Assessment Task Description 2024

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Tung Wah College

School of Medical and Health Sciences

OCC2003 Ageing and Disease 2024

Assessment Methods:

Specific Assessment Methods/ Tasks % Weighting

Group Presentation (Peer Learning Activities) 40%
Participation in Peer Learning Activities 20%
Examination 40%
Total 100%

Group Presentation (40%)

To facilitate peer learning among students, they will give a brief presentation on a
common health condition related to elderly people. Following are the details:

1. Form groups of 3 students (totally 8 groups in each tutorial group);

2. Prepare to give a presentation on an assigned health topic in the tutorial

(30 minutes for the content, 15 minutes for Q&A and peer discussion);

3. The assigned topic will be only informed 3 weeks prior to the date of the
presentation, to ensure each group of students will have the same preparation
4. All students have to take part for presentation of their own topic. Absentee
will not be given marks on peer learning project.

The presentation should include but not limited to the following 3 parts:

a) Describe the health conditions and related problems (e.g. characteristic signs and
symptoms, underlying pathophysiology, prevalence in Hong Kong or worldwide,
b) Identify the causes and related disabilities ;
c) Suggest appropriate preventive and restorative interventions/strategies.
• Students are required to upload their presentation materials (Similarity % no
more than 30%) to Blackboard Turnitin system 2 days prior to the
presentation date.
• Late submission although accepted, will incur a penalty of a deduction of 10% of
the total available mark for each day they are late. Weekdays and weekend days
are included in the calculation of days late.

Participation (20%)

To encourage students to actively participate in peer learning, points will be given to

the student if he/she:

a) Attends the peer learning activities.

• a total of 10 marks will be given for attending 8 all peer learning sessions.
• 3 marks will be deducted for each absent peer learning session.
• Students are required to take at least 6 peer learning sessions to meet 80%
b) Raises constructive questions related to the topics during the peer learning
activities in group base.
• 2 marks will be given for each good question asked during the peer learning
sessions by each presentation group. (Max. 10 marks).
• Fair questions will receive 1 mark.
• Questions considered as redundant will be given zero marks. (please see
the Appendix I)
• Each group has a chance of raising one question during each peer learning
session and so a maximum 5 questions for the whole peer learnings task well
be given marks.
• Absentee will not given group questions marks.
Appendix I

Assessment Indicators on Quality of Questions During Peer Learning

Criteria Good Fair Redundant
Content Extending from the Clarification of Asking for information
scope of knowledge presented which has been already
presented; knowledge; presented; Question
In-depth exploration Elicit further content which is totally
on a particular elaboration of irrelevant to the
issues presented presented presentation topic

Form of Clear open-ended Clear open-ended Short and brief closed-end

Questions questions, with questions; questions that only expects
just-right simple answer;
elaboration Unclear questions which
repetition or clarification is

Benefit To Peer Arouse the interest Arouse the interest Only arouse the interest of
of the rest of the of some restricted number of
class or almost classmates classmates
everyone in the
class; with follow- up
question and
discussion from
other audiences

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