2023 Sunscreens Misconceptions and Misinformation

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Sunscreens: Misconceptions and Misinformation

Sara Moradi Tuchayi1,2, Zixiao Wang3, Jiajun Yan3, Lilit Garibyan1,2, Xuefei Bai4 and
Barbara A. Gilchrest2

Over the past 70 years, sunscreens have evolved from beach products designed to prevent sunburn to more
cosmetically elegant skincare products intended to protect against multiple long-term adverse consequences
of characteristically low-intensity daily UV and visible light exposure. Sunscreen testing and labeling intended
to quantify such protection are unfortunately often misunderstood by users and have also led to illegal
misleading and potentially dangerous industry practices. Changes in regulatory requirements, better policing,
and more informative sunscreen labeling would benefit users and their physician advisors.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2023) 143, 1406e1411; doi:10.1016/j.jid.2023.03.1677

THE SUN-PROTECTION FACTOR: variable SPF values, depending on the et al., 2011) in a well-controlled long-
DERIVATION, DEFINITION, AND test subjects’ skin type and other vari- term prospective Australian study of
LIMITATIONS ables (Andrews et al., 2022; Ricci et al., human volunteers. In contrast to the
Sunscreens were first commercialized 2020; Wang and Lim, 2011), as made human sunburn studies, the precise
in the 1950s by Franz Greiter and col- clear from the wide range of UV ab- action spectrum for human photo-
leagues as a means of preventing sun- sorption profiles for selected commer- carcinogenesis could not be deter-
burn among fair-skinned Europeans and cial sunscreens labeled as having SPF mined, leaving open the possibility that
Americans (Pathak et al., 1983). He values of 30e70 (Figure 1a). This SPF is longer and more deeply penetrating
coined the term sun protection factor or often found to differ from that deduced wavelengths (UVA, 320400 nm)
sun-protection factor (SPF) as a short- by the subsequently developed in vitro contribute.
hand measure of this protection, method determining the transmission of
defined as the sun exposure time for solar-simulated UVB (290e320 nm) UVA AND VISIBLE LIGHT
sunscreen-protected skin to develop through a standardized amount of sun- PROTECTION NEEDS
delayed erythema divided by that of screen product in a laboratory setting Because UVA penetrates far more
unprotected skin (Pathak et al., 1983). (Ricci et al., 2020). Nevertheless, the deeply into the skin than UVB (Pathak
Thus, someone who would typically Food and Drug Administration (FDA) et al., 1983), it was also deemed likely
develop a mild sunburn 1624 hours and equivalent agencies in Europe and to be substantially responsible for so-
after a 30-minute exposure, when using Asia still require in vivo SPF determi- called photoaging, the wrinkling, dys-
an SPF 10 sunscreen would develop an nation and a value of at least 15 before pigmentation, and other changes that
equivalent sunburn after a 300-minute a sunscreen is labeled and sold (Wang characterize habitually sun-exposed
or 5-hour exposure. Expressed differ- and Lim, 2011). skin of older adults. Over time, clinical
ently, an SPF 10 sunscreen transmits to By the 1990s, it had also been well- observations and animal experiments
the skin 1/SPF or 1/10 (10%) of the established that UVB irradiation (Kligman et al., 1996) provided
energy responsible for sunburn. A caused skin cancers in mice (Kligman compelling support for the belief that
product’s SPF is determined by et al., 1980) and that DNA mutations even the longest and least energetic
exposing small squares on a test sub- in humans mechanistically related to wavelengths of the UV spectrum (UVA I,
ject’s back, half of them after applica- skin cancers, such as those inactivating 340400 nm) as well as visible light
tion of the product, to increasing doses the p53 tumor suppressor protein (400700 nm) contribute to this damage
of natural sunlight or solar-simulated (Brash et al., 1991). Furthermore, reg- as well as to melasma and other
laboratory-generated light and then ular UVB-protective sunscreen use was pigmentary disorders (Boukari et al.,
examining the area the following day shown to reduce the incidence of both 2015; Kohli et al., 2018; Kullavanijaya
(Pathak et al., 1983). Unfortunately, this squamous cell carcinomas (van der Pols and Lim, 2005; Mahmoud et al., 2010;
method is well-documented to yield et al., 2006) and melanomas (Green Martini and Maia Campos, 2018) that

Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 2Department of
Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 3School of Physical Science and Technology, Shanghai Tech University, Shanghai,
China; and 4B.A.I. Biosciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Correspondence: Barbara A. Gilchrest, Department of Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Fruit Street, Boston 02114,
Massachusetts, USA. E-mail: bgilchrest@mgh.harvard.edu
Abbreviations: FDA, Food and Drug Administration; SPF, sun-protection factor
Received 8 March 2023; revised 27 March 2023; accepted 28 March 2023; accepted manuscript published online 11 April 2023; corrected proof published
online 17 June 2023

ª 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier, Inc. on behalf of the Society for Investigative Dermatology. This is
1406 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2023), Volume 143 an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
S Moradi Tuchayi et al.
Sunscreen Concerns

Figure 1. Protection profiles for 13 representative marketed and one hypothetical broad-spectrum sunscreens. (a) The hypothetical sunscreen (dotted black
line) is a mineral sunscreen now being formulated but not yet marketed that does not qualify for the broad-spectrum designation. UV and visible light absorption
for marketed sunscreens were tested in vitro at 1.3 mg/cm2. All products were evaluated using the ISO 24443:2021 in vitro method for sunscreen UV-protection
effectiveness. The hypothetical sunscreen fails to qualify as broad spectrum because >90% of the area under the curve lies to the left of the 370 nm critical
wavelength (vertical black line), as required by the FDA, despite and because of providing better UVB and UVA absorption than any of the qualifying broad-
spectrum products. (b) UV and visible light absorption were also determined for the same marketed sunscreens applied at 0.5 mg/cm2. (c) UV and visible light
absorption for three marketed sunscreens representing mineral, hybrid, and chemical sunscreen types (Table 1) applied at 1.3 mg/cm2 (solid lines) versus 0.5 mg/
cm2 (dashed lines). Note the marked differences among products in the shape of the absorption curves and the effect of reduced application amount on loss of
UV protection. FDA, Food and Drug Administration; OD, optical density.

preferentially affect younger adults with Ambient sunlight comprises approx- a cornerstone of year-round daily skin
darker skin types. Unfortunately, the imately 0.5% UVB, 5% UVA, 45% care for many consumers. The resulting
precise action spectra for all these end- visible light, and 50% infrared (heat) demand for such sunscreens led to
points, requiring months to decades of energy (Pathak et al., 1983), although parallel efforts on the part of sunscreen
sun exposure, is and likely will remain the specific amount of energy in each manufacturers to satisfy this demand.
unknown. Thus, no measure equivalent waveband varies with season, location In recent years, the focus on appro-
to the SPF for sunburn prevention can be of the earth’s surface, time of day, cloud priate photoprotection has shifted to
devised. Instead, the concept of broad- cover, and other variables. Because emphasize the relatively modest role of
spectrum protection was developed, UVA, unlike UVB, is relatively abun- visible light in cutaneous photo-
and sunscreen formulas were modified dant in sunlight all day and all year and damage, particularly its role in mel-
to scatter or absorb wavelengths beyond is also substantially transmitted through asma and other hyperpigmentation
the UVB range responsible for sunburn standard window glass (Pathak et al., disorders (Boukari et al., 2015; Kohli
into at least the UVA range (Wang and 1983), the market for sunscreens grad- et al., 2018; Mahmoud et al., 2010;
Lim, 2011). ually expanded from beach products to Martini and Maia Campos, 2018). This

