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Name : Rajani Phone: +918499927556

To work efficiently and effectively to provide value to employer for reaching
organizational goal and enhance personal knowledge by growing with the

Testing Skills

Having 3 years ofExperience in the area ofManual

Testing F„xlkrtind in Web Application Testing
Extensively worked on Travel and Hospitality Domain
Having working experience with Agile (Scrum) methodobgy
Good Exlrrience in GUI, Functional, Usability, Devi:e mode and Browser
Compathlity Testing' s.
Havimg Good knowledge on Manual Testing concepts and skills.
Having Good Analyti:al sk11Ls to comprehend Business requirements and
Prepare Build
Verifratön Test (BVT) and Check lists accordingly.
Good knowledge of test process, creation and understanding of testing
artifacts like test plan, test case etc.
Experience in Preparing Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) to
ensure the test case coverage for all requirements
Knowledge on Software Development Life Cyck (SDLC) & Software
Testing life cycle (STLC)
Good Exvxrience in Preparation and execution of Test Cases
Cio€xl Experience in Bug tracking and reporting using Defect
Management Took (Bug Tracker and JIRA) till cbsure
Knowledge regarding Testing Verifrati)n, Validation, Levels of
Testing and Testing Techniques
Ability to kam new Technokjgies and tools quk'kly

Technical Skills
Databases : Knowledge on SQL Server
Operating : Windows 2000.XP
Testing Types : Functional, Browser, Compatlbiläy and
Usability Testing's
Bug Reportilg : Bug Tracker and JIRA
Organimtion : Blue Star Infotech
: Software Engineer
Duratön : August 2013 - till
Educational Details

B.Tech (ECE) from SKR College of Engineering & Technology, in 2009-2013

Intermediate (MPC) from Narayana Junior College,in 2007-2009

SSC from Vivekananda AP Board in 2007.

Achie venrnts
Got Individual Contribution Award fi)r the year2015
Got Wall ofFame Award Two times
M ultiple Client appreciation mails

proje Ct #2
Pro#ct Title : XCELERATOR (HUB - CRM)
Client : TrÉept
: Blue Star Infotech Limited
Operating System : Windows 7
Browsers Tested on : IE(II, 10 and 9), Chrome, Firefox
and Safari
Duration : May 2014 to till date
Bug Management : Bug Tracker
Rok : Software Engileer
XCELERATOR is an independent CRM (Client Relatönship Management) tool
where an Agent/ IC can manage their clienÜs data and trips. They can see the
infornutön of payments, triv% and reservations in their dashboard. The
Important moduks in the application are Dashboard, Trip plan, Payment
Sumrnary, Itinerary, Mega Search, Import Clients, Import Reservations and
Security. The roles in the are System Admin, Agency Admin, Agency
Owner, Agent and IC.
Roles and Res1M"bibiIities
Following Agde Scrum methodohgy.
Leading a team Of 4

Interacting with Client on Weekly status calk.

Im•olving in daily scrum neetings and giving the
consolidated status for QA team
Sending estimatms for individual modules and CR's.
Doing build smoke test after every roll

Bug Tracker and
tracking testing reports
after iteratkNl to BA

Project Titk : CRM)

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