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Sr Subject Page
No No(s)

1. List of Contents (i) - (iv)

2. Introduction (v)



3. Definition and Uses 1

4. Aim 1

5. Use of Capital Letters in Abbreviations 1


6. Officer Ranks - Army 3

7. Officer Ranks - Navy 3

8. Officer Ranks - Air Force 4

9. Junior Commissioned Officers - Army 4

10. Other Ranks - Army 4

11. Other Ranks - Navy 6

12. Other Ranks - Air Force 6

13. Arms and Services - Army 30

14. Branches - Navy 30

15. Branches - Air Force



Sr Subject Page No (s)



16. Army.

(a) Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence (Army) 31

(b) Command Headquarters 43

(c) Corps Headquarters 47

(d) Division and Area Headquarters 48

(e) Brigade, Sector and Sub Area Headquarters 49

(f) Military Stations 50

(g) Units 52

17. Navy.

(a) Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence (Navy) 54

(b) Commands 57

(c) Afloat Appointments 60

18. Air Force.

(a) Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence (Air 64


(b) Commands 76

(c) Stations/Wings/Units 80

19. Branches and Appointments: Army Training Command 84



Sr Subject Page No (s)



20. Army.

(a) Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) 88

(b) Commands 94

(c) Corps, Divisions and Brigades 95

(d) Areas and Sub Areas 97

(e) Category A Establishments 98

21. Navy.

(a) Commands 103

(b) Establishments/Units 103

(c) Ships and Aircraft 104

(d) Squadrons 104

22. Air Force.

(a) Formation 105

(b) Establishments 105

(c) Units 105

(d) Misc (Equipment) 109


Sr Subject Page No (s)



23. Chief of Integrated Defence Staff to Chairman Chiefs of Staff 114


24. Deputy Chief Integrated Defence Staff (Policy Planning and 114
Force Development) and Staff

25. Deputy Chief Integrated Defence Staff (Operations) 117

and Staff

26. Deputy Chief Integrated Defence Staff (Doctrine, Organisation 118

and Training)

27. Director General Defence Intelligence Agency and Deputy Chief 119
Integrated Defence Staff (Intelligence)


28. Commander-in-Chief Secretariat 122

29. Chief of Staff Secretariat 122

30. Operations Division 122

31. Technical Division 123

32. Logistics, Administrative and Personnel Division 123



33. Alphabetical List of Common User Abbreviations 125




1. The aim of this publication is to:-

(a) Standardise the abbreviations to be used in inter-services


(b) Complement instructions contained in paragraph 54 of Section 2 of Joint

Services Staff Duties Manual, Volume 1, Service Writing, (JSSD 1).

2. In inter-service writing, abbreviations normally used pertain to ranks,

appointments, formations and units only. These along with a few other commonly used
abbreviations are given in this manual.

3. The abbreviations laid down in this publication have been agreed to amongst
the three services and adherence to them is desirable in inter-service correspondence.
Service Headquarters may issue their own service amplification notes with regard to
abbreviations peculiar to their own service.

4. Proposals for amendments or additions to the text may be made to the

respective training directorates through the normal service channels.

5. This Manual supersedes the Staff Duties in the Field Appendix ‘C’
Abbreviations 2006 Service publication.







1. Abbreviation means an act of shortening, ie, part of a word or words written for
the whole, and includes acronyms.


2. By this definition, it is clear that abbreviations are a means of saving time. This
can be achieved effectively provided both writer and reader are familiar with the
abbreviations used. Consistency is, therefore, a pre-requisite if abbreviations are to be
of help and not a hindrance.

3. Abbreviations may also be used if the meaning is clearly indicated when first
used, eg, Amplification Notes on Staff Duties (ANSD) or Joint Training Committee
(JTC). It may be noted that no full stops are used within or after an abbreviation
unless, of course, it happens to be the last word of a sentence.

4. When abbreviations are used in the possessive, plural or collective sense, no

apostrophe need be inserted; instead, the addition of the small alphabet ‘s’ will suffice
to indicate the precise meaning within the context of the sentence. For example: -

(a) JTCs and not JTC’s (Possessive).

(b) COs and not CO’s (Plural/Collective).

(c) AOsC-in-C (Plural/Collective).

(d) AOC-in-Cs (Possessive).

5. When corresponding with civilians, the use of service abbreviations should be

avoided. Similarly, decorations should not be abbreviated.

Use of Capital Letters in Abbreviations

6. Rules regarding use of block capitals and initial capitals as given in Paragraph
43 to 45 of Section 2 of JSSD 1 (as amended) apply equally to abbreviations, for
instance: -

(a) Abbreviations composed of initial letters of words (or acronyms) are to

be written in block capitals; for example, ‘ACT’ for ‘Air Control Team’.


(b) Abbreviations consisting of shortened version of a full word or words are

to be written in block capitals, with initial capitals or in small letters according to
the relevant context, eg: -

(i) ‘RECCE REPORT’ as a centre heading (Paragraph 43 (b) of

Section 2 of JSSD 1).

(ii) ‘Recce Report’ as a group heading or ‘recce report’ in text of

paragraph (Paragraph 44(a) of Section 2 of JSSD 1).

(c) Abbreviations for all ‘ranks’ are to be written with initial capitals,
irrespective of the context, eg, Lt Col Singh, two Lt Cols, Nb Sub Ram Singh,
five Nb Subs.

7. For sake of clarity, full words have been started with initial capitals in this
Manual, while abbreviations are given in accordance with rules given in Paragraph 43
to 45 of Section 2 of JSSD 1.




Officer Ranks - Army

1. (a) Lieutenant - Lt

(b) Captain - Capt

(c) Major - Maj

(d) Lieutenant Colonel - Lt Col

(e) Colonel - Col

(f) Brigadier - Brig

(g) Major General - Maj Gen

(h) Lieutenant General - Lt Gen

(j) General - Gen

(k) Field Marshal - FM

Officer Ranks - Navy

2. (a) Sub Lieutenant - S Lt

(b) Lieutenant - Lt

(c) Lieutenant Commander - Lt Cdr

(d) Commander - Cdr

(e) Captain - Capt

(f) Commodore - Cmde

(g) Rear Admiral - R Adm

(h) Vice Admiral - V Adm

(j) Admiral - Adm


(k) Admiral of the Fleet - F Adm

(l) Surgeon - Surg

(Prefix ‘Surgeon’ abbreviated ‘Surg’
is used with the ranks of all medical officers)

Officer Ranks - Air Force

3. (a) Flying Officer - Fg Offr

(b) Flight Lieutenant - Flt Lt

(c) Squadron Leader - Sqn Ldr

(d) Wing Commander - Wg Cdr

(e) Group Captain - Gp Capt

(f) Air Commodore - Air Cmde

(g) Air Vice Marshal - AVM

(h) Air Marshal - Air Mshl

(j) Air Chief Marshal - Air Chf Mshl

(k) Marshal of the Indian Air Force - MIAF

Junior Commissioned Officers - Army

4. (a) Naib Risaldar - Nb Ris

(b) Naib Subedar - Nb Sub

(c) Risaldar - Ris

(d) Subedar - Sub

(e) Risaldar Major - Ris Maj

(f) Subedar Major - Sub Maj

Other Ranks - Army

5. (a) Sowar - Swr

(b) Gunner - Gnr

(c) Sapper - Spr


(d) Signalman or Signalmen - Sigmn

(e) Guardsman or Guardsmen - Gdsm

(f) Paratrooper - Ptr

(g) Sepoy - Sep

(h) Grenadier - Gdr

(j) Rifleman or Riflemen - Rfn

(k) Lance Naik - L Nk

(l) Lance Dafadar - L Dfr

(m) Naik - Nk

(n) Lance Havildar - L Hav

(o) Dafadar - Dfr

(p) Havildar - Hav

(q) Squadron Quartermaster Dafadar - SQMD

(r) Battery Quartermaster Havildar - BQMH

(s) Company Quartermaster Havildar - CQMH

(t) Regimental Quartermaster Dafadar - RQMD

(u) Regimental Quartermaster Havildar - RQMH

(v) Battalion Quartermaster Havildar - BQMH

(w) Squadron Dafadar Major - SDM

(x) Battery Havildar Major - BHM

(y) Company Havildar Major - CHM

(z) Regiment Dafadar Major - RDM

(aa) Regiment Havildar Major - RHM

(ab) Battalion Havildar Major - BHM


Other Ranks - Navy

6. (a) Seaman Second Class - Sea II

(b) Seaman First Class - Sea I

(c) Leading Seaman - LS

(d) Petty Officer - PO

(e) Chief Petty Officer - CPO

(f) Master Chief Petty Officer Second Class - MCPO II

(g) Master Chief Petty Officer First Class - MCPO I

7. Trades. It may be noted that sailors have specialist trades, which replace the
first and second class ranks and form a suffix to the other given in Paragraph 6 above.

Other Ranks - Air Force

8. (a) Aircraftman 1 (and 2) - AC1 (and 2)

(b) Leading Aircraftman - LAC

(c) Corporal - Cpl

(d) Sergeant - Sgt

(e) Junior Warrant Officer - JWO

(f) Warrant Officer - WO

(g) Master Warrant Officer - MWO

Arms and Services - Army

9. Arms.

(a) The President’s Body Guard - PBG

(b) The Armoured Corps - AC

(c) The Regiment of Artillery - ARTY

(d) Army Air Defence - AAD

(e) Army Avn Corps - Army Avn/AA

(f) The Corps of Engineers - ENGRS


(g) The Corps of Signals - SIGS

(h) Infantry - Inf

(j) Intelligence Corps - INT CORPS

10. Services.

(a) Army Service Corps - ASC

(b) Military Nursing Service - MNS

(c) Army Medical Corps - AMC

(d) Army Dental Corps - AD Corps

(e) Army Ordnance Corps - AOC

(f) Corps of Electronics and Mechanical - EME


(g) Remount and Veterinary Corps - RVC

(h) Military Farms Services - MFS

(j) Army Education Corps - AEC

(k) Corps of Military Police - CMP

(l) Judge Advocate General - JAG

(m) Army Physical Training Corps - APTC

(n) Pioneer Corps - PNRS

(o) Army Postal Service Corps - APS

(p) Defence Security Corps - DSC

11. Abbreviations ‘ARTY’, ‘ENGRS’ ‘SIGS’ or ‘Arty’, Sigs’, ‘Engrs’, and ‘Inf’ signify
the appropriate arm/corps as a whole. Their units will carry the name of a particular
branch/level/function as shown in Paragraphs 12 to 20 below. Abbreviations ‘arty’,
‘engrs’, ‘sigs’ and ‘inf’ refer to these arms or corps in their functional aspects.


12. Armoured Corps.

(a) Armoured car squadron - armd C sqn

(b) Armoured delivery squadron - armd del sqn

(c) Armoured regiment - armd regt

(d) Armoured squadron - armd sqn

(e) Independent armoured brigade - indep armd bde

(f) Light armoured squadron - lt armd sqn

(g) Armoured division - armd div

(h) Armoured brigade - armd bde

(j) Light Cavalry or ……..Cavalry - CAV

(k) Horse eg, The Skinner’s Horse, The - HORSE

Poona Horse
(l) …… Lancers - L

(m) Central India Horse - CIH

(n) …… Armoured Regiment - ….. Armd Regt

(o) …… Independent Armoured Squadron - ….. (I) Armd Sqn

(p) …… Independent Reconnaissance - ….. (I) Recce Sqn*

Squadron *see para 4 of
Sec 4
13. Regiment of Artillery.

(a) Artillery Depot Regiment - Arty Dep Regt

(b) Artillery Records - Arty Records

(c) Composite artillery brigade - Comp arty bde

(d) Composite regiment/battery/troop - Comp regt/bty/tp

(e) Field battery - fd bty

(f) Field battery (self propelled) - fd bty (SP)

(g) Field regiment - fd regt


(h) Field regiment (self propelled) - fd regt (SP)

(j) Flash spotting troop - F sg tp

(k) Heavy mortar battery - hy mor bty

(l) Heavy mortar regiment - hy mor regt

(m) Heavy regt - hy regt

(n) Independent field battery - indep fd bty**

** see Para 4 of
Sec 4
(o) Medium battery - med bty

(p) Medium regiment - med regt

(q) Medium battery / regiment (self - med bty / regt (SP)

(r) Mountain regiment - mtn regt

(s) Missile group/regiment/battery - Msl gp/regt/bty

(t) Parachute field battery - para fd bty

(u) Parachute field regiment - para fd regt

(v) Rocket battery - rkt bty

(w) Rocket regiment - rkt regt

(x) Light regiment - lt regt

(y) Sound ranging troop - S rg tp

(z) Survey battery - svy bty

(aa) Surveillance and target acquisition - SATA bty / regt

battery / regiment

14. Corps of Army Air Defence.

(a) Army Air defence - AAD

(b) Army Air defence battery - AD bty

(c) Army Air defence battery (SP) - AD bty (SP)



(d) Army Air defence brigade - AD bde

(e) Army Air defence group (SP) - AD gp (SP)

(f) Army Air defence regiment - AD regt

(g) Army Air defence missile battery - AD msl bty

(h) Army Air Defence Records - AAD Records

(j) Army Air Defence Centre - AAD Centre

(k) Light Air Defence regiment (composite) - Lt AD regt (comp)

(l) Light Air Defence regiment (self propelled) - Lt AD regt (SP)

(m) Light Aiir Defence Missile regiment (self

propelled) - Lt AD Msl regt (SP)

(n) Air Defence regiment (self propelled) - AD regt (SP)

(o) Air Defence group (self propelled) - AD gp (SP)

(p) Man portable Air Defence System - MANPADS

(q) Quick reaction surface to air missile - QR SAM

(r) Medium range surface to air missile - MR SAM

(s) Long range surface to air missile - LR SAM

(t) Pilot-less target aircraft flight - PTA flt

15. Army Aviation Corps.

(a) Army Aviation Corps - AA/Army Avn

(b) Army Aviation squadron - AA sqn

(c) Army Aviation flight - AA flt

(d) Reconnaissance & Observation flight - R&O flt



16. Engineers.

(a) Assault engineer regiment - aslt engr regt

(b) Bomb Disposal - BD

(c) Bomb disposal group - BD gp

(d) Bomb disposal platoon - BD pl

(e) Corps Engineer regiment - Corps Engr regt

(f) College of Military Engineering - CME

(g) Divisional engineer regiment - div engr regt

(h) Docks and inland water transport - docks & IWT engrs

(j) Docks operating company - docks op coy

(k) Engineer bridge company - engr br coy

(l) Engineer electrical and mechanical - engr E & M coy


(m) Engineer park - engr pk

(n) Engineer plant company - engr plant coy

(o) Engineer works section - EWS

(p) Engineer stores depot - ESD

(q) Engineer sub park - engr sub pk

(r) Field company - fd coy

(s) Field park company - fd pk coy

(t) Field survey company - fd svy coy

(u) Field survey engineer group - FSEG

(v) Headquarters Bengal Engineer Group & - BEG (R)




(w) Headquarters Madras Engineer Group & - MEG

- BEG (K)
(x) Headquarters Bombay Engineer Group &

(y) Inland water transport operating - IWT op coy

(z) Map reproduction company - map repro coy

(aa) Map supply section - map sup sec

(ab) Military Engineering Service - MES

(ac) Parachute field company - para fd coy

(ad) Photo mapping company - photo map coy

(ae) Photo mapping engineer group - photo map engr gp

(af) Port construction and maintenance - port constr and

company maint coy

(ag) Port operating company - port op coy

(ah) Port engineers - port engrs

(aj) Printing section engineers - print sec engrs

(ak) Quarrying company - quarry coy

(al) Railway bridge construction company - rly br constr coy

(am) Railway construction and maintenance - rly constr and maint

Company coy

(an) Railway engineer brigade - rly engr bde

(ao) Railway operating company - rly op coy

(ap) Railway workshop company - rly wksp coy

(aq) River survey company - river svy coy

(ar) Works Engineers - Wks engrs



17. Corps of Signals.

(a) Army Centre for Electromagnetics - ACE

(b) Army Cyber Security Establishment - ACSE

(c) Air defence brigade signal company - AD bde sig coy

(d) Air defence regiment signal section - AD regt sig sec

(e) Air field signal section - air fd sig sec

(f) Air formation signal regiment - air fmn sig regt

(g) Air support signal company - ASSC

(h) Air support signal regiment - ASSR

(j) Air support signal unit - ASSU

(k) Area signal regiment / company - area sig regt / coy

(l) Army Headquarters signals - Army HQ sigs

(m) Army Headquarters Signal Regiment - Army HQ Sig Regt

(n) Army radio engineering network - AREN

(o) Corps Air Support Signal Unit - CASSU

(p) Corps Operating Signal Regiment - COSR

(q) Corps Engineering Signal Regiment - CESR

(r) Cryptographic centre - crypcen

(s) Cipher section - cipher sec

(t) Command mobile signal company - comd mob sig coy

(u) Command signal regiment - comd sig regt

(v) Communication centre - comn cen

(w) Communication centre signal company / - comn cen sig coy /

Regiment regt

(x) Company Headquarters section - CHQ sec



(y) Corps signal regiment - corps sig regt

(z) Despatch rider section - DR sec

(aa) Divisional signal regiment - div sig regt

(ab) Drop Insert Port - DIP

(ac) Electronic Warfare Heliborne unit - EW HB unit

(ad) Joint operations centre signal section - JOC sig sec

(ae) Inspectorate of Signal Trades Training - ISTT

(af) Information Warfare battalion - IW bn

(ag) Information Warfare brigade - IW bde

(ah) Light radio section - lt radio sec

(aj) Light Radio Relay section - lt RR sec

(ak) Line carrier section - line carr sec

(al) Line construction section - line constr sec

(am) Line section - line sec

(an) Medium Radio Relay section - med RR sec

(ao) Medium radio section - med radio sec

(ap) Naval formation signal staff - naval fmn sig staff

(aq) Operating section - op sec

(ar) Public Address equipment signal section - PA eqpt sig sec

(as) Radio Monitoring company - RMC

(at) Radio Relay section - RR sec

(au) Radio Tele printer /Teletype section - RTT sec

(av) Signal centre section (abbreviated title - sig cen sec

of parent unit or functional title may be
(aw) Signal Training Centre - STC



(ax) Sub area signal company / section - sub area sig coy /
(ay) Switch board operating section - swbd op sec

(az) Tactical communication system - TCS

(ba) Technical Maintenance section - TM sec

(bb) Telegraph operating section - tg op sec

(bc) Terminal Equipment section - TE sec

(bd) Wing signal section - wg sig sec

(be) Wireless Experimental Centre - WEC

(bf) Wireless Experimental Unit - WEU

(bg) Inspectorate of Signal Trade Training - ISTT

(bh) Joint operation centre signal section - JOC sig sec

18. Infantry.

(a) Anti tank guided missile battalion - ATGM bn

(b) Defence and employment company / - def and emp coy / pl


(c) Gorkha training centre - GTC

(d) Infantry battalion - inf bn

(e) Mechanised infantry battalion - MECH INF bn

(f) Mechanised infantry regimental centre - MIRC

(g) Motorized infantry battalion - mot inf bn

(h) Parachute holding wing - para holding wg

(j) Reconnaissance and support battalion - recce & sp bn

(k) Record office - Records

(l) Regimental centre (with prefix of - RC (with prefixed

regimental title) abbreviated
regimental title)



(m) Training Centre (with prefix of - TC (with prefixed

regimental title) abbreviated
regimental title)

(n) The Brigade of the Guards - GUARDS

(0) The Parachute Regiment - PARA

(p) The Mechanised Infantry Regiment - MECH INF

(q) The Punjab Regiment - PUNJAB

(r) The Madras Regiment - MADRAS

(s) The Grenadiers - GRENADIERS

(t) The Maratha Light Infantry - MARATHA LI

(u) The Rajputana Rifles - RAJ RIF

(v) The Rajput Regiment - RAJPUT

(w) The Jat Regiment - JAT

(x) The Sikh Regiment - SIKH

(w) The Sikh Light Infantry - SIKH LI

(y) The Dogra Regiment - DOGRA

(z) The Garhwal Rifles - GARH RIF

(aa) The Kumaon Regiment - KUMAON

(ab) The Assam Regiment - ASSAM

(ac) The Bihar Regiment - BIHAR

(ad) The Mahar Regiment - MAHAR

(ae) The Jammu and Kashmir Rifles - JAK RIF

(af) The Naga Regiment - NAGA

(ag) Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry - JAK LI

(ah) 1st Gorkha Rifles - 1 GR

(aj) …… Gorkha Rifles - ……GR



(ak) Ladakh Scouts - LADAKH SCOUTS

(al) Border Scouts - SCOUTS

19. Intelligence Corps.

(a) Army Photographic Interpretation Section - APIS

(b) Field Security Section - FS sec

(c) Headquarters Intelligence and Field

Security - HQI & FS Gp

(d) Intelligence and field Security Company - I & FS Coy

(e) Intelligence and Field Security Unit - IFSU

(f) Military Intelligence Training School and

Depot - MINTSD

(g) Liaison Unit - LU

20. Army Services Corps.

(a) Advance Basic Supply Depot - ABSD

(b) Air Despatch platoon ASC - AD pl ASC

(c) Ambulance platoon ASC - Amb pl ASC

(d) Animal Tranpsort battalion - AT bn

(e) Animal Transpsort company (mountain

artillery mules) - AT copy (MA mules)
(f) Army Headquarters Transport Company - Army HQ Tpt coy

(g) Army Service Corps battalion - ASC Bn

(h) Army Services Corps College and Centre - ASC College &

(j) Army Service Corps Centre (North) or (South) - ASC Centre (N)
or (S)

(k) Army Service Corps Record Office - ASC Records

(Animal transport/mechanical transport)/(supply) (AT/MT)/(Sup)

(l) Company Army Service Corps - Copy ASC

(i) (Air Despatch) - Coy ASC (AD)



(ii) (Civilian general transport) - Coy ASC (Civ GT)

(iii) (Composite) - Coy ASC (Comp)

(iv) (Petroleum tankers) - Coy ASC (Pet tkr)

(v) (Supply) (type) - Coy ASC (Sup)


(vi) (Tank Transporters) - Coy ASC (Tk tptr)

(m) Composite Food Laboratory - CFL

(n) Composite platoon ASC - Comp pl ASC

(o) Field Petroleum Depot - FPD

(p) Food Inspection Unit - FIU

(q) Independent composite platoon ASC - Indep comp pl ASC

(r) Independe supply platoon ASC - Indep sup pl ASC

(s) Independent tank transporter platoon ASC - Indep tk tptrPl ASC

(t) Independent transport platoon ASC - Indep tpt pl
(civilian GT) ASC (civ GT)
(u) Mechanical Transport Dept wing ASC - MT Dept Wg ASC

(v) Petroeum Contract Unit (type) - PUC (type)

(w) Petroleum storage platoon - pet storage pl

(x) Petroleum platoon - pet pl

(y) Rail Head Petroleum Depot - RHPD

(z) Rail Head Supply Depot - RHSD

(aa) Relief Driver Increment - RDI

(ab) Reserve Petroleum Depot - RSD

(ac) Supply depot - Sup dep

(ad) Transpsort column (civil) - Tpt coln (civ)

(ae) Transport platoon - Tpt pl



21. Medical Services.

(a) Advance Dressing Station - ADS

(b) Advance Medical Storage Depot - AMSD

(c) Ambulance train (broad guage) (metre guage) - Amb train


(d) Ambulance Car Post - Amb CP

(e) Armed Forces Clinic - AFC

(f) Armed Forces Dental Clinic - AFDC

(g) Armed Forces Medical College - AFMC

(h) Armed Forces Transfusion Centre - AFTC

(j) Army Medical Corps Centre and School - AMC Centre &

(k) Army Medical Corps Record Office - AMC Records

(l) Army Medical Corps Non Technical Officers - AMC/NT

(m) Artifical Limb Centre - ALC

(n) Base Hospital - BH

(o) Command Hospital - CH

(p) Command Military Dental Centre - CMDC

(q) Command pathological laboratory - Comd path lab

(r) Corps Dental Unit - Corps DU

(s) Defence Institute of Physiology and

Allied Sciences - DIPAS

(t) Dental Unit - DU

(u) Field ambulance - fd amb

(v) Field Health Organisation - FHQ

(w) Forward Medical Stores Depot - FMSD

(w) General Hospital - GH



(x) Institute of Nuclear Medicine and

Allied Sciences - INMAS

(y) Intensive Care Unit - ICU

(z) Intensive Cardiac/Coronary Unit - ICCU

(aa) Malignant Disease Treatment Centre - MDTC

(ab) Medical Aid Post - MAP

(i) Class I - MAP CI I

(ii) Class II - MAP CI II

(ac) Medical Inspection room - MI room

(ad) Military Dental Centre - MDC

(ae) Military Hospital - MH

(af) Out Patient Department - OPD

(ag) Operation Theatre - OT

(ah) Parachute field ambulance - Para fd amb

(aj) Psychiatric centre - Psych C

(ak) Section hospital - Sec hosp

(al) Special Medical Board - SMB

(am) Staging section - Stg sec

(an) Station Health Organisation - SHO

(ao) Stretcher Bearer platoon - SB pl

(aq) Technical Support Platoon - TSP

(ar) Transfusion Centre - Transfusion C

(as) Walking Wounded Collecting Post - WWCP



22. Army Ordnance Corps.

(a) Advanced base stationery depot - Adv base

sty dep

(b) Advanced Base Ordnance Depot - ABOD

(c) Air maintenance platoon AOC - air maint

pl AOC

(d) Ammunition company - amn coy

(e) Ammunition depot - amn dep

(f) Ammunition detachment - amn det

(g) Ammunition Sub Depot - ASD

(h) Armoured brigade Ordnance Field Part - Armd bde OFP

(j) Army Ordnance Corps Centre - AOC Centre

(k) Army Ordnance Corps Depot Battalion - AOC Dep Bn

(l) Army Ordnance Corps Record Office - AOC Records

(m) Cash Payment Issue Section - CPIS

(n) Central Ammunition Depot - CAD

(o) Central Armoured Fighting Vehicles Depot - CAFVD

(p) Central Ordnance Depot - COD

(q) College of Materials Management - CMM

(r) Central Vehicle Depot - CVD

(s) Divisional Ordnance Unit (armoured/

Infantry/mountain divisions) - DOC (armd/inf/
(t) Field Ammunition Depot - FAD

(u) Field Ordnance Depot - FOD

(v) Independent ammunition platoon - indep amn pl

(w) Mobile cinema section - mob cinema



(x) Ordnance depot - ord dep

(y) Ordnance Field Park - OFP

(z) Ordnance Maintenance Company - OMC

(aa) Ordnance Maintenance Platoon/park - OMP

(ab) Ordnance railhead group - ord rail H gp

(ac) Ordnance Stores Section (type) - OSS (type)

(ad) Ordnance transit platoon - ord transit pl

(ae) Regional Ordance Depot - ROD

(af) Returned Armoued Fighting Vehicle park - RAFV pk

(ag) Returned Stores Sub Depot - RSSD

(ah) Returned Vehicles park - RV pk

(aj) Salvage section/sub-depot - sal sec/sub-dep

(ak) Salvage unit - sal unit

(al) Vehicle company - veh coy

(am) Vehicle depot - veh pk

(an) Vehicle park - veh pk

(am) Vehicle Transit Park - VTP

23. Corps of Electronics and Mechanical Engineers.

(a) Advanced base workshop - Adv BW

(b) Army Air Defence College Static Workshop - AADC stat wksp

(c) Air Defence regiment workshop - AD regt wksp

(d) Armament component - armt comp

(e) Armament artificer - armt art

(f) Armoured Regiment Increment - ARI

(g) Armoured Personal Carrier - APC



(h) Armoured Personal Carrier worksp section - APC wksp sec

(j) Armoured static workshop - armd stat wksp

(k) Armoured troops workshop - armd tps wksp

(l) Armoured workshop company - armd wksp coy

(m) Army Base Workshop - ABW
(n) Army Headquarters static workshop - Army HQ stat
(o) Artillery static workshop - Arty stat wksp

(p) Aviation Fitter (Air Framce)/(Armament)/

(Instrument & Photography)/(Electrical)/
(Avionics) - AF (AIR-F)/
(q) Aviation Fitter (Aero Engine) - AF (AE)

(r) Base Repair Depot - BRD

(s) Bridging company workshop section - Br coy wksp sec
(t) Communication zone recovery company - Comn Z rec coy
(u) Central Maintenance Station - CMS

(v) Combined workshop - comb wksp

(w) Corps recovery company - Corps rec coy

(x) Driver Special Vehicle - Dvr Spec Veh

(y) Detachment Technical Group - det TG

(z) Electronics and Mechanical Engieers Battalion - EME Bn

(aa) Electronics and Mechanical Engineers Centre - EME Centre
(ab) Electrronics and Mechanical Engineers Record
Office - EME Records
(ac) Elecrrician Armoured Fighting Vehicle - Elec AFV

(ad) Fitter (Armoured Fighting Vehicle), (Air Defence),

(Armament), (Field) - Ftr (AFV), (AD),
(Armt), (Fd)

(ae) Forward Repair Team - FRT



(af) Heavy regiment workshop - hy regt wksp

(ag) Havil Major Technical (All trades) - HMT

(ah) Independent artillery brigade - Indep arty bde

(aj) Workshop company - wskp coy

(ak) Independent armoured squadron increment - Indep armd

Sqn increment

(al) Independent field workshop company - indep fd wksp


(am) Independent parachute field workshop company - indep para fd

wksp coy

(an) Independent recovery section - Indep rec sec

(ao) Instrument Mechanic - Inst Mech

(aq) Infantry troops workshop - Inf tps wksp

(ar) Light Repair Workshop - LRW

(as) Limb Maker Leather and Fabric - LM (L & F)

(at) Limb Maker Metal and Wood - LM (M & W)

(au) Maintenance Advisory Group - MAG

(av) Maintainability Trials and Experimental Cel l - MTE cell

(aw) Mechanical Engineers Scales Organisation - MESO

(ax) Military College of Electronics and Mechanical

Engineering - MCEME

(ay) Mobile Repair Team - MRT

(az) Operator Excavating Machinery - OEM

(ba) Opertator Weapon System - Opr Wpn Sys

(bb) Operator Readio communications - Opr Radio Comns

(bc) Operator Radar and Fire Control - OPRFC

(bd) Painter and Decorator - Ptr & Deco



(be) Plant company workshop - plan coy wksp

(bf) Production group - prod gp

(bg) Recovery Machinic - Rec Mech

(bh) Radar increment - rdr incr

(bj) refrigeration Mechanic - Refg Mech

(bk) Repair and Recovery control Centre - RRCC

(bl) Station workshop - stn wksp

(bm) Storekeeper Technical - SKT

(bn) Store Hand Technical - SHT

(bo) Store Hand General Duties - SHGD

(bp) Tailor (U) - Tlr (U)

(bq) Technical Group - TGK

(br) Telecommunication Equipment - Tele eqpt

(bs) Tool Maker - Tool Mkr

(bt) Telecommunication Mechanic - TCM

(bu) Transport company workshop section - tpt coy wksp sec

(bv) Transport workshop company - tpt wksp- coy

(bw) Vehicle Mechanic Armoured Fighting Vehicle - VM (AFV)

(bx) vehicle Mechanic Motor Vehicle - VM (MV)

(by) Workshop company - wksp coy

24. Remount and Veterinary Service Corps.

(a) Advanced fidld veterinary hospital - AFVH

(b) Army dog Unit RVC - ADU RVC

(c) Central Military Veterinary Laboratory - cen mil vet lab

(d) Equine Breeding Stud, RVC - EBS RVC



(e) Field veterinary laborary - fd vet lab

(f) Horse and mule breeding area RVC - H & M breed area

(g) Military veterinary section - RVC mil vet sec

(h) Remount depot - rmt dep

(j) Remount Training School and Depot - Rmt Trg School &

(k) Remount Veterinary corps Centre and School- RVC Centre &

(l) Remount Veterinary Corps records - RVC Records

25. Military Farms Service.

(a) Branch Military Farm - Br Mil Farm

(b) Military Farm - MF

(c) Military Farm depot - Mil Farm dep

(d) Military Farms Records office - MF Records

26. Army Education Corps.

(a) AEC Record office - AEC Records

(b) AEC Training College and Centre - AEC Trg Collegte

& Centre
27. Corps of Military Police.

