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Chapter 4 -Recording of transaction II

Previous questions

2022 IMP
1. Identify the source document for recording transactions in the Sales returns book. (1)
(a) Invoice (b) Debit note (c) Credit note (d) Pay roll
Ans. (c) Credit note
2. Write the name of special journals where the following transactions are recorded : (3)
(a) Purchased machinery for cash ₹10,000
(b) Bought goods from KV stores ₹ 3,000
(c) Returned goods to Arul Jyothi Traders ₹ 1,000
(d) Bought Furniture from Alankar Traders ₹ 5,000
(e) Sold goods to Pratheesh for cash ₹ 2,000
(f) Paid salary ₹ 4,000
Ans. (a) Purchased Machinery for cash – Cash Book
(b) Bought goods from KV Stores - Purchase Day Book
(c) Returned goods to Arul Jyothi Traders – Purchase return Day Book
(d) Bought furniture from Alankar Traders - Journal Proper
(e) Sold goods to Pratheesh for cash -Cash Book
(f) Paid Salary -Cash Book
3. Record the following transactions in a double column cash book
Jan 1. Cash in hand ₹ 90,000
Cash at bank ₹ 60,000
5. Deposited in bank ₹ 40,000
10. Received cash from Rinu ₹10,000
12. Bought goods for cash ₹ 5,000
15. Bought furniture and paid by cheque ₹ 12,000
18. Paid Sabu by cheque ₹ 2,000
20. Drew from bank for office use ₹ 10,000
25. Paid salary by cheque ₹ 3,000
Date Particular L Cash Bank Date Particular L Cash Bank
2021 2021
Jan1 Balance b/d C 90000 60000 Jan 1 Bank C 40000
5 Cash 40000 12 Purchase 5000
10 Rinu C 10000 15 Furniture 12000
20 Bank 10000 18 Sabu 2000
20 Cash C 10000
25 Salary 3000
31 Balance c/d 65000 73000
110000 100000 110000 100000

2022 June
4. Purchased machinery from Rajesh on credit will be recorded in (1)
. (a) Purchases Book (b) Purchases returns Book (c)Journal Proper (d) Cash Book
Ans. (c)Journal Proper

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5. Enter the following transactions in sales day book of M/s Baby Stores
Jan -1 Sold to Rahul Traders (invoice no. 1001)
50 Registers@ 50 each
100 Note books @ 30 each
Trade discount 10%.
Jan-5 Sold to Global Stationeries (invóicè no. 1002)
50 Colour Books@ 30 each
200 Files @ 10 each (3)
Date Invoice Name of Supplier L.F Amount
1.1.21 1001 Rahul Traders
5.1.21 50 Register x 50
100 Note x 30 =
3000 4950
Less Discount 10% 3500
550 Global Stationary
50 Book x 30 = 8450
200 file x 10 =

Total credit sales

6. Prepare double column cash book from the following transactions for the month of December
2021: (8)
01 Cash in hand 20,000
Cash at bank 5,000
03 Purchased goods for cash 3,000
05 Received cheque from Hari and deposited the same in bank 7,000
08 Sold goods for cash 4,000
12 Purchased goods and paid by cheque 2,000
15 Paid establishment expenses through bank 1,000
18 Cash sales 6,000
20 Deposited into bank 7,000
24 Paid trade expenses 3,000
27 Dividend collected by bank 2,000
29 Paid Rent 4,000
30 Withdrew cash for personal use 3,000
31 Salary paid 8,000

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Dr Double Column Cash Book Cr
Date Particular LF Cash Bank Date Particular LF Cash Bank
Dec1 Balance b/d 20000 5000 Dec 3 Purchase 3000
Dec 5 Hari 7000 Dec12 Purchase 2000
Dec 8 sales 4000. Dec15 Est Exp 1000
Dec18 Sales 6000 Dec20 Bank 7000
Dec20 Cash 7000 Dec24 Trade exp 3000
Dec27 Dividend 2000 Dec29 Rent 4000
Dec30 Drawings 3000
Dec31 Salary 8000
Balance 2000 18000
30000 21000 30000 21000

