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Week w/c Activities (what have you What went well?

ent well? What challenges have you What do you need to

done?) faced? prepare for the next
1. 4/9/23 I started off the week by This week was successful It was challenging at the I need to make sure my
having an induction day in because we started to start of the week because ideas are clear going into
which we all set up our IT work as an ensemble with it was a different devising and that I make
work and made sure people that I had never environment to one that I sure I’m not holding
everything was working. met before, that I had ever been in with myself back and that I just
Then we got put it on our managed to become brand new people that I’d go for the work.
groups for our baseline friendly with and ended never worked with.
assessment and started up successfully devising
devising our work. On with.
Thursday, we then went to
see a play called 2:22.
2. 11/9/23 This week I devised my Our end performance A challenge I faced this I need to make sure to
piece for our baseline went really well because week was taking on bring all the right
assessment and we all worked incredibly feedback as we didn’t equipment into lessons,
performed it, while having hard before we had to know how we could fit it specifically theory lessons.
updated my website, and present our piece and our all into our piece. However
uploaded the theory side best performance was we ended up taking it on
of my baseline assessment the one we did to which definitely ended up
to it. everybody. improving our
3. 18/9/23 This week we practiced Singing as an ensemble A challenge I faced this I need to make sure I’m
using our voices to sing and harmonising went week was analysing a more open to unpicking a
and make noise as an really well as everyone poem as I did not enjoy story.
ensemble to add to a understood what we having to unpick and think
performance. We also were supposed to be outside of the poem as it
went through a poem and doing and it generally reminded me of english at
were picking it apart and ended up sounding really school.
we did improv of in a good.
4. 25/9/23 This week we explored the Acting out people’s Creating an ensemble Complete coursework
poem Echo and Narcissus descriptions of the song piece in a limited space given earlier on in the
and created our own went really well as it was with a small part of the deadline so then I don’t
variation of performances great to see people’s text was challenging have to rush it and then
based on this story. We different perspectives on because you need to add worry about doing it the
also explored the what they thought about much detail in the whole time before it’s due
difference that music can the song. performance to make sure and procrastinating it.
make in a piece and picked you aren’t just stood still
a piece of music that we the whole time even
think suited a scene well though there are limited
and wrote about what we things to act out.
thought of when we
listened to this music.
5. 2/10/23 This week we went to a Devising as a group went Making sure everybody I need to make sure that I
UCAS event to look at well as we all got to share was happy with the come prepared
universities and drama our ideas and we came performance was difficult
courses. We also went to up with a base plan for because everyone has such
an art gallery and spent 8 our performance in a very differing ideas.
hours on a coach. Me and short amount of time.
Flo also created a podcast.
We also devised our
performance with Kate
and David.
6. 9/10/23 This week we worked on This week we successfully Working as a group to Need to decide what i’m
how movement and sound worked as a team to make decisions that we all doing for my creative
could be used to create create transitions that agreed on with the assignment.
transitions between our flowed well with all of our practitioner.
scenes. We also worked scenes.
on scenes 2 and 3 in our
performance and how we
could turn them into
ensemble scenes that
include everyone.
7. 16/10/23 Half-Term
8. 30/10/23 Monday – We did The duologue script work The dance workshop was a Need to make sure I’m
duologue script work with went really well as well as challenge because it was ready for the project to
Krista in the morning and improv because it was hard to get out of my start.
in the afternoon we really fun and ran comfort zone and let loose
planned scenes around smoothly. when dancing.
what happened inside the
trojan horse.
Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday – We worked
doing R&D with Nell Bailey
and Isabella Waldron for
their play Love Scenes for
the End of The World.
Friday- We did a dance
workshop with Rambert;
9. 6/11/23 Tuesday – We went over Making moodboards The puppetry skills session Make sure I’m more open
our project and what we went successfully was a challenge because it to the idea of designing
are gonna be doing this because it was something was something that I’d rather than acting.
term and met our we all enjoyed, it meant never done before which
practitioners. We also that we all were engaged meant that it took some
made moodboards based and put lots of effort into getting used to.
on different photos we it.
were given and we had a
go at building our own sets
and props with materials
we were given.
Wednesday – We did a
movement session where
we created up dance
routine scenes based on
the spelling of our names.
