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Higher Nationals in
(Software Engineering)

Unit 02: Networking


T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
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T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number T D S Irunika

Unit Number and Title Unit 2: Networking

Academic Year 2022/23

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title LAN Design & Implementation for Enclave Films Company

Issue Date

Submission Date 17.09.2022

IV Name & Date

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Table of Contents
1. Examine networking principles and their protocols...............................................................8
1.1 Benefits and constraints of different network types and standards..................................8
1.1. (I) Computer Network.....................................................................................................8
1.1. (II) Computer Network Architecture...............................................................................8
1.1.(III) Computer Network Type......................................................................................... 11
1.2 IEEE Ethernet standards that can be used in LAN and WLAN design............................15
Network standards...............................................................................................................15
1.2.(I) IEEE Standards........................................................................................................... 15
1.2.(II) Recommendations....................................................................................................17
1.3 Explain the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements..18
1.3. (I) Network Topology.................................................................................................... 18
Logical Topology...................................................................................................................18
Physical Topology.................................................................................................................18
Network Bandwidth.............................................................................................................25
1.3.(II) Importance of the Network Topology.......................................................................26
1.4 Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of
networked systems..................................................................................................................28
Network Models.................................................................................................................. 28
Network Protocols............................................................................................................... 29
(I) DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.............................................................30
(II) DNS: Domain Name System protocol........................................................................30
(III) FTP: File Transfer Protocol.........................................................................................31
(IV) HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol..........................................................................31
(V) UDP: User Datagram Protocol...................................................................................32
2. Explain networking devices and operations.........................................................................33
2.1 Operating principles of networking devices and server types...........................................33
2.1. (I) What are the Network Devices.................................................................................33
2.1.(II) What are the Servers................................................................................................41
2.2 Network Security Devices.................................................................................................. 43
(I) Firewalls...........................................................................................................................43
(II) Proxy............................................................................................................................... 43

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
(III) Intrusion Prevention System..........................................................................................43
2.3 Networking Software......................................................................................................... 44
Cisco IOS...............................................................................................................................45
Active Directory................................................................................................................... 45
Server OS..............................................................................................................................45
Server................................................................................................................................... 46
Server recommendation for the Kandy Branch....................................................................46
2.4 Servers and workstations in the market............................................................................47
2.4. (I) PowerEdge R440.......................................................................................................47
2.4. (II) DELL PowerEdge R7425........................................................................................... 48
2.4 (III) DELL Precision7920..................................................................................................50
2.5 Importance of having compatible devices and related software in network design..........51
VLAN.................................................................................................................................... 53
3. Design efficient networked systems................................................................................54
3.1 (I) IP subnetting scheme.................................................................................................54
3.2 Network components & Softwares need to design the Network...................................55
3.3 Network Design for Fushia Group:.................................................................................57
3.4 Server Installation.............................................................................................................. 58
Windows Server Installation................................................................................................ 58
DNS server Installation.........................................................................................................63
Network Maintenance......................................................................................................... 65
3.4 Feedbacks for the designed test....................................................................................66
4. Implement and diagnose networked systems..................................................................69
4.1 Network Configuration...................................................................................................69
Change IP............................................................................................................................. 73
Ping...................................................................................................................................... 74
Network Monitoring............................................................................................................ 78
Future Enhancement............................................................................................................79
References................................................................................................................................... 81

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Peer to Peer Architecture 7
Figure 2 Client Server Architecture 8
Figure 3 Computer Network Types 9
Figure 4 Local Area Network 10
Figure 5 Metropolitan Area Network 11
Figure 6 Wide Area Network 11
Figure 7 Bus Topology 14
Figure 8 Ring Topology 15
Figure 9 Star Topology 16
Figure 10 Tree Topology 17
Figure 11 Mash Topology 18
Figure 12 Hybrid Topology 19
Figure 13 Hub 26
Figure 14 Switch 28
Figure 15 Different between Hub and Switch 29
Figure 16 Router 30
Figure 17 Bridge 31
Figure 18 Comparison between Hub, Switch and the Router 32
Figure 19 DNS installation 01 36
Figure 20 DNS installation 02 36
Figure 21 DNS installation 03 37
Figure 22 DNS installation 04 37
Figure 23 DNS installation 05 38
Figure 24 Power Edge R440 39
Figure 25 Power Edge R7425 40
Figure 26 DELL Precision 42

List Of Table
Table 1 IEEE Standards 14

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Table 2 PowerEdge R440 41
Table 3 PowerEdge R440 42
Table 4 PowerEdge R440 42
Table 5 DELL Precision 7920 43

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
1. Examine networking principles and their protocols.
1.1 Benefits and constraints of different network types and standards.

1.1. (I) Computer Network

A computer network is a collection of interconnected computers that share resources and

communicate with each other using common protocols over a shared communication medium.
Each computer in the network is assigned a unique network address and may have a hostname
for identification purposes. It is important to note that a single computer with its peripherals,
such as printers and scanners, is not considered a network.
The data transfer rate, also known as the bandwidth, is a crucial factor in computer networks as
it determines the speed at which data is transmitted from one location on the network to
another. (Winkelman, n.d.)

Advantages of the Computer Networks

 Data sharing and Collaboration
 Communication and connectivity
 Resource Sharing
 Centralized Management and control
 Enhanced the Data Security
 Cost Efficiency
 Centralized data storage and Backup
 Access to remote Resources

1.1. (II) Computer Network Architecture

Computer Network Architecture defines the physical and logical layout of the software,
hardware, protocols, and data transmission media. (Anon., n.d.) The most popular two
computer architectures are Peer to peer and Client-Server Architecture.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
a) Peer-to-Peer Architecture
In this architecture, every computer in the network is linked to every other computer in the
network. The network’s resources are shared by all of the machines. All computers serve as
servers for the data that is stored on them rather than a central computer. This architecture is
useful for small environments that usually use computers up to 10. The network does not have a
dedicated server. Each computer is given unique permission to share resources, however, if the
resource goes down, this could cause a problem. (Anon., n.d.) (Singh, 2020)

Figure 1: Peer-to-Peer architecture

Advantages of the Peer-To-Peer Network (Singh, 2020)

 Less expensive because the backup doesn’t need to be taken on central server.
 Other computers in the network are unaffected in the event of a computer failure and will
carry on operating normally.
 Simple to set up because each computer is self-sufficient.

Disadvantages of the Peer-To-Peer Network (Singh, 2020)

 Does not contain a centralized system. Therefore, the data varies depending on where it is
stored, it cannot backup the data.
 It has security issues.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
b) Client-Server Architecture
A central computer serves as a hub and processes all requests from client computers in a client-
server architecture. When a request is made by the client computer, the server computer, which
stores all the shared data, shares it with the client computer.
The server is the hub of all communication, thus if a client computer wishes to exchange data
with another client computer, it must first send the data to the server, which will then send the
data to the other clients. (Singh, 2020) All major tasks, including network management and
security, are carried out by a server. Through a server, all clients are able to connect with one

Figure 2: Client-Server architecture

Advantages of the Client-Server Architecture (Singh, 2020)

 The centralized system is housed within a client/server network. As a result, we can
effortlessly back up the data.
 It features a dedicated server, which boosts the system's overall performance.
 It speeds up the process of exchanging resources.
 The server is a more powerful computer than the other computers in the network, which
enhances performance as the reaction time.

Disadvantages of the Client-Server Architecture

 When a server fails, the entire network goes offline.
 As the primary element of this architecture, servers have substantial maintenance costs.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
 Cost is high because the server needs additional resources to cope with the high volume of
client requests and to store a huge amount of data.

1.1.(III) Computer Network Type

A computer network can be classified by its size. It is mainly divided into four types.

Figure 3: Computer Network Types

01. LAN (Local Area Network)

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
A local area network is a collection of computers connected to one another in constrained
spaces like apartments, schools, and hospitals, among others. Since there is no external

connection to the local area network, the data that is shared there is secured and cannot be
viewed outside, making LAN secure. Due to their compact size, LANs are significantly faster;
their speed might be in the region of 100 to 100Mbps. Local area networks (LANs) are no
longer restricted to wired connections thanks to a recent advancement that makes wireless
connections possible. (Singh, 2020)
Figure 4: Local Area Network

02. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

A metropolitan area network connects various LANs to create a larger network that serves a
greater geographic area. To communicate with the public and business sectors, government
organizations use MAN. In MAN, a telephone exchange line connects several LANs to one
another. RS-232, Frame Relay, ATM, ISDN, OC-3, ADSL, and other protocols that are
frequently used in MAN include. Its range is greater than that of the Local Area Network

Uses of Metropolitan Area Network

This can be used, to communicate between two banks in a city, in an airline reservation, can use
in a college within a city and also can be used in the military as well. (Unknown, n.d.)