2021 IMP
7. Sold goods on credit to Archana is recorded in
(a) Cash book (b) Purchases book (c) Sales book (d) Journal proper (1)
Ans. (c) Sales book
8. Write two examples for „source Documents‟. (2)
Ans. Cash Memo, Invoice, Sales Bill, Pay in slip, Cheque, Salary slip etc. (Any 2 )
9. Explain „Sales day book‟. Write an example for transaction recorded in sales day book. (2)
Ans. .A special journal in which only credit sales are recorded.
Eg: Sold goods to Babu on credit at Rs. 10000.
10. Enter the following transactions in the purchase book of M/s. Venus Shoe Mart. (4)
May 1 Purchased from Jasmine Traders as per invoice No. 624
30 Umbrella @ ` 230 each
20 Leather bags @ ` 560 each
30 School bags @ ` 200 each "
15 Purchased from Hari Traders as per invoice No. 831
10 Pairs of leather shoes @ ` 800 per pair
Trade discount 10%

Date Invoice Particulars LF Amount

1.5.2020 624 Jasmine Traders:
1 30 Umbrella @ 230 6,900.
20 Leather Bags @ 560 11,200
30 School Bags @ 200 6,000
--------- 24,100
5.5.2020 --- Hari Traders:
10 pairs ofshoes @ 800 8,000
Less : Trade Discount @10%
800 7,200

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11. From the following particulars prepare a Petty Cash Book. (5)
2021 ` April 01 Imprest amount received from Cashier 1,500
" 02 Printing charges 300
" 03 Postage Stamp 40
" 07 Travelling expenses 150
" 12 Courier charges 120
" 14 Taxi fare 160
" 20 Stationery 230
" 25 Telephone charges 180

Amount Date Particulars Total Postage Stationery Travelling

1500 1.4.2021 Cash
2.4.2021 printing charge 300 300
3.4.2021 Postage 40 40
7.4.2021 Travelling exp. 150 150
12.4.2021 Courier Charges 120 120
14.4.2021 Taxi fare 160 160
20.4.2021 Stationary 230 230
25.4.2021 Telephone 180 180
1180 340 580 310
Balance C/d
1500 1500
320 Balance B/d
1,180 Cash

12. From the following information prepare a cash book with bank column of
Mr. Harikrishnan for the month of April 2021. (8)
2021 ` April 1 Cash in hand 22,500
Cash at bank 74,300
"2 Cash sales 14,300
"5 Cash withdrawn from bank 10,000
" 6 Purchased goods and paid by cheque 17,800
" 10 Paid salary by cheque 14,000
" 18 Stationery purchased 1,200
" 27 Interest received in cash 800
" 30 Withdrawn from bank for personal use 2,500
Date Particular LF Cash Bank Date Particular LF Cash Bank
1.4.21 Balances b/d 22,500 74,300 5.4.21 Cash 10,000
2.4.21 Sales 14,300 6.4.21 Purchase 17,800
5.4.21 Bank 10,000 10.4.21 Salary 14,000
27.4.21 Interest 800 18.4.21 Stationery 1,200
30.4.21 Drawings 2,500
Balances C/d 46,400 30,000
47,600 74,300 47,600 4,300
1.5.21 Balance B/d 46,400 30,000

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2021 March
13. Credit sales of goods are recorded in the day book.
(a) Cash book (b) Petty Cash book (c) Sales book (d) Journal proper
Ans. (c) Sales book (1)
14. Write a short note on :
(a) Contra Entry (b) Debit Note (2)
Ans. a) Contra entry –When a transaction is recorded on both the sides of cash
book but in different columns, such entry is called “Contra Entry”.
b) Debit note is the source document for recording purchase return book
15. Identify the transactions from the given Cash Book. (4)
Cash Book
Date Receipts L Amount Date Receipts L Amount
01-01-21 Balance b/d 40,000 02-01-21 Purchases a/c 30,000
20-01-21 Rakesh 50,000 31-01-21 Salary 10,000