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S Moradi Tuchayi et al.
Sunscreen Concerns

emphasis has provided the sunscreen of the total UV energy (290400 nm) they do not absorb visible light, howev-
industry with a welcome new story and blocked by the product be at or beyond er, they are invisible on the skin and thus
an expanded market of darker-skinned 370 nm3 (Figure 1a). The choice of a considered cosmetically elegant. Min-
individuals unconcerned by sunburn 370 nm critical wavelength cutoff, in eral sunscreen ingredients, such as the
risk or even photoaging but prone to the absence of action spectra for long- commonly used zinc oxide or titanium
unwanted hyperpigmentation. The term adverse UVA effects, is arbitrary dioxide, scatter wavelengths across the
emphasis on visible light protection and seemingly based primarily on the entire UV (290400 nm) and visible
also deflects attention from the tech- efficacy profiles of currently marketed (400700 nm) spectra. They may also
nical difficulty of providing truly broad- sunscreens. Ironically, the definition absorb light of certain wavelengths
spectrum UVA-blocking products that also encourages lower UVB protection depending on their bandgaps, which are
rely on existing UV filters. Instead, tints, levels, although the in vivo SPF deter- in turn determined by their particle sizes
red, yellow, and/or black iron oxides in mination on the product label often (Cheng et al., 2006). They are chemi-
varying amounts are added to sun- conceals this from the user. Such la- cally inert and photostable. Unfortu-
screen formulas to provide substantial beling is minimally informative, espe- nately, the degree of protection depends
absorption throughout the UVA I and cially if the user’s goal is to prevent on the amount applied, as it does for all
visible light spectra (Lyons et al., 2021). unwanted consequences of sun expo- sunscreens, and at higher amounts of
By varying the amounts of different sure such as melasma or lentigines. conventional preparations, the scat-
colored iron oxides and nonmicronized Moreover, the definition results in tering of visible light gives a white cast to
titanium dioxide, which appears white nonsensical exclusions for the broad- the skin that is considered a cosmetic
on the skin, the manufacturer can spectrum designation (Figure 1a). liability by most users. Fortunately,
create colored makeup-like sunscreen scattering of light by particles is size
products intended to match a user’s EFFECT OF APPLICATION AMOUNT dependent (Plass, 1966). Modifications
skin color (Lyons et al., 2021). It is ON DEGREE OF PROTECTION will be required in the manufacturing
anticipated that tinted sunscreens may SPF determinations, as required by the process for zinc oxide to produce
best find acceptance among users FDA, are performed with a specified smaller particles that retain the ability to
afflicted with symptomatic visible amount of sunscreen: 1.3 mg/cm2 for reflect incident light while remaining
lightinduced dermatoses, such as in vitro determinations and 2 mg/cm2 for invisible on the skin surface even at
porphyria or solar urticaria (Austin in vivo determinations (Kullavanijaya moderately high concentrations.
et al., 2021), whereas those with more and Lim, 2005). However, studies have Concerns regarding the traditionally
