, which is a good thing, of course, except
that living longer also means your money needs to last longer too. A 65 year old needs to prepare for
three full decades of food, housing, medical expenses, and hopefully an enjoyable lifestyle.

Bill O'Reily:
Well, according to one Schwab report, people need as much as $1.7 million in order to make sure they
don't run out of money. So how do you do that?

Alex Green:
Well, there's only one surefire way to retire wealthy in America and that's by owning shares in a
breakout business that's crushing sales records, creating innovative new products, and rewarding
investors with massive paydays. Sometimes just one great company, one single stock can pay for your
entire retirement. I've got the details on the new number one stock in America right now.

Bill O'Reily:
Our viewers will get the chance to get Alex's details on your number one stock as part of The Great
American Wealth Blueprint. They'll also receive your three step system to a seven figure portfolio. Plus,
viewers can receive a free copy of my book the United States of Trump. Now, I'm not sure that's a great
deal for me, but you'll like it. We'll have information on how to get all of that coming up. Alex, let's get
back to what you were saying. What I take away from this is this, great investing comes down to one
thing. Buying up shares of great companies that create breakthrough products for millions of people and
watching the profits come to you.

Alex Green:
Yes, the rich know this. They've been making millions as the economy soars by investing in great
companies. Look at Bill Ackman for instance. He saw millions of people lining up at Chipotles all across
the land. So the billionaire hedge fund manager started investing in Chipotle himself. The stock went up
to more than $800 in a little more than a year, and he closed the trade for $36 million in February.

Bill O'Reily:
This is really the essence of income inequality in a nutshell, isn't it? The rich invest in great companies
like Chipotle, while most Americans get left out.

Alex Green:
You're exactly right, Bill. Mark Grinblatt, a finance professor at UCLA's Anderson School of Management
studied this and he said there is income inequality because and I quote, "There is a group of people who

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participated in the stock market over a period where it nearly tripled and there's another group of
people who didn't. It's that simple." Let me give you a perfect example of one person who did choose to
participate rather than sit on the sidelines. I think this will help explain the difference. That person is me.
Let me tell you about one stock I uncovered around 2005, I'll never forget the day I saw a bright red
envelope in my next door neighbor's hand.

Alex Green:
He was putting it in his mailbox and I asked him, "What's that?" "You haven't heard about Netflix?" he
responded. Then he gushed about the online video rental company that delivered movies right to your
doorstep and did not charge late fees. Now, like everyone else, I personally hated getting hounded by
blockbuster to pay late fees every time I took a movie back. Returning a late movie could cost you more
than buying the damn thing out right. You remember that?

Bill O'Reily:
I do. I remember that really well.

Alex Green:
I have a unique approach to investing. Whenever I hear about a new company that everybody is raving
about, I don't immediately become a customer. Instead, I become an investor and it didn't take much. A
few thousand dollars. After all, Netflix was still trading for a split adjusted two bucks a share back then,
and today, Netflix was trading closer to $300. I still hold every share with no plans to sell. That stock
alone is more than enough for me to retire on and it was just one stock, but that's all it took.

Bill O'Reily:
That's a good point you make here, Alex. If everyone had done what you did, we'd have millions more
rich people in America.

Alex Green:
That's right. If each of Netflix, his customers put just $1,000 into Netflix, they'd all have an extra
$286,000 today.

Bill O'Reily:
To me, that gets us back to the income inequality issue, and I think that's where our education system
fails us. Our kids know how to download Netflix onto an iPad. They know how to search for movies and
TV programs, but they don't know the first thing about how to make money by investing in Netflix.

Alex Green:
Which is too bad because the few investors who did buy Netflix like me, made a fortune. That's the
power of a single great stock. So just to quickly sum it up. If you identify those great companies that are
bringing in millions of customers, creating new breakthrough ideas and breaking revenue records, you
absolutely can retire rich. Now, I recently uncovered a stock that reminds me exactly of Netflix when I
first bought shares many years ago.

Bill O'Reily:

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Essentially what you're looking for here is the perfect stock, right? What criteria would a perfect stock

Alex Green:
Well, it would be a leader in cutting edge technology that changes the way we live just like Apple,
Amazon, Google, Facebook and yes, Netflix did. It would have breakthrough products used by millions of
customers around the world, patents and trademarks would protect its profit margins. It would have
hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars in future sales and profits, not just expected but
contractually guaranteed. It would be relatively undiscovered and trading for a very low price.

Bill O'Reily:
The new stock you're recommending meets all of that?

Alex Green:
Yes, it does. First of all, my new number one stock in America is opening in the fastest growing and most
exciting sector in the markets today. I'm talking about the $17 trillion, 5G revolution, which is going to
be one of the biggest investment opportunities of our lifetimes. 5G will make wireless technology so
lightning quick, it'll make your head spin. It's 100 times faster than current 4G networks. For example, a
full length High Definition movie can be downloaded on your phone or laptop on a 5G network in just six
seconds, compared to the seven minutes it takes to download on 4G right now, or the one hour it takes
on the outdated 3G markets.

