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PLEIGCO WU UIST PLO UII Mathematical Physics form an important part of the syllabus for the graduate and post- graduate physics courses of various Indian Universities. While teaching this subject, particularly in physics honours classes, we very often refer to various standard hooks for the various topics of Mathematical Physics. But none of these books is fully sufficient for, the preparation of different competitive examinations at national and state levels such as CSIR-UGC-NET/JRF, UT-jAM, GATE, TIFR, JEST, BARC etc. In all these competitive examinations, the section of Mathematical Physicscarries a high percentage of weightage of the total marks as follows: * In every year CSIR-UGC-NET paper contains questions of at least 30 to 35 marks from this section out 200 marks. «In every year GATE paper contains questions of at least 10 to 12 marks from this section out 100 marks. © In every year IIT-JAM paper contains questions of at least 10 to 12 marks from this section out 100 marks. The purpose of the present book is to provide a brief discussion of every important topic of the Mathematical Physics syllabus. Each chapter contains a significant number of solved problems some of which contain subtle points, not explicit in the text and hence will help the students to attain a deeper understanding of the ideas presented in the book, Moreover, the problems that are asked in CSIR-UGC-NET and JIT-JAM examinations till date, has been solved at the end of each chapter. A large variety of problems given with answers at the end of each chapter for the practice of the students, will surely help to grow self-confidence. It ic boned that the boak will he ahle ta meet un all the requirements of the students eee PART-A (For CSIR-UGC-NET /JRE, GATE, IIT-[AM & OTHER M.S¢., Ph.D. Entrances) CHAPTER 1: Vector Calculus. 1.1 Basic Review of Vectors 1 A2 — Product of Vectors 2 13. _ Gradient, Divergence and Curl 4 9 1 1 14 Line Integration of vectors LS Surface tntegration of Vectors 1.6 Volume Integration of Vectors 6 1.7 Vector Related Theorems 16 : 18 Linear Dependency of Vectors 24 é 1.9 Orthogonal Curvilinear Co-ordinates 3 CSIR-NET/JRF Previous Years Questionis with Salutions 28 fIT JAM Previous Years Questions 30 Practice Set 7 CHAPTER 2: Matrices 2.1 Basic Review of Matrices 42 22 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Bw 23 Cayley-Hamilton Theorem 49 24 — RankofaMatrix 52 2.5 Diagonalization of a Matrix Sa é 2.6 — Linear transformation 55 27 Applications 56 CSIR-NET/JRF Previous Years Questions with Solutions 58 4d 42 43 44 Periodic Function Fourier Series Expansion Half Range Series Perseval's Formula INT JAM Previous Years Questions Practice Set PART-B 106 106 118 118 120 123 (For CSIR-UGC-NET/JRF, GATE & OTHER M.Sc, Ph.D. Entrances) CHAPTER 5: Complex Analysis 5a 52 53 54 55 56 Basic Review of Complex Numbers Function of a Complex Variable Complex Analytic Function Power Series Expansion of Complex Function Singularity of Complex Function Residue of a Complex Function CSIR-NET/[RF Previous Years Questions with Solutions Practice Set CHAPTER 6: Fourier Transform 61 62 63 64 Infinite Fourier Transform Fourier Sine Transform Fourier Cosine Transform Properties of Fourier Transform CSIR-NET/JRF Previous Years Questions with Solutions Practice Set 127 128 129 133 138 140 149 156 162 162 162 163 166 168 9.1 Significant Figures 92 Rounding-off Numbers 93° Roots of Equation 9.4 Bisection Method 95 Newton Raphson Method 9.6 Interpolation And Extrapolation 9.7 Numerical Integration 9.8 Numerical Solution of Differential Equation Practice Set . CHAPTER 10: Tensors 10.1 Basic Review af Tensors 10.2 Metric Tensor 10.3 Chrystoffel symbols Practice Set CHAPTER 11: Introductory Group Theory CHAPTER 12: Dirac Delta, Beta and Gamma Function PART-C (For IIT-JAM & OTHER M.Sc. Entrances) CHAPTER 13: Partial Differentiation CHAPTER 14: Taylor's Theorem 202 202 203 203 205 207 209 210 ait 215 218 22a 222 224 231 233 248 VECTOR ALGEBRA 1.1 Basic Review of Vectors ‘LLL Definition: Physical quantities having both magnitude, a definite direction in space and it should follow the laws of vector = Velocity, Acceleration, Momentum, Force, Electric Field, Torque, etc, L.L2 Various type of vectors: (1) Equal vectors : Véctors having same magnitude and same direction. (2) Null Vectors : Vectors having coincident initial and terminal point ie. its magnitude is zero and it has any arbitrary direction. (3) Unit Vectors : Vectors having unit magnitude, Unit vector along @= (4) Reciprocal Vector: Vector having same direction but reciprocal magnitude corresponding to original vector (8) Negative Veotor : Vectors having same magnitude but opposite direction corresponding to original vector If A makes angles o, B, y with x,y, z axes respectively, then direction cosines of A are cose = Ses m= oop = ne cosy= At and Pm +a?1 So, an unit vector along A canbe urittenas A =1i+mj+nk 1.2 Products of Vectors 1.2.1 Scalar Product or Dot Product: (v) Projection of 4 on B= 4.8 (vi) Work done by force j on an object in displacement of 7 1.2.2 Vector Product or Cross Product : axb =|dld|sinoa where fl is unit vector normal to the plane containing @ and 5. Properties: ee | Properties: WO aGx-b KB) = B (Gx) ic. (abel = [bea] = [cab] (i) Volune of praleopiped having dB, as concurenteagesis V-]a-(bx| (iii) If &,B,e are coplanar vectors, then, [abc] = [bca] = [cab] = 0 1.2.4 Vector ‘Triple Product: axbxé)= b@-8)— It represents a vector coplanar with b and ©. and perpendicular to 3 Example-1: The range of x for which between the vectors 4~2x°/+4xj-+é and B ‘obtuse, is equal to i 27+ xk is (x42 (@O AB 14x? ~7x <=> x(2x-I}<0 Thewfore, - (0 | 3,14 7 ae _ Bel Bee. bei taci+abk a Tit Wea rae cheb) 3a? 3b?” 3c? WB, Calculation of $4 if 6 is give as a function of ‘r’: Example-8. ¢=Inr => First take normal derivative of wrt. ‘r’ and just put * =— beside it Le. - mgt (012) > const of negation 3(v+y? +2 ri Sot Fo) Sina, Magy + Hoe) and g(r) = +76) Ll : : <5+C ; Since, at r=1,9(r)=0=30 80, 6(")=-3) 40 =0=4 3 Ki yt w 3 Putting this in equation (1), we get (7) Example-12: If F isa constant vector and 7 isthe position vector then 9(F-#) would be @ (¥7)F wile @(¥FF OF =0(Rxr Ry R2)= Ri Re Rk Example-13: Forthe function #(5) =~ Foe find the maghtude ofthe directional derivative along ine making an angle 30° with the positive x-axis at (0,2) 7 78 4.8 78 x Boece ue (ig Ta" glee xy ( Erik ei )ley esters) =(2ay! 4230" )i+ (ty 4y’s!) J (aytee ae’ )b Gy? at (2,0, 3) = (042% 2x8i)i +(0+0) j+(0+4x4x27) k = 32474-4324 =108(31+ 44) a.30 ( SiS ehQ|(eay oe) Normal to.x?+ y?+z?-14=V¢ 2xi +2yj+2zk) Normal vector at (3, 2, 1) = 67+4j+2é +23+k 108x(9+4) _ 1404 via via ia Example-15: A fluid motion x given by ‘ysin z—sin x)i +(xsinz+2yz) j +(xyc0sz+y*)& isthe motion rotational? Ifso, find the velocity 2 sine sinsiosaine +232) afensey')k = (ysin zd + xdysin 2 + xy cos zil2) ~sin xdx-+ (2yzdy + y'dz) = (xysinz)+d(cosx)+d(y*z) = [a(aysinz)+ [d(cosx)+ fa(y*z) $= sysin2 +08x4 yrete Hence, Velocity potential = xysin z+ cosx+ yz +e 1.4 Line Integration of Vectors ‘The integration of vector a curve is known as line integral. Let F(x, y,z) be a vector function and a curve AB. Line integral of a vector function #* along the curve AB is defined as integral of the component of along the tangent to the curve AB. ‘Component of F along a tangent PT at P= Dot product of F* and unit vector along PT RE (¢ is aunit vector along’ sangeet] ds ds Line integral = )) from A to B along the curve. 2a) ge Therefore, line integral “(7 Gee fP ae o x = (0 IF F represents the vaable force acting on a particle along ar AB, thn te total work done = {Fd sx jodradit3edej So, (Fd? = {[ls«" ~6:°)i+(20 4x) j]. [dei +3x°ej] é = [ (6 +5x*-120° 62") dr = 35 ‘Example-17: If force field 4=(y+2x)i+(3x+2y)] is applied to a particle, then the work done by the force field in traversing the particle around a cele C in x-y plane, with center at the originand radius 2 units is equal to (is traversed inthe couiter-clockwise direction) (@) 20 (o) 40 (8 (@ Ion Soin: air = J[ (y+2x)de+(3x+2y) dy] = Putting x=2.0058 and y = 2sind we get, a = J[(2sind +4c0s0)(~2sin ad)+(6cosd + 4sin@)(2cos6d8)] =8r Example-18: Evaluate Fa, where F =x] +y'7 and curve Cis the are of parabola y plane from (0,0) 0 (1,1), Soin. Now along the curve C, y= x", Therefore, dy = 2xde [Far [ [eaee x (anja) =[(r vae)ae| Sola. Soln, [Fa [li2r+0)ar+0]+ [[(ex+2x—4)de+(6x-12-x)2ar) =[ [+ flue-28)de<44t4 f (x-2)de <1 Example-20: Find the total work done in moving a paticle ina force field given by F = 3xy/. tot=2. tot=2, Then the total workdoen along the curve x= +1, y=20, 2=7 from Let C denote the arc of the given curve from t= = [ Fars [ (sf -5e)+ 10st), (dei +h +deh) = [ (Gee Sedy +10xde) = FBC +1)(20?) 2) (50 (ae) +10(02 41) (34) de = F (tae 412° -2014+ 3044 + 301°) dr = 303, Example-21:1fF = yi-xj,evauate #-4 fiom(0,0)10 (1, 1) along the following path C. (@) the parabola y =x? €b) the straight lines from (0, 0)t0 (1, 0) and then to (1, 1) (©) the straight line joining (0,0) and (1, 1) ‘The three paths of integration have been shown inthe figure Wehave [ Far , gun = [ (vit) (ais a) = [ (vee) (a) Cisthe arc of parabola y= x? fram (0, 0) to (1, 1) eo, Here dy = 2xde andx vaties from 0 to 1 : [Fare [[eae—x(2x)ar]= feast (©) Cis the curve consisting of straight lines OB and BA. OM Gay? ~2 Here, M = 2xy'~y*cos.x + Oa Dy ceax aN 2 Also, N=1-2ysinx+3x7y? 1. Gos By cox +61 om _aM Thus, "gy «Therefore, Mede+ Nady isanexact diferent Let f(x,y) besuch that dg = (2x) ~y° eosx)de-+(1-2ysin x+3x"y")dy Te Pare May (297 ~ y'eosx)de+ (I-2ysina+3x°y") dy ow ar xy” ~ y*co8.x which gives ¢ = xy'~y*sinx+ f(y) (1-2ysinx+3x7y’) which gives $= y-ytsingexty'+ A(z). Q) ‘The values of ¢ given by(1) and(2) agreeifwe take f(y) = y and f,(x)=0.Then §= y~ y?sin.x.7y? ‘Therefore, the given integral, = [a= [4(y-y'sinx+aty")=| -{{i-msn$-t a} = AAG Suriace Integration of Vectors (25) hoe) yeyisnzeey'] VECTOR ALGEBRA Ss = ‘Surface integral ofa vector field A over a surface canbe writen as, ([A-d5 of (JA -ads s s where ii is unit vector normal to the surface ‘S’ (0 indicate the positive direction of the surface and df is the elementary surafve element of *S’. Physical interpetation: fA -di = Flow of fux of the vector function A. through surface S, $ ‘If the surface of integration ‘S’ is not parallel to any one of the co-ordinate planes x-y plane, y-z plane or xz plane, then we have to draw projection of the surfice element cin any ane ofthe co-ordinate planes and the above surface integral will be replaced a follows: , i zg Projection inx-yplane: [[4.a8= {f one foe Vik £ Projection in y-z plane. [ia- J ie Projection in x2 pine {faas 5 ff ie Example-23: Evaluate {f # Favax j tay and S is that part of the surface of the sphere x? + y? +2? =1 while lies the first octant, al + 2yf+ Dak jayiedk (4x +4y+ 42") eae Soln. _ A vectornormalto the surface S is given by # VECTOR ALGEBRA Soln. Soln. Example-24: Evaluate ff Figs, where = zi+x}—3y"2é and S is the surfice of the cylinder x 4y?