subtle problems attributable in un- documented that test subjects, when more transparent chemical sunscreens
known part to visible light may instead instructed to apply sunscreen in their thus include their photolabilty, usually
wish to rely on more cosmetically customary manner, apply far less (closer requiring reapplication over the course
elegant broad-spectrum UVA I protec- to 0.50.8 mg/cm2) than the FDA- of the day to maintain the advertised
tion that offers modest extension into specified amount for determination of degree of protection. In addition, it is
the visible light spectrum. the SPF rating in vivo (Kullavanijaya and now well-documented that chemical
Some recent sunscreen innovations Lim, 2005). This greatly increases the sunscreen ingredients can cause irritant
and points of advertising emphasis have amount of both UVB and UVA energy or allergic contact dermatitis (Schauder
generated areas of confusion, misinfor- transmitted through the product to the and Ippen, 1997) and are absorbed
mation, and questionable safety of skin (Figure 1b and c). Given the high through users’ skin (Matta et al., 2020)
some products for both the user and the SPF values for many sunscreens, such and can be detected in blood and
environment. We present below data under protection may not result in sun- breast milk (Krause et al., 2012), raising
generated using standard FDA- burn, but cumulative effects of years- concerns about endocrine disruption
mandated testing methods and long less-than-expected protection (Schneider and Lim, 2019) and other
commercially available sunscreens to across the entire UV and visible spectra adverse effects with regular long-term
highlight and clarify these issues. are however difficult to assess. use. Adverse environmental effects,
Finally, we suggest changes in sun- such as damage to coral (Ouchene
screen ingredients and product labeling CHEMICAL VERSUS MINERAL et al., 2019; Schneider and Lim,
that might reduce current confusion DESIGNATION 2019), are also of concern and have
and guide consumers to sunscreens that Sunscreen-active ingredients are classi- led Hawaii, Key West, and the U.S.
best address their specific concerns. fied as chemical or mineral (also termed Virgin Islands, for example, to prohibit
organic or inorganic). Chemical in- the sale or use of all chemical sun-
BROAD-SPECTRUM PROTECTION gredients, such as avobenzone, contain screens (Fivenson et al., 2020).
Although the FDA-mandated descriptor aromatic ring structures and absorb UV
Broad Spectrum suggests to sunscreen energy, characteristically in the UVB THE DOPING PROBLEM
users minimal transmission of wave- range, although some also have an ab- Without ultramicronized zinc oxide or
lengths across the UV spectrum, this is sorption shoulder in the UVA range titanium dioxide particles, consumers
often not the case (Figure 1a). The cur- (Pathak et al., 1983). Absorption of are left with a dilemma: to use a
rent FDA definition of broad spectrum photons randomly causes these mole- chemical sunscreen product potentially
requires only an SPF rating of at least 15 cules to decompose and lose their ability harmful to users and the environment
and that the wavelength cutoff for 90% to further absorb UV energy. Because or a mineral sunscreen that typically

