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You’ve been lied to by every man you’ve ever met, every man you’ve ever dated, every

man you’ve ever fallen in love with or trusted with your heart.

No matter how old you are, no matter how lucky or unlucky you’ve been in love, men
you loved or still love, men you adored, men you trusted with everything have looked
you in your eyes, smiled at you and lied to you about everything, about what he wants,
about how he feels about you, about what he’s thinking, what he desires.

If you’re like most women, it has driven you crazy. It has kept you up at night. It has
pushed you to tears as you wonder why. Why can’t he just tell you the truth? Why can’t
he just love you? Why can’t he just be that man you’ve wanted for so long? That lover,
that friend who you’ve dreamed of, who you finally deserve.

Now I shouldn’t do this but I’m going to show you the truth no man would ever tell you.
The real reason you’ve failed with men again and again and are going to keep failing
unless you listen to what I have to say right now.

My name is Michael Fiore. I’ve been on the Rachael Ray Show, Mancow Radio, NBC
TV, Fox TV, more blogs than I can count, more radio shows than are sane. I’m a
nationally-known relationship expert who has helped tens of thousands of men and
women connect, communicate, seduce and heal.

But more than that, I’m a man. I’m a guy and if you really want to understand men, the
dirty truth, what really goes on in our minds, what we lust after, what we dream about,
why we lie to women even when we love them… especially when we love them.

Then what I’m going to say on this controversial video is going to change your life
forever, change your relationship with men forever, open your eyes for good and give
you an amazing, almost dangerous power over men.

Listen, you already know what it feels like, that anger you get in the pit of your stomach,
that nauseous feeling that tells you you’ve been lied to by a man again, manipulated,

Like I’ve said before, the only way to win the love game is to go places men won’t let
you, places he couldn’t let you even if he wanted to. But if you don’t act fast, if you don’t
act now, you’re going to miss your chance forever, a chance to truly understand men, to
be that irresistible woman who actually gets him, who he’s magnetically drawn to.

In fact, right now as you watch this, you’ve got everything you need to become any
man’s dream woman just by waking up to the truth of your man, taking a deep breath
and doing what I tell you to do in the next few minutes. You will gain an almost magical
ability to see the truth in the mind of any man you want, a way to turn almost any man
into an open book who’s about as confusing as a third grade math problem and who
opens up to you whenever you want, even if he’s locked up like Fort Knox now.

I will tell you exactly what to do in a minute but first I need to tell you the weird story that
got me here in the first place. It started so innocently with an email that changed
everything. I couldn’t believe it when the responses started coming in. Hundreds of
emails, thousands, women I had never talked to, women I had never met, pouring out
their hearts on their keyboards and begging for help; angry frustrated men desperately
trying to share what they really wanted, wondering why no woman could ever seem to
understand him.

It’s weird for me to say but thanks to all the media attention I’ve gotten, I’m a little bit
famous when it comes to helping people with their relationships; and one day I decided
to send two different one-question surveys to my email list of men and women.

What did I ask? I asked the women, “If you had telepathy and could read any man’s
mind, what’s the one thing you would desperately want to know?” To the guys I asked,
“What’s the one thing you desperately wish women understood about men but could
never tell her?”

I sent the survey at 8:00 AM. By 10:00 I had hundreds of responses. What women told
me broke my heart into pieces. Strong beautiful women, women I interact with on my
Facebook wall all the time, pouring their hearts out, gnashing their teeth and
desperately yearning to know, “What does he think about me? Why does he look at
other women? Why do men lie? Will he cheat on me? Is he cheating on me now? Will
he love me forever? Why doesn’t he talk to me? Why does he get so quiet? Does he
really love me? How do I make him love me?” and hundreds and hundreds more.

So many women, so many amazing women who felt angry, locked out and betrayed by
men.. who talked about their shattered relationships, their desperate search for love, the
loneliness in their hearts, the disappointment and betrayal they felt that the guys in their
lives just weren’t living up to their expectations. The romance a lie they had fallen for as
kids that had plagued them all through their adult lives.

The responses from women devastated me. But what I heard from men didn’t just make
me sad. It made me angry. It forced me to reveal the truth about what really goes on in
men’s minds and opened a door that will change your life forever.