=16 inched inthe Grst octantbetween= and z= 5 Qi+2y day Aunit vector normal to the surface S( x? + y? = 16)is far+ay?) 4 Webave (Pads = ff FA 2H , where Ris the projectionofS ofthe x-z plane. It should be noted that real inthis case we cannot take the projection of S on the x-y plane asthe surface S is perpendicular to the x-y plane. ‘Therefor, the required surface integrals ) [gape -v Example-25: Evaluate |[ F.id5, where F-=(%+y")f—2xj-+2y2h and S is the surface ofthe plane 2x+ y+2z=6 inthe first octant, = [zt ae rfl 4 yl4~ ; is j+2k ‘A.unit vector normal to the surface $ is = 2 — 44144) € G Soln, Example-26: Evaluate [[| Pd’, where # = yi-+29)—2k andS isthe surface ofthe surface ofthe plane 2x+y =6 inthe first octant cut offby the planez=4 ai+j Fan ae , Where R isthe projection of S on the xz-plane. It shouldbe fited that in, A.unit vector normal to the surface S is ade il this case we cannot take the projection onthe xy-plane because the surface S is perpendicular to xy plane. Wehave [[ Finds = [[ Fai Now, Fi-(yis2g af) 27 1 faa BB! ‘Therefore, the required surface integral is : (2p gp2)Sacaen h2lo+saeste =2ff (6-200 x)ee {(6-nfelae =sfer-5] =108 Example-27: Calculate the surface integral of ¥ = 2xz £+-(x+2) 7+ y(z* 3) over five sides (exchding, the bottom) of the cubical box shown in gure. Soin, Taking the sides one ata time: Soln, 4.8 Volume integration of Vectors Volume integral ofa vector field A over volume “V’ can be written as, JJfiav. where, dV = dedydz = v infinitesimal elementary volume Example-28: Calculate the volume integral of 7 = xyz* over the prism in figure. ‘You can do the three integrals in any order. Let's dox first: it runs from 0 to (1-y), theny goes from0t0 1, and finally 2(0 103) 1 ram fol fof ft] bfrefa-sy'va= ho 2) ; Exampie-28: The volume ofthe portion ofthe cylinder x” + y = 4 in the frst octant between the planes 2= O and 3x- @2 4 8 (a6 3 a ‘Volume ofthe portion of thecylinder inthe first octant= 7 = ff fdedyde =8 aa 1.7 Vector Related Theorems a rn Soln: Soln: 1.7.3 Green’s Theorem : IfR’ isa closed region of the x-y plane, bounded by a simple closes curve °C’ and ‘MT’, *N’ are continuous fictions of x and y having continuous derivatives in ‘R’, then. Massnd= (e-Ses ‘where ‘C’ is traversed in the positive (counter clock wise) direction Example-30: Calculate the Bux of the vector field 7 centered atthe origin. °F through the surface $ of a sphere of radius ‘a’, Flux of the vector field 7 = fi dv (Using divergence theorem) = {Ier*) F dv = [5° <5 [r¢ 1 sin BdrdOdg) = je Jpnoae 5 dp=4naé Example-31: Calculate q ‘Ad? for the vector field A =(2x-y)i-yz*j-y*zk along the boundary of é ‘upper half of the sphere x? + y? +2" The boundary is the circle of unit radius in the x-y plane ic. x? +y’=1. Therefore, substituting x=c0s6, y=sind and 2=0 we get, Gag é Example-32: Check the divergence theorem using the function [(2x-y)ae—yerdy—yPae |= (2x-y)ax = ffrcose —sin@)(-sin@d0)= he Pie (Qay +2") 9+ (ye) — Soln, ae ee Ne ‘To evaluate the surface integral we must consider separately the six sides ofthe cube: @ Jaas=[ fypayaemd (vy) faae= [leaa (i [Aas =-f [(20+2?)arae= () Jadi=-f frydedy=1 (i Jaas=~f fod dy=0 So the total flux is: —L+1+0=2. Hence, divergence theorem s veri Example-33: Suppose 4 = (2x2+3y") j+(4yz*)& . Check Stokes’ theorem for the square surface shown infigure. Here, Vx 4=(4z"~2x)i+22k and d3 = dy dei 4 [[seroa=t Since x=0 forthis surface, {(V»4). ‘Now for line integral, We must break this up into four segments ), Adi =3y'dy => fad’ = [37-ay=1 = 4 4Aztde [Adi = [ 42*dz=— de => fai = [42 i =-l @x= Gi) ¥=0, y=1, i x=0,2-1,ddi=3y'd = [adi= [3y°o Soln: Soln: Soln, Example-35: Calculate the flux ofthe vector field F = 4xi-2yj+2°& throughthe surface bounded by the region x? + y? =4,2=0,2=3. Flux of the vector field: fre * {er} (according to divergence theorem) : [e-svo2eades Ff [ (sonnet Example-36: Evaluate { [(2x?-y?)ac+ (2 +") db], where‘C’is theboundary ofthe surfice enclosed by x-axis andthe semicirle y =(1-2?”. fle ~y')de+ (x2 +") dy |= fl2x-+2y] dr (according to greens theorem) “7 [2x+2y]ar= fe] d= a | era fOSa -t Example-37; Evalaute by Green’s theorem (=? ~cosh y) de + (y+ sinx) dy where Cis the rectangle with vertices (0,0), (,0),(2,1),(0,1) Using Green's Theorem, the given line integralis equal to Jf (cosxesinh y)dsay= [fi (cosx-tsinh y) dey = [,[ocosx+ cosh yf, de [ Joos.+ cosh- lar = [sin r+ xcoshl— aff = (cosh -1) Soin. tle Le-F Put y=asiné sothat dy=acostdt 12of" a co acost) at = Dato "co cos" tdt = 2 a‘b inte Snatb Example39: Bvahate, {{(y's¥+c%j+ 2p) Ads i ‘Where S is the part ofthe sphere x* + y’ +2? =1 above the xy-plane are bounded by this plane. i By divergence theorem, we have i fois tej * yh fds = fff av yt cts jazyk = [29% ara are ‘We shall use spherical polar coordinates (r,0, 6) to evaluate tis, 7 triple integral Inppolars dV =(dr)(xd0)(r sin dg) =r? sin@ dr dO dg Also z= rcos0, y=rsinOsing . ‘The triple integral is =2{., [Fi (cose) sin® asin’ 6) 7sin0 dr a ag #2], (2 Ee sin @cosdsin®g dr do ag = = ‘Example-40: By converting the surface integral into a volume integraf evafuate Ile adety? dede'sz* aca) ‘Where S is the surface of the sphere x? + y? 42” Soln, OO Peat Speng OINE PE =f, ( (areal (2-y)+ =ftsera] Eterna [4 se) x =4fzte2" | = 0(256+64)=3200 Bxampled2: 16 F = (x! + y~4)f4 309) +(202-+2")R, evaluate ff (V [laut Kinds =f curt Rds =0 [: on §,,n=-J /S y « s i) é Now, curl A=| 2 a a ~Gay—j)+ j(-143y") +8 (3x? 9) e-z Pty ~Bry4 > [four Fava ff aras . [* F sees rd de <3" (L Pe0s? 6 at ar =e Example-44: Verify Stoke's theorem for F =(2x— vi); ylek where S js the upnerhalfsurface of ER AU ERA = —. Soln, IfS, is the plane region bounded by the C, then IL (vxF)aas = [[(v«F eas fleas = Mars, =n Hence the theorem is verified. Example-45: Evaluate by Stoke's theorem , (eae 29a) 2 where Cisthe curve 1° + y*=4,¢ f(earsr2y dy—de) = ef + 29)-b) {del vhs cel |G Far where F =e +2yj-k é é 2 ij él Aso, eur F =| 5 4 le 2y = Hence, fF.dF = [[ (curl F) A dS =0, since curl F=0 é Example-46: Apply Stokes’s theorem to prove that (odes 2dy) =-2V0 na? ‘The curve Cis curve ofinterection of x? + y? +z? ~2ax ay = 0, and begins at the point (2a, 0,0) and goes at first below the plane, VECTOR ALGEBRA [lode edy-+ ade) = ff -( = * flas= -$ (area ofthe circle ofradius aV2)=—V2 (2a) Example-47: Use Stoke's theorem tocvauate {{ (VF } dS, where f= yi (x~2x2) j-ayd and is the surface of the sphere x? + y? +2? = a? above the'xy-plane 1. The boundary C of the surface $ isthe circle x*+ y? +2? 2a", Z=0. Suppose x=avost, y=asint,0<1<2x are parametric eqauation of C. By toke’s theorem, we have = (vx Fads = [ar = [fyi (202) jah (ide + jy +e) yd +(x 2x2) dy~xy &] = f (pdt xdy) ‘on C.2=0 anddr=0] 19 Orthogonal Currvilinear Co-ordinates 1.9.1 Spherical Polar co-ordinates (r, 8, ): x=rsin cos $, y=rsinO sin §, 2=rcos® [0 dsinay, mL Assume that & and b lie in the xy plane. Component of 5 4 4 =(bsin8)} xb = absind (ix j) = absind & &x(axB) =(absind)a{i xk) =-a°bsindj = ax(5x ax(b«a ae a =bsinO} Correct answeris (a) The equation ofthe plane thats tangent to the surface xyz =8 at the point (1,2,4) is Aw abe vy 2. 4. Theuritnormal vector atthe point | “FFs | onthesurfice ofthe eligsoid “+s ta =h is {CSIR Dee- 2012), bei + caj + abk- ait +ok bieg+ak Oe Tad Tard Soln. Given surface of ellipsoid: 5 Namo tate at pie | Re tpi Ba Be ior ] Veerad eat Option (a)is correct butitis wrongly printed in the question, € 5. Avmit vector § on the 2y-plane is at an angle of 120° with sespect to {. The angle between the vectors i +bA and $= ah +bi will be 60 if [CSIR June - 2013] ae - = Soin, Ip A= yeitxz j+xyk then the integral J 4.dl (where C is along the perimeter ofa rectangular area bounded by x = 0, x~a and y= 0, y =b) is {CSIR Dee - 2013} Vesyp 2 348° @ zl? +b) (0) (ab? +a°b) © (a+) @O A=yitxjtok => Vxde0 ic. field is conservative, } Since, line integral of a conservative field along a closed path is zero, then G Ad é Correct answer is (d) It A= yei + 2x) + 2yk and.C is the circle of unt radiius in the plane defined by z = 1, with the centre on the z-axis, then the value ofthe imegral J_Ade ig [CSIR June - 2014) x z @> (b) 7 OF @o Az=ysi+xj+mk = Vx A=0 ie. fieldis conservative. Since, line integral of a conservative field along a closed path is zero, then Gf a. é Correct answer is (d) IT-JAM PREVIOUS YEAR SOLUTIONS : The work done by a force in moving particle of mass ‘mn’ from any point (x, y) to neighbouring point ; (x+de, y+dy) isgivenby aW = 2xyde + x°dy. The work done fora complete cycle around a unit circle is: (ao @)1 (03 @ ma 6 Soin. Soln, Equation of surface : 2= 4, Bitsy? = 3x7 43y?-2x7 =0 y ‘Unit normalto the surface at point Ap 0, 4) 6xi + 6yj-4zk e oo 36x" +36)" +162" Vet t67 a? 6) 61/9 Correct answer is (b) ep ; ‘The line integral fea vier Fe ates 4, along the semi-circular path as shown in the figure below is: ‘ACI,0) BO, 0) (ay-2 wo ()2 @4 8 (19) Jiat= [ B® 4 Gio) Vx? +9? Putting x= cos => de=—sindd@ Soin. (@) Consider a constant vector field 6 = pk . Find any one of the many possibe vectors jj, for which, Vxiai (b) Using Stoke's theorem, evaluate the flux associated with the field through the curved hemispherical surface defined by x2 +)? 42 (@) Suppose = 4 +upj-+tuyh ‘There are many possible solutions: @ 4, =0,u, =mx0, =0 Gm, = May = (&) Flux associated with the field 3 = sing Stokes theorem) (taking i =yxj) =v frdy=(c2?+y* =) (Using x= roos6 and y=rsin8, dy =rcosbd0) PH = fisids=vy fr cos? ad =2r7vy 5 ont PoGT ek Sf] 2 2 al; vxF=] 2 & Le gry-2y-0 x a (2y-2y) ?+y? Ixy 0 (b) Since, Gx F =0 ie. force F is conservative ‘Therefore, work done by a conservative field in moving a particle from 0 to D, is independent of path Le. Wosco = Woo =9(D)-4(D). where ¢ is scalar potential corresponding to force field F Calculation of §: F = = 20426 jE iy) ee So, % (Psy?) geek (PC +y arse Ley? + f(y) poor Therefore, (9,2 [+a ‘Work done in moving the particle from0 to D Soln, edt pas= (OP) a= 4 2p? =ffids = [IP a0 =5 bela -b) So, fx throug terest ofthe boundary region=0 How many work isdone when an object from O > P-> Q~»R 0 ina foree field given by F(xy)=(2-»?)i+20 along the rectangular path shown. Find the answer by evaluating the ine integral and also by using the Stoke's theorem. 