Alex Green:
Right now telecom operators are spending 1.7 trillion on equipment upgrades in order to implement 5G
from coast to coast. South Korea, United States and Japan are rolling it out as we speak.

Bill O'Reily:
So we're seeing 5G all over the world?

Alex Green:

Bill O'Reily:
Actually, the first 5G network in the USA was just launched a few miles from where we are right now, in
New York. There's no doubt this is a huge growth area of the economy.

Alex Green:
That's right, we're looking at trillions of dollars flowing into the companies putting the network in place,
and that gets me to my number one stock in America right now. The company is perhaps the most
important linchpin to the entire 5G network. It makes the 5G microchips necessary for the system to
work and to put it bluntly, any business that wants to be involved in this coming 5G revolution has to
own this company's product and the big businesses are already lining up.

Alex Green:

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For example, you will find the company's microchips in Google's 5G Chromecast, Samsung's Galaxy 5G
smartphones and Audi's mobile 5G WiFi hotspots. Without this company, none of those businesses
could implement 5G. This company also just did a deal with SoftBank Group whose founder is billionaire
Masayoshi Son.

Bill O'Reily:
Son is one of the 50 richest people in the world. Through SoftBank, he made a $20 million investment in
Alibaba back in 1999. It's now worth some 116 billion with a B. He made huge money on Uber, WeWork,
DoorDash and several others. According to CNN Money, Masayoshi Son is pursuing bold, almost brash
deals designed to keep SoftBank at the center of any trend he believes will fundamentally shape the
world. So let me restate this guy is pursuing deals at the center of any trend that will fundamentally
shape the world and now this billionaire is targeting the 5G company you're recommending?

Alex Green:
He is. I think he's probably seeing this very same potential I am. He recognizes that 5G is in fact, one of
those trends that will reshape the world. However, this is the good news for our viewers. This trend is
only just beginning. My 5G company's founder says we're not even in the first inning yet and I'll tell you,
he's not kidding. This company's microchips will soon be found in 2.3 billion products worldwide, and
we're already seeing this company's 5G microchips used in the Internet of Things, automotive
technology and big data. Processing storage, networking and security too. It's in routers, switches,
appliances, data storage and servers. It's in circuits and adapters too.

Bill O'Reily:
So what you're saying is that this company matches your first two criteria. It's certainly a leader in
cutting edge technology, and its microchips are found in products that millions of customers are buying.
How can you be sure that another company won't swoop in and take over its market?

Alex Green:
Well, that's comes to my third criterion. I want the companies I recommend to have patents that protect
them, and this company has 10,000 patents to protect its intellectual property, and perhaps more
importantly, its profit margins. Because of that, sales are skyrocketing. It's got 1.7 billion coming in 2020
after signing a new deal with NXP Semiconductors, and it's sitting on 500 million right now that its CEO
says it's prepared to distribute to shareholders. You want to be in before that happens.

Bill O'Reily:
That's your fourth criterion. Billions of dollars in sales.

Alex Green:
Correct, and finally, we have a fifth criteria. We want it to be unknown with a cheap share price. Now, I'd
be shocked if one in 1,000 people knew this company's name. It's not a household name at all yet, which
is why it's available at such a great price. It reminds me of a similar tech stock, Mitek Systems which is
up 9,200% over the past decade. Now, I've written up a full length report detailing exactly how our
viewers can profit from the stock, and I'm prepared to send copies of it to everyone watching so they
can get in it right away. Because I can tell you now, if you want to retire rich, it's finding these single
stocks with great fundamentals that are going to get you there.

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Bill O'Reily:
Okay, Alex, I know your report will come as part of The Great American Wealth Blueprint, along with my
new book. We're giving everyone the chance to claim the blueprint at the end of the broadcast, but a lot
of people out there don't feel they have the money to invest, and many more just don't know which
stocks to invest in. What do you say to that?

Alex Green:
Well, I believe that's true, but what I love about the stock market is that if you find the right stocks, you
don't need to be rich to change your life. You can actually do it with as little as $10 a month. Think about
this Bill, how much does the average person pay for their Netflix account?

Bill O'Reily:
About 10 bucks a month?

Alex Green:
Yeah, well, if you took that same $10 a month for your Netflix subscription and put that instead into the
stock when it launched, you'd have more than a half million dollars today. Again, we're talking about
$10 a month. That's nothing, and if you put the equivalent of 20 bucks a month into Netflix, you'd be
sitting on over $1 million, and this is true of many stocks. For example, if you put the equivalent of just
20 bucks a week into a few exceptional stocks over the past decade, you'd have made up to $117,000 on
exact sciences, $108,000 on MGP ingredients, $29,000 on Sleep Number stock, you'd have made
$94,000 on Nexstar, $43,000 on Jazz Pharmaceuticals, and $197,000 on Patrick Industries.