I asked 21,412 men, “What’s the one thing you desperately wish women understood
about men but could never tell her?” I didn’t expect much of a response. After all, guys
are notoriously shy when it comes to talking about emotional stuff but thousands of guys
opened up and replied. Maybe there was something in the air that day. Maybe it’s that
they were anonymous. Maybe it’s that they were talking guy to guy but these weren’t
clipped answers, wiseass comments or jokes.

I mean there were some of that, sure. But there was also the stuff guys had always
agreed to never tell women. Men, guys, thousands of guys opening up about what really
goes on in our minds and in our hearts, telling the truth no woman had ever heard.

Right there on my computer screen, thousands of men revealed what they truly wanted
from women, what hurt them about women and how women often emotionally devastate
men without even knowing, without even trying; why they lied to women and why they
felt like they had to lie to women, what they really wanted in bed, their deepest and
dirtiest sexual fantasies they would never tell to any woman in any circumstances and
much, much more.

It was like seeing directly into their minds and hearts a pure source of the truth about
men, answers to the questions women had been desperate to understand. After reading
through all the material, I felt like I had stumbled upon the atomic bomb in the battle of
the sexes. If women got a hold of this information and really understood it, if women
really understood what men thought about and talked about when they were alone, if
women really got what it was like to be a guy, why guys act the way they do, what guys
really want, it could change everything.

Teaching this stuff would be like giving women super powers, washing away decades or
even centuries of backbiting and fights and anger, stopping stupid arguments in their
tracks and arming women with the information they need to finally have the amazing,
powerful, loving relationships they’ve always wanted.

Sitting there looking at my secret survey results, I knew I had a very important choice to
make. I could do what I’m supposed to do as a guy, what every other guy has done your
entire life. I could bury the truth, smile and nod whenever women asked me questions,
feed women the patronizing party line about guys thinking about nothing or I could invite
women to know the truth about men, what we really think about, what we really want,
why we lie, why we look at other women, what we talk about when you’re not around.

Eventually I realized there wasn’t any choice to make at all. I knew I needed to share
these survey results. I knew I needed to give them away to any woman brave enough to
listen and smart enough to accept them.

But that led me to a whole other problem. I knew that just giving this material away
without telling you how to use it would be like giving a hand grenade to a baby and
telling her to go out and play. The survey results I had, the stories, the questions, the
comments were dirty and raw and brutal.

When talking about how they feel, most guys are downright dumb and just didn’t have
the language to really explain what they meant or why they acted the way they did. If I
just gave this stuff to women on its own, I would be doing more harm than good. I would
scare women away.

So over the next few weeks, I got to work like a man possessed. I took every detail
about what I knew about men, how we think, what we want, why we lie and cheat, why
monogamy is so hard, what we really want in bed but could never say.

I took all of the deep questions women had asked me about how men really feel about
women, why men are so bad at communicating, why men bottle up their feelings and
never share.

I took everything men desperately want women to understand and accept about men,
our deep, dirty desires, our hopes, and fears and wants and needs; and I wore my
fingers to the bone creating a step by step training program out of it.

Eight deep, powerful and brutally honest lessons presented in written form, audio and
video that answered the big questions women have been wanting to know for years
about what really goes on in men’s minds. Plus all the dirty secret material men are
desperate to reveal to women and to have women understand but are absolutely
petrified to ever say out loud, all combined into an exclusive training program I proudly
call The Secret Survey: What Men Desperately Want You to Know But Will Never Tell

When it was done, I revealed this program to a very small, select group of my best
friends and best customers.

Jennifer said, “Mike, I went through the material twice. It’s fabulous! It was tough to read
the first time but the second read through, I was in a better frame of mind to accept what
you were telling me and it makes total sense.”

Mary said, “If I had received this material years ago, it would have saved my marriage,
kept me from years of heartache, helped me avoid dating bad guys and would have
helped me find the one years earlier than I did.”

Becca said, “I love this! There is some amazing information here that is invaluable to the
female gender.”

And the men I showed this program were shocked, aghast, a little bit angry but most of
all hopeful, hopeful that thanks to this program, women would finally truly understand
what it’s really like to be a guy.

Flat out, here’s my promise to you. If you can log into a website and put aside your
pride, you can learn the honest, dirty truth about what goes on in the minds of men and
transform your relationship with guys forever in just 30 short days.