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Sunscreen Concerns

Table 1. Both Chemical- and Mineral-Labeled Sunscreens Are Frequently penetration of these doping ingredients
Doped, Impairing the Ability of Consumers and Regulators to Identify (Figure 2c), using the same standard
Products with Medical or Environmental Concerns and Enhancing the methodology as used in studies that gave
Labeled SPF Using Non-FDALApproved Chemical Filters rise to human health concerns about the
absorption of chemical sunscreen in-
Brand Sunscreen Name Type Doped? Likely Doping Ingredient(s) gredients (Matta et al., 2020).
These results suggest that sunscreen
SkinBetter Sunbetter Sheer SPF 70 Mineral Yes Butyloctyl salicylate
users concerned about possible adverse
Neutrogena Ultrasheet Dry-touch Sunscreen Chemical Yes Butyloctyl salicylate
effects of chemical filters on their
SPF 55 health and/or on the environment may
ISDIN Photo Eryfotona Actinica Mineral No wish to avoid inaccurately labeled
Ultralight Emulsion SPF 50þ mineral sunscreens as well as chemical
Tatcha Silk Sunscreen SPF 50 Mineral Yes Tridecyl salicylate sunscreens with prohibited levels of
La Roche Anthelios Light Fluid Sunscreen Mineral Yes Butyloctyl salicylate, Diethylhexyl chemical filters. Equally, regulatory
Posay SPF 50 syringylidenemalonate
agencies might require that all known
La Roche Anthelios Mineral Sunscreen Mineral Yes Diethylhexyl
Posay Gentle Lotion SPF 50 syringylidenemalonate, Capryloyl or reasonably presumed chemical fil-
salicylic acid ters be so identified in product labels or
EltaMD UV Clear SPF 46 Hybrid No omitted if shown to be acting as non-
EltaMD UV Daily SPF 40 Hybrid No FDAapproved chemical UV filters.
Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen SPF 40 Chemical No
SkinMedica Essential Defense Mineral Shield Mineral No PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE TO THE
Broad Spectrum SPF 35
Summer Shade Drops Sunscreen SPF 30 Mineral Yes Ethyl ferulate
La Roch Anthelios HA Mineral SPF 30 Mineral Yes Diethylhexyl Numerous concerns have been raised
Posay syringylidenemalonate, Capryloyl regarding the FDA-mandated sunscreen
salicylic acid rating system. These include the often
Supergoop Mineral Sheerscreen SPF 30 Mineral Yes Butyloctyl salicylate misleadingly high in vivo SPF designa-
Abbreviations: FDA, Food and Drug Administration; SPF, sun-protection factor. tions (Andrews et al., 2022) and the
Products are identified as doped (column 4) if they contain one or more ingredients listed on the poorly understood and arbitrary broad-
product label as a stabilizer but are known to contain a ring structure capable of absorbing UV light spectrum designation that provides very
and/or being highly similar to known chemical UV filters. In some cases, sunscreen manufacturing
literature provides UV absorption profiles for such stabilizers. little guidance to consumers on the
degree of UVA protection. These
shortcomings are compounded by the
leaves a white cast and tends to feel ingredient(s). See Table 1 for an analysis of fact that the current SPF rating system
greasy on the skin. For users content the products shown in Figure 1. suggests to consumers misleadingly
with a makeup-like sunscreen, a solu- The precise composition of all com- large differences, for example, among
tion to this problem is the addition of a mercial sunscreens remains a trade se- products blocking 99% of eryth-
skin-tone pigment to a mineral sun- cret. To address the possibility that a emogenically weighted UVB (SPF 100),
screen that masks the white cast (Austin suspected doping ingredient listed on 98% of erythemogenically weighted
et al., 2021), although users tend to the mineral sunscreen label contributes UVB (SPF 50), 97% of erythemogeni-
apply far less than recommended, to the product’s listed UVB and UVA II cally weighted UVB (SPF 30), or 95% of
decreasing protection. absorption, we performed the following erythemogenically weighted UVB (SPF
Some sunscreen manufacturers appear experiments. The suspected doping 20), especially considering that the
to have chosen the less straightforward sunscreen ingredient at 5%, the same customarily applied amounts of sun-
solution of doping, defined as the addition concentration specified on the label of screen do not achieve the labeled de-
of a non-FDAapproved UV filter the marketed mineral sunscreen as a gree of protection in any case. For
described on the label as a stabilizer to a stabilizer, was prepared in our labora- example, SPF ratings for the UVB
product described on the label as a min- tory in a standard sunscreen base lacking portion of the spectrum might better be
eral sunscreen. This component then in- other UV filters and compared with the given as the percentage of erythemo-
creases the mineral sunscreen product’s same base composition lacking the sta- genic energy blocked, that is, as SPF 95
UVB and UVA II absorption without bilizer. Unsurprisingly, the tested stabi- rather than as the present SPF 20 or,
requiring a concentration of mineral UV lizers absorb UVB and UVA II better, the somewhat lower value ob-
filters sufficient to produce the unwanted (Figure 2a). Butyloctyl salicylate is in the tained when the tested film is 0.5 mg/
white cast. In other cases, such an ingre- same salicylate family as FDA-approved cm2 rather than the currently mandated
dient is added as a stabilizer to a known chemical UV filters homosalate and 1.3 mg/cm2 (Figure 1). Meaningful UVA
chemical sunscreen to boost its UVB and octisalate, and ethyl ferulate is an analog protection ratings are far more difficult
UVA II absorption without exceeding the of the FDA-approved chemical UV filter to construct, given that the action
maximum-permitted concentration of its octinoxate (Figure 2b). Also unsurpris- spectra for the multiple delayed adverse
known, approved chemical sunscreen ingly, in vitro studies documented skin effects are unknown and may well