Bill O'Reily:
I know when I started out investing, I didn't have very much. Zero dollars and zero idea of what I was
supposed to do with the money I was making, but my father always taught me to save at least 10% of
my take home pay and that was really good advice. I was putting myself first, and my future and 20
bucks a week certainly seems like something everybody in our audience can handle. So let me ask you
this. How expensive is your number one stock in America?

Alex Green:
It trades for 25 bucks.

Bill O'Reily:
Is that too expensive?

Alex Green:
No, it's actually a low price based on the company's fundamental and it's about what I paid when I
bought Amazon back in 2005.

Bill O'Reily:
Now, I can imagine what these shares are worth today. Stocks got to be up around $2,000 a share by
now, right?

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Alex Green:
Yeah, Amazon. That's right. It's actually up 6,000% since I bought it. When a stock goes up that much,
you don't need to put a lot in it and the 5G mega stock that recommending now has the same sort of
upside potential.

Bill O'Reily:
Alex, there's no question that finding a great stock can help our viewers make a lot of money, but the
fact is, stocks like Amazon, Netflix, Square and others don't come around very often. Obviously, you've
had some very good luck in identifying them, but my question is how do you know when to pull the
trigger, get out or get in on these stocks?

Alex Green:
The first step is always making sure a company I'm recommending meets my first criterion, but then the
next part is almost as important. I'm always looking for a big upcoming catalyst that's going to make the
company a household name. Some of these catalysts to propel stocks are the launch of a revolutionary
new product, a surprising earnings beat, a great report, for instance, can drive a stock into overdrive.
New deals, signing other contracts with other companies can mean guaranteed revenue for years to
come. New leadership. Just like every sports franchise needs a great coach at the top, a great new
executive hire can launch a stock or the launch of an entire new type of technology.

Alex Green:
Examples, Apple meets almost every one of them. It launched a brand new product, the iPod in 2001, in
a 10 year span it's sold more than 300 million of those. The launch of that groundbreaking product
propelled Apple stock higher for years and years. I picked up shares myself back in the 90s and I still hold
them today.

Alex Green:
My retirement has been built on finding just a few powerful stocks early, long before they became
household names and quite often, it's not even the big names that give you the biggest paydays. The
best stock of the past 20 years actually wasn't Apple, or Netflix, or Amazon. It was monster beverage.
Monster was the first company to ever launch an energy drink in a 16 ounce can back in 2002 and as
simple as that sounds, that new product launch was a major catalyst.

Alex Green:
Today, you can find Monster beverages in almost every single gas, station grocery store across the
country and you could have made 70,000% gain on it stock over the past two decades. That's enough to
turn every $1,000 into $700,000 and these are the types of opportunities that are out there, Bill.

Bill O'Reily:
Monster beverage if I had only known.

Alex Green:
I should have called you.

Bill O'Reily:

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That's right. So is an upcoming catalyst for the stock that you're recommending now, the number one
stock, what is?

Alex Green:
Absolutely, it's perhaps the biggest global catalyst we'll see over the next decade. I'm talking, of course,
about the coming global 5G rollout. Look at these mammoth projections. One study estimates that the
number of 5G connections will grow from fewer than 1 million in 2019 to 37 million in 2020. It will then
increase exponentially up to 500 million in 2022 and 1.3 billion the next year, and the 5G company in my
crosshairs is involved in everything related to the rollout. The International Data Corp forecasted 5G
related spending will grow at a compound annual rate of 118% through 2022. So the company is
perfectly positioned to take advantage of this opportunity for a long time.

Bill O'Reily:
Well, I can see why you've named it your number one stock in America. I've been following the 5G story
pretty closely and it's one of the most interesting things to me that I can imagine that your 5G company
is heavily involved in this is how these little 5G devices are going to be everywhere. I've already seen
them. My dry cleaner has one. The 5G small cell antennas are going to be found on streetlights, utility
poles, bus stops, sides of buildings, mailboxes, everywhere.

Alex Green:
That's right, and this one company's microchips are likely to be found in all of those devices. Remember,
we're talking about 2.3 billion products containing this company's microchips. It's massive, and again,
I've got all the details on this company, including the ticker symbol and how to buy it in a special report
that everyone watching today can receive. It's called How to Profit From The #1 5G Megastock, and our
audience can get it as part of The Great American Wealth Blueprint.

Bill O'Reily:
Now, Alex, I've been following your investment recommendations for a long time. I think you do a great
job of identifying the key reasons stocks go up in value, which are not always perfect. More often than
not, you seem to find the big winners. Here's one from just around the time I first started following your
work. So I have this old newsletter, and look at Alex. Alex looks like he's Ricky Nelson here. He's like 12
years old. So this is December 2003, and a feature to cancer fighting company called Celgene bursting
onto the scene.

Bill O'Reily:
You saw the results of an ongoing Harvard study on one of its prized drugs. You predicted a wonderful
opportunity for investors. Months later, Celgene won a key approval by the FDA. Celgene then went on
to become one of the most epic runs in stock market history.

