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Using digital storytelling, blogging, podcasting, vodcasting in improving language skills

Identify the different new media communication

Improve proficiency in using digital tools and

platforms for language-related content creation

Strengthen language skills through collaborative

creation of digital stories with peers

New Media Communication


https://riverside.fm/blog/vodcast#:~:text=The%20term%20%E2%80%9Cvodcast%E2%80% 9D

 Prayer

 Classroom Management

 Attendance Check


 Group the class according to the number of groups for the demo.

 Each group will be given jumbled letters and pictures.

 Arrange all the letters then paste it on the board.

 Under the arranged letters, paste all the corresponding pictures that belong to the
word you came up with.

 The group with the correct answer will be proclaimed winner and an additional point
will be given in their assignment.

1. How were you able to arrange the letters?

2. Does anyone have an idea about those words?

3. What do you think is our lesson all about?

What is ?

• short form of digital media production that allows everyday people to create and share their
stories online.

• short vignettes that combine storytelling with still pictures, video clips, music, and text
using a variety of video software.

• often present in compelling and emotionally engaging formats, and can be interactive.

• process by which diverse peoples share their life stories and creative imaginings with others.

• modern extension of the ancient art of storytelling

- Online platform for sharing personal or professional content

- Regularly updated with new posts

- Often includes text, images, and multimedia

- Allows interaction through comments

- Can cover various topics, such as lifestyle, travel, or expertise

- May generate income through ads or partnerships

- Provides a platform for individual expression and communication.

• Travel Blog

• Tech Blog

• Food Blog

• Fashion Blog

• Parenting Blog

• Health and Wellness Blog

• DIY/Craft Blog

• Finance Blog

• Book Review Blog

• Photography Blog
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