Ans. 1-1-21 Opening Balance of Cash Rs. 40,000

2-1-21 Cash Purchase Rs. 30,000
20-1-21 Cash received from Rakesh Rs. 50,000
31-1-21 Salary paid Rs. 10,000
16. From the following transaction prepare sales book.
Jan. 1, 2021 Sold to Babu 7 tables @ ` 3,000 per table
Jan. 8, 2021 Sold Mini 5 wooden chair @ ` 4,000 per chair
Jan. 10, 2021 Sold Sreejith 4 Dining table @ ` 7,000 per table
Jan. 20, 2021 Sold Salini 8 Computer table @ ` 2,500 per table
Jan. 30, 2021 Sold Ramu 2 Dressing table @ ` 4,000 per table (5)
Ans. Sales Book
Date Invoice No. Name of Customer LF Amount
2021 Jan 1 Babu:
8 7 Tables @ Rs.3,000 21000
5 Wooden chair @ Rs.4000 20,000
10 Sreejith
4 Dining Table @ Rs. 7000 28,000
20 Salini:
8 Computer Table @ 2500 20,000
21 Ramu
2 Dressing Table @ Rs. 4000 8,000

TOTAL 97,000

17. Prepare a Petty Cash Book from the following.

2020 ` March, 1 Received Petty Cash 2,000
2 Paid Cartage 50
4 Paid for Postage 140
5 Paid for Taxi Fare 100
10 Paid for Refreshment 70
15 Purchased Stationery 80
20 Paid for Telegraph 40
25 Paid for Repairs 300 (8)

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Ans. Petty Cash Book

Receipts Date V Particulars Total

No. Amo

Postage &


2000 March 1 Cash received
2 Cartage 50 50
4 Postage 140 140
5 Taxi Fare 100 100
10 Refreshment 70 70
15 Stationery 80 80
20 Telegraph 40 40
25 Repairs 300 300
780 150 180 70 80 300
31 Balance c/d 1220
2000 2000

1220 April 1 Balance b/d

780 Cash received

2020 IMP

18. Prepare a cash book with bank column from the given transaction of a trader for the month of
November 2019 (8)
2019 November ₹
1 Cash in hand 8000
1 Cash at bank 34000
3 Cash sales 12000
5 Received cheque from Rahul and paid into bank 15000
8 Paid in to bank 10000
10 Cheque issued to Mohan 5000
14 Cash withdrawn from bank for personal use 8000
19 Paid for stationery 500
20 Rent paid by cheque 2000
24 Cash withdrawn from bank for office use 4000
28 Purchased goods by issuing cheque of 6000
29 Insurance premium paid by cheque 1000
30 Cheque of ₹15000 received from Rahul was returned
Dishonoured by bank

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2020 March

19. Name any four special journals used in large business firm. (2)
Ans. (a) Cash Book (b)Purchases day book (c) sales day book (d) Purchase return book
(e) sales return book (f) Bills receivable book (g) Bills payable book (h)Journal proper
20. Mr. Sharma, the petty cashier of Megha Traders received ` 1,500 on June 01, 2018
from the head cashier. For the month, details of petty expenses are listed as under : (8)
Date Particulars Amount
2018 June
02 Postal stamps 35
03 Auto charge 50
05 Refreshments 85
06 Auto fare 60
07 Telegram 42
08 Bus fare 35
08 Cartage 48
11 Stationery 25
12 Paper, Pen, Pencil 85
13 Refreshments 40
18 Photo stat charges 38
21 Courier services 85
27 Postage stamps 45
30 Taxi fare to Manager 100
Prepare a Petty Cash Book

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petty cash book





Date Particulars
1500 Jun-01 Cash received
2 postal stamp 35 35
3 auto charge 50 50
5 refreshment 85 85
6 auto fare 60 60
7 telegram 42 42
8 bus fare 35 35
8 cartage 48 48
11 stationery 25 25
12 paper, pen, pencil 85 85
13 refreshment 40 40
18 photo stat charges 38 38
21 courier service 85 85
27 postal stamp 45 45
30 taxi fare to manager 100 100
773 207 48 245 148 125
Balance c/d 727
1500 1500
727 Jul-01 Balance b/d
773 Jul-01 cash

2019 Imp
21. Machinery purchased from Sheeba Industries Ltd on credit is recorded in
(a) Purchases day book (b) Purchases ledger (c) Journal proper (d) Cash book (1)
Ans. (c) Journal proper
22. Prepare suitable day book from the following information: (3)

Date Details
Sold goods on credit to Krishna Store as per invoice no.401
2018 40Tshirts@ rs.500each
Jan 1 25 Jeans @ Rs. 750 each
Less 10% trade discount