Alex Green:
Yep, it's gone from around $5 a share to over $140 at its peak. One reader who took a recommendation
of Celgene wrote to say, my original $25,000 investment generated more than 800,000 in total, and I'm
still holding a good chunk of it. What I still hold is now up 2,440%. So there's no telling just how much
total profit he'll make when it's all said and done. Maybe a million plus.

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Bill O'Reily:
You also recommended Intuitive Surgical when it was under three bucks a share.

Alex Green:
Oh, yeah. That was a big one.

Bill O'Reily:
Now we have this proof of what we're saying, this headline. So this is in bull. I mean, we're bullish on
robotic surgery, but Alex is, his record speaks for itself and you should know that. The company was way
ahead of the curve. Within eight months of your recommendation, Intuitive Surgical won FDA approval
for robotic procedures. It's exploded about $3 a share at around 500 a share today.

Alex Green:
Bill that was another life changing experience for some of my readers and I got a chance to meet one Sal
Campisi of Lakeland, Florida who told me that he made more than a million dollars from the single stock
recommendation. Well, we've got Sal on video. Here's what he had to say.

I bought this Intuitive Surgical, ISRG. He recommended when it was $45 a share and I bought it five
different times and I made 1,000,002 on a fifth time.

Alex Green:
1,000,002. How about that?

Bill O'Reily:
That's why you're called the millionaire maker Alex. Can you imagine walking around a block going hey,
the millionaire maker Alex and that's what he's got.

Alex Green:
Well, that's not all. The reason I'm such a big proponent of finding that one stock that changes
everything is not so people can count it all up in their bank accounts. It's simply because of the impact
this money has on people's lives. Sal says he's able to create a charitable foundation. He says all five of
his children have also become millionaires in the stock, and better yet, he set it up so that even his
grandkids will get significant funds once they turn 40. So that's creating a family legacy, which I know
was very important to most people.

Bill O'Reily:
As you know Alex, I've personally also done well following your advice. I made money on Diageo,
Nordstrom, AT&T, all your recommendations, among others. You've also recommended Berkshire
Hathaway B around the time I joined.

Alex Green:
Berkshire Hathaway B, that was one of my earliest recommendations to the club.

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Bill O'Reily:
I made a lot of dough on that, Alex. Don't tell anybody though. I don't want anybody to know. I made a
ton of dough, and I still hold a stock today. Look at that rock and ride of a stock chart. That thing is
straight up. These type of investments are what you recommend, Alex and people should listen.

Alex Green:
Well, there's always risk and things don't always work out perfectly. I've certainly had a lot of success
with this system over the years. I know the future isn't guaranteed. That's why it's so important to block
out the noise and just focus on the best of the best companies. No matter what is going on in the
economy, no matter what the Fed chooses to do with interest rates, no matter what sort of economic
ordeal or political strife is happening out there in the world, even in market downturns, the greatest of
companies generally do well.

Bill O'Reily:
Alex, I know I've enjoyed following your work but before sitting down with you today, I wanted to speak
with some of your readers about their experiences. So we invited a few of them here today to talk
backstage and I asked them to tell us their names, how long they've been following your work and a
little bit about their experiences.

Pat douglas:
I'm Pat Douglas, reader for 10 years. I started with $150,000. Today I have 3.5 million, despite all the
personal and family expenses. All of that growth is due to the recommendation I received from the
Oxford Club.

Ken Hart:
Hi, I'm Ken Hart. Alex gave me the confidence to invest more. The profits allowed me to pay off my
house and leave me with a portfolio valued at over $2 million. His advice gave me and my family security
for the future and helped me retire with peace of mind.

Bret Holder:
I'm Bret holder. I've been a reader for 20 years. I set up trust for my two kids in 2002. Today, each
account is worth over 600,000 with about 13 years left before they gain access to the funds at age 35. I
expect that each account will be well over 1 million by then. I truly appreciate the educational and
optimistic approach taken by everyone at the Oxford Club. My children will thank you too and about 13

Hi, I'm Vinny Affray. When I started in 2013, I invested heavily in Alex's communique recommendations.
One of his stellar recommendations was the Berkshire Fund, which was very profitable. When I retired in
late 2017, I transferred my deferred tax account into my Oxford portfolio. I never dreamed, not even
counting my house, my investments would total over $2 million. I am very grateful for Alex and the
Oxford's Club advice over the years.

Bill O'Reily:

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Obviously people have done well, but that's all in the past Alex. Today, with The Great American Wealth
Blueprint we put together you're giving people a chance to get in on the types of stocks that change
people's lives.