(a) Army Headquarters Provost Unit - Army HQ Pro Unit

(b) Area Provost Unit - Area Pro Unit

(c) Command Provost Unit - Comd Pro Unit

(d) Corps pf Military Police Centre and School - CMP Centre &

(e) Divisional provost unit - div pro unit

(f) Military prison - mil prison

(g) Prisoner of War transit camp - PW transit camp



(h) Prisoner of War camp - PW camp

28. Army Physical Traning Corps.

(a) Army Physical Traning Corps Records officer

And Depot - APTC Records

(b) Army School of Physical Training - ASPT

(c) Command physical training school - Comd PT school

29. Pioneer Corps.

(a) Pioneer company - pnr coy

(b) Pioneer Corps Record office - Pnr Records

(c) Pioneer Corps Training Centre - PCTC

30. Army Postal Service.

(a) Air formation postal unit - Air fmn PU

(b) Army Post Office - APO

(c) Army Postal Service Centre - APS Centre

(d) Army Postal Service Record Office - APS Records

(e) Central Base Post Office - CBPO

(f) Field Post Office - FPO

(g) Postal Location Control Centre - PLCC

(h) Postal Training Section - PTS

(j) Postal Unit (with title of formation prefixed) - PU (with

Abbreviated title of

(k) Postal unit (Border Roads) - PU (BR)

(l) Section Base Post Office - Sec BPO

(m) Scheduled Despatch Service - SDS

(n) Scheduled Despatch Service unit - SDS unit



31. Defence Security Corps.

(a) Defence Security Corps Centre - DSC Centre

(b) Defence Security Corps Record Office - DSC
(c) Defence Security Corps platoon - DSC pl

32. Abbreviated title of infantry battalions will consist of the battalion number in front
of the abbreviated regimental title. In case of Gorkha Battalions, an oblique stroke will
be interposed between the battalion number and the abbreviated
regimental title eg : -

Full Title Abbreviation

(a) 18th Battalion, Jammu and Kashmir Rifles 18 JAK RIF

(b) Ist Battalion, The 3rd Gorkha Rifles 1/3 GR

33. Army functional or traditional titles or suffixes, when specifically authorised in

Army Orders, for use with the abbreviated titles, will be placed in brackets, eg : -
Full Title Abbreviation
9th Battalion, The Parachute 9 PARA (SF)
Regiment (Special Forces)

34. Title of Territorial Army units are abbreviated with suffix ‘TA’ in brackets, eg :-

Full Title Abbreviation

199 Infantry Battalion (Territorial Army) 199 Inf Bn (TA)
Infantry Battalion Ecology (Territorial Army) Inf Bn Eco (TA)
Railway Operating Company (Territorial Army) Rly Op coy (TA)

35. Full Title Abbreviation

(a) 70 Medium Regiment 70 Med Regt

(b) Nine medium regiments Ine med regts
(c) 1 Field Park Company 1 Fd Pk Coy
(d) One of the field part companies One of the fd pk coys

(e) 2 Animal Transport Regiment 2 AT Regt

(f) Some of the animal transport r

regiments Some of the AT regts
(g) An air defence battery An AD bty



36. Ful Title Abbreviation

(a) Independent Armoured Brigade Indep armd bde

(b) 13 Independent Armoured Brigade 13 (I) Armd Bde

(c) 15 Independent Armoured Squadron 15 (I) Armd Sqn

(d) 41 Independent Rocket Battery 41 (I) Rkt Bty

37. PMF Detls.

Full Tutle Abbreviation

(a) Assam Rifles AR

(b) Border Security Force BSF

(c) Central Bureau of Investigation CBI

(d) Central Industrial Security Force CISF

(e) Central Reserve Police Force CRPF

(f) General reserve Engineer Force GREF

(g) Indo Tibetan Border Police ITBP

(h) Intelligence Bureau IB

(j) National Cadet Corps NCC

(k) National Security Guard NSG

(l) Railway Protection Force RPF

(m) Rashtriya Rifles RR

(n) Research and Analysis Wing RAW

(o) Special Action Group SAG

(p) Special Frontier Force SFF

(q) Special Service Bureau SSB

(r) Special Protection Group SPG



Branches - Navy

38. The branch to which an officer belongs is to be indicated after the name within
brackets as indicated below :-

(a) Executive - (X)

(b) Engineering - (E)

(c) Electrical - (L)

(d) Medical - Med

(e) Medical (Dental) - Med (D)

(f) Education - Edn

(g) Regulating - (Reg)

(h) Constructors - (Con)

(j) Meterology - Met

(k) Education - Edn

Branches - Air Force

39. (a) Flying (Pilot) - F(P)

(b) Flying (Navigator) - F(N)

(c) Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical) - AE (M)

(d) Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics) - AE (L)

(e) Administrative - Adm

(f) Logistics - Lgs

(g) Medical - Med

(h) Medical Dental - Med (D)

(j) Meteorological - Met

(k) Accounts - Accts

(l) Education - Edn






Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence (Army)

1. (a) Chief of Army Staff - COAS

(b) Vice Chief of the Army Staff - VCOAS

(c) Military Assistant - MA

(d) Military Assistant to the Chief of the Army - MA to COAS


(e) Deputy Military Assistant to the Chief of the - Dy MA to COAS

Army Staff

(f) Military Assistant to the Vice Chief of the - MA to VCOAS

Army Staff

(g) Staff Officer to the Vice Chief of the Army - SO to VCOAS


(h) Scientific Advisor to the Chief of the Army - SA to COAS


(j) Officer on special duty to COAS - OSD to COAS

(k) Deputy Military Assistant to VCAOS - Dy MA to VCOAS

2. General Staff Branch (GS Branch).

(a) Deputy Chief of the Army Staff (Information - DCOAS (IS&T)

Systems and Training)
(b) Deputy Chief of the Army Staff (Planning and - DCOAS (P&S)
(c) Military Assistant to the Deputy Chief of the - MA to DCOAS
Army Staff (T&C/P&S) (T&C/P&S)
(d) Director General of Military Operations - DGMO

(e) Additional Director General of Military - ADG MO (A/B/IW/

Operations (A/B) Spl Ops)



(f) Deputy Director General of Military - DDG MO

Operations (A/B/C/D) (A/B/C/D)

(g) Director of Military Survey - D Mil Svy

(h) Deputy Director of Military Survey - DD Mil Svy

(j) Assistant Director of Military Survey - AD Mil Svy

(k) Director General of Military Intelligence - DG MI

(l) Additional Director General Military - ADG MI

Intelligence (A/B) (A/B/PI)

(m) Deputy Director General Military Intelligence - DDG MI(B)

(Counter Intelligence)

(n) Deputy Director General Military Intelligence - DDG MI(C)

(Psychological Operations)

(o) Deputy Director General Military Intelligence - DDG MI(E)


(p) Deputy Director General Military Intelligence - DDG MI(FD)

(Foreign Division)

(q) Deputy Director General Military Intelligence - DDG MI(Tech)


(r) Deputy Director General Military Intelligence - DDG MI(W)


(s) Commander Headquarters Intelligence Group - Cdr (HIG)

(t) Additional Director General Signal - Addl DG SI


(u) Additional Director General Staff Duties - Addl DG SD

(v) Deputy Director General Staff Duties - DDG SD

(A/B/C/D) (A/B/C/D)

(w) Additional Director General Financial - Addl DG FP


(x) Deputy Director General Financial Planning - DDG FP (2/3)




(y) Additional Director General Perspective - Addl DG PP


(z) Deputy Director General of Perspective - DDG PP (A/B/C)

Planning (A/B/C)

(aa) Deputy Director General Management - DDG Mgt Studies


(ab) President Army Standing Establishment - President ASEC


(ac) Director General Military Training - DG MT

(ad) Additional Director General (Nuclear, - Addl DG (NBC Cell)

Biological and Chemical Warfare Cell)

(ae) Deputy Director General Military Training - DDG MT (A/B/C)


(af) Additional Director General Army Education - Addl DG AE

(ag) Deputy Director General Technical Training - DDG TT

(ah) Deputy Director General Physical Training - DDG PT

(aj) Additional Director General Weapons and - Addl DG WE


(ak) Deputy Director General Weapons and - DDG WE (1/A/B)

Equipment (1/A/B)

(al) Chairman Equipment Table Revision - Chairman ETRC


(am) Director General Mechanised Forces - DG MF

(an) Additional Director General Armoured Corps - Addl DG AC

(ao) Additional Director General Army Aviation - Addl DG AA

(ap) Additional Director General Mechanised - Addl DG Mech Inf


(aq) Director General Artillery - DG Arty

(ar) Additional Director General Artillery (A/B/C) - Addl DG Arty (A/B/C)



(as) Deputy Director General (Operations and - DDG (Ops-Trg Fd)

Training Field)

(at) Deputy Director General (Equipment Field) - DDG (Eqpt Fd)

(au) Deputy Director General (Operations and - DDG (Ops-Trg AD)

Training Air Defence)

(av) Deputy Director General (Equipment Air - DDG (Eqpt AD)


(aw) Deputy Director General (Establishment and - DDG (Estt Pers)


(ax) Deputy Director General (Artillery Combat - DDG (ACCCS)

Command Control Systems)

(ay) Signal Officer-in-Chief - SO-in-C

(az) Additional Director General Signal Staff - Addl DG Sig Staff

(ba) Additional Director General Tele - Addl DG (Tele)


(bb) Deputy Director General Signal Staff - DDG Sigs Staff

(bc) Deputy Director General Communication - DDG Comn Plg


(bd) Deputy Director General (Tele - DDG (Tele)


(be) Deputy Director General (Suraj) - DDG (Suraj)

(bf) Deputy Director General (Computers) - DDG (Cmptrs)

(bg) Deputy Director General PMO Plan Aren - DDG (Aren)

(bh) Inspector of Signal Trades Training - ISTT

(bj) Director General Infantry - DG Inf

(bk) Additional Director General of Territorial Army - Addl DG TA

(bl) Deputy Director General Defence Security - DDG DSC


(bm) Deputy Director General Systems - DDG (Sys)



(bn) Additional Director General Management - Addl DG (Sys)


(bo) General Staff Officer Grade 1 - GSO 1

(bp) General Staff Officer Grade 2 - GSO 2

(bq) General Staff Officer Grade 3 - GSO 3

(br) Deputy Director General (Information Warfare) - DDW (IW)

(bs) Deputy Director General (Operations/Special - DDG (Ops/Spl ps)

(bt) Director Budget Cell to DCOAS (IS & T) - Dir Budget DCOAS
(IS & T)

(bu) Director General Information Systems - DG IS

(bv) Additional DGIS - Addl DGIS

(bw) Deputy Director General Information Technology - DDG IT

(bx) Director of Military survey - D Mil Svy

(by) Assistant Director Mil Svy - AD Mil Svy

(bz) Deputy Director General Management System - DDG MISO


(ca) Deputy Director General Project Management - DDG PMO CIDSS

Organisation Command Information and Decision
Support System

(cb) Deputy Director General Project Management - DDG PMO BSS

Organisation Battlefield Surveillance System

(cc) Deputy Director General Project Management - DDG PMO AD

Organisation Air Defence Control and Reporting C&RS
3. Adjutant General’s Branch (AGs Branch).

(a) Adjutant General - AG

(b) Assistant Adjutant General - AAG

(c) Deputy Assistant Adjutant General - DAAG



(d) Director General Organisation and Personnel - DG (Org & Pers)

(e) Additional Director General of Organisation - Addl DG Org

(f) Additional Director General of Personnel - Addl DG PS

(g) Director General Discipline, Ceremonial and - DG (D&CW)

(h) Additional Director General Discipline and - Addl DG (D&V)


(j) Additional Director General (Ceremonial and - Addl DG (C&W)

(k) Additional Director General of Recruiting - Addl DG Rtg

(l) Deputy Director General Organisation - DDG Org (I of R)

Inspector of Records
(m) Director General of Medical Services (Army) - DGMS (Army)

(n) Additional Director General of Medical Services - Addl DGMS

(Army) (Army)
(o) Director of Medical Services - Dir MS

(p) Joint Director of Medical Services - JD MS

(q) Additional Director General of Medical Services - Addl DGMS

(Health and Pathology) (H&P)
(r) Director of Medical Service (Health) - Dir MS (H)

(s) Director of Medical Services (PS) - Dir MS (PS)

(t) Assistant Director of Pathology - ADP

(u) Deputy Assistant Director of Health - DADH

(v) Deputy Assistant Director of Pathology - DADP

(w) Additional Director General of Dental Services - Addl DG DS

(x) Joint Director of Dental Services - JDDS

(y) Additional Director General of Military Nursing - Addl DG MNS

(z) Deputy Director General of Military Nursing - DDG MNS



(aa) Joint Director Military Nursing Services - JD MNS

(ab) Matron-in-Chief - MIC

(ac) Staff Captain (Medical) - SC (Med)

(ad) Judge Advocate General - JAG

(ae) Joint Judge Advocate General - JJAG

(af) Deputy Judge Advocate General - DJAG

(ag) Assistant Judge Advocate General - AJAG

(ah) Deputy Assistant Judge Advocate General - DAJAG

(aj) Staff Captain (Law) - SC (Law)

(ak) Provost Marshal - PM

(al) Deputy Provost Marshal - DPM

(am) Assistant Provost Marshal - APM

(an) Deputy Assistant Provost Marshal - DAPM

(ao) Director of Army Statistical Organisation - DASO

(ap) Managing Director Army Group Insurance - MD AGI

(aq) Managing Director Army Welfare Housing - MD AWHO


4. Quartermaster General’s Branch (QMGs Branch).

(a) Quartermaster General - QMG

(b) Deputy Quartermaster General - DQMG

(c) Assistant Quartermaster General - AQMG

(d) Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General - DAQMG

(e) Additional Director General of Operational - Addl DGOL

(f) Deputy Director General of Operational - DDG OL
(g) Additional Director General of Movements - Addl DG Mov



(h) Assistant Quartermaster General Movements - AQMG (Mov)

(j) Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General - DAQMG (Mov)
(k) Staff Captain (Movement) - SC (Mov)

(l) Director (Rail Movement) - Dir (RM)

(m) Additional Director General Quartering - Addl DG Qr

(n) Deputy Director General Quartering (A/B) - DDG Qr (A/B)

(o) Director General Supplies and Transport - DG S&T

(p) Additional Director General Supplies and - Addl DG S&T

Transport (A/B/C) (A/B/C)
(q) Deputy Director General Supplies and - DDG S&T (FI)
Transport (Food Inspection)
(r) Deputy Director General Supplies and - DDG S&T
Transport (Coordination and Planning) (Coord & Plg)

(s) Deputy Director General Supplies and - DDG S&T (Tpt)

Transport (Transport)

(t) Deputy Director General Supplies and - DDG S&T (Fuel)

Transport (Fuel)
(u) Additional Director General Remount and - Addl DG RVS
Veterinary Services

(v) Deputy Director General of Military Farms - DDG MF

(w) Additional Director General of Army Postal - Addl DG APS

(x) Assistant Director of Army Postal Services - AD APS

(y) Deputy Director General of Pioneer Corps - DDG Pnrs

(z) Assistant Director of Pioneer Corps - AD Pnrs

(aa) Deputy Director General (Canteen Services) - DDG (CS)

(ab) Assistant Canteen Officer - ACO

(ac) Deputy Canteen Officer - DCO

(ad) Chief Technical Examiner of Works - CTE Wks



(ae) Additional Director General of Controller of - Addl DD CTE

Technical Examination
(af) Deputy Director General Technical - DDG TE
(ag) Assistant Technical Examiner of Works - ATE Wks

(ah) Inspector Fire Services - IFS

(aj) Assistant Inspector Fire Services - AIFS

5. Master General of the Ordnance Branch (MGOs Branch).

(a) Master General of the Ordnance - MGO

(b) Deputy Master General of the Ordnance - DMGO

(c) Assistant Master General of the Ordnance - AMGO

(d) Deputy Director General Equipment - DDG EM

(e) Director Ordnance Services (Aviation) - Dir (OS Avn)

(f) { Additional Director General of Ordnance - Addl DGOS

Services (Combat Vehicles/Clothing (CV/CN &A/TS)
Necessaries and Administration/Technical
(g) Deputy Director General of Ordnance Services - DDG OS

(h) Deputy Director General of Ordnance Services - DDG OS (Org

(Organisation and Administration) & Adm)

(j) Deputy Director General of Ordnance Services - DDG OS (ADP)

(Automatic Data Processing)

(k) Deputy Director General of Ordnance Services - DDG OS (I&BC)

(Inventory and Budget Control)

(l) Deputy Director General of Ordnance Services - DDG OS (E&E)

(Electronics and Engineering)
(m) Deputy Director General of Ordnance Services - DDG OS (GS&C)
(General Stores and Clothing)

(n) Director Ordnance Services (Coordination) - Dir OS (Coord)

(o) Director Ordnance Services (Inspection) - Dir OS (Insp)

(p) Director Ordnance Services (Ammunition) - Dir OS (Amn)



(q) Director Ordnance Services (B Vehicles and - Dir OS (BVS)

(r) Director Ordnance Services (Armament) - Dir OS (Armt)

(s) Director Ordnance Services (Personnel) - Dir OS (Pers)

(t) Director Ordnance Services (Provision, - Dir OS (PP & C)

Procurement and Control)
(u) Director Ordnance Services (Missiles) - Dir OS (Msls)

(v) Director Ordnance Services (Factories Liaison) - Dir OS (Fys

(w) Director Ordnance Services (General Stores) - Dir OS (GS)

(x) Director Ordnance Services (Clothing) - Dir OS (Clo)

(y) Director Ordnance Services (Organisation and - Dir OS (O & T)

(z) Director Ordnance Services (Engineering) - Dir OS (Engg)

(aa) Joint Director Ordnance Services (Factories) - JD OS (Fys)

(ab) Joint Director Ordnance Services (Public - JD OS (PSUs)

Sector Undertakings)
(ac) Joint Director Ordnance Services (Provision, - JD OS (PP & C)
Procurement and Control)
(ad) Joint Director Ordnance Services (B Vehicles) - JD OS (B Vehs)

(ae) Staff Captain (Ordnance) - SC (Ord)

(af) Director General of Electronics and - DG EME

Mechanical Engineering
(ag) Additional Director General of Electronics and - Addl DG EME
Mechanical Engineers (Resource (RM)

(ah) Additional Director General of Electronics and - Addl DG EME

Mechanical Engineering (Personnel and (P&A)

(aj) Additional Director General Electronics and - Addl DG EME

Mechanical Engineering (Engineering Support (ESM)



(ak) Deputy Director General of Electronics and - DDG EME (ESM)

Mechanical Engineers (Engineering Support
(al) Deputy Director General Electronics and - DDG EME (Prod)
Mechanical Engineering (Production)
(am) Commander Technical Group Electronics and - Cdr TG EME
Mechanical Engineering
(an) Deputy Commander Technical Group - Dy Cdr TG EME
Electronics and Mechanical Engineering
(ao) Chief Production Engineer - C Prod E

(ap) Chief Electronic Engineer - CEE

(aq) Chief Automotive Engineer - CAE

(ar) Chief Armament Engineer - C Armt E

(as) Chief Industrial Management Engineer - CIME

6. Military Secretary’s Branch (MS Branch).

(a) Military Secretary - MS

(b) Additional Military Secretary (A/B) - Addl MS (A/B)

(c) Deputy Military Secretary (Staff) - Dy MS (Staff)

(d) Deputy Military Secretary (Infantry) - Dy MS (Inf)

(e) Deputy Military Secretary (Artillery) - Dy MS (Arty)

(f) Deputy Military Secretary (Engineers) - Dy MS (Engrs)

(g) Deputy Military Secretary (Signals) - Dy MS (Sigs)

(h) Deputy Military Secretary (ASC) - Dy MS (ASC)

(j) Deputy Military Secretary (EME) - Dy MS (EME)

(k) Deputy Military Secretary (Selection Boards - Dy MS (SB &
and complaints upto Cols) Complaints)
(l) Deputy Military Secretary (Policy and - Dy MS (Policy &
Confidential Records) CR)
(m) Deputy Military Secretary (Brigadiers) - Dy MS (Brig)

(n) Assistant Military Secretary - AMS



7. Engineer in Chief’s Branch (E-in-Cs Branch).

(a) Engineer-in-Chief - E-in-C

(b) Additional Director General Engineer Staff - Addl DG ES

(c) Deputy Director General Engineer Staff (A) - DDG ES (A)

(d) Deputy Director General Engineer Staff (B) - DDG ES (B)

(e) Deputy director General Engineer Staff (6&7) - DDG ES (6&7)

(f) Additional Director General Engineers - Addl DG Engrs

(Personnel) (Pers)
(g) Deputy Director General Engineers (Civilian - DDG Engrs
Service Conditions Cell) (CSCC)
(h) Deputy Director General Engineers (Vigilance - DDG Engrs
and Discipline) (Vig & Dis)
(j) Director Transportation - D Tn

(k) Additional Director General Engineers Stores - Addl DG ESP

and Plants
(l) Director General Works - DGW

(m) Deputy Director General Works (Policy and - DDGW (P&C)

(n) Inspector of Works - I of Wks

(o) Deputy Director General Works (Designs) - DDGW (Designs)

(p) Additional Director General Works (Army) - Addl DGW (Army)

(q) Deputy Director General Works (Navy) - DDGW (Navy)

(r) Deputy Director General Works (Air Force) - DDGW (AF)

(s) Deputy Director General Works (Utilities) - DDGW (U)

(t) Deputy Director General Works (Defence - DDGW (DP)


(u) Director of Works Studies - Dir WS Engrs/

(Engineers) / Management Information System MIS

(v) Chief Surveyor of Works - CSW



(w) Deputy Director General of Works - DEGW (CP)

(Cantonment Planning)
Command Headquarters

8. (a) General Officer Commanding-in-Chief - GOC-in-C

(b) Military Assistant to General Officer

Commanding-in-Chief - MA to GOC-in-C
(c) Chief of Staff - COS

(d) Deputy Military Secretary - Dy MS

(e) Aide-de-Camp - ADC

9. General Staff.

(a) Major General General Staff (Ops) - MGGS (Ops)

(b) Major General General Staff (Planning and - MGGS (P & T)

(c) Brigadier General Staff (Ops) or (Int) - BGS (Ops) or (Int)

(d) Colonel General Staff (Intelligence) or - Col GS (Int) or

(Operations) or (Staff Duties) or (Weapons and (Ops) or (SD) or
Equipment) or (Ops Air) or (Training) (WE) or (Ops Air)
or (Trg)
(e) General Staff Officer Grade 1 (Operations) or - GSO 1 (Ops) or
(Intelligence) or (Staff Duties) or (Ops Air) or (Int) or (SD) or
(Weapons and Equipment) or (Training) (Ops Air) or (WE)
or (Trg)

(f) General Staff Officer Grade 2 (Operations) or - GSO 2 (Ops) or

(Intelligence) or (Staff Duties) or (Ops Air) or (Int) or (SD) or
(Weapons and Equipment) or (Training) (Ops Air) or (WE)
or (Trg)

(g) General Staff Officer Grade 3 (Operations) or - GSO 3 (Ops) or

(Intelligence) (Int)

(h) Brigadier General Staff (Information Warfare) - BGS (IW)

10. Administrative Branch.

(a) Major General Incharge Administration - MG Adm

(b) Major General Operation Logistics - MGOL



(c) Brigadier Adjutant General Branch/ - Brig A/Q

Quartermaster General Branch
(d) Colonel Adjutant General Branch/ - Col A/Q
Quartermaster General Branch
(e) Assistant Adjutant General - AAG

(f) Deputy Assistant Adjutant General - DAAG

(g) Assistant Inspector of Fire Services - AIFS

(h) Deputy Assistant Adjutant General Legal - DAAG (L)

(j) Administrative Officer - Adm Offr

(k) Establishment Officer - Est Offr

(l) Assistant Quartermaster General - AQMG

(m) Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General - DAQMG

11. Arms and Services.

(a) Major General/Brigadier Artillery - MG Arty/Brig Arty

(b) Staff Officer Grade 1 or 2 Artillery - SO 1 or 2 Arty

(c) Chief Engineer - CE

(d) Additional Chief Engineer - Addl CE

(e) Chief Signals Officer - CSO

(f) Deputy Chief Signals Officer - DCSO

(g) Major General Army Services Corps - MG ASC

(h) Deputy Director Medical Services - DDMS

(j) Assistant Director Medical Services - ADMS

(k) Assistant Director Medical Services (Hospital - ADMS (HS)


(l) Deputy Assistant Director Medical Services - DADMS

(m) Deputy Director Military Nursing Services - DDMNS



(n) Major General Army Ordnance Corps - MG AOC

(o) Brigadier Army Ordnance Corps - BAOC

(p) Deputy Director Ordnance Service - DDOS

(q) Major General Electronics and Mechanical - MG EME


(r) Brigadier Electrical and Mechanical - Brig EME


(s) Assistant Director of Health - ADH

(t) Assistant Director Supplies - ADS

(u) Deputy Assistant Director Supplies - DADS

(v) Assistant Director Transport - ADT

(w) Deputy Assistant Director Transport - DADT

(x) Assistant Director Electronics and Mechanical - ADEME


(y) Deputy Assistant Director Electronics and - DADEME

Mechanical Engineers

(z) Deputy Director Supplies and Transport - DDST

(aa) Colonel Supplies and Transport - Col ST

(ab) Staff Captain (Supply and Transport) - SC (ST)

(ac) Deputy Director of Remount and Veterinary - DDRVS


(ad) Assistant Director Remount and Veterinary - ADRVS


(ae) Deputy Assistant Director Remount and - DADRVS

Veterinary Services

(af) Deputy Director Military Farms - DD MF

(ag) Assistant Director Military Farm - AD MF

(ah) Farms Officer - FO



(aj) Deputy Provost Marshal - DPM

(ak) Assistant Director Defence Security Corps - ADDSC

(al) Deputy Director Army Postal Service - DDAPS

(am) Deputy Judge Advocate General - DJAG

(an) Commander Territorial Army Group - Cdr TA Gp HQ

(ao) Assistant Judge Advocate General - AJAG

(ap) Deputy Assistant Judge Advocate General - DAJAG

(aq) Deputy Commander Territorial Army Group - Dy Cdr TA Gp HQ


12. Common Civilian Appointments.

(a) Principal Director - PD

(b) Director - Dir

(c) Joint Director - Jt Dir

(d) Deputy Director - Dy Dir

(e) Section Officer - Sec Offr

(f) Superintendent Technical - Supdt Tech

(g) Private Secretary - PS

(h) Assistant - Asst

(j) Sr Private Personal Secretary - Sr PPS

(k) Private Personal Secretary - PPS

(l) Personal Assistant - PA

(m) Stenographer - Steno

(n) Upper Division Clerk - UDC

(o) Lower Division Clerk - LDC

(p) Staff Officer Grade I - SO I



(q) Staff Officer Grade II - SO II

(r) Staff Officer Grade III - SO III

13. Common Appointments.

(a) Head Clerk - HC

(b) Staff Captain (with appropriate suffix) - SC (Suffix

to be appropriately

(c) Staff Officer Grade (with appropriate suffix) - SO (suffix to be


(d) Superintendent - Supdt


1. Appointments at command headquarters, which are similar in designation to

those at Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence (Army) are not repeated here in
all cases. For such appointments, appropriate branch of Integrated Headquarters
Ministry of Defence (Army) should be consulted.