Jan. 8 Sold goods on credit on M/s. Danya Tex as per invoice no.403
20 Churidars @ Rs. 400 each
50 Kurtas @ Rs. 300 each
Less trade discount 5%
Jan. 20 Sold goods on credit to Salu Textile Mart as per invoice no. 404
75 Sarees @ Rs. 700 each
30 Pardas @ Rs. 900 each
Less trade discount 8%

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Sales day book
Date Particulars Invo. no. L.f Amount
2018 Krishna Store 401
Jan-01 40 T shirts@ rs.500each 20000
25 Jeans @ Rs. 750 each 18750
Less 10% trade discount 3875 34875
Jan. 8 M/s. Danya Tex 403
20 Churidars @ Rs. 400 each 8000
50 Kurtas @ Rs. 300 each 15000
Less trade discount 5% 1150 21850
Jan. 20 Salu Textile Mart 404
75 Sarees @ Rs. 700 each 52500
30 Pardas @ Rs. 900 each 27000
Less trade discount 8% 6360 73140
Total credit sales 129865

23. Prepare a petty cash book Under Imprest System.

Jan. 1st Cash received from main cashier ₹2,000

2nd Photocopy ₹ 35
3rd Auto charges ₹ 60
5th Ink, pen, pencil ₹ 70
6th Bus fare ₹ 85
8th Postage stamp ₹ 160
10th Cartage ₹ 40
11th Courier charges ₹ 80
15th Refreshment ₹ 180
20th Telegram charges ₹ 40
25th Taxi fare ₹ 120

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petty cash book

Printing & Travelling Postage &
Amount Date Particulars Amount Stationery Exp. Telegram Cartage Misce.
2000 Jan-01 Cash
Jan-02 Photocopy 35 35
Jan-03 Auto Charge 60 60
Jan-05 Ink, Pen Pencil 70 70
Jan-06 Bus fare 85 85
Jan-08 postage stamp 160 160
Jan-10 Cartage 40 40
Jan-11 Courier charges 80 80
Jan-15 Refreshment 180 180
Jan-20 Telegram charges 40 40
Jan-25 Taxi fare 120 120
870 105 265 280 40 180
Balance c/d 1130
2000 2000
1130 Balance b/d
870 cash

24. Cash book is both journal and ledger accounts. Do you agree? State your view in three points.
ii. Prepare double column cash book from the given information:
Jan. 1 Cash in hand ₹ 60,000
Cash at bank ₹40,000
Jan. 2 Cash received from Mohan ₹30,000
Jan. 5 purchased goods for cash ₹ 15,000
Jan. 6 Electricity charges paid through cheque ₹ 2,000
Jan. 8 Cash deposited into bank ₹ 25,000
Jan. 10 Cash sales ₹ 40,000
Jan. 15 Issued cheque to Babu ₹ 8,000
Jan.20 Bank charges debited by bank ₹ 250
Jan 31 Interest credited by bank ₹ 500
Ans. i. Yes. Cash transactions are recorded directly from source document
Cash balance and bank balance should be determined from cash book

Double column Cash book

Date Particulars L/f Cash bank Date Particulars L/f Cash bank
2018 2018
Jan-01 Balance b/d 60000 40000 Jan-05 Purchase 15000
Jan-01 Mohan 30000 Jan-06 Electricity 2000
Jan-08 Cash c 25000 Jan-08 Bank c 25000
Jan-10 Sales 40000 Jan-15 Babu 8000
Jan-31 Interest 500 Jan-20 Bank Charges 250
90000 55250
130000 65500 130000 65500

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2019 March
25. Which one of the following is not a contra transaction in Two column cash book?
a) Cash deposited in to bank
b) Opened a new account with bank
c) Cash withdrawn from bank for domestic purpose
d) Cash withdrawn from bank for office use. (1)
Ans. c) Cash withdrawn from bank for domestic purpose
26. Consider the following transactions and record them into appropriate special journals
for the month of January 2018 (8)
2018 January