Alex Green:
That's right. Now, the first company have already talked about today. It's the 5G mega stock that is my
number one stock in America right now. It meets each of my five criteria. One, it's got cutting edge
technology and is a top 100 global innovator. Two, it's distributed not just millions but billions of
products worldwide. Three, it's got 10,000 patents protecting its intellectual property. Four, its racking
up deals with major tech firms like Samsung, Google SoftBank, and NXP Semiconductors to ensure more
than 1 billion in future revenue, and five, it's almost entirely undiscovered and trading for around 25
bucks. Bottom line, if there was ever one individual stock to retire on, this could be it.

Bill O'Reily:
So Alex, are you going to tell us the name of this company?

Alex Green:
Unfortunately, I can't do that it's just too cheap to give it out to everyone. We'd risk moving the stock.
So I've reserved it only for my readers, but I've created a special report, How To Profit From The #1 5G
Megastock, where I'm willing to give everyone watching today access to the complete details, including,
of course, the stock ticker, and it will go out to every viewer who signs up to receive The Great American
Wealth Blueprint.

Bill O'Reily:
Now, is this the only company you're recommending or are there others?

Alex Green:
It's my favorite one, for sure but there are actually two more millionaire makers that I'd like to get
people the details on. The second company that could make you a millionaire is a cancer diagnostics
company. It's attacking one of the biggest problems impacting the entire human race, cancer. It actually
reminds me of Seattle Genetics, a similar company of the past that develop treatments for cancer.
Seattle Genetics ran from $2 and 30 cents a share to about $76 today. It turned every $10,000
investment into over $330,000 in this company doesn't just want to fight cancer, it wants to wipe it out.

Alex Green:
It's the very first company to develop proprietary genetic testing tools that help doctors identify small
clusters of cancer cells in their earliest stages before they're even a threat. This alone could increase
survival rates by as much as 18 fold. So that's criterion number one. It's certainly a leader in cutting edge
technology. Now, keep in mind, the reason a company like Seattle Genetics shot up 3,200% is that it was
creating a solution to a problem affecting millions of people and that's what this company is doing as

Alex Green:
The market for cancer testing is 144 billion annually and growing. In other words, it meets the second
criteria, it has the potential to help millions of people. This company also holds nine different key

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patents and 700 trademarks to protect its technology. For example, one patent is a brand new method
to determine whether or not a patient needs a prostate biopsy. Another patent protects an early
detection method for screening and provides a prognosis for esophageal cancer, and that's criteria
number three, and the sales are now rolling in.

Alex Green:
It recently announced deals with Qiagen and drug giant, Novartis to offer testing to breast cancer
patients. It's got a backlog of 100 million dollars in deals signed with drug companies and as a result,
sales soared 51% over the past year to record high revenue. Both sales and earnings are up double digits
in three straight quarters as it continues to smash estimates. In short, it's making a ton of money and
that's criteria number four, hundreds of millions in sales.

Alex Green:
Finally, five, this company is unknown and trading very cheap. 99.9% of investors don't know its name,
but it's perfectly positioned to take advantage of the massive growth that lies ahead in the sector. In
fact, according to Market Watch, this company is projected to be a key player in development in the
global cancer profiling market from now, all the way through the year 2023.

Bill O'Reily:
It's not an expensive stock.

Alex Green:
No, it's only about 20 bucks a share.

Bill O'Reily:
And last but not least.

Alex Green:
The third company combines two industries that rewarded investors with huge wins in the past, finance
and tech. We call this type of company, a FinTech. Square, for example, the company I mentioned earlier
that's rewarded investors with a 750% gain is a FinTech. This new company I'm recommending now has
the same sort of upside potential, except instead of revolutionizing the way people pay for products like
Square, this company instead is tackling the way people finance major purchases. It's created a fast and
secure way to get financing online. So it checks the first box.

Alex Green:
It's a cutting edge technology, and it also passes the second test. It's developed a breakthrough product
used by millions. It doubled its user base in a year, up to 24 million and its technology is backed by 55
software copyrights and it has 53 patents pending. So that's criterion three.

Alex Green:
Of course, the company is doing billions in business. It originated more than $11 billion worth of loans in
a single year on which it is collecting a monstrous profit, but it's on the verge of getting much bigger.
Think about this, the FinTech market could end up being 100 trillion, trillion with a T, according to one
industry Insider. That's 50 times bigger than Apple, Amazon and Netflix combined. So obviously, this

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company matches criterion four, hundreds of millions, perhaps billions in sales. Yet this company has
been trading publicly for only two years, so almost no one even knows about it.

Bill O'Reily:
I imagine this stock trades at a great price, too.

Alex Green:
That's right, about 10 bucks. So this has all the hallmarks of a millionaire making stock. It's got the
trajectory of Square or even MasterCard, another FinTech stock that went from five bucks to nearly
$300 a share that turned every $10,000 investment into over 616,000.

Bill O'Reily:
Alex every one of these stocks sounds like a great pick. So how do people get all the details on these
companies with ticker symbols and buy instructions?