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure 5: Metropolitan Area Network

03. WAN (Wide Area Network)

A wide geographic area, such as many states or a whole country, is covered by a wide area
network. Compared to LAN, wide area networks are much larger. Through the use of a phone
line, fiber optic cable, or satellite connectivity, a wide area network connects several locations
across a broad geographic region. One of the largest WANs in the world is the internet. In
business, government, and education, a wide area network is frequently employed. Mobile
broadband is one example of WAN. (Unknown, n.d.)

Figure 6: Wide Area Network

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Advantages of WAN
 Geographical area - Providing a wide geographic region is a wide area network. We could
link to the branches of the office using WAN if it were the case that it was in a different city.
Then can link with another branch via a leased line provided by the internet.
 Centralized data: The data in a WAN network is centralized. Hence no need to purchase
email, file, or backup servers.
 High bandwidth: It’s provided via the usage of leased lines for business purposes. Because
of the high bandwidth, the company's production is increased through an increase in data
transmission rate.

04. PAN (Personal Area Network)

A Personal Area Network (PAN) is a type of computer network that connects personal devices
within the immediate vicinity of an individual. It is a network designed for personal use and
typically covers a small area, such as a room or personal space. The purpose of a PAN is to
enable communication and data sharing between personal devices, such as smartphones,
tablets, laptops, wearable devices, and other portable gadgets. PANs are usually established
using wireless technologies such as Bluetooth, Infrared (IR), or Zigbee, allowing devices to
connect and interact without needing physical cables. The range of a PAN is typically limited
to a few meters, providing a localized network for personal device connectivity.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure 7: Personal Area Network

There are two types of Personal Area Network,

01. Wired Personal Area Network – A Wired Personal Area Network is established by utilizing
USB connections.
02. Wireless Personal Area Network – A Wireless Personal Area Network is formed by
employing wireless technologies like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, enabling communication over
short distances.

1.2 IEEE Ethernet standards that can be used in LAN and WLAN design

Network standards

Network standards play a crucial role in promoting fair competition within the global market
for product manufacturers. They are instrumental in ensuring the compatibility and smooth
functioning of data, information, and telecommunication technologies and processes on both
national and international scales. These standards provide valuable guidance to manufacturers,
vendors, government agencies, and service providers, helping them achieve the required level
of connectivity in today's marketplace and in international communication.

1.2.(I) IEEE Standards

The IEEE 802 family of standards for local area networks (LAN), personal area networks
(PAN), and metropolitan area networks was developed by the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (MAN). These standards are upheld by the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN
Standards Committee (LMSC). The LMSC has a working group specifically focused on each of
the twenty-four components of the IEEE 802 family of standards, which are designated 802.1
through 802.24. But not every one of these working groups is actively engaged.

Name Description
IEEE 802.1 Higher layer LAN Protocols Working Group
IEEE 802.2 LLC
IEEE 802.3 Ethernet

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
IEEE 802.4 Token bus
IEEE 802.5 Token Ring Mac layer
IEEE 802.6 MANs (DQDB)
IEEE 802.7 Broadband LAN using coaxial cable
IEEE 802.8 Fiber optic TAG
IEEE 802.9 Integrated Services LAN (ISLAN or isoEthernet)
IEEE 802.10 Interoperable LAN security
IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN (WLAN) & Mesh (Wi-Fi certification)
IEEE 802.12 100BaseVG
IEEE 802.13 Unused
IEEE 802.14 Cable modems
IEEE 802.15 Wireless PAN
IEEE 802.15.1 Bluetooth certification
IEEE 802.15.2 IEEE 802.15 and IEEE 802.11 coexistence
IEEE 802.15.3 High-Rate wireless PAN
IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate wireless PAN
IEEE 802.15.5 Mesh networking for WPAN
IEEE 802.15.6 Body area network
IEEE 802.15.7 Visible light communication
IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access
IEEE 802.16.1 Local Multipoint Distribution Service
IEEE 802.16.2 Coexistence wireless access
IEEE 802.17 Resilient packet ring
IEEE 802.18 Radio regulatory TAG
IEEE 802.19 Wireless Coexistence working group
IEEE 802.20 Mobile Broadband wireless access
IEEE 802.21 Media Independent handoff
IEEE 802.22 Wireless Regional Area Network
IEEE 802.23 Emergency Services working group
IEEE 802.24 Vertical Applications TAG
Table 1: IEEE standards

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
1.2.(II) Recommendations

Based on the given scenario, the most suitable network model is the Client-Server model. In the
Fushia Group, there are six departments in addition to the server room, which means there are
numerous client computers. Therefore, a Client-Server network model is recommended. The
Peer-to-Peer model is not suitable in this case as it is more appropriate for smaller networks
with fewer than 10 computers.
Regarding the first requirement mentioned, which involves separating each department with a
unique subnet and using DHCP as the protocol in the server room, it is necessary to implement
a Local Area Network (LAN) and a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) as specified. The
LAN and WLAN networks are preferred due to their ability to cover relatively small areas and
provide multi-access to high-bandwidth media. Additionally, they allow for private network
administration and control.
In the event that employees from different departments need to connect to each other's systems
for specific requirements, a local administrator can distribute VPN (Virtual Private Network)
connection passwords. VPN is a network technology that securely utilizes public
telecommunication infrastructure, such as the Internet, to provide remote access to an
organization's network.
One of the main advantages of this network is its use of encryption and other security
mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access the network and that data remains
protected from interception.
Taking into consideration the overall scenario, the recommended network types to be used are
LAN, WLAN, and VPN, while the appropriate network model to implement is the Client-
Server network system.
Regarding the interior design of this branch, it is suggested to utilize IEEE 802.11 for wireless
LAN connectivity as it is specifically designed for this purpose. Additionally, for connections
through fiber optic cables, IEEE 802.7 can be employed. Currently, WIFI, especially using the
IEEE 802.11 standard, is the most popular method of device connectivity, making it well-suited
for branches like this. Thus, these IEEE standards will be beneficial for the implementation
process. Additionally, Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.1) can also be useful for sharing information.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
1.3 Explain the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth

1.3. (I) Network Topology

The configuration of how computer systems or network devices are connected to one another is
known as a topology. Topologies can specify a network’s logical and physical aspects. A
network may have the same or distinct logical and physical topologies. (Anon., 2022)

Logical Topology
Logical Topology refers to the architectural design of the communication mechanism among all
nodes in a network. It focuses on the logical interconnections and flow of data between devices,
rather than the physical arrangement of the network components.
1. Ethernet
2. Local Talk
3. Token ring

Physical Topology
Physical Topology refers to the actual physical layout or arrangement of devices, cables, and
connections in a network. It describes how network devices are physically connected and
positioned in relation to each other.

01. Bus Topology

Bus networks link all devices together via a single cable, serves as a common communication
channel to which devices can connect or tap via interface connectors. Only the intended
receiver really accepts and processes the broadcast message that a device on the network
transmits over the wire in order to connect with another device on the network. (Anon., 2016)

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure 7: Bus Topology

 Easy to Install
 Compared to alternatives, bus topology does not require much cabling.
 This can be work with a limited number of devices.
 There will probably be performance issues if a network bus is expanded by more than a few
dozen machines.
 The entire network is rendered inoperable if the backbone cable fails.

02. Ring Topology

Each host computer in a ring topology links to precisely two more hosts, resulting in a circular
network structure. Data passes via all intermediate hosts if one host attempts to interact with or
send a message to another host that is not nearby. The administrator may simply require one
more cable to connect one more host to the current structure. Any host failure causes the entire
ring to fail. Every link in the ring is a potential weak point as a result. There are techniques that
use a second backup ring.

Figure 8: Ring Topology

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
 A well-organized network where any device may obtain the token and broadcast.
 When the network is heavily loaded, it performs better than a star topology.
 Manages communication between computers without the need for a network server.