1 Sold goods for cash Rs. 48000

7 purchased goods from M/s Sivaram Electricals (invoice no. 2345).
20 Fans @ Rs. 1200 per piece less trade discount 10%
10 Purchased goods for cash Rs. 13800
11 Sold goods to M/s Parvathy Traders (Invoice No. 327)
4 Colour TV @ 14000 per piece
5 Computers @Rs. 28000 per piece
8 table fans @ Rs. 1550 per piece.
15 Purchased goods from M/s Ragam Agencies (Invoice No. 046)
15 Colour TV @ Rs. 12800 per piece
8 Computers @ Rs. 26000 per piece
20 Cash sales Rs. 3400
28 Sold goods to M/s Alpha Electronics (Invoice No. 328)
2 Computers @ Rs. 30000 per piece less trade discount 5%
31 Purchased goods from M/s Aruna Ltd. (Invoice No. 864)
12 Washing machines @ Rs. 20000 per piece less trade discount 10

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27. From the following particulars prepare an analytical petty cash book for the month of
November 2018, under the imprest system (5)
2018 November Rs
1 Balance in hand 87
1 Cheque received from main cashier 413
3 Stamp purchased 60
6 Stationery 44
8 Printing charges 62
10 Cartage 50
14 Travelling expense 64
15 Repairs 74
26 Paper and pencil 38
30 Telephone charges 28


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petty cash book

Printing & Trave. Postage & Tele.
Amount Date Particulars Amount Stationery Exp. Telegram Cartage exp Misce.
87 Nov-01 Balance b/d
413 1 Bank
3 Stamp 60 60
6 Stationery 44 44
8 Printing 62 62
10 Cartage 50 50
14 Travelling exp. 64 64
15 Repairs 74 74
26 Paper and pencil 38 38
30 Tenlephone exp. 28 28
420 144 64 60 50 28 74
Balance c/d 80
500 500
80 Balance b/d
420 cash

2018 March
28. Ramesh, a dealer of Television, sold old furniture to Rafeeque for Rs. 3,000 on credit.
Identify the day book to record this transaction. (1)
a) Purchase day book
b) Journal proper
c) Sales day book
d) Cash book
Ans. b) Journal proper
29. Prepare a double column cash book from the following transactions for the month of
January 2018. (6)

2018 1 Cash in hand 16,000
Bank overdraft 6000
4 Salaries paid 2000
5 Sold goods 8000
7 Purchased goods by cheque 4000
8 Purchased machinery 5000
12 Deposited into bank 8000
15 Interest charged by bank Overdraft 500
18 Commission received 3000
20 Withdrew cash for personal use 2000
25 Suresh, a customer directly bank account 6000
30 Withdrew cash from bank 2000


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2018 July IMP

30. Computer purchased from Mr. X on credit is recorded in the....
a) Purchase book
b) Journal proper
c) Cash book
d) Sales book (1)
Ans. b) Journal proper

31. Cash book is both a Journal and ledger. justify your views (2)
Ans. Cash transactions are recorded directly from source document
Cash balance and bank balance should be determined from cash book

32. Record the following transactions in a double column cash book. (4)
Oct 01 Cash in hand 40,000
Oct 01 Cash at bank 25,000
Oct 02 Purchased goods 20,000
Oct 04 Rent paid by cheque 4,000
Oct 05 Cash deposited into bank 10,000
Oct 10 Purchased machinery by cheque 1 5000
Oct 12 Sold goods and the customer deposited 12,000
the amount in to bank
Oct 22 Cash withdrawn for office use 7,000
Oct 31 Paid salary 6,000


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Double column Cash Book

Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars L.F. Cash Bank Date Particulars L.F. Cash Bank
Oct.01 Balance b/d 40,000 25000 Oct.01 Purchases 20000
Oct.05 Cash c 10000 Oct.02 Rent 4000
Oct.12 Sales 12,000 Oct.05 Bank c 10,000
Oct.22 Bank c 7000 Oct.10 Machinery 15,000
Oct.22 Cash c 7000
Oct.31 Salary 6000
Oct.31 Balance c/d 11,000 21000
47,000 47,000 47,000 47,000