Alex Green:
As I mentioned, I prepared three free special reports that include the names and ticker symbols of all
these stocks, which also include easy to follow buy now instructions and the first report is on my
number one stock in America. It's called How to Profit From The #1 5G Megastock. The second is an
early detection biotech, it's called The Millionaire Making Diagnostics company and the third is my
favorite play on financial technology. It's called The Top FinTech in a $100 Trillion Market. All these
reports are included in The Great American Wealth Blueprint.

Bill O'Reily:
And it's part of The Great American Wealth Blueprint, which everyone can receive today. You'll also
receive, as I mentioned, my book the United States of Trump. That's not all, Alex has also created an
additional video series to send you Three Steps To a Seven Figure Portfolio, in which he lays out his
entire wealth building strategy. If you've never bought a stock in your life, Alex will show you the easiest
way to do it in the video series.

Bill O'Reily:
If you don't know the first thing about creating a portfolio, you'll get the paint by numbers instructions
on how to do it. You'll be off and running with the training you'll get in this video series. Now, Alex has
promised me, our viewers will get everything that we've mentioned in this great American wealth
blueprint, straight ahead but first, I have a question for you, Alex. How can you be sure markets will go
into a tailspin and that these stocks you're recommending will not perform poorly?

Alex Green:
Well, we definitely have had some losing positions from time to time in the past. So there are no
guarantees, that's just part of investing but these three particular stocks, I believe are some of the best
I've ever researched. I believe they will perform well in any market, but even if the markets do turn
against us, we have also built a system to get people out in extreme situations. We set up what we call
safety switch alerts for our readers to get them out before any big losses. That allows us to have strictly
limited downside risk with unlimited upside potential.

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Alex Green:
For example, when the Great Recession struck, this system was triggered and rather than getting out
with major losses, we ended up closing out 45 plays for an average gain of 28%. Meanwhile, the market
fell by 37% that year.

Bill O'Reily:
That is incredible. Not to mention you will one of the first financial gurus to tell people to get back in at
the bottom. Now I remember at the beginning of 2009, you sent out a message to all of us following
your work saying, '09 will be a terrible year for the economy but surprising and shocking most investors,
should be an excellent year for the stock market. The market went on to jump 65% by year's end.

Alex Green:
That's true. I'm a big believer in the idea that when you do get out of the market, you shouldn't do it for
long and we jumped right back in at the perfect time. Reader Joe Martin of California wrote to tell us,
the bottom in 2008 was 1.4 million. Yesterday I was at 2.7 million.

Bill O'Reily:
Now I've been reading Alex's work myself since 2003 as I mentioned. I'm not a spokesman for Alex's
Research Service, mind you, I'm merely a happy guy. I'm a lifetime subscriber. Now, I've been in the
game for 15 years with Alex. His work is clear, concise, and as he'll tell you 15 million times, he's an
award winning researcher. So the stock selections that Alex puts out are good, and everything is
manageable. That's very important to me. So let me tell you a personal story about how I discovered,
why I came to be a big fan of Alex and his publication, the Oxford Communique. When I started investing
many years ago, I didn't have any money, zero, but I was determined to save as much money as I could
and put it into retirement.

Bill O'Reily:
10% here, 10% there every paycheck. That's what my father told me to do and I did it, one of the few
things I told him that I did that he said. So as I started making bigger money, I had trouble finding
investment experts I could trust. I had a few newsletters and I got hammered. Now some of the guys
that I followed led me to investments that went bankrupt, like Global Crossing.

Bill O'Reily:
Others would recommend 120 stocks. I mean, come on, as if I could do that, and other guys would
certainly disappear when you needed the most. This sort of thing is common on Wall Street. A lot of
charlatans run around. Look what happened to my pal Billy Joel. We were rowdy guys in the same
neighborhood in Levittown, Long Island, and as soon as Billy got famous, he hired some investment guys
to manage his money. Well, they stole him blind. Big court lawsuits followed.

Bill O'Reily:
I knew what happened to Billy and from my own experience, I didn't want it to happen to me. So I was
very methodical in how I went about selecting the people that I trusted. I made a decision that I would
be the one controlling my money, with a little help from a small inner circle of guys I trust. Then I started
to hear about Alex in about 2003. What I liked about him, first of all, is that he kept the
recommendations manageable, I could understand it.

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Bill O'Reily:
Not 120 stocks, more like 20. I also liked that Alex emphasized, nobody cares more about your money
than you do and you should be in charge of it. Alex's research was really clear. He gave you all the details
you needed to make a decision, whether you want to buy the stock or not. So then I could decide, I was
in control and I liked that. Not to mention, you always had a clear plan for how to get out of the

Bill O'Reily:
So Alex, we talked about those safety switch alerts earlier, they protected your readers during the
financial crisis of 2008. That's a type of planning that I really appreciate. It's the reason I've had success
following your Communique. I made good money following your picks, especially that Berk B play. That
was a home run, and it appears you're getting better with age. Now, how do I know that? Because here's
the new newsletter.

