Trip Report

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Tour report

Last Monday, 13th August 2022, we visited Dhammaduta Chekinda University

and University Central Library as educational excursions. By visiting like that, we can
get a lot of knowledge and new experiences and refresh our minds. In this report, I will
mention DCU and UCL that we learned from there.
13th August 2022, in the morning 8 30, we gathered to visit the Dhammaduta
Chekinda University and University Central Library in Yan. Before we left from Sitagu
Buddhist Academy, we paid respect to the Sayartaw Dr, Sihañãņãlankãrãbhivamsa. The
Sayartaw paid us some of Ovãda relating the excursions. He said, “Wherever you go,
go with eye of research, go with ear of research. Wherever you arrive, note some things
from there”. We left from SBA-TL about 9 am and arrived to DCU about 11:30. We
had lunch and went to theatre of DCU. And then we discussed some teacher and some
student of DCU. We got a lot of knowledges and had studied as follow.
DCU is situated near Yangon and the venue is wide, peaceful and tranquil. DCU
is the unique venue where one shall be able to stay in accordance with Vinaya, one shall
be able to study Buddha scriptures in a manner of modern method and practice in line
with the of Theravada Buddhism, and one shall be able to get scholarship.
Dhammadūta Chekinda University is established by Dhammaduta Sayadaw
Prof. Dr. Ashin Chekinda with the aim of promotion and propagation of Buddhist
teachings, in commemoration of the successful completion of 'Shwekyin Nikaya
Sakalasangha Samiti Conference', held once in three years for three times, under the
guidance of the most respected Warso Sayadawgyi, the 14th Adhipati Ukkattha
Mahanayaka of Shwekyin Nikaya and the most respected Weik Zaw Tar Yon
Sayadawgyi, the 15th Adhipati Ukkattha Mahanayaka of Shwekyin Nikaya.
DCU is situated near Yangon and the venue is wide, peaceful and tranquil. DCU
is the unique venue where one shall be able to stay in accordance with Vinaya, one shall
be able to study Buddha scriptures in a manner of modern method and practice in line
with the rules of Theravada Buddhism, and one shall be able to get scholarship.

1. Department of Vinaya Studies
2. Department of Suttanta Studies 3. Department of Abhidhamma Studies
4. Department of Kammatthanabhāvanā Studies
5. Department of Buddhist Philosophy
6. Department of Pali Literature
7. Department of Buddhist History & Culture

Research Center is a backbone of DCU when it comes to studying in the area
of Buddhism. The center will be prioritized to make necessary analysis such as
publishing research papers, doing research in close coordination with
Dhammadūta Chekinda Buddhist University offers M.A and Ph.D programme
in Buddhist Studies. And the admission for 2019-2020 academic year will commence
in summer.
The general requirement of the programme are;
1. Duration of Courses
M.A-Two years
Ph.D-Three years

2. Required Qualifications
For monks who are applying for M.A course
(a) Must be under 40 years old
(b) Must have obtained Dhammacariya (or) a Bachelor degree of any
recognized university
(c) Must have a good health condition and fit to study
(d) Must enter and pass the entrance exam conducted by the university
(e) Must be able to stay at university campus after being accepted
(f) Must be able to abide by tying for ph. coations of the university

For monks who are applying for Ph. D course

(a) Must be under 50 years old
(b) Must submit original certificates of M.A degree, recommendation from the
university and GPA record/Grading Certificate
(c) Must have a good health condition and fit to study
(d) Must enter and pass the entrance exam conducted by this university
(e) Must be able to stay at university campus after being accepted
(f) Must be able to abide by the rules and regulations of the university
(Note: Entrance exam and personal interview will be in English. English
language skills and general knowledge will be tested.)

Visiting UCL
The University Central Library in Yangon, Myanmar, is one of the largest and
most prominent libraries in the country. It is situated within the Yangon University
campus and serves as a vital resource for students, scholars, and researchers. The library
houses a vast collection of books, journals, manuscripts, and other academic materials
across various disciplines. It has historically been an important center for education and
research in Myanmar, contributing to the country's intellectual and cultural
At the University Central Library in Yangon, you can engage in a variety of
academic and research activities. Here are some things you can do:
• Study and Research: You can use the library's resources to study and conduct
research. The library has a vast collection of books, journals, reference materials, and
manuscripts that cover a wide range of subjects.
• Borrow Materials: You can borrow books and other materials from the
library's collection. Make sure to follow the library's borrowing policies and return

• Access Online Resources: Many modern libraries, including the University

Central Library, provide access to online databases, e-journals, and e-books. These
resources can be accessed using the library's computers or your own device.

• Use Reading Rooms: The library likely has designated reading areas or study
rooms where you can focus on your studies in a quiet environment.
• Attend Workshops and Seminars: Libraries often host workshops, seminars,
and lectures on various academic topics. Check the library's schedule for upcoming
events that you can attend.
• Consult Librarians: Librarians can help you locate specific materials,
navigate databases, and provide guidance on research strategies. Don't hesitate to ask
for assistance.
• Access Special Collections: Some libraries have special collections of rare
books, manuscripts, and historical documents. Inquire if the University Central Library
has any special collections you can explore.
• Collaborate with Peers: Libraries often serve as meeting points for students
and researchers. You can collaborate with peers on group projects or engage in
discussions related to your studies.
• Utilize Photocopying and Printing Services: If you need physical copies of
materials, libraries usually offer photocopying and printing services for a fee.
• Follow Library Rules: Make sure to follow the library's rules and guidelines,
such as maintaining a quiet atmosphere, respecting other patrons, and returning
borrowed items on time.
Some people say there are three ways of reading. They are reading by eye,
reading by ear and reading by foot. Reading by eye is called reading books, Newspaper
etc.., Reading by ear is called listening Dhamma, seminar etc.., Reading by foot is
called travelling, trip, excursions etc.

Ashin Puññasāmi

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