Erocido Feb14 LP

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Department of Education

Ormoc City Division

Ormoc City
San Antonio, Ormoc City


Teacher EROCIDO, KEVIN BRIAN C. Grade Level 8
Quarter 3
Date/Time &Section February 14, 2024- Wednesday
8- Compassion 8:45-9:45 8- Charity 1:00-2:00

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of axiomatic structure of
geometry and triangle congruence.

B. Performance Standard 1. is able to formulate an organized plan to handle a real-life

2. is able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence
and clarity in formulating, investigating, analyzing, and solving
real-life problems involving congruent triangles using
appropriate and accurate representations.
A. Learning Competency illustrates the need for an axiomatic structure of a mathematical system
in general, and in Geometry in particular: (a) defined terms; (b)
undefined terms; (c) postulates; and (d) theorems. M8GE-IIIa-c-1

II. CONTENT Axiomatic System

A. References ✓ Mathematics Learner’s Module 2, Quarter 3 pp.1-31
✓ Teacher’s Guide (TG) in Mathematics 8, p. 32

B. Other learning Youtube, google, PDF

A. Pre-activities A. Preparation:
-Checking of Attendance

B. Drill:
Simplify the ff integers:
1. 10 – (-6)
2. 6+ (-5)
3. 1+ (-7)
4. (-8)+ (-1)
5. (-9)+ 17
6. (-5)(9)
7. 0-(-1)
8. (-36)÷ 4
9. (-63)÷(-3)
10. (-x)(-y)
C. Review:

Let's us have a review first before we begin our discussion for today.
Let's see if you still remember the kinds of mathematical system.

1. Which of the following is the multiplicative inverse of 2x/3?

A. 2x/3 C. -3/2x
B. 3/2x D. -2x/3
2. What axiom is illustrated in the statement, If A=B, B=C, then A=C?
A. Multiplication C. Symmetric
B. Reflexive D. Transitive
3. Name the property which justifies the following conclusion.
Given : If 2x+3 = 10
Conclusion : then 2x = 7
A. Addition property of equality
B. Multiplication property of equality
C. Reflexive property
D. Transitive property

D. Motivation

Activity : Color me!

Let students determine the axiom illustrated by the statement in each of

the following polygons. Color the polygon based on the legend given in a
box at the right.

B. Presentation of the Now for this lesson, we will explore more on axiomatic system.
Lesson After going through this topic, students are expected to:

1. Define axiomatic system;

2. Determine the importance of an axiomatic system in geometry;
3. Demonstrate appreciation of axiomatic system through active
participation and coordination with varied activities.

C. Activity: This time let’s have an activity called, visualize me!

Directions: Complete the table below by writing the appropriate

representation of Point, line, and plane found in the box.
D. Analysis Process Questions:
What undefined terms is represented in the activity?
Did you find the activity helpful? Why?

E. Abstraction Axiomatic Structure of a Mathematical System

An axiomatic system is a logical system which possesses an explicitly

stated set of axioms from which theorems can be derived. An axiomatic
system is a collection of axioms, or statement about undefined terms,
from which Proofs and theorems or logical arguments are built


Axiomatic structure started with three undefined terms (or primitive

terms): point, line, and plane. These terms are the bases in defining
new terms, hence they are called the building blocks of geometry. Even
though they are called undefined terms, it does not really mean that we
are restricted to describe or represent them.

The table below shows the different ways of describing these three
undefined terms.

From these three undefined terms, important concepts in geometry will

be defined. Remember that we need defined terms because we want to
be precise and concise on the meaning of a term. Definitions will enable
us to understand each other and to make sure we mean the same thing
about a certain term.
For example:

Definition of a Segment

Segment 𝐴𝐵, denoted by 𝐴𝐵 or 𝐵𝐴, is the union of points A, B

and all the points between them. 𝐴 and 𝐵 are called the
endpoints of the segments.


In the axiomatic structure of a mathematical system, axiom is defined

as a logical statement accepted to be true without proof. Axioms can be
used as a premise in a deductive argument. In the Elements, Euclid
presented 10 assumptions, five of which are not specific to geometry,
and he called them common notions (axioms).

Common Notions (Axioms):

Axiom 1. Things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to
one another. This is transitive property of equality.

If A = B and B = C then A = C

Axiom 2. If equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal. This is
addition property of equality.

If A = B and C = C, then A + C = B + C

Axiom 3. If equals are subtracted from equals, the remainders are

equal. This is subtraction property of equality.

If A = B and C = C, then A – C = B – C

Axiom 4. Things which coincide with one another are equal to one
another. This is reflexive property.


Axiom 5. The whole is greater than the part.


Theorems are the new statements which are deduced or proved using
sets of axioms, system of logic, and previous theorems. These are
statements accepted after proven deductively.

The following are some theorems about points, lines, and planes.
F. Application

Write U if the given statement describes an undefined terms, D if

Defined, A if Axioms and T if Theorem. __________

__________1. A dot suggest a point. (U)

__________2. An angle is a figure formed by two rays with common

endpoints. (D)

__________3. A polygon is a close plane figure formed by connecting three

or more segment sat their endpoints.(D)

__________4. The Right Triangle Congruence Theorem states that all right
angles are congruent. (T)

__________5. The whole is greater than the part. (A

G. Generalization The teacher lets the students summarizes the lesson. The following
questions are:
1. What is axiomatic system?
2. What are the parts of axiomatic system ?
3. How are each related to each other?

H. Assessment Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What are the undefined terms in given axiom set?
A. building only C. building and campus
B. sidewalk only D. building and sidewalk
2. What undefined term is represented by the edge of a ruler?
A. point C. plane
B. line D. angle
3. Which of the following does not represent a plane?
A. tip of a pen C. cover page of a book
B. top of the table D. faces of a rectangular box

4. A consistent axiomatic system does NOT do what to itself?

A. doubt C. affirm
B. guess D. contradict

5. What axioms of equality stated that for all real number 𝑝 and
𝑞, if 𝑝 = 𝑞 then 𝑞 = 𝑝?
A. reflexive property C. symmetric property
B. substitution property D. transitive property

I. Assignment Study about the triangle congruence for our next lesson.



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