 The entire network may experience issues because of a single problematic workstation or
MAU port.
 The network may be impacted by device modifications, additions, and moves.
 The cost of MAUs and network adapter cards is significantly higher than that of Ethernet
cards and hubs.
 Much slower than a typical load on an Ethernet network.
03. Star Topology
One of the most popular computer network topologies. A star network's most basic
configuration consists of one central switch, hub, or computer that serves as a conduit for
message transmission. Star topologies can be used in a building, a workplace, or even at home.
The star topology is used by plenty of home networks. A hub, switch, or router may be the
focal point of a star network's primary connecting point. Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
Ethernet is the common method used by devices to connect to the hub. (Anon., 2022)

Figure 9: Star Topology

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
 Better performance: This design prevents the passage of data packets through pointless
 Device isolation: The link that links each device to the hub creates an inherent isolation
between them. This simplifies the isolation of the individual devices and effectively
disconnects them from the hub. Due to its isolation, the network is shielded from any non-
centralized failure.
 Benefits of centralization: Since the central hub is the bottleneck, adding more devices to
the star or expanding its capacity can readily help the network scale. The network's
inspection traffic is also made possible by the central architecture of the system. This can
assist in analyzing all network traffic and identifying suspicious activity.
 Simplicity: The topology is simple to establish, comprehend, and use.
 A star network requires more devices and cables to be installed than a bus topology does to
finish a network.
 The entire network may finally go down or collapse if one or more of the core linking
devices, such as the hub, switch, or router, has a failure for whatever cause.

04. Tree Topology

This type of network architecture, also known as hierarchical topology, is the most popular one
currently in use. It imitates extended star topology and inherits bus topology's characteristics.
The network is divided into several tiers or layers by this topology. A network is divided into
three different types of network devices, mostly in LANs. The access layer, to which computers
are connected, is the lowest. The distribution layer, which sits between the top and lower layers,
is the middle layer. The core layer, which is the topmost layer and the layer from which all
nodes split out, serves as the network's center node.
There is a point-to-point link between each nearby host. Similar to the Bus topology, the entire
network is affected if the root fails. even when there are other points of failure. Every link acts
as a potential point of failure, and when one fails, a portion of the network becomes

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure 10: Tree Topology

05. Mesh Topology

Mesh networking allows for the transmission of audio, data, and command between nodes. By
"hopping" from node to node until the goal is achieved, it enables continued connections and
reconfiguration around broken or obstructed pathways.
A mesh network that is fully connected has nodes that are entirely linked to one another. This
Topology is different from other networks in that their individual components can link to one
another over numerous hops and are typically stationary.
Mesh networks are self-healing, so even if a node or link fails, the network may continue to
function. This network is particularly dependable as a consequence. Software interaction, wired
networks, and wireless networks may all benefit from this idea.
A complete mesh is a mesh network where every device is connected to every other device.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
There are also partial mesh networks, in which certain devices can link to one another only

Figure 11: Mesh Topology

06.Hybrid Topology
In hybrid networks, any two or more topologies are combined in a way that prevents the
resultant network from displaying any of the conventional topologies (e.g., bus, star, ring, etc).
For instance, two-star networks coupled together display a hybrid network topology, yet a tree
network connected to another tree network is still a tree network. When two distinct
fundamental network topologies are connected, a hybrid topology is always created. The star
ring network and the star bus network are two typical instances of hybrid networks.
A multiplication access unit (MAU) serves as the center hub of a star ring network, which
comprises of two or more-star technologies coupled.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
A Star Bus network is made up of two or more-star topologies connected by a bus trunk, which
acts as the backbone of the system. (Anon., 2022)

Figure 12: Hybrid Topology

Physical Topology VS Logical Topology

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Both physical and logical topologies are equally important in the design and implementation of
a network. Physical topology determines the physical layout and interconnections of devices,
while the logical topology defines the logical organization and flow of data within the network.
However, if the logical topology is not planned carefully, it can have a negative impact on data
transmission in the form of packet delivery. A poorly designed logical topology can result in
inefficient routing, increased network congestion, and potential data loss. Therefore, careful
consideration and planning are necessary to ensure an optimized logical topology that enables
efficient data transmission and communication between network devices.

Network Bandwidth
Bandwidth, in networking, refers to the measurement of the capacity of a communication
medium to transmit data. It represents the amount of data that can be transmitted over the
medium within a given time period. A higher bandwidth indicates a greater capacity to transmit
data, while a lower bandwidth suggests a limited capacity.
The importance of bandwidth can be understood through the following points:
 Bandwidth is limited by physics and technology:
The maximum bandwidth of a medium is determined by its physical characteristics and the
technology used to transmit data over it. It sets an upper limit on the amount of data that can
be transmitted.
 Bandwidth is not free:
Increasing the available bandwidth often involves investments in network infrastructure and
technology upgrades. There are costs associated with acquiring and maintaining higher
bandwidth connections.
 Bandwidth requirements are growing at a rapid rate:
With the increasing reliance on data-intensive applications, such as video streaming, cloud
services, and IoT devices, the demand for bandwidth is constantly growing. Network traffic
and data volumes are increasing, requiring higher bandwidth to ensure smooth and efficient
data transmission.
 Bandwidth is critical to network performance:
The available bandwidth directly impacts the performance of a network. Insufficient
bandwidth can result in network congestion, slow data transfer speeds, and degraded

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
performance. Adequate bandwidth is crucial for supporting smooth communication,
minimizing latency, and ensuring timely delivery of data

1.3.(II) Importance of the Network Topology

01. Influence the Function of network-

A network's topology is represented schematically by a network configuration. The function of
network topology is to establish links between various sender and receiver nodes.
On the development of networks, topology has a significant and powerful impact.
Recent research has shown that the topology is crucial in the real-world of networks because it
mediates the effects of changes in local interaction. The dynamical behavior of the network
may occasionally be impacted by this.
Consequently, the topology will have an impact on how networks are modified or developed.

02. Better Understand the Important Networking Concepts

The topology will assist in learning or comprehending the significance of networking ideas.
Many people find it challenging to understand how a computer network truly operates.
A key component of network design theory is topology. Given that they are constructed
through time, nearly all networks in the actual world are developing networks. People may set
up a home network or create a small business network using topology.
The best thing is that they don't require expert understanding of bus and star designs to do this.
In general, topologies can provide a clearer understanding of and familiarity with fundamental
networking concepts like routers, hubs, and broadcasts.

03. Creates Small-World Property

Numerous networks show the alleged small-world property. Reducing the degree of isolation
between worlds is one of the key reasons why topology is important for the advancement of
network architecture.
Network use has increased significantly in recent years. It is used to define and create complex
prototypes that may be found in a variety of biological, technical, and social multipart systems.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Significant attention has been paid to the topology of large social, technological, and biological
networks, such as the WWW or similar interaction networks.
Computer network specialists have examined the network's development. Numerous
topological properties may be categorized as influential, scale-free-like, and broad-tailed
networks based on the investigation. Thanks to its diverse variety of scopes and capabilities,
this clarification is possible.

Selected topology to the company

Fushia company is a software. The star topology is the most appropriate network topology in
this case, taking into account both the needs and the structure of the business. Large businesses
frequently and mostly use star topology. Each workstation is linked to a hub, which is a central
node. This topology's centralization makes it simple to manage and monitor the network, which
makes it more beneficial. The key advantage is that if a cable fails, just that specific device will
be affected. The rest of the equipment will carry on operating regularly. Adding or removing
computers is simple. Simply extending the connection from the hub makes it simple to add new
devices or do node scans. However, if the central hub has ample of capacity, then very high
network utilization by one item in the network does not effect the other devices in the network.
This topology encourages a significant overhead on the central hub.
Due to the flexible cable and modular connector, installation is also easy, affordable, and quick.
The network's speed and stability are crucial factors to consider while creating one in a
software company. Utilizing a hub offers centralized management, security control,
inexpensive configuration costs, and simple troubleshooting. Your network will continue to
operate even if one node or workstation fails. When compared to other topologies, star
topology offers several advantages and is significantly more beneficial. As a network
consultant, I decided to use star topology in the Kandy branch.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
1.4 Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness
of networked systems
Network protocols are a collection of guidelines for simple, dependable, and secure information
sharing. Before going into the most popular protocols for sending and receiving data via
networks, it is important to understand how networks are conceptually set up or structured. The
Open Systems Interface (OSI) paradigm developed by ISO is the most common approach used
to provide open communication between two systems.
There are several kinds of protocols that facilitate the crucial and considerate communication
with various networked devices. (Anon., 2020)

Network Models
Those models are conceptual frameworks that aid in explaining the process of data
communication within a computer network.
4. ISO OSI Model
5. TCP/IP Model


The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a conceptual framework that defines and
standardizes the communication functions of telecommunication or computing systems,
regardless of their underlying internal structure and technology.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure 14: Layers of ISO OSI Model

TCP/IP Model
The TCP/IP model is a set of communication protocols utilized in the internet and similar
computer networks. In its expanded form, it stands for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
and Internet Protocol (IP). This model consists of four layers.

