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Equivalent Trigonometric Expressions

Learning Goal: We are learning to... Success Criteria: I am able to...

• Explore various equivalent trigonometric • Explain what is an identity
expressions using related acute angles, • Find patterns between various trig ratios
complementary angles and symmetry and develop different identities
« Explain and derive cofunction identities

Warm up time!
(py-V ijj| fit
1) Determine the complement angle for each of the following angles.
v 7T yc Wmmmfi-j
3) 6
d) 0
.kJ l-SB
11 II - IL “Complementary'
2 " D •' t~ // I - If)1 'f '
0- angles are angles _
that add up to...

2) Four friends are trying to come up with an equation to describe the function below.
Whose equation is correct? How can you check?

1 • Descartes' function: d(0) = — sin#

• Euler's function: e(0) — sin(0 + ri)

-lit Itt -m jw u < n in In 2w • Fermat's function: /(#) = sin(0 - n)

\ 2 / 2 X 2 / 2
• Gauss' function: g(0) = cos (d +
X~/ -1-1

When functions have the (SCifTHS graph, we say they are n r i1 * i I______ . We can
use a graphing calculator to verify ((llfl tft-tiS J

For example, we know that — sin# = cos (# -F is an identity because both graphs are the same.

This whole idea might seem scary, but we've came up with identities in the past without knowing it!
Let's think back to the relationship between the principal angle (PA) and its related acute angle.

Q1 (PA = #) Q2 (PA — n — #) Q3 (PA = 7T + 0) 04 (PA = 27r — 0)

i i. <*

i t
n— 9

n + 6^ 2n-9^

9 w

Given the ratio are- Then- Then... Then...

sin# sin^ - #) = Slf) © sin(7r + 0) = - 5lrs " ’ sin(27r — 0) = -SID 0

cos# COS(7T - 0) = - £§l 0 COS(7T + 0) = - CDS 0' COS(27T - 0) = CDS 0

tan# tan(?r - 0) = - 0- tan(7r + 0) = ton O' tan(2?r - 0) = -fClfS &
The previous identities are when we use the x-axis as a reference
(hence the n and 2n). Today we are going to discover identities that
7t 3tc
uses the y-axis (angles involving-and —) as a reference!!

Let's explore some cofunction identities!

Part A - Cofunction identities in Q1 (relating 0 to j — 0}

Given AABC:
1) What is the relationship What are cofunction
between A and B?
They are identities that
(atm to 1) show the relationship
between sine and cosine;
2) If the measure of LA is 9, tangent and cotangent; , _
cosecant and secant.
what must the measure of
LB must be?
Label those on the triangle.

3) Let's determine the 3 primary trigonometric ratios for both LA and LB.

What do you notice?

For LA (6) For^(§-»)
Are any of the ratios equivalent?
Can you make them equivalent?
siae= % sl„g-9)= f

sm & = ct
(n n\ (X
cos 9 — COS 1----
12 C7 )' =

cos sm
tan (- — 0) = JO~- tOn 0 4 iTi i <'!■ 1'1
tan 9 =
’ CL

im &■ - cotAf"'®)
Introducing your first 3 cofunction identities! (in Q1)

Given 0 < 9 <-,


sin0 = COS ('2'©') cos0 = tan 6 =■ (lOt(Jf - Bj

Since we know about reciprocal functions, we can come up with 3 other cofunctions identities in Ql!

Given 0 < 9 <

esc 6 = seed = C& (■%"&) cot9 = (% "0)

Let's see how this can be useful!

Example 1: Given that sin zrr

= 0. 7818, use an equivalent trigonometric expression to evaluate cos rr. 3

2: Given that tan 0 = cot 1.45 and angle 0 lies in the first quadrant, use a cofunction identity
to determine 0, correct to 2 decimal places of a radian.

What about Q2 c:: + 0), Q3 ( rr - 0) and Q4 (

+ 0)? Are there cofunction identities as well?

Part B - Cofunction identities in Q2 (relating () to i + 0)

Before we start, we must take the inverse of point P on the terminal arm, What is co-related
because we need to create the co-related acute angle with respect to the y-axis acute angle?
(instead of the x-axis). We will call such point P'. It is the compliment

pi• ( y P' ( (
of the related acute

angle (measured
P' ( )1 <=X
from y-axis)

-1 /

1) Express the coordinate of P(x, y) in terms of 0

2) Based on P(x, y) from above, express the coordinate of P' (y, x) in terms of 0.
3) Express the coordinates of P' (y, x) in terms of its principal angle G- 0)
4) Plot point P" in Q2 that shares the same co-related acute angle as P'. What will the coordinate of P"
be in terms of x and y? What about in terms of 0? Label it on the diagram.
S) Express the coordinates of P" in terms of its principal angle G + 0).
Wow Mr. Wong!! We just discovered 2 more c::ofunction identities!
nn'istf'0 >' lii CC > ?-
Cofunction identities involving - + 6 (in Q2)
C®m mam ** (■

sin (" + $)- CM & cos (~ + 0) — "- _’ Ch fi' '‘■ ;1 tan

tan (| + 0) = 0,1 (;

CSC + 0) = ttt (9- sec + 0) = - CSC cot (f + 0) = --Jpn 0

Example 3: State an equivalent trigonometric expression for cos

0)Sf :" j (3>'
3(1 . >'«-

3(| ',31 'f t 10; //

Example 4: Given that1 cos A = — sin and that A lies in the second quadrant, determine the

measure of angle A, to two decimal places.

SIC® S3 in <92... 3 a= mi H

ccsfz-to)-' -sm(Bj * Ji'+"syc j

_ 'Set fee /
Now this is getting even more exciting!! Let's extend the same idea to 0,3 and Q4!!

Part C- Cofunction identities in Q3 and Q4 (relating 0 to y — 0 and y + 0)

1) Draw P'" in Q3 and

label it in terms of x
and y
2) Express the
coodinates of P'" in
terms of 0
3) Express the
coordinates of in
terms of its principal
angle (y- 0)

4) Establish cofunction

Repeat the same

procedure for P"" in Q4

P"' (ms(§-&>,an -0)) r (c, smd-ei)

it lo »’i esu {i n ,
Cofunction identities involving^ + 0 (in Q4)
ooGu/h.. i'. S j J! M i* > > * ’ "! i

ml n
Si" + 0) = ~C0S O’ cos (y +
= Sin &


csc (f + e)
= -sec 9 sec (y + e] = esc 9 coti
:?+*)= <

There are other ways of coming up with equivalent trigonometric expressions (identities). One of which
is through symmetry!

Part D - Equivalent Expressions by Symmetry (odd and even functions)

• A function is even if it has IjhJl symmetry about the y-axis and /(—x) = "f(
• A function is is odd if it has ODIfft symmetry about the tfUGltfl and /(—x) =

Of the three primary trig functions, which ones are odd and which ones are even?

y = sinx y = cosx y — tan x

Sin 9^ Tan 9..
: .,
T\............ ( \ .
/ \

/ /
- 2n \-W , 0 2itj 9 *3tt -jti JL / 3n $
........... zZ ^
y 2

ta/Bfi odd
Therefore, what are some trig ratios are derived from this observation?

Trigonometric identities based on symmetry (odd and even functions)

-Sin f? ~ S?n t^9) - nr i CSC (~&)

cos & ' cos (-&) SK (6)« S-ec c-t)

~tone-= ffifti-e) - Qrf (S) « cot 77)

i* (~9) = 271-9 *

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