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Sunscreen Concerns

Figure 2. Properties of ingredients described as stabilizers on the label of marketed mineral sunscreens (Table 1). (a) UV absorption for sunscreen base alone
(blue line) and for the same base with added butyloctyl salicylate 5% (red line) or ethyl ferulate 5% (green line), showing substantial UVB and UVA II protection
by the stabilizers. Note that the vertical axis is shown as 0.02.1, not 0.02.5 as in Figure 1. (b) The molecular structure of butyloctyl salicylate is virtually
identical to the FDA-approved chemical filter octisalate, and ethyl ferulate is a chemical analog of the FDA-approved chemical filter octinoxate. (c) Butyloctyl
salicylate and ethyl ferulate penetrate the skin comparably with FDA-approved chemical filters using a standard in vitro method (Krause et al., 2012). Note that
ethyl ferulate, a known chemical irritant, damages the stratum corneum under the text conditions, leading to large and variable penetration at 24 hours. Graphed
points are mean  SD of three parallel determinations. FDA, Food and Drug Administration; h, hour.

involve interactions among different term sun protection. As future research synthesis requires little UVB exposure
portions of the UV spectrum, including clarifies the action spectra for photo- and/or because sufficient vitamin D is
UVB. New labeling should eliminate or aging, melasma, and other as yet poorly obtained from a typical American or Eu-
at least sideline the present rather understood adverse effects of chronic ropean diet (Reddy and Gilchrest, 2010).
meaningless SPF wars and allow con- sun exposure, the rating system could Hence, regular use of a true broad-
sumers to differentiate between high be modified to convey the new spectrum sunscreen would similarly
and low levels of UVA and visible light information. pose no risk, and this information might
protection as well as UVB protection in Finally, because the issue of vitamin D also be added to product labels.
marketed products. At present, perhaps sufficiency has been repeatedly raised in
labels should simply provide a diagram debates over sunscreen usage, it should ORCIDs
showing the proportion of UV energy be emphasized that the action spectrum Sara Moradi Tuchayi: http://orcid.org/0000-
blocked by the sunscreen (Figure 1) for cutaneous vitamin D production is 0001-408X
Zxiao Wang: http://orcid.org/0000-
over a shaded area showing the range well-established and solidly in the UVB 0003-2627-6630
of other products’ protection. Con- range (Wolpowitz and Gilchrest, 2006). Jiajun Yan: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3286-3268
cerned users or their advising physi- Population studies have shown that reg- Xuefei Bai: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5344-9221
Lilit Garibayan: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9266-
cians could then select or recommend ular use of high SPF sunscreens is not 0887
specific sunscreens, on the basis of associated with vitamin D deficiency, Barbara A. Gilchrest: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-
specific goals for short-term and long- likely because maximal vitamin D 9906-1898

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S Moradi Tuchayi et al.
Sunscreen Concerns

CONFLICT OF INTEREST Fivenson D, Sabzevari N, Qiblawi S, Blitz J, Ouchene L, Litvinov IV, Netchiporouk E. Hawaii
XB is the founder and chief executive officer of Norton BB, Norton SA. Sunscreens: UV filters to and other jurisdictions ban oxybenzone or
B.A.I. Biosciences, the company marketing sun- protect us: part 2-Increasing awareness of UV filters octinoxate sunscreens based on the confirmed
screen products, and performed or supervised some and their potential toxicities to us and our envi- adverse environmental effects of sunscreen in-
of the experiments mentioned earlier. JY is a sci- ronment. Int J Womens Dermatol 2020;7:45e69. gredients on aquatic environments. J Cutan
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consultant for B.A.I. Biosciences. LG and SMT Reduced melanoma after regular sunscreen Pathak MA, Fitzpatrick TB, Parrish JA. Topical and
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129e55. 1966;5:279e85.
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Kligman LH, Akin FJ, Kligman AM. Sunscreens Reddy KK, Gilchrest BA. What is all this commotion
Conceptualization: XB, BAG; Data Curation: SMT, prevent ultraviolet photocarcinogenesis. J Am about vitamin D? J Invest Dermatol 2010;130:
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JY; Investigation: SMT, ZW, JY, XB; Methodology: Kohli I, Chaowattanapanit S, Mohammad TF, Ricci T, Marra A, Rauen K, Caswell M. Bias in
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Visualization: XB, BAG; Writing e Original Draft violet A1 and visible light on pigmentation Schauder S, Ippen H. Contact and photocontact
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