Figure 15: Layers of TCP/IP Model

Network Protocols
A network protocol is a set of rules and procedures that govern the communication and
interaction between devices within a computer network. These protocols establish guidelines
for how data is formatted, transmitted, and received, ensuring efficient and reliable
communication between networked devices.
Network protocols cover various aspects of network communication, including addressing,
routing, error detection and correction, data encapsulation, flow control, and congestion
management. They provide a standardized framework that enables devices from different
manufacturers and running different operating systems to seamlessly communicate and
exchange data.
Commonly used network protocols include TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol), Ethernet, Wi-Fi, HTTP, DNS, FTP, and SMTP. Each protocol has a specific purpose
and operates at different layers of the network architecture, facilitating the smooth transmission
of data between devices in a network.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
(I) DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Network managers can automate the issuance of IP addresses in a network thanks to the DHCP
communication protocol. Every device connecting to the internet over an IP network needs a
distinct IP. When a device is plugged in from a different location on the network, DHCP
immediately sends a new IP address and enables network administrators to spread IP addresses
from a single location. Client-server architecture is used by DHCP.

Advantages of using DHCP

 IP address administration on a centralized scale.
 a network's seamless integration of new customers.
 Reusing IP addresses can cut down on the overall number of IP addresses needed.

Disadvantages of using DHCP

 Due to the possibility of a single device having different IP addresses over time, tracking
internet activity can be time-consuming.
 Because their IP addresses vary over time, computers that use DHCP cannot be used as

(II) DNS: Domain Name System protocol

The DNS protocol aids in the conversion of host names into IP addresses, or hostname
mapping. DNS utilizes a distributed database over a hierarchy of name servers and operates on
a client-server basis.
IP addresses are used to identify hosts, however, due to their complexity, they are challenging
to remember. It is much more important to map domain names to IP addresses since IPs are
dynamic. DNS assists in resolving this problem by translating website domain names into
numeric IP addresses.

Advantages of using DNS

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
 DNS enables access to the internet.
 Removes the requirement to remember IP addresses.

Disadvantages of using DNS

 DNS requests don't contain information about the client that sent them. This is so that
hackers cannot manipulate the DNS server, which only sees the IP from which the query
 If DNS root servers are hacked, hackers may be able to use them as a means of phishing data

(III) FTP: File Transfer Protocol

Running on top of TCP, File Transfer Protocol facilitates file sharing between hosts, both local
and distant. FTP establishes two TCP connections for file transfers: a control connection and a
data connection. The data connection is used to transport the actual file, whereas the control
connection is used to communicate control information such as passwords, orders to retrieve
and save files, etc. Throughout the whole file transfer procedure, both of these connections are
active in simultaneously.

Advantages of using FTP

 Enables simultaneous sharing of numerous folders and huge files.
 Allows you to pick up where you left off with file sharing.
 Allows you to arrange a file transfer and restore lost data.

Disadvantages of using FTP

 FTP is not secure. Because they are transmitted in plain text, data, usernames, and passwords
are exposed to hostile actors.
 FTP doesn't provide encryption, which makes it incompatible with industry standards.

(IV) HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

Information systems that are distributed, collaborative, and employ hypermedia commonly use
the application layer protocol HTTP. The web browser serves as the client in this client-server

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
system of operation. HTTP is used to transfer data via the World Wide Web, including text,
photos, and other multimedia files. In a request-and-response protocol, the client sends the
server a request, which the server processes before providing the client response.
Since HTTP is a stateless protocol, clients and servers are only aware of one another while their
connections are active. Following that, neither the client nor the server is aware of the other's
existence. This issue prevents both the client and the server from storing information between

Advantages of using HTTP

 Because there are fewer concurrent connections, memory and CPU utilization are minimal.
 Connections don't need to be closed in order to report errors.
 Network congestion is lessened since there are fewer TCP connections.

Disadvantages of using HTTP

 HTTP is less secure since it lacks encryption features.
 For communication to be established and data to be sent, HTTP needs greater power.

(V) UDP: User Datagram Protocol

The transport layer protocol known as UDP offers a straightforward but unreliable
communication service. UDP does not have any dependability, flow control, or error recovery
features compared to TCP. When the TCP dependability measures are not required, UDP is
helpful. With UDP, missing data packets cannot be retransmitted.

Advantages of using UDP

 UDP enables connections for broadcast and multicast.
 TCP takes longer than UDP.

Disadvantages of using UDP

 A packet might not be delivered in UDP, be delivered twice, or not be delivered at all.
 Data packets need to be manually disassembled.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Selected Protocol to the company
I believe that TCP/IP is the optimal choice for this scenario. It is considered the best option due
to being an open protocol standard. Additionally, TCP/IP is freely available, allowing for its
implementation on any hardware or operating system specific to the device. It is widely used in
various branches and industries.

2. Explain networking devices and operations

2.1 Operating principles of networking devices and server types.

2.1. (I) What are the Network Devices

The physical components needed for hardware interaction and communication on a computer
network are known as network devices, or networking hardware. Here is a list of popular
network devices. (Melnick, 2022)
 Hub
 Switch
 Router
 Bridge
 Gateway
 Modem
 Repeater
 Access Point

01. Hub
A hub is a piece of hardware that distributes network connections across several devices. When
a computer asks data from a network, the request is initially sent by cable to the Hub. This
request will be broadcast throughout the network via Hub. Each gadget will determine whether
the request is theirs. The request will be rejected if not.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
The Hub's method uses more bandwidth and restricts how much can be communicated. Hubs
are no longer used and have been superseded by more modern switches and routers in computer

 Connectivity: The hub's main purpose is to enable clients to connect to a network so they
may share and communicate. Hubs employ a network protocol analyzer for this.
 Performance - Hubs are known to have very few negative effects on network performance.
This frequently occurs as a result of its broadcast form of operation, which rarely affects the
 Cost - Hubs are incredibly cheap when compared to switches. Basically because of how
straightforward it is. They will help you save a lot of money as a result. Additionally, they
are extensively available in the market as a result of their products.
 Device Support - Using a single central hub, hubs can link numerous different media kinds
together. Although the media like to function at various speeds, they will often support them.

 Collision Domain - The function of the collision domain and subsequent packet transfers are
unaffected; in fact, they enhance the likelihood of collisions between domains.
 Full-Duplex Mode - Hubs can only work in half-duplex mode; they are unable to
communicate in full-duplex mode. In essence, half-duplex mode means that data is
frequently transferred only once at a time. As a result, the hub needs to change modes
 Specification - Large networks, such as a token ring, cannot be supported by hubs. This
occurs frequently since hubs have to distribute data to all of the network's devices.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
 Network traffic - Cannot be reduced because the attachment was received in the packet. As
a result, hubs generate a lot of network traffic.
 Wasted bandwidth - Hubs must share bandwidth since they cannot supply dedicated
bandwidth for every device. When transferring significant amounts of data, two computers
will use up all available bandwidth, leaving other computers with a slow network. (Agarwal,

02. Switch
A switch is a piece of hardware that links various components of a computer network. The
advanced features of a Switch outweigh those in a Hub. The Switch is where the updated table
that determines whether or not to send data is located. Using the physical address included in
the incoming message, Switch sends the message to the intended recipient. Unlike the Hub, a
Switch does not broadcast the message to the whole network. It chooses the device to which the
message will be sent. So, the switch offers a direct link between the source and the destination.
The network's speed is accelerated.

