Module 1

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General Concepts and Historical Developments

Diagnostics. Write TRUE if you think that the statement is true and FALSE, if
(Note: for those with the STS textbooks, please see pp. 2-3)

1. Science is a methodical way of acquiring knowledge.

2. Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.
3. Science and Technology can be dangerous.
4. STS is the study of how science and technology shape and are shaped by social
5. STS deals with the historical development of science and technology but does
not cover their philosophical underpinnings.
6. The study of STS primarily concerns students of science and technology
programs, and not non-science students as much.
7. STS is an important area of study because science and technology permeate
every aspect of everyday life
8. Science and technology are not crucial factors in nation building.
9. History cannot teach people about evaluating present-day science and
10. STS draws from other disciplined, such as history, sociology, philosophy,
economics, political science, international relations, and science policy.

Exercise 1. Reflection (Individual Activity)

Instructions. Find an image that depicts an issue or problem in science and
technology. Then, answer the following questions.
1. What is the issue or problem depicted in the image?
The factory's smoke emissions into the area around its
location, which add to air pollution, is the issue or problem depicted
in the photo. Numerous respiratory issues, heart illness, reduced
lung function, and even mortality can be brought on by air pollution.
2. How does this particular issue or problem impact the well-being of
humans today?
Given that, as you can see, there are countless illnesses
and diseases that occur worldwide, health and medicine have
a detrimental effect on the wellbeing of today's age. A
person's health and security are at danger, especially if the
illness is incurable or there isn't a cure yet. Both a person's
bodily and emotional states are significantly impacted. Like
they are now, many people are scared of what is truly
happening. A disease has evolved as a result of technology
improvements in some countries, making people afraid to go
outside, especially when there is a sizable chance of
3. Why is it important for people to study and learn about STS as an
academic field, especially in addressing the issue or problem
depicted in the image?
Studying and learning about science and technology is
crucial since it will inform us of what is going on in the world
around us. extra knowledge to advance one's understanding
of science and technology.

Exercise 2. Issues in Science and Technology

Instructions: Form groups with 3-4 members. From the list presented previously in the
module, choose one emerging ethical dilemma in science and technology.
Research about the nature of the dilemma assigned to your group and be prepared
to report the highlights of your research in class. Create a PowerPoint presentation
(No more than 5 slides) to highlight of the summary (if you have the textbook, go to
p. 11). Use the guide questions below:

1. What is the emerging ethical dilemma about?

2. What factors or events led to this dilemma?
3. What are the societal implications of this dilemma?
4. Why is it important to question the moral and ethical issues surrounding
innovations in science and technology?
5. In the face of this dilemma, why is it important to study STS?
Diagnostics. Watch an 18-minute TEDx talk by Hannu Rajaniemi, The Big History of
Modern Science (link:
Write a short essay on the topic, “Why is it important to study the history of Science
and Technology?” based on what you have learned from the video.

, “Why is it important to study the history of Science and Technology?”

“There's a name for the time in our lives, where everything we know turns out to
be wrong, where everything is too complex, everything is too overwhelming and we
don't know what to do, it's called growing up and that's when our adventure really
begins." - Hannu Rajaniemi
When we hear the word "science," we frequently imagine it to be difficult, wide, or
complex. Science is incredibly challenging for me to comprehend. It's like knowing
everything, yet not believing that everything around us is based on science. As Mr.
Rajaniemi stated, we may say that science is like growing up since as soon as science
began, everything that people had previously believed became erroneous and complex,
and sometimes when science is absent, we are unsure of what to do. Since its
inception, technology has been a part of our lives, and thanks to science, it has gotten
better. Understanding how science and technology have aided humankind in improving
their way of life is made possible by studying their history. Without understanding the
past, we might be led to unethical research conclusions, similar to what happened
during WWII (the Nazi era), when they conducted research that was immoral and
terrible (n.a., 2007). In other words, in order to prevent those things from happening
again, previous science and technological research may point us in the direction of new
discoveries or study, much like Leo Szilard's discovery of a power source in an atom at
the time Rutherford discovered the nucleus. 2015 (Rajaniemi).
In conclusion, understanding and researching the development of science and
technology will enable us to improve what we now have and pave the way for future
discoveries that will advance society's safety, welfare, and general well-being.

Assignment. If I were an inventor…

For this assignment, address the question: “If you were an inventor, what would you
invent?” In thinking about an invention, make sure that you come up with one that
has not been invented yet but is possible to be invented in the near future.
Sketch a draft of the invention and then answer the following questions:

1. What is your invention? What does it do?

2. How is your invention similar to or different from existing tools or technologies in
terms of function?
3. Why is there a need for this invention? How will this invention make the world a
better place to live in?

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