3 (a>) JQ i ol 6.0) Work done by the force field =(x*—y*)i-4 2xyf Inmoving aparticle along O—> P > 0~» R-+ 0 isequalto a= [[@xF ids é 5 C:pathO-> P+Q>R>0 S$: rectangular sheet OPQR in x-y plane GFar= [Fars [Pars [Fars | Rae é¢ mk x= 0, dy=Oandx=Oat b: f Far = f 2xyd)=0 ode (For OP: 9. Avector fields given by, a[xj-yi) for (x +y"}<0j (region) F@={ — (j-yi wi) for(x?+y*) >a} (region -II) Here a andr, are two constants. () Find the cur of tis feld both the regions. (©) Find the lin integral fF.d? along the closed semicircle path of radius 2r, as shown in the figure below. é Soln, A vector field is defined as F(F)=a(x-yi) for P+ y? <2 \ ° aay) et ted ij é i pl? 3 alae sixFe|2 2 Fang (®)Regiont ze ue Ley ax 0. 10. Consider a veetor A =~4yx° -3y'f » rote.» 0007 Ro 2) Cateulate the ine integral fA? from point P+ 0 along the path P—+Q—> R->0 as shown in the figure. ; (0) Using Stoke's theorem appropriately. Catculate {AdE for the same path P-+Q—>R->0. J Adt= [ Adis | Adis | dat p50 P50 ORO ()For P+ O:y=1,;dy=0;x=0 tol Soln. 1 J Adt=- [aya Reni} —>— att) P90 Ey 3 bs Q)For Q> R:x=1,dr=0;y=1 160 © a i 3 15x RUD) 00D) 4 [ 4dé=- [3y'dy=t QR yet (3) For R->0:y=0,dy=0;x=1t00 ‘ A, J4xtac=o, noo “a we Ifthe projection of the vector 4 =i4+mj-+k on vector § = 4]—4}+7h isequalto 19%, then the vatueof “nt isequalto @l @-1 @2 @2 Forany vector 4, whichofthe following statements is trie? (o)Ae[dnalio(dej)j(Hak)i oy Ae Ax) 4(4e}) (yk ahs aae (0) Re(Ai)xi+(Ai)ed (4 Jali) i) i-2j+k, (@) anisoseeles triangle (b)aright-angled triangle (©) anequilatealriangle (d)none ofthese ‘The value of the constant ‘m' for which A= mi + j+VSk subtendsan angle 60° with § = 47 -57'+ 5k is ‘equal to @ Ja6r3 ) 2974 © Va3 @ i773 36 (a) cos (15/22) (b) cos*(225/2) (0) n/2 @) n/3 4k are the sides of 1f4+5+é=0 and (é|=7, then the angle between g and 5 is If and B are unit vectors, which ofthe following statements is true? (sin h=Masd]_(e cos8f= a+) @ co IL 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ‘A particle moves along the curve x= 2/2, y=/?—4p, 2=3¢—5. The components ofits acceleration at = Linthe direction ? 3} +26, isequatto (a) 2/vi4 (b) -2/via (©) 16/Vi4 (@)-16/Vi4 ‘The unit tangent vector onthe curve x=0° +1, y=4t-3, z= 2° —6¢ at the point where ¢=2 is equal to 2) 25 1p 1; 25,29. 22 jet 2 Magik Margy aoe 2 © 3 43) @3 3 ‘The wat vector perpendicular to the surfice i? + y*—z? = atthe point (4,2, 3) sequal to (a) 42427436 /V29 (b) 47 +27-3k/ V29 (©) 4242}-3k (@) 4i42743k ‘The angle between the two surfaces x? + y? +z? =9 and x7 + y?-z=3 at the point (2,-1, 2) is pa ees a( 8) (a) sin (a) (b) cos’ (4) The directional derivative of }/ inthe direction of 7 is equal to oh w-Y o-Y (Ye The directions along which there is no change in the value ofthe function f(r, y) =e") atthe point (3-2) are equal to (a) 0.67-0.8 j,-0.67+0.8 7 (b) -0.67-08 j,0.67+0.87 (c) 067208 2067-08 (d) 067408 21. 23, 24, 25, 26. xy 62" |i +(2y—4x) 7, then the value of the line integral Fa along the curve Cin the xy é plane given by y = x°, from the point (1,1) to (2,8) isequal to @35 (35 47 @47 When a force F = (21+ y*)i +(3y~4x) } isapplied ona particle, then t starts to move along a ight angled ‘tiangle POR having vertices P(0,0), (2,0), R(2,1) respectively. The amount of work done by the forceis equalto (a) 14/3 (b) -14/3, (228 (@ 223 If A= 4xzi~y?}+ yok thenthe value ofthe integral [.idS (where isthe surfce ofa unit cube with wo 3 ‘opposite comers at (0,0,0) and (11,1) respectively) is equal to (a) 3/2 (52 6 (or “ The value of the integral Tee + 4ays y*)de+ (23? + 2ay) dy] alongthepath x* + y* = 2xy is (0a) @o @! (o)2 A ‘Let ‘S’ be the Boundary ofthe region consiting of the parabolic cylinder ; =| ~x? and the planes y = 0, y= 2,2=0. The flux of the vector field * saylt(y* se | jsin(ay)é through the surface 'S” is (92 4 ©8 (a6 Let @ and b be two distinct three-dimensional vectors. Then the component of b that is perpendicular to 7 30. 31 32, 33. 34, 35. ANSWER 1. @ 20 3.) 4. (@) 5. @) 6@e 7. @) 8 (a) 9. (b} 16.(6) 1.) 12). 13.0) 14.4) 15.(b) 16. (a) 1.0 18. (b) 19.(0) 20. (a) 2 @ 22. (b) 23. (a) 24, (a) 25. (©) 26. (a) 21. (b) 28. (©) 29. (@) Find the unit veetor normal to the plane of two vectors, ~31+5j 1k) / 155; 1557156 | Ifthe points P, Q, R are not lying onthe same straight line having position vectors X, Jz relative to. given origin, show that Ex j+Fxz+2x¥ isperpendicular to the plane containing P,Q, R. A particle moves so that its position vector is given by, 7 = cost i +sinat j Where '«' is constant. Show ‘that, (i) The velocity % of the particle is perpendicular to 7. (i) The acceleration is directed towards the origin and has magntidue proportional to the dis, tance from the origin. Gi) 7x9 = constant vector. between the vectors, [Ans. xi and F casa ten show tat § (5 =iix(fixii) If faxtytz,gax ty 2",h=xy+ yz+2x, the nshow that [V/VgVh]=0. Find the direction derivative of the scalar function = 4 e*”? atthe point (I, +1,~1) ina direction to- jek and 3i44}-k; and sin of the angle ” a ar 4. 42, 43, 45. 46. 41. 14yz 7 +20 x2 k, evaluate pp F from(0,0,0)10(}, 1, 1) along the following paths: eee 0,0) > (1,0,0) > (1,1,0) (1,11) (Gil) The straight line joining (0, 0, 0) and (I, 1, 1) fans. () 5, (33 23/3, Gi) 133] ‘Show that, {- sf|ae-20 wie ‘C’isthecircle x? + y? =1 inthex-yplane, de- cl ¥ ty Es scribed in counter clockwise direction. Find [dF along the curve defined by x? = Ay and 3x2 =82 fom x=0 to x2, where Fa3vi+(22-y)j+zk [Ans. 441/40) (0 Show that, F =(2ay +23)?-+22j-+3xz%h isa conservative fore fields. (i) Find the scalarpotential” (ii) Find the work done in moving an object in this field from(1,~2, 1) to (3, 1, 4) [Ans, (i) x2y + 22° + C, (ii) 202 units] ‘Evaluate I Avids where zi ~12j-+3yk and Sis the surface ofthe plane 2x+3y+62=12 inthe first octant. Find the citculation ofthe field +297} +(9 ~2)4, around the curve the curve , where C is the intersection of the sphere x* + y* +z* = 25 andthe planez=3. [Ans, 128n} Using Gauss divergence theorem, evahiate {f(x dye + y'decr + °dedy) , where ‘S? i the surface ofthe : 4 50. Sh. 52. 53, 54, 55. 56. “57. Verify divergence theorem for F = (x? - yz)i+(y*-za)j+(z*-xy)k, taken over the rectangular parallelepiped 0 0 [Ans. (a) v,x7, (0) xr*v] Evaluate I(#. yd + x°dy) Where ‘C’ is boundary described counter-clockwise direction ofthe triangle with é vertices (0, 0), (1,0). (1, 1). [Ans. 5/12] Bvahute (ede + 2ydh—de) along 0:32 +)? =4,2=2. MATRICES 2.1 Basic Review of Matrices 2.4.1 Definition A sduare of rectangular array of numbers or functions, Individual numbers or functions are known aselements of the matrix. l-i 24i]fa be a 442 i ay .|442i xsi lp qr 4 oeai 3-ai[[x y 2 24.2 Order of a matrix; A matrix of order m * 11 has ‘m’ number of rows and 'n’ umber of cohurmns, | Every element of matrix is characterised by row index and a column index +» column index. 80. a. : element of # row and i column (3) Scalar matrix : A diagonal matrix in which all diagonal elements are same. Ex: (i Oa 10 (4) Hdeatity/unit matrix: A diagonal matrix in which all diagonal elements are unity, Ex: [i ‘ (8) Row Matrix: Matrix having only one row. Ex:[a bc]... a 6 (© Column matrix : Matrix having only one column, Ex: © bet 00 (1) Null matrix: Matrix having all elements equal to zero. Ex: (i al (8) Upper triangular matrix: Matrix having elements below the principal diagonal equal to zero. 1 45 B 026 00 3 (9) Lower triangular matrix : Matrix having elements above the principal diagonal equal to zero. [} 00 420 {5.6 3] (10) Periodic matrix: A square matrix ‘A’ for which A‘*! = A, where ‘k’ is known as the period of the Example 1420 3i Ld : ad te Example: A=} > 3. q[tiea At=[ Properties: (i) (A*)*=A, (il (ABY*=BY AT 2.1.7 Conjugate Transpose of a Matrix: sefaryeey 144i Gi 3470 Idi 3451 6 Example: A|3-S1-2° 14 | then, gt =} “68 2 6 7 ti 3-1 Thi Properties: () (A')'=A, (@ (ABY'=B'At (23.8 Symmetric mateix: abe Matrix for which AT=Aie.a=a, Exj6 ¢ cde Properties: 1 ‘The number of independent components of a nxn. symmetric matrix is pnletl). 023 200.5 21.9 Skew-symmetric matrix: Matrix for which AT=~A ie, aj =~ay Ex: = 3 50 Properti @ Alldiagonal elements of Hemitian matrix are real Minimum number of real elements forthe most general nn hermitian metrix= n 2.1.11 Skew-hermitian matrix: ‘Matrix for which A'=-A ic. a, Example: af} aoe Properties: (i) Every diagonal element of a skew-hermitian matrix i ether zero or purely imaginary. (i) Minimum number of red elements in a most general nx skew hermitian matrix is zero If Ais hermitian matrix, i is anti- herman, 2.1.12 Singular matrix : Matrix having zero determinant. Example: 21 35 2a 2.1.13 Non-singular matrix: Matrix having non-zero determinant. 311 ees 037 2.1.14 Adjoint of a Matrix : Adjoint of a matrix = Transpose of co-factor matrix. [a Co | [cu on | = eee eee (ii) IFA, B are two non-singular invertible matrix, then AB, AT, A are all invertible (iv) (ABC... =... CBA 2.1.16 Orthogonal Matrices: A.square matrix ‘A’ is said to be orthogonal if AAT=ATA =I Properties: (@ Determinant ofan orthogonal matrix will be either +1 o¢ —L (iy ATA (ii) Every row and column of an orthogonal matrix is a normalized unit vector. (Gv) Any two row ard any two cohumn of in orthiigonal mattix are orthogonal to each other. (W)IfA, Bare orthogonal matrices, AB and BA are orthogonal matrix. cos® +sin® tT cos® ~sin . 10 sxample, A= Ate ATAS = ® (oe aa es cos J. > ot 24117 Unitary matrix: A square matrix ‘A’ is said to be unitary, if AA'=, Properties: (i) Determinant of an uritary metric willbe of unit modutas. (@ at=a" (i) Every row and colurm of an unitary matrix isa normalized uit vector. (iv) Any two row and any two cohums of an unitary matrix are orthogons to each other () EEA, B are unitary mattices, AB and BA are unitary matrices, 2.1.18 Trace of a matrix : ‘Sum ofthe diagonal elements ofthe matrix = Tr [A} Soln. Soln. 123 Example-3: Find the adjoint of A=|2 -3 1 3.1 I, butte esate Adj =n em Gy |3 Now,eu=(-)"Myy G3 on Gy, Similarly ¢,2=7, 615-11, 6317, G21 C5=5, Cy =H On= 5, 655=7 fs 7 ul : AgA=|7 IL 5 ll 5 -7 Example-4: If T isan identity matrix of order ‘n *n’ and adj (20) = 21 then ‘k’ is equal to On 2 Om (On (adj A) =|AI => (21).(adj 21) =[21] 1 => 2(adj 21) = 2"1 = (adj 21)=2""' => k=n-1 Example-5:If‘A'isa 3x3 matrix with determinant 2, then the determinant of adj [adj {adj.