2017 July IMP

33. Imprest system used for the preparation and maintenance of petty cash book. Explain,
how this system is operated (2)
Ans. In this system a fixed amount is advanced by the main cashier to the petty
cashier in the beginning of the period. At the end of the period the petty cashier
is reimbursed for the amount he has spent.
34. Prepare a cash book with cash and bank columns from the following transactions. (6)
01-01-2015 Cash in hand 5300
01-01-2015 Bank Overdraft (Cr) 3600
04-01-2015 Purchased goods for cash 2750
06-04-2015 Cash sales 13500
07-04-2015 Cash deposited into bank 15000
08-04-2015 Received a cheque from Mr Murali 7000
12-04-2015 Cheque received from Murali paid into bank 7000
15-04-2015 Withdrew cash from bank 5000
18-04-2015 Paid to Chithra by cheque 3000
20-04-2015 Paid salary 2500
24-04-2015 Rahul a customer directly paid into bank 1,800

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35. Enter the, following transactions of M/s Megha Traders in appropriate subsidiary books
and find out total credit purchases and total returns outwards. (6)
2016 JuIy 1 purchased the following goods on credit from M/s Harisree Books
as per the invoice No. 637.
120 Accounting record book @ Rs.50 per book.
100 Physics record book @ Rs. 60 per book.
Trade discount at 10%.
July 8 purchased the following goods on credit from premier Stores as per
the Voucher No. 612
30 boxes of ball point pen @ Rs 70 per box.
20 Boxes of gel pen @ Rs.120 per box.
July 12 Returned goods to Harisree Books as per the Debit Note
4 Accounting record books @ Rs.50 per book
3 Physics record books @ Rs. 60 per book.
Trade discount at 10%

July 18 purchased goods from Vinayaka Stores as per the Voucher No.217
20 packets A4 photocopy paper @ Rs. 130 per packet.
15 Packets A3 photocopy paper @Rs. 180 per packet.
July 24 Returned goods to Vinayaka Stores as per the Debit Note No.13
2 packets A4 photocopy paper @ Rs. 130 per packet.
July 31 Purchased 100 ruled note books @ Rs. 20 per book from Karim
Stores on credit.


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2017 March

36. Sethu a dealer in books had the following transactions for the month of June 2016
a. Purchased books on credit from Himalaya Publishers
100 copies of Accountancy Text for Class XI @ ₹ 150 per text.
80 copies of Business Studies Text for Class XI @₹ 120 per text.
b. Purchased books on credit from Saradhi Books.
90 copies of Accountancy Text for Class XII @ ₹180 per text.
75 copies of Business Studies Text for Class XII @ ₹140 per text.
Trade discount allowed 5%
c. Returned to Saradhi Books.
8 copies of Accountancy Text for Class XII @ ₹ 180 per text
15 copies of Business Studies Text for Class XII @ ₹ 140 per text
i- Record the above transactions in the appropriate day books
ii- Identify the source document for recording the transaction (c) above (6)

Ans. i

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II Debit Note
37. Prepare double column cashbook from the details given below
November 1 Opening Balance:
Cash (Dr.) ₹ 30,000
Bank (Cr.) ₹ 12,000
2. Purchased goods for cash ₹ 8,000
10. Cash deposited into bank ₹ 17,000
15. Salary paid by cheque ₹ 5,000
18. Sold goods for cash ₹ 15,000
30. Cash withdrawn from bank ₹ 3,000 (6)


2016 March

38. In every organisation, a large number of small payments of repetitive nature are there.
To record these as a separate cash book is maintained, is called petty cash book.
a) Name the person who prepares this book.
b) What is imprest?
c) Prepare a petty cashbook from the following transactions of Nisha
Associates for the month of January 2000, under analytical form given that
imprest amount is ₹ 500 (4)

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Date Details of Transaction Amount

Jan 5 Postage 15
Jan 10 Refreshments 10
Jan 12 Bus fare 20
Jan 15 Courier charges 10
Jan 17 Taxi fare 20
Jan 19 Speed post charges 10
Jan 25 Refreshments 25
Jan 30 Postage 20

Ans. A) Petty Cashier

b) The fixed advance amount given to the petty cashier at the beginning
of the period.