Figure 14: Switch

 Increases Capacity - They increase the organization's available data transfer capacity.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
 Reduces Burden - They contribute to reducing the outstanding load on specific host PCs.
 Presentation Intensification - They improve the organization's presentation.
 Less Casing Impacts - Casing impacts on networks that use switches are reduced. This is a
result of the impact zones that switches create for each association.
 Simple - Workstations and switches can be connected in a simple manner.
 Enhances Network Available Bandwidth - It increases the network's available bandwidth.
(Agarwal, 2020)

 Costly - Compared to network spans, they are more expensive.
 Issues with network availability might be challenging to track across an organizational move.
 Broadcast traffic problems - There may be issues with broadcast traffic.
 Switches are helpless against security attacks like spoofing IP addresses or capturing
Ethernet outlines if they are in indiscriminate mode.
 Need for Proper Planning - Dealing with multicast chunks calls for proper planning and
 The mechanical component may deteriorate over time - The mechanical component of the
switch may deteriorate with time.
 Physical contact with the object must occur for it to be triggered.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure 15: Different between Hub and Switch

03. Router
A router is a hardware used to link a local area network (LAN) to the internet. The incoming
packets are received, analyzed, and forwarded to another network using this device. In the OSI
Reference model's Layer 3 (Network layer), a router operates. Based on the data in the routing
table, a router forwards the packet. Out of all the possible paths, it chooses the best one to send
the packet along.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure 16: Router

 Security: Although the data being communicated to the network will go the entire length of
the cable, only the designated device that has been addressed can access it.
 Reliability: If the server stops working, the network falls, but none of the other networks that
the router serves are impacted.
 Performance: A router improves the network's overall performance. Assume that a network
with 24 workstations produces the same amount of traffic. As a result, the network is under
more traffic pressure. By dividing a single network into two networks with 12 workstations
each, a router may cut the amount of traffic in half.
 Network coverage.

A bridge is a type of network equipment that joins several local area networks (LANs) to create
a single, bigger LAN. Network aggregation is referred to as network bridging. The many
segments are connected by a bridge, making them appear to be a single network. Bridges are

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
also known as Layer 2 switches since they function at the OSI model's data link layer.
(Moumita, 2020)

Two LANs are connected by bridges in the diagram below

Figure 17: Bridge

 By acting as a repeater, it extends the network.
 Network traffic on a segment can be decreased by separating it into network
 Collisions can be minimized to a certain extent.
 Some bridge types connect networks using various media and architectural designs.

 It is unable to aid in the creation of a network between different network topologies.
 It cannot read individual IP addresses because it is primarily focused on MAC addresses.
 When compared to repeaters, these are more expensive.
 It sends all varieties of broadcast messages; therefore, it cannot stop the flow of messages.
 It is unable to handle the more complicated and varied data loads coming from the WAN.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure 18: Comparison between Hub, Switch and the Router

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
2.1.(II) What are the Servers
A server in computing is a program or device that offers functionality to what are known as
clients, which are other programs or devices. The client-server model is the name of this
architecture. The distribution of a single overall calculation over various processes or devices.
Services are the numerous functionalities that servers might offer. These services include
executing computation for a client or distributing data or resources among many clients. A
single server can serve several clients, and a single client can use many servers. On the same
machine, a client process can be active. To run on a different device, it can also connect over a
network to a server. Database servers, mail servers, print servers, file servers, web servers,
application servers, and game servers are a few examples of servers. (Sharma, 2022)

Types of Servers

01. Application Server

Web applications are computer programs that run inside a web browser, and these servers host
them, making it possible for network users to run and utilize them without having to install a
copy on their own machines. These servers do not necessarily need to be connected to the
Internet. Computers with web browsers serve as their clients.

02. Database Server

Any type of database can be maintained and shared using these servers via a network. A
structured collection of data with predetermined properties that may be shown in a table is
referred to as a database. Spreadsheets, accounting software, asset management software, and
just about any other computer program that consumes well-organized data, especially in huge
amounts, are clients of these servers.

03. File Server

Shares files and folders, storage space for files and folders, or both over network. Even though
local programs might be clients, networked machines are the intended recipients.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
04. Web Server
Websites are hosted on these servers. The World Wide Web is only feasible because of web
servers. There are one or more web servers for each website. Computers equipped with web
browsers serve as the clients.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
2.2 Network Security Devices
A wide range of technologies, devices, and processes fall under the umbrella of network
security. It encompasses a set of rules and configurations intended to safeguard the integrity,
confidentiality, and availability of computer networks and data. Network security utilizes a
combination of software and hardware technologies to protect against unauthorized access, data
breaches, and other security threats.
There are three main categories of controls in network security: physical, technical, and
To enhance network security at the Fushia Group Kandy branch, the following devices can be

(I) Firewalls
A firewall is a network security equipment that keeps an eye on both incoming and outgoing
network traffic and allows or denies data packets in accordance with a set of security rules. Its
goal is to create a physical barrier between your internal network and incoming traffic from
outside sources (like the internet), blocking unwanted traffic like that of hackers and viruses.
There are three different kinds of firewalls: hardware firewalls, software firewalls, or both.

(II) Proxy
A computer connected to the internet by a proxy server receives inbound requests from clients
and sends them on to the target server. It serves as a conduit for connecting end users to the
internet. Its IP address is unique. The client system and web server are isolated from the wider
To put it another way, we could argue that the proxy server enables us to access any websites
using a different IP address. It acts as a go-between for users and servers or websites that are
being targeted. It gathers and provides data pertaining to user requests. The fact that a proxy
server does not encrypt traffic is its most significant flaw.

(III) Intrusion Prevention System

The terms intrusion detection and prevention system and intrusion prevention system are
interchangeable. It is a network security tool that checks system or network activity for

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
suspicious behavior. The main duties of intrusion prevention systems are to spot harmful
activity, gather data on it, report it, and try to block or stop it.
Because both IPS and IDS monitor network traffic and system operations for malicious
behavior, intrusion prevention systems are thought of as an addition to intrusion detection
systems (IDS).

2.3 Networking Software

Networking software refers to software applications that interact, enhance, and facilitate the
functions of a computer network. It serves as the backbone of every network infrastructure. In
traditional networks, hardware played a central role with embedded software. However,
network software is distinct from regular software applications as it operates behind the scenes
and remains invisible to end users. Its primary purpose is to enable users to access network
resources in a seamless and efficient manner.
The functions of network software include:
 Network Setup and Installation: Networking software assists in setting up and installing
computer networks. It provides tools and utilities to configure network settings, establish
connections, and ensure proper network functionality.
 Seamless Access to Network Resources: Networking software enables users to access
network resources effortlessly. It provides protocols, services, and mechanisms for users to
connect to shared files, printers, databases, and other network resources securely and
 Network Virtualization: Network software facilitates the virtualization of networks, allowing
for the creation of virtual network environments. This enables the segmentation and isolation
of network resources, enhancing security and resource allocation.
 Data Storage and Accessibility: Networking software helps define the locations of data
storage within the network. It ensures that users can access data stored in centralized servers
or distributed storage systems while maintaining data integrity and security.
 User Management: Network software allows network administrators to add or remove users
from the network. It provides user management tools and access controls to ensure proper
authentication, authorization, and user permissions within the network.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
 Networking software plays a crucial role in enabling efficient network operations, seamless
resource access, and secure data transmission. It simplifies network management tasks and
enhances the overall performance and productivity of networked systems.

Cisco IOS

Cisco IOS is a highly advanced and widely acclaimed networking software that plays a crucial
role in enabling seamless data communication between network nodes. It stands out due to its
incorporation of cutting-edge technology, essential business services, and extensive support for
various hardware platforms. By utilizing Cisco IOS, organizations can leverage powerful routing
and switching capabilities to enhance the performance and security of their network traffic. A
notable advantage of Cisco IOS is its ability to share and maintain consistent features across the
network through reusable code. This capability not only facilitates faster service delivery but also
fosters innovation by streamlining the development and deployment of new network services and
applications. Cisco IOS stands as a prominent networking software solution, renowned for its
reliability, versatility, and continuous advancements in networking technology.

Active Directory
Active Directory is a comprehensive database and suite of services developed by Microsoft for
Windows operating systems. It serves as a vital component that connects users to the network
resources required to fulfil their tasks. Active Directory stores data in the form of objects,
organizing them based on their names and associated attributes. At the core of Active Directory
is the Domain Services server, which stores directory information and manages user interactions
within the domain. The Active Directory Domain server plays a crucial role in verifying user
access, ensuring that only authorized users can sign into devices or connect to network resources.
Through its centralized control, Active Directory Domain governs user permissions and manages
access to various resources and groups, facilitating efficient administration of policies and
ensuring secure network operations.