2. Suffixes to appointments will be used in abbreviated appointments also. Such

suffixes will also be abbreviated if authorised abbreviation exists. For example,
`AAG(L), SO 1(Arty), SO 1(Edn) or SO 2(Stats)’.

Corps Headquarters

14. (a) General Officer Commanding (When in

command of a corps, under command
headquarters or field headquarters) - GOC
(b) Intelligence Officer - IO

(c) Commander, Corps Artillery Brigade - CC Arty

(d) Counter-Bombardment Officer - CBO

(e) Deputy Director Supply and Transport - DDST

(f) Assistant Director of Supplies - ADS

(g) Assistant Director of Transport - ADT

(h) Assistant Provost Marshal - APM

(j) Deputy Assistant Provost Marshal - DAPM




Appointments at corps headquarters, which are similar in designation to those at

Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence (Army) and command headquarters, are
not repeated here in all cases. For such appointments at corps headquarters,
appropriate branch of command/Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence (Army)
should be consulted.

Division and Area Headquarters

15. (a) General Officer Commanding - GOC

(b) Deputy General Officer Commanding - Dy GOC

(c) Colonel General Staff/Adjutant General/ - Col GS/Col A/

Quartermaster General Col Q

(d) General Staff Officer Grade 1/2/3 Operations/ - GSO1/2/3

Intelligence/Staff Duties (Ops/ Int/SD)

(e) Staff Officer Grade 1/2 Education - SO 1/2 (Edn)

(f) Assistant Quartermaster General - AQMG

(g) Assistant Adjutant General - AAG

(h) Liaison Officer - LO

(j) Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General - DAQMG

(k) Deputy Assistant Adjutant General - DAAG

(l) Commander Artillery Brigade - C Arty or Cdr

Arty Bde

(m) Deputy Counter Bombardment Officer - DCBO

(n) Assistant Counter Bombardment Officer - ACBO

(o) Commanding Officer Engineer Regiment - CO Engr Regt

(p) Deputy Chief Signal Officer - DCSO

(q) Commanding Officer Army Service Corps - CO ASC Bn


(r) Senior Supply Officer - S Sup O

(s) Commanding Officer Divisional Ordnance Unit - CO DOU



(t) Commanding Officer Electronics and - CO EME Bn

Mechanical Engineers Battalion

(u) Assistant Inspector of Arms - AIA

(v) Electronics and Mechanical Assistant Engineer - EMAE (SA)

(Small Arms)

(w) Officer Incharge Technical Cell - OIC Tech Cell

(x) Commander Works Engineers - CWE

(y) Assistant Commander Works Engineers - ACWE

(Buildings and Roads) (B & R)

(z) Assistant Commander Works Engineers - ACWE

(Electrical and Mechanical) (E & M)

(aa) Inspector Engineers Machinery - IEM

(ab) Technical Equipment Officer - TEO


Appointments at division and area headquarters, which are similar to those at

Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence (Army), command headquarters and
corps headquarters, are not repeated in this part, in all cases. For authorised
abbreviations for appointments at division and area headquarters, which are not
included in this part, appropriate branch of higher headquarters should be consulted.

Brigade, Sector and Sub Area Headquarters

16. (a) Brigade Commander - Cdr

(b) Deputy Commander - Dy Cdr

(c) Sector Commander - Sect Cdr

(d) Commander Artillery or Independent Artillery - C Arty or Cdr


(e) Commander Air Defence Brigade or - Cdr AD Bde or

Independent Air Defence Brigade Cdr

(f) Commander Engineer Brigade - Cdr Engr Bde

or Cdr



(g) General Staff Officer Grade 2 - GSO 2

(h) General Staff Officer Grade 3 (Intelligence) - GSO3(Int)

(j) Brigade Intelligence Officer - Bde IO

(k) Staff Officer Grade 3 (Education) - SO 3 (Edn)

(l) Assistant Adjutant General - AAG

(m) Assistant Quartermaster General - AQMG

(n) Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster - DAA & QMG


(o) Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General - DAQMG

(p) Deputy Assistant Adjutant General - DAAG

(q) Staff Captain (Adjutant General) - SC(A)

(r) Staff Captain (Quartermaster General) - SC (Q)

(s) Staff Captain (Legal) - SC(L)

(t) Deputy Assistant Director of Supply and - DADST


(u) Brigade Supplies and Transport officer - BSTO

(v) Brigade Transport Officer - BTO

(w) Sub Area Ordnance Officer - SAOO

(x) Brigade Electronics and Mechanical - Bde EME

(y) Brigade Orderly Officer - BOO

(z) Superintendent - Supdt

(aa) Head Clerk - HC

Military Stations

17. (a) Station Commander - Stn Cdr

(b) Senior Executive Medical Officer - SEMO



(c) Administrative Commandant - Adm Comdt

(d) Station Staff Officer - SSO

(e) Garrison Engineer - GE

(f) Assistant Garrison Engineer (Barracks and - AGE (B & R)/

Roads), (Electrical and Mechanical) (E & M)

(g) Barracks Stores Officer - BSO

(h) Cantonment Executive Officer - CEO

(j) Unit Accountant Barracks Stores Officer - UA BSO

18. Command and Staff Appointments.

(a) Administrative Officer - Adm Offr

(b) Assistant Recruiting Officer - ARO

(c) Branch Recruiting Officer - BRO

(d) Independent Recruiting Officer - IRO

(e) Chief Air Formation Officer - CAFSO

(f) Embarkation Commandant - Emb Comdt

(g) Deputy Zonal ecruiting Officer - DZRO

(h) Embarkation Staff Officer - ESO

(j) Ground Liaison Officer - GLO

(k) Movement Control Officer - MCO

(l) Officer-in-Charge - OIC

(m) Railway Traffic Officer - RTO

(n) Recruiting Assistant - RA

(o) Recruiting Medical Officer - Rtg MO

(p) Recruiting Officer - RO

(q) Zonal Recruiting Officer - ZRO




19. (a) Commanding Officer (of the rank of Lt Col

or Col) - CO

(b) Officer Commanding (of the rank of Maj - OC

and below)
(c) Second in Command - 2IC

(d) Adjutant - Adjt

(e) Quartermaster - QM

(f) Mechanical Transport Officer - MTO

(g) Intelligence Officer - IO

(h) Technical Equipment Officer - TEO

(j) Platoon/Troop Commander - Pl/Tp Cdr

20. Miscellaneous Appoitments Ministry of Defence and Defence and Other


Full Title Abbreviation

(a) Additional Financial Adviser - Addl FA

(b) Additional Secretary - Addl Secy

(c) Assistant Financial Adviser - AFA

(d) Cabinet Secretary - Cabinet Secy

(e) Chief Administrative Officer - CAO

(f) Chief Controller of Research and Development - CC R & D

(g) Controller of Defence Accounts - CDA

(h) Controller General of Defence Accounts - CGDA

(j) Defence Secretary - Def Secy

(k) Deputy Controller General of Defence Accounts - DDGDL

(l) Deputy Director General of Defence Land

and Cantonments - DDGDL & C
(m) Defence Financial Adviser - Dy FA


(n) Deputy Secretary - Dy Secy

(o) Director General of Armed Forces Medical

Services - DGAFMS

(p) Director General of Border Roads - DGBR

(q) Director General of Inspection - DGI

(r) Director Gneral of National Cadet Corps - DGNCC

(s) Director General of Quality Assurance - DGQA

(t) Director General of Supplies and Disposal - DGS & D

(u) Director General Defence Lands and

Cantonments - DG DL & C
(v) Director of Military regulations and Forms - DMR & F

(w) Director of Public Relations - DPR

(x) Financial Adviser - FA

(y) Joint Secretary - Jt Secy

(z) Local Audit Officer - LAO

(aa) Defence Estate Officer - DEO

(ab) Prime Minister/Pradhan Mantri - PM

(ac) Raksha Mantri - RM

(ad) Raksha Rajya Mantri - RRM

(ae) Raksha Utpadan Mantri - RUM

(af) Section Officer - Sec Offr

(ag) Under Secretary - Under Secy

(ah) Defence Information Infrastructure - DII

(aj) Computer Network Operations - CNO




Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence (Navy)

21. (a) Chief of the Naval Staff - CNS

(b) Naval Assistant to Chief of the Naval Staff - NA to CNS

(c) Staff Officer to Chief of the Naval Staff - SO to CNS

(d) Flag Lieutenant - Flag Lt

22. Principal Staff Officers (PSOs).

(a) Vice Chief of Naval Staff - VCNS

(b) Chief of Personnel - COP

(c) Chief of Material - COM

(d) Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff - DCNS

23. Staff Branch I.

(a) Controller Warship Production - CWPA

and Acquisition

(b) Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff - ACNS (P&P)

(Policy and Plans)

Assistant Controller Warship Production - ACWPA

and Acquisition

(d) Principal Director General of Armament - PDGAS


(e) Assistant Controller of Carrier Project - ACCP

(f) Principal Director General of Naval Armament - PDGNAI


(g) Principal Director General Naval Design - PDGND

(h) Principal Director of Staff Requirements - PDSR

(j) Principal Director of Naval Plans - PDNP

(k) Principal Director Works - PDW



(l) Principal Director Administration - PDOA

(m) Principal Director Naval Armament - PDONA

(n) Principal Director Contracts and Cost - PDCCM


(p) Principal Director Aircraft Carrier Project - PDACP

(q) Principal Director Ship Production - PDSP

(r) Principal Director Equipment - PDOE

(s) Principal Director Surface Acquisition - PDSAQ

(t) Principal Director Submarine Acquisition - PDSMAQ

(u) Principal Director Naval Design - PDND

24. Staff Branch II.

(a) Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff - ACNS

(Information Warfare & Operations)
(b) Chief Hydrographer - Chief Hydro

(c) Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff (Air) - ACNS (Air)

(d) Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff - ACNS (S/M)

(e) Assistant Chief of Naval Staff - ACNS (CSNCO)
(Communications, Space and Network
Centric Operations)
(e) Principal Director Naval Intelligence - PDNI

(f) Principal Director Naval Signals - PDNS

(g) Principal Director Naval Operations - PDNO

(h) Principal Director Submarine Operations - PDSMO

(j) Principal Director Special Operations and - PDSOD


(k) Principal Director Naval Oceanography and - PDNOM




(l) Principal Director Naval Air Staff - PDNAS

(m) Principal Director Naval Air Material - PDNAM

(n) Principal Director Aircraft Acquisition - PDAA

(p) Principal Director Hydrography - PDOH

25. Personnel Branch.

(a) Assistant Chief of Personnel - ACOP

(Human Resources and Development)
(b) Chief of Personnel Services - CPS
(c) Assistant Chief of Personnel (Civilians) - ACOP (Civ)

(c) Assistant Chief of Personnel - ACOP (PC)

(Personnel and Conditions)

(d) Principal Director General of Medical Services - PDGMS (N)

(f) Judge Advocate General for the Navy - JAG (N)

(g) Principal Director of Personnel - PDOP

(h) Principal Director of Manpower Planning and - PDMPR


(j) Principal Director Naval Training - PDNT

(k) Principal Director Naval Education - PDNE

(l) Principal Director Personnel Services - PDPS

(m) Principal Director Non Public Funds - PDNPF

(n) Principal Director Pay and Allowances - PDPA

(o) Principal Director Medical Services - PDMS

(p) Principal Director Ex Servicemen Affairs - PDESA

(q) Principal Director Civilian Personnel - PDCP

26. Material Branch.

(a) Chief of Logistics - COL



(b) Assistant Chief of Logistics - ACOL

(c) Assistant Chief of Material (Information - ACOM

Technology and Systems) (IT&Systems)

(d) Assistant Chief of Material - ACOM (D & R)

(Dockyard and Refit)

(e) Principal Director Information Technology - PDIT

(f) Principal Director Fleet Maintenance - PDFM

(g) Principal Director Electrical Equipment - PDEE

(h) Principal Director Marine and Engineering - PDME

(j) Principal Director Weapons and Equipment - PDWE

(k) Principal Director Logistics Support - PDLS

(l) Principal Director Clothing and Victualling - PDCV

(m) Principal Director Transport - PDTp

(n) Principal Director Dockyards and Technical - PDODy

(o) Principal Director Naval Architecture - PDNA

(p) Principal Director Procurement - PDPRO

27. Other Authorities.

(a) Principal Director Naval Research and - PDNRD


(b) Principal Director Warship Project - PDWP


28. Headquarters.

(a) Flag Officer Commanding in Chief, - FOC-in-C

Western Naval Command West

(b) Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief - FOC-in-C

Eastern Naval Command East

(c) Flag Officer Commanding in Chief, - FOC-in-C

Southern Naval Command South


(d) Naval Officer in Charge (Name of the state) - NOIC (Name

of the state)

(e) Chief of Staff - COS

(f) Chief Staff Officer (Operations/Technical)/ - CSO (Ops)/

Personnel and Administration) (Tech)/(P&A)

(g) Command Operations Officer - COO

(h) Command Plans Officer - CPLO

(j) Command Gunnery officer - CGO

(k) Command Anti Submarine Warfare Officer - CASWO

(l) Command Aviation Officer - CAVO

(m) Command Communication Officer - CCO

(n) Command Engineer Officer` - CEO

(o) Command Electrical Officer - CLO

(p) Command Logistics Officer - C Log O

(q) Command Education Officer - C Edn O

(r) Command Training Officer, Continued

Training by Objectives - CTO

(s) Command Medical Officer - CMO

(t) Command Diving Officer - C Div O

(u) Command Special Operations and Diving Officer - CSOD

(v) Command Air Technical Officer - CATO

(w) Command Air Engineer Officer - CAEO

(x) Command Air Electrical Officer - CALO

(y) Staff Officer (Gunnery) - SO (G)

(z) Staff Officer Aviation - SO (Av)

(aa) Staff Officer (Anti Submarine Warfare) - SO (ASW)



(ab) Staff Officer (Communication) - SO (C)

(ac) Staff Officer Special Operations - SO (Spl Ops)

(ad) Staff Engineer Officer - SEO

(ae) Staff Electrical Officer - SLO

(af) Staff Logistics Officer - S Log O

(ag) Staff Education Officer - SO (Edn)

(ah) Staff Officer Training - SO (T)

(aj) Staff Officer Diving - SO (Div)

(ak) Staff Officer Administration - SO (A)

(al) Staff Officer Works - SO (W)

(am) Staff Officer Mail - SO (Mail)

(an) Staff Officer Movement - SO (Mov)

(ao) Naval Provost Marshal - NPM

29. Dockyards.

(a) Admiral Superintendent Dockyard Mumbai - ASD (MB)

(b) Director General Naval Projects (Mumbai/ - DGNP (MB/V)

(c) Admiral Superintendent Dockyard, - ASD (V)

(d) General Manager - GM

(e) Commander of the Yard - C of Y

(f) Deputy General Manager - DGM

(e) Assistant General Manager - AGM

(f) Manager Landing Ships and Craft - MLSC

(i) Manager Electrical - MELE

(j) Technical Adviser - TA



(k) Manager Submarine Auxiliaries - MSAX

(l) Manager Submarines - M Sub

(m) Manager Planning and Coordination - MPC

(n) Weapon Equipment Depot - WED

(p) Manager Power Generating Systems - MPGS

(q) Manager Gearing and Shafting - MGS

Afloat Appointments

30. Fleet/Squadron Appointments.

(a) Flag Officer Commanding Western Fleet - FOCWF

(Pronounced as

(b) Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet - FOCEF

(Pronounced as

(c) Flag Officer Maharashtra and Gujarat Area - FOMAG

(d) Flag Officer Sea Training - FOST

(e) Captain (F) .. 21 Frigate Squadron - Capt (F) .. 21

(f) Captain (D) .. 51 Destroyer Squadron - Capt (D) .. 51

(g) Captain (P) .. 19 Patrol Vessel Squadron - Capt (P) .. 19

(h) Captain (MS) .. 21 Mine Sweeping Squadron - Capt (MS) .. 21

(j) Captain (K) .. 22 Missile Boat Squadron - Capt (K) .. 22

(k) Captain (SM) .. 9 Submarine Squadron - Capt (SM) .. 9

(l) Senior Officer (Squadron No and - SO … 10


(k) Fleet Appointments.

(i) Fleet Aviation Officer - FAVO

(ii) Fleet Operations Officer, Forward

Observation Officer - FOO



(iii) Fleet Air Technical officer - FATO

(iv) Fleet Gunnery Officer - FGO

(v) Fleet NBCD Officer - FNBCDO

(vi) Fleet Navigating Officer - FNO

(vii) Fleet Anti Submarine Warfare Officer - FASWO

(viii) Fleet Administrative Officer - FAO

(ix) Fleet Armament Officer - FARMO

(x) Fleet Construction Officer - FCONO

(xi) Fleet Engineer Officer - FEO

(xii) Fleet Electrical Officer - FLO

(l) Squadron Appointments.

(i) Squadron ND Officer - SNO

(ii) Squadron Gunnery Officer - SGO

(iii) Squadron Communication Officer/

Signal Communication Officer, Special
Commission Officer - SCO

(iv) Squadron Engineer Officer - Sqn EO

(v) Squadron Anti Submarine Warfare

Officer - SASWO

(vi) Squadron Electrical Officer - Sqn LO

(vii) Squadron Supply Officer - Sqn SO

31. Ship Appointments.

(a) Officers.

(i) Air Engineer Officer - AEO

(ii) Commanding Officer - CO

(iii) Air Electrical Officer - ALO

(iv) Executive Officer - XO



(v) Commander Air - Cdr (Air)

(vi) Flight Commander - Flt Cdr

(vii) Navigating officer - NO

(viii) Anti Submarine Warfare Officer - ASWO

(ix) Gunnery Officer - GO

(x) Direction Officer - Dir Offr

(xi) Lieutenant Commander (Flying) - Lt Cdr (F)

(xii) Lieutenant Commander (Operations) - Lt Cdr (Ops)

(xiii) Landing Safety Officer - LSO

(xiv) Operations Room Officer - ORO

(xv) First Lieutenant - Ist Lt

(xvi) Regulating Officer, Reviewing Officer - RO

(xvii) Engineer Officer - EO

(xviii) Senior Engineer Officer - Sr EO

(xix) Electrical officer, Liaison Officer - LO

(xx) Logistics officer - Log O

(xxi) Medical Officer - MO

(xxii) Dental Officer - MO (D)

(xxiii) Duty Lieutenant Commander - DLC

(xxiv) Officer of the Day - OOD

(xxv) Officer of the Watch - OOW

(xxvi) Engineer Officer of the Watch - EOOW

(b) Sailors.

(i) Captain of the Flight Deck - CFD

(ii) Air Crew Man (Driver) - ACM (D)



(iii) Radar Plotter Instructor - PRI

(iv) Gunnery Instructor - GI

(v) Anti Submarine Warfare Instructor - ASWI

(vi) Signal Instructor - SI

(vii) Quartermaster - QM

(viii) Master Chief at Arms/Master at Arms - MCAA/MAA

(ix) Regulating Petty Officer - RPO

(x) Leading Patrolman - LPM

(xi) Physical Training Instructor - PTI

(xii) Engine Room Artificer - ERA

(xiii) Master Chief Bosun Mate - MCBM

32. Air Stations/Aircraft Carrier.

(a) Commander (Operations) - Cdr (Ops)

(b) Squadron Commander - Sqn Cdr

(c) Senior Pilot - Snr P

(d) Senior Observer - Snr O

(e) Ship/Station Flight Safety Officer - SFSO

(f) Safety Equipment and Survival Officer - SESO

(g) Senior Meteorology Officer - Snr Met O

(h) Meteorology Officer - Met O

(j) Ship/Station Air Engineer Officer - SAEO

(k) Ship/Station Air Electrical Officer - SALO

(l) Senior Air Traffic Control Officer - SATCO

(m) Duty Air Traffic Control Officer - DATCO

(n) Air Engineer Officer - AEO



(o) Air Electrical officer - ALO

(p) Flight Deck Officer - FDO

(q) Aircraft Control Room Officer - CRO

(r ) Hanger Control Officer - HCO

(s) Ground Electrical Officer - GEO

(t) Ground Radio Officer - GRO

33. Sailors.

(a) Air Crew Man (Flight Signaller) - ACM (FS)

(b) Air Crew Man (Flight Gunner) - ACM (FG)


Appointments at Air HQ

34. Chief of the Air Staff - CAS

Principal Staff Officers (PSOs)

35. Vice Chief of the Air Staff - VCAS

36. Deputy Chief of the Air Staff - DCAS

37. Director General (Inspection & Safety) - DG (I&S)

38. Air Officer-in-Charge Maintenance - AOM

39. Air Officer-in-Charge Administration - AOA

40. Air Officer-in-Charge Personnel - AOP

Vice Chief of the Air Staff Branch

41. Director General Air Operations - DG Air (Ops)

42. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff Operations (Offensive) - ACAS Ops (Off)
Principal Director Aircraft (Operations Tactical) - PD AC (Ops Tact)
Director of Operations (Tactical) - D Ops (Tact)
Director of Weapons (Fighter) - D Wpns (F)
Director of Weapons (Transport) - D Wpns (T)


Director Nuclear Biological Chemical Warfare - D NBC

43 Assistant Chief of the Air Staff Operations (Air Defence) - ACAS Ops (AD)
Principal Director Operations (Air Defence) (Control
and Reporting) - PD Ops AD (C&R)

Principal Director Operations (Air Defence) (Weapon

System) - PD Ops AD (WS)
Director of Operations (Air Defence) (Su-30) - D Ops AD (Su-30)
Director of Operations (Air Defence) (Surface to’
Air Guided Weapons) - D Ops AD (SAGW)

Director of Operations (Air Defence) (Airborne Sensor

and Networking) - D Ops AD (ASAN)

Director of Operations (Air Defence) (Ground - D Ops AD (GE)


44. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff Operations (Transport

and Helicopters) - ACAS Ops (T&H)

Principal Director Operations (Transport) - PD Ops (T)

Principal Director Operations (Helicopter) - PD Ops (H)

Director of Operations (Transport) - D Ops (T)

Director of Operations (Navigator) - D Ops Nav

Director of Operations (Helicopter) - D Ops (H)

Director of Operations (United Nations/Miscellaneous) - D Ops (UN/Misc)

45. Director (Ops Room) - D Ops Room

46. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff Operations (Space) - ACAS Ops (Space)
Principal Director of Operations (Information and
Electronic Warfare - PD Ops (IEW)

Director of Operations (Information and Electronic - D Ops (IEW) (IW)

Warfare) (Information Warfare)

Principal Director Operations (Air Traffic Services) - PD Ops (ATS)

Director of Operations (Air Traffic Services)) - D Ops (ATS)

Principal Director Operations (Space) - PD Space



Director Concept Studies (Air Warfare Strategy Cell) - D AWSC

Director of Operations (Media and Public Relations) - D Ops (MPR)
Director of Operations (Electronic Intelligence) - D Ops (ELINT)
47. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Signals - ACAS Sigs
and Information Technology) (Air & IT)

Principal Director Sigs (Air) - PD Sigs (Air)

Director of Signals (Air/Com) - D Sigs (Air/Com)
Director of Sigs (Air / Tropo) - D Sigs (Air/Tropo)
Director of Operations (Information Technology &
Networking) - D Ops (IT&N)

Director of Air Force Network - D AFNET

Principal Director Signals (Maintenance) - PD Sigs (Maint)

Director Signals (Maintenance) - D Sigs (Maint)

48. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Intelligence) - ACAS (Int)

Principal Director (Intelligence) - PD (Int)
Director Intelligence (Operations) - D Int (Ops)
Director International Defence Cooperation - D IDC
Director Counter Intelligence and Security - D CI&S
Director Central Security Investigation Team - D CIST
Director Imagery Intelligence - D IMINT
Commanding Officer Photo Interpretation School - CO PI School
Director Nodal Office Centre Multi Agency Centre - D MAC
Joint Director Intelligence (Administration) - JDI (Adm)
49. Director of Operation Planning and Assessment Group - D OPAG
Director of Strategic Operations - D Strat (Ops)
Director of Operations (Joint Planning) - D Ops (JP)
Director of Flying Exercise - D Flag Ex

Deputy Chief of the Air Staff Branch - DCAS

50. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Plans). - ACAS (Plans)

(a) Principal Director of Plans - PD Plans

(i) Director Plans - D Plans



(ii) Director Plans Helicopters - D Plans (H)

(b) Principal Director of Acquisition - PD Acq

(i) Director Acquisition - D Acq

(c) Principal Director Air Staff Requirements - PD ASR

(i) Director of Air Staff Requirements - DASR
(ii) Director of ASR (Medium Multi Role
Combat Aircraft) - DMMRCA
(iii) Director of ASR (Weapons) - D Wpns

(iv) Director of ASR (Electronic Warfare &

Value Engineering) - DASR (EW&VE)
(v) Director of ASR (Remotely Piloted
Aircraft) - DASR (RPA)
(vi) Director of ASR (Simulator) - DASR (SIM)

(vii) Director of ASR (Light Combat Aircraft) - DASR (LCA)

51. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Projects). - ACAS (Proj)

(a) Principal Director of Projects - PD Proj

(i) Director of Projects &Induction - D P&I

(ii) Director Aircraft Upgrade - D AU

(iii) Director Projects Su-30 - D Proj (Su-30)

(b) Principal Director of C4ISR - PD C4ISR

(i) Director of C4ISR - D C4ISR

(c) Principal Director of Integrated Air Command

and Control System - PD IACCS

(i) Director of IACCS (Planning Operations) - D IACCS

(Plg Ops)

(ii) Director of IACCS (Projects) - D IACCS


(iii) Director of IACCS (Planning Technical) - D IACCS

(Plg Tech)



52. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Financial Planning). - ACAS (Fin P)

(a) Principal Director Financial Planning - PD Fin P

(i) Director Cost Analysis - DCA

(aa) Director Cost Analysis-I/II - JDCA – I/II

(ab) Deputy Director Cost Analysis - DDCA

(ii) Director Capital Budget - DCB

(aa) Joint Director Capital Budget - JDCB

(iii) Director Revenue Budget - DRB

(aa) Deputy Director Revenue

Budget - I/II - DDRB – I/II

(iv) Joint Director Systems - JD Sys

53. Scientific Advisor to Chief of Air Staff - SA to CAS

54. Integrated financial Advisor - IFA

Director General (Inspection & Safety) Branch

55. Director General Inspection & Safety - DG (I&S)

Air Officer-in-Charge Personnel Branch

56. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff - ACAS (PO)

(Personnel Officers).