39. For quite efficient and accurate recording of business transaction, journal is
subdivided into Special journals.
a) List any two examples for special journals.
b) Prepare a cash book from the following transactions of Grace Enterprises for the
month of December 2010

Date Details of transaction Amount

Dec 1 Cash in hand 15000
Cash at Bank 10000
Dec 8 Purchased goods for cash 5000
Dec 15 Sold goods for cash 7500
Dec 18 Cash deposited into bank 4000
Dec 20 Paid rent 500
Dec 25 Withdrew cash for personal use 250
Dec 28 Purchased goods and payment made by cheque 1000
Dec 29 Received commission 200


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Ans. a) cash book, purchase book, sales book, purchase return book,
sales return book, B/R book, B/P Book, Journal proper ( any two)

2016 IMP
40. Prepare a simple cash book from the following (5)
a) Opening balance Rs. 40000
b) Cash purchase Rs. 15000
c) Salary paid Rs. 5000
d) Withdrawn from bank for office use Rs. 12000
e) Paid to shekar Rs. 6500
f) Deposited into bank Rs. 9000
g) Cash sales Rs. 10000

41. Prepare an analytical petty cash book from the following details (5)

2015 Jan 1 received cash from the main cashier ₹. 1000

2 Purchased stationery ₹. 55.00
5 Paid for postage stamp ₹. 154.00
7 paid for carriage ₹. 112.00
12 Railway freight paid ₹. 98.00
19 Telegrams ₹. 75.00
22 Telephone charges ₹, 32.00
31 Sundry expense paid ₹. 125.00

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2015 March
42. ……………….is used as a source document for recording transaction in purchase return (1)
Ans. Debit note
43. Some transactions relating to a business are given below. 2015

Particulars Amount
January 1 Cash balance ₹30000
Bank (Dr. Balance) ₹ 10000
2 Purchased goods ₹20000
Sold goods to Deepthi agencies ₹ 2000
3 Cash paid into bank ₹5000
4 Salary paid by cheque ₹3000
Withdrawn for personal use ₹ 1000

a) Prepare a suitable cashbook from the above. (4)

b) Identify a special journal where goods withdrawn by the proprietor for
personal use worth ₹ 200 will be recorded. (1)
Ans. a)

b) Journal Proper

Recording of transaction II previous question and answers prepared by Jaison James HSST (Jr) SMHSS Koodathai
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44. a) Fill in the blanks.

“Deposited money into the bank worth ₹ 5000”. While posting the above
entry into the cash book, this is treated as a/an …............... entry. (1)
b) Fill in the blank columns. ( 4)

Sl Transactions Special Journal in

No which it is recorded

1 Purchased goods from Cello Agencies ₹ 3000 ?

2 Salary Paid by cheque ₹ 2000 ?
3 ? Journal proper
4 Goods sold to Biju were returned ₹ 500 ?
Ans. a) Contra Entry
b) 1. Purchase day book. 2. Cash Book. 3. Opening and closing entries,
adjustment entries, rectification entries , asset purchased on credit etc.
4. Sales return book
2015 IMP

45. Satheesh gives you the following transaction:

0I-07-2014. Purchased goods from Revathi Rs.10000. Trade discount @10%
a) In which book will this transaction be recorded?
b) Prepare the special journal. (2)
Ans. a) Purchase Day Book.

46. Ravi, a stationery merchant whose cash transactions during the month of January 2014
are as follows:
01-01-2014 Balance of cash in hand Rs. 12,000.
01-01-2014 Bank balance Rs. 9,000.
02-01-2014 Sold goods for cash Rs. 17,000.
04-01-2014 Payments by cheque for the following expenditure:
Salary Rs. 1,200 Rent Rs. 800
DTP charges Rs. 500
05-0I-2014 Suresh, a customer has deposited Rs. 6,000 into our bank directly.
Prepare a suitable cash book for recording the above transactions. (4)

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47. Prepare a petty cash book for the following transactions during the month of January
2014 with a weekly imprest of Rs. 500. (4)
2014, January Rs.
1 Paid for carriages 50
2 STD charges 40
3 DTP charges 30
4 Printing expenses 50
5 Postages 44
7 Pen, pencils etc. 30
8 Taxi fare 75
9 Tips to peon 30
10 Charity given 10