(4~")]} sequal 1 1 @ iy ©) tog Ore 356 tid (@) KATO, by Kage WAT rare ()A™: 2 aaa (¥) Eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix and a hermitian matrix are real (vi) Bigen values of skew-symmetric matrix and a skew-hermitian matrix are either zero or purely imaginary. (va) Eigen values ofan orthogonal matrix and unitary matrix are of unit modulus. (vi Eigen values ofa diagonal matrix, a upper trimgular matrix and a lower triangular matrix are precisely the diagonal elements. (i Any two eigen vectors corresponding to two distinct eigen values of hermitian matrix and a unitary matrix ‘te orthogonal to each other. (8) Eigenvalues ofa matrix is invariant under similarity transformation. (xi) Eigenvalues of a nilpotent matrix are allo. (xi Eigenvalues of idempotent matrix are ejther zero, or unity. (xi) Eigenvalues ofa 1.x n matrix having all elements equal to one, are 1,0,0,0,, (xiv) Eigenvalues of a nx n matrix having rows and columns as a scalar multiple ofa particular row and column respectively, are 140€,0,0,0y.nn 2.3. Cayley-Hamilton Theorem: Every square matrix satisfies its own characteristic equation. 12] lia 2] Example: A=| 4 _¢] => Its characteristic equation is |A—AI|=0 => 4 rape =? (1-2-6 ~2)-8 = 017 4546-820 94? +51 —14=0 ‘Therefore, Matrix A satisfies the above equation ie. A? +5A~141=0 Calculation ofthe inverse of the given matrix inne Abatamrat od ase lanetagy oo 47 4457) RL LA 4550, =0 & let x,=k, Therefore, x,=|x, |=]0 x] [0 Ifthiseigen vector is normalized to unity then, k X{x,-1>[k 0 0] dbp sreeee X,=|0|=]0 0 42 i Let the eigen vector is Xx, =| x, © AX, =X 4 12 3\x) (5 x, +2x, +3, = 0 2 3{\x,|=2) x, = Ixy t3x, 00 2%) (a) 2x, SFI =D itgives y=2r & 2x, +3x, = 2x, 2x, = 2x, k I 0 oO ( 2x, 2x, x, (2/V5) we So Soin. Sola. “5 2 BanplesTheszoatesl(; = (a) 1,3 (b)-1,-6 O14 @2,-5 ‘We know thatthe sum of eigenvalues is the trace of matrix. The trace is -7. 24 tz in(@)=4, (0) =~1, (©) =-5,@)=-7 ‘Therefore, option (b) and (d) should be considered. ‘And we also know that Product ofthe eigenvalses willbe the determinant of matrix. Ah should be=6 @OU Sum ofthe eigenvalues = trace ofthe matrix ie. 4+ 4p +A =11 Product ofthe eigenvalues = determinant of the matrix ie, 44, =36 ‘Only the combiantion A, = 6,4, = 3, A, =2 satisfies the both conditions simultaneously. Example-10: A is 22 matrix having eigenvalues ¢i*’S and gi!6 and A" = I, What isthe smallest positive integer value of n”? “A? matrix has eigenvalues 5 and giv ‘Therefore, “AP? matrit has eigenvalues gS and. 6 ‘Product ofthe eigenvalues of A® matrix = <=l%*2) = 5 @ i oF (o (@2 Soln: t Example-13: The eigen values of the matrix M “xl ) are YU i (a) realand positive (b) real and negative meen (©) purely imaginary with modulus 1 (@ complex number withmoleettes 1 Soln. Eigenvalue equation Correct option is (d) 0 = A?—V2Ai-1=0 >A =(i41) 1 2 Properties: é (9 The rank of the mull marx is zero. (i) The rank of any non-zero matrix is 1. (Gi) The rank of any non-singular matrix of order ‘n’is‘n’. (Gv) Therank of product of two matrices cannot exceed the rank of either matrix. 3°92 -1 21 -1 Example-15: Find the rank of the matrix, ()4=|° 3 4 | ye={° 3 2 51.2 2 - 2 3 4 | => [dl-36~4)~2 0-20) + 1) (0- 15)-6+ 40+ 15-6140; So, p(d)~3 12 3 Soin. (i) 4=]0 5 ar -2| = Bl=2(-9 + 8)- 10 +4) £1) 0-6) =2~4 + 6= 0; S0, p(B)#3 2 (i) B=/0 243 24 Now, a2 * 2 sub-matrx of B: iF ‘k it's determinant = 6 , So, p(B)-2 tii “ ‘Example-16: The rank ofmatrix | @ > ane ae Bee Soln, 2.5 Diagonalization of Matrix Let, yyy ynnvdh be *n? distinet eigen values of a diagonalisable matrix A and X,, X,...X, be the corresponding eigenvectors ofthe matrix A. Diagonalized matrix D corresponding to A: D=P-! AP ‘where matrix Pis given by, Example-17: Diagonalize the matrix. 4 =| (' , ey 0-4 us a-[ Nl “The eigenvalue equation is |A—2i}=0 i ‘Now the eigenvector corresponding to 2, islet X,. Therefore, AX, = 2,X, > (ee t Soln, Altrenative Method: (i First find the eigen value of Ai.e. 2,.)q.. (i) Now, ifall eigenvalues distinct (no two eigenvalues are equal putting eigenvalues in place of diagonal elements and write zero for alloff diagonal elements am 0 0 io Pleo i 9 i), Example-18: Diagonalize ( x ico, The eigen values of the above matrix are +1 and -1. 10 Hence the diagonalized matrixis ( ‘) Power of a Matrix: Since, D=PTAP => A=PDPT => AS = PDKP Exponential of a Matrix: Since, D=P"AP => A=PDP* => (expA)=P (exp D) P+ 2.6 Linear transformation: T(aa+bp)=aT(a)+bT(B) where ‘a’, ‘b' are constants and belong to a field ‘Linear transformation can be represented by matrixes. Let 2x, 43%, -45=2; 56x —3x =10; +x) +45 =8 LHS. of the equations can be represented by a linear transformation. 4] [2 3 -ta T\xJ=|5 6 3} Pep dae lee lee ‘Any two column veetor say Ifrelated by a relation AX=Y- — where,disamnmatrix. ‘Then AX= Yisa linear transform. Example-19: Show that 7 (x, y)=(2x+3y,3x=4y) isa linear transformation. Let T(aa+bB)=T[a(x,,y,)+b(x2,¥2)] =T (ay +x, ay, #by2) = [2(ca +x) +3(ay, +y2),3(a +y2)-4(ay +4y2)] = [2ar, + 2br, + 3ay; + 3by, 3a, + 3by, ~ ay; ~4by2] And T(aa+bB)=aT(a)+b7(B) =aT(x,y)+8T (22.92) =a (2x, +3y1,3y —4y,)+B(2x +3y2, 3x) —4y2) =[2ax, +2bx, +3ay, +3by,, 3ax, +3by, —4ay; —4by,] € R, (8) =two dimensional rotation matrix and its properties are following: @ltis orthogonal matrix, (i Determinantis 1. (ii) Eigenvalues are ¢ and e~®. Ifwe apply the same rotation R, (8) to the three dimensional vector u = (1i,,u,,4;) such that it is converted [cos@ sind 0 ind cosB 0\- 0 oi. tou! (wi,u',,u'), then rotation matrix. (8) =| Ifwe apply the same rotation R, (@) to the three dimensional vector w = (u,,t,,1;) such that itis converted 1 0 0 ‘oM',,i'), thenrotation matrix.R,(8)=|0 cos@ sin © -sind cosd Ifwe apply the same rotation R, (8) to the three dimensional vector u = (1,,2,,24) such that itis converted cos0 0 sind tou! =(u',u',u',),thenrotationmatrix.R,()=| 0 1 0 sind 0 cos@ 2.7.2 System of Simultaneous Lincar Non-Homogencous Equations: (1) Consistent Equations: They have one or more solution. ‘Example (a) Unique Solution: x+2y'= 4;3x+2y=2 (©) Infinite Solution: x+2y = 4;3x46y'=12 TM Iecansdatent Wenmathome: Then; late np anhssien Soln. a ay and Augamnted matrix ofthe system= C 4, On un (1) Ifrank ofA =rank of C, then the equations are consistent (@) Ifrank ofA =rank ofC =number of unknown variables, then there will be unique solution. (b) Ifrank ofA =rank of C A+ a(n? +n} +n? Since, Atal > tn) cgteni _, Hw So, the smallest value of ‘i 60. Correct answeris (c) Givena 2x2 unitary matrix satisfying UU’ = UU" = I With ety = ¢” , one can construct a unitary matrix V (V'%=VV.=1) withdet V= | fromit by ICSIR Dec - 2012] _ @) Malkptying U by «92 (&) Multiplying a single clement of Uby (©) Muttipiying anyrow orcohumnby e®/2 (qd) Multiplying Uby e-ie ° 1d ~be =e (Given) Sola. sav-[ aa a c sig gibi La vee 3 y(t 2) ete tg) detV =e"ad-e*be=€"# (ad —be) = e"#e"* =1 We have to multiply U with e“** to get V with determinant = 1 Correct answer is (a) Consider anxn (n> I}matrix A, in which 4j is the product of the indices iand j (namely jj =) The matrix 7 eee Consider the matix 0 UB M=|-% 0 6 [CSIR June 2014] “ti 61 0 ‘The eigenvalues of Mare @-5,-2,7 ()-7,0,7 (AA (2,36 . Suimof the eigenvalues of the matrix M = trace of the matrix M=0 ” Product of the eigenvalues of the matrix M = determinant of the matrix M=0 Only ~7, 0,7 satisfies both the relation. Correct answer is (b) ‘The matrices i) oor 000 A=|t a ol, B=(0 0 Olandc=|0 0 1 000 000 000 satisfy the commutation relations @(4,8]=8+C,[B,C]=0,[C, A]=B+C (&) [4,8]=C,[B,C]= 4,[C, 4]=8 (© [48]=8,[B,C]=0,[C, 4]= 4 [4,8] =C,[B,C]=0,[C, 4]= [CSIR June-2014] The given matrix A, B, Csatisfy the relations given in option (d) Correct answers (d) rene eee Sols. Sola. Sola. o-{3}e-2 (ey oO) b(a-l) oP symarsinotP=2(ro (40 ) 2 bal) BP Correct option is (d) § -1(x wale ali)" ‘The matrixequation above represents. (o)Acicleoftadius Ji5 (b) An ellipse of semi major axis «f5 {o) Anellpse of semi major axis 5 (@Abyperbota, 5. -1)(x) 2 ( Mq 3 [yrs => 5x2 43y? =15 =F uis-eqlation of ellipse with semi-major axis J units, Correct option is.(b) The product PQ of any two real, syrametric matrives P and Qis: () Symmetric forall P and Q (b)Never symmetric (6) Symmetric if PQ= QP (d) Antisymmetsic for all Pand Q pt =P,0" =9; (PQ)' =0"P" = OP For PQ tobe symmetric, PO = QP shouldbe satisfied. Correct option is (c) lan se Soln, Giventwo (nen) mattices B and Q such that p ishermitian and @ is skew (anti)-hermitian, Which one of the following combiatations of P and ¢ isnecessarly a Hermitian matrix? @ P6 ibd © Bid @ Pre (2) =8,(0) =O (+10) =P +(-9(0)=P +10 Correct options (c) 011) The inverse ofthe rhatrix iW =]0° 0 1 [is Lo i @M1 (MT (1M @i-u Where Listhe identity matrix. Eigenvalue equation: |M—-21/=0 =>|0 -2 1/=0 i 0-4 = -A(27)-1-1)41(2)=0 > 2-2-1=0 According to Cayley hamilton theorem, if'~M-1=0 =u SMt= Md Corcect aption is (s) 8 ra (@) Find the normalized eigenvector cz ofthe matrix. 1 a il: corresponding to its postive eigenvalue, To -7 k For normalized eigenvector, x1X =1 =eely = far sf=t ox-4 { ll v2 ift Therefore, oli] 0 i o wl Ne Eigenvalue equation: | ~4|=0. >| ; i eal ] and anal According to the question, a = PB, +B, = ahh rah bell Val Voki VL = ; P+Q=1 Solving weeet, p= 2! PRACTICE SET ‘Which ofthe following statements is wrong? (@) Teace off unit matrix is always a fixed natural number (©) Trace ofthe sum of two matrices is equal to sum of thei traces (6) Trece of the scalar matrix is some muiple ofits order (a) Tr( 4B) =Tr(BA) Consider the matrix B i 7] then BY equals 10 o1 Lo 10 oft -l of. d of i of. i 4-1 Which of the following is tre for the matrix f 0 { 1 3 3, (@)Ieisanidempotent matrix (b) Itisnilpotent matrix of order3 (©) tis aninvohitory matrix (@ None ofthe above Wckotte ligne br tems j )) -? ob, (a) kis a idempotent matrix (b) Itis a nilpotent matrix of order 2 (0) Itis an involutary matrix (4) Itis a periodic matrix of order 2 “The product ofthe two matrices( °° cn cos" cos §.sing ) is cosdsing sin"@” } (cospsing. sin? Saeeeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eee teeeeeeeeeee ae 10. i. 12, 13. 14. (a) Symmetric (0) Skew Hermitian (c) Orthogonal (@ Unitary Given a2 x2 unitary matrix satisfying yyy = UU" = (VV =V' =1) withdet V=1 fromitby with det = e ,one-can construct a unitary matrix V (@) Multiplying U by <2 (b) Muliplyinga single element of Uby e-ie (c) Multiplying any row or column by #2 (d) Multiplying Uby .-'@ Suppose A ism x n square invertible matrix. Which ofthe following statements is true ford (adj A)? (a) tis a null matrix oforder‘n* (6) tis an unit matrix of order ‘n* (o)Itisa scalar matrix of order ‘n’ (@) None of the these If‘A’isa 3x3 matrix with determinant 2, then the determinant of adj-[aqj,[adj.(A")]] isequal to 1 1 1 1 Oi ©) tog Ons @) 356 0-4 1 Forwhich value of 7, the following matrix A=|2 2 ~3) willbe invertible in nature ? 1 2 -1 @r=4 (b) A¥8 (red (@)none ¢*U? is unit matrix and the matrix ‘A’is defined as A =1-2UU" , then 4” isequalto (@) 1-2UU" (&) 14.2UU" © wu" -1 @ auu" 20. 