(a) Principal Director of Personnel Officer. - PDPO-1/PDPO-

(i) Director of Pers Officer – 1 (Fighter) - DPO - 1 (F)

(ii) Director of Pers Officer – 1

(Transpsort) - DPO – 1 (T)

(iii) Director of Pers Officer – 1

(Helicopter) - DPO – 1 (H)

(iv) Director of Pers Officer – 1

Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics) - DPO – 1 (L)

(v) Director of Pers Officer – 1

Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical) - DPO – 1 (M)


(vi) Director of Pers Officer – 1 (Admin) - DPO – 1 (Adm)

(vii) Director of Pers Officer – 1 (Logistics) - DPO – 1 (G)

(viii) Director of Pers Officer – 2 (A) - DPO - 2 (A)

(ix) Director of Pers Officer - 3 - DPO - 3

(x) Director of Pers Officer - 4 - DPO – 4

(xi) Director of Pers Officer - 5 - DPO – 5

(b) Director of Pers Planning - DPP

57. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff - ACAS (PA & C)

(Personnel, Airmen & Civilians)

(a) Director Personnel Airmen - DPA

(b) Director Personnel Civilian - Dir PC

58. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Training). - ACAS (Trg)

(a) Principal Director of Training (Flying) - PD Trg (F)

(i) Director of Training (Flying -I) - D Trg (F-I)

(ii) Director of Training (Flying - II) - D Trg (F- II)

(b) Principal Director of Training (Ground) - PD Trg (G)

(i) Director of Training (Ground) - D Trg (G)

(c) Director of Education - D Edn

(d) Director Staff Duties - DSD

(e) Principal Director of Personal Planning - PDPP

(i) Director of Personal Planning,

Defence Procurement Procedures - DPP

(f) Chairman Air Force Standing Establishment(s) - Chairman

Committee AFSEC



Air Officer-in-Charge Administration Branch

59. Director General Medical Services (Air). - DGMS ((Air)

(a) Principal Director Medical Services (Adm) - PDMS (Adm)

(i) Director Medical Services Coord - Dir (Med-Coord)

(ii) Director Medical Services Personnel - DMS (P)

(iii) Director Medical Services (O&P) - DMS (O&P)

(b) Principal Director Medical Services (Specialist) - PDMS (Spl)

(i) Director Medical Services (H) - DMS (H)

(ii) Director Medical Services (MB) - DMS (MB)

(iii) Director Medical Services (AM) - DMS (AM)

60. Director General (Works & Ceremonial) - DG (Wks & Cer)

61. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Air Force Works). - ACAS (AF Wks)

(a) Principal Director (Air Force Works) - PD AFW

(i) Director Air Force Works - DAFW
(ii) Director Air Force Works Budget - DAFW(Budget)
(iii) Director DDW (CAC) - Dir (DDW(CAC))
(iv) Director DDW (P&C-1) - Dir (DDW(P&C-1))

(b) Principal Director (Accounts) - PD Accts

(c) Judge Advocate General (Air) - JAG (Air)

(i) Joint Judge Advocate General (Air)

Discipline) - Jt JAG (Air) (Disc)

(ii) Director Civil Litigation - D Civ Lit

(d) Principal Director of Organisation - PD Org
(i) Director of Organisation - D Org
(e) Principal Director of Pay Pension - PD PP&R &

(i) Director of Pay Pension & Regulations - DPP & R



62. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Provost & Discipline) - ACAS (Prov&

(a) Provost Marshal (Air) - PM (Air)

(i) Deputy Provost Marshal (A) - DPM (A)

(ii) Deputy Provost Marshal (B) - DPM (B)

(iii) Deputy Provost Marshal (V) - DPM (V)

(iv) Joint Director (Guard) - JD

(v) Director Personal Services - DPS

(vi) Joint Director Personnel Services - JDPS

(vii) Joint Director Personal Services – I - JDPS – I

(viii) Joint Director Personal Services – II - JDPS - II

(ix) Deputy Director Personal Services - DDPS

(b) Principal Director of Group Insurance - PD AFGIS

Society (Air Force)

(c) Joint Director Adventure - JD Adv

Air Officer-in-charge Maintenance Branch

63. Director General (Aircraft) - DG(Ac)

64. Director General (Systems) - DG(Sys)

65. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff Engineering (A) - ACAS (Eng A)

(a) Principal Director of Engineering (A) - PD Eng A

(i) Director of Engineering (A) - D Eng A

66. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff Engineering (B). - ACAS (Eng B)
(a) Principal Director of Engineering (Jaguar &
Mirage) - PD Eng J&M

(i) Director of Engineering (Jaguar) - D Eng J

(ii) Director of Engineering (Mirage) - E Eng M

(iii) Director of Engineering (Light Combat

Aircraft) - D Eng LCA


(b) Principal Director of Engineering (C). - PD Eng C

(i) Director of Engineering (C) - D Eng C

(ii) Director of Hawk Maintenance - DHM

(iii) Director of Engineering B (Trainers) - D Eng B(T)

67. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff Engineering (T&H). - ACAS (Eng T&H)
(a) Principal Director of Engineering (Transport). - PD Eng T

(i) Director of Engineering Transport

(Russian) - D Eng T (R)

(ii) Director of Engineering Transport

(Western) - D Eng T (W)

(b) Principal Director of Engineering (Helicopters). - PD Eng H

(i) Director of Engineering Helicopters
(Russian) - D Eng H (R)

(ii) Director of Engineering Helicopters)

(Western) - D Eng HQ (W)

68. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff Engineering Maintenance

Planning. - ACAS (MP)

(a) Principal Director Maintenance Planning. - PD MP

(i) Director Maintenance Planning - D MP

(ii) Director of TETTRA - D TETTRA

(iii) Director of Indigenisation - D Indg

(iv) Director of Publication - D Pub

(v) Director of Management of Information

System - D MIS
(vi) Director of Russian Translation Cell - D RTC

69. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff Systems. - ACAS (Sys)

(a) Principal Director RADAR - PD RADAR

(i) Director RADAR - D RADAR



(b) Principal Director Ground Electronics - PD GL

(c) Commanding Officer (Project Management

Group) - CO (PMG)

(d) Director of Avoionics, Modification & Simulator - D AMS

70. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff Weapons. - ACAS (Wpn)

(a) Principal Director Guided Weapon

Maintenance - PD GWM
(b) Principal Director Electronics Warfare
Maintenance - PD EW (Maint)
(c) Principal Director Armament & Safety
Equipment - PD ASE

71. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff Logistics. - ACAS (Lgs)

(a) Principal Director Stores - PD Stores

(i) Director of Stores - D Stores

(b) Principal Director Integrated Material

Management Online System - PD IMMOLS

(i) Director of IMMOLS - D IMMOLS

(c) Principal Director of Logistics - PD Lgs

(i) Director of Logistics Planning - DLP

(d) Principal Director of Mechanical Transport - PDMT

(i) Director of Mechanical Transport - DMT

72. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff Procurement - ACAS (Proc)

(a) Principal Director Procurement - PD (Proc)

73. Branch Coordination Office - BCO

74. Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Inspection). - ACAS (I)

(a) Principal Director of Air Staff Inspection - PDASI

(b) Flying Team.

(i) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Fighter and Bomber) - DASI (F&B)



(ii) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Fighter 1) - DASI (F1)
(iii) Director of Air Staff Inspection
(Fighter 2) - DASI (F2)

(iv) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Fighter 3) - DASI (F3)
(v) Director of Air Staff Inspection
(Helicopter) - DASI (H)

(vi) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Helicopter 1) - DASI (H1)

(vii) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Helicopter 2) - DASI (H2)

(viii) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Transport) - DASI (T)

(ix) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Navigation) - DASI (Nav)

(x) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Remotely Piloted Aircraft) - DASI (RPA)

(c) Maintenance Team.

(i) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Maintenance) - DASI (Maint)

(ii) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Maintenance 1) - DASI (Maint 1)

(iii) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Maintenance 2) - DASI (Maint 2)

(iv) Joint Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Logistics) - JDASI (Lgs)

(d) Air Traffic Services Team.

(i) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Air Traffic Services) - DASI (ATS)

(ii) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Meteorology) - DASI (Met)



(e) Control & Reporting Team.

(i) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Control & Reporting) - DASI (C&R)

(ii) Director of Air Staff Inspection Ops

(Control & Reporting) - DASI Ops (C&R)

(iii) Director of Air Staff Inspection

Maintenance (Control & Reporting - DASI Maint (C&R)

(f) Guided Weapons Team.

(i) Director of Air Staff Inspection

(Guided Weapons) - DASI (GW)

(g) Principal Director of Maintenance Inspection - PDMI

(i) Director of Maintenance Inspection

(Fighters) - DMI I

(ii) Director of Maintenance Inspection

(Logistics) - DMI II

(iii) Director of Maintenance Inspection

(Systems) - DMI III

(iv) Director of Maintenance Inspection

(Joint Quality Audit) - DMI IV

(h) Director of Administration Inspection - DAI

(i) Director of Administration

Inspection (Accounts) - DAI (Accts)

(ii) Director of Administration

Inspection (Medical) - DAI (Med)

(iii) Director of Administration

Inspection (Education) - DAI (Edn)

(j) Aircrew Examining Board - AEB

(k) Aeronautical Engineering Categorization Board - AECB

(l) Logistics Categorization Board - LCB

75. Principal Director of Aerospace Safety - PDAS

(a) Director Aerospace Sfety - DAS-1



(b) Director Aerospace Safety - DAS-2

(c) Director Aerospce Safety - DAS-3

(d) Institute of Flight Sfety - IFS

(e) Director of Flight Safety - DFS

Appointments at Command HQ

76. Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief. - AOC-in-C

Air Staff Branch

77. Senior Air Staff Officer. - SASO

(a) Air - I. - Air - I

(i) Ops 1A - Ops 1 A

(ii) Centre for Air Tasking Strike Planning

For Arial Warfare - CATSPAW

(iii) Ops 1C - Ops 1 C

(iv) Command Ground Liaison Officer - CGLO

(b) Air II. - Air II

(i) Ops II A - Ops IIA

(ii) Ops II B - Ops IIBA

(iii) Command Meteorological Officer - C Met O

Maintenance Staff Branch

78. Senior Maintenance Staff Officer. - SMSO

(a) Command Engineering Officer - C Eng O

(i) Command Engineering Officer A - C Eng A

(iv) Command Engineering Officer B - C Eng B

(v) Command Engineering Officer T - C Eng T

(vi) Command Engineering Officer H - C Eng H



(b) Command Logistics Management Officer - CLMO

(i) Dy Command Logistics Management

Officer - Dy CLMO

(ii) Command Mechanical Transport

Officer - CMTO

(iii) Command Armament Safety

Equipment Officer - CASEO

Administrative Staff Branch

79. Senior Officer-in-Charge Administration. - SOA

(a) Command Education Officer - C Edn O

(b) Chief Personnel Staff Officer - CPSO

(c) Principal Medical Officer - PMO

(d) Command Accounts Officer - C Accts O

(e) Command Organisation Officer - C Org O

(f) Command Judge Advocate - CJA

(g) Command Works Officer - C Wks O

Training Command (HQ TC)

80. Senior Air Staff Officer. - SASO

(a) Command Flying Training Officer - CFTO

(b) Command Aerospace Safety and Inspection - CAS&IO

(c) Command Technical Training Officer - CTTO

(d) Command Non-Technical Training Officer - CNTTO

(e) Command Intelligence Officer - C Int O

(c) Command IT Officer - C IT O

Maintenance Command (HQ MC)


81. Senior Administrative Air Staff Officer. - SAASO



(a) Principal Medical Officer - PMO

(b) Senior Personnel Staff Officer - SPSO

(c) Command Accounts Officer - C Accts O

(d) Command Works Officer - C Wks O

(e) Air I and Command Intelligence Offr - Air I & C Int O

(f) Command Judge Advocate - CJA

(g) Command Education Officer - C Edn O

(h) Command Organisation Officer - C Org O


82. Air Officer Logistics Management. - AOLM

(a) Deputy Air Office Logistics Maintenance - Dy AOLM

(b) Command Logistics Maintenance Officer

(Supply) - CLMO (Supply)
(c) Command Logistics Management
Plans & Coordination) - CLMO(PP&C)

(d) Command Logistics Management Officer

(Support) - CLMO(Support)

SMSO’s Branch

83. Air Officer Engineering Services. - AOES

(a) Deputy Air Officer Engineering Services (Aircraft) - DY AOES(AC)

(i) Command Engineering Officer - C Eng O

(ii) Command Indigenisation Officer - C Ind O

(iii) Command Modernisation Officer - C Mod O

(iv) Command Quality Assurance Officer - CQAO

(v) Command Armament & Safety

Equipment Officer - CASEO



(b) Deputy Air Officer Engineering Service(Systems)- Dy AOES(Sys)

(i) Command Guided Weapon Officer - CGWO

(ii) Command Radar Officer - C Rad O

(iii) Command Electronics Warfare Officer - CEWO

(iv) Command Engineering Support Officer - CESO

(v) Command Ground Electronics Officer - CGLO

(vi) Command Signal Officer - CSO

(vii) Command Air Force Network Officer - C AFNET O

(viii) Ground Signal Officer - GSO

Appointments at Other Formations and Establishments

Air Force Selection Board (AFSB)

84. President - President

85. Deputy President - Dy President

86. Interviewing officer, Initiating Officer - IO

87. Group Testing officer - GTO

88. Psychological officer - Psy O

Air Force Technical College (AFTC)

89. Commandant - Comdt

90. Chief Instructor (Technology) - CI (T)

91. Chief Instructor (Management) - CI(M)

92. Chief Technical Instructor - CTI

93. Senior Technical Service

(a) Training Instructor - STI

(b) Technical Instructor - TI



94. Chief General Service Training - CGSTI


95. Senior General Service Training - SGSTI

96. Programme Coordination officer - PCO

97. Training Coordination officer - TCO

Base Repair Depot (BRD)

98. Chief Planning - CP

99. Chief of Aircraft - CA

100. Chief of Engines - CE

101. Chief Logistics Officer - CLO

102. Chief Quality Assurance Officer - CQAO

103. Chief Test Pilot - CTP

Appointments at Establishments

Aircraft & Systems Testing Establishment (ASTE)

104. Commandant - Comdt

105. Chief Test Pilot - CTP

106. Chief Project Manager - CPM

107. Chief Research & Project Officer - CRPO

Air Force Central Medical Establishment (AFCME)

108. Medical Specialist - Med Spl

109. Surgical Specialist - Surg Spl

Appointments at Air Force Stations and AF Units

110. Air Officer Commanding - AOC

111. Station Commander - Stn Cdr

112. Adjutant - Adjt



113. Chief Operations Officer - COO

114. Chief Engineering Officer - C Eng O

115. Chief Administrative Officer - C Adm O

116. Air Surveillance Officer - ASO

117. Base Air Defence Officer - BADO

118. Commanding Officer - CO

119. Duty Air Traffic Control Officer - DATCO

120. Duty Medical Officer - DMO

121. Duty Meteorological Officer - D Met O

122. Duty Officer - DO

123. Engineering Officer - EO

124. Guidance Officer - GO

125. Inspection Officer, Initiating Officer - IO

126. Liaison Officer - LO

127. Mechanical Transport Officer - MTO

128. Mess Secretary - Mess Secy

129. Movement and Identification Officer - M & IO

130. Orderly Officer - OO

131. Orderly Sergeant - Ord Sgt

132. President Mess Committee - PMC

133. Senior Accounts Officer - SAO

134. Senior Air Traffic Control Officer - SATCO

135. Senior Engineer (Aircraft) - SE (ac)

136. Senior Engineer (Electronics) - SE (L)

137. Senior Engineer (Mechanical) - SE (M)



138. Senior Flying Supervisor - SFS

139. Senior Logistics Officer - SLO

140. Senior Medical Officer - SMO

141. Senior Meteorological Officer - S Met O

142. Senior Operations Officer - S Ops O

143. Senior Technical Officer - STO

144. Senior Technical Officer (Mechanical Transport) - STO (MT)

145. Staff Officer - SO

146. Station Aerospace Safety & Inspection Officer - SASIO

147. Station Signal Officer, Station Staff Officer - SSO

148. Station Warrant Officer - SWO

149. Unit Warrant Officer - UWO

150. System Administrator Integrated Material Management - SA IMMOLS

Online System

Pechora Sqns

151. Chief of Radar Technical Team - CRTT

152. Chief of Firing Team - CFT

Equipment Depot - ED

153. Chief Logistics Officer - CLO

154. Chief Quality Assurance Officer - CQAO

155. Demand Control Officer - DCO

156. Stock Control Officer* - SCO

(*Only at ED holding Explosive stocks)

Material Management Institute - MMI

157. Chief Instructor - CI

158. Training Coordinating Officer - TCO



Air Storage Park - ASP

159. Commanding Officer - CO

160. Chief Logistics Officer - CLO
161. Stock Control Officer* - SCO
(*Only at ASP holding Explosive stocks)

Movement Control Unit - MCU

162. Officer Commanding - OC

163. Movement Control Officer - MCO

Technical Type Training School - TETTRA School

164. Officer Commanding - OC

165. Chief Instructor - CI

166. Training Wing Adjutant - TWA

167. Flight Commander - Flt Cdr




Publication & Distribution Section - P&D Sec

Colonel General Staff (Publication & Distribution) - Col GS (P&D)

Doctrine Branch

Doctrine Branch - Doc Br

Major General General Staff (Doctrine) - MGGS (Doc)

Concept Development/Combat Power Section - Concept Devp/CP Sec

Brigadier General Staff (Concepts/Combat Power) - BGS (Concepts/CP)

Colonel General Staff (Concepts/Armour) - Col GS (Concepts/Armr)

Colonel General Staff (Concepts/Infantry) - Col GS (Concepts/Inf)

Colonel Staff Officer 1 (Concepts/Armour) - GSO 1 (Concepts/Armr)

General Staff Officer 1 (Concepts/Mechanised) - GSO 1 (Concepts/Mech)

Concept Development/Combat Support Section - Concept Devp/CS Sec

Brigadier General Staff (Concepts/Combat Support) - BGS (Concepts/CS)

Colonel General Staff (Concepts/Artillery) - Col GS (Concepts/Arty)

Colonel General Staff (Concepts/Army Air Defence) - Col GS (Concepts/AAD)

Colonel General Staff (Concepts/Engineers) - Col GS (Concepts/Engrs)

Colonel General Staff (Concepts/Signals) - Col GS (Concepts/Sigs)

Colonel General Staff (Concepts/Surveillance) - Col GS (Concepts/Svl)

Human Resource Development, United Nations,

Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and
Wargaming & Simulation Section - HRD, UN, CBRN,
Wg & Sml Sec)
Brigadier General Staff (Human Resource
Development, United Nations, Chemical Biological
Radiological Nuclear and Wargaming & Section) - BGS (HRD, UN,
CBRN, Wg & Sml Sec)
Colonel General Staff (Human Resource
Development) - Col GS (HRD)



Colonel General Staff (Chemical Biological

Radiological Nuclear & United Nations) - Col GS (CBRN & UN)

Colonel General Staff (Wargaming & Simulation) - Col GS (WG & Sml)

Centre for Army Lessons Learnt Section - CALL Sec

Colonel General Staff (Centre for Army Lessons

Learnt - Col GS (CALL)

Concepts/Operational Logistics Section - Concepts/OL Sec

Brigadier General Staff (Concepts/Operational

Logistics) - BGS (Concepts/OL)

Training Branch

Major General General Staff (Training) - MGGS (Trg)

All Arms Training Section - AAT Sec

Brigadier General Staff (All Arms Training) - BGS (AAT)

Colonel General Staff (All Arms Training) - Col GS (AAT)

General Staff Officer 1 (All Arms Training – A) - Col GS (AAT - A)

General Staff Officer 1 (All Arms Training – B) - GSO 1 (AAT - B)

Arms Training Section - AT Sec

Brigadier General Staff (Arms Training) - BGS (AT)

Colonel General Staff (Arms Training – A) - Col GS (AT - A)

Colonel General Staff (Arms Training – B) - Col GS (AT – B)

General Staff Officer 1 (Arms Training – A) - GSO 1 (AT – A)

General Staff Officer 1 (Arms Training – B) - GSO 1 (AT – B)

Joint Training and Planning Section - BGS (JT & P)

Colonel General Staff (Joint Training and Planning) - Col GS (JT & P)

Colonel General Staff (Policy) - Col GS (Policy)

General Staff Officer 1 (Policy) - GSO 1 (Policy)



Technical Training Section - TT Sec

Brigadier General Staff (Technical Training) - BGS (TT)

Colonel General Staff (Technical Training – 1) - Col GS (TT – 1)

Colonel General Staff (Technical Training – 2) - GSO 1 (TT – 2)

General Staff Officer 1 (Technical Training – 1) - GSO 1 (TT – 1)

General Staff Officer 1 (Technical Training – 2) - GSO 1 (TT – 2)

Services Training Section - ST Sec

Brigadier General Staff (Services Training) - BGS (ST)

Colonel General Staff (Services Training) - Col GS (ST)

General Staff Officer 1 (Services Training) - GSO 1 (ST)

Pre Commission Training Section - PCT Sec

Colonel General Staff (Pre Commission Training) - Col GS (PCT)

General Staff Officer 1 (Pre Commission Training) - GSO 1 (PCT)


Red Force Branch - REDFOR Br

Major General General Staff (REDFORCE) - MGGS (REDFOR)

West Section - West Sec

Brigadier General Staff (West) - BGS (West)

Colonel General Staff – 1 (West) - Col GS – 1 (West)

Colonel General Staff – 2 (West) - Col GS – 2 (West)

General Staff Officer 1 (West) - GSO 1 (West)

General Staff Officer 1 (West 1) - GSO 1 (West 1)

General Staff Officer 1 (West 2) - GSO 1 (West 2)

East Section - East Sec

Brigadier General Staff (East) - BGS (East)



Colonel General Staff -1 - Col GS – 1 (East)

Colonel General Staff – 2 - Col GS – 2 (East)

General Staff Officer 1 (East A) - GSO 1 (East A)

General Staff Officer 1 (East B) - GSO 1 (East B)

General Staff Officer 2 (East) - GSO 2 (East)

Sub Conventional Section - Sub Conv Sec

Brigadier General Staff (Sub Conventional) - BGS (Sub Conv)

Colonel General Staff (Strategy) - Col GS (Strat)

Colonel General Staff – 1 (Sub Conventional) - Col GS – 1 (Sub Conv)

Colonel General Staff – 2 (Sub Conventional) - Col GS – 2 (Sub Conv)






1. Regular Army HQ Establishments and Miscellaneous Organisations.

Full Title Abbreviation Abbreviation

for Section

Integrated Headquarters Mod (Army).

