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With an uprising trend in cutting agriculture’s reliance on fossil fuels because of their limited supply and

associated adverse impacts on the environment, the use of infrastructures adapted with alternative energy

sources would be of crucial necessity.This study aimed to construct a solar energy and watermills in hydroponic

systems for crop production. This technology invention is a gardening technique by using soil combine with the

coconut husk and water is free flow that provides extra nutrients to the crops. This includes a water pump to help

move the water up and circulate the water to the plants. The position of the PVC pipe is elevated so that the water

flows downwards by gravity. When the water flows back to the reservoirs, an electric motor is created under the

flowing water that sends power through the electric motor driver. It is used to provide power to charge batteries for

use at night. The solar will generate energy that will go through voltage controller, and the battery will activate the

water pump, which will pump water to the pvc. Water that is not absorbed will go to the impelled motor (impeller

and DC motor). The energy will go through the battery, then through the voltage controller and then return to the


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