Server OS
Server operating systems are specifically developed to run on servers, which are specialized
computers designed to operate within a client-server architecture. These operating systems are
tailored to support and facilitate various server roles and functions. Examples of server roles

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
include web server, mail server, file server, database server, application server, and print server.
Server operating systems provide the necessary features and services to efficiently handle the
demands of these server roles, ensuring reliable and secure operation. They are optimized to
handle high-performance computing, network connectivity, and data management, allowing
servers to effectively serve and fulfill the needs of client devices and network users.

A network server is a robust computer system that serves as a central hub, providing shared
resources to workstations and other servers within a network. It offers a wide range of
functionalities, allowing users to control network access, handle email communication, manage
printing services, and host websites. Moreover, servers excel at performing complex
calculations, making them suitable for demanding computational tasks. Some servers are
dedicated to specific functions, while others are shared servers responsible for handling multiple
tasks such as email, DNS (Domain Name System), FTP (File Transfer Protocol), and hosting
multiple websites on a web server. Servers often have higher RAM capacities compared to
typical workstations, enabling them to efficiently handle multiple concurrent operations and
support the demands of a networked environment.

Server types
1. Tower Server
2. Blade Server
3. Rack Server

Server recommendation for the Kandy Branch

Based on the given scenario, I would recommend the use of rack servers. Rack servers are well-
suited for server rooms and server racks due to their easy mounting capabilities. They offer
increased scalability, allowing for efficient expansion of the server infrastructure as needed.
Additionally, rack servers are designed to maximize airflow when combined with cooling
systems, ensuring proper temperature regulation within the server environment. Another
advantage of rack servers is the ease of regular computer maintenance and diagnostics. Their
design enables technicians and operators to effortlessly slide the rack servers in and out of the

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
racks, simplifying tasks such as troubleshooting, upgrades, and repairs. Overall, choosing rack
servers would provide the necessary convenience and flexibility for managing the server
infrastructure effectively.
2.4 Servers and workstations in the market

2.4. (I) PowerEdge R440

Figure 24: Power Edge R440

Power Edge R440

Features Specifications
Processor Up to two 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, up to
24 cores per processor
Memory 16 DDR4 DIMM slots, Supports RDIMM /LRDIMM, speeds up to
2666MT/s, 1TB max1
Storage controllers Internal Controllers: PERC H330, H730P, H740P, HBA330
External Controllers: H840, 12 Gbps SAS HBA
Software RAID:S140
Boot Optimized Storage Subsystem (BOSS):HWRAID 2 x M.2
SSDs 240GB,480GB
Internal Dual SD Module
Drive bays Front drive bays: Up to 10 x 2.5” SAS/SATA (HDD/SSD) with up
to 4 NVMe SSD max 76.8TB or up to 4 x 3.5 SAS/SATA HDD
max 64TB Optional DVD-ROM, DVD+RW
Power supplies Bronze 450W (Cabled PSU), Platinum 550W (Hot plug PSU with
full redundancy option) Up to six cabled fans
Tools Dell EMC Repository Manager iDRAC Service Module
Dell EMC System Update Open Manage Server
Dell EMC Server Update Utility Open Manage Storage Services
Dell EMC Update Package
Security TPM 1.2/2.0, TCM 2.0 optional
Cryptographically signed firmware

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Silicon Root of Trust
Secure Boot
System Lockdown (requires OpenManage Enterprise)
I/O & Ports Network options
2 x 1GbE LOM + (optional) LOM Riser 2 x 1GbE or 2x 10GbE
SFP+ or 2 x10GbE BaseT
Front ports: 1 x Dedicated iDRAC Direct USB, 1 x USB 2.0, 1 x
Rear ports: 1 x Dedicated iDRAC network port, 1 x Serial, 2 x USB
3.0, 1 x Video
Up to 2 x PCIe Gen 3 slots all x16
Supported operating systems Canonical® Ubuntu® Server LTS
Citrix® Hypervisor
Microsoft Windows Server® LTSC with Hyper-V
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux
SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server
VMware® ESX
Table 2: Power Edge R440

2.4. (II) DELL PowerEdge R7425

Figure 25: Power Edge R7425

Features Specifications
Processor Up to 2x AMD EPYC™ processors, up to 32 cores per processor
Memory 32 DDR4 DIMM slots, Supports RDIMM, LRDIMM
Storage controllers TPM 1.2/2.0 optional
Cryptographically signed firmware
Silicon Root of Trust
Secure Boot

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
System Lockdown & System Erase
Drive bays Mid Drive Bays: Up to 4 x 2.5” NVMe or up to 4 x 3.5”
Rear Drive Bay: Up to 4 x 2.5” or 2 x 3.5” SAS/SATA HDD
Front Drive Bays: Up to 24 x 2.5” SATA/SAS/NVMe or up to 12x
Power supplies Titanium 750W, Platinum 495W,750W, 1600W, 1100W,and
2000W336-380DC 1100W addition forChina and Japan only
48VDC 1100W, 380HVDC1100W, 240HVDC 750WHot plug
power supplies withfull redundancy option
Tools Dell EMC Repository Manager iDRAC Service Module
Dell EMC System Update OpenManage Server
Dell EMC Server Update Utility Administrator
Dell EMC Update Package OpenManage Storage
Security TPM 1.2/2.0, TCM 2.0 optional
Cryptographically signed firmware
Silicon Root of Trust
Secure Boot
System Lockdown (requires OpenManage Enterprise)
I/O & Ports Network options
2 x 1GbE LOM + (optional) LOM Riser 2 x 1GbE or 2x 10GbE SFP+ or
2 x10GbE BaseT
Front ports: 1 x Dedicated iDRAC Direct USB, 1 x USB 2.0, 1 x Video

Rear ports: 1 x Dedicated iDRAC network port, 1 x Serial, 2 x USB 3.0,

1 xVideo
Up to 2 x PCIe Gen 3 slots all x16
Supported operating Microsoft Windows Server® 2016
systems Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 7.4
VMware® vSphere 2016 U1 (ESXi 6.5 U1)
Microsoft Windows Server® 2012 R2
Table 3: Power Edge R7425

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
2.4 (III) DELL Precision7920

Figure 26: DELL Precision 7920

Features Specifications
Processor Intel® Xeon® processor ScalableOperating System CPUs with
up to28 cores per processor
Memory Up to 1.5TB 2666MHz DDR4 ECCmemory with dual CPUs, up to
Storage controllers Up to 8 x 1TB drives2.5" SATA SSD
Supported operating systems Windows 10 Pro for Workstations(up to 4 Cores)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (4Cores Plus)
Table 4: Dell Precision 7920

I suggest the PowerEdge R440 Tower Server as the workstation the company requires high-
performance devices because it is a software company with a large number of employees. This
will ensure that the employees have an effective workflow free from any problematic
circumstances like lags that cause delays and affect the ongoing workflow.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
2.5 Importance of having compatible devices and related software in network design.
The fundamental infrastructure of any firm includes the company network. It is also a crucial
element because it facilitates collaboration and gives users access to the Internet. Additionally,
it enables all employees—including management—to share the hardware, printers, servers, and
services of a business and, as a result, to collaborate and share information. A network must be
constructed using a variety of hardware. The wide area network (WAN), the Internet, and the
outside world are all connected to the local network (LAN/WLAN) of the business through the
router. Computers, VoIP phones, printers, servers, and power supplies are connected to the
router and to one another via switches, hubs, cables, wireless technology, and power supplies.
The network infrastructure is made up of the network devices mentioned above. A few
fundamental criteria must exist for these gadgets to function as efficiently as possible. The
business must choose how data will be transferred among these devices and make specialized
network device management investments. When these requirements are met, troubleshooting is
more successful than ever. The business keeps disruptions to a minimal, saves money, and
avoids transaction losses by spending less time investigating problems. Any network must start
with networking software. It supports network installation, management, and monitoring for
administrators. Traditional networks consist of specialized hardware like routers and switches
that include networking software as part of the overall solution. By separating the software
from the hardware, software defined networking (SDN) makes it simpler to modify and adapt
the network to quickly meet shifting network demands. Network functions virtualization refers
to the separation of hardware-based functions from software-based ones, such as load balancing
or firewalls (NFV). Software applications and network software are not the same thing. While
the latter allows end users to carry out particular operations, the former lets administrators see
inside the network's workings. In order to make it easier for end users to seamlessly access
network resources, network software is "invisible" to them. User management and file
management are both part of the fundamental functionality. Administrators can add or delete
users from the network through user management. Administrators can choose where data is
stored and who has access to it through file management. Multiple devices, including PCs,

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
laptops, mobile phones, tablets, and other systems, can connect to other networks as well as one
another thanks to network software. A system of servers and computers that are connected
internationally and rely on networking software to ensure end users can access them called the

Compatibility refers to the ability of two systems or components to work together without
requiring modifications. In the context of network systems, compatibility is important for
seamless integration and optimal performance.
In a network, the following elements should be compatible:
4. Hardware: This includes network devices such as routers, switches, and network interface
cards (NICs). Ensuring compatibility among hardware components is crucial for proper
connectivity and efficient data transmission.
5. Operating system: The operating system (OS) running on network devices and computers
should be compatible with the network infrastructure. This ensures smooth communication
and enables the utilization of network resources and services.
3. Software: Software applications used in the network, including network management tools,
security software, and applications accessed by network clients, should be compatible with
the underlying hardware and operating systems. Compatibility in software ensures that data
formats and protocols are understood and properly utilized across the network.