Here’s what you will discover when you enroll in the Secret Survey Program. You will
learn why men are like dogs and you’re a bad owner, how to interpret man speak, the
real reason men are so hard to understand. Plus I will teach you how to use projective
empathy to know exactly what’s going on in a man’s head even if he barely knows what
he’s thinking himself. Next you will learn why men lie to women they love.

I will teach you the three reasons men lie to women and the simple conversational tricks
you can use to cause any man to open up to you in five minutes flat even if he has been
locked up like Fort Knox for years.

Ever wonder why the man in your life just doesn’t compliment you or pursue you
anymore? I will show you how you may have accidentally emotionally castrated your
man and how to create a basis of incredible truth, honesty and communication in any
relationship you get into.

The biggest question women asked in the survey was, “Does he really love me?” You
will learn the straight and honest truth about how men really feel about the women in
their lives and what he actually says about you when you’re not around.

Now this material is not for the faint of heart but will open your eyes forever to the
emotional truth of men. Next you will learn why he looks at other women, what he says
about you and how he feels about you when he looks at and lusts after other women,
even your friends.

Plus you will learn how to drag a wandering eye back to you with the power of an
irresistible electromagnet. You will also learn the truth about men and cheating, why
men cheat on women they truly do love.

What goes on in men’s minds when they cheat, what it means about how he feels about
you when he cheats and exactly what to do to cheat-proof your relationship and keep
your man faithful and focused on you without destroying the trust your relationship
needs to survive.

In the reflected glory lesson, I will give you a guided tour through a man’s mind and tell
you what he really thinks about when he looks at you and what your appearance means
to him. Does he want you to be skinny like a super model? Does he care that you’ve
gained a few pounds?

Using the survey results, I will give you the absolute truth to every question and
insecurity you’ve ever had about your appearance. And finally, we will talk about sex,
what men really want in bed, why most men would never admit their deepest fantasies
to a woman and how to have your man sexually obsessed with you, willing to try
anything you want and thinking of you as his pinup fantasy girl even if you’re overweight
or don’t like your body now.

And those are just the main points of the program. You will also learn the power of
feminine vulnerability and how to use emotional judo techniques to massively multiply
his emotional desire for you. Just learning this one trick could keep you and the man in
your life from ever fighting again.

You will learn why trying to make your man happy can kill your relationship. Emotional
flooding, why men are petrified of women’s emotions and how to create a safe harbor
where you can open up even if he acts like a Vulcan now; how to banish insecurity from
your relationship forever and feel 100 percent loved, adored and taken care of by your
man; how to seduce a man in shockingly little time; how men decide if you are girlfriend
material or just someone they want to sleep with; how to get a man to chase you again
even if you’ve been together for years and years and much, much more than I can list
out in this video.

Here’s the flat out truth about what’s going to happen when you grab this program.
When you go through this program, listen to what it says, study the survey results and
do the simple exercises I give you. You will know more about how men think and why
we act the way we do than any woman in a thousand. You will know the secrets guys
have desperately kept to themselves. You will understand what’s really going on in his
head and his heart even when he has no idea why he’s acting the way he does or why
it’s so hard for him to be there for you.

Listen, if you’re a woman who really wants to be adored by men, then this has already
changed everything for you. If you walk away now, you will always wonder what you
don’t know. But you know what? You need to be ready for what it’s going to be like
when men just aren’t a mystery anymore.

When you suddenly understand exactly what he’s thinking, what it’s like to be a guy,
when all those problems you have in your relationship that come from butting your head
up against his just seem to fade away.

When he looks at you with shock in his eyes, wondering who this amazing woman is
and how she appeared in his life out of nowhere seemingly overnight.

If you’re like most women, when it first happens, you will be in shock. You will feel this
amazing confidence pulsing through your whole body. You will have men pursuing you
like the hunters they are, subconsciously realizing you’re one woman in a million, the
most desirable girl on the block, a woman who gets men on a deep and primal level.

Just imagine this for a minute. All that anxiety fading away, no more wondering why he
doesn’t call or why he said the hurtful words he said, feeling those tears and anger and
frustration and doubt just fade away, sleeping like a baby every night, wrapped in the
arms of a man who utterly adores you, who loves you for you, who never wants you to
change. Would you want that? Would that feel pretty good? You bet it would and here’s
the really cool part.