(a) Integrated Headquarters

MOD ((Army) IHQ MOD (Army)
Sig msg only)
(b) Secretariat of Chief of
the Army Staff COAS Sect

(c) Complaints Advisory

Board Sectt CAB Sectt CAB

(d) Secretariat of the the Vice

Chief of the Army Staff VCOAS Sectt

(e) Deputy Chief of the Army Staff DCOAS IS& T P&S

(f) General Staff Branch GS Br

(g) Director General of Military

Operations DGMO MO

(h) Directorate General Military

Intelligence DGMI MI

(j) Directorate General Operational

Logistics DG OL OL

(k) Additional Directorate General

Of Logistics ADG OL OL

(l) Additional Directorate General

Movements Addl DG Mov Mov

(m) Directorate General Information

Systems DG IS IS



(n) Additional Directorate General

Military Survey Addl DG Mil Mil Svy
(o) Deputy Director General of
Information Technology DDG IT IT

(p) Deputy Diector General

Management Information
System Organisation DDG MISO MISO

(q) Deputy Director General

Project Management
Organisation – Command
Information and Decision
Support System DDG PMO CIDSS
(r) Deputy Director General
Project Management
Organisation – Battle Field
Surveillance System DDG PMO BSS BSS

(s) Deputy Director General

Project Management
Organisation – Artillery
Combat Command and
Control System DDG PMO ACCCS
(t) Deputy Director General
Project Management
Organisation – Air Defence
Control and Reporting System DDG PMO AD C&R S
(u) Director General of Military
Training DG MT MT

(v) Army Sports Control Board ASCB ASCB

(w) Director General Signals DG Sigs/SO-in-C Sigs

(x) Project Management


(y) Project Management

Organisation Core Group
Network System PMO CDNS CDNS



(z) Project Management

(aa) Additional Directorate
General Staff Duties Addl DG SD SD

(ab) Army Standing Establishment

Committee ASEC ASEC

(ac) Directorate General of

Mechanised Forces DG MF MF

(ad) Additional Directorate General

of Armoured Corps ADG AC AC

(ae) Deputy Derector General

Mechanised Forces DDG MIC MIC

(af) Director General of Artillery DG Arty Arty

(ag) Directorate General of Army

Air Defence DG AAD AAD
(ah) Directorate General Infantry DG Inf Inf

(aj) Directorate General

Rashtriya Rifles DG RR RR

(ak) Additional Diretorate General

Weapons and Equipment Addl DG WE WE

(al) Additional Directorate

General Financial Planning Addl DG FP FP

(am) Additional Directorate

General of Perspective
Planning Addl DG PP PP

(an) Additional Directorate

General Army Aviation Addl DG Army AA
(ao) Additional Directorate
General Territorial Army Addl DG TA TA

(ap) Deputy Director General

Of Defence Security Corps DDG DSC DSC

(aq) Scientific Advisor to COAS SA to COAS SA



(ar) Integrated Financial Advisors

(Army (O), (Q), & (Misc) IFA Army (O) IFA
IFA Army (Q)
IFA Army (Misc)

(as) Adjutant General’s Branch AGs Br AG

(at) Directorate General Manpower

Planning & Personnel Servies DG MP & PS MP

(au) Additional Directorate General

Manpower Planning Addl DG MP MP

(av) Inspectorate of Records I of R I or R

(ax) Additional Directorate General

Personal Services Addl DG PS PS

(ay) Additional Directorate General

Recruiting Addl DG Rtg Rtg

(az) Directorate General Discipline,

Ceremonial and Welfare DGDC & W DC & W

(ba) Additional Directorate General

Discipline and Vigilance Addl DG DV DV

(bb) Additional Directorate General

Ceremonial and Welfare Addl DG CW CW

(bc) Judge Advocate General’s

Department JAG Dept JAG

(bd) Provost Marshall PM PM

(be) Directorate General Medical

Services (Army) DG MS (Army) DGMS (Army)

(bf) Directorate General Dental

Services DG DS DS

(bg) Additional Directorate General

Military Nursing Service ADG MNS MNS

(bh) MD Ex Serviceman
Contributory Health Scheme MD ECHS ECHS

(bj) Army Group Insurance

Directorate AGI Dte AGI



(bk) Army Welfare Housing

Organisation AWHO AWHO

(bl) Quarter Master General’s

Branch QMG QMG

(bm) Directorate General Supplies

and Transport DG S&T S&T

(bn) Additional Directorate General

Remounts and Veterinary
Services Addl DG RVS RV

(bo) Additional Directorate General

Army Postal Service Addl DG APS APS

(bp) Additional directorate General

Land, Works and environment Addl DG LWE LWE

(bq) Additional Directorate General

Technical Examination Addl DG TE TE

(br) Additional Directorate General

Adm and Coord Addl DG Adm Adm & Coord
& Coord

(bs) Army Headquarters Camp Army HQ Camp AHQ Camp

(bt) Deputy Director General

Military Farms DDg MF MF

(bu) Deputy director General

Canteen Services DDG CS CS

(bv) Deputy Director General

Pioneers DDG Pnrs Pnrs

(bw) Master General of Ordnance

Services DG OS OS

(bx) Additional Directorate

General Ordnance Services

(by) Additional Directorate General

Ordnance Services (CV) ADG OS (CV) OS

(bz) Additional Directorate General

Ordnance Services (TS) ADG OS (TS) OS



(ca) Directorate General Electronics

& Mechanical Engineering DG EME EME

(cb) Headquarter Technical Group


(cc) Military Secretary’s Branch MS MS

(cd) Engineer’s in-Chief Branch E-in-C E-in-C

(ce) Additional Directorate General

Engineers Services Addl DGES ES

(cf) Directorate General Personnel DG Pers Pers

(cg) Additional Directorate General

Personnel ADG Pers Pers

(ch) Additional Directorate General

Engineers Personnel Addl DG Engrs Pers

(cj) Directorate General Works DG Works Works

(ck) Additional Directorate General

Engineers Stores and Plant Addl DG ESP ESP

(cl) Directorate of Married

Accommodation Project DG MAP MAP

(cm) Nuclear Biological Chemical

Warfare Cell NBC Cell NBC

(cn) Deputy director General

Procurement Progresing
Organisation DDG PPO PPO

(co) Deputy Director General

Personnel Directorate MES
Officers DDG (Pers) A DDG-A

(cp) Deputy Director General

Personnel Directore Civilian
Subordinate Staff DDGC (Pers) B DDG-B

(cq) Army Works Directorate

(Planning and Coordination) Army Wks Dte DDGW
(P&C) (PPC)



(cr) Directorate of Architecture Dte Arch CA

(cs) Inspectorate of Works Inspte of Wks CEI

(ct) Directorate of Designs Dte of Designs DDGW (DES)

(cu) Army Works Directorate Army Wks Dte ADGW (ARMY)

(cv) Naval Works Directorate Naval Wks Dte DDGW (N&DP)

(cw) Air Force Works Directorate AF Wks Dte DDGW (AIR)

(cx) Department of Defence

Production & Supplies Def pro supply DDP&S

(cy) Directorate of Utility Dte of Utility DDG W(U)

(cz) Works Study Directorate WS Dte (E-in-C)

(da) Chief Surveyor of Works Chief Svyr of Wks CSW

(db) Surveyor of Works Directorate Svyr of Wks Dte SW

(dc) Equipment Tables Revision

Committee ETRC ETRC

2. Commands.

(a) Southern Command - Southern Comd or SOUTHCOM

(for sig msg only)

(b) Eastern Command - Eastern Comd or EASTCOM

(for sig msg only)

(c) Western Command - Western Comd or WESTCOM

(for sig msg only)

(d) Central Command - Central Comd or CENTCOM

(for sig msg only)

(e) Northern Command - Northern Comd or NORTHCOM

(for sig msg only)

(f) Army Training Command - ARTRAC

(g) South Western Command - SW Comd or SOUTHWESTCOM

(for sig msg only)



3. Corps, Division and Brigades.

(a) Airborne brigade - AB bde

(b) Airborne division - AB div

(c) Air defence brigade - AD bde

(d) Amphibious brigade - amph bde

(e) Armoured brigade - armd bde

(f) Armoured division - armd div

(g) Artillery brigade - arty bde

(h) Corps artillery brigade - corps arty bde

(j) Corps engineer regiment - corps engr regt

(k) Engineer brigade - engr bde

(l) Headquarters Bengal Engineers - HQ Bengal Engr Gp &

Group and Centre Centre

(m) Headquarters Madras Engineer - HQ Madras Engr Gp &

Group and Centre Centre

(n) Headquarters Bombay Engineer - HQ Bombay Engr Gp &

Group and Centre Centre

(o) Infantry brigade - inf bde

(p) Independent air defence brigade - indep AD bde

(q) Independent armoured brigade - indep armd bde

(r) Independent artillery brigade - indep arty bde

(s) Independent mountain brigade - indep mtn bde

(t) Independent parachute brigade - indep para bde

(u) Mechanised brigade - mech bde

(v) Mechanised Infantry Regimental - MIRC




(w) Military College of Tele- - MCTE

communication Engineering

(x) Mountain artillery brigade - mtn arty bde

(y) Mountain brigade - mtn bde

(z) Mountain brigade group - mtn bde gp

(aa) Mountain division - mtn div

(ab) Parachute brigade - para bde

(ac) Reorganised Army Plains - RAPID

Infantry Division
(ad) Sector - sect

4. In this Section for the sake of uniformity, only the first letter of each serial has
been shown in capitals, from the obligatory capitals which must be used in certain
basic abbreviations in actual usage. Initial capitals will be used, when referring to
particular formations, units, sub-units or establishments as also when the rules of
punctuation so dictate. Some examples to illustrate the actual usage are shown
below: -

Full Title Abbreviation

(a) 70 Medium Regiment 70 Med Regt

(b) Nine medium regiments nine med regts

(c) 1 Field Park Company 1 Fd Pk Coy

(d) One of the field park companies one of the field pk coys

(e) 2 Animal Transport Regiment 2 AT Regt

(f) Some of the animal transport some of the AT regts


(g) An air defence battery an AD bty



5. While describing an independent formation (or unit) the word ‘independent’ will
be abbreviated to ‘indep’ when used in a generic sense and to ‘(I)’ when used to
denote a specific formation (or unit), for example: -

Full Title Abbreviation

(a) Independent Armoured Brigade indep armd bde

(b) 13 Independent Armoured Brigade 13 (I) Armd Bde

(c) 15 Independent Armoured 15 (I) Armd Sqn

(d) 41 Independent Rocket Battery 41 (I) Rkt Bty

6. Areas and Sub Areas.

(a) Headquarters Bengal Area - HQ Bengal Area

(b) Andhra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and - ATNK &K Area

Kerala Area

(c) Madhya Bharat Area - MB Area

(d) Maharashtra and Gujarat Area - M&G Area

(e) Punjab, Haryana and Himachal - PH&HP Area

Pradesh Area
(f) Headquarters Calcutta Sub Area - HQ Calcutta Sub Area

(g) Headquarters Bombay Sub Area - HQ Bombay Sub Area

(h) Headquarters Uttaranchal Sub Area - HQ Uttaranchal Sub Area

(j) Headquarters Jullunder Sub Area - HQ Jullunder Sub Area

(k) Headquarters Lucknow Sub Area - HQ Lucknow Sub Area

(l) Headquarters North Bengal Sub Area - HQ North Bengal Sub Area

(m) Headquarters Pune Sub Area - HQ Pune Sub Area

(n) Uttar Pradesh Area - UP Area

(o) Bihar and Orissa Sub Area - B&O Sub Area

(p) Madhya Pradesh Sub Area - MP Sub Area



(q) Tamil Nadu and Kerala Sub Area - TN&K Sub Area

7. Category A Establishments.

(a) Army Education Corps Training - AEC Trg College & Centre
College and Centre

(b) Army Medical Corps Centre and - AMC Centre & School
(c) Armoured Corps Centre and School - ACC & S

(d) Army/Air Transport Support School - AATSS

(e) Army Cadet College - ACC

(f) Army Clerks Training School - ACTS

(g) Army School of Mechanical Transport - ASMT

(h) Army School of Physical Training - ASPT

(j) Army Service Corps College and - ASC College & Centre
(k) Corps of Military Police Centre and - CMP Centre & School
(l) College of Materials Management - CMM

(m) College of Military Engineering - CME

(n) Counter Insurgency and Jungle - CIJWS

Warfare School
(o) Electronics and Mechanical Engineers - EME School
(p) High Altitude Warfare School - HAWS

(q) Indian Military Academy - IMA

(r) Infantry School - Inf School

(s) College of Defence Management - CDM

(t) Junior Leaders Wing - JLW

(u) Mechanised Infantry Regimental - MIRC




(v) Military Intelligence Training School - MINTSD

and Depot

(w) Military College of Electronics and - MCEME

Mechanical Engineering

(x) Military College of Telecommunication - MCTE


(y) Military Farms School and Research - MFS&RC

(z) Officers’ Training Academy - OTA

(aa) Paratroopers Training School - PTS

(ab) Rashtriya Indian Military College - RIMC

(ac) Remount Training School and Depot - Rmt Trg School & Dep

(ad) Remount Veterinary Corps Centre - RVC Centre & School

and School

(ae) School of Artillery - School of Arty

8. Air Support Organisations.

(a) Army Air Supply Organisation - AASO

(b) Army Air Transport Organisation - AATO

(c) Ground Liaison Section (type) - GS Sec (type)

9. Movement Control Organisations.

(a) Embarkation Headquarters - Emb HQ

(b) Movement Control Area - MC Area

(c) Movement Control Detachment - MC Dte

(d) Movement Control Group - MC Gp

(e) Movement Control/Military Forwarding

Detachment - MC/MF Dte

10. Public Relations Organisation.

(a) Mobile Field Photographic Section - MFPS



(b) Mobile Public Relation Unit - MPRU

11. Reinforcement Organisations.

(a) Advance Reinforcement Campt - Adv Rft Camp

(b) Advanced Reinforcement and

Casualty Section - Adv RF & C Sec

(c) Reinforcement Holding Unit - RHU

12. Recruitment and Selection Organisations.

(a) Recruiting Area - rtg area

(b) Recruting organisation - rtg org

(c) Recruiting Zone - rtg Z

(d) Selection Centre - SC

(e) Service Selection Board - SSB

13. Inter Service Establishments.

(a) Andaman Nicobar Command - ANC

(b) Armed Forces Medical College - AFMC

(c) Armed Forced Medical Stores Depot - AFMSD

(d) College of Defence Management - CDM

(e) Defence Services Staff College - DSSC

(f) Institute of Armament Technology - IAT

(g) Joint Air Warfare School - JAWS

(h) National Defence College - NDC

(j) National Defence Academy - NDA

(k) Services Sports Control Board - SSCB

14. Miscellaneous Organisations.

(a) Air Headquarters - Air HQ

(b) All India Radio - AIR



(c) Armed Forces Film and Photo Dvision - AFF & PD

(d) Army Group Insurance - AGI

(e) Border Roads Development Board - BRDB

(f) Border Security Force - BSF

(g) Cabinet Secretariat (Intelligence Wing) - Cabinet Sectt (Int Wg)

(h) Cabinet Secretariat (Military Wing) - Cabinet Sectt (Mil Wg)

(j) Canteen Stores Department - CSD

(k) Central Bureau of Investigation - CBI

(l) Central Intelligence Bureau - CIB

(m) Central Monitory Organisation - CMO

(n) Central reserve Police Force - CRPF

(o) Defence Intelligence Agency - DIA

(p) Defence Land and Cantonment

Directorate - DL & C Dte

(q) Defence Research and Development

Organisation - DRDO

(r) Defence Services Lines Communication

Committee - DSLCC

(s) Directorate General of Quality Assurance - DGQA

(t) Directorate General of National Cadate

Corps - DGNCC

(u) Directorate General of Resettlement - DGR

(v) Zila Sainik Board - ZSB

(w) Directorate General of Supplies

and Disposal - DG S & D

(x) Doordarshan - DD

(y) Emergency Committee of the Cabinet - ECC

(z) General Reserve Engineer Force - GREF



(aa) Heavy Vehicle Factory - HVF

(ab) Institute of Defence Studies and

Analysis - IDSA

(ac) Intelligence Bureau - IB

(ad) Inter Service Stores Preservation

Organisation - ISSPO

(ae) Joint Cipher Bureau - JCB

(af) Joint Communications Electronics

Committee - JCEC

(ag) Joint Consultative Machinery - JCM

(ah) Joint Electronic Warfare Board - JEWB

(aj) Joint Intelligence Committee - JIC

(ak) Joint Planning Committee - JPC

(al) Joint Signal Intelligence Board - JSIB

(am) Joint Training Committee - JTC

(an) Ministry of Defence - MOD

(ao) Ministry of Defence (Finance) - MOD (Fin)

(ap) Ministry of Defence (Supplies) - MOD (Sup)

(aq) Ministry of Defence (Production) - MOD (Prod)

(ar) Ministry of External Affairs - MEA

(as) Ministry of Home Affairs - MHA

(at) National Security Guard - NSG

(au) Naval Headquarters - Naval HQ

(av) Prime Minister’s Office - PMO

(aw) Provincial Armed Constabulary

or Public Accounts Committe of the
Parliament - PAC


(ax) Research and Analysis Wing - RAW

(ay) Special Police Establishment - SPE

(az) Special Protection Group - SPG

(ba) Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau - SIB


15. Naval Headquarters - NHQ

16 Commands.

(a) Headquarters Western Naval Command - HQ WNC

(b) Headquarters Eastern Naval command - HQ ENC

(c) Headquarters Southern Naval command - HQ SNC

17. Establishments/ Units.

(a) Naval Ship Repair Yard - NSRY

(b) Base Logistics Organisation - BLO

(c) Base Victualling Yard - BVY

(d) Indian Naval Chart Depot - INCD

(e) Indian Naval Benevolent Association - INBA

(f) Indian Naval Canteen Service - INCS

(g) Indian Naval Distributing Authority - INDA

(h) Indian Naval Academy - INA

(j) Naval Air Station - NAS

(k) Naval Aeronautical Quality Assurance - NAQAS


(l) Naval Aircraft Yard - NAY

(m) Naval Armament Depot - NAD



(n) Naval Armament Inspection Organisation - NAIO

(o) Naval Armament Stores Organisation - NASO

(p) Naval Institute of Educational and Training - NIETT

(q) Naval Pay Office - NAV PAY

(r) Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory - NPOL

(s) Naval Psychological Research Unit - NPRU

(t) Material Superintendent (Mumbai/ - MS (MB/V)


(u) Naval Stores Organisation - NSO

(v) Sailors Training Establishment - STE

(w) School for Naval Airmen - SFNA

18. Ships and Aircraft.

(a) Indian Naval Ship - INS

(b) Indian Naval Hospital Ship - INHS

(c) Indian Naval Submarine - INS

(d) Indian Naval Air Squadron - INAS

19. Squadrons.

(a) ……..Destroyer Squadron - …DS

(b) ……..Frigate Squadron - …FS

(c) ……..Submarine Squadron - …SS

(d) ……..Mine Sweeper Squadron - …MSS

(e) ……..Mine Counter Measures Squadron - …MCMS

(f) ……..Landing Ship Squadron - …LSS

(g) ……..Missile Boat Squadron - …MBS

(h) ……..Patrol Vessel Squadron - …PS

(j) ……..Training Squadron - …TS




Formations, Establishments and Units

1. Air Force System on Error Management - AFSEM

2. Integrated Aerospace Safety Management System - IASMS
3. Bird Hazard Combat Team - BHCT

4. Station Aerospce Safety & Inspection Officer - SAS&IO

5. Maintenance Safety Inpsection Officer - MSIO

6. Admin Sfety Inspection Officer - ASIO

7. Senior Education Officer - S Edn O

8. Station Works Officer - S Wks O

9. Foreign Object Removal - FOR

10. Foreign Object Damage - FOD

11. ADGES Maintenance & Standards Establishment - AMSE
12. Advance Medical Store Depot - AMSD
13. Aerial Delivery Research and Development
Establishment - ADRDE
14. Aero Medical Training Centre - AMTC
15. Aero Medical Unit - AMU
16. Aeronautical Development Agency - ADA
17. Aeronautical Development & Establishment - ADE
18. Aeronautical Research & Development Board - ARDB
19. Air Defence College - ADC
20. Air Defence Control Centre - ADCC
21. Air Defence Direction Centre - ADDC
22. Air Force Academy - AFA
23. Air Force Administrative college - AFAC
24. Air Force Central Accounts Establishment - AFCAO
25. Air force Central Dental Establishment - AFCDE
26. Air Force Central Medical Establishment - AFCME
27. Air Force Dental Centre - AFDC



28. Air Force Forms and Stationary Depot - AFF&SD

29. Air Force Hospital - AFH
30. Air Force Intelligence School - AFIS
31. Air Force Liaison Cell - AFLC
32. Air Force Liaison Element - AFLE
33. Air Force Liaison Unit - AFLU
34. Air Force Medical Stores Depot - AFMSD
35. Air Force Movement Liaison Cell - AFMLC
36. Air Force Range Unit - AFRU
37. Air Force Record Office - AFRO
38. Air Force Selection Board - AFSB
39. Air Force Technical College - AFTC
40. Air Movement Control Centre - AMCC
41. Air Publication and Forms Store - AP&FS
42. Air Stores Park - ASP
43. Air Support Signal Regiment - ASSR
44. Air Support Signal Unit - ASSU
45. Aircraft and Systems Testing Establishment - ASTE
46. Armament Training Wing - ATW
47. Armament Research And Development - ARDE
48. Base Repair Depot - BRD
49. Basic Flying Training School - BFTS
50. Bomb Disposal Unit - BDU
51. Canteen Stores Department - CSD
52. Care And Maintenance Unit - C & MU
53. Central Photographic Reproduction Unit - CPRU
54. Central Ordnance Depot - COD
55. Central Servicing Development Organisation - CSDO
56. Central Vehicle Depot - CVD
57. College of Air Warfare - CAW
58 College of Defence Management - CDM



59. Control & Reporting Centre - CRC

60. Controller General Of Defence Accounts - CGDA
61. Ddata Centre Management Unit - DCMU
62. Defence Services Staff College - DSSC
63. Dte of Research And Development Organisation - DRDO
64. Dte of Technical Development And Production (Air) - DTD&P(Air)
65. Defence Service Corps - DSC
66. Electrical And Instrument Training Institute - E&ITI
67. Equipment Depot - ED
68. Explosives Research & Development Establishment - ERDE
69. Field Post Office - FPO
70. Fighter Training Wing - FTW
71. Fixed Wing Training Flight - FWTF
72. Forward Air Controller Flight - FAC Flight
73. Forward Base Support Unit - FBSU
74. Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft - FGFA
75. Ground Electronic Surveillance Unit - GESU
76. Guided Weapon Training Institute - GWTI
77. Ground Examination Board - GEB
78. HAWK Operational Training Squadron - HOTS
79. Helicopter Unit - HU
80. Integrated Material Manageme3nt Office Logistic - IMMOLS

81. INAS Integration Organisation - IIO

82. Institute of Aviation Medicine - IAM
83. International Airport Authority Of India - IAAI
84. International Civil Aviation Organisation - ICAO
85. Jungle & Snow Survival School - J&SSS
86. Maritime Air Centre - MAC
87. Mechanical Training Institute, Moving Target Indicator - MTI
88. Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft - MMRCA
89. MIG Operational Flying Training Unit - MOFTU



90. Military Dental Centre - MDC

91. Military Hospital - MH
92. Mobile Observer Flight - MOF
93. Movement Control Unit - MCU
94. National Aeronautical Laboratory - NAL
95. National Defence Academy - NDA
96. National Defence College - NDC
97. Nav & Signal School - NSS
98. Northern Area Control Centre - NACC
99. Operational Conversion Unit - OCU
100. Parachute Repair Depot - PRD
101. Paratroopers Training School - PTS
102. Personnel Holding Section - PHS
103. Provost and Security (Unit) - P&S (Unit)
104. Radio Maintenance Unit - RMU
105. Repair and Salvage Unit - R & SU
106. Regional Examination Board - REB
107. Service Selection Board - SSB
108. Services Sports Control Board - SSCB
109. Signal Unit - SU
110. Software Development Institute - SDI
111. Survival; Security and Support Flight - SSS Flt
112. Tactical Air Centre - TAC
113. Tactics and Combat Development & - TACDE
114. Target Towing Flight - TTF
115. Target Towing Unit - TTU
116. Technical Type Training School - TETTRA School

117. Transport Training Wing - TTW

118. Wireless Experimental Centre - WEC
119. Wireless Experimental Unit - WEU
120. Workshop Training Institute - WTI



Committees, Boards and Association

121. Aircrew Examining Board - AEB
122. Air Force Naval Housing Board - AFNHB
123. Air Force Standing Establishment Committee - AFSEC
124. Air Force Wives Welfare Association - AFWWA
125. Chief Of Staff Committee - COSC
126. Ground Crew Examining Board - GCEB
127. Indian Air Force Benevolent Association -I AFBA
128. Joint Training Committee - JTC
129. Kendriya Sainik Board - KSB
130. Principal Personnel Officers Committee - PPOC
131. Public Accounts Committee - PAC
132. Rajya Sainik Board - RSB
133. Zila Sainik Board - ZSB
Misc (Equipment)

134. Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile - AMRAAM

135. Advanced Tactical Fighter - ATF
136. Air Combat Manoeuvring Instrumentation - ACMI
137. Air Combat Simulator - ACS
138. Air Conditioner - AC
139. Aircraft - ac
140. Aircraft Mounted Auxiliary Gear Box - AMAGB
141. Air Field Tape Recorder - AFTR
142. Air to Air Missile - AAM
143. Air to Surface Missile - ASM
144. Air Traffic Control Radar – 22 - ATCR-22
145. Air Traffic Surveillance Radar - ATSR
146. Airborne Self Protection Jammer - ASPJ
147. Airfield Crash Tender - AFCT
148. Airfield Lighting Equipment - ALE
149. Ambulance - amb



150. Anti Radiation Missile - ARM

151. Anti Shipping Missile - ASM
152. Anti Tank Guided Missile - ATGM
153. Arithmetic Logic Unit - ALU
154. Armed Light Helicopter - ALH
155. Arrester Barrier - A/B
156. Automatic Direction Finder - ADF
157. Automatic Trunk Switch - ATS
158. Built in Test Equipment - BITE
159. Board Proceedings - BP
160. Ceilograph - CLG
161. Chakor Pilotless Target Aircraft - CPTA
162. Cockpit Voice Recorder - CVR
163. Colour Graphics Adapter - CGA
164. Commuted Aerial Direction finder - CADF
165. Constant Current Regulator - CCR
166. Crash Data Recorder - CDR
167. Crash Fire Tender - CFT
168. Deep Penetration Strike Aircraft - DPSA
169. Direction Finder - DF
170. Diesel Generating Set - DG Set
171. Digital Resolution Direction Finder - DRDF
172. Display Attack Ranging Inertial Navigation - DARIN
173. Domestic Fire Tender - DFT
174. Ejector Release Unit - ERU
175. Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange - EPABX
176. Electronic Private Automatic Exchange - EPAX
177. Escort Jammer - EJ
178. Fighter Bomber - FB
179. Fighter Reconnaissance - FR
180. Fire Trailer Pump - FTP
181. Flight Test Instrumentation - FTI
182. Flight Control System - FCS
183. Forward Looking Infra Red - FLIR


184. Full Authority Digital Engine Control - FADEC

185. Flight Refuellier ircraft - FRA
186. Ground Handling Equipment - GHE
187. Ground Proximity Warning System - GPWS
188. Ground Servicing Unit for Hydraulic Servicing-Russia - UPEGA
189. Ground Starting Vehicle of Russian Origin - APPA
190. Ground Support Equipment - GSE
191. Guided Weapon - GW
192. Head up Display and Weapon Aiming Computer - HUDWAC
193. Head Down Display - HDD
194. Helicopter - heptr
195. High Pressure Rotor - HPR
196. Hindustan Jet Trainer – 16 - HJT-16
197. Identification Friend or Foe Mark X - IFF MK X
198. Indian National Satellite - INSAT
199. Inertial Navigation System - INS
200. Infra Red Line Scan - IRLS
201. Instrument Landing System - ILS
202. Inter Continental Ballistic Missile - ICBM
203. Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile - IRBM
204. Laser Guided Bomb - LGB
205. Light Attack Helicopter - LAH
206. Light Combat Aircraft - LCA
207. Liquid Oxygen - LOX
208. Low Level Transportable Radar - LLTR
209. Low Pressure Rotor - LPR
210. Mechanical Runway Sweeper - MRS
211. Mobile Pulse Doppler Radar - MPDR
212. Multi Function Display - MFD
213. Moving Target Indicator* - MTI
214. Multi Mode Radar - MMR
215. Multi Plexing System - MUX
216. Multi Spectral Scanner - MSS
217. Multi Medium Role Combat Aircraft - MMRCA


218. Medium Light Helicopter - MLH

219. Medium Power Radar - MPR
220. Night Vision Goggle - NVG
221. Non Directional Beacon - NDB
222. Over the Horizon Backscatter - OTHB
223. Over the Horizon Radar - OTHR
224. Personal Rescue Beacon - PRB
225. Pilotless Target Aircraft - PTA
226. Plan Position Indicator - PPI
227. Precision Approach Position Indicator - PAPI
228. Precision Approach Radar - PAR
229. Private Branch Exchange - PBX
230. Pulse Repetition Indicator - PRI
231. Radio Relay - RR
232. Radio Telephony - RT
233.. Radio Vehicle - RDO VEH
234. Receiver - RX
235. Remotely Piloted Vehicle - RPV
236. Rescue Beacon - RES BCH
237. Retarder Tail Unit - RTU
238. Runway Visual Range - RVR
239. Sensitivity Time Control - STC
240. Single Link Operator Dialling - SLOD
241. Skopograph - SKPG
242. Surface to Air Guided Weapon - SAGW
243. Surface to Air Missile - SAM
244. Surface to Surface Missile - SSM
245. Surface to Surface Guided Missile - SSGM
246. Switched Mode Power Supply - SMPS
247. Tactical Air Navigation - TACAN
248. Tank - tk
249. Telephone, Telephonic or Telescope - tele
250. Teleprinter - TP
251. Tentacle - TC


252. Transmitter - Tx
253. Transmitter-Receiver - Tx/Rx
254. Transport - tpt
255. Video Display Unit - VDU
256. Visual Approach Slope Indicator - VASI
257. Weapon - wpn





1. Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff - HQ IDS

2. Chief of Integrated Defence Staff to Chairman - CISC

Chief of Staff Committee
(a) Joint Secretary (International Affairs) - JS (IA)

(b) Deputy Assistant Chief of Integrated - DACIDS (NA)

Defence Staff (Net Assessment)
(c) Deputy Assistant Chief of Integrated - DACIDS (I&M/BC)
Defence Staff (International and
Multilateral/ Bilateral Coordination)
(d) Director (China) - Dir (China)

(e) Director (Pakistan) - Dir (Pak)

(f) Director (Others) - Dir (O)

(g) Integrated Financial Advisor to Chief - IFA to CISC

of Integrated Defence Staff to
Chairman Chief of Staff Committee
(h) Staff officer to Integrated Financial - SO to IFA

(j) Scientific Advisor to Chief of - SA to CISC

Integrated Defence Staff to Chairman
Chief of Staff Committee
(k) Staff Officer to Scientific Advisor - SO to SA

(l) Defence Assistant - DA

(m) Staff Officer to Chief of Integrated - SO to CISC

Defence Staff to Chairman Chief of
Staff Committee
3. Deputy Chief Integrated Defence Staff (Policy - DCIDS (PP & FD)
Planning and Force Development)

(a) Staff Officer to Deputy Chief of - SO to DCIDS (PP & FD)

Integrated Defence Staff (Policy
Planning and Force Development)



(b) Assistant Chief of Integrated Defence - ACIDS (FP)

