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1. She can dance. She can sing.
• She nolt only can dance, but she also can sing.
• She can not only dance but also sing.

2. They need food. They need medicine.

3. He has been late four times. He hasn’t done any work.

4. She was upset. She was angry.

Used for emphasizing that each of two things is true.

1. I like the movie. I like the play
I like both the movie and the play.

2. The movie was good. The play was good.

3. The actors were engaging. The actors were skillful in their performances.

4. Ebert likes the movie. Ebert recommends the movie.

1. I dont like the movie. I dont like the play
I dont like either the movie or the play.
I like neither the movie nor the play.

2. The movie was not good. The play was not good.

3. The actors were not engaging. The actors were

not skillful in their performances.

5. Ebert does not like the movie. Ebert does not

recommend the movie.

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