Raana Purayya 07031282328075 UTS English

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Academic year: 2023-2024

Faculty : Political and Social Science

Department : Communication Science
Subject : English for Comunication Students
Credit Semester : 2 SKS
Semester : Odd Semester/ 1st Semester
Dosen Pengampu : Yuniarsih Manggarsari, S.Pd. M.Pd.

NAME : Raana Purayya

STUDENT NUMBER : 07031282328075
GOUP CLASS : B Inderalaya

1) What is your point of view of good ways in reading an English text?

2) What is the meaning of topic is important not only in English reading skill but also in writing,
speaking and listening skill?
3) What is the purpose of the main idea?
4) How do you distinguish between stated main idea and implied main idea?
5) What are the characteristics of implied main idea? And how it can differ from Explicit
6) How do you get stated main idea and implied main idea in English reading passage?
7) what are the characteristics of a good main idea?
8) What is the function of Adverb and Adjective in part of speech! Give three exampes for
9) What do you know about compound sentence?
10) What is the characteristics of compound sentence? Give three examples!

Type your answers here:

1. Theres are lots of good ways to read an English text, but before starting to read, find the best spot
first to keep up and recharge your mood. After find the spot and also the right time, start to open the
text, also before starting to read, understand the purpose or the main idea the text likely discuss about
is a good start. Use a dictionary to help finding about new vocabularies or new thing that we haven’t
know. Take a note or make a little summary to test how far we unsderstand the whole text. By apply
these things we’ll find the best ways to read English text.

2. Topic itself held a big role in lots of aspects, including English reading, writing, speaking, and
listening. Why? This is because topic is the first thing we thought about when we doing something.
Understanding topic before we start to reading, writing, speaking, and listening is a thing that we must
to do. In reading, try to understand what will be discussed are very influential in expanding our
knowledge. When writing, find the purpose or the topic is a main key to get the ideas and informations
to be implemented in a good way to the reader. When we talking, topic becomes the thing that
underlies the communication process. Without a topic, talks and communication will be dead and feel
awkward. And also in listening, understand the topic or thing that be the matter in discussion is an
important thing we have to do. So that we don’t deviate from the things discussed and when we
understand the topic mainly about, we could identify the information appropriately.

3. Main idea is a topic that discusssed in the passege. To understand what is the information that
include in a paragraph or text, we need to know and find the main idea first. The purpose of main idea
is to highlight the important thing that underlies something in common. Nor just that, main idea is a
need to find an important point of the paragraph or passage. The main idea acts as a guide for the
reader or listener, helping them understand the core message and the structure of the text or speech.

4. Stated main idea is clearly stated in the text, meanwhile implied main idea isn’t directly stated in
the text, so reader must use the clues and hints provided to determine the author’s main point.
How to distinguish them? Read carefully first what the text talks about, the stated main idea usually
found in main sentence or opening of the paragraph, if the main idea isn’t stated in the beginning yet,
so try to find the implied main idea using the clues that author have given and identify it.

5. Characteristics of implied main idea is an indirectly stated main point or argument. So the reader
must use clues to determine the main idea. It requires analysis, because to find it we have to analysis
first what the author likely talks about.
The difference between implied main idea and explicit meaning is the explicit meaning already stated
directly in the text, meanwhile the implied main idea need to be found trough hints or clues.

6. To get the stated main idea:

- read the passage or text
- understand what the passage mostly about
- find the topic and details of it
- then find the best one that can determine stated main idea (basically written exactly or stated in the
passage itself).
To get the implied main idea:
- read carefully and entirely the passage first
- identify the topic and try to get what the author wants to discuss
- examine and discover the details
- put the details and find the common bond among all the details
- choose the best that could explain the main idea that connects all the details in one sentence.

7. Characteristics of good main idea:

- including the topic and connected to multiple important details in the text
- ensure that the reader has understood the author’s main point
- specific beyond general statements and provide specific and detailed information that offers a
deeper understanding of the subject
- organizes the overall structure of the text
- helping readers or listeners follow along more effectively
- coherent with other information and details in the text and should be connected to the overall
content of the text.
8. An adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, and adjective, or another
adverb. An adverb usually modifies by telling how, when, where, why, under what conditions, or to
what degree.
Example : - he ran out to the tent quickly
- i bought the lamp last week
- Shinta likes to eat extremely spicy food
An adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a nouns, to modifies a noun or
pronoun by providing descriptive or specific detail. Adjective usually precede the noun or pronoun
they modify.
Example : - Jeno is a brave boy
- the peach that we buy today looks so juicy
- she is a charming girl.

9. Compound sentence is a sentence that made up of 2 or more principal or main clause. Compound
sentence join 2 or more sentences that have related ideas of equal importance. Each sentence or
independent clause must still have a subject and a verb, and also could still stand alone.

10. Characteristics of compound sentence

- has at least 2 independent clauses joined by comma, semicolon or conjunction
- each part of 2 independent clauses contains a subject and a predicate of it owns
- use of coordinating conjunctions, in a compound sentence, clauses are linked by coordinating
conjunctions such as and, but, or, however, whereas, and so on

Example : - this book is too expensive, and that novel is too boring
- i will register as soon as possible and start working the paper
- the boys jamming to the old song when the girls enjoyed their dance.

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