Staff (Financial Plans)
(i) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (HP)
Integrated Defence Staff
(Horizon Plan)
(ii) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (NP)
Integrated Defence Staff
(Next Plan)
(iii) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (C & B Plan)
Integrated Defence Staff
(Current and Budget Plan)
(iv) Director (Horizon Plan) - Dir (HP)

(v) Director (Next Plan) - Dir (NP)

(vi) Director (Current and Budget - Dir (C & B Plan)

(c) Assistant Chief of Integrated Defence - ACIDS (PP & FS)
Staff (Perspective Plans/Force
(i) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (O & R)
Integrated Defence Staff
(Objectives and Reviews)

(ii) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (LTFS)

Integrated Defence Staff
(Long Term Force Structure)

(iii) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (M/ST FS)

Integrated Defence Staff
(Medium/Short Term Force
(iv) Director (Objectives and - Dir (O & R)

(v) Director (Long Term Force - Dir (LTFS)


(vi) Director (Medium/Short - Dir (M/ST FS)

Term Force Structure)

(vii) Deputy Director (Objectives - DD (O & R)

and Reviews)

(viii) Deputy Director (Long Term - DD (LTFS)

Force Structure)



(ix) Deputy Director (Medium/Short - DD (M/ST FS)

Term Force Structure)

(d) Assistant Chief of Integrated Defence - ACIDS (WS/ORSA & IS)

Staff (Weapon System, Operational
Research and System Analysis and

(i) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (L/A)

Integrated Defence Staff

(ii) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (Sys & JCES)

Integrated Defence Staff
(System and Joint
Communications and
Electronics Staff)

(iii) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (ORSA)

Integrated Defence Staff
Operational Research and
System Analysis

(iv) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (Air Space)

Integrated Defence Staff (Air
(v) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (Maritime)
Integrated Defence Staff
(vi) Director (Land/ Amphibious) - Dir (L/A)

(vii) Director (System and - Dir (Sys & JCES)

Joint Communications and
Electronics Staff
(viii) Director Operational Research - Dir (ORSA)
and System Analysis
(ix) Director (Air Space) - Dir (Air Space)

(x) Director (Maritime) - Dir (Maritime)

(e) Financial Advisor to Deputy Chief of - FA to DCIDS (PP & FD)

Integrated Defence Staff (Policy
Planning and Force Development)
(f) Staff Officer Financial Advisor to - SO to FA to DCIDS
Deputy Chief Integrated Defence



(g) Scientific Advisor to Deputy Chief of - SA to DCIDS (PP& FD)

Integrated Defence Staff (Policy
Planning and Force Development)

(h) Staff Officer to Scientific Advisor - SO to SA

4. Deputy Chief of Integrated Defence Staff - DCIDS (Ops)


(a) Staff Officer to Deputy Chief of - SO to DCIDS (Ops)

Integrated Defence Staff (Operations)

(b) Assistant Chief of Integrated - ACIDS (Jt Ops)

Defence Staff (Joint Operations)

(i) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (Ops)

Integrated Defence Staff
(ii) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (Ops Lgs)
Integrated Defence Staff
(Operations Logistics)
(iii) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (C4 I2)
Integrated Defence Staff (C4 I2)

(iv) Deputy Assistant Chief of

Integrated Defence Staff - DACIDS (IW)
(Information Warfare)
(v) Director (Operations) - Dir (Ops)

(vi) Director (Operations Logistics) - Dir (Ops Lgs)

(vii) Director (C4 I2) - Dir (C4 I2)

(viii) Director (Information Warfare) - Dir (IW)

(ix) Director (Operations) - Dir (Ops)

(x) Director (Operations Logistics) - Dir (Ops Lgs)

(c) Assistant Chief of Integrated Defence - ACIDS (Strat)

Staff (Strategic)

(i) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (SP)

Integrated Defence Staff
(Strategic Plan)



(ii) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (Strat Ops/

Integrated Defence Staff Trg)
(Strategic Operations/ Training))

5. Deputy Chief Integrated Defence Staff (Doctrine, - DCIDS (DOT)

Organisation and Training)

(a) Staff Officer to Deputy Chief of - SO to DCIDS (DOT)

Integrated Defence Staff (Doctrine,
Organisation and Training)

(b) Assistant Chief of Integrated Defence - ACIDS (Trg)

Staff (Training)

(i) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (TSI)

Integrated Defence Staff (Tri-
Service Institutes)

(ii) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (Doc)

Integrated Defence Staff

(iii) Deputy Assistant Chief of

Integrated Defence Staff
(Land/Air) - DACIDS (LA)

(iv) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (ASF)

Integrated Defence Staff
(Amphibious Special Forces)

(v) Director (Tri-Service Institutes) - Dir (TSI)

(vi) Director (Doctrine) - Dir (Doc)

(vii) Director (Land/Air) - Dir (LA)

(viii) Director (Amphibious - Dir (ASF)

Special Forces)
(c) Joint Secretary (Administration / - JS (Adm/Pers)

(i) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (Pers)

Integrated Defence Staff
(Personnel) Civilian Officer
(ii) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (Adm & Pers)
Integrated Defence Staff
(Administration & Personnel)



(iii) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (SD & MS)

Integrated Defence Staff (Staff
Duties & Military Secretary)
(iv) Director (Personnel) - Dir (Pers)
Civilian Officer
(v) Director (Administration and - Dir (Adm & Pers)

(vi) Director (Staff Duties and - Dir (SD & MS)

Military Secretary)
6. Director General Defence Intelligence Agency - DG DIA & DCIDS (Int)
and Deputy Chief of Integrated Defence Staff
(a) (i) Civilian Analyst - CA
(ii) Director (Coordination) - Dir (Coord)

(iii) Deputy Director (Coordination) - DD (Coord)

(iv) Deputy Director (Staff Officer) - DD (SO)

(b) Assistant Chief of Integrated Defence - ACIDS (Int A)

Staff (Intelligence A)
(i) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (West)
Integrated Defence Staff
(ii) Director (West) - Dir (West)

(iii) Deputy Director (West) - DD (West)

(iv) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (NE)

Integrated Defence Staff
(North East)
(v) Director (North East) - Dir (NE)
(vi) Deputy Director (North East) - DD (NE)
(c) Assistant Chief of Integrated - ACIDS (Int B)
Defence Staff (Intelligence B)
(i) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (Intl)
Integrated Defence Staff
(ii) Director (International) - Dir (Intl)
(iii) Deputy Director (International) - DD (Intl)



(iv) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (Reg)

Integrated Defence Staff
(v) Director (Regional) - Dir (Reg)

(vi) Deputy Director (Regional) - DD (Reg)

(vii) Director (Nuclear Biological - Dir (NBC)


(viii) Deputy Director (Nuclear - DD (NBC)

Biological Chemical)

(d) Assistant Chief of Integrated Defence - ACIDS (Tech Int)

Staff (Technical Intelligence)

(i) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (IW & P Ops)

Integrated Defence Staff
(Information Warfare and
Psychological Operations)

(ii) Director (Information - Dir (IW & P Ops)

Warfare and Psychological

(iii) Deputy Director (Information - DD (IW & P Ops)

Warfare and Psychological

(iv) Director (Research and - Dir (R & P)


(v) Deputy Director (Research and - DD (R & P)

(e) Assistant Chief of Integrated Defence - ACIDS (CT)
Staff (Counter Terrorism)
(i) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (Proj)
Integrated Defence Staff
(ii) Director (Project) - Dir (Proj)

(iii) Deputy Director (Project) - DD (Proj)



(iv) Deputy Assistant Chief of - DACIDS (CT)

Integrated Defence Staff
(Counter Terrorism)

(v) Director (Language) - Dir (Lang)

(vi) Deputy Director (Language) - DD (Lang)

(vi) Director (MI Fund) - Dir (MI Fund)

(viii) Deputy Director (MI Fund) - DD (MI Fund)

(f) Deputy Assistant Chief of Integrated - DACIDS (DP)

Defence Staff (Defence Protocol)

(i) Director (Defence Protocol) - Dir (DP)

(ii) Deputy Director (Defence - DD (DP)






C-in-C Secretariat

1. Commander-in-Chief - C-in-C
Andaman and Nicobar Command CINCAN (sig address)

2. Military Assistant/Naval Assistant/Air - MA/NA/AA to C-in-C

Assistant to Commander-in-Chief

3. Staff officer to Commander-in-Chief - SO to C-in-C

4. Aides-de-camp/Flag Lieutenant - ADC/Flag Lt

COS Secretariat

5. Chief of Staff - COS

6. Staff Officer to Chief of Staff - SO to COS

Operations Division

7. Chief Staff Officer (Operations) - CSO (Ops)

8. Command Operations Officer (Land - COO (Land Ops)

9. Command Operations Officer (Maritime - COO (Mar Ops)
10. Command Operations Officer (Air - COO (Air Ops & AD)
Operations and Air Defence)

11. Senior Staff Officer (Intelligence) - SSO (Int)

12. Senior Staff Officer (Intelligence and Joint - SSO (Int & JOC)
Operations Centre)
13. Senior Staff Officer (Training) - SSO (Trg)

14. Senior Staff Officer (Air Defence and Flight - SSO (AD & Flt Safety)
15. Command Communication Officer - CCO

16. Senior Staff Officer (Electronic Warfare) - SSO (EW)



17. Senior Staff Officer (Communication) - SSO (Comn)

18. Senior Staff Officer (Amphibious and - SSO (Amph & Spl Ops)
Special Operations)

19. Command Operations Officer (Exclusive - COO (EEZ)

Economical Zone)

Technical Division

20. Chief Staff Officer (Technical) - CSO (Tech)

21. Command Technical Officer (Land System) - CTO (LS)

22. Command Technical Officer (Marine) - CTO (M)

23. Command Technical Officer (Air) - CTO (Air)

24. Senior Staff Officer (Ground Electronics) - SSO (GL)

25. Senior Staff Officer (Mechanical Transport - SSO (MT & Spl Veh)
and Specialist Vehicles)

26. Senior Staff Officer (Marine electrical and - SSO (ML & IT)
Information Technology)
27. Senior Staff Officer (Marine Engineering) - SSO (ME)

28. Senior Staff Officer (Naval Construction) - SSO (NC)

29. Senior Staff Officer (Air Electrical) - SSO (AL)

30. Senior Staff Officer (Air Engineering) - SSO (AE)

Logistics, Administrative and Personnel Division

31. Chief Staff Officer (Logistics, Administration - CSO (L, A & P)

and Personnel)
32. Command Administration and Personnel - CAPO
33. Command Logistics Officer - CLOGO

34. Command Works Officer - CWO

35. Senior Staff Officer (Personnel and - SSO (P & A)

36. Senior Staff Officer (Staff Duties and - SSO (SD & MS)
Military Secretary)



37. Senior Staff Officer (Works) - SSO (Wks)

38. Senior Staff Officer (Stores) - SSO (S)

39. Senior Staff Officer (Supply and Transport) - SSO (ST)

40. Senior Staff Officer (Finance) - SSO (F)

41. Senior Staff Officer (Lands, Quartering and - SSO (LQ & A)

42, Staff Officer (Establishment and Mail) - SO (Est & Mail)

43. Staff Officer (Legal) - SO (L)

44. Judge Advocate - JA

45. Deputy Provost Marshal - DPM

46. Command Education Officer - C Edn O

47. Senior Officer (Logistics) (Coast Guard) - SO Lgs (CG)







Abbreviation abvn
Above ground level or automatic grenade launcher AGL
Above mentioned a/m
Above obstruction level or absent on leave AOL
Above mean sea level AMSL
Above Sea Level ASL
Absent on duty AOD
Absent without leave AWL
Acceptance of Necessity AON
Acceptance test procedure ATP
Accident Acc
Acclimatisation accln
Accommodation accn
Accomplish, accomplished, accomplishment acmp
Account, accounted, accounting acct
Accounting unit AU
Acknowledge, acknowledged, acknowledgement ack
Action information organisation AIO
Acquire acqr
Acquisition acqn
Acting actg
Active Towed Array Sonar ATAS
Actual ground position line AGPL
Acute mountain sickness AMS
Adaptive differential pulse code modulation ADPCM
Addition addn
Additional addl
Addressed addsd
Addressee addee
Address indicating group, Assistant Instructor in Gunnery
Adjutant adjt
Administration, administrative adm
Administrative and logistic order adm & lgs O
Administrative order adm O
Advance dressing station or air dispatch service ADS
Advance landing ground ALG
Advance, advanced or advancing adv
Advanced light helicopter ALH
Advanced Winter Stocking AWS
Aerial ae



Aerial Port of Disembarkation APOD

Aeronautical information department AID
Aero space warning control ASWAC
Afternoon AN
Aggregate aggt
Aide-de-camp / air direction centre ADC
Aiming pt A pt
Air adviser, air attaché, anti aircraft or army act AA
Airborne AB
Airborne early warning / and control AEW/AEW & C
Airborne warning and control system AWACS
Air Borne, Air Burst AB
Air Cargo Note ACN
Air control team or apparatus carrier telephony ACT
Aircraft ac
Aircraft Control Ship ACS
Aircraft on Ground AOG
Air defence, air despatch or assistant director AD
Air defence area ADA
Air Defence Artillery AD Arty
Air Defence Clearance ADC
Air Defence Identification Zone ADIZ
Army Air defence AAD
Army air defence command post AADCP
Army air defence commander AADC
Army air defence fire area AADFA
Army air defence op centre AADOC
Air defence control centre ADCC
Air defence direction centre ADDC
Air defence ground environmental system ADGES
Air Defence Guided Missile College ADGM College
Air defence operation centre ADOC
Air direction centre / aid-de-camp ADC
Air defence weapon control order ADWCO
Air field safety operator AFSO
Air force, army form or aviation fuel AF
Air force commander AFC
Air force instruction AFI
Air force instruction (special) AFI (S)
Air force order AFO
Air force standing establishment committee AFSEC
Air head air H
Air landing mat ALM
Air movement control centre AMCC
Air movement table AMT
Air observation post Air OP
Air raid precautions or ammunition refilling point ARP
Air Raid Reporting Control Ship ARRCS
Air sea rescue/ Air Staff Requirements/ Air Safety Routes ASR



Air space management centre ASMC

Air space management system ASMS
Air Staff Target AST
Air support net air sp net
Air support signal unit ASSU
Air support signal regiment ASSR
Air surveillance operations ASO
Air Space Control Centre ASCC
Air Space Control ASC
Air to Air Identification / Air to air interrogation AAI
Air to air missile / guided missile / guided weapon AAM / AAGM / AAGW
Air to air refuelling AAR
Air to surface missile / guided missile / guided weapon ASM / ASGM / ASGW
Air traffic control ATC
Air traffic control radar beacon system ATCRBS
Air Traffic Services ATS
Air transport liaison officer ATLO
Airborne Early Warning AEW
Airborne early warning – Technical Demonstrator Phase AEW-TDP
Airborne Warning and Control System AWACS
Airborne troops AB tps
Airborne self protection jammer ASPJ
Aircraft Defect Reporting and Analysis System ADRAS
Aircraft Modification updating system AIR MODS
Aircraft on Ground AOG
Aircraft Status Reporting System AIR STAR
Airfield airfd
Air-to-ground missile AGM
Air search and attack unit ASAU
Algorithm algo
All addressed ALL ADD
All terrain vehicle ATV
All up weight AUW
Allotment almt
Allowance allce
All Weather, Atomic Warfare AW
Alphanumeric alpnu
Alternate / alternative / altitude alt
Alternating Current, Armoured corps or Ashoka Chakra AC
Altimeter Correction Alti Cor
Ambulance amb
Amendment amdt
Amenities, Cultural, Entertainment and Sports Grant ACES Grant
Ammunition amn
Ammunition planning tables APT
Ammunition refilling point or air raid precaution ARP
Ammunition table(s) amtab
Ammunition technical officer or animal transport officer or ATO
air tasking order



Amount, amounted amt

Amphibious amph
Amphibious Beach Unit ABU
Amphibious objective area AOA
Amphibious task force/Aviation Turbine Fuel ATF
Amplify, amplified, amplification, amplifier amp
Amplitude Modulation AM
And &
Angle of departure chart AD Chart
Angle of projection, ammunition point, armour piercing AP
Animal transport AT
Annexure annx
Annual audit Certificate AAC
Annual confidential report ACR
Annual leave or amendment list/ Amendment List AL
Annual maintenance staff inspection AMSI
Annual medial examination AME
Annual Practice Allowance APA
Annual training grant ATG
Annual, annually anl
Annual general meeting AGM
Ante-meridian / air maintenance AM
Antennae ant
Anti Air Warfare AAW
Anti ballistic missile ABM
Anti Missile Defence AMD
Anti national elements ANE
Anti personnel A pers
Anti radiation missile ARM
Anti Ship Missile AShM
Anti submarine AS
Anti Surface Warfare AsuW
Anti Submarine Warfare ASW
Anti Surface Vessel ASV
Anti tank A tk
Anti tank guided missile / weapon ATGM / ATGW
Anti tank mobile team ATMT
Apparatus cable laying ACL
Apparatus carrier telephony or air control team ACT
Appendices appces
Appendix appx
Apply, applied, application appl
Appoint, appointed or appointment appt
Appraisal Report AR
Appreciate, appreciated or appreciation appre
Approach or approached apch
Appropriate / appropriation aprop
Approx estimate (s), Adequately Exercised AE
Approximate, approximately or approximation approx



April Apr
Area (suffix when referring to a specific area) A
Area of Operation, Army Order AO
Area of Interest AOI
Area of responsibility AOR
Arithmetic logic unit ALU
Armament armt
Armament research and development establishment ARDE
Armed Forces Medical Service Forms AFMSF
Armed Forces Personnel Provident Fund AFPP Fund
Armed Attack Helicopter AAH
Armour armr
Armoured armd
Armour piercing, ammunition point, angle of projection AP
Armoured car armd C
Armoured Command Vehicle, Air Conditioned Vehicle/ Air ACV
Cushioned Vessel
Armoured Delivery Regiment ADR
Armoured Engineer Reconnaissance Vehicle AERV
Armoured Fighting Vehicle AFV
Armoured Induction Cell AIC
Armoured Personnel Carrier APC
Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot APDS
Armour Piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot APFSDS
Armoured recovery vehicle ARV
Army act, air adviser or air attaché AA
Army order AO
Army photographic interpretation section APIS
Army post office APO
Army postal service APS
Army strategic operational information dissemination ASTROIDS
Army switched static communication network ASCON
Army Group Insurance Fund AGIF
Army Maintenance Area AMA
Army Wives Welfare Association AWWA
Army Training Note ATN
Army Training Memorandum ATM
Arrange, arranged or arrangement arng
Arrive, arrived, arrival or arriving arr
Artificial intelligence, Airborne Interception, Air Interdiction, AI
Army Instruction
Artillery arty
Artillery Combat Command & Control System ACCCS
Ashoka Charka, armoured corps, alternating current AC
Assault aslt
Assault Track Way ATW
Assemble, assembled, assembly assy
Assembly area assy A
Assembly language/ annual leave AL


Assist, assisted, assistance, assisting, assistant asst

Assistant civilian staff officer ACSO
Assistant civilian staff officer (technical) ACSO (Tech)
Assisted Maintenance Period AMP
Assistant Military Secretary, Area Monitoring System AMS
Assistant Provost Marshall APM
Assessment Year AY
Assessment Assmt
Assure, assured, assurance asur
Assam Rifle, Army Rules, Appraisal Report AR
Ati Vishisht Seva Medal AVSM
Attach, attached or attachment att
Attack attk
Attack helicopter AH
Attempt, attempted, attempting atmt
Attention attn
August Aug
Authority, authorised or authorizing auth
Authority Holding Sealed Particular AHSP
Automatic, automate, automated, automation auto
Automatic replenishment system ARS
Automated Data Handling System ADHS
Automated Data Processing, Area Domination Patrol ADP
Automatic grenade launcher, Above Ground Level AGL
Automatic Identification System AIS
Automatic Launch Test Facility ALTF
Automatic Message Switching System AMSS
Automatic on Mains Failure Panel AMF Panel
Automatic Picture Transmission APT
Automatic Weather Observing System AWOS
Auxiliary or auxiliaries aux
Avenue of Approach AA
Aviation avn
A Vehicle Waiting Area AVWA
Available, Availability Avbl (new)
Aviation Fuel AF
Aviation Turbine Fuel, Amphibious Task Force ATF
Azimuth az

Back reference BR
Bacteriological or bacteriologist bacter
Bad Weather BWx
Bailey bridge, balloon barrage BB
Bailey pontoon, Bailey Pontoon, Bearing Picket, Blood BP
Pressure, Boundary Pillar
Bailey pontoon bridge BPB



Bailey suspension bridge BSB

Bakery bky
Balance(s), balanced bal
Ballistic missile defence BMD
Bandsman bdsman
Barrack bk
Barrack and Stores B/S
Barrel brl
Base air defence centre BADC
Base Air Defence Officer BADO
Base Air Defence Zone BADZ
Base ejection or budget estimate BE
Base hospital BH
Base depot or bomb disposal BD
Base Victualling Yard BVY
Basic Empty Weight BEW
Battalion bn
Battery bty
Battery commander or battle casualty BC
Battle damage assessment BDA
Battlefield surveillance system BSS
Battlefield surveillance radar BFSR
Battlefield air interdiction BAI
Battlefield air strikes BAS
Battle physical efficiency test (s) BPET
Board of officers BOO
Beach head beach H
Bearing bg
Beginners all Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code BASIC
Bench mark, brigade major or branch memorandum BM
Between betn
Beyond economical repairs BER
Beyond local repair BLR
Beyond visual range BVR
Bill of Qualities BQ
Binoculars bino
Bird Strike BS
Biological warfare BW
Bivouac biv
Blood Transfusion Department BTD
Board or bound bd
Board of Inquiry BOI
Board Proceedings BPs
Bomb line or breach loading BL
Bomb release point BRP
Bombardment liaison officer, Base Logistic Officer BLO
Bombing report bombrep
Book of reference BR
Border bdr



Border Security Force BSF

Bottom Dead Centre BDC
Boulder bldr
Boundary bdy
Bounded, bounding bnd
Break, brake, broken, breaking brk
Branch / bridge, bridging br
Branch Commissioner BC
Branch memorandum or Brigade Major BM
Breathing Apparatus Self Contained Compressed Air BASCCA
Bridge head br H
Bridge laying tank BLT
Bridge, bridging, branch br
Briefing bfg
Brigade bde
Brigadier Brig
Brigade maintenance area BMA
Broad gauge BG
Border Out Post/ Boat Opening Point BOP
Building bldg
Building and Roads B/R
Bulk encryption unit BEU
Bullet proof jacket BPJ
Bullet proof patka BPP
Bullet Ricochet BR
Bulletin board service BBS
Bunker bkr
Burn Through Range BTR
Back Loading Point BLP
Battalion/Battery Havildar Major BHM
Boat Off Loading Point BOLP
Brick Lined Defence BLD
Built In Test Equipment BITE
Bulk Breaking Point BBP

Cabinet Committee on Security CCS

Caliber, calibrate, calibrated or calibration cal
Camouflage or camouflaged cam
Canal cnl
Canteen stores department CSD
Cantonment cantt
Capsule/capacity (ies) cap
Capital Repair Cap Rep
Capability capb
Carpenter carp
Cartographer, cartographic carto



Car post, check post / point, command post, contact CP

point or counter penetration or contingency plan
Carbine carb
Care of C/o
Carrier battle group CBG
Carrier borne ground liaison officer CBGLO
Carrier borne ground liaison section CBGLS
Carrier Controlled Approach CCA
Carrier Task Force CTF
Carton or container ctn
Cartridge cart
Cash Requisition CR
Cash Monetary Limit CML
Casual leave, centre line or confinement to lines CL
Casualty, casualties or casual cas
Casualty evacuation cas evac
Casualty return CR
Category, categorise, categorisation cat
Categorisation / Instrument Rating Cat/IR
Cater, catered, catering catr
Cautionary met report CMR
Cavalry Cav
Cease fire line CFL
Celsius (Centigrade ‘Old Terminology) C
Centimeter (s) cm
Central Accounts Office Airman Pay Wing CAO APW
Central Accounts Office Armed Forces Personnel CAO AFPPF
Provident Fund
Central Discussion, Civil Defence, Combat Development CD
or Coast Defence
Central Electronic System Calibration Laboratory CESCAL
Central vehicle depot CVD
Central, centrally cent
Centre for Automated Military Survey CAMS
Central Processing Unit, Connect & put up CPU
Centre for Leadership and Behavioural Studies CLABS
Certificate or certify cert
Certificate Issue Voucher CIV
Certificate Receipt Voucher CRV
Certified true copy CTC
Channel(s), charge, charged or charging ch
Character per second CPS
Charged Line Mine Clearance CLMC
Check aviator, counter attack or civil affairs CA
Check point / post, command post, contact point, car CP
post or counter penetration
Chemical and biological warfare CBW
Chemical or chemist chem
Chemical warfare or continuous wave CW



Chief Inspector, Chief Instructor or Counter Insurgency CI

Chiefs of Staff COS
Chiefs of staff committee COSC
Chief operations officer or chief ordinance officer COO
Chief signal officer or civilian staff officer CSO
Children’s education allowance CEA
Chronic Mountain Sickness / Central Maintenance CMS
Station / Combat management system
Circuit cct
Circular error of probability CEP
City compensatory allowance, Carrier Controlled CCA
Civil hired tpt CHT
Civil or civilian civ
Class / classified / classification cl
Clear Air Turbulence CAT
Clearing/cleaning clg
Clerk Clk
Close air support CAS
Close In Weapon System CIWS
Close Range Anti Aircraft CRAA
Clothing Clo
Cloud Visibility OK CAV OK
Cluster bomb unit CBU
Coalition Cover CC
Coaxial Coax
Column Coln
Combat Comb
Combat air patrol CAP
Combat support operation CSO
Combat command / concerned clerk CC
Combat group CG
Combat ready / confidential report / cas return CR
Combat team / combat trainee CT
Combat Vehicle, Critical Vulnerability, Concession CV
Combat Engineer Tractor CET
Combat Engineer Training Brick CETB
Combat Engineer Training Camp CETC
Combat Net radio CNR
Combined operations centre COC
Command Comd
Command Accounting Note CAN
Command Accounts Circular Letter CACL
Command Central Welfare Fund CCWF
Command and control C2
Command, Control, Communication, Computers, C4ISR
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
Command and control warfare C2W



Command control communication and intelligence C3I

Command control communication computers and C4I2
information intelligence
Command hospital CH
Command information and decision support system CIDSS
Command post officer or central police organisation CPO
Commandant comdt
Commander cdr
Command comd
Command Line of Sight CLOS
Commander amphibious task force CATF
Commander’s Estimate of the Situation CES
Commander task group CTG
Commander task force CTF
Commander task unit CTU
Commander task element CTE
Commanding comdg
Commanding officer CO
Commercial-off-the-shelf COTS
Committee of defence planning CDP
Commodore Commanding Submarines COMCOS
Communication comn
Communication centre comncen
Communication intelligence comint
Communication plan complan
Communication zone comn Z
Communication jamming/intelligence/security Comjam / comint /
Company coy
Comparative Statement of Quotes CSQ
Compensation in lieu of quarters CILQ
Competent financial authority or converter field artillery CFA
Component or composite comp
Composition composn
Comprehensive National Power CNP
Comprehensive Naval Allowance List CNAL
Computer cmptr
Company Havildar Major CHM
Computer Based Training CBT
Complete Equipment Schedule CES
Concentrate, concentrated or concentration conc
Concept of Operations CONOPS
Concurrent Review Board CRB
Conference conf
Confidential confd
Confidential report / combat ready / cas return CR
Conjunction conj
Connectivity contv
Conserve, conserved or conservancy consv
Construct, constructed or construction constr