Failure to maintain compatibility can lead to various errors and issues within the network:
 Installing a server operating system without meeting the minimum requirements can result in
system crashes or instability.
 Using different models of routers, switches, or networking devices may cause difficulties in
configuring the network and hinder proper communication.
 Installing server software without meeting the necessary requirements can lead to non-
functioning or unstable server performance.
 Having servers and clients running on different operating systems may require compatible
devices or software to ensure seamless interaction.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Ensuring compatibility among hardware, operating systems, and software is essential for a
reliable and efficient network. It helps prevent errors, enhances system performance, and
enables smooth communication and data exchange between network components.


A VLAN (Virtual LAN) is a logical grouping of devices that are grouped together in separate
physical local area networks (LANs). It is a form of network virtualization that allows multiple
broadcast domains to coexist within a single switch. By implementing VLANs, switches can be
divided into multiple virtual switches, each representing a different VLAN.
At the Fushia Group Kandy branch, there are six departments, and the IP address range is divided into subnets for each department. IP addresses are allocated based
on the number of users in each department. VLANs can be configured to categorize and
separate different broadcast domains into logical subnets. This allows for enhanced security by
grouping high-security users together and isolating them from external users. VLANs ensure
that these groups cannot interact with each other.
By utilizing VLANs, the network can be efficiently organized and managed, providing
improved security, network segmentation, and flexibility in network configuration. VLANs
enable better control over network traffic and help optimize the performance and security of the
network infrastructure.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
3. Design efficient networked systems
3.1 (I) IP subnetting scheme
The process of subnetting involves planning to split a network into two or more smaller
networks. It boosts network security, improves routing effectiveness, and shrinks the broadcast
domain. Ip subnetting scheme for the scenario.

Departmen Users VLA Subnet Mask Network ID Broadcast ID IP Range

t N

Support & 80 10 -

Delivery 2

Sales & 10 20

Marketing 0 -

Finance 25 30

4 1 -
HR 5 40
8 2 8 3-
Engineering 200 50
8 9 0-

Infosec 3 60

8 -

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Server Servers + 70 Assign as per
Room ISP the network
Connection designer's
s decision

3.2 Network components & Softwares need to design the Network

To design a network for the given scenario, the following list of devices, network components,
and software is recommended:

Devices and Network Components:

 Layer 2 and Layer 3 Switches: Switches are essential for providing network connectivity,
VLAN support, and inter-VLAN routing. Layer 3 switches offer routing capabilities
between VLANs, allowing for efficient and secure communication. These switches provide
necessary VLAN support, routing capabilities, and efficient inter-VLAN communication.
 Routers: Routers enable secure communication between subnets and connect the local
network to external networks They enable secure communication between subnets and
provide network segmentation.
 Access Points (APs): APs are needed to provide wireless connectivity for the Sales and
Marketing team. They allow devices to connect to the network via Wi-Fi, ensuring
flexibility and mobility. APs provide wireless connectivity, allowing the Sales and
Marketing team to access network resources via Wi-Fi, providing flexibility and mobility.
 Firewall: A firewall device is crucial for enforcing network security policies, controlling
traffic, and protecting against unauthorized access and potential threats. A firewall device
helps enforce network security policies, control traffic, and protect against unauthorized
access and potential threats.
 Servers: Local servers are required to host the ERP and CRM systems. These servers
provide centralized data storage, processing power, and application hosting for critical
business operations. Local servers host critical applications like ERP and CRM systems,
ensuring data integrity, efficient resource utilization, and centralized management.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
 Network Attached Storage (NAS): NAS devices allow for centralized storage and data
sharing across the network, enhancing collaboration and data accessibility. Network
Attached Storage devices centralize and share data across the network, enhancing
collaboration and data accessibility.
 Network Cabling: Ethernet cabling, such as Cat6 or above, is necessary to establish wired
connections between devices and ensure reliable and high-speed data transmission.

 Network Monitoring and Management Software: Tools like Nagios, PRTG Network
Monitor, or SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor can be used for monitoring the
network, collecting performance data, and troubleshooting issues to ensure optimal network
performance. These tools allow for proactive network monitoring, performance management,
and troubleshooting, ensuring optimal network performance and identifying potential issues.
 DHCP Server Software: DHCP server software, such as ISC DHCP or Windows Server
DHCP, is needed to manage IP address assignments and simplify network management,
reducing the chances of IP conflicts. DHCP server software simplifies IP address
management, reducing the chances of IP conflicts and streamlining network administration.
 Network Security Software: Firewall software or security appliances help enforce network
security mechanisms such as access control, VPN, and intrusion detection/prevention.
Solutions like pfSense, Cisco ASA, or Fortinet FortiGate can be used. Firewall software and
security appliances protect the network against unauthorized access, network attacks, and
data breaches.
 ERP and CRM Software: The specific ERP and CRM software chosen by Fushia Group will
need to be installed and configured on the local servers. Popular options include SAP ERP,
Oracle ERP, Salesforce CRM, or Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The chosen ERP and CRM
software will provide the necessary tools for managing company resources, customer
relationships, and business processes.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
3.3 Network Design for Fushia Group:
| Internet |
| Firewall |
| Core Switch |
| |
| |
+-----------------+ +-----------------+
| Distribution | | Distribution |
| Switch | | Switch |
+-----------------+ +-----------------+
| |
| |
+----------+----------+ +----------+----------+
| Access | | Access |
| Switch | | Switch |
+----------+----------+ +----------+----------+
| |
| |
+-----------------+ +-----------------+

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
| AP 1 | | AP 2 |
+-----------------+ +-----------------+

Additional Devices:
- Local Servers (ERP and CRM)
- Network Attached Storage (NAS)
- DHCP Server
- Network Monitoring Server
3.4 Server Installation

Windows Server Installation

Windows Server is a product line of server operating systems developed by Microsoft. It offers
a range of features and services that enable network activities, including functions like print
serving, domain control, web hosting, and file sharing. It serves as the foundation for various
server applications such as Exchange Server or SQL Server, acting as the underlying server
operating system. In the case of the Fushia Group Kandy branch, implementing Windows
Server OS on the server machines would be recommended. To install Windows Server, one can
create a bootable USB or DVD media and insert it into the computer. Users of virtualization
platforms like VirtualBox, KVM, or VMware can attach the ISO file when creating a virtual
machine and follow the installation steps provided. Once the installation screen appears, they
can proceed by clicking on "Install Now."

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure: Windows server 2019

Click “Install now”

Figure: Windows server 2019 - Install

Select the Windows Server 2019 edition to install and click “Next”

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure: Windows server 2019 - Setup
Read the License terms and agree to them to start the installation by checking the box “I accept
the license terms”.

Figure: Windows server 2019 - Installation

If this is the first installation of Windows Server 2019 on the server, select (Custom: Install
Windows only).

Figure: Windows server 2019 - Installation

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Select a partition to install Windows Server, you can optionally create new one from available
or use total available size by clicking “Next".

Figure: Windows server 2019 - Installation

The installation should start, wait for it to finish

Figure: Windows server 2019 - Installation

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
After the installation of Windows Server, the system will automatically reboot to finalize the
setup process. On the next screen, users will be prompted to set an Administrator password,
which is essential for securing the server. Once the password is entered, they can click "Finish"
to complete the installation. To log in to the server, they can use the Ctrl + Alt + Del
combination to bring up the login screen and provide the Administrator credentials.

