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The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, known as the RH Law has

been the one of the most talked about of the town for years. This law promotes the free access or
distribution and the use of all types of contraceptives to all and inclusion of reproductive health
education to the educational system of all public schools.

Personally, I am in between regarding this topic.

I favor the RH Bill because this can be the major solution to the rapid increase in Philippine
population. Free access to contraceptives promotes practice of safe sex to prevent unwanted
pregnancies. If people specially in slum areas get to practice the use of contraceptives, parents can focus
more in responsible parenting having to focus in a smaller family and problems related to having big
family can be avoided. Likewise, inclusion of reproductive health education in educational system can be
a way to educate the youth into taking care of themselves growing up. This can also open their minds
into pros and cons of being teenage parents. This can lead into focusing on their careers and building up
a stronger individuality.

Since its implementation, I have not heard of news regarding its success in achieving its goals. If
this would only adhere to its goals and there is a stricter implementation of the law then I think this will
definitely serve its purpose. I believe this will take a big budget allocation to be able to provide free
contraceptives to millions of people. As a result, this can be a venue for corruption.

Laws are crafted and passed for the general welfare. People may agree or disagree but I think
what’s important is it will serve its purpose and will not be politically manipulated.

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