Just go through the eight secret survey lessons and do what they say and you will have
the secret password to men’s minds. Every mystery of how men think laid out in detail
and finally explained.

No months and months of therapy, no arguments, no begging and pleading for him to
open up, no wondering what he really thinks about you, if he wants you, if he loves you,
if he will be yours forever.
In fact, here’s what I want you to do. Just go through the first lesson. Really absorb it
and take the time to understand what it says and when you’re done, call up an old
friend, a guy. Not a guy you’re in a relationship with or you want to date. Just a guy.

Grab a drink or go for a walk. Talk and let yourself notice that feeling you get in your
chest just from that little bit of knowledge you gained in lesson one. That confidence that
spreads through you, that knowledge that you know. You know what he really wants.
You know what he really needs. You know what he’s really feeling.

Let me ask you a question. How much is it worth to you to feel like you’ve got magic
powers, to suddenly see into the minds of men, to make any man happy, to be adored
by any man you want?

If this survey in this training helps you find out one guy you’ve been looking for, for so
long or if just by going through this training, you could repair the massive rift you might
be feeling with your husband or your boyfriend now, if you could stop the fights, stop the
anger, stop the frustration and just love each other, how much would that be worth?

I mean think about some of the other stuff you spend money on, the clothes he ignores,
the nights out. Ask yourself, “Would it be worth even just $10 a day to have the
relationship of your dreams?”

If a genie came out of a bottle and said, “It will cost you $3650 but I will give you the
relationship of your dreams for one full year,” is that a deal you would want to take?
Because if this program doesn’t open your eyes and radically change the way you think
about and look at men forever, it’s probably because you secretly like to fight. You
secretly like to be hurt. You secretly like to be miserable and you would rather be right
than be happy. I really hope that’s not true.

The possibilities once you really absorb this are endless because there’s nobody else
out there who’s willing to share this stuff with you or could share it with you in the first

But please, for your sake and mine, don’t even think about enrolling in the Secret
Survey Program and learning the dirty uncensored truth about men unless you can
cross your heart and promise me two things.

One, you can put your ego aside and really accept the truth I give you no matter how
hard it is and no matter how different it is than the half truths and flat out lies you’ve
been told by women’s magazines and experts. If you aren’t ready to know the real truth
about men, this isn’t for you.

Two, you will only use this information to have great relationships with men, not to
manipulate them or take advantage of them. OK. If you’ve really thought about this and

you’re willing to take a leap, it’s time to get down to brass tacks. Why doesn’t this
program cost $2000 or more?

I mean when you think about it, understanding men is probably the biggest thing holding
you back from having the life and the love you’ve always wanted.

If you really study the Secret Survey Results, what men said when they knew they could
be anonymous and they knew you weren’t looking, you will feel like you have X-ray
vision into any man’s mind.

I could easily take this material, turn it into an exclusive weekend seminar and charge
$2000 a seat or more and I know enough women who crave this material are out there,
that we would sell out in minutes.

But you know what? This really isn’t about money for me. Don’t get me wrong. I like
getting paid for my work but this is really about helping as many women as I can about
helping you have great relationships and the happiness and the love and passion you

I hope you can hear from my voice how passionate I am about this and how much I
want this for you. So I’m not going to ask you to invest $2000 in this training even
though I know it’s worth at least that. It won’t cost you $1000.

Heck it won’t even cost you $497 even though my PR lady insists that’s the absolute
least I should offer this training for because it’s so valuable. No. I decided I’m going to
do something maybe a little bit foolish.

I’m going to set the price of the Secret Survey: What Men Desperately Want You to
Know but Could Never Tell You at just $147. But as long as this video is up – I could
take it down at anytime – I will let you have the complete program for just $67 today.

But I’m only guaranteeing this low enrollment cost to you if you hit the Add to Cart
button below right now. In fact, don’t be surprised and please don’t send me an angry
email if you leave this page and come back later to see that I’ve doubled the price.

Just to make this a real no-brainer, when you act today, you will get not one but three
additional trainings 100 percent free.