Installation fully finished.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
DNS server Installation
The name resolution protocol for TCP/IP networks, such as the Internet, is called Domain
Name System (DNS). Memorable, alphanumeric DNS names are resolved to the IP addresses
that computers use to interact with one another by client computers using the data stored on a
DNS server. Here is an overview: (Oliver, 2022)

1.) Open Server Manager – Start -> Server Manager

2.) To add roles – Roles Summery -> Add Roles

Figure 19: DNS installation 01

3.) Click Next on Before you Begin

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure 20: DNS installation 02

4.) Click Install on Confirm Installation Selections

Figure 21: DNS installation 03

5.) Click Next on DNS Server

Figure 22: DNS installation 04

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
6.) On Installation Results, Click Close

Figure 23: DNS installation 05

Network Maintenance

Network maintenance refers to a range of services and activities that a company intends to use
to keep its network infrastructure running smoothly and efficiently. It involves regular
monitoring, upkeep, and troubleshooting to ensure optimal network performance, security, and
Network Maintenance Schedule
Task Frequency Duration Notice
Regular Backup Weekly

File Server & Database Daily 2 Hours Dear Users,

We would like to inform you that essential maintenance will
be conducted on our administrative server. To ensure a
smooth process and minimal disruption to your work, we
will be providing a 2-3 hours' notice before taking down the
administrative server.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Email Server Weekly 2 Hours Dear Users,

We would like to inform you that scheduled maintenance

will be performed on our email server. To minimize
disruption to your email communications, we will provide a
2-3 hours' notice before taking down the email server.
Update Testing Weekly

Server Update Weekly 2 Hours No Additional notes

Security Update Daily 1 Hour No Additional notes
Windows Update Weekly 3 Hours Dear Users,

We would like to inform you that longer downtime will be

required for essential Windows updates on our systems. To
ensure proper installation and minimize disruption to your
work, we will provide a 4-hour notice before the longer
downtime is scheduled to begin.

3.4 Feedbacks for the designed test

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
4. Implement and diagnose networked systems
4.1 Network Configuration

Figure: Network Devices Configuration

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure: IP Configuration

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure: Configuration

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Figure: VLAN switch

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Change IP
Start -> Settings-> Network & Internet

Select ethernet or Wi-Fi and Click edit Next to IP Address

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Select Automatic DHCP -> Save


Start -> CMD

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
After selecting CMD this window will appear

Then ping the IP address

If it is correctly pinged this will appeared

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Successfully ping


T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Network Monitoring

Network monitoring is the use of a system that continuously monitors a computer network for
slow or failing components and alerts the network administrator in the event of outages or other
issues. It plays a crucial role in identifying and addressing performance issues and barriers at an
early stage, thereby preventing network malfunctions or failures. The ping program is one
example of a basic network monitoring tool.
Key features of network monitoring include:
 Monitoring the essentials:
Network monitoring involves tracking critical network elements such as servers, routers,
switches, and firewalls. It provides visibility into their performance, availability, and health
 Selecting the correct protocol:
Network monitoring tools use various protocols, such as Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP), to gather data from network devices. Choosing the appropriate protocol ensures
efficient and accurate monitoring.
 Setting the threshold:
Thresholds define the performance parameters that indicate normal network behavior. By setting
thresholds for metrics like bandwidth utilization, CPU usage, or response times, network
administrators can be alerted when these values exceed predefined limits, indicating potential
 Optimizing the monitoring time interval:
The frequency at which network devices are monitored should be optimized to strike a balance
between detecting issues in a timely manner and minimizing the impact on network performance.
Too frequent monitoring can create unnecessary overhead, while infrequent monitoring may
result in delayed detection of problems.


T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Network administrators utilize various resources to diagnose and resolve network issues
effectively, minimizing network disruptions. Troubleshooting is a logical process employed by
network engineers to identify and solve problems within a computer network, enhancing network
operations. The following steps outline the order in which troubleshooting should be performed:

 Identify the problem:

Network administrators must first identify the symptoms and determine the specific issue
affecting the network. This may involve gathering information from users, reviewing error
messages, or examining network performance metrics.
 Formulate a hypothesis:
Based on the information collected, network administrators make an educated guess about the
possible cause of the problem. This hypothesis serves as a starting point for further investigation.
 Investigate the system:
Network administrators explore the network system to verify the validity of their hypothesis.
This may involve examining network configurations, reviewing logs, conducting network tests,
or using network monitoring tools to gather additional data.
 Identify faulty system elements and implement remediation steps:
Once the source of the problem is identified, network administrators plan and execute
appropriate remediation steps. This may include adjusting network configurations, updating
firmware or software, replacing faulty hardware, or implementing security measures.
 Verify the solution and prevent future occurrences:
After implementing the remediation steps, network administrators validate that the solution
resolved the problem. They may perform tests, monitor network performance, and ensure that the
issue is fully resolved. Additionally, administrators review existing procedures and make
necessary changes to prevent the problem from recurring in the future.

Future Enhancement
For future enhancements of network security in Fushia Group Kandy branch, I recommend the
implementation of an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). An IPS offers advanced capabilities to

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
detect and prevent potential network intrusions and attacks, providing an additional layer of
security. It can actively block malicious traffic and protect the system from various threats.
In addition, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) can be beneficial in identifying risks and
anomalies within the network. IDS monitors network traffic, detects suspicious patterns, and
generates alerts for further investigation. By combining both IPS and IDS, Fushia Group can
strengthen their network security posture.
Addressing the concern of a slow-running network, infrastructure upgrades should be
considered. This may involve upgrading network equipment, increasing bandwidth capacity,
optimizing network configurations, or implementing traffic management techniques to ensure
smooth network performance and minimize bottlenecks.
As the internet of things (IoT) continues to grow, it is important to keep this trend in mind. IoT
devices introduce new entry points for potential security risks. Therefore, it is crucial to adopt
the latest security measures and technologies to protect IoT devices and the overall network
By incorporating an IPS, considering infrastructure upgrades, and staying updated with emerging
technologies, Fushia Group Kandy branch can enhance their network security, improve network
performance, and effectively adapt to the evolving landscape of technology and security threats.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Agarwal, A., 2020. GeeksforGeeks. [Online]
Available at:
Agarwal, P., 2021. GeeksforGeeks. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 21 January 2021].
Anon., 2016. Internet Archive. [Online]
Available at:
Anon., 2020. ManageEngine. [Online]
Available at:
Anon., 2022. Tutorials point. [Online]
Available at:
Anon., n.d. Java Point. [Online]
Available at:
Anon., n.d. JavaPoint. [Online]
Available at:
Justin, S., 2022. [Online]
Available at:
Melnick, J., 2022. Netwrix. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 08 January 2019].
Moumita, 2020. TutorialsPoint. [Online]
Available at:
Oliver, W., 2022. Microsoft. [Online]
Available at:
Sharma, A., 2022. GeeksforGeeks. [Online]
Available at:
Singh, C., 2020. Beginners Book. [Online]
Available at:
Unknown, n.d. Java Point. [Online]
Available at:
Winkelman, D. R., n.d. Univercity of South Florida. [Online]
Available at:

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1: Examine networking principles and their protocols.

Discuss the benefits and constraints of
different network types
and standards
Explain the impact of network
topology, communication and
bandwidth requirements.
Compare common networking
principles and how protocols
enable the effectiveness of networked
LO2: Explain networking devices and operations

Discuss the operating principles of
networking devices and server types.
Discuss the inter-dependence of
workstation hardware with relevant
networking software.
LO1 & LO2

Considering a given scenario, identify
the topology protocol selected for the
efficient utilization of a networking
LO3: Design efficient networked systems
Design a networked system to meet a
given specification.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Test and evaluate the design to meet
the requirements and analyze user

Install and configure network services
and applications on your choice
Design a maintenance schedule to
support the networked system.
LO4: Implement and diagnose networked systems

Implement a networked system based
on a prepared design.
Document and analyze test results
against expected results.
Recommend potential enhancements
for the networked systems.
Use critical reflection to evaluate own
work and justify valid conclusions.

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID
Unit Title Networking

Assignment Number Assignment 01 Assessor Mr. Erandra Jayasundara

Date Received 1st
Submission Date submission
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date submission

Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols.
Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1

LO2 Explain networking devices and operations.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M2 D1


LO3 Design efficient networked systems.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 M3 D2


LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P7 P8 M4 D3


Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades
decisions have been agreed at the assessment board

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Date

Student Date

T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01
T D S Irunika Networking Assignment 01

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