2i. {a} Landa @)Land~a (@) 5 and ~> @) = and 5 10 0 cate 0 5] tentettemmnt 0-10 2)f1)(0) LY (0 Q\(0\(e 2\ (0) (-1 Pit-thla 1 1 1 Oj) 1 1}, 1 t @) itp tH ie @|" hl li J oft } a} WW vw 0100 oo10 ‘The wales of | ees go if 1966 @Oi1) (0) 0,-4.0,0) OCLLDY @O1i ‘The trace of the matrix ofa 2x 2 matrix is 1 and determinant 1. Which ofthe following has to be rue? (@) one of the eigenvalues is 0 (b) one of the eigenvalue is 1 (©) both of the eigenvalues are | (@) neither of the eigenvalues are 1 For which ofthe following matrices both eigenvalues are positive? 1 2 12 a 3 14 Ola a Pl2.1 O13 5) Olas 21, 28. 29. 30. a a, yay a, aay aa yay a ‘The number of zero eigenvalues for this matrix is @o mi - (2 @3 Ooo oo10 fhe matrix 4 =| Theeigenvahesofthematrix A=) | 4. 4 3¢ 1000 1 1 OU OM OMAR ONZE) eae The eigen values of (A‘+3A~21), where A=) 2 L|,are 003 (a) 2, 20, 88 )4,2,3 (©)2, 20,3 @ 1,20, 88 Ifa matrix A is such that 34° + 24? +54 += 0, then A"'is equal to (@)-GH+24+5) (342445 (C)342-5A-5_— (Non of these. Let, P'bea3 x3 Hermitian matrix which satisfies the matrixequation M*-5M +61 =0 .Which ofthe following are the possible eigenvalues of M? 33. 34, 35. 36. Q -10 ‘Therankofthematrix| © 2 ~1| is, for @ equalto -10 2 @o Ot @2 @4 tad Therankofmatrix| a b ¢ } (a,b,c, being allreal, 83if abe (@a=b=c (6) 4,6, care all different buta+b+c=0 (©) Two of the numbers a,b, ¢ are equal but are different from the third @a,b,care all different anda+b +e #0 The values of aand b for which the following systems of linear equation. axty+3e=a Det by-2=3 Set Tytz°7 has an infinite number of solutions, are (a) a=1,5=1 (@)a=1,6=3 ()a=2,b=3 @a=2, ‘The value of’ for which the system ofequations, : ax+(a+l)' y+(a42) 2=0 ax+(art)y+(as2)2=0 xty+z=0 has anon-zero solution, is equal to @l (0 @-l (d) None of these 38, 39. 4 2 Find the eigenvalues and normalized eigen vectors of the following matrices: Lo Hl 314 | 001 in|0 2 6 ., |e -s0 01 ol os alse cos Find the characteristic equation, ofthe following matric and verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem, t23 244 31 120 Show that, A=] 2 -1 0 | satisfies his own eigen equation and hence find 4°, ool If isthe characteristic root ofanon singular matic thenshow that, 4! is chraceriicroot f(a A). a Find the Characteristic equation of the matrix A= cant U0) andhence find L2 Ai 5A’ 4745-345 + AS 54° 484° -244T pr ‘The matrix A= 2 4 ‘is transformed to the diagonal form D = M~'AM , where cos sing : -( ye ‘] Find the value of ¢ which gives the diagonal transformation. 3.1 Basic Review of Differential Equation 3.1.4 Definition: ‘An equation which involves differential co-efficiit i called differential equation. dy Ie Py by Example: Ge ret a ee o Al differential equations can be classified into two types: Ondinary diflerential equation: This consists of derivatives w.rt. a single independent variable (Partial diffrential equation: This consists of partial derivatives wert. rote than one independant variable, 3.1.2 Order and Degree ofa differential equation The order of the highest order derivative present inthe given equation is known as order ofthe diferential ‘equation and the power ofthe highest otder derivative term present in the given equation is known as degree of differential equation. #4 Brame LF $n £8 6 sim => ofder2, degree 1 3.2 Differential Equations of the First Order and First Degree : 3.2.1 Separation of Variables: Every Differential equation can be written in the form, Soydy = fix)de = [fay = Jo(a)ax +c Example-1: Solve: e*" = (x+1); given y=3atx=0 Soln. Taking log of both sides we get, ain(x+1) = dy=In(x+1)ax onintegration, [dy = fin (x + Tax Lacee > yeain(xtl)- [= 2. x (x41)-1 (+1) (x+1) +1) = yealn(e+l)- fang es Fogo = rin(r+l)-x+In(x+1)+C dtC = yexin(x+1)- [o— > sles Givensat x=0: y=3 > C53 Therefore; y =(x+1)In(x+1)—x+3 Example-2: Solve foe ( +e") Son, (ete?) forays fferre")ac = 7 201+ (U3)e tem e'4(UB)e" +e Example-3: Solve (x+ y)(de—dy)=de+dy 1 Bela onic eee ene eee Vee (se li ee j SE ee Soln, 1 23 Leonean 2) ow iB B43 wea) lvatap , Al (% J Jetisrsa4y+23) =y-' ol? iogt6x+24y423)= 8 eS y-tee[ J) oal6s+24y+23)=0 where ¢'(=8c/3) isanasbitrary constant, 3.2.2 Homogeneous Differential equation: dy . A differential g- Fo romogeest fe heats, )areof same degree. In such equations, put y = x & Bove eh Example-S: Solve xdy—yde = f(x +9" Jos . rife s7) 2a y)_y, be rt 2 dey, a Bavar® Take, pe vie yam +frF)s f® i 5 = logs +loge= tog] y+ (P=) Ley Soln. dy _x42y-3 Example-7: Solve 3-353 dy _ dy =. = a a ofl Take x=X+h, y= +k sothat = Fe wo | dy __X42¥+(h+2k-3) Therefore, Givenequationbesomes 7 — 35. y-43+ (Oh k-3) +2) Choose h, k so that h+2k~3=0 and 2h+k~3=0 Solving (3) we get h= 1,k=1 so that from (1), we have X = +(2¥/X) 24(¥/X) rite Layiaraw 4 Lave -L,Y=y-1 Haale [Resoling ino pail ction] Ley exit ty (ly) (I-vy y =re(-) ant = @(X-¥)=X+Y > c{x-y}=xty-2 [log(1+v)-3log(1-v)] = 2log(cX’) = log, 3.2.3 Linear differential equations: faeelae pes ‘Therefore, the sotuion: Y= eeay® [edx=y=e%(x+I+C Example-9: Solve (-"(2}+20 =xy(I-2') Som. The given enation s 24-25 e Bare yan er 1 : Seperate ope ¢ [Putting 1-2? =¢ «, ~2xdv= dt] &: i +e & (-*\ . Example-10: Integrate (eZ) ‘2xy—4x? =, Obtain equation of the curve satisfying this equation and passing through origin. 2 ar Soin. Re-wtingth eneqation, 2+ i ie = $018 el” =(2') Hence therequied solution, y(lte?)= (ies? Jdrte = v(l+J= (3 fe +e wf) ‘Since the required curve passes through origi, (1) in must satisfy the condition x =0, y= 0. Putting these in € (Uwe gete=6 : Fronequaton(l): yee? = [(si)eat =(c+1)e— [édt=(eeI)e-€ =te sfx te = ye too} +e y= 7] Te Example-12: Solve x(1-x")dy+(2x°y-y-ar Jax =0 . Re-writtng the given equation, we have a(t) y(22 a) ar or Bey ‘Compare this equation with (S}-m- 2, wehave P= a qe eine & = 2. g ¢ = z Soln: Soln. 3.2.4 Exact Differential equations: Let the differential equation is Mdx +Ndy = 0 aM _ ON ry = "5x > then the equation is said to be exact one. Then the solution is performed in the following way fMdx + fNay = Tasers Giaguecesey _ Example-13: Solve (1° +2xy)dr+(2 +y°)y=0 Here, M=(x2 +2xy) and N=(22+y?) => M2 and W 22x a Es Hence, the given equation is exact : The solution is: fe 4+ 2xy)de + fraqcobaryeE =C Example-14: Solve {y(1+1x)cos y}dr-+(x-+logx—xsin y)dy=0 aM Here M= y(I+Ux)+eosy,N=x+logs—xsiny and =I [vty /x+c0sy)ae+ [ody=e=yx+ ylogx+xoosy=c 3.2.5 Listof Exact differentials: By rearranging the terms ofthe given equation and/or by dividing by a suitable function of x andy, the equation thus obtzined will contain several parts integrable easily. In this connection the following list ofexact differentiable should be noted carefully. Soln. Sola: 3.2.6 Orthogonal Trajectories : ‘Two family of curves are such that every curve of either family cuts each curve of the other familyat right angles, ther they are called orthogonal trajectories ofeach other. Example: () The path ofa electric field i perpendicular to equipotential surface. (i) The line of heat flow is perpendicular to isothermal curves. Example-15: Solve yax— xdy+(1+x° )de-+x" sin ydy = 0 Dividing each term ofthe givenequationby ,2, we get yee—xdy x (2) (te El deosingay 0 x) Oe y(t Integrating, ~| (2 Z)ex-[E-cay=c = -ytx?-l-xcos y=ex HEE ats y= 20. owe el dcssiny= ° Example-16: Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves xy=c 4 Given: xy=0 => yx =0 = dy dk my _ yx 2 Replacing Fe by FE weaet, “= ~y = wyoatk a=p tes ytovtare Example-17: If y(x) satisfies the differential equation x +2y=2+e with y(0)=0, then by (x equalto @0 wt @2 @-4 (iii) If m,, m, are complex conjugate of each other i.e . m,, m,= a + iB, then solution y = e (Acos Bx + Bsin Bx) Example-18; Solve Ly 7Brray=0 d Ee ‘The auxilary equation(A.E.) i= m?-7m+12=0 = (m-3)(m-4)=0 = m=3,4 Soln. The given differential equation is -ID+\2)y=0 fwhere Ds € ‘The complete solution is y(x)=C\e" +C,e". Where C, & C, are constants. Example-19: Solve 2h -sy20 Soln, The auxitary equationis: m? ~8=9 => (m—2}(m? +2m-+4)=0 =m=2,-1+iN3,-1-iN3 am 5 Then he completesohstinis: »(1)=Ge* +e*[ C, cos v3 x +C, sin V3 x] Example-20: Consider the differential equation. ax id a Sattgered att=Ore1 & F=0 Find the value ofxat ¢= 1 Soin. The auxilary equation is m? +2m+1=0 =>m=-l,-1; Therefore, x(1)=Ce"+Cyte"; att=0x=1 =>C,=1 ~Ce"+Ce"-Cpet Soln. (If F(a) =0, then particular integral (au /"(@) =0 then paul integral =x? 19 f(a) lie (2) R(x) = polynomial of x; then particular integral = 7D" [Expand itis series] la F() (3) R(x) or sin ax ; then particular integral = imax; 1 a) ae Fea Witf-a)=0, then pila integral = =, 8 a . al @ R(x)=€"6(x); then particular integral = 7H “Fora Example-21: Sone 2 PB rayae Auxillary equation: n?-3m+2=0. = (m=1)(m-2)=0 = m=1,2=> CR=Ce* +C,e™ peer & and particular integral @D = 55 = ‘Therefore, Complete solutions: y= CF.+P.=Ce' +e" Example-22: fy 8 aye sin2x- 7 Hence complete solution is y=C.F.+ PL. => = (C,+Cyx)e" + Example-24: Solve D?~6D)y=3" +1 Son, Auxiliary equation: m(m?-m-6)=0 = m=0,3,-2 =» CF.=¢, +0" +e" Hence, the required solutionis y= C.F.+PI= y=q,+0,e" +o -| Example-25: Solve (D? +8) y= x" +2x+1 Sol, The auxialiary equations (m4+2)(m?-2m+4)=0 = m=-2,14iV3 = CF. = @™ +6"(c, c08V3x+e, sin V3x) Soln. 1. le Deena * “Pye sinx=e* (I1-7D)——_ pein D (11-7D)(11+7D) 121-' 7 e =e (1 na =e (1 ~1D) inx= Flt jsinx-Toosx) Solution: y = ge” see =) (Usinx— ‘7c0sx) Example-27: Solve (D*-1)y = cosh sos = 3 (e! +e*)cosx Auxialiary equations m?—|=0 = m=-1,1 = CR= ce" +c,e" =Se+ +1)! __ cosx~ valoeea)er(Lomere(e-thsing] Example-29: Solve (D‘ + D* +1) y = ax” + be™* sin 2x £3 tid 207 2 CH .=6*[6,os{ 23/2) +, sin( x52} +e%[c008(/3/2} +6, sin( x05 /2)| Now, PIL corresponding to ax? fina) +DP4+1 ‘Now, PI. corresonding to be sin 2x Soln, Auxiliary Equation: mf +n? 4120=(m? +msl)(m? -m-+1)=0=9 m= =a[l+(D'+D')] 2 =al1-D* x? =a(x'-2) é* sin2x=be” ae —— | sina Dt+D 41 (D-1¥ +(D-1 41 3.3.3 Wronskian of the differential equation: A) ¥2(2)] i) (0) (if MY,7y X)=0, y,(9), ¥4(2) are linearly dependent. Gii) if 0, ¥,) #0, y, (0), ¥,(2) are linearly independent. Ify, and y, are two linearly independent solution ofa second order linear homogeneous differential equation then their near combination will also be a solution of that differential equation. Important relation: Wp Ip) ~ [reas w(a)=wlage ® AA differential equation is said to have dimension ‘ifthe differential equation has ‘K’ linearly independent solution y, YpyonJ,§ 3.3.4 Cauchy-Euler differential equation: A of BraxD say =Q _ [Q=constant or function of x) “ Lid Putx=e oro Ss X=€= logxo2> 27 Then the given equation becomes Soln: Total solution y 3.3.5 Method of Variation of parameters: Consider the following second order nonhomogeneous linear differential equation: 2, Serr hsyy =R(x) Suppose y, =e" and y> =e"? ae two linearly independent solutions ofthe given differential equation, then Complementary function=C.E. = Ay, + By Particular integral =PL.