Consult, consultant or consultation conslt

Container or carton ctn
Container Security Initiative CSI
Contaminated area/sector/zone Contam A/S/Z
Contingency cgy
Contributory Provident Fund CPF
Control and reporting C&R
Control and reporting centre/cyclic redundancy check/ CRC
Combat readiness checks
Control/controlled cont
Controller defence accounts CDA
Controller of Accounts (Factories) CA (Fys)
Controller of Defence Accounts (Air Force) CDA (AF)
Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension) CDA (P)
Controller general defence account CGDA
Controller Programme for Micro Processor CP/M
Conversion, conceal, concealed, concealment con
Converter of moment C of M
Convoy cvy
Cooperate, cooperated, cooperation or cooperating coop
Coordinate, coordinated, coordination or coordinating coord
Coordinated Anti Submarine Exercise CASEX
Cordon and search operations/command air staff orders CASO
Corporation corpn
Corps maintenance area CMA
Correspond, corresponded, corresponding, corres
Corps Battle School CBS
Corps Axis of Maintenance CAM
Corps Image Interpretation team CIIT
Corps Surveillance Centre CSC
Counter Mortar CM
Counter air operation CAO
Counter attack, civil affairs or check aviator CA
Counter bombardment CB
Counter bombardment officer CBO
Counter insurgency force CIF
Counter surface force operations CSFO
Course of Action CoA
Court of inquiry C of I
Counter Proxy War Posture CPWP
Counter Proxy War Operation CPWO
Corps Air Space Control Centre CACC
Cover, covered, covering cov
Craftsman or craftsmen cfn
Crafts of Opportunity CsOOP
Crest clearance graph CC Graph
Critical path method CPM
Cross roads x rds



Cross Country x country

Crossing xg
Cryptographic centre crypcen
Cubic cu
Current Year CY
Current Weather Instrument System CWIS
Cylinder cyl

Daily allowance or Dearness Allowance, Defence

Attache DA
Daily Cash Balance Register DCBR
Daily occurrence book/Date of Birth DOB
Daily order part I / II DO Pt I / II
Daily servicing section/decision support system DSS
Damage (s/d) dmg,dmgs,dmgd
Danger, dangerous dgr
Dangerous Drug, Demand Draft, Debris Damage DD
Dangerously Ill / Daily Inspection, Defence Investigation DI
Dangerously ill list DIL
Data Base Management System DBMS
Data Collection Plat-Form DCP
Data comn eqpt DCE
Data switch D Sw
Data terminal eqpt DTE
Date time group DTG
Date, dated dt
Date of Reporting DOR
Day d
Dead Weight Tonnage DWT
Death cum retirement gratuity DCRG
December Dec
Decontaminate, decontaminated, decontamination decn
Decrease, decreased, decreasing decr
Decisive Point DP
Defect Investigation Report DIR
Defence, defensive, defend or defended def
Defence Accounts Department DAD
Defence Codification Authorities DCA
Defence communication system DCS
Defence Estate Officer DEO
Defence planning staff DPS
Defence Procurement Manual DPM
Defence Procurement Procedure DPP
Defence Services Catalogue DS Cat
Defence Services Officers Provident Fund DSOPF
Defence service regulations DSR
Defence Services Staff College DSSC



Defence Supplies DS
Defence Satellite Agency DSA
Defended area / sector / zone Def A / S / Z
Deficiency, deficient defi
Defence Services Regulations - Dress Regulations DSR – DR
Defence Services Regulations - Leave Regulations DSR – LR
Defence Services Regulations - Mechanical Vehicle
Regulations DSR – MVR
Defence Services Regulations - Regulations for the Army DSR – RA
Defence Services Regulations - Travel Regulations DSR – TR
Defence service officers provident fund DSOP fund
Defend, Reinforce, Attack, Withdraw, Delay DRAW-D
Defensive fire (save our souls) DF (SOS)
Defensive fire or direction finding / finder DF
Defence research and development organisation DRDO
Degree deg
Deliver, delivered or delivery del
Delivery point del P
Demi Official, Duty Officer, Direction Officer, Daily Order DO
Demolish, demolished or demolition dem
Demonstrate, demonstrated, demonstration demo
Density dens
Depart, departed, departing, departure or depot dep
Department or departmental dept
Deploy, deployed, deployment or deployability dply
Depth Below Keel DBK
Deputy dy
Deputy asst provost marshal DAPM
Deputy director DD
Deputy financial advisor / draft for approval/ Details as
Follows DFA
Deputy provost marshal DPM
Desert warfare DW
Deserter dstr
Desired mean point of impact DMPI
Despatch / despatched/ despatchment / despatcher desp
Destroy, destroyed or destruction destr
Detach, detached or detachment det
Detail, detailed, detailment detl
Detailed issue depot/direct inward dialling DID
Detonator dtnr
Develop, developed or development devp
Deviation devn
Defence Intelligence Agency DIA
Department of Defence DoD
Diesel High Pour Point DHPP
Deputy Provost Marshall, Defence Procurement Manual DPM
Department of Telecommunication, Division Operation
Track DOT



Diagram, diameter dia

Digital Data Acquisition System DDAS
Digital Data Link DDL
Digital Data entry DDE
Direct, director, directed, directive dir
Direction Finding DF
Direct Purchase Order DPO
Direct Sequencing Spread Spectrum DSSS
Directing staff DS
Direction(s) dirn
Direction of Rotation DOR
Director general DG
Director General of Civil Aviation DGCA
Directorate General Defence Lands & Cantonment DGDLC
Directorate of Accounts Circular Letter DACL
Directorate of audit Defence Services DADS
Directorate general of inspection DGI
Directorate general resettlement DGR
Directorate general of supplies and disposal DGS & D
Directorate dte
Direct Current, District Commissioner DC
Direction of Own Artillery Fire DOOAF
Discharge or discharged disch
Discipline or disciplinary discp
Discrepancy Report, Despatch Rider, Dead reckoning DR
Discrete Address Beacon System DABS
Discussion dscn
Disperse, dispersed, dispersal disp
Dispersal line dis L
Dispersal point dis P
Disposition disposn
Distance/district dist
Distance Measuring Equipment DME
Distinguished Visitor’s Programme DVP
Distribute, distributed or distribution distr
Distributed Message Switching System DMSS
Distributed Resource System DRS
Distributory disty
District court martial DCM
Ditch cum bund DCB
Ditto Dd
Diving Support Vessel DSV
Diving Support Rescue Vessel DSRV
Division or divisional div
Divisional administrative area DAA
Divisional air defence centre DADC
Division Air Space Control Centre DACC
Divisional maintenance area DMA
Dockyard Completion Date DCD



Document(s), documentation docu

Dots per Inch DPI
Doctrine doc
Dozen doz
Draft For Approval DFA
Draft Govt Letter DGL
Draughtsman or draughtsmen dtmn
Dropping zone DZ
Driver dvr
Driver Mechanical Transport DMT
Duplicate dupl
Duty air traffic control officer DATCO
Duty cipher officer DCO
Duty medical officer DMO
Duty signal officer DSO

Early warning radar EWR

Early warning or electronic warfare EW
Earth moving plant/electro magnetic pulse EMP
East north east ENE
East south east ESE
Echelon ech
Economical/economic/economy econ
Education or educational edn
Education training grant ETG
Effective, effectiveness, effect eff
Effect Based Operations EBO
Effective Radiated Power ERP
Efficiency / efficient effi
Electric, electrical elec
Electro Cardio Graph ECG
Electrical and mechanical E&M
Electronics and mechanical engineers regulation(s) EMER
Electronics and Mechanical Engineers EME
Electrician, electronic(s) elect
Electro magnetic compatibility EMC
Electro magnetic interference EMI
Electro Magnetic Pulse, Extended Mine Plough EMP
Electro Optical EO
Electronic Chart Display and Information System ECDIS
Electronic counter measures ECM
Electronic counter counter measure(s) ECCM
Electronic data processing EDP
Electronic data processing system EDPS
Electronic emission policy EEP
Electronic emission security EES



Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only

Electronic Intelligence elint
Electronic private automatic branch exchange EPABX
Electronic private automatic exchange EPAX
Electronic support measures or end strip marker ESM
Electronic warfare control centre EWCC
Electronic warfare intelligence EWINT
Embark, embarked or embarkation Emb
Emergency emer
Emergency commission EC
Emergency commissioned officer ECO
Emergency Life Saving Apparatus ELSA
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon EPIRB
Emergence Repair Dry Docking ERDD
Emplane, emplaned or emplanement empln
Employ, employed or employment emp
Enclose, enclosed or enclosure encl
Endeavour endvr
Enemy en
Enemy Contact Report ECR
Enemy Course of Action ECOA
Engineering officer EO
Engineer engr
Engineering engg
Engineer equipment mechanic EEM
Engineer Equipment Marshalling Harbour EEMH
Engineer theatre stores reserve ETSR
Envelop, envelopment envp
Environment, Environmental envt
Equipment eqpt
Equipment Out of Action EOA
Equipment Table Revision Committee ETRC
Equipment Table Schedule ETS
Equipment Full Charge EFC
Equipment management or electro magnetic EM
Equipment regulations ER
Espionage espg
Essential vehicle column EVC
Establish, established or establishment est
Estimate, estimated, estimation esmt
Estimated Position EP
Estimated Sonar Range ESR
Estimated storage life ESL
Etcetera etc
Evacuate, evacuated or evacuation evac
Evaluate, evaluation, evaluated eval
Examination exam
Exchange, exchanged exch



Exclude, excluded, excluding or exclusive excl

Exclusive economic zone EEZ
Excused Duty ED
Executive, execution exec
Exempli gratia (for example) eg
Exercise, exercised ex
Exhaust Trail Indicator ETI
Expected Date of Completion EDC
Expected time of arrival / departure ETA / ETD
Expeditionary force EF
Expeditionary Strike Group ESG
Expenditure expdr
Experiment expt
Exploit, exploited or exploitation expl
Explosive exp
Ex-servicemen exsm
Ex serviceman Contributory Health Scheme ECHS
Extension extn
Extra Issue EI
Extra regimental employment/employee or extra ERE
regimentally employed

Fabricate, Fabrication, Fabricating fabr

Facsimile Fax
Fahrenheit F
Fairly Wide Spread FWS
Fast Attack Craft, Fighter Air Controller FAC
Fast Attack Craft – Missile FAC-M
Fast Interceptor Craft FIC
Fatal ftl
Favourable Air Situation FAS
February Feb
Field fd
Field ammunition depot FAD
Field artillery tractor FAT
Field craft or fire control FC
Field force or fire fighting FF
Field Marshal or frequency modulation / modulated or
force multiplier FM
Field ordnance depot FOD
Field post office FPO
Field security FS
Field security officer FSO
Field service marching order FSMO
Field service regulation FSR
Field supply depot or first sight dak FSD
Fighter bomber FB


Fighter ground attack FGA

Fighter group / fighting group F gp
Fighter Reconnaissance, Financial Regulation, Forward FR
Figure fig
Financial Information System FIS
Financial Year FY
Financial fin
Financial Regulations part I / II FR Part I/II
Fire direction centre FDC
Fire fighting or field force FF
First aid FA
Fitter ftr
Fitter (Armoured Fighting Vehicles / Air Defence) ftr (AFV / AD)
Fire Plan, Financial Planning FP
Fire Control Solution/ System FCS
Fire Control Instrument FCI
Fire Control Centre FCC
Fire Power Umbrella FPU
First Salvo Effectiveness FSE
Fixed Cost Regulation FCQ
Fixed Disc Store FDS
Flag officer naval aviation FONA
Flame thrower FT
Flank flk
Fleet Mail Office FMO
Flexible duck board FDB
Flight flt
Flight Deck Officer FDO
Flight Information Centre FIC
Flight Information Region FIR
Flight Refuelling Aircraft FRA
Fleet Mail Office FMO
Fleet Maintenance Unit FMU
Fleet Replenishment Unit FRU
Floating Dock Navy FDN
Flotilla Technical Support Unit FTSU
Flying flg
Foot, feet ft
Following fwg
Folding Boat Equipment FBE
Force air defence warfare co-ordinator FADWC
Forecast Estimates FE
Forecast Factor FF
Force Multiplier Command Post FMCP
Foreign Military Service FMS
Foreign Object Damage FOD
Formation fmn



Forming Up Place FUP

Forward, forwarded or forwarding fwd
Forward air controller FAC
Forward airfield supply organization FASO
Forward arming and refuelling point FARP
Forward assembly area FAA
Forward defended locality FDL
Forward edge of battle area FEBA
Forward line of own troops FLOT
Forward Looking Infra Red FLIR
Forward maintenance airfield/area FMA
Forward observation officer/Fleet Operation Officer FOO
Forward Operating Base FOB
Forward Repair Increment FRI
Forward Supply System FSS
For example eg
Fore Noon FN
Fortification fortn
Fragmentation frag
Free Foreign Exchange FFE
Free from infection FFI
Frequent, frequented, frequency freq
Frequency Hopping FH
Friday Fri
Fuel oil and lubricants FOL
Furthest on Ellipse FOE
Full Width Mine Plough FWMP
Fuel for Warming and Drying FFWD
Fuze fz

Gallon gal
Garrison grn
Garrison Engineer GE
Garrison Military Police GMP
Garrison Field Officer GFO
Gasoline gas
General court martial/ Good Conduct Medal GCM
General or generally Gen (for rk), gen
General Hospital GH
General Hospital Areas GHA
General Transport GT
General post office or gun position officer GPO
General Provident Fund GPF
General Staff GS
Generator, Generation genr
Gentlemen Cadet or Gun Cotton GC
Geographic reference geo ref



Giga Hertz GHz

Giga Bytes BG
Glacier glr
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System GMDSS
Global Positioning System GPS
Good Conduct Badge Pay GCB Pay
Government govt
Government of India GoI
Grade gde
Gramme (gram) g
Grant gt
Granted gtd
Greenwich Mean Time, Glossary of Military Terms GMT
Grenade gren
Grenadier gdr
Grid reference GR
Gross Register Tonnage GRT
Ground grnd
Ground attack GA
Ground controlled approach GCA
Ground controlled interception GCI
Ground Control Station GCS
Ground Defence/General Duty GD
Ground liaison officer GLO
Ground of tactical importance GTI
Ground Radar Availability & Maint Monitoring System GRAMMS
Ground Zero GZ
Group, grouped, grouping gp
Group Insurance Scheme GIS
Guard gd
Guardsman or guardsmen gdsm
Guerrilla warfare or guided weapon GW
Guided bomb unit GBU
Guided missile GM
Gun area gun A
Gun Fire Area GFA
Gunner gnr
Gun Displaying Unit GDU
Gun Shot Wound GSW

Harassing Fire or High Frequency HF

Harbour or harboured harb
Hardened aircraft shelters HAS
Hard Hitting Mobile Team HHMT
Hand Held Direction finder HHDF
Hand Held Thermal Imager HHTI



Havildar Major Technical (all trades) HMT

Head (as suffix only) H
Head clerk HC
Head of Department HOD
Headquarter / headquarters HQ
Head Up Display Weapon Aiming Computing System
Health hlth
Heavy hy
Heavy duty recovery vehicle HDRV
Heavy machine gun HMG
Heavy mobile bridge HMB
Hectare ha
Hecto Pascal hPa
Height ht
Height of burst HOB
Helicopter heptr
Helicopter Pad helipad
Helicopter borne HB
Helicopter Control Officer HCO
Helicopter landed/landing helildg
Helicopter lift helilift
Helicopter In Flight Refuelling HIFR
Hertz hz
Highly Active Field Area HAFA
High altitude area HAA
High Altitude Long Endurance HALE
High Altitude Pulmonary Oedema HAPO
High Altitude Cerebral Oedema HACO
High explosive/ Human error HE
High Explosive Anti tank HEAT
High Explosive Squash Head HESH
High Mobility Vehicle HMV
High power or horse power HP
High Value Target HVT
Hill compensatory allowance HCA
Holding area, high angle, high altitude HA
House Rent Allowance HRA
Honorary hony
Hospital hosp
Hostile / hostility hstl
House Rent Reimbursement HRR
Hot War/Head Works HW
Hour (s) (specific clock time / gen) Hr/hr
Howitzer how
Human Intelligence humint
Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief HADR
Human Resource Management System HRMS
Human Resource Development HRD


Human rights HR
Human rights commission HRC
Hygiene hyg
Hygiene and Chemical Hyg & chem

Identification friend or foe IFF

Identity card I card
Identity, identify, identified or identification iden
Illuminate, illuminated, illumination or illuminating ill
Immediate replenishment group IRG
Immediate or immediately imdt
Image Intensifier II
Implement, implemented, implementation impl
Important or importance imp
Improvised explosive device IED
in accordance with iaw
Indian Naval Book of Reference INBR
Inch or inches in / ins
Incharge, internal combustion or integrated circuit IC
Include, included, inclusive, inclusion or including incl
Income Tax IT
Increase, increased, increment, increasing incr
Independent indep
Indian Air Force or Indian army form IAF
Indian Meteorological Department IMD
Indian military training team IMTRAT
Indian Army IA
Indian Coast Guard ICG
Indian National Satellite (system) INSAT
Indian Navy IN
Indian Naval Ship, Inertial Navigation System INS
Indian Naval Academy INA
Indian Ocean Naval Symposium IONS
Indian Ocean Region IOR
Indian small arms system INSAS
Indian Standard Time IST
Indian Remote Sensing IRS
Indigenous Explosive Device IED
Individual (s) Indl
Individual running ledger account IRLA
Indoctrinate, indoctrinated or indoctrination Iindoc
Indo Tibetan Border Police ITBP
Induction Indn
Individual Training Cycle ITC
Indian Ocean Region IOR
Inescapable Ines
Infantry Inf


Infantry combat vehicle ICV

Infantry Weapon Effect Simulator System IWESS
Infiltrate, infiltrated or infiltration Infilt
Influence Mines, Infantry Mortar IM
Information technology IT
Inform, informed or information Info
Information warfare IW
Infra red IR
Infra red counter measures IRCM
Infrared line scan IRLS
Initial point IP
Injection, injury, injured Inj
Inland Water Transport IWT
Inspect, inspected, inspection, inspecting Insp
Inspection bungalow, intelligence bureau or international IB
Inspector General Nuclear Safety IGNS
Inspector General, Inspector-in-Gunnery IG
Installation Instln
Institute, instituted, institutional Instt
Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis IDSA
Institute of Armament Technology IAT
Instruct, instructed, instruction, instructing or instructor Instr
Instrument or instrumentation Inst
Instrument flight rules IFR
Instrument landing system ILS
Instrument Meteorological Conditions IMC
Instrument Rating Instructor IRI
Insurgent / insurgency Insur
Interim Concentration Area ICA
International Intl
Integrated Defence Staff IDS
Integrated Observation Equipment IOE
Integrated Air Command and Control System IACCS
Integrated Data Management System IDMS
Integrated Logistics Management System ILMS
Integrated Management Information Systems IMIS
Integrated Pay Accounting and Disbursement System IPADS
Integrated Ship Management System ISMS
Integrated Victualling Management System IVMS
Intelligence / intelligent Int
Intelligence Bureau IB
Intelligence Officer, Initiating Officer IO
Intelligence report Intrep
Intelligence Summary Isum
Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and
Reconnaissance ISTAR



Intensive care unit ICU

Intercommunication Intercom
Inter Continental Ballistic Missile ICBM
Interim Location Point ILP
Interdict, interdicted, interdiction Interdict
International Maritime Organisation IMO
International Maritime Law IML
International Maritime Satellite INMARST
International shipping lanes ISL
International Ship and Port Security ISPS
Intermediate Inter
Intermediate Overhaul IOH
Internal security IS
International Intl
International Standard Atmosphere ISA
International Subscriber Dialling ISD
Interpret, interpreted, interpretation, interpreter Intpt
Interrogate, interrogated, interrogation, interrogator Interog
Interrupted Continuous Wave ICW
Introduce, introduced, introduction Intro
Invaliding medical board IMB
Inventory Inv
In lieu of inlieu
Investigate, investigated, investigation, investigating Inv
Issue voucher IV
Ischemic Heart Disease IHD

Jammer / Jamming Jx
January Jan
Jelly Filled Cable JFC
Joint Jt
Joint air defence centre JADC
Joint Air Defence Operation Officer JADOO
Joint army air operation room JAAOR
Joint army and air operation centre JAAOC
Joint cipher bureau JCB
Joint communication electronic committee JCEC
Joint Degradation, Planning and Execution Group JDPEG
Joint electronic warfare board JEWB
Joint intelligence committee JIC
Joint operation centre JOC
Joint operations and information room JOIR
Joint Operations Planning Process JOPP
Joint planning committee JPC
Joint Planning Group JPG
Joint Service Specifications JSS
Joint services staff duties JSSD



Joint services standing operating procedure JSSOP

Joint signal intelligence board JSIB
Joint Surveillance Target Acquisition reconnaissance JSTARS
Joint training committee JTC
Judge Advocate General JAG
Judging distance or joint director JD
July Jul
Junction junc
June Jun
Jungle warfare JW
Junior jr
Junior command JC
Junior commissioned officer JCO

Kerosene kero
Key defended locality(s) KDL
Key location plan KLP
Key result area KRA
Killed in action KIA
Kilo Bits per Second Kbps
Kilogram(s) kg
Kilohertz kHz
Kilolitre(s) kl
Kilometer(s) km
Kilometers per hour, kilometre(s) kmph
Kilometers per litre kmpl
Kilometer in 2 Hours KM2H
Kilotonne kt
Kilo Volt ampere KVA
Kilowatt Kw
Kirti Chakra KC
Kit Maintenance Allowance KMA
Knot kn

Laboratory or labour lab

Land air operation / local audit officer LAO
Land force commander LFC
Landing, Leading ldg
Landing craft assault / light combat aircraft LCA
Landing craft mechanised LCM
Landing craft or line of control LC
Landing craft tank LCT
Landing craft utility LCU



Landing craft vehicles and personnel LCVP

Landing ground LG
Landing platform dock LPD
Landing Ship Dock LSD
Landing platform helicopter LPH
Landing Safety Officer LSO
Landing ship LS
Landing ship tank LST
Landing vehicle tracked LVT
Landing zone LZ
Landmark landmk
Lane control post LCP
Large Scale Integration LSI
Laser guided bomb LGB
LASER guided projectile LGP
LASER range finder LRF
Last flt servicing LFS
Last Purchase Price LPP
Last ration certificate / local repair contract LRC
Latitude lat
Launcher lr
Laundryman laundry
Leader ldr
Legal Continental Shelf LCS
Leave lve
Leaving Pending Requirement LPR
Leave ration allowance LRA
Leave Travel Concession LTC
Lecture lec
Lecture-cum-demonstration LDM
Left out of battle LOB
Letter of Proceedings/Limit of Penetration LOP
Liaison officer LO
Life Cycle Clothing LCC
Light Emitting Diode LED
Light, Lieutenant Lt, Lt (for rank)
Light air defence lt AD
Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation LASER
Light Duty, LASER Designator LD
Light machine gun LMG
Light recovery vehicle LRV
Light Repair Workshop LRW
Limited Ltd
Limiting Danger Line LDL
Limiting Lines of Approach LLA
Limiting Lines of Submerged Approach LLSuA
Line of actual control LAC
Line of communication L of C
Line of sight L of S



Line telegraphy or low tension LT

Liquified Natural Gas LNG
Liquified Oxygen LOX
Liquid Crystal Display LCD
Listening post, local purchase or low power LP
Lithographical or lithograph Litho
Litre ltr
Linear Image Self Search LISS
Load ld
Local area network LAN
Local Flotilla Locflot
Local Power Control LPC
Local Naval Authority LNA
Local Naval Defence LND
Local Test Audit Report LTAR
Local warning LW
Local warning radar LWR
Locate, located, location, locating or locality loc
Logarithm or logarithmic log
Logistic, logistics, logistical, logistically lgs
Logistic Information System LIS
Logistic requirement logreq
Longitude long
Long Range / Long Refit LR
Long Range Identification and Tracking LRIT
Long range oblique photography LOROP
Long range patrol LRP
Long Range Surface to Air Missile LRSAM
Long Range Reconnaissance and Observation System LORROS
Long Term Re-Equipment Plan LTREP
Logistic Support Area LSA
Low Altitude Short Endurance LASE
Low Frequency, Low Flying LF
Low Frequency Acoustics and Ranging LOFAR
Low intensity conflict / operations LIC/LICO
Low Intensity Maritime Operations LIMO
Low level LL
Low level air defence LLAD
Low Level Radar Networking Group LRNG
Low medical category LMC
Low power, listening post or local purchase LP
Lower division clerk LDC
Lower rate of ration allowance LRA
Lowest Astronomical Tide LAT
Lubricant, lubricate, lubricated or lubrication lub

Mach number mach

Machine gun or metre gauge MG


Magazine or magnetic mag

Magnetic anomaly detector or mutually assured MAD
Magnetic Tape System MTS
Maha Vir Charka MVC
Main battle tank MBT
Main Dressing Station MDS
Main file or medium frequency MF
Main Select List, Mean Sea Level MSL
Main Power Requirement MPR
Maintain, maintained, maintaining or maintenance maint
Maintenance control centre MCC
Maintenance War Reserve MWR
Main Point of Burst MPB
Major financial & Accounting Irregularities MFAI
Major Maj
Man portable air defence system MANPADS
Man power/ Military Police/ Member of Parliament MP
Management mgt
Management information system MIS
Manager mgr
Manoeuvre mvre
Man Power Planning MPP
Manufacture mfr
Manual of Military Law MML
March Mar (month)
Marine Pollution MARPOL
Maritime Air Operations MAO
Maritime Capability Perspective Plan MCPP
Maritime Commandoes MARCOS
Maritime Domain Awareness MDA
Maritime Exclusion Zone MEZ
Maritime headquarters MHQ
Maritime operations / (joint operations) centre MOC / MJOC
Maritime Operations Room MOR
Maritime patrol aircraft MPA
Maritime reconnaissance or map reading or medium
range or medium refit MR
Maritime Zones of India MZI
Married Accommodation Project, Medical Aid Post MAP
Mark mk
Marking mkg
Mask/masking msk
Master Control Centre MCC
Master Data Sheet, Main Dressing Station, Motor
Despatch Service MDS
Material mtrl
Material Failure, Main File, Medium Frequency MF
Material Organisation, Military Operations, Medical MO


Matric Entry Rate MER

Maximum max
Meals ready to eat MRE
Mean point of impact MPI
Mean time between failure MTBF
Mean time To Repair MTTR
Mechanic, mechanical or mechanised mech
Medical equipment scale ME scale
Medical inspection or military intelligence MI
Medium machine gun MMG
Medium range anti submarine torpedo carrying
helicopter MATCH
Medium, medical or medicine med
Medium Altitude Medium Endurance MAME
Medium Range Ballistic Missile MRBM
Meeting or mounting mtg
Megabytes per second Mbps
Mega tonnes or mount mt
Mega Byte MB
Mega Hertz mhz
Member of parliament or military police MP
Memorandum memo
Memorandum of understanding MOU
Memory mem
Mess Assistant Mess Asst
Mess maintenance allowance MMA
Message msg
Message Distribution Centre, Military Dental Central MDC
Meteorology or meteorological met
Meteorological report metrep
Metre(s) m
Micro wave landing system MLS
Mid life update / Mid Life Upgrade MLU
Military engineering or mechanical equipment ME
Military mil
Military adviser / assistant / attaché, mountain artillery MA
Military Communication Satellite MILCOMSAT
Military Credit Note MCN
Military engineer service MES
Military estate officer MEO
Military forwarding organisation MFO
Military hospital MH
Military lands and cantonment directorate ML & C Dte
Military landing officer MLO
Military nursing service MNS
Military Operations Other Than War MOOTW
Military secretary MS
Military training or mechanical transport MT
Mechanical Transport Officer MTO



Million Metric Tonnes MMT

Millimetric wave radar MWR
Millimetre ml
Millimetre mm
Militant mlnt
Miniature Unattended Ground Sensor MUGS
Mine counter measure MCM
Mine Countermeasures Vessel MCMV
Mine field minefd
Mine protected vehicle MPV
Minimum or minute min
Ministry of Defence MoD
Ministry of Defence (Production MoD (Prod)
Ministry of Defence (Supplies) MoD (Sup)
Ministry of Finance (Defence) M of F(D)
Miscellaneous misc
Missed Intercept Director Error MIDE
Missed Intercept Due to Weather MIWX
Missed Intercept Pilot Error MIPE
Missile msl
Missile base msl B
Missile Danger Zone MDZ
Missing in action MIA
Mission msn
Mission Oriented Protective Posture MOPP
Mission Planning System MPS
Mobile telephone mob tel
Mobile, mobilise, mobilised, mobilisation or mobility mob
Mobile observation post MOP
Mobile Assault Floating Bridge MAFB
Mobile Control and Reporting Centre MCRC
Mobile Check Post MCP
Mobile Repair Team MRT
Mobile Pulse Doppler Radar MPDR
Mobile Observation Flight MOF
Mobile Fire Controller MFC
Mobile Tropo Scatter Terminal MTT
Mobile Surgical Unit MSU
Mobile Logistic Support System MLSS
Modify, modified or modification mod
Modulated/ de-modulated modem
Momentum mmt
Monday Mon
Monthly mly
Monthly Maintenance Figure MMF
Mortar mor
Motivate, motivated, motivation mtv
Motorcycle, Movement Control, Military Cross MC
Motor Vessel MV