Bill O'Reily:
January 1, 2019 you said, '19 would be a stock pickers market and the first stock you picked was Planet
Fitness. That stock has gone straight up. So Planet Fitness big winner. Next on June 1, 2019. You wrote
the readers showing them how to profit from the world's greatest masterpieces to play with Sotheby's,
one of the world's two largest auctioneers of fine art jewelry and collectibles. Within weeks of writing
that article, Sotheby's got an offer from a French billionaire to go private and your readers got a chance
to pocket an instant 61% gain in a single day. Now, Alex is not always right, but the facts are the facts,

Alex Green:
Yes, and it's important to be more right than wrong.

Bill O'Reily:
That's exactly it, and what you've done for my own finances and for the portfolio is there's so many
everyday American folks is unlike anything that I've seen. So that's why I'm here today. Because as part
of this great American wealth project, I want to see hardworking folks achieve the American dream. So if
you want to access the next millionaire making stocks, like Celgene, Intuitive Surgical, Planet Fitness,
Sotheby's types of stocks second single handedly supercharge your entire portfolio.

Bill O'Reily:
If you want to make a lot of money for your retirement, you need to follow Alex Green's program. It's
not just my opinion either. The Independent Hulbert Financial Digest has ranked your newsletter among
the top 10 in the nation for low risk, max reward performance for 16 consecutive years. If you had
beaten the market one year, two years, five years, people would say, well, you're just lucky, but you've
surpassed 16, straight years of outperformance.

Bill O'Reily:
The people who consistently beat their benchmarks are not just lucky. If you do it long enough, it's
clearly evidence of skill. If you feel stuck, Alex is the guy who can help you achieve great wealth. So how
can we get viewers to get your next stock picks and follow your recommendations?

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Alex Green:
All right. Well, I alert my readers to every single recommendation in my monthly publication, the Oxford
Communique which you've been taking for over 15 years as you state. The goals of the communique are
simple and straightforward. I want to help readers maximize their income, minimize their taxes, at least
double the broad market returns, minimize market risk and live a financially free life without swimming
in concerns about money. My philosophy is simple when it comes to investing. I don't try to jump in and
out of the markets constantly based on the media driven news cycle.

Alex Green:
I don't try to predict what crazy moves the Fed will make next. Rather, I find perfect stocks that match
my five criteria, companies that are truly changing our world by inventing new products, gaining
worldwide market share and increasing revenue quarter after quarter. That approach has led to massive
returns like the $800,000 profit one reader made on Celgene, the 1.2 million another made on Intuitive
Surgical and the 3 million in total profit and other reader made by listening to all of my
recommendations over the long haul.

Alex Green:
Getting your shot at big winners like this is easy if you follow my system. So I'll tell you which new stock
to buy each month in each new issue of the communique.

Bill O'Reily:
In preparation for this event, we went back to look at the long term performance of your organization
and it's impressive. Since 1993 $100,000 portfolio following only the Communique picks would have
grown to about $3 million. Wow. By comparison, that same 100,000 put in the S&P 500 would only be
worth 877,000. So that's more than a $2 million difference. I think that's worth the price of a

Bill O'Reily:
My understanding is that along with everything else you promised, you're going to give everyone
watching today a risk free trial of the Oxford Communique. Is that right?

Alex Green:
That's absolutely correct, Bill.

Bill O'Reily:
So all together in The Great American Wealth Blueprint, this is a huge package. You're going to get a 365
day risk free trial run in the Oxford Communique. Along with it, you get Alex's three part video series,
Three Steps To a Seven Figure Portfolio, as well as Alex's special reports. How To Profit From The #1 5G
Megastock, The Millionaire Making Diagnostics company and The Top FinTech In a 100 Trillion Dollar
Market. Plus, I am also going to give you my brand new book the United States of Trump, not pro
Trump, not anti Trump, history book.

Bill O'Reily:
I believe it's my best piece of writing ever. It'll be the most talked about book leading up to the next
election without a doubt. One woman I gave the book to couldn't go to sleep until she read it cover to

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cover, she told me. 10PM to 7AM. So I think it's a page turner. No anonymous sources in the book, five
interviews with the President. Have known him for 30 years. He gave me an interview on Air Force One.
I really appreciated his time, busiest guy on Earth.

Bill O'Reily:
Now all five of the interviews that I did with President Trump are in book, but I don't owe him anything
other than telling the truth, which is what I always do. The United States of Trump is a history book. As I
said, not pro, not anti. Everyone watching can get it free today along with the entire Great American
wealth blueprint. In a moment, one of the key executives at Alex's organization, George Rayburn is going
to explain how to get everything we've mentioned today.

Bill O'Reily:
Alex assures me he set up a 365 day risk free guarantee that ensures you all the risk is on his shoulders.
You're going to get the details on that in a moment, but before we hand it over to George, let me say
this. Maybe be thinking that this project and getting started with someone like Alex Green is expensive.
Well, it should be, but I want everyone to know that I asked Alex to give viewers, the folks the best deal
his team, the Oxford Club has ever given. As you'll see, we're talking about getting you started with
Alex's prize newsletter for less than a buck a week. Come on. $1 a week. Incredibly inexpensive. It's one
of the things that I like about Alex. He's a caring guy.

