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1. Gulliver swims ashore and finds a pleasant place to lie down and sleep. Why?


2. Why can’t Gulliver move when he wakes up? Find a quotation in the extract to support your


3. How does the author show the reader that the people of Lilliput are very small. Support your
answers with words or phrases.


4. Gulliver hears words in the language of Lilliput. Suggest a possible meaning for Hekinab degul.


5. The author writes about what happens to Gulliver as if he is a real person telling his story. But
this is a fictional first person. Why do you think Jonathan Swift chose to write in the first person
as if he is Gulliver?



Find the meanings to these words:

1. Conjectured: ____________________________________________________________________

2. Ligatures: ______________________________________________________________________

3. Perceived: ______________________________________________________________________

4. Posture: _______________________________________________________________________

5. Quiver: ________________________________________________________________________

6. Shrill: __________________________________________________________________________
Writing a Fantasy Story

Fantasy stories involve imaginary beings in the real world or present the reader with an alternative
reality. Characters may be real people or they may seem ordinary but have magic or supernatural

Write a fantasy story that begins with you and your sibling waiting for the new exchange student to
arrive. Think about the following:

• What or who they are waiting for

• The setting – where it happens

• What happens to the characters at the end of the story.



Characters (Two characters):

 Who?
 Personality?
 Appearance?
 How did they change?

 Where are they waiting?
 What can they see, hear or smell?
 Time of the day?

 Situation at beginning?
 Who are they waiting for?
 What causes change?
 How change affects main characters?
 Crisis/ surprise?
 Unexpected ending







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