Motor or motorized mot

Mountain mtn
Mountain Warfare, Medium Wave MW
Mountainous mtnous
Mount / mounted mt / mtd
Movement Control Officer MCO
move, moved, movement or moving mov
Movement and Identification M&I
Moving target indicator MTI
Mujahid / mujahideen mjd
Multi barrel rocket launcher MBRL
Multi Link Operator Dialing MLOD
Multi Sensor Tracking MST
Mutual or mutually mut
Muzzle loading ML
Muzzle velocity MV

Namely or that is say ie

Nadi, nala or nullah N (only as suffix)
Nao Sena Medal NM
Nape of the earth flying NOE
Narrative Narr
Narrow gauge NG
National Information Board NIB
National Air Guard NAG
National Airport Authority NAA
National Cadet Corps NCC
National Defence Fund NDF
National Oceanic Atmosphere Administration NOAA
National Security Council NSC
National Security Guard NSG
National Security Policy NSP
National Remote Sensing Agency NRSA
Naval Controller of Shipping Organisation NCSO
Naval Cooperation and Guidance to Shipping NCAGS
Naval Enterprise Wide Area Network NEWN
Naval gun fire support NGFS
Navy Instruction NI
National Technology Facility Organisation NTFO
Navy Order NO
Navy Order (special) NO (S)
Naval Pay Office/Naval Post Office NPO
Naval Police NP
Naval provost marshal NPM
Naval Staff Qualitative Requirement NSQR
Naval Standing Establishment Committee NSEC



Navigation , navigate, navigational, navigator navig

Nautical Miles nm
Nearest railway station NRS
Necessary action n/a
Negotiate, negotiated / negotiation / negotiating ngn
Network, networked, networking nw
Network Centric Operations NCO
neutralise or neutralised, neutralisation neutr
Next of kin NOK
Night ni
Night vision binoculars NVB
Night vision device NVD
Night vision goggles NVG
No abnormality detected NAD
Nodal Point node
No Objection Certificate NOC
No First Use (nuclear weapon policy) NFU
No further action NFA
No Move Before NMB
No War No Peace NWNP
Noise to Power Ratio NPR
Non Availability Certificate NAC
Non availability, not available, not applicable or nursing
assistant NA
Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations NEO
Non Combat Enrolled NCE
Non-Commissioned Officer NCO
Non Field Force NFF
Non Service Pattern NSP
Normal Entry Rate NER
Non lethal weapons NLW
Non-Public Fund NPF
Non vegetarian non veg
North east NE
North north east NNE
North north west NNW
North west NW
Not Before NB
Notices to Mariners NTM
Not known NK
Not on original NOO
Not Recommended/ Normal refit NR
Not Yet Recommended/ Received NYR
Nothing to report NTR
Notice to airmen NOTAM
Notification notfn
November Nov
Nuclear nuc
Nuclear biological and chemical warfare NBCW



Nuclear Powered Submarine SSN

Nuclear warfare nuc W
Number No

Objection objn
Objective obj
Observation obsn
Observation orientation decision action OODA
Observation post OP
Observe or observed obs
Observer Target Line OT Line
Obstacle obst
Obstacle Crossing Control Organisation OCCO
Obstruction, obstructing obstn
Occupy, occupied, occupation, occupying Occu
Ocean Going Tug OGT
October Oct
Offensive offn
Offensive air support OAS
Offensive counter air OCA
Office copy o/c
Officer offr
Officer commanding OC
Officer Conducting Exercise OCE
Officer Scheduling Exercise OSE
Officer in tactical command OTC
Officer on special duty OSD
Officer-in-charge OIC
Officer of the Day OOD
Officer of the Guard OOG
Officer of the Watch OOW
Officiating offg
Offr mess OM
Offshore Supply Vessel OSV
On Job Training OJT
Open Tender Enquiry OTE
Operation Below Threshold of War OBTW
Operate, operated, operation, operational, operating op
Operating System OS
Operation other than war OOTW
Operation order or ordnance officer OO
Operation research or operational research or other rank OR
Operation Rooms Officer ORO
Operation theatre OT
Operational Analysis OA
Operational Control Authority OCA


Operational Demand OD
Operational Data Link ODL
Operational Defect OPDEF
Operational Defect Ship Tide Alongside OPDEF STA
Operational Hazard Report OHR
Operational immediate OP IMMEDIATE
Operational logistics, Operation Logistics OL
Operational Manoeuvre from the Sea OMFTS
Operational Readiness Inspection ORI
Operational readiness platform ORP
Operational Requirement OR
Operational Security Opsec
Operational Turn Around/ Over Target Requirement OTR
Operator opr
Opposite opp
Order of Battle ORBAT
Orders Group O Gp
Order Of March OOM
Ordnance ord
Organise, organised or organisation org
Original equipment manufacturers OEM
Other than married accommodation OTM accn
Out board motor OBM
Out of Area Contingencies OOAC
Out of area operations OOA ops
Out of Band Noise OBN
Out patient department OPD
Over snow vehicle OSV
Over target requirement OTR
Over The Horizon Targetting OTHT
Overall Force Commander / Optical Fibre Cable, OFC
Operator Fire Control
Overhaul O/L
Overstaying / overstayal of leave OSL
Own time work OTW
Ounce oz

Page(s) (number) Pp
Paise (when signifying amount) P
Pakistan Pak
Paper under consideration, Put up Correspondence PUC
Parachute or paragraph para
Parachute supply parasup
Parachute troops paratps
Paramilitary forces PMF
Param Vir Chakra PVC
Param Vishisht Seva Medal PVSM



Part Case PC
Pamphlet Pamph
Paratrooper / printer Ptr
Part of annual leave PAL
Passive Night Vision Device PNVD
Passive Towed Array Sonar PTAS
Park Pk
Passive air defence PAD
Patrol Ptl
Patrolling ptlg
Peace Support Operations PSO
Peace Equipment Table PET
Pension Payment Order, Procurement and Progressing
Organisation PPO
Perday or period Pd
Per month, post meridian, Prime Minister, Provost pm, PM
Permanent permt
Permanent echo, Peace Establishment, Plastic PE
Permanent defence/ Periscope depth PD
Permanent commission / personnel computer, Part Case PC
Permanent Line PL
Permanent Regular Commission PRC
Personal / private secretary, personal services or post PS
Personal assistant or public address PA
Personnel/Personal pers
Personnel Qualification Standards PQS
Personal Data System PDS
Personal Staff P Staff
Petroleum or petrol Pet
Petroleum Point/ Protective Patrol PP
Petroleum Refilling Point PRP
Petroleum, oil and lubricants POL
Phase(s) Ph
Photo interpretation/interpreter PI
Photograph, photographic or photography photo
Photographic reconnaissance or public relations,
Preliminary Report PR
Physical proficiency test(s) PPT
Physical training PT
Picket/Pocket Pkt
Pierced steel planking PSP
Pilot Attack Instructor PAI
Pioneer Pnr
Pipe line Ppl
Pipeline Descent PLD
Planning Plg



Platoon/please Pl
Plain Cement Concrete PCC
Point Pt
Point Defence Missile System PDMS
Point of No Return/Power to Noise Ratio PNR
Political, politically, politician Pol
Portable or portability ptbl
Position posn
Position Course and Speed PCS
Position and Azimuth Determining System PADS
Post Office PO
Post Strike Damage Assessment PSDA
Postal Life Insurance PLI
Post Retirement Insurance Cover PRIC
Pound Lb
Power Generation and Distribution PGD
Power Take Off P T/O
Practice, practise, practised or practical prac
Precedence prec
Precision guided munitions PGM
Pre Commission Training PCT
Predetermined route PDR
Preliminary prelim
Preliminary Revised Estimate PRE
Premature Retirement PR
Prepare, prepared, preparation or preparatory prep
Presence cum Surveillance Mission PSM
Presentation pstn
Pre-Refit Trials PRT
Pre Work Up Ships Requirements PWSR
Prefabricated Bituminised Surface PBS
Preparatory Bombardment Prep B
Prepare, prepared, preparation, preparatory Prep
Price negotiation committee PNC
Priced Vocabulary of Engineer Stores PVES
Priced Vocabulary of Medical Stores PVMS
Principle Medical Officer, Project Management PMO
Principal staff officer PSO
Printed Circuit Board PCB
Printer or paratrooper Ptr
Prisoner(s) of War POW
Private / pivot Pvt
Private Automatic Branch Exchange PABX
Private Secretary PS
Probable Date of Completion PDC
Produce or production prod
Programme pgme
Programmable Read Only Memory PROM



Progress, progressed, progressive prog

Progress report progrep
Project, projected, projectile, projection proj
Project manager proj mgr
Projector projr
Proliferation Security Initiative PSI
Promotion Board PB
Provision / provisioning provn
Provost pro
Provost and Security P&S
Provincial Armed Constabulary, Publics Account PAC
Psychological operation/warfare Psyops/W
Psychological, psychologist or psychology psy
Psychology, hearing, appendages, physical and eye SHAPE
Publication pub
Public relations officer PRO
Public relations or photographic reconnaissance PR
Public Sector Undertaking PSU
Public Works Department PWD
Pull-up point PUP
Pulse Code Modulation PCM
Pulse Recurrence Frequency PRF
Pulse Width, Prisoner of War PW
Put up PU
Put up with reference(s) PUR
Put up Separately PUS

Quadrant elevation/qr ending QE

Qualification qual
Qualification Pay QP
Qualified flying instructor or qualified fit to be instructor QFI
Qualitative requirement QR
Quality assurance QA
Quality control QC
Quantity qty
Quarter guard qr gd
Quarter master QM
Quarter or quartering qr
Quarterly flying training report QFTR
Quarterly security intelligence report(s) QSIR
Quick firing QF
Quick reaction alert QRA
Quick reaction force QRF
Quick reaction team QRT
Quote Specific Defect QSD



Radar Data Processing / Processor/Radiated Power

Procedure RDP
Radar or rider rdr
Radar warning receiver RWR
Radar homing and warning RHAW
Radial Rad
Radiation Radn
Radiation Hazard Radhaz
Radio Direction Finder /finding, Rapid Deployment Force RDF
Radio frequency, range finder or representative fraction RF
Radio Frequency Identification Device RFID
Radio mechanic/Raksha Mantri RM
Radio Performance Monitor RPM
Radio relay/railway receipt/Rashtriya Rifiles RR
Radio set RS
Radio telegraphy R tg
Radio Telephony, Recruit’s Test, Range Table,
Religious Teacher RT
Radius of action ROA
Radius of damage ROD
Rail head RH
Railway Rly
Railway traffic officer RTO
Rajya Raksha Mantri RRM
Range finder, representative fraction or radio frequency RF
Range or ranging Rg
Rank Rk
Regimental Aid Post/Regimental Air Post RAP
Radar cross section RCS
Rear airfield supply organisation RASO
Rear area security RAS
Receipt and issue R&I
Receipt voucher or rendezvous RV
Received Recd
Receiver Rx
Reception Rxn
Recognise, recognised or recognition Recog
Recoilless Rcl
Recommend, Recommended, Recommendation, Recom
River R
Reconnaissance group R gp
Reconnaissance or Reconnoiter Recce
Reconnaissance and observation flight R & O flt
Reconnaissance and observation squadron R&O sqn
Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance and Target
Acquisition RISTA



Recover, recovered or recovery Rec

Recovery mechanic rech mech
Recruit or recruitment Rect
Recruiting officer, regimental order, routine order,
reviewing officer or record officer RO
Recruiting organisation rtg org
Redress of grievance ROG
Refer, referred, reference Ref
Refilling point, regimental police or rocket projectile RP
Refit Completion Refcom
Refit Slipped Refslip
Refrigeration mechanic refrg mech
Refrigeration/ refrigerator/ refrigerating Refg
Regiment or regimental Regt
Regimental Centre RC
Regimental Commission Officer RCO
Regimental Havildar Major RHM
Regimental Command Post RCP
Regimental Headquarters RHQ
Regimental Medical Officer RMO
Regimental Survey/Signal Officer RSO
Regimental Treasure Chest RTC
Registry Regy
Registered Regd
Registration Regn
Regular, Regulation, Regulate, Regulated, Regulating Reg
Regulations for the medical services of the army/
Regulaions for the Medical Services Med Regs
Regulations for Medical Services – Armed Forces RMSAF
Regulations for the territorial army/Regulations of
Territorial Army TA Regs
Reinforcement Rft
Reinforced Cement Concrete RCC
Rejoin/rejoined Rjn
Release, released, releasing Rel
Reliability Monitoring System Jaguar RMS JAG
Remote control unit RCU
Remotely piloted veh RPV
Remotely Piloted Aircraft RPA
Remotely Activated Influence Mine RAIM
Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Device RCIED
Remote Access Terminal REACT
Remote Delivered Mine System RDMS
Release Medical Board RMB
Remote Power Control RPC
Remount Rmt
Reorganise, reorganised or reorganisation Reorg
Repeat Rpt
Repeated Rptd



Replenish, replenished or replenishment Rple

Replenishment at Sea/Rear area security RAS
Reportable Items Control system RICS
Report line or rocket launcher RL
Represent, represented or representative Rep
Reproduce, reproduced or reproduction Repro
Request Assistance RA
Request for Information RFI
Request for Proposal RFP
Required Reqd
Requirement Reqmt
Research and Analysis Wing RAW
Research and Development R&D
Research and Development Explosive RDX
Reserve, reserves, reserved or reservation Res
Reserve Select List RSL
Reservist Resvt
Respect of r/o
Responsible / responsibility Resp
Rest and recoup R&R
Restricted Restd
Restriction Restn
Resuscitate or resuscitation Resuc
Resurvey Medical Board RSMB
Retention Retn
Retention of Efficiency Test RET
Return/returned to unit RTU
Reviewing officer RO
Revolutions per Minute RPM
Revolution in military affairs, Road Mileage Allowance RMA
Revolver, Revolution, Revolved Rev
Rifle Rif
Rifleman or riflemen Rfn
Right Rt
Rigorous Imprisonment RI
River (only when used in conjunction with a name) R
Road head rd H
Road or round Rd
Road Opening Party ROP
Rocket Rkt
Rocket projectile, regimental police or refilling point RP
Roll-on roll-off (ferry or other ship) RO-RO
Rotable Rot
Round of Gun Fire RGF
Rounds per Gun Rpg
Rules of engagement ROE
Rules of the Road ROR
Runway Rw



Safaiwala / safaiwali Sfwl
Safety Approach Sector SAS
Salvage Sal
Sand model discussion SMD
Sanitary or sanitation San
Sapper Spr
Sarvottam Yudh Seva Medal SYSM
Satellite Satl
Satellite communication satcom
Saturday Sat
Save our Souls (emergency)/ Save our Souls, Struck Off
Strength SOS
Scattered Sct
Scheduled despatch service SDS
Scientific adviser or small arms SA
Scientific officer or staff officer SO
Sea lines of communication SLOC
Search and Attack Units SAU
Search and rescue / Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR
Search and Rescue Region SRR
Search and Rescue Transponder SART
Search light, special list or start line SL
Sea Port Of Disembarkation SPOD
Seater or strength Str
Second / Section Sec
Second in command 2IC
Secretary Secy
Sector(s) sect (s)
Secretariat Sect
Sector air defence warfare commander SADWC
Select Special Report SPECI
Self Maintenance Period SMP
Self propelled, starting point or start point SP
Self Screening Range SSR
Semi Active Command to Line of Sight SACLOS
Sena Medal, Semi Mobile, Subedar Major, Sub Marine SM
Senior/serial Sr
Senior civilian staff officer SCSO
Senior command/staff captain/Shaurya Chakra SC
Senior Executive Medical Officer SEMO
Senior instructor, Seriously Ill, signal Intelligence SI
Senior Non-Commissioned officer SNCO
Senior Officer Present Afloat SOPA
Senior Ammunition Technical Officer SATO
Senior Reviewing Officer, Senior Records Officer,
Station Routine Orders, Statutory Regulatory Order SRO
Senior scientific officer or station staff officer SSO
Sequence Seq



September, Sep Sep

Seriously ill list SIL
Service note SN
Services Sports Control Board SSCB
Serial Number S No
Serviceable, Serviceability, Sanctioned S
Shelling report Shelrep
Shift Duty Engineer, Software Development SDE
Ship Defect Reporting System SDRS
Short Range Maritime Reconnaissance SRMR
Short Refit, Strategic reconnaissance SR
Short service SS
Short service commission / Small Ship Cipher SSC
Short Stock Figure SSF
Short take off and landing STOL
Short take off vertical landing STOVL
Sick in Quarters SIQ
Side Lobe Suppression SLS
Sideways looking air borne radar SLAR
Signal, Signature Sig
Signal centre Sigcen
Signal Training Centre STC
Signal intelligence Sigint
Signal officer-in-chief SO-in-C
Signalman Sogmn
Signal Tender Enquiry STE
Signal Technical Officer STO
Signal Despatch Office, Schedule Despatch Officer SDO
Signed sd/-
Significant Meteorological Information SIGMET
Simulator, Simulation Sml
Situation Sit
Situation map Sitmap
Situation report Sitrep
Small arms ammunition SAA
Small Intelligence Acquisition Team SIAT
Small Scale Integration SSI
Smart Message Alphanumeric Radio Transmission SMART
Smoke Smk
Software Sw
Soldier Sdr
Solution Soln
South south east SSE
South south west SSW
Spacial Spac
Space Application Centre SAC
Speak Spk
Special Spl



Special despatch rider SDR

Special army instruction SAI
Special army order SAO
Special army training memorandum/memoranda SATM
Special boat section SBS
Special compensatory allowance SCA
Special heliborne operations SHBO
Special list, search light or start line/Sick Leave SL
Specialist Vehicle Spec veh
Special Forces SF
Specific gravity sp gr
Special Protection Group SPG
Special Test Equipment STE
Specification/ specify Spec
Speculative, speculation Specu
Speed of advance / senior officer administration SOA
Spread Spectrum SS
Squadron Sqn
Square / Squall Sq
Staff duties SD
Staff Message Control Centre SMCC
Stage, staged or staging Stg
Standard, standardise, standardised or standardisation Std
Stand Alone Communication Unit SACU
Standard Operating procedure SOP
Standard Schedule of Rates SSR
Standing orders for war SOW
Stand off jammer SOJ
Start time ST
Statement of case S of C
Station Stn
Station Health Organisation SHO
Station Sick Quarter SSQ
Statutory Stat
Stationery Sty
Stay Behind Part SBP
Statistics or statistical Stats
Sten machine carbine SMC
Stenographer or steno typist Steno
Stereoscope or stereoscopic Stereo
Stock Stk
Stock Taking Board STB
Stores Accounting Instructions SAI
Store Demand STOREDEM
Store Hand Technical SHT
Store Keeper Technical SKT
Strategic, strategical or strategy Strat
Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats
(analysis) SWOT



Stretcher bearer/Stock Book SB

Strike Off Wastage SOW
Struck Off Strength/ Save Our Souls SOS
Struck Off Ration Strength SORS
Squadron Technical Officer STO
Sub Control Centre SCC
Sub Sector Order Wire SSOW
Subscriber trunk dialling/ sexually transmitted disease STD
Sub calibre Subcal
Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile SLBM
Submarine Operating Authority SOA
Subscription or substantive Subs
Subsidiary subdy
Subaltern Subl
Succeed Sucd
Summary court martial SCM
Summary general court martial SGCM
Summary of evidence S of E
Sunday Sun
Sundry Creditor Sy Cr
Sundry Debtor Sy Dr
Super High Frequency SHF
Superintendent supdt
Superintendent Surveyor of Works SSW
Supervisor Spvr
Supervision Spvn
Supplement / supplementary spmt
Support, supported or supporting Sp
Supply Sup
Supply Order sup ord
Supply & Transport S&T
Supply Dropping Equipment SDE
Supply officer sup O
Supply point sup P
Supply railhead SRH
Supply refilling point SRP
Supply roadhead S rd H
Supply & Service Imprest S&S Imprest
Suppression of enemy air defence SEAD
Surface Action Group SAG
Surface Raid Reporting Control Ship SRRCS
Surface to air missile / surface to surface missile SAM / SSM
Surface to Air Guided Weapon/Missile SAGW/SAGM
Surface Zero SZ
Surgery, surgeon or surgical Surg
Surplus Sur
Surveillance Svl
Surveillance and target acquisition SATA
Survey Svy



Surveyor Svyr
Surveyor of Works SW
Switch board swbd
Synchronous Sync
Syndicate syn
Synthetic aperture radar SAR
System sys
System Control Language SCL
System International SI
System Performance Monitor SPM

Traveling allowance, technical assistant or territorial

army TA
Table of tools and equipment TOTE
Tablet Tab
Tactic, tactics or tactical, tactically Tac
Tactical air centre TAC
Tactical air control centre TACC
Tactical Air Force, Terminal airfield Forecast TAF
Tactical Air Defence Integrated Display System TADIDS
Tactical Air Group TAG
Tactical battle area TBA
Tactical Headquarters Tac HQ
Tactical reconnaissance Tac R
Tactical Exercise Without Troops TEWT
Tailor Tlr
Take off T/O
Taken on strength TOS
Tank Tk
Tank Hunting Team THT
Tanker Tkr
Tape Relay Centre TRC
Target Motion Analysis/ Terminal Marshalling Area TMA
Target Motion Parameters TMP
Target Probability Area TPA
Target Tracking Radar TTR
Target Designation Unit TDU
Target Acquisition Radar TAR
Target Tgt
Task force TF
Task Element TE
Task unit TU
Taken on Ration Strength TORS
Team of Medical Paratroopers Flight TMPF
Technical or technician Tech
Technical Information System TIS
Technical Intelligence TECHINT



Technical staff officer TSO

Technical superintendent Tech Supdt
Technical Stores Section TSS
Technical Officer, Transport Officer TO
Technical Type Training TETTRA
Telegraph, Telegraphic or Telegraphy Tg
Telephone, telephonic, telephony Tele
Telephone Conversation telecon
Telescope/ telescopic Tscope
Television TV
Telecommunication Telecom
Telecom Mechanic TCM
Tele printer, transfer point, traffic post, teaching practice
or turning point, Transaction Processing TP
Temporary commission, traffic control or training centre,
Transit camp, Term Contract TC
Temperature/ temporary Temp
Temporary duty/ tutorial discussion/Technical Defect TD
Tentacle Tcl
Terminal Marshalling Area/Target Motion Analysis TMA
Terrain Trn
Terrorist(s) Trt(s)
Test of Elementary Training TOET
Tender Purchase Committee TPC
Tender Evaluation Committee TEC
Tent Repalcement Scheme TRS
Tetra Pack Milk TPM
That is to say (id est) ie
Thermal Imaging Camera TIC
Thermal Imaging Integrated Observation Equipment TIIOE
Thermal Imager TI
Thunder Storm TS
Thursday Thu
Third Generation 3G
Time between Overhauls TBO
Time of dispatch or tour of duty TOD
Time of flight TOF
Time of origin TOO
Time of receipt TOR
Time on / over target TOT
Time past a point TPP
Tinned Td
To be Discharged TBD
Top Dead Centre TDC
Top secret topsec
Topographic, topographical or topography topo
Torpedo Danger Zone TDZ
Torpedo Recovery Vessel TRV
Total Exclusion Zone TEZ
Total Technical Life TTL


Towed Wire Antennae TWA

Track or tracked Tr
Track while scan TWS
Tradesman or tradesmen Tdn
Traffic Tfc
Traffic control post TCP
Training Trg
Trans Border Patrol TBP
Transaction Trans
Transient radiation effect on electronics TREE
Transmission txn
Transmitter tx
Transport tpt
Transport Training Wing TTW
Transport group T gp
Transportation tn
Transported tptd
Transporter tptr
Transfer Tfr
Travelling Wave Tube TWT
Trigonometry, trigonometric or trigonometrical trig
Troop tp
Troposcatter tropo
Troop Carrying Vehicle TCV
Tube Launched Missile TLM
Tuesday Tue

Ultra High Frequency UHF

Ultra Low Frequency ULF
Unarmed airborne/aerial vehicle UAV
Unclassified unclas
Uncongenial climate and high altitude allowance UC & HA allce
Under grnd UG
Under consideration or under carriage UC
Under Investigation UI
Under mentioned u/m
Underway Replenishment Unrep
Unexploded bomb(s) UXB
Unified Headquarters UHQ
United Nations Conventions on the Laws of Sea UNCLOS
Unit Accountant UA
Unit entitlement / unit equipment / unit establishment UE
Unit landing officer ULO
Unit local purchase order ULPO
Unit repair organization URO



Unit security officer USO

Uninterrupted Power Supply UPS
University Entrance Exam UES
Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle UCAV
Unarmed Combat, Unit Assessment Card UAC
Unserviceable US
Unstamped Receipt USR
Under Barrel Grenade Launcher UBGL
Unserviceable unsv
Update / updated Upt
Updated super fladder maus USFM
Upholsterer upholst
Upper division clerk UDC
Uranium U
Urgent Repair Requirement URR
Urgent Stock Requirement USR
Utilisation Rate UR
Utility helicopter UH
Utility helicopter flight UH flt
Uttam Yudh Seva Medal UYSM

Vacation / vacancy vac

Vanguard vangd
Variable Vrb
Variable Time VT
Vayu Sena Medal / vehicle mechanic VM
Vectored Attack Vectac
Vegetarian / vegetable veg
Vehicle veh
Vehicle Daily Running Account VDRA
Vehicle Kit List VKL
Vehicle Safe Lane VSL
Vehicle waiting area VWA
Vehicles To The Kilometre VTKM
Vertical / short take off and landing VTOL / STOL
Vertical envelopment VE
Vertical Replenishment Vertrep
Vertical Interval VI
Very / Ultra High Frequency Direction Finder V/UHFDF
Very High Frequency VHF
Very Important Person VIP
Very Large Scale Integration VLSI
Very Low Frequency VLF
Veterinary vet
Veterinary officer VO
Village vill



Village defence committee VDC

Vir Chakra Vr C
Vishisht Seva Medal VSM
Visibility, visual, visible, visit or visiting vis
Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (operations) VBSS
Visual display unit VDU
Visual Flight Rules VFR
Visual Meteorological Conditions VMC
Visual signalling VS
Vital ground VG
Vocabulary Vocab
Voice Frequency VF
Voice switch VS
Volts V
Volume vol
Vulnerable area or vital area VA
Vulnerable point or vital point VP

Wagon Wgn
Wagon lines WL
Walking Wounded Collection Post WWCP
War Equipment Table WET
War establishment or weapons and equipment WE
War like stores or work study WS
War wastage rate / war wastage reserve WWR
Warfare (used as a suffix) eg, AAW, ASW) W
Warrant or weight Wt
Watch Keeping Certificate WKC
Watch Keeping Officer WKO
Water point WP
Water proof, water proofed or water proofing Wpf
Weapon Wpn
Weapon release line WRL
Weapon training WT
Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD
Weather Wx

Wednesday Wed
Weekly Wkly
Weight/Warrant Wt
West of north west WNW
West of south east WSE
Welder Wldr
Western Disturbance WD
Wheel or wheeled wh
Wide area network WAN



Wide area search operations / winter air surveillance

operations WASO
Wind direction indicator WDI
Wing wg
Winter Warfare WW
Wireless wrls
Wireless local loop WLL
With effect from wef
With reference to wrt
With respect to wrt
Without w/o
Work(s) wk
Workshop wksp
World Meteorological Organisation WMO
World Weather Watch WWW
Wounded in Action WIA

Yard yd
Year yr
Yearly yrly
Yudh Seva Medal YSM

Zone Z


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