Thursday – We were given
a run through on the plot
of Tristan and Yseult in our
theory lesson to help us
for our project.
Friday – We read through
the script in our Theatre
Studies lesson to get a
better understanding of
what the play was about.
We also had a puppetry
skills session.
10. 13/11/23 Tuesday – We made set The Set Designs went well The movement skills Make sure I’ve done my
designs out of cardboard because we all enjoyed session was a challenge assignment for next week.
boxes to make different finding snippits from because it’s hard to come
scenes from Tristan and magazines to put in our up with over and under
Yseult. We also made sets and show these scenes when it’s a generic
figures to go with these scenes through our set. bit of text.
set designs and made
outfits to make it obvious
that these were the
characters we wanted to
Wednesday – We did a
movement session using
the technique, over and
under, which we used to
create scenes as we were
given a script to fleabag.
11. 20/11/23 Tuesday – We explored Going to the venue was It was challenging to make What sounds would be
the venue that we would successful because it got decisions as a group on used for the wedding
be performing our pitches our ideas flowing on what what we wanted for our scene.
in to find the best setting we wanted to do and scene but it all came
for our presentation. We what we could do with together in the end.
also made a soundscape the space
for King Marks bedroom
scene. Wednesday –
Assigned Roles for Cabaret
12. 27/11/23 Tuesday- We started We found the costume Not having the practice Queue cards for what is
creating costumes and we wanted and it was pitch as it felt like we were gonna be said in the
props for our scenes, and I perfectly put together. under more pressure than presentation
made some flowers for a other groups.
headpiece. We also
watched other groups do a
pitch with Katherine
Lazare but my group didn’t
get to do this as we ran
out of time. Friday –
Workshop with BAMT and
saw Wendy in the egg
13. 4/12/23 Tuesday – Had our design Presentation was well put Unequal research was out What’s for christmas??
presentation and watched together even when in throughout the group so
everybody else’s under lots of pressure we had to make up for it
presentations that they on the day
Wednesday – Final
Movement Lesson
Friday – BTA christmas
14. 1/1/2024 Friday – Introduction to Finally know what scratch Incomplete coursework FINISH COURSEWORK
SCRATCH with Steph is!! (my bad)
Kempson, helped us learn
what it was that we would
be doing
15. 8/1/2024 Tuesday – We got put in Agreeing on an idea for Not all of my scratch group How are we gonna make
our Scratch Groups and scratch was quite easy was in so it was hard to this into a 10 min
given our stimulus for make strict decisions performance?
scratch which was colours without everyone there
(our group got given and agreeing
yellow) and discussed
ideas about what we could
do with this colour
Wednesday – Met our
new movement
practitioner Deepraj Singh
and got started on our
Friday – Got into our
groups for duologues and
picked a script we wanted
to use.
16. 15/1/2024 Tuesday – We developed Running through Uniting was a challenge Plan the scenes out strictly
our ideas using different different styles really because it’s really hard to so we know what order
genres and styles to help helped us to concrete set sometimes tell where one we need to work in.
us figure out how we our ideas. unit ends and another
wanted to present our starts
pieces and played a game
which was pretty much
dragons den pitching our
pieces to the rest of the
Wednesday- Further
developed our dances
Friday – Looked at uniting
our duologues
17. 22/1/2024 Tuesday – We devised the Creating our dance in Creating the start of our Speed up scratch piece
start of our piece and movement is really scratch piece was not
showed it to the rest of successful because we all successful and just felt
the year group have similar ideas and it’s very rushed and was
Wednesday – We so fun ultimately not a good
developed our dances in performance.
Friday – We had an
intimacy workshop which
really helped to create
confidence in setting
boundaries with the
people your working with.
We also showed our
duologues to Kris and got
18. 29/1/2024 Tuesday – Script was Watching other people’s We were missing members Block the scenes with
completed for scratch so duologues helped give of my group for our last everybody in them.
we started to run through me ideas for my own and rehearsals before scratch
that was really helpful to see day which was very
Wednesday – Last feedback from other stressful.
movement lesson so people.
presented our dances with
the rest of our year group
which went down well
Thursday – Online Theory
Friday – Watched other
people share their
duologues to James
19. 5/2/2024 Tuesday – Scratch Scratch went better than I Wardrobe ensemble Do homework over half
Performance day, we thought it would as I was workshop was challenging term,
blocked our piece with very stressed about it as we were all exhausted
everybody in and did a before we performed it. after scratch the day
dress rehearsal before our before
main performance n the
Wednesday – Workshop
with the wardrobe
ensemble and then our
first vocal session with
Julia Gray
Friday – We went through
our scripts for directing
and gave instructions to
other members in our
group about how we want
the performance to be

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