= uy, + yy Y2R(x) where uw. 3.4 Singular Points and Ordinary Points Consider the differential equation a £2 -p(a)%+0(2)»=0 If P(x) and Q(x) remain finite at x = x, then x = x, is ordinary point . Butif either P(x) or Q(x) or both -+0 at x=x, thenitis singular point. 3.41 Kinds of singular points: @ Regular singularity: If P(x), O(x) diverges but (x- x) P(x) and (x—x,)° Q(x) remain finite at Xx, then x = x, iscalled a regular or non-essential singular points. (ii) Irregular singularity: If P(x), O(x) divergesbuteither (x—x,) P(x) or (x~ x)" Q(x) orboth remain infinite at x —> x, then x = x, is called airvegular or essential singular points. Example: Baa @ (FP y"tnf-y=0 ST 2 Q= Lx? lex? atx=0=> P# 0, Q #0. Therefore, x= 0 is an ordinary point of the above differential equation. (i) y+ QR wy ty= 03 Dysty=0 atx=0, P=candQ=e eens Example-33: Find the singular point andthe corresponding nature of singularity of the following differential ‘Substituting these values inthe given equation we get. (-#) ake -Ye? ~BZa (hs + ast =0 ss Dak(elyet P(t +k-2) ay now equating the coefficient of x* then (k+2)(k 41) a,.-(2 +4-2)q, For k=0- =a,=-a,; 3.6 Frobenius Method (About Regular Singular Point) Example-38: Solve’ x(x-1}y"+QGx-1y'ty =0 1. Sirice x =0 is aregular singular point, we assume the solution y= Zart oS -Salmeb ia Le F a lmsk intl es 2 5 Putting these in given equation, we get Deea (may mek D2 +Bx-1)a (mek) e's Faa=0 [Cm ek teks 2\4 tx" —F a (me ky x 3.7 Legendre Differential Equation ad oy +a(nst}y=0 ale +n(n+1)y=0 (n=O, 1,233... a 2 = 4{-r) x= +1 are the singular points and x = 0 is the ordinary point ofthe differential equation 3.7.1 Solution: (i First solution of legendre differential equation neal n(n) aa, m(n=1)("=2)(2=3) og 2(2n-1) 2.4,(2n-1)(2n-3) This is a terminating series also called legendre polynomial of r* order. i.e. P, (x) i Second solution of legendre differential equation caler a ttl) pes a 2(2n+3)" Thisis a non-terminatng series. 3.7.2 Rodrigue’s Formula for Legendre’s seta oes P(x): Legendre polynomial of order‘n’ : P, (x) = “= lar cag - Soln: 4) F(-x)=(Cf 22) 3.7.4 Generating function of Legendre’s polynomial: (1~2x2-+2*)* is the generating function for legenre’s polynomials, (I-2xe+2)* =L72() ‘The co-efficient of ,* inthe exapansion of the generating function i the Legendre’s polynomial of order n. 3.7.5 Orthogonal properties of Legendre's polynomial: 4 2. [iec()R() d= 56, where6,, = Kronecker delta=1 if m=n =0 ifmen 3.7.6 Recurrence relations for P, (x): @aP=(2n-ahi-(n-I Ra li) wP =x, -P, (i) (2n+1)R =Py-P., Gi) (1B =P, a, (HP) an(Ra-ah) (i) (I-2 JR a(mel)(aP Ba) Example-36: Express 4x° + 6x? +7x-+2 ititerms of Legendre Polynpmials. Let, 4x° + 6x? +7x+2=a,R (x) +a,P,(x)+a,R(x)+a,P, (x) =r ox} S68 -I}+ax+a, 15a, Comparing the co-efficient of x 4=a, 3 a. 3a, eee Sola. Soin. 1 J(Qn+3)(2n—1)x°P, Pde = n(n+2) [Ps -Pdx+n(n+l) ) [andre (n-1)(n+2) ) [PsP Jeeaae 4 a In(n+) = [PP ost Nani) Qn) 1 Example-38: Show that ©, ()= (-2m+2)" =E2"P,(x) Putting=1 inequation, (I-2x+1)"=EP,(x) > ER,(x)= eee ead _ “onc Using the relation(2in+1) P, (x)= P*,,,(x)—P',.4 (2) puttingn=1 3A (x)=P's(x)~P'o(x) puttingn=2 => 52,(x)=P's(x)-P4(x) puttingn=3 = 7R(x)=P',(x)-P',(x) andsoon ‘Adding all the equations we get, 3B (x)+5P, (x) +7, (x) +....(2n41)P,(x) . : = Pale) Pi (0) (x) Pi (4) =0-2 (3) Pi Ce) Peals) é fr 140 To) () Bessel finctions are oscillatory function with varying period ‘and decreasing anrplitade. (i J,(2is an even function when n is even and J, (2) i an od intion when n is odd. (Gi) 3, (0) has nodes at x= 2.4048, $.5201 ru. and J) has nodes at x ~ 3.8317, 7.015 2 2 — sit & Jy I— cosx > sinx Al) 3.8.2 Generating function of Besse’s function: et L4G) ‘The coefficient of 2" in the expansion ofthe generating‘ Jul ion is the Besse! function of order 1. 3.8.3 Orthogonal condition of Bessel Fucntion: fut. (ax)J,(Bx)ae= Sets lol Soln, Using recurrence relation, 2n J, =*[Jpai+ Jp] Puttingn="4, weget, Jy =x[Jyp + Ja] fax, ~_sinx Satya tn Haa Fin = cose (using the expressions of Jj, BJ.) 3.9 Hermite Differentiation Equation =0 isanordinary point of the Hermite differential equation 3.9.1 Solution: ‘The solution ofthe Hermite differential equationis a terminating series, soit is called Hermite polynomial of order nie. H, (x) ————— 3.9.5 Recurcence relation for Hx): (@ H (x)= 20H, (x) i) 21, (x)= 2nd, (x) + Bou (2) i) H, (+) = 2x, (2)~ (2) I (iv) Hj (x)= 2a, (x)+2nH, (x)=0 ‘ () H, (-2)=(-1" A, (0) 3.10 Lagauerre Differential Equation _ Beftex) ary =0 j x=0 isa regular singular point of the Laguerre differential equation. & 3.10.1 Solution: A The solution of Laguerre differential equationis known as Laguerte polynomial of order nie.L,(2) bs (-atx L, (x)= + ~ d CLF Gn \ 3.40.2 Rodrigue formula for L.(): ed nl dx" ‘) L(x)=1 L{x)=l-x Les 4x42) | 4,(x)= L(x)= ad +9x? 18x +6) Laguerte polynomials areneither even nor odd. \ 340.3 Gener function for Laguerre ial: 3 Co é atta) Soin, Evaluate fo (x)p,(x)de (Orithogonalty condition) Soln. win ()=—, nbs)= = B6- x) [Option(a] me x] 24, it 8 Fle x) = 7 alén | = [2 8)-(6-2}}|=0 Option (osetninted cae p,0:)isnot normalized. Normalization ofp,(x): N’ "hots axel = Neff > 2N=1 > Nee 1 Normalized Po(X) Correct answer is (d) ‘The genaratng function F(x,¢) = +P, (x)¢" for Ligendre polynomials P, (x) is = F(xt)=(l-20ee) The value of P,{~1) is, [CSIR Dec -2011] (a) 52 (b)3/2 @l (@)-1 F(x)=(t-204P)” = Sr, xe = Putting inthe above equation. we get. Soln. Correct answeris (a) Let y(x) bea continuous real function inthe range of 0 to 22, satisfying the inhomogeneous differentia\ 4 equation: sin x } Teva SF atte point == 5 (@) is continuous (b) has a discontinuity of3 (@)has a discontinuity of V3 (@)hasa discontinuity of [CSIR June -2012] x bh Vogl 5) a ° #1 5, Flan At #5, the equation becomes Sav [s i cy : : © oe 52 dscontinity of at == Correet answer's (d) Soln. So, the graph is best described by Jq(x) ‘The other functions are following plots. ea etm x fae : | f ewe fi cost 9) x 0 OSE OF as BOF x5 7 Correct answer is (a).. 2 A fiction f(x) obeys the differential equation Seba =0 and satisfies the conditions f (0) = land £(x) > 0as x >, The vale of f(z) is: [CSIR Dec -2012] @e Wer © @-e* 2 Given differential equation: ae 4i)f=0 ix Let, f=ce™ betrial solution. 2 = Lecme 2 tL ecm? om dx dx? Substituting in the given equation, we get ? -(3-4i)=0 a = m=V3-4i=V4-1-4 eens eee Soln, Comparing the Cocuicealt OFC DOU sides, WE Bt H,(0)_1 HO), 5 He (O)=12 Correct answeris (a) & ‘The solution of the differential equation == > with the initial condition x{0)=1 will blow up as tte to {CSIR Fune-2013} @t 2 (12 @ ao Given = = fas t-l>x ed I-t ‘Therefore; the solution of the given differtial equation will blow up ast tends o 1. Correct answer is (a) Applying x(0)=1, we get C=1 > — Consider the differential equation 2, ShaGex0 [CSIR June-2014) with the initial conditions x(0)=0 and (0) = 1, The solution x() attains its maximum value when ‘tis (a 12 I (0)2 Da Px de ra wytene Asoume the trialsolution: x= ce s(n 2matfce™ =0 = (n+ 2m+ x(t) 2{e, +es)e =(mHlf <0 m= xe Aejet = (1-200) for 1 the value of B(-1) is @) 0.26 (b)1 (05 @-1 Yaar ICSIR June -2014] a2 Son, ‘(1—!2xr+7 Putt ing x =—Iin the above equation, we get (+22) "= SR (ayer (49 1eP-P at Lacy ‘Comparing the coefficient t' on the both sides, we get P(-1)=-1 Correct answer is (d) lT-JAM PREVIOUS YEAR SOLUTIONS 1. Thesolution of the differnetial equation d2(x, y) +x2(x, y)dx +yz(x, y)dy =" Soin. dz(x,y)+x2(xiy) de +y2(x,y)dy=0 =z(xdv + ydy) = [f- fxa— Jody > 2. Solve the differential equation. ydastae «with the initial condition y=2 when x= 1, Avintgratng ctor I) found forthe uation (+22) ny =0 anki equion ren tenes S[I(xy] 0 Which ofthe following option s correct? @ixj=e"? — OW xJ=Viee Olx)=142 GP U(s)=9 Find the general/sotution to oe + 2ky = cos? x is: 1 sindx oo yo 80 hae sare Or ae sin? x +e in 2x, 7 +e wy x 4 2 de ‘The general solution to arte ten 0 isz, Which ofthe following options are correct? (@)As t->00,2-9 A foranyvalieofB "” (b)Thebehaviour of as ¢ -> co dependson A, B (C)As t>.0,2-90 forany valueofAand B (d)As t~> co, 2—> © forany value of Aand B, 2 & Tepaniaarsohtionto $430 —4y = O satisfying y(0)=0 and y'(0) =5 @y= Wysct-e yao @yaett-e The general solution of differential equation 4x? y"~ 8xy"+ 9y = ty SK 2 Ay A KR nh hVIA At. sscoraty ferent Boy a1 and 2 yet Iff, and f, be the integrating factors of the differential equations aaa and kone respeetively.then @f=xf, OL dy_tany ‘Which of the following transformations reduces the differential equation ae (14+x)e* sec y into the ra . fom et P(x)z= Q(x), bythe substitution (@z=siny (b)z=cosy (©)z=cosec y (@z=tany The bessel function J_,(x) can be written as @) 4.) () Sua) © L@) (@ Jara The expression fe (x) can be simplified to (@) 2,02) () PL,(x) © PS,2) @ -*S,@) The bessel function J, (1) can be best described by the series: rou 1 +ooot z Pee out, 2 3a APE @) 1+ (b) ue The value ofthe integral [x[/,(x)| de isequal to @) Ay" oo © 3l.0F 40) ‘The function /(x) = x? -x canbe writen in terms of Legendre Polynomials as (@) 32H) + RO (y BNR ROY 2 3 i (9 2@)=R@)- Ra) (o 2B@=RO)+RO 3 3 | 0. The i i Py oD eye : . 12 Solution ofthe differential equation (1 - x Era +6208 ! 4 (@) RQ) ) AG) © FQ) (@) R@) 21, Thevalueofthe integral ['[?(2)]' dt isequalto 2 2 2 1 It @5 OF OF -@5 : | 22 Thevalue ofthe integral P(x) de isequalto ; | @e or Osn Vo ne integral [ P, (2) de isequalto \ 1 (ayo ou Ona Ox5 24, Thevalue ofthe integral { P(x)(1-2xz+z" yi dx isequalto | vn 2 22" z ! Omi Om Oa. @e 21. 28. [Ans.() Vite + Ji¢y? =3; (i sinx(e” +1) = V3; (ip (I-e*) =(-e) any () wa (S44 six +y'=3-(¢-y?-1)'] s Ee nF (»)sin (xy) = 2: ‘Solve the differential equations: (Homogeneous type) ( (97 xy) de-+-x°dy =0 giventhat y(1)=1 (0 [rsin 2x} dc—ssin2Zdy=0 genta y(8) = Gi) (+ enacce(int la =0 giventhat y(0)=1 y ¢ (iv) x= yf Jog? + giventhat y(1)=2 de i) xIn2] (Ans. (i) = =Inx+1; (i) on? y x — ings ing (ite +2 2h ye: 2 yy Solve the differential equations: (Linear type) @ cos? x 24 y tans genta (2-1 (i) (1+ y")de = (tant y—x)dy giventhat x(1)=~1 Gi) @? -9 2-8 -py=s'-2P +x giventhat y(2)=¢ i) dx) B22)" siven that y(0)=1 od LY ka 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. [ Ans. (i) fF -x8yaayt omy = 2509 ta(09)4 y=1] ‘inductance ‘L’ and resistance ‘R’ are connected in seriers with an e.m-f“E’. Ifthe current is zero at time t= O, find the current as a ction of time. Also find the current at the end of 0.01 sec. If B= 100Volts, 1=100 H,R=260hm, A particle ills freely under gravity from. great height, there being a resistance proportional tothe velocity of fall . Find the velocity and displacement as function of time. The rate at which a hot body coolsis proportional to the diffrence inteamparsmure between t and swsroundings (Newton's law of Cooling): Abody isheated to 4 49°C and placed inaifat (9°. I's. temparaiure becomes (60? after | hour. After what additional time it cool down to 39°? Tone dimensional steady state heat coduction for a hollow cylinder with thermal conductivity ‘kin a[ df, deren arb. taper 7, tadbinest(asesb)igieaty {|r | ©, subjected to the conditions 7, =7; at r=a and T, =T, at r = b. Determine the steaady statetertaparature distributuion fll (2 i} 2 5 w Sy dy=2eosxcoeix co Sey-ae[ eet & Ps ; (vii) eye & (vi Sy aaMa yee sinx #44 e 2D yaxsinx [Ans. (i) eee a Lie I (Goosxie;sins) hee 3 3 (ii) y=e* (« om Bre one? 28x +13); (iv) y= qe" +0,e* + L se Fria +36x" +78x+80);(») yc, cos2x+e, sin2x--Leos4x + sindx; B teed Ll pie =e" +e?