Bill O'Reily:
He cares about helping people. He doesn't need to charge you a big fee, and for watching today, you
also get, as I mentioned, what? 85 times? My new books for free, and you're not going to find a better
deal than that. All in all, it's just a phenomenal deal. Has been put together for The Great American
Wealth Project. Thank you to everybody who's watching this report and taking part. Mr. Alex Green,
chief investment strategist of the Oxford Club. I am Bill O'Reilly in New York. We're turning it over to
George Rayburn, Executive Vice President of the Oxford club. George.

George Rayburn:
Thank you, Bill. Thank you, Alex. That was simply fantastic, incredible stuff. Thanks again. Thank you for
taking part in The Great American Wealth Project today. As Bill said, he insisted upon the best deal we
can possibly give on everything promised in the blueprint today, including a one year subscription to the
Oxford Communique, The United States of Trump by Bill O'Reilly, Three Steps To a Seven Figure Portfolio
video series, How To Profit From The #1 Megastock, The Millionaire Making Diagnostics Company and
The Top FinTech in a $100 Trillion Market.

George Rayburn:
Momentarily, you're going to see a button pop up beneath this video. It'll say get my great American
wealth blueprint now. When you see it, click it. You've heard from people who've become millionaires
just by following Alex's recommendations in the Communique. One gentleman made $1.2 million on a
single recommendation, and all five of his adult children became millionaires on the stock too.

George Rayburn:
It is simply unbelievable. With a one year Communique subscription, you'll get 24/7 365 day access to
the Oxford trading portfolio, password protected access to the Oxford Communique website, weekly

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model portfolio updates, Oxford insights issues four times per week, access to the Oxfordian Hotel
collection, where you can receive special discounts on luxurious hotels around the world. VIP invitations
to attend conferences at Five Star locations.

George Rayburn:
That'll give me a chance to get to meet you personally. All told the total value of your package of The
Great American Wealth Blueprint, along with Bill O'Reily's book, The United States of Trump, is $1,485.
Most people are surprised to discover that a full list price subscription to the Communique with all of
these benefits promised today is normally only $249. That's it, a total bargain at that price. You should
know that the President tweeted about this book with Bill O'Reilly. So it's going to go like hotcakes.

George Rayburn:
Make sure you get your copy for free by clicking the button below. The money you could make from
your millionaire making special reports alone could pay for that subscription cost thousands of times
over, but you won't even pay $249. Alex and Bill have discussed many of the hardships Americans are
facing, even in this booming economy. We refuse to let price be a barrier to entry. That's why we're
making this risk free trial of the Communique available to you for only $49. That's less than $1 per week.

George Rayburn:
Better yet, you'll also get Alex Greene's ironclad 365 day 100% money back guarantee with your
Communique subscription. If for any reason you're not fully satisfied, simply send the book back and
you'll get a full refund of your subscription fee. No questions asked. Plus, you can keep everything else
that you've received along the way, with the exception of your copy of The United States of Trump and
we're going to take it up a level.

George Rayburn:
Alex is going to make you an additional $100,000 portfolio guarantee. We know the goal is to see new
millionaires created through The Great American Wealth Project and we believe it's going to happen.
Alex wants to make sure you're off and running toward that seven figure goal with at least $100,000
added to your name by this time next year. If you don't see the chance to add at least $100,000 to your
model portfolio over the next year, just call us up.

George Rayburn:
Alex will get you another extra year of the Oxford Communique completely free of charge. To sum it all
up, we want you to be happy, we want you to make a lot of money and there's no doubt you will. All you
have to do to get started is to click the button below, get my great American wealth blueprint now. Or
we have a fantastic concierge team at company headquarters. If you'd like to start your subscription
right now by ordering over the phone, simply call them right now at 866-415-8492 or 443-353-4234.

George Rayburn:
We have member representatives standing by from 8AM to 8PM, Monday through Friday Eastern time.
We are at your beck and call should you have any questions. Just give us a call at 866-415-8492 or 443-
353-4234, Monday through Friday, 8AM to 8PM Eastern time. We're fully dedicated to making sure your
subscription runs smoothly. So right now you have two choices. Keep doing the same old things we did

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money and never get ahead in life, or take us up on this no brainer offer today and start taking leaps and
bounds toward financial freedom.

George Rayburn:
Your life can change for the better in an instant. So click that button below to start receiving profit
recommendations like never before, and get all the free gifts we've outlined in The Great American
Wealth Blueprint. You'll be taken to a secure page where you can review everything before placing your

George Rayburn:
On behalf of Bill O'Reilly, Alexander Green and the Oxford Club, I'm George Rayburn. I look forward to
welcoming you as the newest member of the Oxford Club. Go ahead and click that button right now.
Thanks for being with us.

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