2014 March

48. Debit note is a source document for recording the …................... a)

Sales return b) purchase return c) Purchases d) Sales (1)
Ans. b) purchase return
49. Prepare a double column cash book on behalf of a cloth merchant from the
Information given below.
01/01/2013 Cash sales Rs.30000
02/01/2013 Opened a bank account with Rs.20000
02/01/2013 Payment by cheque for salary Rs.700
03/01/2013 Creditors were paid by cheque Rs.5000
04/01/2013 Interest credited by bank Rs.900
05/01/2013 Bank charges Rs.100
06/01/2013 Commission received Rs.3000

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07/01/2013 Withdraw for personal purpose Rs.1000 (6)


2014 IMP
50. A machinery purchased on credit is recorded in the ………………….
a) Purchase daybook b) Sales daybook
c) Purchase return book d) Journal proper (1)
Ans. d) Journal proper
51. Enter the following transaction in the purchase daybook of Suresh & Company. (5)
2013 May, 1 Purchased from Abhilash Electronics:
20 Philips tube lights @ Rs. 300
10 Khaitan ceiling fans @ Rs. 1,500
2013 May, 6 Purchased from Sanu & Company:
10 table fans @ Rs. 1,300
15 Electric heaters @ Rs. 300
Less trade discount @ 2%


2013 IMP
52. Enter the following transactions in a proper day book of a furniture dealer
1) 15-04-2012 Sold 5 chairs @ 60 each to M/s Kerala Mart
2) 16-04-2012 Sold 15 benches @160 each and 10 Shelves @110 each to
M/s Kollam Furniture Mart
3) 17-04-2012 Sold 10 Almirahs @ 1000
Trade Discount 10%
50 Shoe rack @150 each
25 chairs @200 Each and,
10 Tables @ 400 each to M/s New furniture Mart (3)

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2012 March

53. The following transaction took place during the week ending 7th May 2011. How will
you record them in the analytical petty cash book which is maintained with a weekly
cash float (imprest) of Rs. 500? (3)
Date Particulars Amount
2011, May 2 Postage 60
2011, May 3 Casual labour 150
2011, May 4 Taxi hire charges 60
2011, May 6 Bus fare 45
2011, May 7 Cartage 100

2012 IMP
54. List out the appropriate source document for recording the following transactions.
a) Electricity charge paid b) Salary paid
c) Deposit of money into bank d) Receipt of cash from sale of goods (2)
Ans. a) Receipt from KSEB b) Pay roll, c) pay in slip counter foil.
D) sales bill / receipt

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55. Roy started a business on 1st April, 2010 by investing Rs. 50,000. Help him to find out the
closing balance of cash for the month considering the following transactions.
02-4-2010 Deposited into Bank Rs. 20,000
05-4-2010 Purchased goods for Rs. 18,000
08-4-2010 Advertisement expenses Rs. 1,000
12-4-2010 Sold goods for cash Rs. 12,000
13-4-2010 Stationary purchased Rs. 500
15-4-2010 Purchased furniture for Cash Rs. 8,000
20-4-2010 Sold goods to Kishore Rs. 4,000
26-4-2010 Borrowed from Mr. Kiran Rs. 10,000
29-4-2010 Received cash from Kishore Rs. 2,500
30-4-2010 Rent paid Rs. 1,000 (5)

2011 March

56. Which of the following is not a book of original entry?

a) Cash book b) Ledger c) Purchase book (1)
Ans. b) Ledger
57. Pooja started her business with Rs. 75,000 and she further introduced Rs. 10,000 while
she withdrew Rs. 23,000 for her personal use. The capital at present will be …………….. (1)
Ans. 62000
58. The following are the transactions taken from the books of a furniture dealer.
Mar 1 Sold to Anil, 5 tables @ Rs. 2,000 per table
Mar 7 Sold to Mithra, 2 dressing tables, @ Rs. 1,900 per table
Mar 8 Sold to Ganga, 2 dressing tables, @ Rs. 3,000 per table
Mar 18 Sold to Ameer, a motorcycle for Rs. 14,000
Mar 21 Sold to Assis, 10 wooden chairs, @Rs. 500 per chair
Mar 25 Sold to Shilpa, 5 wooden tables, @ Rs. 2,500 per table
Prepare the sales book for the month of March. (6)


Recording of transaction II previous question and answers prepared by Jaison James HSST (Jr) SMHSS Koodathai
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Recording of transaction II previous question and answers prepared by Jaison James HSST (Jr) SMHSS Koodathai

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