| c,cos\—x+c, sin—x |+—4 —(cosx—sin x +e); (i) y=ce" +e (« ate sin } 7 loos xbe 2 5 (vii) y=(e,+ex)e* +e" ~ 7 (viii) y=(¢, +0,x €*(xsinx+2cosx); (e) y=(qtex)et Hp roosis oon tainai(n)y=oe! +ce% 46% 420%] 36. Solvethe following differential equations: 2, 2 x2 aay =x! (i 4 B45 andl? Both fi(x)=cos*x na f(x) So, A =H2) =0 ani ai a?) 20 Correct option is (c) (x) is a periodic function of x with a period of 2x. Inthe interval 1 ma J[sin(n+1)x-sin(n~1).x}de= a cay a (n+l) “(oe =0 for odd'n’ 4 f()=> 3 * Leancosme+ Dib, cos nx wt] fom tf fea foe 1owm| 1 i cosnxdr = £ Sina anh Pian 1 fesnne sim E ma a e. « = whennisodd i =0 when niseven Therefore, f(x) (PRACTICE SET Which of the following is NOT a periodic function of 0 (@) sind + rcos@ (b) sin(x0) +00s(x0) (c) sin6 +cos(x0) (@) sin8+c0s(6 +2) Inthefourier sxiesexpansonaf y=(x?-1)” (nxn) the coefcient a,b, willbe 4 1 we @ >I Old @25 (4) Unableto find Inthe Foret een y= 7 (-25x 2) the co-eficienta, willbe x(x g 2 {@)Undbletofind (0) 0 oF @F Suppose ffx) i defined as following: f(x)=5 -1sx<0 Osx then ay, as, b; inthe fourier series exapansion of (x) are ® (0.0-2| ® (10 © ( 102) @ (-10.2| Hf(xjsek -n(I+i). (ver")r 8 =I lors) Multiplying (1 + i) with zrotates the radius vector anticlockwise by 45°. Correct optionis(a) (() Example-2: If z =(4+3)+iV5~2? (2 isarealparameter and i=- 1), then the locus of willbe (a) circle (©) ellipse (©) parabola (a) hyperbola z=(4+3)+iNS—A? = real part x=A+3 and imaginary part y= /5— A? = y=s-2 ~(x-3)) = (x-3)+y"=5 Equation of circle) Correct options (a) 5.2 Function of A complex Variable 5.2.1 Basic Representation: W= fiz) = v(x, y) tiv y) Example: f(z) =22=(x+iyP= (7-y") +i2ay u v Real Imaginary Example-4: Calculate the vatue Jim 5.2.3 Differentiability of complex function : ay aa lie 52)-F) bz The function will be differentiable if mit should exists and it is independent of path along with 5z —> 0. Ex, fg)= Gx+y)+ y-x) au =(4r+y) and v=(4y-x) he + 82) = Ae + 8x) + + By) + 1 [AG + By) ~ (e+ 80] She +82) ~ fle) = 4x + By + H48y - Be) 3 ‘Along realaxis 6x65, 87=0, 29 Eni Along imaginary ens: =f, c= 0, =» SL = 6 Along a ling :y =x, 6y=dx, 8 = (1+ Ex, = x Soln. Example-5: Check whether f(z) = sinz is analytic ot not. S(z)=sinz = sin (x+ iy) =sin x.c0s(iy)+cosx.sin (iy) =sin x.cosh y+i cosx.sinh y ‘Therefore, u=sinx.coshy and v= cosxsinhy 2% cosx.cosh y, =sinx sinh y; ”—-sin'xsinh y; =cosx.coshy ox y & y So, C-R equation is satisfied, given f(2)is analytic. : 1 Example-6: If the real part ofa complex analytic function is u(x.y)=2+5(27-y"), find the =v(xy)=9+2(y) Therefore, the imaginary part willbe v(x,y)=y+ay+C (C=numerical constant) Axample-T: If f(x,y)=(14x+y)(142=y) +a(x?~y?)-142ip(1-x~ax)is a complex analytic function then find the value of’. = u(xy)= (Lert y)(bx-y)+a(x?=y?)-1 =2x+2+2ar 5.3.2 Cauchy Reamann equations in Polar co-otdiantes: f f F er Derivative of fz): £'(@) = (cos0 ~isin 4). 36 ‘ (c030~ ising ae 533 Harmonic Function: Any function which stistis the Laplace's equation, is known as harmonic function. Ifu+ ivis ananaltic function, then uv are conjugate harmonic function ie. ear since, 2L42L — 9-5 2m2<0=> n= -1;'m' can take any value aay $3.4 Method for finding conjugate Function: Case 1: le) =u + iv, and uis known, av ou au, (au = dtd = = (—, — d= Gate = Beta fg, S59 Case 2: fia) = 1+ iv, and vis known av. a” Example-10: Find the imaginary part of the complex analytic function whose real part is u(x, y) #2 -3xy? +37 —3y? 41. eu Ou ov ov ov d= deg dy =O ey ou = [Mae Beye ae HO et Ney 2) Replacex by zand y by 0 in w(x, y)and y(x,y) to get ¥i(z,0) and (2,0). (8) Find 2) = tvs (2,0)+iy(2,0)}de+c ‘Example-11: Find the analytical function whose imaginary part is v(x, y) =e" (xcos y— ysin y) Soln: Se! (xomy-ysiny) +e" cos y=¥ (0,9) 2 Foe ssiny-e'(siny + 0089) =Hla) Y,(z,0)'=0 and ¥,(z,0)=e'z +e = f(z)= [oriletz+e® dz =ize +c Example-12: ifthe real pat of complex analytic function f{2) is given as, w(x, y) = e** sin(x*— y*), then £2) canbe written as (@) ie + () “ie” + (©) -ie + @ie* + Son, u(x,y)=e* sin(x?-y") 729 (-2y)sin( x? y*) +679 c05(x?-y*)2x = (x,y) ?9 (-2x)sin(x?- y*) +e"? cos(x?—y?}(-2y) = (ay) (2,0) =cosz”.2z, ¢, (z,0)=sinz*(-2z) J (2)= |{cosz?.22—isinz? (-22))de+e=2 f[cosz? +isinz”) 2d +e =|? zdetc=-ie” +0 Correct option is (b) 5.3.6 Simply connected and multconnected domains: Soln, $2) fe) 7 ae and £'@)= aah G J) I@ Similarly, romeo ye ad ree mike are ze Esample 13: Brokat the itegral Fj Lge dG peta al = Wi Wk 5.4 Power Series Expansion of Complex Function 5.4.1 Power Series : Every analytic function which is analytic at 2= can be expanded into power series about 2= 2. {2)= Yan(2-2a)" =a ¥0;(2~20) +4 (2-20) toe = where, 2 isthe centre of power series. For every power series there are three possibilities regarding the region of convergence of power series. (i The series converges within a dise Brample; 32" = 142427 aon = ‘This series converges within the circle fz) = 1 (Gi The power series converges in the whole complex plane, oon 24 5.4.2 Radius of convergence of power series: Consider a circle of centre % and radius rie. |2~z4|=R ‘The power series is convergent in the region |2~z|R (outside the circle). Therefore, R is known as the radius of convergence of power series and defined as R= tim|* nent “ixample-14; Caloulate the radius of convergence ave ‘of convergence for the following power series x 2n+5)( af tin 2043 __(n+l)+8) (n+ 9) sein. B= NIGnes\(ne5) —2(nvl)e3 Region of convergence |z| <1 ‘This series is convergent within acitcle of radius | and centre (0,0), Example-15: Provetthat the series oe has unit radius of convergence. Soin, Neglecting the first term, lal) (maw VWhlhal\) (han) Soln, 135..(2n-1) 258..(3n=l) _135..(2n-1)Qn4) mt 25.8..3n-1)(3n +2) Example-17: Find the domain of convergence ofthe following series os 13.5..(2n-1) sy (@ Weaply the wansfomation + =¢.. Thenthe given series takes the form 2n-I) a “135...(2n=1)(2041) 2 4 This shows that the series is convergent inside the circle ofradius > and centreat 2 ==> (i) Wehave (5) =%u,(z), say ‘Then, e+e Vs 5 The seriesis convergent if Jest Uy ei j or if ria ot fe +i<5 ‘This proves that the given series is convergeut for a set of values z which lie inside the circle ofradius V5 and centre at z=—i. 7.43 Taylor Series Expansion © petted a SLL Af wy) tf PY i ey Hogi aal 4) aaa) > Example-19: Expand the fimction én(cosh x) about the point x= 0. som. f(x)=f(0)+(2-0), FOr pono £"(a)s f(x) 1 ee aaa sinh x=tanhx, f*(x)=sec h?x cosh x F(x) =2see he (~sec lex tanh x} =—2sec h?x tanh x P(x) =4sect? tanh? x—taech!s 2 Therefore, F(z)=0+0+7+0 544 Lauremt Series : If 2) is single valued and analytic on two concentric circles C, and C, of radii r, andr (6, >,) with their centers at ‘a’and in the annular region R between them and , then forall in region ‘R’, the function fiz) can expanded as F@)-Lae- ny 4D (e 2)” Pras om af a oN 7 op 4 LN Cr Example-21: Find the Lauren series ofthe function femacy about 2-0 = tae ton) er tere re z Example-22: Expand 3— > for (i) O<|2]<1 i) 12. 1 1 1 Sola. 2 =3242 (e-N(-2) (2-2) (2-1) vecse Oe ay (1-2) ‘sa 25 (3) Ee b @i 2: then 1 sothat py de=ie"d6 = do =% z ~ Therefore, cos =" *€ “ile *onsno = 7 z and the limit willbe changed from 0 -> 2 10 é ( The replacements regarding cos and sin@ isto be done only inthe denominator of the given integral ) Now find the singular points and find residue at onl those singular points which lies insie the unt circle Finally use the Cauchy residue theorem, do a+bcos0 Example-27: Evaluate the integral: f 5 a>b>d fc 40 poe i 2de a+bcos® evs 1) 7 i(bz? +2az +4) (2z The singular points are at => regains ‘The singular point z = B wil lie outside the unit circleas 2b>0 while the singular point z = o: willlie inside the unit circle which sa simpke poe. Res.f(z=a)=lim(z~a) f(z € oO nee ‘Evaluate the integral i(aeenee -{m? <1) 9 !-2mcos@ +m? g éliz tamed) sot fon? We de 1 = nd mows) dite wn L 1 (Fj nz) haspoles of order one at 2m, ‘Since, mn < 1 so z=m will be within the circle |z] = I $0, 1-fpeves en) i oh anix i Example-30: Evaluate the integral Je cos(sin 0) a8 Soin, f*e™® cos(sin0-n0)d0 ~ Real partor [e™%e?™)aq 3 znd = Real paraf f lcosOvsind), ied yg, _ Real part of § we eet ne elf (iti) z f(z) +0 uniformly as |z| -> 20 ; ~ G So that lim. f f(z) +0 x Theorem 3: Ue Jordan’s Lemma: If'{z) isa function of eomplex variable z which satisfies the folowing conditions. (0 (2) is analytic in the upper half plane except ata finite number of poles. i) £(z) > 0 uniformly as |2| > «0 for 0< argz< x, then c. fim [ &@ f(z) 0 \ where mis a +ve number and C, isthe semicircle ofradius R. ROR Theorem 4: IfAB isamare (0, <9 <6,) ofacirele|e—a|=r and £1 {z~a) f(z)=i(0,—6)k, then fim { (2) de =i(0, -€.)k a lex? . f Example-31: Calculate the following integral | bas poles at 2 a 4 Polesare not on real axis) Tn this case we will take a contour ‘C’ consisting of ()Asemicircle C, :|2|=R inthe upper halfofcomplex plane. ( (i) Real axis forn-Rto +R Af le\ co < ai Lean ofrecituce at thenetec? C ‘Soin, ‘SHort Niethod: Ifthe complex function f(z) have finite number of poles which doesn’t lie oneal axis then ff (e)de =2ni [sum of residues atthe pote] Example-32: Apply calculus of residues to show that Cais a" = PE sie oo), ual wary 2 wl CE ‘The singular points of fz) are (Pei(2+9)=0 > a=i-i,3i,-3i The only poles lying within the contour (upper halfplane) are at 2= +i and +3i Now by cauchy residue theorem, [Fedde fF ¢(x)ae=2i(sum ofthe residues atthe poles) .Q) Now in the limit of R po, equation (2) becomes See orn ai Lim (_#(z)dz+ [7 £(x)ax =2ni(sum of the residues at the poles) (3) AS 2-00, 2£(z) 0 os Lim [, £(z)dz=0 Therfore; from equation (3), [tla =2ni(Res, z=3i) Soln. Now in the limit of R -» 0, equation (2) becomes Lim [. f(2)de+ [7 f(x) de=2ni(sumof the residues at the poles) (2) 1 a 48290, 7,9 : & Therefore, By Jordan's lemma lim ail 70 ‘Therefore, equation (2) gives = Ls (a)de= rn = [ Eee ay losstisins) Fea (+a) cos. a (f +a)" 2a Evaluation of some improper integrals in which the pole lies on the rel axis. SOME dew Zim > 0 Example-33: Prove", oe Let f(z) ‘The singularity is at z=0 which is at real axis. No pole will be inside the semicircle. Now z taking the integral counterclockwise and using the cauchy integral theorem, we get y eo peeeertine tn Monarlie: Desi sedheeres, ae op Soln. ‘Short Method: ‘{facomplex fimction f(z) has finite number of poles on the real axis then i £(z)de= ni{sum of the residue at poles} Example-34: Ifa>0,m>0, then “ cosmxdk na pen has poles of order 2 at z=:tia ase} Only z = ia is within the contour. Now by Cauchy residue theorem. {, #2) f 7(2)ae=2ei( sum of the residues atthe poles) wa () ‘Now inthe limit of R 00, equation (1) becomes Lim {e)de+ [7 7(x)de=2ai( Res at 2=ia) . -Q) As 230, +0 . Therefore, by Jordans lena im. ( 5 (Fra) Fromequation (2), we get [Lo pate=2ni[es(2=ia)]=2nie™ a) (+a) 4a Soln, cosmide on Sm 2) le-35: Pro cosmede tT (me Exampl wvethat Ta et ial Fe oe Let f( feel Consider the integral [.f(2)de where Cis closed contour Evidently =0. Hence, by Jordan’s lemma, bezel tim { 2% tim | p(z)de=0 @ Boeke 2442? 