First you will get Unstoppable Confidence with Michael Griswold. Over 90 minutes of
deep conversation and training teaching you how to have unstoppable confidence with
men and how to use feminine vulnerability to wrap any man you want around your

Second you will get The Insecurity Cure with Eric Candal, exactly why you’re wracked
by insecurity in your relationships and how to create a calm sea in your heart where you
never feel anxiety at all.
Third you will receive Sex Lies Exposed with Devian Day. Devastating lies about sex
that are killing your relationships with men and the simple truth that will let you have the
passion, love and desire you’ve been craving in shockingly little time and you will get
the full, unedited survey results. So you can see what men really say and what men
really want when you aren’t around.

I had to think long and hard about doing this. When men answered this survey, they
thought they were only speaking guy to guy which means this is truly raw, unedited
material right from the mouths of men, the way guys speak and what we talk about
when we think women aren’t around.

But because I’m so invested in making sure you have fantastic relationships with men
from now on, and because you’ve promised to only use this information for good, I’m
willing to let you have the actual survey results as long as you promise you won’t share
them with anyone else.

I don’t want to overstate this but this could really be your only chance to truly get men.
Your last chance to understand what’s going on in his mind, your last chance to get him
to truly open up, your last chance to create true, uncompromising love.

It’s sad but with the hundreds of emails I get everyday, I can tell you so many women
sabotage their own happiness. They bend over backwards for men who don’t deserve it.
They spend their days wishing and wanting, completely blind to the incredible love
available right in front of them.

Right now, there are women who are going to get this survey, go through this training
and feel like a nuclear bomb of insight went off in their mind and you’ve got a chance
right now to be one of them if you just click the Add to Cart button below.

Oh, and just to show you how serious I am and to make this as easy for you as
possible, here’s why you 100 percent can’t lose. Michael Fiore’s risk-free, no BS, 100
percent money back guarantee. Here’s how this works and here’s all you have to do.

Just say maybe to the Secret Survey: What Men Desperately Want You to Know but
Will Never Tell You. Take a deep breath and go through the program. If you’ve ever
logged into Facebook, you know everything you need to know to access the training.
There’s nothing technical about it at all.

Dig through the program material. Watch the videos. Listen to the audios. Do the simple
but revelatory exercises. Use your new insight into men. If for any reason at all you
decide this training isn’t for you, just let me know and I will give you your tiny enrollment
fee back. No fine print, no BS, no wiggle room. Just let me or my staff know anytime in
the next eight weeks and you will get your money back. You will lose access to the
program and survey results and I will open up a spot for another woman to enroll in the
All you have to do to get started is click the Add to Cart button below. Simply click the
Add to Cart button below. Enter your credit card information on the next page and you
will have access to the training and would be able to get started just a few short minutes
from now.

It’s decision time, one of the most important decisions of your life. Right now as you’re
watching this, you’re at the crossroads, a crossroad that could change everything in
your life. When you think about it, you really just got two options.

Option one is to leave this page. Close this video. Get up from your computer. Try to
forget everything I just told you. Try to ignore that nagging feeling in the back of your
mind, that crazy desire to know, to experience for yourself the truth about men, what
they really want, what they really think, what they really think about you.

Go back to bickering, getting angry, feeling unappreciated, grading on the man you
have or wondering why you can’t find that one guy who would truly love you the way
he’s supposed to and ignore that sinking, nauseous feeling in your stomach that you’re
alone, unconnected or you could go with option two.

You can be one of the smart women who understands something amazing when they
see it, who get to tear through these secret survey results, who feel all that anxiety fade
away, who really understand men.

Do you want to keep fighting with the men in your life or do you want to win? Winning
doesn’t mean proving him wrong. If you’re even having an argument, it means you’ve
both lost. No. Winning means being happy, connected, having the romance you’ve
always wanted, the connection you crave.

To grab your spot in the Secret Survey: What Men Desperately Want You to Know But
Could Never Tell You program, all you have to do is click the Add to Cart button below.
You will gain instant access to the first module of this astonishing training, the complete
survey results and the three bonus training programs and will know more about men
than they know about themselves.

But only if you risk nothing and click the button below now and grab this training while
you can. I can’t wait to hear about your success. Thank you. I’m Michael Fiore.


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