4] Rae Xe Polesof f(2) are given by sesteiso or (2 -H}{e+2 +1)=0 Oa gon =041,2.3,45) This = 2° -1=0=9 2° The values o,f”, 4813 (589 sretherootsof 44.22 41=0 The poles fying within Care e®#9, ¢28!3 Let a=e™ then g? = ¢2#H3 Thus f(z) has two simple poles at 2=a,° within Res(z=a)= lim £ may forsimple pole where /(7) 1 eo NB Wc mt m =hexp| 28 | -6i 2i a Fi | isin ion (3) By Cauchy’ residues theorem, | £(2)a = 22 (sum of residues within C) ore 8 0 eel VB Equating real parts from both sides cosmid 2a (= SOS MS 2H ox) RNS xeral Bo ‘pvosmde oe m3) (2 & a : oa: [Re xfaral 3 Note. Prove that cosmids att tl (I+x+iy)* (7-x-iy)' =(142)' (7-2) (1-2x-W)* (3-2) =(1-Re(2)-z)'(3 (x+iy-1)!? =(z-1)* ‘The function in the fourth option isa multivalued complex fimction having a branch point at z= 1. ‘Therefore, only the complex fiction (1+-x-+iy)"(7—x—iy)? isamalytic in nature, Correct answer is (6) 2. The value of the integral fe ze? , where C isan opencontour in the complex shown in é figure below: [CSIR June 2011] y rte bye-2 z-e @ a oF ens © ys Soln. Since 2*e* isan analytic function, then ¢z"e'de = 0. = [reds [eca=0 = Correct answer is (6) ire ere flor o(aS Correct answeris (b) 1 4, The first few terms in the Laurent series for eye) inthe region | <| z|< 2andarourd z=lis {CSIR June 2012) cod[ieete. f a 0 cote (ieaf a2) tom olf t a? te] =lfL (el) +(2=1) #(2-1) tom] 1 _ \ | Ne Sola. The value ofthe integral f [CSIR June 2012} 2 x = 2n @-R O-z OR OR Fd mt 7 ms Jj J peo erent fees i 1 at J (2)=Frpeeio| Fp) has twopoles at 2 =+8,—R =o :esidueat(2=-R) =-—be aR? aT Since the two pokes are on real axis, therefore, required integral ~ Real part (z7ixsum of the residues) Residue at (2 Correct option is (b). ‘The taylor series expansion of the function In cosh x), where x is real, about point x = 0 starts with the following terms: [CSIR Dec 2012] fe bon wrt © she shat OP HE Fo & \e Teron ttepa fo Tagg ng % + Where Cisclosed contour defined by the equation 2|z|-5=0, traversed inthe anti-clockwise direction, is ICSIR Dec 2012} (®) -16xi (©) 16zi © sri @ r8i 3 z 52+6 Poles: 2—S2+6=0 Givenclosed contour; ¢:2[2-5=0 old=$ => — (2-3)(2-2)=0 So, 2=3 = point(3,Q)- z=2 = point(2,0) Onlyz=2 ie, point 2,0) s within ‘c* vectd -en?_| ag aOnemwae rane Ore. * Given integral: [=2nix (sum of the residues) = —16ni Correct answeris (2) With2=xt iy, which of the following functions (x,y) is NOT complex analytic function of 2? {CSIR June 2013] (2) (x+iy-8) (4427-9? +28y)/ (© (x48)! (I-x-5) (2-9 42-3)" @ (exe) (asxeyy® Correct answer is (a) 11. Giventhat the integral bs cs emai vthovae off {tas ia [CSIR Dec 2013] a Oss 1 TF has poles of order ‘2’ at 2iy Fay Since, both poles are not on real axis, then given integral [2ni(Residue of f(z)at z=iy)] Soin, Residue of f(z) at (z= 1 -ooen(7) in the Laurent series expansion of fz) about (z= ‘Therefore, the value ofthe integral=0 Correct answeris (c). The function (+, y,2,t)=cos(z~vt)+Re(sin(x-+iy)} satisfiesthe equation {CSTR June 2014} 1eo (? 1? 2 OTR lay Ole!” 1? @ ee olbe-e eles \ (9.3.1) =c0s(z~vt) +Re(sin(x+iy)) 2 @ (& - : : . sin As sin(x-+iy) =sin xcosiy +.cos:sin iy=sinxcosh y +icos xeesh-y- = 6(5,9,2,1)=009(2—1) + sin .cosh y PRACTICE SET 1c Ix + iy= (1-iv3)"", then the co-ordinate of pont Px, ») = @ (2.23) (2,25) ©(2.2V3) — @noneotthese ‘The smallest positive integer n for which (4) isteal @3 o)2 @4 (@) none ‘The sum ofthe following series: P+ +i... up to n+ 1) terms willbe @i )-i @l @-1 If, ©, o° are the cube roots ofunity, then (I-o+0?)' +(1+0-0")° willbe @4 (b)8 (16 (32 If1, ©, 0” becube rootsof unity, then the sum ofthe following series: (1-@+0") (I-0' +0‘) (1-0 40°)... to 2n factors willbe ()2n wo @o @1 If'sum and products of two complex numbers are real, then which ofthe following statements is/are true? (@)both complex numbers are real ‘@) both complex numbers are purely imaginary (Cone ofthe complex iumbersare real _—_(d)bothare complex conjugate ofeach other 12. 45, Which of the foloowing statement is true for the compex function f(z): (@) f(z) is analytic everywhere (©) (2) is analytic everywhere except z=0 (c) f(z) is analytic nowhere (@) f(z) is analytic everywhere except z= 1 Which of the following are not a complex analytic function of? (©) f(2)=(2 -y? +289) (x+y) 0) f(2)=(#8-y* #28n)" (2-9) © Fle)=(+H-5) © S(e)=(2x+07-5)° Given: f(z) =x? + Py? ~2xy+i(Qx? ~ y? + 23y) is analytic in nature, The value of and Qwillbe @P=1.Q=1, WP=1,Q=1, OP=LQ=4, — PH-A1,Q=1 Anelettrostatic field in the xy planes given bythe potential fnction g(x,y)=3x"y - y*, Thecomesponding ‘Stream function will be @) -#8-3ry (0) =P +39? (© -» -3y7 @) P39" ‘The value ofthe integral | (2?) ae along the path y = x? is ° Soi 5 1 Si 1 Si. 5s ee OEE ENG x ‘The taylorseries expansion of f(z)= 0082 about 2=F willbe 17. Suppose a complex function f(z) such that f (1) =1, f (1) =1, f (1) =1 andall other higher derivatives, of lc) atz=1. The value of f(z) at 2= 1/2 willbe (a) 14 O12 (58 (78 . . (2+32+2) 18. Inthe Laurent series expansion of f(z) ae , the highest negative power (<0) 2(z+2) terms of (+2) present inthe expansion, willbe . @0o (b)1 ©2 @3 19. The Laurent series expansion ofthe complex fiction 10)" in thr region |z~1| >I can be expressed as 20. The function f(z) =(z-3)sin| 5) ss sneyats= 2 ofthe following nature : (as (a) pole ofarder 1 (6) removable isolated singularity (c) isolated essential singularity, (@) non-isolated essential singularity 25. 26. 21. 28, 29, ‘The value ofthe integral dees around the curve C | z|=2 (where, ‘C’s traversed iY(zr3) ntwondoindnaoo tate 3x 3ni ai ai @> O-7 OF Oe The value oft integral a!) +205) whee" ithe ce fo]=3 traversed inthe 2 eNe=2) anticlockwise diretion, wilbe (8) ni (0) -2ni © 4xi @ 4x1 4 de ‘The value ofthe integral Lseacocb willbe 2a x a Sr o> ®F Os Os The value ofthe integral ["e™® oos( in -n0) 0 willbe 2H Qn z a © Tri Od OF © Geri ‘eteoral (2 2¥42 The value of the integral Saae* Sr Sx 3 In oF wx oF oF 33. 34. 35, 36. 31. 38. 39. 40. Given: f(z)= 1 + Py? -2xy+i(Qx? —y? + 2x9) is analytic innature, Find P, Qand f(z). Determine the imaginary or real part of the complex analytic function whose real or imaginary part are as, follows: @ v(x,y) = 6xy-5x+3 (i) v(r,6)=r? 00s 26-rcos6+2 (ii) u(r,0)=-r’ sin20 Find the complex analytic fimetion f(z) forwich: (Use Milne Thomson Method) slogyr+y - ‘Show thatthe fiction u = sin.x.cosh y +2cos.x.sinh y-+x? — y? +4xy isharmonic innature and determine the corresponding salytic function, use sin(?-»"). veun"(2) Gi) If f() =u +iv isananalyticfuinction of = x+ iy and u-v= find fz) subject to the tion (#32! dition f | : co! 43) 5 Find the first three terms of the Taylor’s series expansion of f(z) = ——* —— about z'= 2. Find the @-3Xe-4) region of convergence. Expand cos in Taylor’s series about 2= Expand the following functions into Laurens series: 62-1 (i) f(z): _ forthe region 3 FLO} [2 [rosin 3 6.3 Fourier Cosine Transform ‘Example-1: Find the fourier transform of Gaussian distribution function f (x)= Ne"*" where N and ‘a’ are ‘constant. ‘ t Pde = a Ns Soln. AUF Lie de |e Oden ie Example-2: Find F{6(x)} sa Flee sean Lantien fle) eck Example-3: Find the fourier transformof f(x)=e" (-co0) é Sola. eet fleretdss {ererar] 5 al é al geal | 2a 1 [ 1 = + £ Vda latis @ Example- 4: If F{e"™"|=f(o+a), then F(cos2avar)=? ty get } Sol. F [cos 2rval] =F = Helen ]rfee]) FL /(0-a): f(o+a)] ‘Example 5: Giventhat F[5(x~a)|=exp[~i2nval then F“*[oos2ava}~? E) som “As F(S(x-a\J empl tme] = 56x “[exp{-i2va)]} Soln, Gv) Shifting property: If f(s)is the Fourier transform of ffx), then F { f(x+.a)}=e"*/(s) (¥) Modulation theorem: If F{/(x)}= f(s), then F{7' (x)oosan}=4 (s-a)+4.f(o+4) 6.5 Parseval Identity for Fourier Transform Ifthe Fourier transform of fx) and g(x) be f(s) & g(s) respectively, then @ Le (a= Erlee eae where g"(s) is complex conjugate of g(s) and g(x) is the complex conjugate of g(x). @ LlAsle= [sof a Example-7: (a) Find fouri ry(xje{t rblsa ample-7: (Fad foie anstrmof f(3) =|, ae sinxY (6) Using parsers identity show that (= ) ear FsG)= Te Lrlelaen 2 a Ss Using parsevalidentity, f° |f(2)) de = f'Ir(o)f'ds we Dsin?as 2 fsinas) Te. ‘Example-9: Find Fourier transformof /'( nf i h}>a son, F(S(3)}= Behera, eae “aele)_ itl -altevsfe] tree] 1 [2a 2a 4. = ele seep Boman Sane | Example- 10:_Find the conaplex fourier transtoem js Flea fet dca Elf et doar feerar] -steompoernh effet (ee3T | sins 4, Differentatingagainw.rt. G1 _ po xcos(sx)de as x(x?) Or, Ss-1=0 ‘The solution ofitis J = Ae + Bet iv) Putting s=0in(, 1 when s =0 Subjecting (i) to this condition x —=A+B grat @) Example- 12: Find cosine transform of f(x) a /oy-{* O F cosas) A {Sole +L5(k-w)) Therefore. the fourier transform of f(x) = ‘T @ s(xjee foe were Gil) f(x)=e for oe x0) i) f(a) =14= for (-aa) LAPLACE TRANSFORM 7.1 Basic Formula Laplace transform of function f(x) defined in the interval (0 a) @) Lous) == (5>9) () Lsinar)= sos (s>0) (6) L(cosrex) =" (s° >a?) () L(sinhax) (s?>2) Soln, © [fre] =o MP el=2[s0)]-70) @ LP)]=FI)|-2'0)-7(0) (9) Laplace transform of a periodic function (x) having period ‘T” is tr) - AG Lenser 1-€ 0 (9 Lape rant wisepicton (2-2) = (8)=f eel is—. 1 for x2a” s (11) Laplace transform ofthe dirac delta function 5(x-a) is e“*. ‘Example-1: Find the laplace transform of f (x)=(L+c0s2x) LL s()]= [er (1+ e0829 ide = (). feTeosdxde 1s 2s +4 rer vreaee (27) Example-2: Find the laplace transform of f (x) =2sin2xcos 4x 2,6 ° 2) ae 5

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